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Arch 2003: Case Study: Farnsworth House
p. 3-5
Art 4020 :Rhino 4.0 and Jewelry Design
Arch 2002: Work/Live (Residential Design)
Arch 2001: Writing Space (Residential Design)
Arch 2002: Digital Arts Venue Landscape/Urban Design
Arch 2001: Pottery Studio (Additive Project)
Arch 2001: Dale Chihuly Art Gallery (Subtractive Project) p.14
Arch 1001-1002: Capturing/Defining Space Project
Arch 1002: Case Study : House O
Links: Arch 4072: Community Design Projects Arch - Arch 4062: Urban Design Project - Arch 2006:Case Study
Arch 2003: Farnsworth House Case Study
Interior View: Living room
Fully Rendered: Exterior View
3D Modeling and Animation: I have explored the innovative technique of 3d modeling. It has drastically enhanced the possibility and growth of Architecture and Design. Living in a world of cutting edge technology the idea of hyperrealistic forms and surfaces become possible with the aid of CAD. In this case I have used programs such as PhotoShop, Rhino 4.0, and Vray. 3
Arch 2003: Farnsworth House Case Study
Rhino Model
This case study assessed my skill level on representation and communication with CAD. I was given the opportunity to use AutoCad, Rhino 4.0, Sketchup, Photoshop, 3ds max, Vray , an Illustrator. This semester long project would reveal my level of expertise with the implementation of my personal style. This extensive process included in-class critiques, multiple drafts/layout designs, editing and development which would ultimately result in a final presentation.
Spatial Diagram
AutoCad Drawings and Diagrams
3D Interior
3D Exterior
Rendered Interior
Rhino 4.0 (3D Modeling) The Essentials
I took an additional digital modeling class to expand and perfect my digital modeling skills. This will increase my ability in designing dynamic architectural forms and surfaces. By having this knowledge I can apply this to contemporary architectural design that will be present in my graduate studies.
Rhino 4.0 : Jewelry Design Porter Lyon (Internship)
Honeycomb Theme: Bracelet, Belt links, Egyptian Style Cuff, and Ring For the past several months I have been interning for a jewelry designer, Porter Lyons. Each piece was designed using Rhino 4.0. These pieces will be mass produced and sold through Porter Lyons. This is evidence that my investigative and extended knowledge of 3d modeling can be applied to product design. Architecture has provided me with the proper skills to effectively come up with design solutions.
Honeycomb Theme: Bracelet, Belt links
Egyptian Cuff and Honeycomb Ring
Work/Live : Magazine St. Infill Project
Presented with the challenge of designing a space that would cater to an architect that lives and works in the same place. The program would accommodate a full service architecture office on the first floor, and a residence the would accommodate a family of 3 on the second floor. My final solution would echo the symbolism of boundaries, and manifest itself into physical minimalistic form.
House O, TEN Arcquitectos
1st Floor (Office)
Facade Sketch
Longitudinal Section
2nd floor (Residence) Living Room
Exterior Patio
Aerial view of model
Process Work: •
Sketch: Shifting planes and intersecting boxes Concept derived from residential boundaries and property lines in New Orleans.
Intial Sketch New Orleans Facade Design Exercise
Spatial/Circulation Diagram
Alternate Design: Facade Sketch
3d model: Includes the original houses that flank my design
2001: Writing Space Project: Walden Pond Concord, MA Design Sketch Intial research derived from reading Walden by Henry David Thoreau. This writing space was designed with the conceptual idea of ingesting nature. This is represented in the floor to ceiling glazing. While taking in the lush surrounding the writer would intuitively project his ideas upon the radiating landscape. Creating a organic interaction. Presentation Board
Site: Walden Pond
Manifesto : Includes a quote from Thoreau
Presentation Board
Continuing The Pattern: My conceptual design revolves around the natural and physical patterns on and around the Immediate site. The elongated striations that run along the Shaw Center and along the ground evoke a strong sense of movement in the downtown area. The impact of a contemporary pavilion within this context follows the progressive patterns of Downtown Baton Rouge , creating a perfect experience for a digital arts venue.
Downtown Digital Arts Venue (Red Stick Festival): Baton Rouge La. River Rd. and North Blvd. Perspective View from the Shaw Center
Park pattern sketch
Highline Park
Grading Diagram
River Rd Elevation
Cad Drawings :Cut Plan
North Blvd. Elevation
Includes restroom
Observation Deck: Facing the Retractable screen, an River Rd
Cantilevered observation deck provides shading for seating area
Entrance: Corner of North Blvd. and River Rd. 12
2001:Pottery Studio: Additive Project
Initially, I was provided with a formal site(white form core), and was allowed to add upon it(chipboard and basswood). Program space of the pottery studio would accommodate storage space, a pottery wheel, a work station, and protection from the natural elements. Sustainable design techniques were implemented into the overall design. My design solution includes a open floor plan, louvers, a window for cross ventilation, and a striated screen that reduces heat gain. Ultimately, my design creates a comfortable environment while the writer can still enjoy nature.
Section 1.Pottery Wheel 2. Storage Closet 3. Work Station 4.Outdoor Space 5.Shaded Balcony 6.Louvers
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5. . Ground Plan
Art Gallery: Subtractive Project
This project started with rectangular box (white foam core) in which I was allowed to subtract from (chipboard).Gallery space would accommodate ,1-2 people at a time.The dramatic sculpted interior adds to the allure of the Chihuly glass vase. My solution depicts a minimal angular exterior form that is a directly related to the dramatic interior. The interior walkway leads to a spiral staircase that wraps around the glass vase. The usage of the stairs are merely for admiration of the art.
4. 1. 1.
Dale Chihuly Glass vase
Entrance 2. Walkway 3. Chihuly Piece, 4.Exit
Arch 1001-1002: Interlocking Spatial Composition 1st year studio involved a series of design projects that were centered around capturing and defining space. The articulation of space is highly dependent on perception along with physical manifestations. In my various design solutions, shifting and intersecting planes are formed by subtractive and addictive techniques. Space is formed by the delicate measure of juxtaposition of different material , light and proportion. 15
Arch 1001 Case Study: House O by TEN Arquitectos This project exercised application of technical and analytical skills by recreating plans ,and generating diagrams
House O 1st Floor plan : Hardline Drawing
2nd Floor plan : Hardline Drawing
Hierarchy of form Diagram
Public Space Diagram 16
Historical Preservation: Community Design Project Minden , La NG.html Tml
Urban Design Project: Brasilia Utopian Society Case Study: Barcelona Pavilion an_der_rohe1