==== ==== There is always more than one way to skin a cat http://www.empowernetwork.com/almostasecret.php?id=jds2012 ==== ====
In recent articles and interviews, Stephen Hawking has stated that the Earth could be invaded by aliens at some time in the future. In new Discovery series Hawking's uber-brain postulates intelligent life forms may pose a threat to the Earth which would be devastating for all mankind. Aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. "I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. "Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach." I had another article planned for this week, but in light of this recent claim, I thought it might be interesting to consider aliens and space travel in another more realistic light. First of all, it helps to have some common agreement on exactly what we mean by aliens. For this article, I will assume your take on the term "aliens" is of the "Dr. Spock" kind with long pointy ears and curious ways about them. It is interesting how you tend to speculate and evaluate other species, either local or alien, based on the characteristics and peculiarities of your own species, as if you expect your aliens to have two eyes, two ears, two arms, legs and identical digits and speak words through the use of lips, tongue and mouth. In your own reality you tend to place yourselves at the top of the evolutionary pyramid, with other species on your own planet beneath you and some of you because of this misguided conclusion, feel you have the right to exploit other species for your own benefit. Stephen Hawking is of course well known for his impressive intellect which is helpful when investigating and evaluating physical facts, but when you talk "aliens", you must sometimes go beyond physical facts, since the existence of some what you would call alien civilizations do not even exist on your same plane. Some alien civilizations do exist in your dimension or universe but these alien realities are invisible to your physical senses since they exist in their own reality systems. Every system of reality, such as Earth, creates is own reality system with its own physical constructions just as you do, so even though these alien systems do exist on the same plane as yours, unless you share common physical constructions, you will not perceive them. These alien civilizations do have access to your planet, but in order to interact, they would have to be able change their material structure to be compatible with yours, or you with theirs. Only very advanced identities have reached this level of accomplishment. There is of course, the small matter of distance involved as long as you are talking of the physical universe, and there are no other intelligent beings in your solar system to make contact with or to be invaded by. As long as you contemplate travel by space vehicles, you must always deal with the distance problem, and you at your stage of development, simply don't possess the necessary technology and you don't have enough time to get to where you want to go to sit down and have a
beer with a "Klingon". This is not impossible in your future, and your planet has been visited before and will be again by more advanced beings, but probably not for some time. The inference here is that you are more likely to be visited than you are to do the visiting since the technology involved is quite beyond anything you can envision at this time. The theory that Stephen Hawking speculates about, that aliens are apt to invade your planet for its resources is so far off base to almost be laughable. First, you would have to assume that your resources would be usable by them, and as I have said, all reality systems construct and interacts with their own unique constructions and they do not have the ability to utilize YOUR constructions for their own purposes. Secondly, you would have to assume that alien beings with such advanced technology would still be so emotionally and psychologically deficient as to be influenced by the same motivations as your own world, with its proclivities toward solving its problems by killing others that disagree with you, exploiting the other species that share you planet and spoiling your own environment. I have said many times that the Earth system is a learning system, a system where you make the mistakes that you are making and learn from them, and in the pursuit of perfection, you will make mistakes, some minor and some grave, but you will learn, no matter how grave your errors, and in the learning process, you can destroy nothing, even tough it may not seem that way from your present perspective. What you seem to destroy on Earth lives on, is not really destroyed, but returns or remains dormant until circumstances change that will be more supportive and provide the necessary fulfillment that all living consciousness strives for. To accept the theory that you could be possibly be invaded by alien civilizations is ludicrous, but since many do not understand the basics of reality, yours and others, space, planets, planes and dimensions, I will give the reasons that this will NEVER happen. 1. Travel from other planets to yours is such a difficult endeavor, that it could only be accomplished by very advanced civilizations, and to travel such distances would be done only for curiosity and not for attacking another civilization. The earth system is a "beginners reality system" and yours is the only civilization that kills. Period! There is no other civilization that kills, and there are countless alien systems with what you would call alien beings throughout your universe and others. 2. Since all civilizations, yours and others, and yes, even the Romulans and Klingons, create their own reality, including their own constructions utilizing their own elements, there is no need to go flitting about the universe to find other sources for anything they need. After you have graduated out of the earth system, you will hopefully have attained some realization, understanding and proficiency in the creation of whatever type of material or non-material constructions that are endemic to your system and nothing needs to be given. When you reach this point, nothing need be given to you since you simply construct what you desire in your own personal environment, experience it, learn from it and create again. Creation never ends. 3. There are many technologies that will be attained by other more advanced alien civilizations that will permit them to enter your atmosphere and perhaps pay you a visit, but even though they may be from your own plane or dimension, you must understand the difficulty involved in visiting other civilizations, no matter how advanced. When the aliens leave their home planet in their home system, they must do so, inherently carrying along with them their own unique constructions. In
other words, even their space vehicle, constructed using their own energy patterns, must be taken along with them on the journey, which you will understand. What you may not understand is that upon reaching your world, earth, they must utilize massive amounts of energy to transform their vehicle, and their very identities (bodies) to conform to the system that they are visiting. Translation, just as you must transform your behavior, and characteristics to dive into the ocean, so the aliens must adopt the forms common to the planet, or system they are visiting. This "transmutation of form" is only for the most advanced entities, and the transformation, because of the difficulties involved cannot be maintained for any length of time in a foreign system or on a foreign planet. What this means is that an alien civilization will not be able to remain in "your earth system" for any appreciable length of time, but must revert back to their inherent form, constructed in their own system. Your astronauts visit the moon and get by quite well using artificial methods for breathing and pressure. The pressures involved in maintaining even their space vehicle in an alien environment are not sustainable for any length of time and were two alien civilizations to contemplate a merging, it would have to be done through being born into that system, not through physical transplanting from one world to another. 4. You have seen other vehicles in your skies and assumed they were from another planet in your universe, and you have wondered at their strange behavior. These aliens were not from your plane at all, but wandered into your field of perception by accident. As their vehicle struggled to maintain some kind of presence in your world, it is necessarily distorted from your viewpoint. What you see is not the real essence of their vehicle, but a mid-way materialization consisting of partially their actual construction and what you construct from what you construct and then perceive. Actually, then, what you seem to see is a hybrid, not able to sustain its presence for more than a short time in your system. You will not be invaded by flying saucers. Ever. 5. Finally, a point that should be considered, and the most difficult to comprehend. Time and space are illusionary, although granted, when you want to travel in your present universe, you must deal with vast distances that at least at this time in your development, present almost impossible difficulties because it will take you too long to arrive at your destination. By the time that new power sources, like traveling a beam of light, are possible, it will be common knowledge that there really is no where to go. Sure, distance is relative in a physically constructed universe, but you physical universe is just the physical version that you are using now. It is a camouflage, cloaking the underlying basic universe that is the seat of all worlds, dimensions and universes and that underlying inner universe occupies No SPACE. This is difficult to verbalize, but all that exists, in every universe, plane, dimension, all planets, comets, nebula, stars and quasars exist in a medium that has nothing to do with space or distance or time for that matter. What seems to be quantitative, is in fact qualitative and time and distance exists only in an interpretation of an inner value of quality depth. What this means is that the universe that you know, is not vast is distance, but in psychological depth. In relation to our discussion, there really is NO WHERE TO GO, since all occurs in different psychological depths, vibrational patterns and mental constructions and the mobility of consciousness will take you wherever you want to go, in your terms instantaneously. You are some way off from using these abilities of transportation of consciousness that are now latent in your mental genes, but they will gradually come to the surface in your species.
What I am saying here is that long distance travel in the physical universe will never be practical other than from the physical perspective. If you want to see what it's like on Alpha Centauri, imagine yourself there. If you are not successful this time around, don't despair, you will be some day. This is a truth underlying everything that is: EVERYWHERE IS HERE AND NOW. You divide it up with time, spread it out with distance, but the underlying prime reality exists with or without material constructions, distance and time. Finally, I know this is difficult and in some respects, unbelievable, but my intent is not to lie to you, deceive you or dilute the material as for children, but to present reality as it really is and hope that at least it makes you wonder. Wonderers, or those who wonder will become knowledgeable. If you wonder, you are discovering the journey that you have always been on, in that respect, I have succeeded. It may help to think about dreaming and the dream world. You can experience a trip from coast to coast, from city to city, across your whole country without missing anything on the way in a fraction of physical time that it would take in your car. Three people sleeping in the same room can dream their own landscape in this common space with no crowding, and taking that into consideration, your life, your environment, your world is like a superlative dream by your entity/soul.
My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. Shorter, 700-1000 word column length reprint versions of these articles are available on request. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: w.allan@hotmail.com You may also read other articles at my blog at: http://www.answersbygod.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Allan
==== ==== There is always more than one way to skin a cat http://www.empowernetwork.com/almostasecret.php?id=jds2012 ==== ====