Trilines publication May/Jun Issue

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May/Jun 2015

Join Us on June 15th for Our Annual Installation Dinner PRESIDENTS MESSAGE







Opportunity Knocks

As we head into summer we face some very interes4ng

challenges or as I would prefer to look at them “opportuni4es”. • It’s seems like the cyber risk is everywhere. Small and mid-­‐size companies can also be vic4ms of cyber risk so this obviously gives you an opportunity to educate Frank J. Elorza President

your customers and prospects. • Airbnb & Uber are here to stay and this sets up a new set of challenges to make sure your customers are properly insured. I’m sure your staff is dealing with these types of exposures regularly. So are taking the 4me to educate the employees in our offices on how to add value to the customers and hopefully get a cross sale. • Health Care con4nues to be a hot topic and a door opener for personal and commercial property & casualty sales. • The coastal homeowners insurance market has seem more carriers enter the fray “hope for another quite hurricane season”.





We are so proud to celebrate 100 years of doing business. Times change, people change but our relationships with brokers continues to thrive. We truly look forward to the next 100 years! • Homeowners & New Expanded Multi-Tier HO Product • Multi-Tier Personal Auto • Personal & Commercial Assigned Risk 155 Mineola Boulevard Mineola, NY 11501 516 248-1100


• About one million of the more than 5 million federal flood insurance policyholders will be affected by the increases. • Allstate has joined Geico in raising auto insurance rates. You have to be ready to offer more than just price once this groups starts shopping!

On a slightly different note Tri-­‐County has its installa4on

dinner on June 15th at Chateau Briand (our incoming President is Peter Phillips). We’re planning on a fantas4c event the will be very well aZended by your fellow agents, our carrier partners and a long list of vendors. S4cking with my theme this is a great opportunity to get out and network.

Take the 4me to enjoy your summer with your family

and friends “you deserved it a\er this winter”.

Frank Elorza





It’s Going To Be A Party ! by Peter Phillips

On Monday, June 15th I will be installed as the

TriCounty Big “I” president. We’ve planned a very special evening at Chateau Briand with an outdoor (we hope) cocktail party, short speeches (we promise) during dinner and top-­‐ notch entertainment. Guests will meet some of the brightest students from St. John’s School of Risk Management, three of whom will be awarded $2,500 each for their impressive work.

For the past few years, TriCounty has offered a

scholarship program to St. John’s School of Risk Management to further educa4on of intelligent young people who are interested in a career in insurance. This scholarship program is one I originated and is near and dear to my heart. It is co-­‐sponsored by our insurance company partners and this year they are NatGen, NBIC and Safeco. You’ll meet their representa4ves there also along with some old friends and some new ones too.

There will be a lot going on at this special event and you won’t want to miss it.

So, bring your spouse, partner, staff or a friend, or come alone….. Sign up today at Our board of directors is looking forward to welcoming you. We guarantee a wonderful evening; a\er all, It’s going to be a party!. Peter Phillips If you didn’t receive your invita4on or want more informa4on, please contact Pat Calvert at 516-­‐621-­‐2209 –


TriCounty Installation Dinner Join Us as We Install our New President Peter Phillips Phillips Brokerage, Inc./Advantage Partners, Inc.

& The New TriCounty Board of Directors JUNE 15, 2015 Chateau Briand 440 Old Country Road, Carle Place, NY 11514 6 pm Outdoor Cocktail Reception 7 pm Dinner & Program Register Now at $85.00 per person Please RSVP by May 30th Reservations are Required RESERVATION FOR TRICOUNTY IIAA INSTALLATION DINNER – JUNE 15, 2015 NAME(S) ________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME ________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NO. ___________________________________E-MAIL ___________________________________________ ADDITIONAL NAMES:_____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO TRICOUNTY IIAA MAIL TO: JEANNE ABATELLI * 150 DARTMOUTH DR. * HICKSVILLE, NY 11801 [7]


Lobbying in Washington, DC - 2015 by Stephen Folan

On April 23, six agents from TriCounty IIAA

walked the Halls of Congress to meet with legislators on behalf of all the members of TriCounty. The New York State delega4on scheduled 13 mee4ngs and because of our popula4on, TriCounty was involved in 10 of them. Our main talking points concerned Insurance Regulatory Reform, Flood Insurance, Tax Reform and Healthcare. IIABNY always gives TriCounty praise for the ardent work our organiza4on does in the legisla4ve arena.

While strongly opposing day-­‐to-­‐day federal insurance regula4on, the

Big I experienced a major legisla4ve victory early this year with the passage of NARAB II. This is a cri4cal licensing reform needed by agents and broker who are licensed in mul4ple states. We also explained that the states are much more nimble and able to cope with natural disasters and coverage availability than the federal government would be over a larger area.

Although flood insurance reforms have been passed, we asked the

legislators to work with us in shaping new regula4ons and upgrades to the


flood program when it expires. Work has to start now so that the details can be ironed out and implemented before 2017.

There is much talk about revising the tax code. In any effort to enact

wholesale tax reform, we urged our representa4ves to address individual tax rates along with corporate rates. The majority of TriCounty members are organized as S-­‐ corpora4ons and pass-­‐through en44es. As such, tax returns are filed as individuals. We argued that not addressing small business individual rates as a part of a reform package would create an uneven playing field for Main Street businesses.

Health Care seemed to be the biggest issue we discussed. We asked

Congress to support the “Access to Professional Health Insurance Advisors Act of 2015.” This bill would clarify that agent commission is not part of the Medical Loss Ra4o formula, and help ensure that the professional, licensed guidance of independent agents remains available to consumers.

TriCounty also asked for the repeal or delay of the Affordable Care Act’s

excise tax on high-­‐cost health plans which is scheduled to take effect in 2018. Dubbed the “Cadillac Tax,” this tax provision assesses a 40% excise tax on health plans that exceed an established annual cost. In 2018, health plans exceeding $10,200 a year in value for individuals or $27,500 a year for families will be subject to this 40% tax. Most plans in the TriCounty territory are already close to these limits, and we s4ll have a few years of medical infla4on to add on.


Good news came on April 28th when IIABA found out that Representa4ve

Joe Courtney from Connec4cut introduced the “Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act.” The Big “I” also supports similar legisla4on introduced by Representa4ve Frank Guinta from New Hampshire -­‐ The “Ax the Tax on Middle Class Americans’ Health Plans Act.” Who says you can’t fight city hall? It only took five days for bills to be introduced a\er speaking to our representa4ves.

Thank you to all the agents who took 4me out from their busy work

schedule and spend the 4me figh4ng to make our industry stronger.

With Assemblywoman Kathleen Rice (l-r) Frank Elorza, Stephen Folan, Robert Mackoul, Assemblywoman Kathleen Rice, Evan Portnoy, Adam Erickson and Dean Aloia.


The TriCounty contingency in D.C. (l-r) Frank Elorza, Dean Aloia, Bob Mackoul, Steve Folan, Adam Erickson and Evan Portnoy.

The very impressive United States Capitol



What’s in a name? by Neil Levy CPA, CFP is President of CBS Coverage a division of Assured SKCG

Our industry is constantly being threatened by

commodi4za4on. Direct carriers such as the GEICO’s and Progressives want to save our clients 15% in just 15 minutes. Behemoths such as Google will also being throwing their hat in the ring. So why do our insurance carrier create products with such esoteric names?

One of the mantra’s of Real Estate inves4ng is

loca4on, loca4on, loca4on. In our business, its marke4ng, marke4ng, marke4ng. If that’s the case, why do the manufacturers of our product make it more difficult by naming their products Employment Prac4ces Liability Insurance or Cyber Liability Insurance? Why not call it Discrimina4on & Harassment Insurance or Iden4ty The\ protec4on for your business? Many of the products we promote are difficult to understand and each carrier has nuances that differen4ate their policy from the next guy, but why do they make the 4tles so difficult?

Our clients are intelligent people; they have businesses themselves,

they are successful yet I feel when it comes to insurance we add to their already frustra4ng view of our industry by tou4ng the new product with the


strange sounding name. I am a firm believer in the Sy Sims adage that “an educated consumer is my best customer” yet it is some4mes hard to even begin the conversa4on regarding a very large exposure like Cyberliability because even the word itself is confusing.

We need to always look at the insurance sale from our client’s side of the

table. We sell an intangible, a promise to pay in the future. Our client in many cases views insurance as something they need to have and that they need to do every year. This puts us behind the eight ball before we even get to their office. So next 4me when you are going to talk to your client ask them if they need Harassment & Discrimina4on insurance instead of EPLI and you may find the conversa4on is a whole lot different.


announces excl usi ve




VI SI T OUR WEBSI TE AT WWW. RMS- HG. COM For addi t i onal i nf or mat i on, c ont ac t : MARK DERRENBERGER: mder r enber ger @r mshg. com 516- 742- 8585 [15] ext . 204



Esurance has become Major League Baseball’s

exclusive auto insurance partner in a mul4year agreement that includes 4tle sponsorship of the sport’s new all-­‐digital All-­‐Star ballo4ng.

Neither MLB nor Esurance, which was bought by

Allstate Corp. in 2011 as part of a $1 billion deal, disclosed financial terms.

Business Travelers Driving Uber Growth Stephen Folan Past President 2009 - 2011

Business travelers are bypassing the taxi queue with

greater frequency, choosing instead ride-­‐hailing services like Uber Technologies. A new report by expense management system provider Cer4fy shows that 47 percent of the ground transporta4on rides by its users in March were through

Joe Tunkel is a Past President of the IIAA of Nassau County. When Joe was the editor of the old Nassau publication, he wrote an article entitled, “Heard Around Town.” Recently, one of the TriCounty board members was discussing TriLines, and commented that he always looked forward to Joe’s article. We have decided to revive it here.

Uber. That’s more than tripled from the 14 percent of rides that Uber had just over a year ago in January 2014.

In a few ci4es, Uber beats out taxis by a wide margin

for business travelers. In its home town of San Francisco, 71 percent of rides expensed through Cer4fy during the first quarter were for Uber; 29 percent used taxis. Uber also beat out all other forms of ground transporta4on in Dallas, accoun4ng for 56 percent of the rides.

In Los Angeles and Washington D.C., Uber

represented 49 percent of business travel rides. Taxis, [17]

limousines and airport shuZles s4ll reigned in New York, Miami and Chicago where they took 79 percent, 77 percent and 75 percent of rides expensed, respec4vely.



Geico to Add More Than 300 Associates in Long Island, N.Y., This Year

Giant auto insurer Geico said Monday it is hiring more than 300 associates in 2015 to

add to its office in Woodbury, located in Long Island, New York, as well as legal offices located throughout Long Island, New York.

Geico said it is seeking candidates for posi4ons in liability and no-­‐fault claims, sales,

customer service and auto damage as well as for the Management Development Program, one of GEICO’s leadership programs. In addi4on, GEICO is looking to hire more than 40 legal staff in 2015.

Electronic Auto Insurance I.D. Cards Now Legal in NY

New York drivers will soon be able to display proof of auto liability insurance on their

smart phones. The State Department of Motor Vehicles has adopted rules that authorize insurers to issue electronic I.D. cards, effec4ve immediately.

The rules, first proposed on Feb. 25, were adopted without change. Insurers have the

op4on to issue electronic I.D. cards, but only with the insured's consent. Temporary I.D. cards must be in paper form, and certain commercial vehicles must also carry paper cards. Electronic cards must meet the standards that apply to tradi4onal cards. They must be displayable on a variety of electronic devices. Law enforcement officers must accept them as proof of insurance. [18]

The DMV reported few comments in response to its February proposal. IIABNY

requested that agents and brokers be permiZed to issue electronic cards. DMV responded that, "an insurance company may, in its discre4on, authorize an agent or broker to issue electronic insurance ID cards." Producers would be required to use the so\ware that the insurer is using. Conversely, at least one insurance agency argued against allowing producers to issue electronic cards. The new rules took effect on April 29.

Fun Fact -­‐ In 2013 there were 1645 billionaires in the world, 492 of which were in the United States. Back in 1987 there were only 140.


IIABNY CEO Dick Poppa Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Richard Poppa, CAE, AAI, president and chief execu4ve officer of the

Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York (IIABNY), today received the Jeff Yates Life4me Achievement Award from the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA.) Poppa was honored during at ceremony at the IIABA's Big "I" Legisla4ve Conference at the HyaZ Regency Washington on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

The Jeff Yates Award is the highest honor that the IIABA bestows on an

individual who is not an insurance agent. It is presented for a life4me of work in the independent agency system. Poppa (pronounced "Poppy") was recognized for a body of work spanning 36 years. Presen4ng the award, conference chair Dave Walker noted that Poppa "is known for his ability to build consensus ... In fact, many view him as the guru


of associa4on planning. It is a role he takes seriously because he cares so deeply about the future well-­‐being of the (IIABA) and our members."

A na4ve of Indianapolis, Indiana, Poppa has served as IIABNY's chief staff

execu4ve officer since 1996. Prior to that, he served as senior vice-­‐president and chief opera4ng officer for the IIABA; execu4ve vice-­‐president of the Independent Insurance Agents of Indiana; administra4ve vice-­‐president of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of California; staff member at the Insurance Ins4tute of Indiana; and press aide to the lieutenant governor of Indiana.

Poppa holds the Cer4fied Associa4on Execu4ve (CAE) designa4on from the

American Society of Associa4on Execu4ves, and the Accredited Advisor in Insurance (AAI) designa4on from the Insurance Ins4tute of America. In addi4on to his work with IIABNY, he held a temporary leadership posi4on with, a Web site that helps independent insurance agencies compete in the digital age. He is ac4ve in a number of service organiza4ons, including the Rotary Club and the Insurance Industry Charitable Founda4on.

Dick and his wife of nearly 41 years, Kim, reside in a suburb of Syracuse, New




You Helped Make This Happen! IIABNY is celebrating a major win for all members issuing certificates of insurance after legislation it helped develop was signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on January 29, 2015. The new law will become effective on July 28, 2015 and will stop businesses and government agencies from pressuring insurance producers into issuing certificates of insurance that include language of any kind, including warranties of coverage, not found in the underlying policy. You, our members, played a huge part in this successful effort! Thank you to all of you who attended previous L Days in Albany to lobby on this issue, met with lawmakers in your districts, sent letters and emails, made phone calls and relentlessly worked to raise legislators’ awareness of this issue. Your strong support was invaluable. IIABNY worked with the governor’s office, state Department of Financial Services (DFS) and State Legislature over the past several weeks/ months to come to an agreement on amendments to the law raised by concerned parties. The governor signed this bill contingent on the legislature passing these amendments. The amendment has already been introduced in the Assembly on February 4 and we expect similar action by the Senate. Once the amendment is passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor, the new law will take effect July 28, 2015, which is 180 days from the date the governor signed the law. The new law will resolve the problem by: •

Prohibiting anyone from requiring a certificate to include terms, conditions or language of any kind, including warranties or guarantees, when these are not found in the policy.

Clarifying that certificates cannot change coverage provided by the policy and cannot confer new rights.

Prohibiting anyone from requiring a producer to issue a liability certificate unless it is: 1) a form issued by the insurer, 2) a standard certificate issued by an industry standard-setting organization that has been approved by DFS, or 3) any other form which has been approved for use by the DFS.

Authorizing the DFS to levy fines up to $2,000 for those in the private sector that violate the law.

IIABNY plans to work with the DFS to develop a complaint process and also determine how approved forms will be made public. As we finalize details, we will also provide facts sheets, consumer outreach pieces, and present webinars to help educate you, our members, as well as outside groups who will be affected by this new law.

Get the latest information at [22]


Each year, United Way of Long Island honors organiza4ons, individuals, and

Labor Unions that exemplify the concept of LIVING UNITED by dedica4ng 4me and effort into advancing the common good on Long Island. The honorees for the 2015 annual LIVE UNITED Celebra4on Luncheon which will be held at Crest Hollow Country Club on June 3, 2015 have all demonstrated an unyielding devo4on to improving the lives of all who are in need in our community. With over 1,000 expected aZendees, along with major corporate supporters, including Title Sponsor, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, and Presen4ng Sponsors, GEICO, JP Morgan Chase and Na4onal Grid, United Way of Long Island’s fundraising goal is over $500,000. This year United Way of Long Island’s LIVE UNITED Celebra4on Luncheon will recognize Paul Fleishman, Vice President of Public Affairs for Newsday who will receive the pres4gious Anthony J. Stupore LIVE UNITED Volunteer Champion Award, United Parcel Service of North America Inc. (UPS) has been named as the LIVE UNITED Corporate Champion Award recipient, CSEA Long Island Region One will be honored with the LIVE UNITED Labor Champion Award, and The Long Island Insurance Community will receive the Elena M. Perez Pioneer Vision Award. All four well-­‐deserved recipients were chosen for their contribu4ons towards effec4ng posi4ve change within the Long Island community. “We are working towards a more strategic approach to helping families on Long Island, and we are gaining a beZer understanding of the landscape of need across the region” said Theresa A. Regnante, President and CEO of United Way of Long Island. “ The individuals we honor this year have led the charge in reforming the non-­‐profit, and for-­‐ profit sectors’ approach to helping our communi4es in a different, and more strategic



way via collabora4on and by addressing the challenges of economic development here on Long Island.” The annual LIVE UNITED Celebra4on Luncheon helps the United Way of Long Island to create las4ng change in our communi4es and serve Long Islanders’ cri4cal needs in the areas of educa4on, financial stability, and health, making Long Island a beZer place to live and work. To aZend or learn more about suppor4ng United Way of Long Island’s LIVE UNITED Celebra4on Luncheon, visit The Elena M. Perez Pioneer Vision Award: The Long Island Insurance Community The Long Island Insurance Community (LIIC) was started by a dozen Long Island Insurance Industry leaders who banded together with the purpose of helping those less fortunate in the Long Island Community. Today, the LIIC consists of over 500 industry execu4ves dedicated to raising funds to advance the common good on Long Island. The LIIC has raised more than $4 million through its annual galas, demonstra4ng a commitment to improved quality of life for all in our community. Elena M. Perez was a long4me Bank of America associate and board member of the United Way of Long Island. Elena passed away in 2007, leaving a legacy of blazing a new trail in all that she set her mind to achieve. The LIIC emulates Elena’s devo4on to philanthropy as well as her enthusiasm and op4mism in crea4ng beZer futures for Long Islanders. The Anthony J. Stupore LIVE UNITED Volunteer Champion Award Recipient: Paul Fleishman Anthony J. Stupore, a Partner of DeloiZe for 20 Years, served the United Way of Long Island for 16 years as a volunteer, board member and treasurer. He was an excep4onal leader who embodied the true spirit of leadership through his service to the United Way.



In honor of Tony, the United Way of Long Island has renamed its most pres4gious volunteer award in memory and recogni4on of his extraordinary service. Paul Fleishman, has personified Tony’s profound commitment as a dedicated volunteer and a cornerstone of the United Way of Long Island board of directors. Addi4onally, he gives his 4me as a board member for the Variety Child Learning Center in Syosset and the Advisory Board of SUNY/Old Westbury’s School of Business. A resident of Hauppauge, Paul’s commitment to volunteerism is widely known throughout the Long Island Community. The LIVE UNITED Corporate Champion Award Recipient: United Parcel Service of North America Inc. (UPS) United Parcel Service of North America, Inc. (UPS) is one of the largest contributors to the United Way in the country, exceeding $1 billion on the na4onal level. Locally, UPS management has teamed with organized labor once again to create one of the strongest campaigns in the region. For its con4nuous outreach to the Long Island Community, and the unyielding dedica4on by the company’s employees, UPS has been deemed the 2015 LIVE UNITED Corporate Champion Award. The LIVE UNITED Labor Champion Award Recipient: CSEA Long Island Region One CSEA Long Island Region One, the Civil Service Employees Associa4on, is a proud grassroots union dedicated to organizing and represen4ng workers to ensure their voice is heard. The CSEA will receive the LIVE UNITED Labor Champion Award for advancing the financial stability of our region by represen4ng the rights of union workers across Long Island for over 100 years.


IIABNY SEMINAR CALENDAR – Remainder of 2014 CE Classes in Nassau, Queens and Suffolk Counties

The following seminars will be held at Four Points Sheraton, Plainview


E&O VIDEO (Loca4ons to be announced)

½ day, am


NYAIP Producer Procedures

½ day, am

The following seminars will be held at Adria Hotel, Bayside 6/19/15

NYAIP Producer Procedures

½ day, am

The following seminars will be held at Belfor RestoraVon in Ronkonkoma, NY unless noted otherwise. 6/10/15

E&O VIDEO (Loca4ons to be announced)

½ day, am

For a complete schedule and registraVon form, log on to Highlight the ‘EducaVon & Events’ tab and select ‘Find A Class’. RegistraVon forms are also available on line, or call IIABNY’s EducaVon Dept. at 1-­‐800-­‐962-­‐7950.


Location Options: All Held June 10, 2015 Please see below for directions

VIDEO 4 CE Credits (All Licenses) | NYCR-246783 | NYPO-100001 Class: 9:00 am – 12:45 pm Price: $100 per IIABNY Member | $165 per Non-Member *Same course offered as the Live Seminars in May 2015. You cannot earn CE credit for both

About the Program Jim Keidel and Chris Weldon will bring their own vast experiences in representing and defending our members in IIABNY's errors and omissions program by reviewing trends and answering questions regarding the frequency and types of claims, development in NY law affecting agents and brokers and special concerns regarding specific types of insurance. They will discuss duty of care and how some courts are trying to chip away at protection for agents and brokers. They will demonstrate how to reduce E&O exposure through improvements in customer service, renewal handling and claims handling. Documentation, including best practices to follow with regard to electronic signatures will be emphasized. Jim and Chris will review trends in New York E&O claims and will reinforce that agents and brokers that attend the annual E&O loss control seminar face fewer E&O claims and lawsuits.



Hudson Valley Comm. College

Binghamton University



Erie Comm. College

Hofstra University

New York City


SUNY College of Optometry

SUNY Plattsburgh



Dutchess Comm. College

Adirondack Comm. College



SCCC Culinary Arts & Hospitality Center

Monroe Comm. College

Sullivan County


Sullivan County Comm. College

Location TBD



Jefferson Comm. College

Hampton Inn White Plains/ Tarrytown

How to Qualify for Renewal Credit IIABNY members whose E&O coverage is written by Swiss Re/Westport Insurance Corp. or Fireman's Fund through IAAC can qualify for a premium reduction credit if they meet the 2015 attendance criteria.

Instructors: Jim Keidel & Chris Weldon Jim Keidel and Chris Weldon are partners with the law firm of Keidel, Weldon & Cunningham, LLP. Both Jim and Chris devote their practice exclusively to the defense of insurance agents and brokers in errors and omissions litigation on a regional and national basis.


p: 800.962.7950 f: 888-432-0510 e:

IIABNY Education Registration st

5784 Widewaters Parkway, 1 Floor, Dewitt, NY 13214 | Phone: 800.962.7950 | Fax: 888-432-0510 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registrant Name (please indicate if changed) E-mail ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NYS License Number(s) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency (please indicate if changed) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax

PLEASE SELECT CLASS(ES) AND FILL IN YOUR CHOSEN LOCATION: 2015 IIABNY E&O Loss Control Seminar – LIVE SEMINAR $150 Members | $185 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

2015 IIABNY E&O Loss Control Seminar – VIDEO SEMINAR $100 Members | $165 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

AAI 82A Commercial Liability Insurance $210 Members | $290 Non-Members Location: ____________________________ Pre-Order AAI 82A Course Manual (+$8.00)

AAI 87 Agency Leadership and Strategic Alignment $230 Members | $310 Non-Members Location: ____________________________ Pre-Order AAI 87 Course Manual (+$8.00)

ACSR 2 Personal Auto Insurance $160 Members | $240 Non-Members Location: __________________________ Pre-Order ACSR 2 Course Manual (+$8.00)

ACSR 9 Commercial Lines Related Coverages $160 Members | $240 Non-Members Location: __________________________ Pre-Order ACSR 9 Course Manual (+$8.00)

Business Auto vs. Truckers Coverage vs. Garage Form $100 Members | $180 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

Crime Insurance $100 Members | $180 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

ERISA What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You $125 Members | $200 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

Ethics: A Guide for Insurance Agents & Brokers $85 Members | $150 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

NYAIP Certification Program $150 per Registrant Location: ____________________________

Personal Lines An Insurance Kaleidoscope $150 Members | $200 Non-Members Location: __________________________

Self-Funded Health Plans How It Impacts Your Client $125 Members | $200 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

Top 10 Misunderstood General Liability Issues $125 Members | $200 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

Workers Comp More Than the Basics $85 Members | $150 Non-Members Location: ____________________________

PAYMENT METHOD Check (made payable to IIABNY, Inc.)

American Express



Amount $ ____________________________________

Card # Expiration Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name on Card (please print) Authorized Signature REGISTRATION INFO: You must register at least two weeks prior to the seminar to receive your CE certificate on site. Please be on time - Continuing Education rules will not allow CE credit to be awarded to anyone arriving after the start of the program. Full and half-day programs will have morning and/or afternoon refreshments. Lunch is not provided. Photo I.D. must be presented at registration. PAYMENT: If registering less than 1 week prior to a seminar, payment will need to be made by credit card or a check must be brought the day of in order to attend. If payment is not received by class date, license information will not be submitted to insurance department. WALK-INS: Add $10 for registering “at the door.” DISABILITIES: We invite all registrants to advise us of any disability and any requests for accommodation to that disability. Please contact us at 1-800-962-7950. CANCELLATION POLICY: Full credit toward another seminar will be allowed for cancellation requests received at least 3 business days before a seminar minus the cost of your book (if sent in advance). Any cancellation request received less than 3 business days prior to the seminar will receive a 50% credit minus the cost of your book (if sent in advance). Cancellation requests received on or after the date of the seminar will NOT be eligible for credit. ALL CANCELLATION REQUESTS MUST BE IN WRITING ~ NO EXCEPTIONS!


A Great Big Thank You to Our Sponsors

April Meeting Sponsors Advantage Partners Total Restoration, Inc.

Pryor Personnel Agency Inc. The Insurance Specialist since 1970 local, National and International Recruitment

Phone (516) 935-0100



OFFICERS President Frank J. Elorza Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530 Phone:516-873-2387

Vice President Peter Phillips Phillips Brokerage, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103

Phone: 718-545-4700

Treasurer Adam P. Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency 261-20 Hillside Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 Phone: 718-343-6450 Secretary James G. Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: 347-721-9839

Immediate Past President Robert E. Mackoul, CLU Mackoul & Associates 25 Nassau Lane Island Park, NY 11558 Phone: 516-431-9100

Alex Giraldo Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 516-873-2443


Neil Levy, CPA, CFP CBS Coverage Group, Inc. 111 Express Street Plainview, NY11803

Dean S. Aloia Aloia McKinnon Ins. Brokerage. 7801 Fifth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: 718-836-8000 x 310 Ronald Brunell, CIC B&B Coverage, Ltd. 1 East Lincoln Avenue Valley Stream, NY 11582 Phone: 516-872-2300

Andrew Chong ARC Underwriting Partners Inc. 73 Cuttermill Rd Great Neck, NY 11021 Andrew.Chong@arcunderwrit Phone: 516-726-1500


Phone: 516-938-9000 Chris Wukovits AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 516-877-5219

OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Phone: 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Publisher Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY Phone: 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY Phone: 516-681-6265

IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board James D. Sutton, CPCU, AAI, CIC James F. Sutton Agency, Ltd. 143-149 Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 Phone: 631-446-3165 IIABNY President & CEO Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 Phone: 800-962-7950


Regional Director (L.I.) Kevin R. Crossley AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place, Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 516-873-2256

Committees 2014- 2015 Communications, Public Relations & Website Chris Wukovits - Chair, Ron Brunell, Alex Giraldo, Andrew Chong, Neil Levy, Jeanne Abatelli

Downstate Ron Brunell, Frank Elorza, James Bastian

Scholarship Andrew Chong & Peter Phillips - Co- Chairs, Eileen Black, Pat Calvert

IIABNY Liaison & Member Services Alex Giraldo - Chair, Frank Elorza, Adam Erickson, Kevin Crossley, Pat Calvert

Legislation and InsurPac Dean Aloia and Bob Mackoul - Co-Chairs, Peter Phillips , Chris Wukovits, Steve Folan

Meetings & Programs Ron Brunell, Chair, Adam Erickson, James Bastian, Dean Aloia, Neil Levy, Steve Visco, Jeanne Abatelli, Pat Calvert

Golf Outing "

Bob Mackoul, Chair, Frank Elorza, Kevin Crossley, James Bastian

Installation Dinner "

Peter Phillips, Frank Elorza, Jeanne Abatelli, Pat Calvert

Next Gen Adam Erickson and Neil Levy – Co- Chairs, Andrew Chong, Alex Giraldo

Sponsors & Advertising Jeanne Abatelli, Chair, James Bastian, Alex Giraldo

Tri Lines Jeanne Abatelli, Chair, James Bastian, Chris Wukovits, Pat Calvert

Tri-County members are invited to join a committee of their choice. Please contact a committee member or Pat Calvert 516-621-2209 for details.


Advertisers Insurance Companies & Markets Interboro Insurance Group Peter Resnick 155 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: 516-248-1100 Fax: 516-746-1884 Email:presnick@interboroinsuran Magna Carta Companies Lou Masucci 1 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 Toll Free: 1-888-ONE PARK Phone: 212-591-9500 Fax: 212-591-9621 Morstan General Agency Inc. Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050 New Empire Group 214 W Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561

Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351 NIF Group Michael Orlando Nancy Williams 30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 Phone: 516-365-7440 Fax: 516-496-7356

RMS Insurance Brokerage Mark Derrenberger 100 Ring Rd W Suite 200 Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: (516) 742-8585 Email: m

Insurance Services

Pryor Personnel Agency Patricia Pryor Bonica 147 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-935-0100 Fax: 516-931-7842 Email:


Sponsors Click on the company name to visit their website Advantage Partners James Bastian 3719 Broadway, 2nd Floor Astoria, New York 11103 Phone: 866-443-8859 Email:

Total Restoration, Inc. Dennis Lombardi 285 Post Avenue Westbury NY 11590 Phone: 516-333-5333 Fax: 516-333-5489 Email:




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