Thematic biography 1 Note: This biography is purely illustrative. The information provided is not based on anyone’s life, and the places and names mentioned are completely fictitious. Robert Anderson was born on August 20, 1942 and brought up in Parksville, a remote village in southern Scotland. During his lifetime, Robert excelled in the field of art, especially in oil painting and pencil drawing. Among Robert’s many contributions to the world of art was his undisputable influence on education. Thesis statement Robert played a key role in implementing art in schools. In the mid sixties, art was regarded as a leisurely activity and wasn’t introduced to schools except as an optional subject. Extensive research proved art to be crucially important to children’s intellectual growth, the result of which was a major shift in school curricula. Robert’s technique was the first to be taught at schools as it relied heavily on visual perception accompanied by critical thinking. Robert’s art encouraged painters to view their work not just as a piece of art, rather as a work of knowledge. Messages were conveyed through paintings, such as political and social beliefs. One of Robert’s paintings, which is still displayed at the National House of Art, has been used in schools as a role model. The painting, called the Last Battle, clearly displays the superiority of the Scottish army over the British one, a battle that was to decide on the fate of Scotland during predominant British rule. While some people regard it as a masterpiece, it depicts the Scots as a tenacious people willing to win their freedom at all costs. First argument When educators realized the importance of art to students, particularly painting, they started to ponder over the other form of arts, such as music and dancing. Not long afterwards, most schools were adopting art as a major incentive for learning. Over time, and with consistent research, art was proven indispensable for the development of critical thinking. Schools witnessed a raise in students’ results, which led to a more mature and productive society. Second argument
It’s true that Robert wasn’t the first to excel in art. His predecessors, such as Michael Angelo and Leonardo Da Vinci, probably had a stronger impact on the perception of art, but Robert was among the pioneers in introducing art as an educational motivation. Through painting, students were able to express their deeper needs, and the introduction of music and dancing proved no less powerful to the development of a sane and fully functional society. Conclusion