Trilines Winter Issue 2017

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Winter 2017




FRIVOLITY. I’ve always known what that word means

(kind of) but I don’t use it in speaking probably because it’s hard to pronounce and doesn’t apply very oDen. The dicEonary comes up with synonyms of ‘lightheartedness, merriment, laughing and joking’ among other definiEons and that makes it a ‘fun’ word that describes our next membership meeEng.

James Bastian President

Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s Eve are all special

occasions to celebrate in December. The busy month is full of year-end reports, holiday parEes, family, shopping and giving to our favorite chariEes. With that in mind, TriCounty moved its holiday party to January when we have all had Eme to exhale. January is also the month when the winter really sets in with snow, icy roads, frigid temperatures and we’re looking again for some ‘frivolity’.

If not Florida or a vacaEon in some other balmy climate

maybe a warm and inviEng post-holiday party on January 30th with friends and associates at K-Pacho’s will suffice. We’re planning a superb buffet, lively music and, this year, a strolling and stage magic show with two terrific magicians to entertain all evening. This is a perfect opportunity to network with your peers in a new year. We will also be presenEng the ‘Outstanding Insurance Company’ award to NaEonal General



Insurance Company, a leader in the industry. Robert Karfunkel, Chief MarkeEng Officer will be accepEng this award for the company that evening and many others from NatGen will also be there. Please plan to join us by registering now – it’s just the thing to break up the winter! * * * * Be sure to keep reading and watching the developments on the new cyber security regulaEons. Kudos go to Kathy Weinheimer and other IIABNY leaders who, aDer difficult negoEaEons with the Department of Financial Security, were successful in making criEcal changes to the regulaEons soon to be imposed on every agent and broker in New York. Please read the following bulleEn wriaen by IIABNY and stay tuned…… * * * * On behalf of the enEre TriCounty Board of Directors, I wish all our readers a healthy, safe and prosperous new year. Be sure to visit our website periodically for informaEon on associaEon acEviEes. We hope to see you on January 30th and at other upcoming events in 2017

James BasEan,



IIABNY Gets it Done for Producers

As we reported to you on December 9, the Department of Financial Services

(DFS) published in today's (December 28, 2016) New York State Register revisions to the cybersecurity regulation for financial services companies that was originally proposed back in September. IIABNY scored a major victory for producers in the revised definition of entities qualifying for a limited exemption to the requirements of the regulation along with several other key changes. IIABNY is very pleased that the DFS has accepted the changes IIABNY suggested during in-person meetings and in its formal comments to the Department.

The most important change broadens the limited exemption to include

agents with: • fewer than 10 employees (instead of 1,000 customers), OR (instead of AND) • less than $5 million in gross annual revenue, OR • less than $10 million in year-end total assets.

The original proposal would have required most agencies, even small ones

with one or two employees, to comply. IIABNY met with DFS representatives in October to explain that the majority of IIABNY's members had fewer than 8 employees and these small insurance agencies simply could not comply with the requirements proposed by the new regulation. Specifically, IIABNY suggested that the limited exemption be based on number of employees, and not the number of customers as proposed. IIABNY also suggested that the limited exemption be Continued next page [4]

IIABNY Gets it Done for Producers con’t changed so that agents would only have to meet one of the three listed criteria (employees, revenue or assets) instead of all three. The DFS accepted all of IIABNY's recommendations for this section.

The limited exemption has also been expanded to employees, agents and

representatives of a Covered Entity to the extent they are covered by the cybersecurity program of the Covered Entity, and to Covered Entities that do not directly or indirectly operate, maintain, utilize or control Information Systems.

This revised definition will exempt the majority of IIABNY members from

many of the more onerous requirements in the regulation including: • penetration testing and vulnerability assessments, • establishment of an audit trail, • employment of cybersecurity personnel, • training of employees and monitoring of authorized users, • multi-factor authentication, • encryption of data at rest and in transit, • application security, • designation of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO); and • development of an incident response plan.

Continued next page [5]

IIABNY Gets it Done for Producers con’t

Entities qualifying for the limited exemption will still be required to comply

with certain provisions of the regulation. These include: • Establishing a cybersecurity program and implement cybersecurity policies designed to protect its Information Systems • Limiting and periodically reviewing access privileges; • Conducting periodic Risk Assessments of Information Systems; • Implementing policies and procedures to secure information accessible to Third Party Service Providers; • Establishing policies for disposal of Nonpublic Information no longer needed; and • Providing notice to the Superintendent of a Cybersecurity Event; • Covered entities claiming the exemption will be required to file an exemption notice with the DFS.

The revised regulation also makes several other changes to certain definitions

and requirements; including defining "Third Party Service Providers" and amending the section on Third Party Service Provider Policy so that its requirements are more explicitly based on the covered entity's risk assessment.

The regulation will take effect on March 1, 2017 with 180 days for compliance

(September 1, 2017). However, additional transition periods have been added to

Continued next page [6]

IIABNY Gets it Done for Producers;

the revised proposal to provide outside deadlines for compliance with specific requirements of the regulation.

One such transitional period applies to the requirement to establish policies

for dealing with Third Party Service Providers. This provision would not take effect for two years, or until March 1, 2019.

The revised proposal is subject to 30-day comment period during which

affected parties may comment. IIABNY may seek additional changes, but is pleased that its efforts to effect meaningful change have paid off.

IIABNY is preparing additional detailed material for its members, including

templates for your cybersecurity plan and a resource list of solution providers. Member education opportunities will also be announced shortly by IIABNY's Education Department in conjunction with local associations across the state.

For upcoming events visit us at WWW.TRICOUNTYAGENTS.COM [7]

Contact James Bastian: Phone: 866-443-8859 Email:

WHY JOIN ADVANTAGE PARTNERS NETWORK? BECAUSE OUR PARTNERS ARE YOUR PARTNERS • Represent the Most Competitive Major Insurance Companies • No fees, up-front costs or long-term contracts • Agent owns 100% of the business • Ability to earn Carrier profit sharing, incentives and bonuses Advantage Partners is the trusted resource for market access and agency appointments. We work with you as the independent insurance agent to help you achieve greater success.


It’s Magic! Be Part of the Magic at TriCounty’s Post Holiday Party

January 30, 2017 The ‘Outstanding Insurance Company’ Award will be presented this evening to National General Insurance Company Place: Time: Cost: Sponsorships:

K Pacho 1270 Union Turnpike, New Hyde Park 6:00 pm - 10 pm $85.00 per person Event Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor

$5000 - includes 20 tickets. $2500 - includes 10 tickets. $1500 - includes 6 tickets. $ 750 - includes 3 tickets. $ 385 - includes 1 ticket.

Enjoy a superb buffet dinner with wine & beer and ‘astonishing’ entertainment with friends and associates. Be amazed! Be surprised! Be there! REGISTER with a credit card at Complete and return the following form to pay by check. Questions, contact Jeanne Abatelli 516-681-6265 or email All are welcome. Reservations [9]must be in by January 20th.

It’s Magic Registration Form

TriCounty IIAA January 30, 2017

 1. Print out this document; fill in all fields 2. Make Check Payable to: TriCounty IIAA 3. Mail Completed form with the check to: Jeanne Abatelli * 150 Dartmouth Drive * Hicksville, NY 11801 Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.: ___________________________________E-Mail: ____________________________________________ Additional Names:________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Tickets $85.00 each

Number of Tickets ________ x $85 =

Sponsorship Amount Event Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor

$___________ $___________

$5000 - includes 20 tickets. $2500 - includes 10 tickets. $1500 - includes 6 tickets. $ 750 - includes 3 tickets. $ 385 - includes 1 ticket.



Questions, contact Jeanne Abatelli 516-681-6265 or email All are welcome. Reservations must be in by January 20th. [10]

Holiday’s got you down? by Chris Wukovits

I can’t think of a better way to combat any

post-holiday blues you may be having then by attending Tri County’s Annual Post Holiday Party on Monday, January 30th, 2017 at K Pacho in New Hyde Park!

This year’s event will have two awesome

local Magicians who will dazzle us with amazing sleight of hand and fascinating tricks. Gary the Great and his partner Harrison will be strolling around during cocktail hour performing up close Chris Wukovits Director

magic in small groups, they will also visit each table by table and will cap off the night with an

amazing stage performance. Please feel free to visit and see for yourself how entertaining and amazing these gentlemen are.

Now there will all be great food, drinks and make sure you bring your dancing

shoes because there will be a DJ playing great music too.

Lastly, Tri-County will be honoring National General Insurance Company. We

are pleased to be honoring them as they have been and continue to be strong supporters of the Independent Agency system.

Please visit Tri-County’s website for more details and to register for what is

going to be a wonderful event again this year!


Dick Poppa’s Retirement Party by: Ron Brunell

On November 17th more than 150 of the

associations brightest and best, both past and present, gathered to say thanks to Dick Poppa, who is retiring at the end of the year. Dick took over the operations of New York State Big “I” more than 20 years ago. He helped build IIABNY to one of the most powerful state associations. Dick has a lot to be proud of and we gave thanks to him and his wife Kim for all they have done for IIABNY. Dick has spent his entire career promoting the Independent Agency system and Ron Brunell Treasurer

giving us tools to survive in the market place. He was a real supporter at making agents, both large

& small, better business people.

The tribute evening included several speakers and a slide show representing

some of the milestones accomplished over the past 20 years. The evening really captured the efforts of Dick, made on the agents’ behalf. The closing remarks really summed up the night for me, “Dick is leaving the association in a much better place than when he arrived”. Dick has left big shoes to fill!

Lisa Lounsbury will serve as interim IIABNY President and Brian Bixby will

assume the leadership role at IAAC, the products and services portion of IIABNY. We look forward to working with both Lisa & Brian as they assume their new roles.


Dick Poppa at the podium.

Dick with Suffolk past president Russ Vollmer [13]

Dick and his wife Kim with Tom Crowley, former Chair of IIABNY and a past president of IIAB Suffolk County.

Wishing you both a healthy and enjoyable retirement. We will miss you. [14]

The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse than you Think By Alex Giraldo

The topic of computer literacy has been

getting a lot more attention over the years. It no longer matters how many words you can type per minute because that measurement was mostly geared towards a typewriter…Remember those? But as our industry evolves we are tasked with evolving along with it.

The link at the bottom of this article will

lead you to one of the most interesting studies I have ever come across. It’s one that you will most Alexander Giraldo Director

certainly enjoy and hopefully gain from. It’s quite long and I can tell you that your takeaways may

differ from mine which is what makes it so fascinating to me. I guarantee that your definition of “Computer Skills” or “Computer literacy” will change once you read this.

Would love to get your feedback on our Facebook page right here: https:// .

So, what level are you in?



In Memorial McDara Patrick Folan, Jr. 1935 – 2016 We are sorry to report that McDara ‘Dara’ P. Folan, Jr., a long time Big ‘I’ member recently passed away from cancer. You could always see Dara at our membership meetings with his son Stephen who remains active with TriCounty after many years serving on the board, including as its president from 2009 to 2011. His dad’s obituary follows:

McDara “Dara” Patrick Folan, Jr., age 81,

passed away on October 29, 2016, at his home, Stephen Folan with son Matt and dad Dara

surrounded by family and loved ones. Dara was born in Flushing, NY on April 22, 1935, the oldest of two children of McDara P. Folan, Sr. and

Margaret O’Brien.

He graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School and attended Polytechnic

Institute of NYU, where he focused on electrical engineering. He worked for the NYC water department and on weekends helped at the family oil burner repair business. This background would help him immensely in his future career as a real estate and insurance broker. Throughout his life, Dara enjoyed working on electrical and remodeling projects, and helping family and friends with various home improvements.

In 1962, Dara moved with his first wife, Patricia, and his family to Port

Washington, NY where he joined The Frank O’Rourke Agency, an independent [16]

insurance agency. He bought out Frank O’Rourke in 1973 and in1979 changed the name to The Folan Agency, which over the years also owned a Century 21 real estate franchise and a partial ownership in a travel agency. He continued to work daily until he was diagnosed with cancer in September.

Dara was involved in numerous civic and professional associations. He was a

past Exalted Ruler of the Port Washington Elks Lodge, and a member of the local Rotary Club, Knights of Columbus and Ancient Order of Hibernians. He also was a member of the Long Island Board of Realtors, the Professional Insurance Agents and the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America. He attended many TriCounty functions over the years.

An avid sports fan, Dara was a long-time NY Rangers season ticket holder and

enjoyed watching the New York Yankees and Giants. A dual citizen of the United States and Ireland, he was very proud of his Irish heritage and derived great joy from his regular visits to his family in Ireland.

Dara is survived by his five children: McDara Folan, III (Ragan) of Winston-

Salem, NC; Stephen Folan (Anne) of Glen Cove, NY; Patricia Van Dyke (James) of Cary, NC; Sean Folan (Kristie) of Bethel, CT; and Maureen Pederson (Kenneth) of Locust Valley, NY, and his 13 grandchildren.



Agent Beware by Chris Dritsas At a recent breakfast board meeting, one of our board members, Alex Giraldo asked the question, “ Did anyone attend the Insuretech Connect conference in Las Vegas last week?” Not one person in the room answered yes. This was a room of about 12 agents, most of which have their own agency, have been in the business a long time, and who are very informed of what is going on in our industry. I’m sure most of you reading this are asking yourselves the same question, what was the Insuretech Connect Chris Dritsas Director

conference. As Alex spoke about the conference in detail, it was clear, agents and brokers may be

facing a true challenge in the not so far future. The first opportunity I had that morning in front of a computer, I spent a good amount of time reading and researching the conference. I have to say, it was an eye opener. So what exactly was this conference?

The Insuretech Connect conference was a

gathering of venture capitalists, insurance executives, and entrepreneurs who are working on different ways to get a piece of the almost $5 Trillion spent on premiums annually worldwide. Notice who was missing from the list of participants, that’s right, agents and brokers.

You will be shocked to know that

there were over 1500 attendees. When was the last time any insurance conference attracted that many people, right again, never. It just does not happen.


The way to think of this phenomenon, this marriage of technology and insurance carrier, is to think in terms of what Uber did to the NYC yellow cab. Two years ago a NYC yellow cab had a value of approximately $1 million, today the value is about half that. Uber and companies alike have taken over a business that no one ever thought would be affected by apps and technology. The combination of technology, Internet, and consumer apps at a person’s fingertips can change almost any industry and change it quickly. As agents and brokers, we need to be aware of what is going on in our industry. To date, there has been about $5 Billion (that’s correct, billions with a “b”) invested in InsureTech deals. The number of firms coming into this industry will grow and they will grow fast. All arrows are pointing to this new way of insurance buying and selling for insured’s and insurers. I encourage you all to visit the website, You will get a better idea of what the conference is all about. The conference for 2017 will take place on October 3 & 4 in Las Vegas.

Be sure to reserve the date for our most special event of the year! The TriCounty Installation Dinner will be held on

Wednesday, May 17, 2016 [20]


Startup Auto Insurer, Root, Targets Good Drivers with Smartphones

Root officially debuted in the U.S. market on

October 25. The fledgling auto insurer, just 18 months old, relies on telematics and a customer’s smartphone to deliver what it says will be significantly cheaper rates for the best drivers based on their current driving data.

“We sell auto insurance entirely on a

smartphone,” CEO and co-founder Alex Timm told Carrier Management in a telephone interview. He added that Root’s business model is “enabling us to Stephen Folan Past President 2009 - 2011

get the best drivers much, much better rates than currently on the market, which we feel is the rate they deserve.”

Potential Root customers download its app onto

their smartphones, which enables a scan of their driver’s license. Then comes a two-week wait while Root gathers data on its potential customer to determine what kind of driver he or she is. Once approved, Root sends a push notification electronically, and the customer then can use Apple Pay to purchase the coverage. Aside from the waiting period, the initial enrollment takes less than a minute.


Progressive, Generali Pursue Joint Telematics Research

Europe’s The Generali Group and Progressive Group of Insurance Companies

of the U.S., both among the leaders in car insurance telematics, said they have entered into an research and development collaboration to improve their individual data analytics capabilities and foster product offerings.

The two said they will share knowledge in telematics to further innovate their

behavioral profiling systems to explore new car telematics products that reward safer drivers and improve driving through personalized customer feedback.

Progressive first introduced its wireless telematics device in 2008. The product,

Snapshot, is a voluntary discount program in which drivers can save money on their car insurance by sharing their driving habits with Progressive. The insurer says that more than four million drivers have tried it.

Pat Callahan, Personal Lines president of Progressive Insurance, said that key

driving behaviors including actual miles driven, braking, and time of day of driving can provide “more than twice the predictive power of traditional insurance rating variables,” like a driver’s demographic profile, or the year, make and model of the insured vehicle.

“Collaborating internationally with Generali allows us to further expand and

deepen our customer insights in order to help safer drivers save even more money through our Snapshot program,” said Callahan. Insurance Journal 10 Things to Know About Drones 1.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) drone definition: “An unmanned aircraft system (UAS), sometimes called a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot


onboard. Instead, the UAS is controlled from an operator on the ground.” — FAA 2.

Insurance Services Office (ISO) defines “unmanned aircraft” as: “An aircraft that is not: 1. Designed; 2. Manufactured; or 3. Modified after manufacture to be controlled directly by a person from within or on the aircraft.” — Chris Boggs, director, Academy of Insurance


FAA estimates sales of UAS will rise from 2.5 million in 2016 to 7 million in 2020. — FAA


Under the new FAA rules for commercial use of small UAS, effective Aug. 29, pilots must keep them within visual line of sight; height and speed are restricted; and flights over unprotected people who aren’t directly participating in the UAS operation are prohibited. — FAA


Drones weighing more than 0.55 pounds must be registered with the FAA. As of April 2016, over 430,000 were registered in the U.S. — FAA


Ten markets needing insurance coverage for drones: agriculture; construction and surveying; film and photography; freight transport; law enforcement and security; news media; oil and gas; real estate; telecommunications; utilities and energy. — Assurex Global, “Drone Insurance: A Market on the Rise”


Common exposures: theft of the drone and attached equipment; damage to the drone, including attachments, electronics and components; property damage caused to others by the drone; bodily injury caused to others by the drone; premises liability at locations used in connection with scheduled flights; malicious damage; system hacking; contractual liability. — Assurex Global


ISO’s three exclusionary endorsements for drones: Exclusion – Unmanned Aircraft (CG 21 09 06 15): excludes the use of UAS in both Coverage Part A (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) and Coverage Part B (Personal and Advertising Injury); Exclusion – Unmanned Aircraft (Coverage A Only) (CG 21 10 06 15); and Exclusion – Unmanned Aircraft (Coverage B Only) (CG 21 11 06 15). — Chris Boggs [23]


ISO has three exclusionary endorsements with specific exceptions: Limited Coverage for Designated Unmanned Aircraft (CG 24 50 06 15): limited protection under Coverages A and B; Limited Coverage for Designated Unmanned Aircraft (Coverage A Only) (CG 24 51 06 15) ; and Limited Coverage for Designated Unmanned Air-craft (Coverage B Only) (CG 24 52 06 15). — Chris Boggs


Both the 2016 Republican and Democratic national conventions were deemed “no drone zones” by the FAA. — FAA

Driverless Cars to Slash U.S. Auto Insurance Premiums The rollout of autonomous vehicles over the next few decades could lead to a massive reduction in U.S. motor vehicle premiums in the coming years, Aon Benfield said in a new report. Expectations are that “industry pure premiums” will drop 20 percent under their 2015 levels by 2035, even if the technology is adopted at just a moderate pace, Aon Benfield said. Assuming the same moderate trajectory, those premiums could plunge by more than 40 percent if full adoption of autonomous vehicles takes place, as expected, by 2050.

-Insurance Journal

Drivers over 65

Almost half of all drivers on the nation’s roads are over the age of 65 and this

number is projected to increase to 77 percent in the next 30 years. Adults over the age of 65 have the highest crash rate per mile compared to any other age group, and older driver fatalities are highest in Florida, California and Texas.

And……The fact that there is a Highway to Hell and only a Stairway to Heaven

says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers!



BOWLING TOURNAMENT Wednesday February 1, 2017 Join Us As We Bring Together the Local Insurance Associations on Long Island for Some Friendly Competition! CIBGNY, CPCU, IIABSC, IPALI , PIANY, QCIP, TriCounty IIAA, Next Gen & YIP’s

Whose team are you on? Six bowlers per team. The top 2 teams will receive a trophy and bragging rights! Cheerleaders Needed Too! Place:

Bowlmor Lanes 895 Walt Whitman Rd. Melville NY


5:00 pm Check in; 5:30 pm Bowling & Pizza Party with beer, wine & soda


$69.00 per person Advance registration required. Please register by January 25, 2017.

Organized by the DOWNSTATE INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS’ COUNCIL Register On-Line at or print and mail in this form Questions? Contact Jeanne Abatelli 516-681-6265 or email:

Reservation for 2/1/17 Please make check payable to Name(s) ______________________________________________ DOWNSTATE and mail this form With your check to: Agency/Co.____________________________________________ Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Dr Hicksville, NY 11801

Tel: ______________Email _______________________________ I am participating by bowling/cheerleading for _________________ [26]


James Bastian President

Adam Erickson Vice President

Ron Brunell, CIC Treasurer

Alex Giraldo Secretary


Eileen Black, CPCU

Andrew Chong

Chris Dritsas

Elisa Grober, PLCS

Neil Levy, CPA, CFP

Christopher Wukovits

Steve Ferrar

Peter Phillips Immediate Past President


ge d e l w o Kn & e vic r e S

uc Prod




Loss Co Too ntrol Rew ls & ards



Trust IAAC For Your E&O Needs. STABILITY

KNOWLEDGE & SERVICE IAAC’s dedicated professional staff understands the competitive E&O environment in our state. Experience,

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“A” rated carriers Serving Big “I” members for 25+ years Consistency of policy terms & coverage


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Policyholder credits available E&O seminars & webinars Newsletters Agency audit tools Virtual Risk Consultant (online sales, operation & exposure reference) Risk Management website


5784 Widewaters Parkway, 1st Floor, Dewitt, NY 13214 p: 800.962.7950 • f: 888.431.1126 •

Access to two largest providers in marketplace: Westport & Fireman’s Fund Other admitted & non-admitted


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Agents E&O, Excess E&O EPLI Misc. professional



OFFICERS President James Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103

Vice President Adam Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency, Inc. 377 Oak Street Ste 305 Garden City, NY 11530

Treasurer Ron Brunell, CIC The Signature B&B Companies 501 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530

Secretary Alex Giraldo Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530

Eileen Abatelli-Black, CPCU Abatelli Group Inc 24 - 55 Francis Lewis Blvd Whitestone, NY 11357 Chris Dritsas Phillips General Insurance, Port Washington 180 Main Street Port Washington, NY 11050


Andrew Chong ARC Underwriting Partners, Inc. 73 Cuttermill Road Great Neck, NY 11021

Steve Ferrar Ferrar Insurance 120 Franklin Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010

Elisa Grober, PLCS Grober-Imbey Agency One Sunrise Plaza Valley Stream, NY 11580

Neil Levy, CPA,CFP Christopher M. Wukovits CBS Coverage a division of Assured AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. SKCG, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place 111 Express Street Garden City, NY 11530 Plainview, NY 11803 Immediate Past President Peter Phillips Phillips Brokerage, Inc. 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 [30]

OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Publisher Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265

IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board John H. Smith, Jr., CPCU, ARM, CIC William A. Smith & Son Inc. 380 Broadway Newburgh, NY 12550 p: 845.561.1706 f: 845.485.6603 e: IIABNY President & CEO Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 800-962-7950 516-568-0800


Regional Director Ronald Brunell, CIC The Signature B & B Companies 501 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 p: 516.823.3133 f: 516.764.1019 e:

Regional Director John Cofini BNC Insurance Agency, Inc. 111 S. Ridge Street Rye Brook, NY 10573 p: 914.881.4844 f: 914.937.1124 e:

Advertisers Insurance Companies & Markets Advantage Partners James Bastian 37-19 Broadway, 2nd Flr Astoria NY 11103 Phone: 347-721-9839 Ext 705 http:// www.advantagepartnersn Interboro Insurance Group Peter Resnick 155 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501

Phone: 516-248-1100 Fax: 516-746-1884 Email:presnick@interboroi www.interboroinsurance. com

New Empire Group 214 W Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561 Phone: 866-431-8100 Fax: 516-431-5351 m

Morstan General

NIF Group Paul Orlando 30 Park Avenue Manhasset, NY 11030 Phone: 516-365-7440 Fax: 516-496-7356

Agency Inc. Bob Birner 600 Community Drive PO Box 4500 Manhasset, NY 11030-4500 Phone: 516-488-4747 Fax: 516-437-5050



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