Winter 2018
We all know how time consuming and difficult it is to
find talent for our agency. The need for experienced help has always been a top goal for every employer that I know, including me. We search - we hire - we train - we fit employees into the best position for their ability and somehow, we find ourselves doing it all over again. Maybe our valuable employee left for another job, retired, or moved to another position within the agency. It could be your agency is growing and expansion is needed requiring additional employees. Whatever the reason the cycle seems never
Adam Erickson President
Help is on the way! IIABNY has heard this complaint
from members for years and started working with a leading HR firm and a group of high performing agency employees to design something that will most certainly help solve this employment problem.
As a result, a superb hiring program was developed and
is now ready to launch. It’s called the “DIY Hiring Toolkit” and is a complete guide to recognizing and taking on talented individuals. ‘DIY’ stands for ‘Do It Yourself’ and, yes, you can do this yourself by following steps from the beginning of your search through screening and ultimately hiring the right employees for your agency.
Realizing that every agency needs are different, you may
decide to purchase the complete toolkit or just a few tools. It’s all on the Big I website – and I strongly recommend you take a good look at it.
We hope to see you at our third Post Holiday Party on
Monday January 29th again at the popular K-Pacho restaurant in New Hyde Park. This will be a full evening with premier entertainment by an outstanding Latin dance group, some ‘magic’ throughout the evening and terrific food. It’s a perfect opportunity to meet friends and chat with some new folks in an informal atmosphere. Please be sure to register for what promises to be a very enjoyable evening.
Following this is a Big I day of legislation in Albany on
March 6 known as “L-Day”. This event mixes business and pleasure. The business portion is getting familiar with the legislative issues important to our industry and the fun part is meeting our legislators and influencing them to help resolve these matters favorably. Agents like yourself come to this event from all over New York state and we need you with us this year to make an impact. Please see the detailed flyer in this issue and plan to join us.
Adam Erickson,
Baby It’s Cold Outside
Need to shake off the Cyclone Bomb? Well
then join us on January 29, 2018 at K-Pacho in New Hyde Park. This year we have a South of the Border theme. Come and enjoy drinks, music, food and entertainment with your friends and associates. Plus this year’s event will help support the Island Harvest and Alley Oops for Autism. This year, Tri-County will be Honoring UPC Insurance. We are proud to honor them since Frank Elorza
they have been a strong supporter of the Independent Agency system. Please visit Tri-County’s website for more details and to register for what is going to be a fantastic event!
Hey Havana!
It's post holiday party time at K-Pacho! Join TriCounty members for a special 'South of the Border' evening.
January 29, 2018
Honoring UPC Insurance This event will help support Island Harvest and Alley Oop for Autism.
Place: Time: Cost: Sponsorships:
K Pacho 1270 Union Turnpike, New Hyde Park 6:00 pm - 10 pm $85.00 per person Event Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor
$5000 - includes 20 tickets. $2500 - includes 10 tickets. $1500 - includes 6 tickets. $ 750 - includes 3 tickets. $ 385 - includes 1 ticket.
Enjoy a superb buffet dinner, drinks, music and entertainment with friends and associates. REGISTER with a credit card at Questions, contact Jeanne Abatelli 516-681-6265 or email All are welcome. Reservations must be in by January 24th..
Be sure to reserve in advance - ‘Walk-in’ fee, is an additional $5.00. [5]
It’s All About L-Day
I was always told NEVER to discuss
politics or religion in polite company. Oh well….let’s talk about L-Day.
L-Day is back! Leaner and meaner than
ever. After a three year hiatus we will be heading to Albany for a one day event. L-Day has always been an important element of the success of the Big I’s legislative team in Albany. L-Day is March 6th and TriCounty has transportation set up to make it as easy as possible for you to join your fellow agents at this exciting event. There is Neil Levy, CPS, CFP
absolutely no cost and team leaders will discuss the issues if one isn’t comfortable. There are absolutely no excuses.
The insurance industry is such an important component of the New York
economy and IIABNY’s (Now Big I New York) mission statement is to advance the success of its independent agents and brokers. In just this year, (its Jan. 16th) as of this writing, our Governor talked about restructuring the tax code, pooling government health plans, cyber risks and the DFS, autonomous vehicles, and the list goes on and on. These issues and more can have detrimental effects on our agencies and each of us individually. The Big I is in our corner but they are powerless without the support of its members. Here is our chance to speak directly with our legislators about the issues that can affect our industry.
We’ve listened to our members and are bringing back a newer, leaner version of L Day on Tuesday, March 6, 2018! Based on your feedback we are planning an abbreviated legisla7ve day, focusing primarily on appointments with legislators, to make the most of your 7me in Albany. We have a commi>ee of agents represen7ng all regions of the state and chaired by Big I New York director Ron Brunell who are planning this exci7ng event. Over the years L Day has proven to be an important element of the success of our legisla7ve team in Albany. AGer a three-year hiatus it’s 7me to bring it back! Its success will be dependent on the support of our local associa7ons and we hope that you can join fellow agents in Albany on Tuesday, March 6, 2018.
Schedule of Events Tuesday, March 6, 2018 9:30 AM – Legisla7ve briefing 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Visits with legislators There is no cost to a>end other than your 7me to make an impact. Team leaders will lead each group and you will find this trip interes7ng and enjoyable. Your presence is what is important! If you have ques7ons, would like to join us or want informa7on on group transporta7on, please contact Pat Calvert our execu7ve director, at or 516-621-2209. (Fax 516-484-9051) Yes! Count me in! Name ______________________________________________ Agency _____________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Please respond to: Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
2018 STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM TriCounty is once again starting its annual High School Scholarship Program for 2018. This program is made available to students in the counties we represent, Nassau, Queens, Kings and Richmond.
We offer two scholarships in the amount of
$1,000 each, which are awarded to graduating students who are planning to attend college. They are named for two of TriCounty’s past leaders who unfortunately died way too early: Sreve Ferrar
The Joel S. Pollack Memorial Scholarship
( Joel was killed by a drunk driver ) is awarded to the student that writes the best essay regarding
reducing unnecessary auto accidents like the one that killed Joel. This year’s topic is on the dangers and possible prevention of accidents caused by Distracted Driving, whether it is texting or cell phone usage.
The Stephen T. Dooley Community Service Scholarship (Steve died at an
early age due to cancer and he was very active in charity and youth programs) is awarded to a graduating student who has shown exemplary community service throughout high school.
Applications for these scholarships are being mailed to high schools in our TriCounty area and I am sure, as usual, we will be getting a large response from student applicants.
January 22, 2018
TRI COUNTY INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS The Tri County Independent Insurance Agents Association is getting ready to start the award process for our two prestigious memorial awards. As professionals who are involved in our local communities, we are offering two awards to qualifying seniors attending high schools in these communities. If you know any graduating seniors who will be heading to college next fall make sure they apply for either or both of these awards.
The “JOEL S. POLLACK” Memorial Scholarship. On Memorial Day weekend in 1998, a drunk driver
tragically killed one of our esteemed members. Joel was 35 years of age and was a highly regarded member of our industry and believed strongly in continuing education. Tri County established an educational scholarship in his honor to assist a graduating high school senior in furthering his or her education. Tri County will award $1,000 scholarship to the wining student in the graduating class of 2018, to be used towards education expenses at the college of their choice.
The “STEPHEN T. DOOLEY COMMUNITY SERVICE” Scholarship. Steve was a major influence in the formation of the Tri County Association. He was president of our organization, a highly respected insurance professional and very active in his community, mostly as a volunteer in charity and youth activities. Steve died from cancer in February 2005 and we thought there was no finer way to honor him than to establish an ongoing scholarship in his memory, in the areas he cherished and worked so hard in.
$1,000 will be awarded to a high school graduate who has shown exemplary community service, to be used towards college expenses.
The following will be considered when evaluating the winning applicants for each award. Joel S. Pollack Scholarship
Stephen T. Dooley Community Service
* Completion of essay
* Involvement in community service
* Completed scholarship application
* Completed scholarship application
* Academic Transcript
* Signature of school official
No e-mails, faxes or submissions requiring a signature please. First Class mail ONLY. Mail to: TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association P.O. Box 316, Albertson, NY 11507-0316 All submissions must be postmarked on or before March 20, 2018 Applicants may apply for either or both awards and must mail the application(s) and supporting documents to our association address above. These forms may also be downloaded from our website – Winners will be posted on our website – Look for the names after May 10th [9]
TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association – 2018 Awards.
The “Joel S. Pollack Memorial Scholarship”Award Criteria. • • •
Nominee must be a student in good standing at a participating school. Nominee must have an exemplary academic record. Please include transcript. Nominee must write an essay as noted on the application.
AWARD The TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association will award a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating high school senior in the class of 2018 who is planning to attend college. Student must have an “A” average and must complete the essay that will be judged by the scholarship committee. This award will be in the form of a check sent to the education institution/college selected by the winner, to be placed in the student’s account. ++++++++++++++++++
The “Stephen T. Dooley Community Service” Award Criteria. Nominee must be a student in good standing at a participating school. Nominee must have an exemplary record of VOLUNTEER service for the betterment of his or her community. This award is not based on grades. • Nominee must be a positive role model. • Nominee will be judged on his/her community service involvement throughout high school. • •
AWARD TriCounty IIAA will award a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating high school senior in the class of 2018 who is planning to attend college. Applicant must demonstrate an outstanding dedication to the community. This award will be in the form of a check sent to the education institution/college selected by the winner, to be placed in the student’s account. +++++++++++++++++++++ NOMINATIONS: Nominations for both awards will be solicited from each participating school in the counties of Nassau, Queens, Kings and Staten Island. Students may apply for one or both awards. Applications must be submitted in writing and mailed ‘first class only’ to TriCounty IIAA., P.O. Box 316, Albertson, NY 11507-0316 by March 20, 2018. No faxes, e-mails or envelopes requiring a signature will be accepted. [10]
“JOEL S. POLLACK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP” APPLICATION Please print or type Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Tel Number ___________________E-mail _________________________________________ Name of high school you are now attending: _______________________________________ School address: _______________________________________Tel# ____________________ What college are you considering for the fall? ______________________________________
Attach your transcript and an essay in response to the following question: Distracted driving is a serious problem and statistics show may now cause more fatal accidents than DWI. Texting while Driving and cell phone usage are major causes of distractions and quite often involve young drivers. What are some of the things that could be done to help reduce distractions while operating a vehicle?
All submissions must be postmarked on or before March 20, 2018. Mail ‘First Class’ only to: TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association P.O. Box 316 Albertson, NY 11507-0316 THIS APPLICATION MAY BE OBTAINED ON THE INTERNET AT:
For further information contact our administration office at 516-621-2209 or e-mail: [11]
“STEPHEN T. DOOLEY COMMUNITY SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP” APPLICATION Please print or type Name ___________________________________Tel: ___________________E-mail: ______________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Attach a list of “Community Service” activities you participated in during your 4 years of high school showing dates of involvement, approximate number of hours devoted to the activity, special recognition or awards you received for “Community Service” and any other pertinent information you would like to have considered for this scholarship. (Note: This award is NOT based on grades.) What college are you considering for the fall? _____________________________________________________
The following is to be completed by a school authority. 1. Participating High School: Name _____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Reviewing Party: Your name and position at the school __________________________________________ ____________________________________Telephone No. (Extension, if any) ____________________________ 3. To the best of your knowledge, is this an accurate representation of the extra curricular activities for this student? ________ _____________________________________________________________ (yes or no) Signature
All entries must be postmarked by March 20, 2018 and sent ‘first class’ only. Mail to: TriCounty Independent Insurance Agents Association PO Box 316 Albertson, NY 11507-0316 THIS APPLICATION MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED ON THE INTERNET AT: WWW.TRICOUNTYAGENTS.COM For further information call our administration office at 516-621-2209 or e-mail:
Uber, Transitioning to Fleet Operator, Orders 24,000 Driverless Cars from Volvo
Uber plans to buy up to 24,000 self-driving
cars from Volvo, marking the transition of the U.S. firm from an app used to summon a taxi to the owner and operator of a fleet of cars. Uber has been testing prototype Volvo cars for more than a year, with safety drivers in the front seat to intervene if the self-driving system fails, in Tempe, Arizona and Pittsburgh. “Our goal was from day one to make investments into a vehicle that could be manufactured at scale,” Jeff Miller, Uber’s head of automotive alliances, said. Stephen Folan Past President 2009 - 2011
The cars, in theory, would be available through
the Uber app to pick up passengers without a driver. “It only becomes a commercial business when you can remove that vehicle operator from the equation,” Miller said.
– Insurance Journal
Blind Americans Want to Participate in Future of Driverless Vehicles
The revolution in self-driving cars holds
promise for a segment of the population that thought they’d never be able to operate a vehicle: the blind. Advocates for the estimated 1.3 million legally blind people in the U.S., and millions more with other disabilities, have joined automakers and technology
companies in lobbying Congress to help spur the roll out of self-driving vehicles. “If it’s designed correctly, if the vehicles are accessible,” said Lewis, executive director of the National Federation of the Blind’s Jernigan Institute, which works to develop technologies and services that help the blind. “It’s going to create an improved ability to travel that doesn’t currently exist.” Man’s Best Friend?
According to the Insurance Information Institute, dog bites and other dog-
related injuries accounted for more than one-third of all homeowners liability claim dollars paid out in 2016, costing in excess of $600,000,000. 2017 ‘One of Worst’ for U.S. Weather with 15 Events Costing $1 Billion or More
The US recorded 15 weather events costing $1 billion or more each through
early October, one short of the record 16 in 2011, according to the federal government’s National Centers for Environmental Information in Asheville, North Carolina. And the tally doesn’t include the December wildfires in southern California.
In many cases, weather broke records. In others, it was just downright odd, like
the February warm spell that sent temperatures to a record 72 Fahrenheit (22 Celsius) in Burlington, Vermont, and spawned a tornado in Massachusetts. Among the most devastating events were hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria and wildfires in northern California. The killer storms caused economic losses of more than $210 billion in the U.S. and across the Caribbean, and about $100 billion in insured damages, according to Mark Bove, a senior research scientist with Munich Reinsurance America in Princeton, New Jersey. The list goes on — ruinous hail in Colorado and Minnesota, tornado outbreaks across the Midwest and South, flooding that damaged a massive dam in California and triggered evacuations downstream.
How Much Do Health Insurance Subsidies Cost Taxpayers?
Taxpayers will fork over nearly $10 billion more in 2017 to cover double-digit
premium hikes for subsidized health insurance under President Barack Obama’s law, according to a study released by the Center for Health and Economy. The study estimates that the cost of premium subsidies under the Affordable Care Act will increase by $9.8 billion in 2017, rising from $32.8 billion currently to $42.6 billion. The average monthly subsidy will increase by $76, or 26 percent, from $291 currently to $367 in 2017.
-Insurance Journal Selling Renters’ Insurance to Millennials
There’s a new website aimed at changing the way millennials deal with buying
insurance – but it’s focused on a widely under-served segment of the insurance market – renters’ insurance. Launched by two young insurance agents Tom Austin and Zachary Stiefler, both graduates of Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania, is a new licensed independent insurance broker created to “simplify” the renters’ insurance buying experience for first-time insurance buyers. Austin said they got the idea when they made their own foray into buying insurance. “We were renting at the time and had to purchase renters insurance. We got called by a bunch of different agents and thought ‘we can do better than this,'” said Austin. He said the concept they came up with was a “simple, easy-to-use, modern website” where millennials could enter their information and identify with the renters’ insurance product that would work best for them. They wanted to create a “user-friendly” experience that would resonate with millennials, who he said prefer to do things online and quickly.
I completed the information for a quick quote. I found the premium higher than
what I could get through my standard markets. However, it also displayed a link at [15]
the end of the quote for Jeweler’s Mutual for valuables coverage. I lost an account to Jeweler’s Mutual recently because of their pricing. Controversial Red Light Cameras Save Lives: IIHS Red-light cameras are widely hated, but a new study says getting rid of them can have fatal consequences. Traffic deaths from red-light-running crashes go up by nearly a third after cities turn off cameras designed to catch motorists in the act, according to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The institute is funded by auto insurers. While cities continue to add cameras at intersections with traffic signals, at least 158 communities have ended their red-light camera programs in the past five years, the study said. Researchers compared trends in annual crash rates in 14 cities that had ended their camera programs with those in 29 cities in the same regions that continued their camera programs.
Upcoming Events January 2018 • 23rd – IPALI – New Year Kick Off – Paddy’s Loft, Seaford, NY • 25th – PIA – Metro RAP – The Roosevelt Hotel, NYC • 29th – TriCounty – Post Holiday Party – K-Pacho, New Hyde Park, NY
June 2018 • 10th – 12th – PIA Annual Conference – Harrah’s Resort & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ • 18th – CIBGNY – Golf Outing • 26th – IPALI – Installation Dinner July 2018 • 26th – NextGen, Yip & LABA Event – Tropix, Freeport, NY
February 2018 • 8th – IIABSC – Reach Your Producer Goals in 2018 – Irish Coffee Pub, East Islip, NY • 27th – IPALI – Continuing Education Meeting with QCIP
August 2018 • 2nd – DOWNSTATE – 2nd Annual Picnic – Eisenhower Park, East Meadow • TBD – DOWNSTATE – Annual Fishing Outing – Captree Boat Basin, Bay Shore
March 2018 • 12th – Downstate – Annual Bowling Event – Bowlmor Lanes, Melville • 29th – IPALI – Charity Event – Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury
September 2018 October 2018 • 1st - LIIC Gala - Carlyle on the Green, Bethpage, NY • 11th TriCounty Oktoberfest Plattdeutsche Beer Garden, Franklin Sq., NY
April 2018 • 19 – 22 – IPALI – Convention, Kingston, NY • 25th – PIA Long Island RAP – Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury
November 2018 • 16th – CIBGNY – Annual Dinner Gala – El Caribe, Brooklyn, NY • 29th – IIABSC – Holiday Party – Watermill Caterers – Smithtown, NY
May 2018 • 22nd – IPALI – Annual Mini Chinese Auction
Visit The Downstate Insurance Associations Council Calendar To Keep Up To Date On All Insurance Events [17]
OFFICERS & DIRECTORS OFFICERS President Adam Erickson Carlstan North Hills Agency, Inc. 377 Oak Street Ste 305 Garden City, NY 11530
Vice President Alex Giraldo Club Agency 100 Ring Road, Ste 200 Garden City, NY 11530
Treasurer Ron Brunell, CIC The Signature B&B Companies 501 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530
Secretary Andrew Chong ARC Underwriting Partners, Inc. 73 Cuttermill Road Great Neck, NY 11021
DIRECTORS Chris Dritsas Phillips General Insurance, Port Washington 180 Main Street Port Washington, NY 11050
Frank Elorza Club Agency Insurance Brokerage LLC 100 Ring Road West, Suite 202 Garden City NY 11530
Steve Ferrar Ferrar Insurance 120 Franklin Avenue Franklin Square, NY 11010
Neil Levy, CPA,CFP CBS Coverage a division of Assured SKCG, Inc. 111 Express Street Plainview, NY 11803
Robert E. Mackoul, CLU New Empire Group, Ltd. 214 West Park Avenue, Atrium Suite Long Beach NY 11561
Christopher M. Wukovits AAA New York Insurance Services, Inc. 1415 Kellum Place Garden City, NY 11530
Immediate Past President James Bastian Advantage Partners, Inc 37-19 Broadway Astoria, NY 11103 [18]
OTHER POSITIONS TriCounty IIAA Executive Director Patricia Calvert 132 Peachtree Lane Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516-621-2209 Tri-Lines Publisher Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265 TriCounty IIAA Director of Sales Jeanne Abatelli 150 Dartmouth Drive Hicksville, NY 516-681-6265
IIABNY Positions Chair of the Board Richard MacDonald, CPCU, ARM, AIM Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc. 231 Salina Meadows Pkwy Ste 200 Syracuse, NY 13212 p: 315.451.1500 f: 315.703.8161
IIABNY President & CEO Lisa Lounsbury, CAE, AAI, AIS IIABNY 5784 Widewaters Pkwy Dewitt, NY 13214 800-962-7950, Ext 230
Regional Director Ronald Brunell, CIC The Signature B & B Companies 501 Franklin Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 p: 516.823.3133 f: 516.764.1019 e:
Regional Director John Cofini BNC Insurance Agency, Inc. 111 S. Ridge Street Rye Brook, NY 10573 p: 914.881.4844 f: 914.937.1124 e: