Trilines Jan/Feb 2015 Issue

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Jan/Feb 2015







Happy New Year!

It’s true. Major changes in the insurance field have

triggered a drama8c changes to how we used to do business in the so called good old days.

To succeed in this industry, you cannot be just an

insurance agent. You must be a sales professional. Being a sales professional means honoring your occupa8on and Frank J. Elorza President

making the customer’s needs primary.

The insurance business is appealing mainly because of

the financial rewards and we all have to feed and take care of our families and that includes our employees! However we need to raise our self-­‐worth and take a real look at our ability to help our customers.

As we start 2015 we have a chance to improve our

agencies and here are some sugges8ons:

Strive to Learn More.

This sounds simple, but does it apply to you? Are you

enthusias8c, diligent and willing to try a new approach or technique? Being truly interested in your career means you are excited to be an insurance professional. (con’t on page 4)





We are so proud to celebrate 100 years of doing business. Times change, people change but our relationships with brokers continues to thrive. We truly look forward to the next 100 years! • Homeowners & New Expanded Multi-Tier HO Product • Multi-Tier Personal Auto • Personal & Commercial Assigned Risk 155 Mineola Boulevard Mineola, NY 11501 516 248-1100



How is your aRtude? Do you look for ways to improve

nega8ve situa8ons rather than running from them? Remember that there are only two kinds of people in the world: those who think they can and those who think they can’t. They’re both right.

Get out of neutral

If you can improve a liUle everyday it adds up! Without

it, you are like the car that remains in neutral–you go nowhere. If it’s just a job you’re going fail.

Invest in your staff

Good employees are not born, they are taught. You

must have a precise, step-­‐by-­‐step procedure that covers all the points in the selling and service process, leaving nothing to chance.

Get Involved.

Get out and network in your community, build your

rela8onship with the carriers and fellow agents.

Best wishes to you, your families and agencies in 2015!

Frank Elorza






Serving Members in 2015 is a Personal Commitment for IIABNY Executive by Richard A. Poppa , CAE, AAI, IIABNY President & CEO

I admire IIABNY member agencies and brokerages for a number of reasons.

Probably the one that rises to the top is that each day they basically have to start over to make their revenue goals. There are no guarantees for independent agents and brokers. If they can't get the job done for their clients, they are out of business. It's that simple.

I also admire our members' resiliency. I've been serving independent agents

and brokers for more than 30 years and nearly every one of those years have brought stories of the decline of the Independent Agency System. It never materializes because our members are independent, smart and able to adapt to their clients' needs. Yet, the reason I probably most admire our members is that the vast majority are just good people. My wife, Kim, and I have been fortunate to make friends all over this great country, with the majority of them independent agents and brokers.

The Big "I" Family (local, state and na8onal) is a very special organiza8on with

roots going back to the mid-­‐1850s. For more than 165 years, it has existed to advance the performance and success of independent insurance agencies and brokerages through advocacy, educa8on and knowledge, and business services. Our success is a result of the countless hours spent by agent and broker leaders who believe in giving back to their profession. Yes, countless accolades have been bestowed on the Big "I" family of organiza8ons because of our efforts on behalf of our members. However, when all is said and done, the awards don't make us special. They are simply recogni8on that our members are special.

I am commiUed to beginning each day with the same resolve our members

have for their clients and to serve our members in the best way possible. An associa8on has an interes8ng circumstance because it must both lead and follow. Our members expect us to be on the leading edge of issues but follow their collec8ve wishes. I personally, and our leaders and staff, commit to being as good an advocate and business partner for you as we can be in 2015 and beyond. [7]

Google Poised to Enter U.S. Auto Insurance Market: Report by By Andrew G. Simpson | Insurance Journal - January 9, 2015

Giant search engine Google,

which already offers auto insurance online in the United Kingdom, could soon be selling auto insurance online in the U.S.

Google Compare Auto

Insurance Services Inc., its online auto insurance shopper, has been licensed to sell insurance in at least 26 states and is working with several insurers including Dairyland, MetLife and Mercury Insurance, Forester Research’s Ellen Carney reported in her blog this week.

Carney reports that Google has been working on the project for more than two

years and could finally launch later this quarter in California, followed by Illinois, Pennsylvania and Texas. According to the Forester Research technology expert, Google could be working with CoverHound, which currently offers online quotes for mul8ple insurers including Harjord, esurance, 2st Century, Travelers, Safeco, Na8onal General, Progressive, Foremost, Plymouth Rock and others.

Partnership Report

Also, Conor Dougherty of the New York Times technology blog Bits reported

that Google recently formed a partnership with the Virginia-­‐based insurance comparison shopping site Comparenow, which was launched in 2013, allows users who complete a single, simplified form to obtain comparison quotes from mul8ple carriers, and buy a policy online, by phone or through a local agent.


Google could present formidable compe88on for other insurance sellers. As many as

two-­‐thirds (67 percent) of insurance customers said they would consider purchasing insurance products from organiza8ons other than insurers, including 23 percent who would consider buying from online service providers such as Google and Amazon, according to research by Accenture.

“Compe88on in the insurance industry could quickly intensify as consumers become

open to buying insurance not only from tradi8onal compe8tors such as banks but also from Internet giants,” Michael Lyman, managing director for management consul8ng within Accenture’s Insurance industry prac8ce, said in February upon release of his study.

However, another report, this one by TransUnion, indicated that shopping for auto

insurance online may have peaked already. It found that shopping rates for auto insurance were down about 3 percent in the 12 months ending Feb 2014 rela8ve to a year earlier.

Related: Has Online Shopping for Auto Insurance Peaked?

“We are finding that despite billions of dollars being spent on adver8sing each year,

the percentage of consumers shopping for auto insurance has been dropping for approximately the last two years,” said Mark McElroy, execu8ve vice president of TransUnion’s insurance business unit at the release of the study. “ This places addi8onal pressure on insurance carriers as their pool of poten8al customers declines.”

Google Compare ( launched in the UK in 2012. In addi8on to insurance,

the service allows consumers to comparison shop for credit card offers, travel insurance and mortgages.

Google has also been in the forefront of the development of driverless vehicles.

Google Inc. does own the site,, however the site is not


Google has not responded to Insurance Journal requests for more informa8on. The

tech giant told Reuters and the Wall Street Journal it does not comment on specula8on.


Attention Members of TriCounty: by Ronald Brunell

We are trying something new. Many members have

an opportunity to leave their offices in search of informa8on and Educa8on that will make them beUer insurance professionals. Unfortunately we don’t always afford that same opportunity to our dedicated staffs that work with our insured’s day in and day out. Flood Insurance is ever changing post SANDY. The new HomeOwner Act 4/15/14 has made big changes to RATES. Your Associa8on has arrange a webinar, which will be a lunch and learn. We have schedule the webinar for January 27th at noon and it will last an hour. We hope that EVERY member agency will par8cipate and help their staff’s become beUer educated on Flood Insurance.

The webinar will focus on Eleva8on Cer8ficates which is a very important

component of the new HomeOwner act. Does your staff know how to order, read and use an eleva8on Cer8ficate? Arer this webinar the par8cipants will know how to use an eleva8on cer8ficate to their advantage and do the right things for your insured’s. Anyone wri8ng flood insurance should par8cipate as this will surely help you get more accurate premiums for your insured’s.

Please don’t miss this opportunity to learn while never having to leave your


The instructor for this webinar will be Bob Haraksin of Selec8ve, probably the

single most knowledgeable person in our territory when it comes to flood. Look forward to having everyone par8cipate.


LUNCH & LEARN WEBINAR Elevation Certificates are an important tool needed to rate a flood policy. Recent changes have made it even more important to understand them correctly. We’re offering our first webinar as a ‘lunch and learn’, understanding that many agencies can’t send their employees to attend educational classes in person as they take a great deal of time away from the office. Please let us know how you liked this one and we’ll plan others. Ron Brunell -


TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 Time: Webinar starts at noon and will conclude at 1:00 It is offered to TriCounty members, free of charge. Get the answers to the following questions and more….

• • • • •

What those reference numbers in the certificate mean? Is that a basement? Or a below grade crawlspace? Is there a difference in rating? What datum is used and why it’s important? What tips can I learn to help me read the certificate? REGISTER ON-LINE AT

After registering, you will receive a webinar link two business days prior to the webinar as well as hand out material.


IIABNY Troubled by Changes to Progressive NY Auto Policy

Jan. 12, 2015 — Last week, Progressive Insurance informed its agents that it is

making significant changes to its New York personal auto policy. IIABNY believes that one of the changes is not in the best interests of either Progressive's customers or their agents. We are evalua8ng poten8al courses of ac8on.

The change in ques8on is to a policy condi8on 8tled "Duty to Report Changes."

The prior edi8on of the policy required named insureds to "promptly" no8fy the company of changes in policy informa8on. The new edi8on adds to that language a 30-­‐ day deadline, from the date of the change, for the named insured to report seven specific changes. They include changes to: • Mailing or residence address • Principal garaging address of a covered auto • Household residents • Household residents who are of legal driving age • People who regularly operate a covered auto • An operator's marital status • Driver's license or operator's permit of the named insured, rela8ve or rated resident

Significantly, the policy warns that the named insured's failure to report these

changes, "where material to the risk of loss," may result in Progressive denying coverage for a claim. It also specifies that the provision does not apply to claims of third par8es under Liability Coverage.


The new policy applies to new business with effec8ve dates on and arer Feb. 4,

2015. No8ce of the new policy will go out with renewals star8ng on Feb. 4, but the changes will take effect as policies renew.

Here is what you should know about this situa8on: • The New York State Department of Financial Services approved Progressive's filing of this policy form last October. The public record shows wriUen correspondence between the department and the company on this issue; the language excluding this provision from Liability Coverage was a response to the department's objec8ons. • We are reviewing the filing and the policy wording with an eye toward discussing it with both Progressive and the DFS very soon.

In the mean8me, IIABNY members who represent Progressive should clearly explain

the changes to their personal lines clients. To defend against possible errors and omissions ac8ons, it is advisable to document any conversa8ons with clients about this. Watch the IIABNY website for future developments regarding this situa8on.


The times they are a changin by Neil Levy

Bob Dylan released that song in 1964 and the world

and our economy have changed greatly since then. Market pressures, the state of the economy, the increasing costs of running a business and an ever-­‐increasing amount of regula8on has resulted in a swelling number of merger and acquisi8on deals among insurance companies and insurance agencies.

Compe&&on breeds consolida&on

Our industry is highly fragmented with no agency

having more than a 8ny por8on of the overall market. Money is cheap and Private Equity firms as well as other players have increased their purchases drama8cally. Through June 2014 the Insurance Journal reported 160 deals, a 19% increase compared to 134 deals during the same period the year before. It’s not just the classic “big fish eats liUle fish”, many independent agencies are long standing family businesses and as the baby boomer genera8on begins to re8re there must be a transi8on of the agency to the next genera8on. The younger genera8on may not have the desire, experience, or capital to successfully move the agency forward.

It’s not only about money

Money is certainly not the only factor. Agency owners want to know that what

they have worked hard to build won’t just disappear when they sign on the doUed line. There is a loyalty to staff and finding that culture match is very important. Many of the acquirers such as USI, Acrisure, Assured Partners and others see themselves as family businesses but on a larger scale. In many cases, the new company has a place for most or all its employees and it is fairly common for the parent company to take a somewhat [14]

hands-­‐off approach with the firms they buy. In fact, the hands-­‐off approach is seen as a compe88ve advantage of one acquirer vs. another.

Insurance companies need to be fed too

Consolida8on is occurring at the insurance companies as well. This drives up the

premium requirements that agencies need to meet in order to maintain their contracts. Represen8ng several insurance companies is a lifeline for many agencies and partnering with larger firms may give them access to more markets and the capabili8es to go arer poten8ally larger, more complex accounts. In addi8on, the insurance carriers upda8ng their distribu8on models and are focusing their aUen8on on keeping their most profitable agencies, puRng more pressure on the smaller agency

The best defense…

What’s an agency to do in this environment? A merger or acquisi8on may offer a

“ready-­‐made” way to diversify. It creates cri8cal mass for distribu8on channels or opens new channels to distribute (geographically, product range, target markets). Economic growth in the insurance business is slow and acquisi8ons may be a good strategy for growth and/or talent acquisi8on. The consumer market is moving to larger commercial avenues like the internet and the commercial market may be taking a slower path but its moving in a similar direc8on. Agencies need to make investments in technology and be as efficient and effec8ve as possible in order to survive in this current economic environment. A winning agency will u8lize automa8on and have a high level of efficient customer service in their arsenal and the investment in technology requires a lot of money. T

he insurance industry takes its 8me changing, but it’s changing nonetheless. There

are many roads to success and the recent mergers and acquisi8on ac8vity is just one of many roads. Neil A. Levy CPA, MBA is the president of CBS Coverage a division of Assured SKCG, Inc. an AssuredPartners Company.


Staff Development Training by Alex Giraldo

As we start a new year, we are met with the some

new and exci8ng challenges. The investment of 8me and resources into our businesses should always be priority and at the very top are our employees. Hiring and maintaining good talent is one of the most difficult things to do in any business. As a Tri County member, it is important to remember that dealing with these issues should not be something you feel you have to tackle alone. We have the same plights day in and day out that you have and, together, we can all share in the experience and knowledge to overcome some of these issues.

IIABNY has excellent training programs to help us

retain and develop our stars. Our staff is our greatest asset and, if we are not inves8ng in them, then we are not inves8ng in our future. The courses and webinars available to members on IIABNY’s Training site are a great start and can help you develop these stars into superstars. Please contact Kathy Lawler @ 800.962.7950 and to get a full detailed explana8on on what exactly these courses can do for you or visit the link below. May 2015 bring you much success and happiness! hUps://



A World of Thanks to our Sponsors! by James Bastian

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to extend

a heart-­‐felt thank you for your commitment to making this event so successful. It was the vision of the Board of Directors to inform, entertain, and provide a networking forum for our members in a fes8ve environment. What a success! The event is geRng rave reviews.

Each Holiday Season we come together to celebrate

the many good fortunes and friendships our industry has blessed us with. Our Associa8on is built upon the strong support of it's members and sponsors ...we offer a "world" of thanks to the following par8es that contributed to the success of our holiday event this year.

Your generous contribu8on helped make our vision a reality!

Table for Agents Sponsors • Advantage Partners • CNA • Hanover Insurance • Interboro Insurance Group • Mackoul & Associates • NBIC • Travelers


Event Sponsors • Adirondack Insurance • Champion Adjustment Co. • Complex Coverage • Friedlander Group • Harleysville • Kemper Preferred • Kingstone Insurance Company • MAPFRE • Morstan • New Empire Group • Progressive • Servpro of Hicksville Plainview • Superior Payment Plan • Total Restora8on

We truly value the support and partnership our sponsors provide at these events.

Please know that partnerships with our sponsors are vital to the success of this associa8on. You are truly appreciated. Again, a world of thanks to you all!


Tri County’s Holiday Casino Royal Recap by the Numbers! by Steven Visco, PhD, AAI

This year’s TriCounty holiday party was hosted by

Chateau Briand in Westbury on December 10, 2014. The party was a joint venture between TriCounty, WINLI (IPALI) & CPCU. It was billed to be “one like none other before!” This reporter was told by mul8ple people this was one of the biggest, most well aUended event of the year and “he had rarely seen this many people excited to be at an affair of this type in recent years.”

We had more of everything you, the member, asked

for; more games, more girs (650 of them to be exact) more (and beUer) food, more Liquor (2 Bars, No wai8ng), arer-­‐dinner drinks and an unbelievable desserts table, including chocolate fountains, pastry, cakes, cookies, Ice cream and so much more that I don’t even remember. To keep the evening light and fes8ve, very short speeches punctuated the crisp night air. No strong arm tac8cs to donate or emo8onal pleas for dona8ons were employed. The mood was kept light, fun an ac8ve with an air of loud sophis8ca8on in the area of gamming!

It was the party the members asked for and we delivered!

OK, by the numbers, as promised. ★ Over 230 guests ★ Over 19 Tables (6 sponsored by Insurance companies) ★ Over $3,000,000 worth of Funny Money processed in exchange for prizes (Yes… that was 3 Million) [20]

★ Over 650 Prizes ★ Over $1040 raised for our annual Scholarship fund ($520. To our 50/50 winner & $520 to our scholarship fund). Our winner, Joel Dollinger, generously donated $100 from this winnings to Toys For Tots. ★ 14 Door prizes (all donated) ★ Over 120 Toys donated to Toys for Tots (Thank You) & $730.00 in cash donated too!) ★ 8 Volunteers ★ 4 Marines ★ 4 Slot Machines ★ 2 Black Jack tables ★ 2 Trivia Challenge tables ★ 1 Texas Hold’um Table ★ 1 RouleUe Table/Wheel ★ 1 Wheel of fortune ★ 1 Magician ★ 1 Professional Photographer ★ 1 Tongue twister challenge (we have a video of this @ the Tri county agents YouTube page) ★ 1 hell of a good 8me for all.

If you missed this year’s party, you missed a good one. So come join us at our next holiday

gathering, you will not be disappointed.


Holiday Party Photos








Around the Room




EPLI In 2012, the probability of a plain8ff receiving a favorable verdict in a jury trial involving an employment prac8ces liability claim was 50%. Is your office offering EPLI coverage? New York State (166,317) had the most lawyers of all US states as of 2013. Again, is your office offering EPLI coverage?

Target Data Breach A federal judge on Tuesday rejected Target Corp.’s bid to dismiss a lawsuit by banks seeking to recoup money they Stephen Folan Past President 2009 - 2011

spent reimbursing fraudulent charges and issuing new credit and debit cards because of the retailer’s late 2013 data breach. U.S. District Judge Paul Magnuson in St. Paul,

Joe Tunkel is a Past President of the IIAA of Nassau County. When Joe was the editor of the old Nassau publication, he wrote an article entitled, “Heard Around Town.” Recently, one of the TriCounty board members was discussing TriLines, and commented that he always looked forward to Joe’s article. We have decided to revive it here.

Minnesota said Target played a “key role” in allowing hackers to infiltrate its computer systems. He said this jus8fied leRng the five bank plain8ffs, which seek class-­‐ac8on status on behalf of lenders na8onwide, pursue much of their lawsuit accusing the second-­‐largest U.S. discount retailer of negligence and viola8ng Minnesota consumer protec8on laws. The banks are seeking millions of dollars in damages.


Republicans Target Obamacare Part-­‐Time Worker Provision Republicans, newly in charge of the U.S. House and Senate, begin their campaign to dismantle Obamacare with a vote this week to ease the law’s requirement that large employers give health insurance to full-­‐8me workers. Under the Pa8ent Protec8on and Affordable Care Act, companies with 50 or more employees were supposed to offer insurance to anyone working 30 hours or more a week, star8ng last year. The Republican bill would raise that threshold to 40 hours a week, requiring businesses to cover fewer employees. – Insurance Journal Making a Great First Impression When you meet people, what sort of impression do you make on them? Examine how you present yourself to others, and understand how they perceive you. It’s a great opportunity to take inventory of strengths and areas for improvement. From these, you can set meaningful goals for ways to improve. • Be posi8ve and enthusias8c. • NEVER complain or gossip. • Be dedicated and flexible. • Be a team player. • Volunteer for things. • Learn others’ names. • Ask for help. • Listen. • Know as much as you can about your organiza8on. [31]

• Dress well. • Establish a good aUendance record. • Come early / stay late. • Separate personal from professional issues. • Set goals; track achievements. • Keep all commitments. • Show gra8tude. From the Improving Communica8ons Introduc8on To Public Speaking class. hUp:// 516-­‐317-­‐2900


IIABNY SEMINAR CALENDAR – Remainder of 2014 CE Classes in Nassau, Queens and Suffolk Counties

The following seminars will be held at Four Points Sheraton, Plainview 2/24/15 3/11/15

Personal Auto (ACSR Mod #2) Comm Lines Related (ACSR Mod #9)

full day full day

3/25/15 3/27/15

ERISA – What you Don’t Know NYAIP Producer Procedures

½ day, am ½ day, am

4/16/15 4/28/15

Commercial Liability – AAI 82-­‐A Business Auto, Truckers & Garage

full day ½ day, am

4/28/15 5/06/15

Workers Comp, More than Basic Agency Leadership – AAI 87

½ day, pm full day

5/12/15 5/19/15

Self Funding Health Plans Personal Lines Kaleidoscope

½ day am full day

6/10/15 6/12/15

E&O VIDEO NYAIP Producer Procedures (Loca`ons to be announced)

½ day, am ½ day, am

The following seminars will be held at Adria Hotel, Bayside 1/30/15

NYAIP Producer Procedures

½ day, am

4/17/15 6/19/15

NYAIP Producer Procedures NYAIP Producer Procedures

½ day, am ½ day, am

The following seminars will be held at Belfor RestoraRon in Ronkonkoma, NY unless noted otherwise. 2/12/15 4/21/15

NYAIP Producer Procedures 10 Misunderstood

½ day, am ½ day, am


E&O VIDEO (Loca`ons to be announced)

½ day, am

For a complete schedule and registraRon form, log on to Highlight the ‘EducaRon & Events’ tab and select ‘Find A Class’. RegistraRon forms are also available on line, or call IIABNY’s EducaRon Dept. at 1-­‐800-­‐962-­‐7950. [33]

Be Prepared for a Traffic Accident by Chris Wukovits

Although taking proper safety precau8ons while

driving frequently ensures that you will avoid geRng into accidents, it’s best to always be prepared for one.

Here are sugges8ons of some things you can do now

to make life easier for yourself in the case that you are involved in a traffic accident.

When you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to have a

safety kit in your car for emergency situa8ons or severe weather condi8ons.

The kit should include as many of these items as possible: storage container,

flashlight, baUeries, tow rope, collapsible shovel, rags or paper towels, first aid kit, flares, snow scraper, basic tool kit, matches or candles kept in a waterproof container, window washer fluid, boUled water, bag of kiUy liUer or sand, can opener, high calorie snack foods (canned fruit, nuts or granola bars), poncho, blanket and a few pairs of gloves.

Some other items you might consider bringing along include 8re chains, spare set of

warm clothes, siphon pump, reflec8ve safety vest, emergency strobes, whistle, roll of toilet paper, disposable camera, light s8cks and important paperwork, such as IDs, vehicle registra8on, emergency contacts and health insurance cards.

If you are involved in an accident, you should be sure to move your car to a safe

nearby loca8on, but do not leave the scene.


Check to see if anyone is hurt and call 911 for medical assistance. Also, contact the

police and they will tell you if an officer needs to be present.

If your car is significantly damaged and not drivable, you should call a towing provider.

Informa8on that you should exchange with the driver of the other vehicle involved in

the accident includes names, phone numbers, insurance company name and policy numbers. You should also get the names and contact numbers of all occupants and any of witnesses. Do not reveal your policy limits or admit fault to anyone other than your insurance carrier.

At the scene of the accident, make sure to note the loca8on and take photos of the

accident scene and all vehicles involved. If emergency services respond to the scene, obtain the police report number, phone number and officer name and badge number.

If it’s necessary to report a claim do it as soon as possible, claims involving injury and

significant property damage are required to be reported.




We are pleased to announce the start of our 2015

TriCounty scholarship programs available to high school students in Nassau, Queens, Kings and Richmond Coun8es. These programs started many years ago and have become so popular more than 200 applicants now apply each year.

They are named for 2 outstanding leaders of our

organiza8on who died long before their 8me. The Joel S. Pollack Memorial Scholarship offers $2,500 to a gradua8ng high school student, planning to aUend college, for the best essay in a chosen topic involving either driving safety or insurance. This year’s ques8on is: “A proposal has been suggested that would lock a phone arer the first offense of tex8ng while driving. Do you think this is fair and reasonable? What else can you suggest as a way to deter drivers from tex8ng while driving?”

One winner will be chosen in the spring and a check for $2,500 will be mailed

to his or her chosen college for educa8onal expenses arer enrollment.

The Stephen T. Dooley Community Service Scholarship is awarded to a

gradua8ng student who has performed exemplary community service throughout high school. This winner, too, must be headed for college and a check for $2,500 will be mailed to their planned educa8onal ins8tu8on to be applied towards expenses.

A mailing has gone out to our list of high schools in the TriCounty region and

the applica8on is also available on our website –

If you know someone or have a family member who is eligible to receive either

of these awards, be sure to let them know. [37]

January 8, 2015

TRI COUNTY INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS The Tri County Independent Insurance Agents Association is getting ready to start the award process for our two prestigious memorial awards. As professionals who are involved in our local communities, we are offering two awards to qualifying seniors attending high schools in these communities. If you know any graduating seniors who will be heading to college next fall make sure they apply for these awards.

The “JOEL S. POLLACK” Memorial Scholarship. On Memorial Day weekend in 1998, a drunk driver tragically killed one of our esteemed members. Joel was 35 years of age and was a highly regarded member of our industry and believed strongly in continuing education. Tri County established an educational scholarship in his honor to assist a graduating high school senior in furthering his or her education. Tri County will award $2,500 scholarship to the wining student in the graduating class of 2015, to be used towards education expenses at the college of their choice.

The “STEPHEN T. DOOLEY COMMUNITY SERVICE” Scholarship. Steve was a major influence in the formation of the Tri County Association. He was president of our organization, a highly respected insurance professional and very active in his community, mostly as a volunteer in charity and youth activities. Steve died from cancer in February 2005 and we thought there was no finer way to honor him than to establish an ongoing scholarship in his memory, in the areas he cherished and worked so hard in. $2,500 will be awarded to a high school graduate who has shown exemplary community service, to be used towards college expenses.

The following will be considered when evaluating the winning applicants for each award. Joel S. Pollack Scholarship

Stephen T. Dooley Community Service

* Completion of essay

* Involvement in community service

* Completed scholarship application

* Completed scholarship application

* Academic Transcript

* Signature of school official

No e-mails, faxes or submissions requiring a signature please. First class mail ONLY. Mail to: TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association P.O. Box 316, Albertson, NY 11507-0316 All submissions must be postmarked on or before March 31, 2015 Applicants may apply for both awards and must mail the application(s) and supporting documents to our association address above. These forms may also be downloaded from our website – Winners will be posted on our website – Look for the names after May 10th

TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association – 2015 Awards.


The “Joel S. Pollack Memorial Scholarship”Award Criteria. • • •

Nominee must be a student in good standing at a participating school. Nominee must have an exemplary academic record. Please include transcript. Nominee must write an essay as noted on the application.

AWARD The TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association will award a $2,500 scholarship to a graduating high school senior in the class of 2015 who is planning to attend college. Student must have an “A” average and must complete the essay that will be judged by the scholarship committee. This award will be in the form of a check sent to the education institution/college selected by the winner, to be placed in the student’s account. ++++++++++++++++++

The “Stephen T. Dooley Community Service” Award Criteria. • • • •

Nominee must be a student in good standing at a participating school. Nominee must have an exemplary record of VOLUNTEER service for the betterment of his or her community. This award is not based on grades. Nominee must be a positive role model. Nominee will be judged on his/her community service involvement throughout high school.

AWARD TriCounty IIAA will award a $2,500 scholarship to a graduating high school senior in the class of 2015 who is planning to attend college. Applicant must demonstrate an outstanding dedication to the community. This award will be in the form of a check sent to the education institution/college selected by the winner, to be placed in the student’s account. +++++++++++++++++++++ NOMINATIONS: Nominations for both awards will be solicited from each participating school in the counties of Nassau, Queens, Kings and Staten Island. Students may apply for one or both awards. Applications must be submitted in writing and mailed to TriCounty IIAA., P.O. Box 316, Albertson, NY 11507-0316 before March 31, 2015. No faxes, e-mails or applications requiring a signature will be accepted.

“STEPHEN T. DOOLEY COMMUNITY SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP” APPLICATION Please print or type Name ___________________________________Tel: ___________________E-mail: ______________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Attach a list of “Community Service” activities you participated in during your 4 years of high school showing dates of involvement, approximate number of hours devoted to the activity, special recognition or awards you received for “Community Service” and any other pertinent information you would like to have considered for this scholarship. (Note: This award is NOT based on grades.) What college are you considering for the fall? _____________________________________________________

The following is to be completed by a school authority. 1. Participating High School: Name _____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Reviewing Party: Your name and position at the school __________________________________________ ____________________________________Telephone No. (Extension, if any) ____________________________ 3. To the best of your knowledge, is this an accurate representation of the extra curricular activities for this student? ________ _____________________________________________________________ (yes or no) Signature

All entries must be postmarked before March 31, 2015 Mail ‘First Class’ to: TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association PO Box 316 Albertson, NY 11507-0316 THIS APPLICATION MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED ON THE INTERNET AT: WWW.TRICOUNTYAGENTS.COM For further information call our administration office at 516-621-2209 or e-mail:

“JOEL S. POLLACK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP” APPLICATION Please print or type Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Tel Number ___________________E-mail _________________________________________ Name of high school you are now attending: _______________________________________ School address: _______________________________________Tel# ____________________ What college are you considering for the fall? ______________________________________

Attach your transcript and an essay in response to the following question: A proposal has been suggested that would lock a phone after the first offense of texting while driving. Do you think this is fair and reasonable? What else can you suggest as a way to deter drivers from texting while driving. All submissions must be postmarked on or before March 31, 2015. Mail ‘First Class’ to: TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association P.O. Box 316 Albertson, NY 11507-0316 THIS APPLICATION MAY BE OBTAINED ON THE INTERNET AT:

WWW.TRICOUNTYAGENTS.COM For further information contact our administration office at 516-621-2209 or e-mail:

Pryor Personnel Agency Inc. The Insurance Specialist since 1970 local, National and International Recruitment

Phone (516) 935-0100


OFFICERS President Frank J. Elorza Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2387 fax: 516-742-70711 Vice President Peter Phillips

Phillips Brokerage, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 718-545-4700 fax: 718-545-8531 Treasurer Adam P. Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency 261-20 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 718-343-6450 Secretary James G. Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 347-721-9839

Immediate Past President Robert E. Mackoul, CLU Mackoul & Associates 25 Nassau Lane Island Park, NY 11558 516-431-9100 fax: 516-431-4641

DIRECTORS Dean S. Aloia Aloia McKinnon Ins. Brokerage. 7801 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-836-8000 x 310 Ronald Brunell, CIC B&B Coverage, Ltd. 1 East Lincoln Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11582 516-872-2300

Andrew Chong Andrew.Chong@arcunderwrit ARC Underwriting Partners Inc. 73 Cuttermill Rd Great Neck, NY 11021 Phone: (516) 726-1500

Alex Giraldo Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2443 Neil Levy, CPA, CFP CBS Coverage Group, Inc. 111 Express Street Plainview, NY11803

(516) 938-9000 Chris Wukovits AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 877-5219

OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Publisher Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265

IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board James D. Sutton, CPCU, AAI, CIC James F. Sutton Agency, Ltd. 143-149 Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 631-446-3165 IIABNY President & CEO Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 800-962-7950 516-568-0800

Regional Director (L.I.) Kevin R. Crossley AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place, Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2256

Committees 2014- 2015 Communications, Public Relations & Website Chris Wukovits - Chair, Ron Brunell, Alex Giraldo, Andrew Chong, Neil Levy, Jeanne Abatelli

Downstate Ron Brunell, Frank Elorza, James Bastian

Scholarship Andrew Chong & Peter Phillips - Co- Chairs, Eileen Black, Pat Calvert

IIABNY Liaison & Member Services Alex Giraldo - Chair, Frank Elorza, Adam Erickson, Kevin Crossley, Pat Calvert

Legislation and InsurPac Dean Aloia and Bob Mackoul - Co-Chairs, Peter Phillips , Chris Wukovits, Steve Folan

Meetings & Programs Ron Brunell, Chair, Adam Erickson, James Bastian, Dean Aloia, Neil Levy, Steve Visco, Jeanne Abatelli, Pat Calvert

Golf Outing "

Bob Mackoul, Chair, Frank Elorza, Kevin Crossley, James Bastian

Installation Dinner "

Peter Phillips, Frank Elorza, Jeanne Abatelli, Pat Calvert

Next Gen Adam Erickson and Neil Levy – Co- Chairs, Andrew Chong, Alex Giraldo

Sponsors & Advertising Jeanne Abatelli, Chair, James Bastian, Alex Giraldo

Tri Lines Jeanne Abatelli, Chair, James Bastian, Chris Wukovits, Pat Calvert

Tri-County members are invited to join a committee of their choice. Please contact a committee member or Pat Calvert 516-621-2209 for details.

Advertisers Insurance Companies & Markets Interboro Insurance Group Peter Resnick 155 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: 516-248-1100 Fax: 516-746-1884 Email:presnick@interboroinsuran Magna Carta Companies Lou Masucci 1 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 Toll Free: 1-888-ONE PARK Phone: 212-591-9500 Fax: 212-591-9621 Morstan General Agency Inc. Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050 New Empire Group 214 W Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561

Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351 NIF Group Michael Orlando Nancy Williams 30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 Phone: 516-365-7440 Fax: 516-496-7356

RMS Insurance Brokerage Mark Derrenberger 100 Ring Rd W Suite 200 Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: (516) 742-8585 Email: m

Insurance Services

Pryor Personnel Agency Patricia Pryor Bonica 147 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-935-0100 Fax: 516-931-7842 Email:

Table & Holiday Sponsors Click on the company name to visit their website Adirondack Insurance Michele Russo 3 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite 201S Melville NY 11747 Tel: 631-793-4909 Email: Advantage Partners James Bastian 3719 Broadway, 2nd Floor Astoria, New York 11103 Phone: 866-443-8859 Email: Champion Adjustment Company Glen Rosenbloom 420 Jericho Turnpike Suite 102 Jericho NY 11753 Tel : 516.935-2800 Fax: 516-935-2805 E-mail: CNA Insurance David De Vinney 395 North Service Road Suite 400 Melville NY 11747 Phone: (631) 952-8724 Complex Coverage/Ocean Harbor Casualty Insurance Company Peter Dragone 7 High Street, Suite 408

Huntington NY 11743 Phone: (631) 547-5959 Fax: (631) 547-5005 Email: m Friedlander Group Maria Thomas 2500 Westchester Avenue, Ste 400A Purchase NY 10577 Phone: (914) 694-6000 Fax: (914) 694-6004 Email: Hanover Insurance Company 100 Jericho Quad, Ste 236 Jericho NY 11753 Phone: (516) 733-6400

Email:presnick@interboroinsuran Kemper Preferred Laure Rooker McKenna Phone: (631) 271-6938 Email: Kingstone Insurance Company John Reiersen, CPCU 15 Joys Lane Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 845-340-8366 Fax: 845-340-8393 Email: Mackoul & Associates Robert Mackoul 25 Nassau Lane Island Park NY 11561 Phone: (516) 431-8300 Fax: (516) 431-5351 Email:

Harleysville Group Tracy Benison 120 Front Street


Worcester MA 01608 Phone: 800-225-7387 Fax: 617-899-5937 Email:

Greg Duddy 901 Franklin Ave Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 1-855-MAPFRE2 Email:

Interboro AutoOne Insurance

Morstan General Agency, Inc.

Peter Resnick

Al Eskanazy, Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050

155 Mineola Blvd Mineola NY 11501 Phone: 516-248-1100 Fax: 516-741-7839

Table & Holiday Sponsors Click on the company name to visit their website

NBIC Donna Doyle Phone: (516) 352-2764 Fax: (516) 352-2793 Email: New Empire Group James O'Neill 214 W Park Avenu Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351 m Progressive Francine Gabreluk Phone: 800-274-4055 ext 54445 Fax: 888-316-0107 Email: francine_gabreluk@progressive.c om

Servpro of Port Port Jefferson Risa Kluger 501 Middle Country Rd. Coram, NY 11727 Phone: 631-476-5300 Fax: 631-476-16695 Email: m Servpro of Hicksville/Plainview 516-733-1800 516-433-5511 Superior Payment Plan Helen Lee Nigro Superior Payment Plan, LLC 6450 Transit Road Depew, NY 14043 Phone: (716) 206-8237 Fax: (716) 206-8288 Email:

Travelers John Farese Two Jericho Plaza Jericho NY 11753 Phone: (516) 933-3900 Email: Total Restoration, Inc. Dennis Lombardi 285 Post Avenue Westbury NY 11590 Phone: 516-333-5333 Fax: 516-333-5489 Email:




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