Golden Ticket of Jeannita Priscilla 2023

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The portfolio of Jeannita Priscilla, to the company’s future awards & success in the industry.



Greetings to you, the lucky recipient of this ticket.

Read the contents ‘till the very end, and I will ensure you the admittance to any future awards and success for your company.

Jeannita Priscilla

Jeannita Priscilla

An imaginative creative thinker with 6+ years experience that will be the most valuable asset for your company. She loves to create ideas and turn it into a visible design that is segmented to the right people, accessible in general public, that can leave a lasting impression.

P lease enjoy her thoughts, ideas, and visual that she has made throughout her life in creative industry.


Date of birth: Jakarta, 8 October 1996


Successfully leading & managing a team to create creative solutions for every project. Gaining overseas exposure.

Improving professional development, e.g. managing expectations, working efficiency.


Email :

Whatsapp :


0878 7305 9348 / 0812 9381 2978




Creative & Social Media Lead

Jayaboard, now under Knauf Group (PT. Knauf Plasterboard Indonesia) is a global building material company from Germany. Responsible for all the creative outputs for 3 brands: Jayaboard, Knauf & Indoboard while leading a team that consists of junior graphic designer & copywriter to create wide range of creative projects, including print and digital campaigns, branding, and visual storytelling for global usage. 2022


Art Director


Art Director


Jr. Art Director


Graphic Designer


Graphic Designer


Produced integrated campaign idea and visuals for Beautyhaul e-commerce platform. Involved in ideation & execution process side by side with copywriter while leading a team of graphic designers.

Delivered concept and crafted visuals for C Channel’s internal needs & clients such as Roland Drums, Erajaya Group, Rabbit Habit, Vaseline, Nivea, Aice.

Produced visual needs (social media content, website interfaces) & ideation for several brands such as Indachi Furniture, Javaesthetic, Senka, based on brief and its target market.

Part of Dentsu Media Group Indonesia. Involved in ideation & execution process while assisting in the team of Pocari Sweat, Loreal Paris, FWD Insurance, SGM (pitch).

Produced visual needs & ideation while assisting in the team of Pocari Sweat, Lotte Chocopie, Lenovo, Trakindo, and Uniqlo.

Jayaboard Sheetrock Protech Product Launch

Phase: Creative & Social Media Lead at Jayaboard (PT. Knauf Plasterboard Indonesia)

Jayaboard is a building material brand and in 2023, it launched a new variant of gypsum board: Jayaboard Sheetrock Protech. One of its USP is the new feature of Air-Purifying Technology.

The task involves creating multiple series of Key Visuals for both print and digital platforms, targeting diverse audiences. This includes not only homeowners and architects already familiar with healthy lifestyles but also construction workers, who are the ultimate users of the product.

Jayaboard Sheetrock Protech

Launch Event

One of the main tasks also includes organizing a launch event for Jayaboard's loyal customers.

I am accountable for all creative outputs across both print and digital media, as well as leading the team to collaborate with cross-functional teams both internally and externally, to ensure alignment of design and concept with the overall project goals and timelines.

Jayaboard Digital Presence

Phase: Creative & Social Media Lead at Jayaboard

While responsible for providing art direction and guidance to ensure cohesive visual style across all projects, I am also responsible to strengthen Jayaboard’s digital presence through both organic activations & paid ads across multiple platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin & Youtube.

In 2023, Jayaboard achieved more than 3+ million organic reach & impression, gained 1.5% increasement of interaction rate and more than 1500 followers increasement which are overall 10% higher than industry benchmark.

Knauf Indonesia

Phase: Creative & Social Media Planner at Knauf Plasterboard Indonesia

Scope of Work: Art Direction, Graphic Design Social Media Planning

Knauf Indonesia is a renowned global building material brand originating from Germany, offering an array of gypsum materials featuring cutting-edge German technology. In my role, I oversee art direction, offering guidance, and providing feedback to ensure a cohesive visual style across various social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Additionally, I am responsible for creating key visuals for each campaign to be published across all these platforms.

In 2023, Knauf achieved more than 2.5+ million organic reach & impression, gained more than 5% increasement of interaction rate in all platforms.

Pocari Sweat: Born to Sweat

Phase: Graphic Designer Intern, at Dentsu X

Team Credits:

Agency: Dentsu X

Key Message: Born To Sweat -The Sports Queen edition. To highlight the sports queen’s struggle to overcome obstacle right before their Full Marathon in Korea and Japan.

Creative Director: Wayrizal Rizal

Art Director: Bimar Saksomo

Copywriter: Tanriko Tambun

Graphic Designer: Jeannita Priscilla

Applied for: Pocari Sweat’s website banner, gallery thumbnail, digital banner ads, Facebook and Instagram banner, Twitter posts.

Pocari Sweat is a Japanese sports drink, manufactured by Otsuka Pharmaceutical. It is advertised as an "ion supply drink". This is a key visual that I made for its campaign: Born To Sweat - The Sports Queen edition. The Sports Queens are Pocari Sweat’s brand ambassador.

Loreal Paris as a cosmetic brand is launching new product, called Melanin Vanish White

Perfect. The target audience is female teenagers and young adults around 15-22 years old.

The brief is to make Instagram/Facebook visuals to describe and introduce Loreal Paris

White Perfect to the audiences. I am in charge of the product photoshoots, concepting and executing the visual. The tricky part is, Loreal White Perfect has different target audience than Loreal’s other products. So I had to adjust the tone & manner based on its audience, which is youthful and fresh.

IT by Erajaya: Product Launch

Phase: Art Director, at C CHANNEL Indonesia

Scoop of Work: Art Direction & Graphic Design

Applied for: Instagram feed, Instagram banner, Facebook posts.

*Accepted by the client

IT (Immersive Technology) is a new launched brand from Erajaya Group. The target audience is male and female young adults around 25-35 years old, SES A.

The brief is to make Instagram/Facebook visuals to describe and introduce IT products and give awareness to the audiences, thus building it with high-technology, luxury feeling. I am in charge of the product photoshoots, concepting and executing the visual including digital imaging, motion graphics and simple video editing.

BeautyHaul: Road To Glow

Phase: Art Director, at BeautyHaul Indonesia

Team Credits:

Head of Marketing: Marsela Renata

Key Message: Road To Glow - Beauty is a process, that requires consistency and efforts. BeautyHaul is here to guide you in every step of your journey, to make sure that you are not alone in doing the efforts.

Art Director: Jeannita Priscilla

Copywriter: Alisa Kintan

Graphic Designer: Beatrice Ghea

Applied for: BeautyHaul’s website banner, digital banner ads, Facebook and Instagram banner, and all integrated medias.

BeautyHaul is one of the leading beauty e-commerce in Indonesia. This is a key visual that I made for its campaign: Road To Glow. The visual takes after its brand communication to convey that BeautyHaul is here to guide their skin journey.

BeautyHaul Packaging Box

Phase: Art Director, at BeautyHaul Indonesia

This is a prototype of BeautyHaul’s box packaging that I’ve made. The brief is to redesign the box and the style that I used is a simple shaped box with eye-catching design as a reward for customers that have purchased our products.

Rabbit Habit

e : A r t D i r e c t o r , at C C HANNEL I n d o n e s i a

oop o f Wo r k : A r t Di r e c t i on & B r a n d i n g

lie d f o r : P R B o x P r o d u c t P a c k a g e

p t ed b y t h e c l i en t

t Ha bi t i s a b e au t y p r o d u c t th a t w a s n e wl y

d i n e a r l y 2 0 2 0 .

d e s ign f or p u bl ic r e la t i on r el a t e d . Thi s P R B o x

as sent t o s e v e r al influe n c e r s / Ke y O p in i on L e a d e r s in

of t h e n e w p r o d u c t l au n c h .

a n d w a nt t o c o n v e y on t h e b o x d es i gn i s

d f ee l i n g, a n d got a l o n g wi th t h e b a c k g r ou n d o f

t Ha bi t itse l f : t h e l ege n da r y Moon R abbi t .

Phase: Freelance Creative, at Isobar

Scoop of Work: Art Direction & Graphic Design

*Accepted by the client

FWD is an insurance company, and is launching new product called Asuransi Bebas Handal. One of its USP is affordable monthly premium, suitable for the target which is urban people with average income (first jobber, etc), yet simple & easy to get.

FWD also wants to communicate that we don’t have to worry about any kind of accidents as long as we have Asuransi Bebas Handal. The brief is to make several series of Key Visual to be displayed on billboards and digital platform, and to highlight the USPs mentioned above.

Team Credits:

Agency: Isobar Indonesia

Creative Director: Angga

Creative Group Head: Sara

Art Director: Wafi Abdullah

Copywriter: Ray Satria

Graphic Designer: Jeannita Priscilla


Slim & Fit

P h ase : A r t D i r e c t o r , a t L a n g k ah . c o

S c o p e o f Wo r k : A r t D i r e c t i on & G r ap hic Des i g n

App lie d f o r : Inst a g r a m f ee d & s t o r y, F a c e b o ok b an n e r , F a c e b o o k pos t s .

*A cc e p t ed b y t h e c l i en t

Slim& F i t is a loca l b r a n d that s e lls h e a l t h y s n a c k s & m il k , a n d is p a r t of K a l b e Nut r i ti o na ls

G r o u p . T h e ta r get a u d ie n c e f em al e a r ou n d 1 8 - 3 5 y e a r s o ld , wi th SES B .

T h e b r ief i s t o m a k e Inst a g r am/ F a c e bo ok v is u a l s f or Sl i m& F i t m onthly so c ial m e di a

c on t ents that i n c ludes b oth so ft s e lli n g & h a r d s e l l i n g c o n t ent s p lu s gi v e a w a y s & e n g a ge m ent c on t ents. I a m in c h a r ge of t h e c o n c e p t i n g a n d e x ecuti n g t h e vi s u a l

i n c l u di n g digita l i m a g i n g, m ot io n g r a phic s a n d s im pl e v id e o e di ti n g .

SAMA The Label

Phase: Art Director

Scope of Work: Art Direction, Social Media Planning, Graphic Design

Applied for: Instagram feed, Instagram banner, Facebook posts.

*Accepted by the client

SAMA The Label is a local fashion brand that focus on clothing line with the mission to spread positivity to all women in Indonesia to feel love and confidence, whatever their body shape & size.

The brief is to make Instagram/Facebook visuals to some of their collection launches with aligned tone & manner with their mission. I am in charge of the product photoshoots, concepting and executing the social media plan & visual including editorial plan for their daily contents, digital imaging, motion graphics and video editing.

SAMA The Label

Photoshoot Campaign

Phase: Art Director, Photographer

Scope of Work: Photography & Videography

SAMA The Label

Photoshoot Campaign

Phase: Art Director, Photographer

Scope of Work: Photography & Videography

Roland Music Video: Hit It Beat It

Team Credits:

Phase: Art Director, at C CHANNEL Indonesia

Scoop of Work: Art Direction & Graphic Design

Applied for: Youtube, Instagram TV


Producer: Fadhila Faizal

Art Director: Jeannita Priscilla

Graphic Designer: Vincent

All production team of C CHANNEL

Roland is one of leading manufacturer and distributor of electronic musical instruments, one of them that they want to promote in Indonesia is their V-Drums.

Being one of C CHANNEL’s client, our team propose a new concept to highlight these drums through musc video. I am in charge of the whole concepting process, creating storyboards and executing the video along with production team

Full video:

(Youtube Video: C The Drum Girls Season 2 - Hit It Beat It)


Phase: Assignment

Scoop of Work: Art Direction & Digital Imaging

Gillette is a brand of men's safety razors. It has a long history of promotions for its products, especially towards young men.

Gillette has variety of razor types with different blades. Thus it makes Gillette known for a clean, smooth shave. So the aim of these print ad is to show the audience that even a rough cactus could be as smooth as a ceramic.


Phase: Assignment

Scoop of Work: Art Direction & Digital Imaging

Reebok is a sport shoe brand. The idea is to show audiences that this shoe is lightweight, especially for sports. Therefore I illustrated it in a form of runner’s

“bare feet” on a running track, but it still leaves shoe prints.

Indicating that the shoes are so lightweighted, that we would feel as if we run without shoes.

Hometown International Illustration Exhibition

Phase: Exhibition, published

Scoop of Work: Illustration

Hometown International Exhibition 2016 is an exhibition held by IAIF and Creative Advertising Binus University in collaboration with Cheung Kong School of Art & Design, Shantou University (China), Tomas Bata Univeristy, Kabul University and Afganistan

Calligraphy Association.

This is the illustration that is featured on the exhibition, the main theme is “Hometown”. Therefore I made 3 different illustration that represents: Garuda, Dayak, and Bali.

“Home is where your culture is.” That’s what I want to deliver.

Capsule Corps Children’s Book

Phase: Comissioned work

Scoop of Work: Illustration

An illustration book called “Capsule Corps, Legend of the Time”.

The Brief is to make some children’s book illustrations based on the story that the client has made.

The target market of this book is children between 7-12 years old.

This book tells a story about a kind and genius professor who make a riddle for his village, in order to find a sophisticated tech nology for their future.

PT. Aljo Karya Asri

Phase: Freelance Jr. Art Director, at

Scoop of Work: UI Design

PT Aljo Karya Asri is a marble installation company based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Using all of the finest products, they create an innovative and creative mixture of architectural finesse from all over the world.

The brief is to make the interface of the website looks luxurious, clean, and represents the elegance of architectural itself.

Blueprint Bites & Brew

Phase: Freelance Jr. Art Director, at

Scoop of Work: UI Design

Located at Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta, Indonesia, Blueprint

Bites and Brew provides an Australian Brunch & Dinner with a touch of Japanese.

The brief is to make the interface of the website represents their elegant yet cozy ambience.

Thank you for reaching this page.

I could not wait and looking forward to secure an amazing experience in your inspiring creative team.

See you real soon!

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