Suffolk Big Eye May/June 2013 Issue

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IIAB OF SUFFOLK COUNTY RECEIVES LOCAL ASSOCIATION OF THE YEAR AWARD INSIDE: • Presidents Message. • Why Join the IIABSC General Membership or Board? • Social Networking and the Insurance Business


President’s Message President

A year ago I took over as President of our Association. I am pleased that I picked up from a talented group of leaders before me and glad to say that I have turned over the baton to very capable hands in Joanne Bentivegna. It has been an exciting year with many issues that we are all faced with. In my 40 plus years in this business I must say that our industry has never been challenged like we are today.

David M. Borg nnn


There is much truth to the saying that “There is strength in numbers� For those that are reading this article you know what I am talking about. Now more than ever we need to get the word out to agents and broker who are members but have not really got involved. We are all busy with business, family and other social commitments. Joining an association means that you believe in the common good that we all provide and support each other with. Show your support by coming to a meeting or being part of a committee. You will be amazed at the rewards you will get from serving.


the President’s Message cont’d One last point…It is so important that we continue to tell our fellow professionals that we are just that… PROFESSIONALS… We must remind our clients that insurance is not a commodity. We provide a service that has immeasurable value. Sandy proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Order takers and Television ads don’t provide service. We are not a 24/7 phone message … We are people and this is a PEOPLE Business. So this next time someone tells you he can get it cheaper somewhere else remind them that you get what you pay for and if you pay cheap you get cheap !!! Have a Great Summer

David M Borg CPCU, ARM, CIC, CRM President

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IIABNY Honors Huntington Insurance Agent David Borg The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc. presented the Outstanding Committee Chair Award to David H. Borg of Borg & Borg, Inc. in Huntington, New York. He was one of several award recipients at IIABNY’s leadership dinner May 9, held after its Annual Business Meeting at the Otesaga Resort Hotel in Cooperstown, New York. As chair of the association’s Next Generation Insurance Professionals Committee, Borg has planned, promoted and executed successful events for IIABNY members on Long Island. He has also traveled extensively around the state to meet with young agents, and met with lawmakers during advocacy events in Albany and Washington, D.C.


IIAB of Suffolk County Receives Local Association of The Year Award by Tom Crowley

Tom Crowley nnn


Strong local associations are the backbone of the success of IIABNY and play a major role in building relationships between agents, carriers and vendors, advocating on the critical issues to the industry, encouraging education and professional development among members and developing consumer knowledge and trust in the independent insurance agency system. We received several outstanding submissions for Local Association of the Year and I am proud to say that our local associations are strong and active throughout the state. Tonight I will recognize the 2013 Local Association of the Year for the outstanding effort and accomplishments of its volunteer leaders, staff and members. This year was a particularly challenging and unique year for our downstate members due to the impact and aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. Two local associations stepped up and worked together during and after the crisis to support and assist independent agents and insurance consumers.

Both Local Associations had many impressive accomplishments, but I cannot separate them since they joined forces after Sandy to advocate for and educate our members and their clients that were hardest hit by the effects of the storm. Shortly after the storm, they met with Suffolk County Housing and Social Services agencies to aid in efforts to find alternative housing for people directly affected by Sandy. They joined forces and worked with the county to get the word out to IIABNY members about a program that waived sales tax on construction materials. One of the Suffolk Local Board members was asked to join the County of Suffolk Emergency Housing Task force and worked with the Long Island Builders Institute to issue press releases that provided the public with guidelines for choosing a contractor and how to avoid being taken advantage of.

Several members were also asked to join the Nassau County Task Force for Insurance Issues Post-Sandy. The two local associations worked together to plan and present a joint meeting where Dr. Robert Harwig, President and CEO of the Insurance Information Institute, spoke to members about the effect of the storm on the Long Island insurance marketplace, agents, carriers and insureds. Both associations also offered a program called “Lessons Learned from Sandy”


where a panel of representatives from FEMA, Travelers and Selective Flood responded to questions from members.

Their efforts supported our members during the crisis and enhanced the image of the independent agent. In addition to the tremendous work that they did in relation to the storm, these local associations also had the largest number of members attending both L-day in Albany and the National Legislative Conference in Washington. They also have a regular schedule where they meet on a monthly basis appointments with their legislators in their local offices. They believe that Legislative advocacy is an important part of being a Big I member. It is my honor to present the Local Association of the Year to the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Suffolk County and Tri-County Independent Insurance Agents Association! I would ask David M. Borg and Kevin Crossley, in Steve Visco’s place, to accept on behalf of their associations.


IIABNY Honors Trade Group Manager Patricia Calvert With Distinguished Service Award

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc.

awarded its highest honor earlier this month to Patricia Calvert, executive director for the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Suffolk County, Inc., and the Tri-County Independent Insurance Agents Association. She was one of three recipients of the Distinguished Service Award at the not-for-profit trade association’s leadership dinner following its Annual Business Meeting at the Otesaga Resort Hotel in Cooperstown, New York.

Calvert is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of both

associations. She works with the volunteer leaders of the organizations to plan and present meetings and special events. The Tri-County association represents independent insurance agents and brokers in Kings, Nassau, Queens and Richmond Counties; the Suffolk County


IIABNY Honors Trade Group Manager Patricia Calvert With Distinguished Service Award con’t association represents insurance producers in that county.

Presenting the award, outgoing IIABNY Chair of the Board Thomas J.

Crowley described Calvert’s contributions to the success of the two associations over many years of service. “She is one of the most dedicated and professional people I have ever had the privilege to work with,” he said, “and she is a friend to all who know her.”


Reflections by Tom Crowley

On May 9th my year as IIABNY Chair of

the Board concluded with a great event in Cooperstown and a passing of the torch to my successor, Andy Kaufman. Andy will do a terrific job this year and right on his coat tails waits our own Jim Sutton from Long Island ready to take over next May. In my remarks in Cooperstown I mentioned that my year as Chair was the “longest and fastest year of my life�. This is somewhat of Tom Crowley nnn

an odd way of expressing the fact that the year was chock full of activity, visits across the State and non-stop interaction with IIABNY staff and leadership, yet it went by in the blink of an eye.

I have had many people ask me why I would

volunteer for this job and take so much time away from work, family and personal interests. The answer goes back to a lesson I was taught by one of the original partners in the firm I have worked for my entire professional career. Gerry DeBaun was a partner at Maran, DeBaun, Cruise and Simonson, 11

an ex-Company man and someone with the highest levels of integrity and professionalism I have ever worked with. Gerry was also a big believer in IIABNY and giving back. Gerry told me in no uncertain terms that I needed to maintain three pillars in my professional life: 1)-commitment to education, 2)commitment to my industry and 3)-commitment to honesty, integrity and always doing what is best for my client. I took those words to heart and am very grateful to this day for the wisdom behind them.

Participating on IIABNY committees or Boards puts volunteers on the

front line of legislative and regulatory activity. It dials them into industry news and exposes them to insurance company leaders and changing ideas that will impact all of us in day to day activities. It makes them hyper aware of what IIABNY can do for them from products and services to education and information. The talented folks in Syracuse are an absolute font of knowledge and expertise and not taking advantage of this resource is an terrible mistake. Supporting IIABNY with dues payments, use of services and contributions to Insurpac and IIAPAC is a must in our professional lives.

In Cooperstown I was able to recognize individuals who have made an

impact in my year or their careers for IIABNY. Our Outstanding Committee Chair award went to Dave Borg Jr. for his work as Chair of Next Gen. The Local Association of the Year Award was shared by Suffolk and Tri-County for all their good works, especially in responding to and dealing with Sandy. The Distinguished Service Award was presented to my wife Julie for her support and understanding, to Pat Calvert for her career long dedication to the independent agency system and all of the agents in Suffolk and Tri County and lastly, to 12

Kathy Lawler for being an outstanding IIABNY staffer who made my year a lot more smooth and organized than it would have been if left to me to organize. One final award I’d like to mention was the Thom McDaniel Exemplar Award presented to Nick Steffey of Narragansett Bay Insurance Company. Thom and Nick worked together to help insurance agents on Long Island several years back by having NBIC buy a chunk of Adirondack’s book that they needed to excise due to over exposure. NBIC stepped in and has become a rock for LI agents and consumers alike. Nick is a tremendous guy who I am glad we were able to honor as the first winner other than Thom McDaniel of this prestigious award. It was also an absolute pleasure being able to spend time with Nick and listen to his ideas and thoughts as our industry moves forward.

Over the course of the year we met with the DFS, NYPIUA, NYSIF and

numerous legislators, company leaders and other industry figures. The exchange of ideas and information was illuminating and any progress that can be made to help our industry and independent agents in particular is worth the time and effort we spend. I would encourage all of you to volunteer and learn more about what IIABNY can do for you. I assure you the experience is extremely beneficial and rewarding and if many of us give a little bit of our time and money to support our industry we will see great dividends.

If anyone has any comments or questions please feel free to e-mail me at Thank you to all of the support over the past year and especially to my fellow Suffolk Agents for their assistance over the past few years as I have worked through the Chairs.


the Editor’s Feedback by Don J. Hester



One nation, with liberty and justices for all,

unless you are a second class citizen. FEMA rules decree all pay the same rate. You pay a fixed rate for insurance, but under FEMA rules coverage changes if you don't live in your home 270 days a year . Simple unabashed discrimination. This is not Don Hester

actuarially sound. The structure doesn’t know if Worse than simple discrimination for those who


travel , If you own two homes or spend part of the year away you are not allowed to get replacement cost loss adjustment on your home. They feel that if you are wealthy enough to live in two places you shouldn't be allowed equal treatment under the policy. Worse , you can’t get equal coverage at ANY location because you don't live in either home long enough to qualify . Is that fair? Is it


SECOND CLASS CITIZENS con’t actuarially sound.? It is probably no more unjust than giving discounted rates if you have a home below sea level but are graced by a Corp of engineers certified levy protecting you. For Long Island homes above sea level but below federal estimates of flood water heights in a bad storm, you can expect major rate increases, capped at 25% a year for the next few years. These are based on actuarial sound factors? . Hmm. Are the actuaries really allowed to function, or are they guided by politically correct motives?

In fairness, if that were to be allowed, all citizens should be allowed to pay

the same rates and get the same benefits at the time of claim. Just as optional

Pryor Personnel Agency Inc. The Insurance Specialist since 1970 local, National and International Recruitment

SECOND CLASS CITIZENS con’t additions, like replacement cost loss adjustment, is available in the industry, FEMA should be allowed to offer the same coverage for the same price. They might also allow customers to exclude totally coverage for basements in return for lowered premiums. They should make these changes but will they? They have rolled back enforcement of some recently increased rate factors. Actuarially sound but politically difficult. How much will they do for second class citizens? with justice for all?



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Quaker Special Risk P.O. Box 1350 Eatontown, NJ 07724 800-447-4180 • Fax 732-223-9072


Why Join the IIABSC General Membership or Board? by Paulette Katz

Every year, just like most organizations, our

board struggles with how to increase attendance at our general meetings and how to interest members in joining the Board of Directors. Perhaps telling my story will help you to understand what our organization can offer.

In 1992, when I came to Maurice B.

Cunningham, Inc. in Southampton, it was to Paulette Katz

assume the management of their insurance agency. I was to assume the position from Tom


Cunningham, who was leaving for "Life after Insurance". I brought with me Commercial Lines and Health/Life experience but did not have Agency Management training or Personal Lines experience. "No problem" said Tom ..." if you can do Commercial you certainly won't have a problem with Personal Lines". Well, like most other things


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Note your calendar now to attend this big event. ********************************** INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS AND BROKERS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY Annual Holiday Party will take place on THURSDAY, December 5, 2013 At the Villa Lombardi’s Holbrook, NY

Why Join the IIABSC General Membership or Board? con’t in life, that was 50% fact/50% fiction, or wishful thinking!

Tom, a long time board member, brought me to a general meeting. He

introduced me to everyone and made it clear that he would be leaving and I would be in charge. I went to meetings, met many Suffolk County agency owners and found lots of common ground. What I learned, early on, was that we were all in this soup together.

Personal Lines coverage was easy, but dealing with the marketplace was

quite another story. I arrived on August 3rd, Hurricane Andrew hit Florida on August 24th and the fun began! The marketplace started a slow and steady decline into its present sad state! All along the way, the guidance of seasoned Suffolk County agency owners helped me navigate the markets, find companies and comply with legislation. Maybe most importantly, they offered their wisdom, understanding and compassion.....and continue to do so.

Some years later I was asked to join the board. To be truthful I was

disenchanted by the lack of movement in Albany, the lack of open markets and the inability of the Insurance industry to fix the deductible trigger inconsistencies and the shrinking marketplace. Workers' Compensation and Labor Law issues were another thorn in my side. I was reminded that the only way to fix a problem is to be part of the group, because individually we


Why Join the IIABSC General Membership or Board? con’t have no voice at all. So, with some reluctance, I volunteered and joined the board.

In a small operation, the owner/manager wears many hats. They make

up the HR, accounting and public relations departments in addition to Personal Lines, Commercial Lines and Health/Life management. Add the equipment and management system issues and I can't imagine any one or two people handling these varying functions with no help at all. People management, as we all know, is one of the biggest challenges we face. Here again, my fellow agents are forthcoming with information, resources and comparatives. They were always willing to guide me, educate me and, when all else fails, to sympathize!

Now, in my 21st year, when I think about it...I hope that I have been able

to give something back. To share some of the insights and information I've picked up along the way and to be a mentor, guide and teacher to others.

Has it taken time, energy and effort that I often did not think I had, or

could spare...Yes! If asked is it worthwhile, to be a member and/or board member, I would answer..."It's been my privilege and my pleasure". Would I continue to spend the time, energy and effort?...As long as I am able.


I do hope you will consider joining us!!!!!!!!!

Next Gen Trivia Night by David H. Borg

On May 23rd IIABNY’s Next Gen group lead a trivia night which

provided continuing education (CE) credit for participants. The Next Gen group is comprised of young agents, brokers, and associates from across New York State. The sold out trivia competition was held at Churchill’s Restaurant in Rockville Centre, Long Island, NY.

The evening began with an hour of networking prior to the trivia

commencing. Attendees were able to discuss common issues the industry faces while enjoying cocktails and passed hors d'oeuvres.

Afterwards the 37 participates were divided into three teams. Each team

was given a buzzer to enhance the competitive spirit among the teams. As the moderator read each question, teams would have to think fast on their feet to be first hit their buzzer. Teams were awarded points for correct answers and deducted points if they answered incorrectly. Every team member contributed to the answers which made the evening a total success.

After the trivia was completed, attendees received continuing education

certificates and continued to network with industry leaders. The event was a wonderful way to earn CE credit as well as meet new insurance professionals and associates.


Next Gen Trivia Night con’t

IIABNY’s Next Gen is taking an active role to educate and foster lasting

relationships among the young professionals in the insurance field. To find our more about IIABNY and Next Gen, please visit or call 800-851-8853


Next Gen Trivia Night



Get Up to $500 for Marketing Your Agency!

With the consumer portal (Project CAP) gearing

up to launch this summer at there will be increased promotion around the brand. Now is the ideal time to concentrate making sure that your agency is properly branded Trusted Choice®!

A few simple ideas:

Wear the Trusted Choice® logo with pride at the golf course this

summer by ordering shirts (or other apparel) embroidered with the Trusted Choice® logo through the IIABNY Lands End E-Store

Update your websites, letterhead, and other stationary with the logo &

Pledge of Performance

Share articles from Trusted Choice® with your consumers via your

social media pages

Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to take advantage of the marketing

reimbursement program, which will reimburse up to $500 in expenses incurred in 2013 for co-branding materials with the logo.

Please feel free to reach out to me for more information or assistance! Brandon Conway, IIABNY Marketing Representative 516.506.5175


Social Networking and the Insurance Business

by Aaron Stein, CPCU

Our world, everybody's world, is changing at

an ever-increasing pace. It's almost impossible to keep up with every new thing out there, whether it's the latest medical equipment, the newest camera, or the latest way to distribute insurance. However, one thing remains the same. We all have a need to reach people who have the need and qualifications to be our customers. Aaron Stein

That last piece is and always has been part of

our overall 'marketing strategy'. How do we find nnn

people who will be good customers, and get them in to our office. In the not-so-distant past, a lot of this networking was done on the golf course, in our Rotary or Lions or other clubs, by attendance at local fundraisers, etc. Many of those are still perfectly usable in the area of commercial lines, where the target is larger accounts personally controlled by executives.


Social Networking and the Insurance Business con’t

But if, like our office, you want to stay active in quality personal lines, it's

hard to justify the cost of taking each homeowner out for a round of golf. And we need to reach more people than just our fellow Rotarians or Kiwanians. That's where GEICO, State Farm, Allstate, etc have spent literally billions of dollars to create what amounts to a new distribution system where over 75% of insurance shoppers look to the web at least to do some research and choose who they want to deal with.

The offices of most Independent Agents do not have the advertising

budget to directly compete with the 'big guys'. We can't buy billboard space along major highways, backstop signs at major league baseball stadiums, etc. On the other hand, the internet can be the great equalizer where, through Social Media and other means, we can have a meaningful presence in our own market, and not necessarily just local.

Social networking includes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram

among others. It is a way of getting in front of more people with your message. The problem with insurance is that people are mainly interested in it once or twice a year at the times their policies renew. So the challenge, not only now but throughout the years, has been how to either get in front of them at the correct times, or stay in front of them regularly with things that might be interesting other than insurance. 27

Social Networking and the Insurance Business con’t

This led me, in 2003, to start a blog called AroundBabylon, using

Google's free blogspot service. You can still get to it by using except now it has been changed over to a facebook page, It is a local news and rumors page that I post on daily. What started with a few dozen readers has now grown to have over 4500 fans, each of whom has requested that everything I post be shown on their Facebook timeline!

We have found lost dogs and bikes, promoted local non-profit

fundraisers, had discussions on local topics of interest, and much more. I don't allow advertising (i can't help what Facebook puts in the ads on mine or any other page, but you can't put up a post on my page to advertise a for-profit event or sale) What does get posted is personal reviews of meals that I and others have at local restaurants, or interesting things I note as I take my daily walks through the Village Business District.

Maybe once a month, I put something about insurance that I always

start with 'and now a word from our sponsor, Norton and Siegel, Inc.' with a link to my office page. Usually it is an informational piece about some new development in the insurance industry, like all the changes taking place with flood insurance these days.


Social Networking and the Insurance Business con’t

I think it's important that if you do go into some social networking,

which I believe needs to be part of any agent's personal lines strategy going forward, that you write about something you like. People can sense that, and many of us have different interests like boating, golf, classic cars, etc. But anything that can get your name in front of hundreds of people at a time on a regular basis can't be ignored. And to answer the inevitable question, yes it produces business on a weekly basis. It's not our only source, but part of the overall program.


RLI Home Business Insurance

Nearly 45 Million People Work From Their Home

Many homeowners policies exclude business-related practices and those that do offer coverage may provide very limited coverage options.

IIABNY Offers Members a Solution For Their Clients

RLI’s Home Business Insurance Policy offers an excellent coverage solution and recommending it limits your E&O exposure. Affordable premiums (starting at $154) combined with a stand alone policy make it ideal for many retail & service businesses operated out of the home. t t t t t t t

10% commission on new & renewal business RLI has an “A+” (Superior) rating by A.M. Best Broad coverage with off premises theft included General liability coverage up to $1 million Loss of business income protection up to 12 months available Provides coverage for temporarily off premises with certain guidelines No minimum volume requirements, no access fees

For more information on how you can offer this coverage to your clients, contact IAAC, Inc. (IIABNY’s Membership Services Division) by e-mailing Deb Reitz at or call 800-962-7950, ext. 225.

RLI Stand Alone Personal Umbrella is here to help! Have any of your personal lines carriers nonrenewed personal umbrella policies in the last year if they do not write BOTH the underlying homeowners and personal auto policies? Don’t open yourself up to an E&O claim or worse yet, leave your clients with a coverage gap...protect yourself and your clients with an RLI Stand-Alone Personal Umbrella.

UM/UIM Coverage Available No minimum volume requirements No access fees 10% commission on new and renewal (8% commission for PUP Special) Provides up to $5 million of coverage Does not require or desire underlying policies RLI is admitted and A.M. Best “A+” rated For more information on this program, please visit or contact Lexie Dumont 800-962-7950, ext. 248 Denise Brown-Carter 800-962-7950, ext 246

Facebook Marketing Tip Be personable. If posts on social media are too sales-y, it will be difficult to get and engage with followers. To many consumers, a hard sell on social media is a turn off. Balance selfpromotional posts with posts that are informational, posts that are personable and posts that are helpful.


Earn CE From Your


IIABNY Web CE is Here Login, listen, and learn from your own desk — all you need is a computer and Internet connection! • • • • • •

Web CE courses are approved for continuing education credit by the NYS Insurance Department No test is required Online registration only Each participant must purchase their own seat and view from his/her own computer in order to earn CE credit Random attendance checks will be conducted Acknowledgement of attendance form must be completed

New Web CE classes are constantly being added so check the latest availability at

Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc. 5784 Widewaters Parkway, 1st Floor, Dewitt, NY 13214 • 800-962-7950 •

the Advertisers INSURANCE COMPANIES & MARKETS Magna Carta Companies Wanda Napolitano 1 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 Toll Free: 1-888-ONE PARK Phone: 212-591-9500 Fax: 212-591-9621 NIF Group Michael Orlando, Nancy Williams 30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 Phone: 516-365-7440 Fax: 516-496-7356 Email: Quaker Special Risk Camille Windler 226 5th Avenue, 4th Flr. New York, NY 10001 Phone: 516 428 0716. Fax: 732-223-9072 Email: Brian Botwinick Eatontown, NJ Toll Free: 800-447-4180 Email:

VANE Excess & Surplus Anthony Cacioppo 103 Fort Salonga Rd, Ste 4 Northport, NY 11768 Phone: 631-366-5353 Email:

INSURANCE SERVICES Pryor Personnel Agency Patricia Pryor Bonica 147 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-935-0100 Fax: 516-931-7842 Email:

RESTORATION SERVICES Belfor Property Restoration Gary J. Alexander 60 Raynor Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phones: 631-471-3131 x121 Fax: 631-471-2905




















IIABSC 150 Dartmouth Dr. Hicksville, NY 11801

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