The Weclome Guide
“Appreciate this moment. Stop and look around you. Be thankful for all you have and where you are because this time next year, nothing will be the same. �
- R.H.
welcome Hel lo t here, friend! Time will never stand still. As much as we wish it would. We want the best moments to linger just a little bit longer. Everyday it seems the world is moving a little faster than the last. One of the biggest adventures of your life is about to begin. It’s never too early to make plans to capture the excitement of your senior year. I hope this welcome guide will help answer any questions you might have about your senior session. I believe that creating a personal connection with my seniors helps them feel comfortable in front of the camera. I love photographing all types of portraits on location and in beautiful, natural-lighting. Every senior is unique and I love seeing each client’s personality come to life in thier session. As Ansel Adams said, “You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved”. I hope sharing a little bit about myself will help you get to know me before our session. Enjoy!
my loves 1. My husband - Chris is my biggest supporter. He is also my high school sweetheart. I am terrible with grammar and funny enough, we met in english class! He has been spell-checking my writing ever since! That’s love. :) 2. My fur baby - After being married for 3 years, we increased our family by four paws! Bo Bonadio, in all his golden glory, became our fur child. I work hard so he can have all the milk bones his heart desires. His favorite things are catching frisbee, riding in the car and taking a swim! 3. Our Travels - While studying abroad in Rome, I realized photography was my passion. I dream of one day shooting a destination wedding in Italy and opening a Bed & Breakfast in Tuscany. #havecamerawilltravel 4. Coffee, all of the coffee - We currently own 2 french presses, a Nespresso, a Keurig, a Chemex, and a Bialetti Espresso maker. As a couple, we really enjoy visiting all of the neighborhood coffee shops Pittsburgh has to offer! During our trip to Italy, we drank 48 espressos! #caffineismyfriend
Tel l me more about yourself. W hat do you love?
One Hour Session One Location 20 Digital Images Personal Print Rights Online Viewing Gallery
THE MINI COLLECTION $500 Two Hour Session Two Locations 40 Digital Images Personal Print Rights Online Viewing Gallery
THE MAXI COLLECTION $750 Three Hour Session Three Locations 60 Digital Images Personal Print Rights Online Viewing Gallery
GENTLEMEN I understand senior photos might not be your favorite part of senior year. Custom quotes are always available. Send me a note about what you’re looking for!
NOTE: All prices are subject to 7% sales tax in addition to collection pricing.
W hat t o Expect LOCATION Add more personality to your photos by choosing the location of your session! Whether it’s the coffee shop where you work or your high school track, let me know if there is a special place that is sentimental to you! If you book a package with multiple locations, please condiser the distance between each. Travel time is included in your session so try not to travel more than 30 minutes to the next location.
SCHEDULING Sessions are scheduled 2-4 months in advanced when possible. Sessions are held on evenings and limited weekends throughout the summer and fall. Cancellations and reschedules must be made via email at least 48 hours prior to your session. Deposits are nonrefundable.
PAYMENT Once we have decided on a date, I will send an invoice for your session. A $100 non-refundable retainer and signed portrait contract are required to securing your date. The remaining balance is due at the time of your session by check or paid online via your invoice.
Q : W H AT S H O U LD W E D O TO P R EPA R E FO R T H E S ESS I O N? A: For the ladies, I highly recommend having your hair and makeup professionally done. Not OVER DONE, but enough to highlight your best features. Makeup artists are specially trained to know what makeup will photograph best. I can give you some recommendations or you can book at your local Ulta or Sephora. For Ladies + Gents, getting a haircut and nails nicely manicured is also suggested. Pamper yourself - you only have senior portraits taken once! Q : D O YO U ED I T A L L O F T H E P H OTO S? A: Every photo you receive will be color corrected and edited to the style you see on my website, blog, etc. Please mention early in the booking process if retouching skin is needed. Additional retouching/ Photoshop editing may require an additional charge. Q : W H E R E S H O U L D W E G ET O U R I M A G ES P R I N T ED? A: I highly recommend using your online gallery to print. Orders will be fulfilled with a professional print lab which has been calibrated to my monitor. The lab uses archival papers + inks with superior product quality. However, I love Artifact Uprising as a second option! I do not recommend Walmart, Target, Costco, SAMs or other big box stores. Price list at the end of this guide. Q : H OW M A N Y O U T FI T C H A N G ES D O I G ET? A: As many different outfits as you can fit within the time frame! A good rule of thumb is one outfit per 3o minutes. I also suggest changing styles, for example - 1 boho, 1 glam, 1 high school activity, and 1 causual. Q : W H AT S H O U L D I B R I N G W I T H M E? A: Along with your outfits, I would bring items for hair and makeup touch ups. Other items to consider are accessories that make you unique: floppy hat, beanie, letterman jacket, ballet shoes, flower crown, favorite book, etc. Q : CA N I U S E O N E O F T H ES E FO R T H E Y EA R B O O K ? A: Maybe. You will need to check the requirements that your school has for the yearbook. Most times there is an official yearbook photographer who comes to the school to set up a to set up a studio for school approved pictures. I do not do studio work. Q : I G E T N E RV O U S A B O U T B EI N G I N FRO N T O F T H E CA M ER A , A N Y A DV I C E? A: Relax! If you’re relaxed, it’ll come through in your photos. I will guide you into poses but just have fun! Showcase your personality!
Q : W H AT I F I T R A I N S O N M Y DAT E? A: I will watch the weather closely as your session approaches. In the event of rain, we will reschedule for the next available date. I try to get you on the calendar ASAP but the weather can be unpredictable. Q : CA N I B R I N G M Y PA R EN TS O R A FR I EN D? A: Of course! I encourage you to bring someone that will help you relax and have fun. In fact, if you’re under 18, I insist that you bring at least one parent. You may want to warn your guest because I often enlist parents/friends/siblings in holding reflectors or acting goofy behind me. Q : H OW LO N G B EFO R E I CA N S EE M Y I M A G ES? A: My standard turnaround is 1-2 weeks. Summer and fall months may get busier with other obligations so I will notify you in advance if that time frame is longer. Q: W H AT D O E S "C O PY R I G H T" M E A N A N D W H AT A M I A L L OW ED TO D O W I T H M Y P H O T O S? A: The copyright is different from your print release because it protects my “orginal works of authorship”. Meaning you cannot alter or edit, claim these as your own work, sell or use these images for personal gain, including contests, without my expressed permission. If you have questions just ask! Q : W I LL W E G E T T H E P R I N T R EL EAS E TO O U R P H OTO S? A: Yes! Upon receieving your images, you will also get a full print release and cropping guide. The print release gives you permission to print unlimted copies for personal use only. You can use them to create graduation annoucements and invitations! Q : Y E A H, B U T W H AT A B O U T FA C EB O O K O R I N STA G R A M? A: Facebook is an awesome place to share photos! Please feel free to use any photos I put on Facebook (I’ll tag you in sneak peeks) for your profile picture or wall. I just ask that you tag my business page when sharing, don’t add filters and don’t crop out my watermark. Just make sure we are friends and you have liked my business page!
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
W hat t o Wear BOHO Incorporate
lace, fringe and florals. Flowing accessories. Floppy hats. Braids.
EDGEY Leather. Layered tops. Plaid. Pops of bold color. Statement T-shirts.
Rock it Out GLAM Sequins. Tulle skirts. Heels. Fashionista!
CLASSIC Jeans. Flats. Solid colors. Clean lines. Classic white T-shirt.
Prints + Pr oducts PRINTS Printed on Kodak Professional Supra Endura VC Digital Paper for an increased color gamut, excellent flesh reproduction, sharpness, and brilliant image quality 4x6 Print - $1.46 5x7 Print - $2.30 8x10 Print - $4.40 8 up Wallet - $4.40 11x14 Print - $8.80 More sizes available via the store
GALLERY WRAPPED CANVAS Hand-crafted canvases are designed to turn any photo into a beautiful piece of art. Canvases are 1 1/2� in depth, hand-made and ready to hang. 11x14 Canvas - $90.00 16x20 Canvas - $125.00 16x24 Canvas - $145.00 20x30 Canvas - $175.00
METAL PRINTS Printed directly onto high quality aluminum for a clean and lasting finish using an innovative process. Metal prints show off vibrant colors and take on life-like depth for an impressive display. 11x14 Metal Print - $60.00 16x20 Metal Print - $100.00 16x24 Metal Print - $130.00 20x30 Metal Print - $165.00 All products are fulfilled at the professional print lab White House Custom Colour. These products are available for purchase via your online gallery. Once you click on an image you have the option to add a print or product to your cart. Prices are subject to change. Tax and shipping costs are not included.
Contact me! 724.454.7309
F ind me on Social Media! and on Instagram @jbonadiophoto