Trilines Publication Mar/Apr 2014

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March/April 2014 L-Day March 25th in Albany




Robert E. Mackoul, CLU President

! As!I!write!my!message!for!this!issue!of!Tri3lines,! snow!and!ice!are!s9ll!covering!the!ground!and!pot!holes! are!everywhere.!!Hopefully,!this!long!winter!will!be!behind! us!shortly!and!we!can!look!forward!to!the!warmth!of! spring!which,!according!to!the!calendar,!is!right!around! the!corner.!TriCounty!offerings!in!March!promise!to!be! huge!as!we!welcome!two!great!events. ! The!first!is!a!combined!mee9ng!with!IIAB!Suffolk! County!on!March!13!where!our!featured!speaker!will!be! Chris!Paradiso,!the!marke9ng!genius!from!Stafford! Springs,!Connec9cut.!From!this!small!town!just!south!of! the!MassachuseKs!border,!Paradiso!has!wriKen!over!8! million!dollars!in!personal!insurance!in!the!past!5!years! using!social!media!networking!as!one!of!his!key!marke9ng! tools.!His!success!led!to!Rough!Notes!magazine!choosing! him!as!their!cover!story!in!2009!and!subsequently!to!his! addi9on!to!the!Rough!Notes!editorial!board.!Chris!is! coming!down!to!tell!us!how!we!can!use!his!proven! formulas!for!success!in!growing!our!businesses.!!If!there! was!ever!a!“can’t!miss!mee9ng”,!this!is!the!one!!!!Plan!to! bring!your!marke9ng!people!with!you!because!it!is! guaranteed!that!you!will!all!take!vital!informa9on!back!to! your!office.!!Register!now!at! ! The!second!event!is!our!annual!‘L3day’!(Legisla9ve! Day)!on!March!25!when!we!meet!with!our!elected!officials! in!Albany!to!discuss!cri9cal!issues!that!affect!our!industry.! Contrary!to!what!you!may!think,!this!annual!mee9ng!with! our!State!legislators,!Senators!and!Assemblymen/women! makes!a!huge!difference!on!how!they!approach!different!

measures.!The!overriding!sen9ment!is!that!when! legislators!meet!with!people!from!their!district,!there!is!a! truly!posi9ve!result.!A`er!Superstorm!Sandy,!s9ll!a!painful! memory!for!many!of!us,!and!through!efforts!of!the!Big!‘I’,! our!legislators!tuned!in!to!the!insurance!industry!and,!as!a! result,!have!been!more!aKuned!to!legisla9on!that!benefit! our!clients!and!their!cons9tuents..! ! One!of!our!key!points!this!year!is!legisla9on!to! correct!the!injus9ces!of!the!labor!law!or!scaffold!law,! Sec9ons!220!&!221!under!current!NY!law. ! Be!part!of!change!!3!Make!the!trip!to!Albany!and!join! other!members!of!TriCounty.!There!is!no!cost!to!you!as! IIABNY!pays!all!expenses!at!the!capitol,!including!lunch.! You!will!learn!a!great!deal!and!be!a!part!of!influencing! needed!change!that!will!affect!the!future.!Go!to!!for!more!details!–!and!be!sure! register!! !! Please!stay!safe!trying!to!avoid!the!giant!potholes!in! and!out!of!town.!I,!along!with!members!of!the!TriCounty! Board!of!Directors,!look!forward!to!seeing!you!on!both! March!13th,!and!in!Albany!on!March!25th.!!Please!call!me! at!516327931241!or!Pat!Calvert!(516362132209)!for!more! informa9on!on!these!events.









Meet the Speaker

Christopher Paradiso is one of the most

passionate, dynamic agency owners in the insurance industry today. His willingness to embrace change and adopt technology has taken his agency to the next level. Chris has been acknowledged by several insurance publications, such as Rough Notes Magazine (Cover Agent), The Insurance Journal, and PIA as a leader in the industry for his use of digital marketing and social media to help brand his agency and promote other small businesses within the his community. Chris has also been recognized for his charity work with The Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.

In 2011, Chris was excited to introduce “Paradiso Presents LLC”, a social

media program aimed at teaching small agencies how not only survive, but compete in today’s complex online marketing world. Chris resides in Stafford Springs, CT with his wife and two children, Mia and Gianni.

The Future Is Mobile by Chris Paradiso

Mobile has fundamentally transformed every element of consumer behavior and how businesses engage with them…and that includes insurance. We may be known as tech dinosaurs but this is our chance to catch up. If you don’t add mobile to your marketing mix, prospects won’t find you. If you don’t add the right kind of mobile, your customer service will lag and you’ll miss out on growth opportunities. Mobile is exploding and I’m taking full advantage of that explosive growth to increase the value of my existing customers and add new ones. According to Flurry Analytics, overall app use in 2013 posted 115% yearover-year growth. Utility and Productivity apps posted the second largest gain of 150%, and 80% of the time that a user spends with their mobile device is spent inside apps. Smartphones are the new personal computer and self service is the short-cut to productivity. The right use of mobile, and the right app selection, promises engagement that ensures customer loyalty and service that creates growth. My agency is engaging with customers when and where they need help, and our seamless onetouch experience positions us as their center-point for their insurance needs. For insurance agencies “mobile” falls into two categories: the mobile web and the mobile app, and each has different purposes, outcomes and audiences. Both are critical components of every agency’s marketing strategy. The mobile web means optimizing your website to be viewed on a mobile device. Every agency should optimize for mobile so prospects can find your agency (think SEO), and navigate to a few main areas of your website. The mobile web should not be your whole website. It should provide quick links to the most asked-for info. My mobile website makes me visible and easily accessible – that’s important because mobile searches are projected to overtake desktop searches very soon.

The Future Is Mobile con’t

My agency’s mobile marketing app, Insurance Agent, revamped the way I engage, service and communicate with my existing customers. I knew I wanted an app but most apps I looked at did little more than offer contact information and email functionality. I wanted to offer my clients something that would add value for them and my agency. Most apps don’t offer any meaningful way for me to engage with my clients, or tell me which of my clients has my app. I needed something all my clients could use, offers utility and productivity features to add value, and helps my agency see up-sell and cross-sell opportunities when they arise. Insurance Agent is engineered to meet the marketing and sales needs of my agency, and also has an outstanding user experience for my customers. The result is an enterprise-level app that “nails it” with its depth of features and functionality, seamless one touch experience for customers, and customer engagement that is personalized and relevant. Other features include:

The Future Is Mobile con’t - Built in distribution of the app with the click of a button - Tracking of who has the app and how it is being used - Bill pay & claims phone numbers/links for my companies - Notifications/Alerts/Updates can be sent to all my customers - Segmented notifications can be sent to select customers - Mobile claims kit & accident report(s) - Easy-to-use home inventory app within the app - Single-point management and access to shared customer inventory and accident reports, data feedback & referrals The sign-up process couldn’t have been easier… there’s no long-term contract, and it is engineered it for the long term. Now you can be present for your clients, and cost-effectively catapult your agency onto the mobile platform with the Insurance Agent mobile marketing application. Decades ago agencies were told that the web would alter our business. It has, and it is important NOT to think of mobile as a shrunken version of the web. Mobile is just as evolutionary as the web was in the 1990’s. As Flurry Analytics says: “It’s an app world…the web just lives in it.” Your agency must invest in mobile tools that can help you market and grow your business. Research says that up to ¾ of your customers are now using smartphones, and they expect your agency to have a meaningful presence on their device. Now you can with the Insurance Agent mobile marketing app.

Study Says N.Y. ‘Scaffold Law’ Drives Up Construction Costs, Causes Injuries A new study published this month challenges the claim that New York’s Labor Law 240, also known as the “Scaffold Law,” improves workplace safety. The study argues New York incurs additional workplace accidents because of the Scaffold Law and that the law diverts millions of dollars to lawsuits, legal costs and insurance. For over 30 years, New York’s Scaffold Law has been a frequent target of debate in Albany, according to the nonprofit New York Civil Justice Institute, which commissioned the study. The study was jointly conducted by researchers at the University at Albany and Cornell UniversityProponents of reform, including contractors, businesses and local governments, charge that the absolute liability standard of the Scaffold Law is outdated and unnecessarily drives up costs for construction in New York, the nonprofit group said, while those opposing reform counter that placing absolute liability onto contractors and property is essential for workplace safety. The nonprofit group quotes the study researchers as saying that, “analysis indicates that Labor Law 240 [Scaffold Law] increases the construction injury rate in the occupations to which it is applied with a very high degree of confidence.” The study said New York incurs, on average, 677 more workplace accidents per year because of the Scaffold Law. In addition, the group said researchers at the University at Albany reviewed hundreds of cases and public filings and discovered that the Scaffold Law diverts at least $785 million of public money away from schools and local governments towards lawsuits, legal costs and insurance. The study also analyzed the effect of the $785 million public sector cost on the rest of economy, as well as the cost of the Scaffold Law on the private sector, which is estimated at $1.487 billion. Researchers said these two costs — along with the associated legal costs, workers’ compensation payments, medical costs and other costs — bring the total estimated cost of the Scaffold Law to between $2.92 billion and $3.01 billion dollars annually. Source: The New York Civil Justice Institute

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Helping Independent Insurance Agents with Accounting, Auditing, Bookkeeping & Taxes

The Tri County Independent Insurance Agents Association is getting ready to start the award process for our two prestigious memorial awards. As professionals who are involved in our local communities, we are offering two awards to qualifying seniors attending high schools in these communities. If you know any graduating seniors who will be heading to college next fall make sure they apply for these awards. Applicants may apply for both awards and must mail the application(s) and supporting documents. These forms may also be downloaded from our website –

2014 Tri-County Meeting Sponsors

On behalf of TriCounty we would like to express our sincere appreciation for

the remarkable support rendered by the following sponsors at our January Networking Meeting: January Meeting Sponsors Advantage Partners Lighthouse Specialty Brokers Progressive Total Restoration

2014 Networking Event Pictures

Andrew Chong, Brandon Conway & Frank Elorza

Tim Madden of Standard Security Life Insurance & Ross VanDeventer of NIF Group

Tim Sweeney of MAPFRE with Jamie Deapop, IIABNY & Joan Marsanico of Community Brokerage II

Ken Hehir & Kevin Crossley

Rick Longueira & Dean Aloia

Steve, Evan & Jason

James Bastian, Robert Mackoul President TriCounty, Peter & Joanna Phillip, Monica Murphy of Progressive and Charlie Frazer

Our Sponsors Joe Caligiuri, Lighthouse Specialty Brokers & Monica Murphy, Progressive with Charlie Frazer TriCounty Member

Lloyd Gutin, Joanna Phillips with our Sponsor Dennis Lombardi, Total Restoration

Auto | Home | Renters | Condo | Umbrella

Sense of


You’ll find a quality partner in us.

MAPFRE Insurance Company of New York is a leading auto and home insurer in part because of our strong partnerships with independent agents. These partnerships allow us to offer customers products and services they can trust with the financial stability and experience of a local industry leader. Connect with us today to see how MAPFRE Insurance can better serve you and your customers.





MAPFRE InsuranceSM is a brand and service mark of MAPFRE U.S.A. Corp and its affiliate, MAPFRE Insurance Company of New York (Garden City, NY).


Don’t Wait! Julie MacConnell, IIABNY


on’t wait another day to complete your profile on Why?

1. Consumers are Looking for You! We all know consumers are researching insurance online before purchasing. We also know direct writers are winning in this space. is YOUR chance to compete. 2. You Aren’t Showing Up at the Top Unless you have completed and published your enhanced profile, your agency is NOT showing up in the top results group for your area. You may be listed below agents further away. Good news - it’s a quick fix. Complete you profile! Where does your agency show up on the list? Look now. 3. Help is Standing By The Project CAP team can help you any time at (855) 372-0070. process. Visit the IIABNY website for additional resources. Complete your profile today! Simply follow the guide on the right!

Quick profile tips: Your primary image can be a logo, photo of your building or staff. You can often find this on your website and save to your desktop by right-clinking on the image. Then, it will be easy to upload to CAP! Your position statement is a short description about your business and its unique value. You may be able to copy this from your website or facebook page.

Your Day in Albany is Just Around the Corner “L Day” – your day in Albany to bring our industry’s message to legislators – is just around the corner. Hosted by our state association on March 25, 2014 this one-day event is your opportunity to tell legislators face-to-face about the real issues that impact your customers and your livelihood. You don’t need to be an expert; you can show your support with your presence. IIABNY will provide us with all the information we need to discuss the important issues, including scaffold law reform, coastal insurance and certificates of insurance. Legislators listen when their constituents take the time to come to Albany. Don’t leave it to “someone else”…the more who attend from our local association, the better represented we are. Here’s the schedule for the day:

9:00 am – first Legislative Issues Briefing for early arrivals

10:15 am – second Legislative Issues Briefing

Morning visits with legislators

11:30 am – 1:30 pm – Continuous buffet luncheon for attendees and their


Afternoon visits with legislators if needed BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE – join your fellow agents on March 25 in Albany. Together we make a difference. Register for L Day

! Join Us

This is your chance to tell legislators how this antiquated law is driving up business costs and preventing job growth by: Increasing insurance costs on construction projects for both building owners and contractors Severely restricting insurance markets for construction projects Preventing construction projects from proceeding due to lack of coverage, costing New York State jobs Driving up cost of construction when coverage can be obtained

We Will Also Be Urging Legislators To Develop a workable solution that will prohibit third parties from requiring producers to issue certificates of insurance that misstate the terms and conditions of underlying insurance policy. Develop rules that provide meaningful

standardization of hurricane deductible triggers without negatively impacting market availability. Support legislation that would place the State Insurance Fund (SIF) on an even footing with other insurers providing workers’ compensation.

We can help you schedule in-office appointments with your legislators or invite him or her to the IIABNY L Day luncheon to discuss the issues. Your local legislative liaison is also a great resource.

Queens County - Andrew Chong p: 718.359.3939 e:

We will provide you with the background on the key issues, along with talking points and leave behinds.

BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE. Join Your Fellow Agents on March 25th Register Now!

5784 Widewaters Pkwy 1st Floor Dewitt, NY 13214 800.962.7950

L-Day by Adam Erickson - Carlstan North Hills Agency, Inc. On March 25, 2014 several of your fellow TriCounty members as well as other agents and brokers from across the state, will make the trip to Albany for IIABNY’s annual legislative day or “L Day”. It is IIABNY’s premier legislative event designed to bring agents and their elected representatives together to discuss the priority issues for our industry. This year’s priority issue is Scaffold Law Reform. We are all very familiar with this antiquated law and its negative effects on our industry. This law drives up business costs, prevents job growth and prevents construction projects from occurring. This is your chance to tell legislators how devastating the Labor Law is. It is also your chance to discuss other important priority issues in IIABNY’s legislative paper such as the difficulty we still face regarding certificates of insurance. As proven in the past we truly can make a difference. Some of IIABNY’s recent legislative victories include producer participation in the NY Health Insurance Exchange, increasing the Automobile Accident surcharge threshold and the establishment of a permanent NYPIUA. All state positions are up for election this year which means members of the legislature will likely be even more receptive to hearing from us. We need as much support as we can get. The more of us that attend, the more of an impact we will make. Hope to see you there.


ANNUAL CHARITY EVENT Honoring STEVEN LEVIN OF RPS INS. for their support and dedication to our organization and our charities Casino * Chinese Auction * Silent Auction * Dancing Buffet Dinner and Open Bar Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Time: 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. Place: Crest Hollow Country Club Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, NY $75 per person; $700 for table of 10 people PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO THE NASSAU COUNTY COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THE LONG ISLAND SPECIAL OLYMPICS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reservation Form Name:&_________________________________________________________ Agency/Company:&___________________________________________ No.&of&A3endees:_____________________________________________ Amount&enclosed:&____________________ Send&check&and&reserva>on&form&to: &WINLI&c/o&Jane&Leslie&Besser &25&Wildwood&Gardens&Apt&A2 &&&&&&&&PortWashington,&NY&&11050 EOmail:&&Jane&Besser& CREDIT&CARDS&ACCEPTED!!!

Education Program I am happy to announce our Education Program for FNYIP’s 71st Convention at the Ramada Inn, Fishkill New York. We have arranged for 8 credits of “bridge” classes (most licenses) and “GREAT SPEAKERS” (Dee Macheda, Jim Keidel, Chris Weldon). As noted on the attached Registration Form – our Education Programs are open to the General Public –at is a substantial savings (more than $50) to other FNYIP & IIABWC members and education guest. Please complete the Registration Form and return it to me via USPS; email or facsimile – before March 1st. Be sure to share the information with your friends and associates that are in need of Continuing Education Credits.

Should you have any questions, please contact me.

I look forward to seeing you soon,(April 24 – 27, 2014), in Fishkill

Best regards and wishes for a wonderful 2014

Sincerely, Federation of New York Insurance Professionals, Inc.

Janice Goody CIC FIPC Education Chairperson 1378 Oakfield Av Wantagh, NY 11793 516 221 3119

FNYIP EDUCATION REGISTRATION FORM 71st Annual Convention – Fishkill, New York Education Program Sponsor: ELANY – Excess Lines Association of New York

FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2014 / 8:00 am to 12:00 pm 30-minute coffee break will be taken to visit vendors

“A NEW LOOK@ THE ABC’S OF E&O LOSS CONTROL” 4 Credits (approval pending) – All Licenses Sponsor: Keidel, Weldon & Cunningham LLP Instructor: James C. Keidel, Esq. & Christopher B. Weldon Esq. Members (Plan A or Plan B) Course & Lunch No Charge

Non Members __ Course Fee $60.00 __ Lunch Additional $25.00

You must be pre-registered to receive CE Credit. If you plan to attend, check all that apply.

Friday, April 25 2014 / 1:45 pm to 5:45 pm 30-minute coffee break will be taken to visit vendors

“DON’T DO THE CRIME IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD THE FINE” 4 CE Credits – All License Types (approved)

Sponsor: Independent Agents & Brokers of New York Instructor: Valeeta Dee Macheda MS, AAI, AINS, AIS, ITF IIABNY Curriculum Development, Design & Instruction Specialist

Member (Plan A or Plan B) Course & Lunch No Charge

Non Members __ Course Fee $60.00* Course fee subsidized by FNYIP __ Lunch Additional $25.00

You must be pre-registered to receive CE Credit. If you plan to attend, check all that apply.

Name: __________________________________________________________________ License # __________________________ Agency Name: ___________________________________________________________Email: _____________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City: _______________State/Zip Code: _____________ Phone (____) ____-_______Fax (___) _____-_______ Date of Birth ___/ ____/ _____ Social Security (last 4 digits) # __________

Great Opportunity Low Course Fees!

Members registered for convention Plan A or B – No Cost Non-Member fees apply for Members registered for convention plan C or D

Non Member + Plan C/D Indicate Fees Being Paid ___ Friday Morning $60.00 ___ Friday Lunch $25.00 ___ Friday Afternoon $60.00


Multi Course Savings Full Day Friday (2 classes plus lunch)


Mail completed registration form to: Janice Goody 1378 Oakfield Ave, Wantagh, NY 11793

PRIOR TO 3/30/2014 Non member include your check payable to FNYIP



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Quaker Special Risk P.O. Box 1350 Eatontown, NJ 07724 800-447-4180 • Fax 732-223-9072

IIABNY SEMINAR CALENDAR – First Half of 2014 in Nassau and Suffolk Counties (also Queens & NYC)

The following seminars will be held at Four Points Sheraton, Plainview 3/13/14 3/18/14 3/21/14 3/26/14 4/01/14 4/10/14 4-29-14 5/08/14 3/13/14 5/15/14 6/18/14

NYAIP Producer Procedures……....................................................................(1/2 day-am) What’s New in Comm.Prpt & CGL? ……………….................................................(1/2 day) Personal Lines, 2014………….…………………….............................................…..(full day) Absolute Liability-NY Scaffold Law & Courts…….......................................…(half day-am) Affordable Care Act……………………….........................................................(half day-am) Don’t Do the Crime if You Can’t Afford The Fine….........................................(half day-am) Ins. Production Environment – AAI 83-B……...............................................……...(full day) Specialized Insurance – AAI 82-C……………...............................................……..(full day) NYAIP Producer Procedures……....................................................................(1/2 day-am) NYAIP Producer Procedures……....................................................................(1/2 day-am) Professional Development (ACSR Mod 5)………...............................................…(full day)

The following seminars will be held at Adria Hotel, Bayside 6/20/14

NYAIP Producer Procedures……………............…………...........................…(half day-am)

The following seminars will be held at Belfor Restoration in Ronkonkoma, unless noted otherwise. 3/25/14 4/09/14 5/20/14

Absolute Liability-NY Scaffold Law & Courts……..................................….…(half day-am) Don’t Do the Crime if You Can’t Afford The Fine…….....................................(half day-am) E&O LIVE ………..… Hyatt Regency LI, Hauppauge ....................................(half day-am)

The following seminar will be held at Swiss Re American Holding Co. in NYC 5/21/14

E&O LIVE …………………………………………..............................................(half day-am)

For a complete schedule and registration form, log on to Go to the ‘Education’ link and click ‘Ed Calendar. For more information, call IIABNY’s Education Department at 1-800-962-7950.

BuddĂŠ French Cleaners, Inc.,is a full service dry cleaning plant equipped for processing all volume fire, soot, smoke, odor and water restoration dry cleaning claims. We provide a full range of services including on-location inventory, specialty garment care, and storage facilities insured in excess of $1,000,000.00. BuddĂŠ French Cleaners, Inc. 107-11 Metropolitan Ave. Forest Hills, New York 11375-6820 Voice: (718) 263-7474 Voice: (718) 263-7575 Fax: (718) 263-1545

Pryor Personnel Agency Inc. The Insurance Specialist since 1970 local, National and International Recruitment

Phone (516) 935-0100

OFFICERS & DIRECTORS OFFICERS President Robert E. Mackoul, CLU Mackoul & Associates 25 Nassau Lane Island Park, NY 11558 516-431-9100 fax: 516-431-4641 Vice President Frank J. Elorza Club Agency 1051 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2387 fax: 516-742-70711 Treasurer Peter Phillips pphillips@phillipsbrokerage.c om Phillips Brokerage, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 718-545-4700 fax: 718-545-8531 Secretary Adam P. Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency 261-20 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 718-343-6450

Immediate Past President Steven Visco, PhD, AAI C.H. Edwards, Inc. 791 South Main Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 516-249-5200 fax: 516-249-5255

DIRECTORS Dean S. Aloia Aloia McKinnon Ins. Brokerage. 7801 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-836-8000 x 310 James G. Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 347-721-9839 Ronald Brunell, CIC B&B Coverage, Ltd. 1 East Lincoln Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11582 516-872-2300

Andrew Chong HD Underwriting Agency Inc. 159-15 Northern Blvd Suite 102 Flushing NY 11358 718-359-2003 Theodore Garatziotis Narrows Insurance Agency, Inc. 9201 Fourth Ave., 7th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-745-1500 Alex Giraldo Club Agency 1051 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2443

OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Publisher Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265

IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board Andrew Kaufman Autora, Inc. 120 Broadway Albany, NY 12204 Phone: 518-449-3180 800-962-7950 IIABNY President & CEO Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 800-962-7950 516-568-0800 Chair Elect of the Board

James D. Sutton, CPCU, AAI, CIC James F. Sutton Agency, Ltd. 143-149 Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 631-446-3165 Regional Director (L.I.) Kevin R. Crossley AAA of New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place, Unit A Garden City, NY 11530 516-873-2256

Committees 2013- 2014 Communications/PR & Website: Alex Giraldo (Chair). Frank Elorza, James Bastian &

Jeanne Abatelli.

Downstate: Bob Mackoul, Frank Elorza & Ron Brunell. Scholarship: Peter Phillips (St. John’s School of Risk Management)

Eileen Black (Dooley & Pollack).

IIABNY Liaison & Member Services: (includes ProjectCap & Trusted Choice) James

Bastian (Chair) Frank Elorza & Pat Calvert.

Legislation & InsurPac: Theo Garatziotis & Andrew Chong (Co-Chairs) & Steve Folan Meetings & Programs: Ron Brunell & Adam Erickson (Co-chairs), Steve Visco, James

Bastian, Jeanne Abatelli & Pat Calvert.

‘Boroughs’ Sub-Committee: Peter Phillips & Dean Aloia (Ch-chairs), Theo Garatziotis,

Andrew Chong &Steve Folan

Golf Outing: Bob Mackoul (Chair), Lane Rubin, David Spiro, Kevin Crossley & Jeanne


NextGen Task Force: Adam Erickson (Chair), Theo Garatziotis & Alex Giraldo Sponsorship & Advertising: Jeanne Abatelli, Frank Elorza, & Steve Visco

Tri-County members are invited to join a committee of their choice. Please contact a committee member or Pat Calvert 516-621-2209 for details.

Advertisers Insurance Companies & Markets Magna Carta Companies Lou Masucci 1 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 Toll Free: 1-888-ONE PARK Phone: 212-591-9500 Fax: 212-591-9621 MAPFRE Greg Duddy 901 Franklin Ave Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 1-855-MAPFRE2 Email: Morstan General Agency Inc. Al Eskanazy, Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050

New Empire Group 214 W Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351 NIF Group Michael Orlando Nancy Williams 30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 Phone: 516-365-7440 Fax: 516-496-7356 Program Brokerage Corp. Gary Shapiro, Derek Donnelly 100 Sunnyside Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 Phone: 516-496-1346 Fax: 516-496-1359

Quaker Special Risk Camille Windler 226 5th Avenue, 4th Flr. New York, NY 10001 Phone: 516 428 0716 Fax: 732-223-9072 Email: Brian Botwinick Eatontown, NJ Toll Free: 800-447-4180 Email: VANE Excess & Surplus, Inc. Anthony Cacioppo 103 Fort Salonga Rd, Ste 4 Northport, NY 11768 Phone: 631-366-5353 Email:

Advertisers Insurance Services Pryor Personnel Agency Patricia Pryor Bonica 147 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-935-0100 Fax: 516-931-7842 Email:

Restoration Services BELFOR Gary J. Alexander 60 Raynor Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone: 631-471-3131 x121 Fax: 631-471-2905 BuddeFrench Cleaners, Inc. Bob Teichman, Ilan Yunger 107-11 Metropolitan Ave. Forest Hills, NY 11375 Phone: 718-263-7474 Fax: 718-263-1545 Email: Great American Restoration Services, Inc. David Pinto 2623 N. Jerusalem Rd. East Meadow, NY 11554 Phone: 516-783-5053 Fax: 516-783-5054


January Networking Sponsors Click on the company name to visit their website Advantage Partners James Bastian 3719 Broadway, 2nd Floor Astoria, New York 11103 Phone: 866-443-8859 Email:

Lighthouse Specialty Brokers Joseph Caligiuri 6 First Avenue Bay Shore New York 11706 Tel: (631) 319-6353 Email: Progressive Francine Gabreluk Phone: 800-274-4055 ext 54445 Fax: 888-316-0107 Email: francine_gabreluk@progressive.c om

Total Restoration, Inc. Dennis Lombardi 285 Post Avenue Westbury NY 11590 Phone: 516-333-5333 Fax: 516-333-5489 Email:

VANE Excess and Surplus, Inc. Specializing in the following lines:    

Directors and Officers Liability Employment Practices Liability Professional Liability Cyber Liability Contact: Anthony Cacioppo (631) 366-5353 VANE Excess and Surplus, Inc. 103 Fort Salonga Road, Suite 4 Northport, NY 11768

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