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Fashion is unlikely to look the same again, thanks to a global epidemic and significant BLM protests. But one thing hasn’t changed in the least: fashion is just a giant deception. As luxury companies and stores prepare their next moves, the pandemic’s vanity and self-importance are among the most significant results. Is it possible, though, for business to resume as usual? JD Institute Of Fashion technology, which offers various industry-based courses and recordbreaking placements, is here with a deep analysis of how much the fashion industry will change? Though the optics of change have long been more tempting to the business than practical change, the industry responded forcefully amid the public health emergency with vows to learn, reform, and grow. The fashion industry’s biggest problem in the next few years will be whether it can actually nurture systemic change, especially in the face of a generation of socially conscious buyers. Slowly but steadily, the industry is reopening as if the epidemic had never happened as if the open letters and pledges of reform were old news. While menswear and couture shows have mainly shifted online, real fashion weeks are being announced across the ;’;world in compliance with local health regulations. Dolce & Gabbana, Dior, Burberry and Balmain will all have their own fashion shows. Meanwhile, businesses are opening their doors and continue to drop clothes prices as extra inventory accumulates. It’s too late for many. Some department shops and merchants have

already declared bankruptcy, while many more have grim prospects, teetering between keeping afloat and falling – regardless of their expertise or foresight. Will the surplus of unsold goods serve as a wake-up call for one of the most destructive sectors on the planet? Has the epidemic affected the expectations of consumers? While fashion is figuring out how to go on, the virus continues to spread over the world, with the World Health Organization predicting that the worst is yet to come. Here’s what industry experts in fashion design, purchasing and merchandising, media, public relations and communications, consultancy, and chief executives had to say about the future of fashion and how much will truly change.

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