Graduate studio projects & graphics A picture book
J. Fan
Mapping Mapping the experience of the first site visit at the LBJ Wild Flower Center 24” x 36” | Photoshop, GIS, AutoCAD
Vertical Studio Fall 2010
Diagramming Diagramming the Moriyama House
Theory I Fall 2010
eXteRIoR NoN-RustINg PaINt aNd PHoto-catalyst PaINt g tReatMeNt FoR welded PaRts aNd Patty steel Plate +16
aIRtIgHt FoaM sPRay 30t
Typical exTerior wall secTion
opening alignMenTs and privacy
PlasteR boaRd INteRIoR
first floor plan
passengers on public transit
The Moriyama House has very thin walls, and the best way to emphasize that thinness is to show it. Thus, I made the width of my diagram booklet the thickness of the walls. Sample pages from the booklet shown on the right.
MoRIyaMa House’s PRogRaM aRRaNgeMeNt ReseMbles tHe eNvIRoNMeNt oF a youtH Hostel RooM, oPeNNess eNcouRages coMMuNIty lIvINg
coMMuniTy living
Moriyama House aerial view
typical hostel room
Topography studies Explore various ways of drawing and modeling topography, selected images from exercise Drawings 22� x 44� | Hand drafting: pencil and ink on paper; Models: cardboards, chipboard, laser-cutting
Vertical Studio Fall 2010
project: austin museum of seeds Series of drawings produced for final review presentation, and documentation of final models
Vertical Studio Fall 2010
elevation 24” x 75” | AutoCAD, Hand-draft, Photoshop
elevation 24” x 48” | AutoCAD, Hand-draft, Photoshop
perspective study 22” x 30” | Rhino, AutoCAD, Hand-draft, Photoshop
structural study 24” x 48” | AutoCAD, Photoshop
perspective studies 11” x 17” | Rhino, hand-draft Photoshop
models Cardboards, museum boards, hand-cut
elevation 24” x 44” | AutoCAD, Hand-draft, Photoshop
elevation 24” x 48” | AutoCAD, Hand-draft, Photoshop
freehand drawings Sample drawings from John Blood’s Architectural Drawing Class [While drawings in my admission portfolio also reflects my drawing skills, these drawings are much more recent to demonstrate my competence.] Architectural Drawing Fall 2010
project: austin museum of seeds Series of drawings produced for final review presentation, and documentation of final models
Vertical Studio Fall 2010