Trilines publication summer iss 2016

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Summer 2016




On behalf of the newly installed TriCounty Board of

Directors, thank you for a:ending our special installa=on event, this year on June 1st. We had a wonderful turnout with more than 150 guests at the Chateau Briand who, once again, offered a memorable atmosphere with a superb cocktail recep=on and dinner. There were 21 loyal sponsors helping to support TriCounty and its efforts through occasions such as this one along with 32 adver=sers in our installa=on journal. We thank you all!

James Bastian President

TriCounty’s goal this year will be to increase

communica=ons with members, associates and the public. ‘Communica=ons’ is defined as ‘giving or sharing informa=on’ and, as such, makes it a two-way street. We offer informa=on through our website, our newsle:er Tri-Lines, email messages and educa=onal & networking programs. Now we want to hear from you.

What can we do to enhance your membership in

TriCounty? What topics would you like offered at membership mee=ngs? Do you prefer breakfast, lunch or dinner mee=ngs? Would you like to serve on a commi:ee (which I guarantee you will enjoy)? Our commi:ees are set up to handle your comments and concerns.

In the mean=me, please note a couple of upcoming fall

events on your calendar.


Contact James Bastian: Phone: 866-443-8859 Email:

WHY JOIN ADVANTAGE PARTNERS NETWORK? BECAUSE OUR PARTNERS ARE YOUR PARTNERS • Represent the Most Competitive Major Insurance Companies • No fees, up-front costs or long-term contracts • Agent owns 100% of the business • Ability to earn Carrier profit sharing, incentives and bonuses Advantage Partners is the trusted resource for market access and agency appointments. We work with you as the independent insurance agent to help you achieve greater success.



Our second annual Oktoberfest will be held at

Pla:duetsche Park Restaurant on October 6. Our first event was a definite winner and, due to the favorable response from so many folks, we scheduled a second….You will let us know if you want a third.

IIABNY is offering a second NYiDAY to be held on

October 14 at Sheraton Times Square in Manha:an. Again, due to the posi=ve response from a:endees from the first event in 2014, this one was designed. (For full details, go to the IIABNY tab on our website –

These are 2 examples of Big ‘I’ listening to your

feedback. TriCounty is now looking for your comments before events are planned.

It’s an essen=al part of a ‘two-way street’….

James Bas=an

Contact me at

or 516-987-4859


Save the Date TriCounty Oktoberfest Networking Event Thursday October 6, 2016 6 - 10 pm 2nd Annual Oktoberfest Plattduetsche Park 1132 Hempstead Turnpike Franklin Square Join Us and Support a Great Cause. Details to Follow Soon. [5]

Installation Dinner ReCap by Andrew Chong

On June 1st, we had our annual TriCounty

installation dinner for the new board of officers and directors for 2016-2017 at the beautiful Chateau Briand. Overall, it was a great success. Everyone spent an enjoyable evening, in which we had many things to celebrate. We had the opportunity to celebrate Dick Poppa and his wife Kim’s wedding anniversary and Dick’s Upcoming retirement after more than 20 years of service and commitment to IIABNY. TriCounty paid tribute to Dick with a donation to his favored charity, the Farm Sanctuary, which is an organization that works to end the mistreatment of farm animals.

We also awarded scholarships to students who showed exceptional promise

and excellence while attending the St. John’s University School of Risk Management. This was our fifth year of offering these scholarships and It is a privilege to be a part of investing into the future leaders of our industry.

We’d like to extend a big thank you to those who attended and celebrated

with us. We can’t wait to see you again.

Congratulations to the newly elected board of officers, directors, and our

newly installed president, James Bastian of Advantage Partners Inc.! [6]






We are so proud to celebrate 100 years of doing business. Times change, people change but our relationships with brokers continues to thrive. We truly look forward to the next 100 years! • Homeowners & New Expanded Multi-Tier HO Product • Multi-Tier Personal Auto • Personal & Commercial Assigned Risk 155 Mineola Boulevard Mineola, NY 11501 516 248-1100


June 1st Installation Dinner

The reception area at the start of the installation dinner festivity,‌..

The sale of 50-50 tickets to the Scholarship Fund was a big hit.

Past presidents getting together were (l-r) Ken Erickson, Ken Hehir, Bruce Chester, Kevin Crossley, Maura Clancy, David Spiro, Lane Rubin, Ron Brunell, Evan Portnoy and Frank Elorza. [10]

The 2016-2017 TriCounty Board of Directors (l-r) Andrew Chong, Chris Dritsas, Chris Wukovits, Ron Brunell, James Bastian, Adam Erickson, Steven Ferrar, Elisa Grober-Lewkowicz and Alex Giraldo. (missing in photo are Eileen Black and Neil Levy)

Honored guests Kim and Dick Poppa.


Other special guests were 3 scholarship winners from St. John’s School of Risk Management – (l-r) Anita Sovasia, James Pappas and Jessica Oliva

Scholarship winners shown with sponsors and Peter Phillips (l) are: (l-r) Jessica Oliva, Timothy Maura (NBIC), Aaron Bond (Safeco), James Pappas, Jim Schaffner (NatGen), Anita Sovasia. [12]

(l-r) James Bastian flanked by daughter Lauren, son Michael and special friend Nancy David.

The Phillips family, Andrew, Joanna and Peter.


At the ‘VIP’ table were (seated) Kim and Dick Poppa, Jim Keidel , Kathy Lawler and Chris Weldon. (Standing l-r) Eric Keiffert, Jim Sutton and Kevin Crossley.

Andrew Chong is flanked by new TriCounty directors Steve Ferrar (l) and Chris Dritsas. [14]

Stopping at the ARC/TAPCO Underwriters table.

.....and the Scholarship table.


James Bastian, Frank Elorza and Dick Poppa

Kathy Lawler, IIABNY’s AVP of Education and Kevin Crossley.


Jim Keidel and Chris Weldon, principals of Keidel, Weldon & Cunningham, LLC with Pat Calvert

Caitlin Sikorski and Brandon Conway.


The group from Grober-Imbey Agency

Guests at one of the Phillips Brokerage tables


Helen Lee Nigro, Joanna Phillips and Andrew Chong

Dennis Lombardi, Ron Brunell and Ken Erickson


Peter Phillips with Dick Poppa who installed the new board of directors.

Peter Phillips installed James Bastion as the new TriCounty president.


Plaque presented by James Bastian to Peter Phillips for an outstanding job serving as president this past year.

The entertainment was once again, spectacular!


…And a good time was had by all…..









Chris Dritsas New TriCounty Director

A little over 20 years ago, after graduating

high school and on my way to college, I stumbled upon this great industry of ours. What began as a part time job quickly grew to be a lifelong passion. I started working for a retail oďŹƒce in Bayside. There I learned a great deal about the retail side of the business. Who knew that the NYAIP process of flipping carbon paper would be obsolete 20 years later. After graduating college I opened my retail oďŹƒce in Port Washington with Peter Phillips and John Pappas. There I continued the retail side of the business and ultimately incorporated the underwriting side of the business working for Advantage Partners. I have to say that being a part of this industry has given me the opportunity to help people everyday.

I decided to join the board to be a part of a focused group that would continue to

make this industry better. I believe alone one cannot make influential changes however together as a group we can be a unified voice to make change possible. Being a part of this organization will allow me to give back in ways that I cannot on my own, in and out of the insurance world. At the same time, I have surrounded myself with some of the smartest, most humbled people this industry knows. Thank you to the entire organization for accepting me and treating me like I have been here for years.

Last but not least, I would like to wish all the best to our new incoming President

James Bastian. I know you will carry forward the success of our past president Peter Phillips in making it another successful term. [30]

Steve Ferrar New TriCounty Director

Steve grew up in Valley Stream, NY. He

graduated from Valley Stream Central High School, where he met his wife, Debbie, when they were assigned to be in the same Driver Education car. He then attended St. John’s University as a business marketing major on a full athletic scholarship for tennis. Steve spent a few years as a tennis pro teaching tennis at various country clubs on Long Island. He then decided to enter the family insurance business that was started by his father, Ed, who established it in Franklin Square after his return from WW II, where he served as an Air-Force Fighter pilot. Steve has two children who both were recently married. Ferrar Insurance Agency is still located in Franklin Square and specializes in Personal Lines. Steve is very involved in the “hands on” dealings with his clients on a daily basis and knows the pulse of the personal lines marketplace very well. He believes he can bring some of this “in the trenches” knowledge to the Tri-County Association.



Insurance Costs for December Weather in U.S. Could Top $2 Billion Total economic losses from the weather events in the U.S. during the month of December 2015 will exceed $4 billion, with insured losses likely to approach or exceed $2 billion, according to reinsurance intermediary Aon Benfield’s Impact Forecas=ng. The severe weather pa:ern resulted in at least 58 tornado touchdowns, historic flooding in the Mississippi Valley and Midwest, and record snowfall and ice that led to extensive travel disrup=on, as well as hail and damaging winds. THINK B4 U TXT

Stephen Folan Past President 2009 - 2011

Tex=ng takes a driver's eyes off the road for an average of 5 seconds — the equivalent of driving blind at 55 mph for the length of an en=re football field — adding up to devasta=ng consequences. Drivers who are tex=ng are 23% more likely to be involved in a car crash than other drivers. A crash typically happens within an average of 3 seconds amer a driver is distracted. Why Customer Satisfaction Is Falling for Large Auto Insurers, Rising for Small: J.D. Power Amer climbing in each of the past two years, customer sa=sfac=on is falling among the na=on’s largest auto insurers, while sa=sfac=on is actually up a tad for small insurers. This rising dissa=sfac=on with large carriers is in turn driving overall industry sa=sfac=on downward as customers react nega=vely to price increases, according to the J.D. Power 2016 U.S. Auto Insurance Study. One key reason smaller insurers are doing be:er is the value brought by their independent agents, according to analysts at J.D. Power. The study examines customer sa=sfac=on in five factors (in order of importance): interac=on; policy offerings; price; billing process and policy informa=on


(formerly billing and payment); and claims. Sa=sfac=on is measured on a 1,000-point scale. Top Ranked Carriers Following are J.D. Power’s highest-rated auto insurance brands for customer sa=sfac=on by region: •

California: Ameriprise (846)

Central: Shelter Insurance (819)

Florida: The Harqord (834)

Mid-AtlanSc: Erie Insurance (829)

New England: Amica Mutual (855)

New York: GEICO (828)

North Central: Auto-Owners Insurance (842)

Northwest: PEMCO Insurance (847)

Southeast: Farm Bureau Insurance – Tennessee (870)

Southwest: The Harqord (829)

Texas: Texas Farm Bureau Insurance (836) MetLife Wins Court Appeal to Strike Down Systemic Risk Tag

MetLife Inc. beat back a U.S. a:empt to label it too big to fail, which would’ve put America’s biggest life insurer under tougher government scru=ny and forced it to put more money in reserves. A federal judge in Washington struck down the designa=on, rejec=ng the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s ra=onale for classifying the company as a systemically important financial ins=tu=on. The reasons for the ruling were sealed by the judge. The ruling undercuts the founda=on of the Obama administra=on’s plan to more heavily regulate four non-bank businesses it determined had the poten=al to destabilize the American financial system. MetLife had called the designa=on arbitrary and unjus=fied. Chief Execu=ve Officer Steve Kandarian said earlier this year that his New York-based company will shed much of its domes=c retail business because SIFI put it at a “significant compe==ve disadvantage.”


Auto Recalls in U.S. Passed 51 Million in 2015 The Na=onal Highway Traffic Safety Administra=on said on Thursday that automakers recalled 51.3 million vehicles in the United States last year, the second-highest ever, in 868 separate campaigns. U.S. Adds Automatic Braking to Recommended Car Safety Features The Na=onal Highway Traffic Safety Administra=on plans to add what it considers two “cuyng-edge” automa=c emergency braking systems to the recommended safety features included under its ra=ng system for consumers. Transporta=on Secretary, Anthony Foxx, said it is recommending two automa=c emergency braking systems – crash imminent braking (CIB) and dynamic brake support (DBS) be included in the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP). Crash imminent braking and dynamic brake support systems intervene by automa=cally applying the vehicle’s brakes or supplemen=ng the driver’s braking effort to avoid or mi=gate the severity of a crash. According to NHTSA data, one-third of all police-reported crashes in 2013 involved a rear-end collision with another vehicle at the start of the crash. The agency also found that a large number of drivers involved in rear-end crashes either did not apply the brakes at all or did not apply the brakes fully prior to the crash. Insurance Journal



James Bastian President

Adam Erickson Vice President

Ron Brunell, CIC Treasurer

Alex Giraldo Secretary


Eileen Black, CPCU

Andrew Chong

Chris Dritsas

Elisa Grober, PLCS

Neil Levy, CPA, CFP

Christopher Wukovits

Steve Ferrar

Peter Phillips Immediate Past President


Comprehensive. Flexible. Competitive.

Employee Benefit Packages Created Exclusively for IIABNY Members Life & Disability Package

Preferred Dental Program

Preferred Vision Program

Underwritten by MetLife

Underwritten by Guardian (Guardian Life Insurance Company of New York)

Underwritten by Davis Vision

Package includes:

Dual Plan Options: Standard or Enhanced

Dual Plan Options: Standard or Enhanced

Contribution Options: Voluntary or Contributory

Contribution Options: Voluntary or Contributory

Highlights include:

Highlights Include:

• Expansive network • Guardian Maximum Rollover Feature • Children (full-time students) covered to age 26 • Orthodontia included, subject to policy terms and conditions • No deferred services for new employees

• Eye exam once every 12 months • Spectacle lenses once every 12 months • Frames once every 12-24 months (depending on chosen plan) • Contact lenses in lieu of glasses once every 12 months • *Co-pay schedule applies

• Life & AD&D • Long Term Disability • Voluntary Life Highlights include: • Life Benefits up to $500,000 • DBL weekly benefits up to $1,000 • LTD monthly benefits up to $10,000 (groups of 1-9 employees) • LTD monthly benefits up to $15,000 (groups of 10 or more) • Attractive guarantee issue limits guaranteed issue up to $250,000

Contact Eric DeFrancesco 800-962-7950, ext. 241 • Employee Benefit Packages are available through IAAC (IIABNY’s membership services division) and powered by


All You Need is Four Eyes. (Two Enrollees)

I I A B NY M E M B E R V I S I O N P L A N Underwritten by Davis Vision Headquartered in New York State

Highlights Include: •

Minimum participants: 2 employees (regardless of agency size)


12 months (with dilation)

Flexible plan options


12 months

Competitive rates


12 or 24 months

Online application and enrollment


12 months (in lieu of glasses)

No census, no underwriting

IIABNY members may use one of two enrollment options when offering vision to their employees: Voluntary: Employee pays the entire monthly premium. A powerful way to increase employee satisfaction with your benefits package without adding costs to the agency! Contributory: Employee shares in the monthly premium. The agency contributes a minimum of 20% or more of the total monthly premium.

For more information, plan summaries/benefits, or a quote contact

5784 Widewaters Parkway, 1st Floor, Dewitt, NY 13214 •


Eric DeFrancesco 800-851-8853, ext. 241

2016 NINE & DINE EVENT NEW DATE Tuesday September 20, 2016 Wheatley Hills Golf Club East Williston, NY 11596 516.747.8822 The name “Wheatley” appeared on maps of the area, currently referred to as East Williston, as early as 1758. Wheatley Hills Golf Club was organized in 1913 and consists of 110 acres ultimately purchased from the A. H. Titus Estate for forty eight dollars per acre. The Titus homestead was converted into a clubhouse.

DRESS CODE: Proper Golf Attire is Required, Soft Spikes Only! Business Casual Attire for Dinner.


NOT A GOLFER? JOIN US FOR COCKTAILS & BBQ DINNER! Cocktails & Dinner Only $100.00



Registration: 4:00pm Shotgun Start: 5:00pm Cocktail Hour 6:15 pm



BBQ Dinner: 7:15pm


Rain or Shine! Enclosed is a check for $___________for _____________________________________________________________ Name & Company: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.______________________________Email:___________________________________________________ Please remit form & check payable to “DOWNSTATE INS” to: Jeanne Abatelli * Downstate Ins, 150 Dartmouth Dr * HIcksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-681-6265 * Email: [38]

Jerry Brunell Memorial Fishing Outing Thursday August 25, 2016 Again this year, Downstate will hold its annual Fishing Excursion on the “Fishtale” boat departing Captree Boat Basin. Ticket price includes a full day of fishing, breakfast, lunch, beer, soda, prizes, bait & tackle, fishbags. Amount: $85.00/person Place: Captree Boat Basin Time: Departs 7:45 am. Return 3:30pm Directions: Southern State Parkway to Exit 40, Robert Moses Causeway, take south 5 miles to Captree Boat Basin exit Footwear: Sneakers, dock-siders or equivalent DOWNSTATE IS COMPRISED OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS: CIBGNY, CPCU, IIABSC, IPALI , PIANY, QCIP, TriCounty IIAA, Next Gen & YIP’s

Note to donate fishing prizes and more information call Jeanne Abatelli 516-681-6265 or email:

Please fill out and send with your check payable to Downstate Council Return to: Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Dr Hicksville, NY 11801 or Register On Line at Firm Name:___________________________________________________________________ Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______ Zip: _________________ Tel No._____________________________________ Email: ___________________________ No.Fishing _____ @ $85 each = $__________ Total Amount of Check enclosed ___________ Use back of form for additional fishermen. [39]

Upcoming Industry Events AUGUST 2016


15th - NY YIP Golf Open - Seawane Club, Hewlett Harbor

6th - TriCounty Oktoberfest

22nd - IIABSC Scholarship Golf Outing

14th - NYiDAY - Sheraton Time Square Hotel NYC

25th - Downstate Fishing Outing SEPTEMBER 2016 20th - Downstate Nine & Dine Golf Event 28th - LIIC Gala Have an event you would like listed, please contact Jeanne Abatelli 516-681-6265 or click here to email me. Calendar is available on line please visit Downstate [40]


$10,000 CASH OR

Pinehurst Resort & Country Club, NC Two traditional rooms—2 adults per room for 4 nights Four rounds of golf Pinehurst 2, 4 & 8 (based on availability) cart & Titleist golf balls. 50 minute massage per person OR

The Cove Atlantis, The Bahamas 2 Deluxe Ocean Suites—2 adults per room for 4 nights Round trip air from JFK and shared airport transfers Continental Breakfast daily and $100 food and beverage credit per room OR

Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort, Florida 2 Theme park view rooms—2 adults per room for 4 nights Disney’s Magical Express airport to hotel and return Dining (1 counter, 1 sit down table, and 1 snack per person per day) 4 Day Park Hopper unlimited admission to Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom. SOLD BY:____________________________________________ Website: The Winner assumes responsibility for any and all applicable taxes

CONTACT INFORMATION return form to L. Grant, United Way of LI, 819 Grand Blvd. Deer Park, NY 11729 OR Contact Name: Company:

Address: City




METHOD OF PAYMENT Check enclosed

Zip Code

Make payable to the ‘United Way of Long Island

Credit Card Number Name on Card

Amount $


Exp. Date [41]






OFFICERS President James Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103

Vice President Adam Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency, Inc. 377 Oak Street Ste 305 Garden City, NY 11530

Treasurer Ron Brunell, CIC The Signature B&B Companies 501 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530

Secretary Alex Giraldo Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530

Eileen Abatelli-Black, CPCU Abatelli Group Inc 24 - 55 Francis Lewis Blvd Whitestone, NY 11357 Chris Dritsas Phillips General Insurance, Port Washington 180 Main Street Port Washington, NY 11050


Andrew Chong ARC Underwriting Partners, Inc. 73 Cuttermill Road Great Neck, NY 11021

Steve Ferrar Ferrar Insurance 120 Franklin Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010

Elisa Grober, PLCS Grober-Imbey Agency One Sunrise Plaza Valley Stream, NY 11580

Neil Levy, CPA,CFP Christopher M. Wukovits CBS Coverage a division of Assured AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. SKCG, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place 111 Express Street Garden City, NY 11530 Plainview, NY 11803 Immediate Past President Peter Phillips Phillips Brokerage, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 [43]

OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Publisher Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265

IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board John H. Smith, Jr., CPCU, ARM, CIC William A. Smith & Son Inc. 380 Broadway Newburgh, NY 12550 p: 845.561.1706 f: 845.485.6603 e: IIABNY President & CEO Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 800-962-7950 516-568-0800

Regional Director Ronald Brunell, CIC The Signature B & B Companies 501 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 p: 516.823.3133 f: 516.764.1019 e:

Regional Director John Cofini BNC Insurance Agency, Inc. 111 S. Ridge Street Rye Brook, NY 10573 p: 914.881.4844 f: 914.937.1124 e:

Pryor Personnel Agency Inc. The Insurance Specialist since 1970 local, National and International Recruitment

Phone (516) 935-0100


Advertisers Insurance Companies & Markets Advantage Partners Interboro Insurance Group Peter Resnick 155 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: 516-248-1100 Fax: 516-746-1884 Email:presnick@interboroinsuran

Morstan General Agency Inc. Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050

Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351 NIF Group Michael Orlando Nancy Williams 30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 Phone: 516-365-7440 Fax: 516-496-7356

Insurance Services

Pryor Personnel Agency Patricia Pryor Bonica 147 Old Country Road Hicksville, NY 11801 Phone: 516-935-0100 Fax: 516-931-7842 Email:

New Empire Group 214 W Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561



Installation Sponsors VIP Sponsors

Elite Sponsors

Dinner Sponsors

Advantage Partners ARC Underwriting Partners Inc. New Empire Group Phillips Brokerage Phillips Brokerage, Port Washington TAPCO Underwriters

AIG Club Agency Interboro Insurance MAPFRE Insurance Narragansett Bay Insurance Company

AmTrust North America Kingstone Insurance Company NIF Group, Inc. Progressive SERVPRO of Hicksville/Plainview Total Restoration Inc. Utica National Insurance Group


Sponsor Information Advantage Partners James Bastian


Phone: 866-443-8859 Email:

Greg Duddy 901 Franklin Ave

3719 Broadway, 2nd Floor Astoria, New York 11103


Club Agency

Garden City, NY 11530

Frank Elorza

Phone: 1-855-MAPFRE2

PO BOX 843


Garden City NY 11530 AIG Monica Murphy

Phone: (516) 873-2387

Morstan General Agency, Inc.


Al Eskanazy, Bob Birner 600 Community Drive

32 Old Slip Rd, 22nd Floor New York NY 10138 Phone: (646) 857-2099 Email:

Interboro Insurance Group

PO Box 4500

Peter Resnick

Manhasset, NY 11030-4500

155 Mineola Blvd

Phone: 516-488-4747

Mineola NY 11501 AmTrust North America Teresa Salerno

Phone: 516-248-1100 Email:presnick@interboroinsuran

59 Maiden Lane, 6th Floor New York, NY 10038 Phone: 917-913-1369 Email:teresa.salerno@amtrustgro

ARC Underwriting Partners Inc. Andrew Chong

Narragansett Bay Insurance Company Donna Doyle Phone: 516-352-2764

Kingstone Insurance Company

John Reiersen, CPCU 15 Joys Lane

NIF Group

Kingston, NY 12401

Michael Orlando

Phone: 845-340-8366

30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030


Phone: 516-365-7440 Email:

73 Cutter Mill Road Great Neck, NY 11021 Phone: 516-726-1500


Sponsor Information New Empire Group

Servpro of Port Port Jefferson


James O'Neill

Risa Kluger

John Farese

214 W Park Avenu

501 Middle Country Rd.

3 Huntington Quadrangle

Long Beach, NY 11561

Coram, NY 11727

Melville NY 11747

Phone: 866-431-8100

Phone: 631-476-5300

Phone: (516) 933-3950 m

Email:Risa@servproofPortJeffers Servpro of Hicksville/Plainview

Phillips Brokerage, Inc.


Peter Phillips


3719 Broadway, 2nd Floor Astoria, New York 11103

TAPCO Underwriters

Phone: (718) 545-4700

Dennis Lee


47-40 21st St 2FL, Long Island City, NY 11101 Phone: 800-334-5579 ext 8527

Phillips Insurance Port Washington


Chris Dritsas

Total Restoration, Inc.

180 Main Street, Ste 2,

Dennis Lombardi

Port Washington NY 11050

285 Post Avenue

Phone: (516) 489-9800

Westbury NY 11590


Phone: 516-333-5333



Francine Gabreluk Phone: 800-274-4055 ext 54445 Email:francine_gabreluk@progre [48]

Utica National Ins. Group Andrew Meehan, CPCU 1000 Woodbury Road 4th Floor, Ste 400 Woodbury NY 11797 Phone: (516) 479-5120 Email:andy.meehan@uticanation

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