When To Consult A Lawyer And How To Find One The law affects all aspects of our lives so it’s not surprising that you may someday require expert legal advice. Maybe it’s time to prepare a living will or advance medical directive. There might be a business matter that needs particular handling, such as the forming of a limited liability corporation or registered non-profit organization. Sometimes people need assistance after having been in an auto accident or sustaining an injury while on the job. Workplace discrimination and sexual harassment are concerns affecting many employees; it’s important that people talk with a lawyer if they experience any illegal or questionable workplace circumstances. People who remarry and wish to adopt their stepchildren often begin the process by talking with a lawyer. In short, there are many reasons why you might need to find a lawyer. Do you know how to find an attorney when you need to? Many people don’t. There are actually a number of ways that a person can find a lawyer. One of the easiest and quickest ways is to look in the phone book. The phone directories serving a particular area will have several dozen listings for local law firms and for individual lawyers. This is a good way to get a sense of which attorneys are located in your area. Law firm ads typically state what services they specialize in or what particular services they can provide to their clients. For instance, some law firms serve corporate clients and businesses, others specialize in tax law, and some deal in estate planning and management. You’ll find lawyers practicing family law, accident law, criminal defense, and a whole lot more. The drawback to looking in a phone directory to find a lawyer is that you don’t get a lot of information; at most, you will probably see the name of the law firm, a mention of what they do, and a phone number to contact them. If you have very particular needs, such as a lawyer that handles dog biterelated cases, looking in the phone book may not be very helpful. Another good way to go about locating an attorney who can help you is to look on the Internet. Most attorneys and law firms have websites that are full of helpful information. You can learn more about the precise services that a firm provides to their clients and get an idea of how they can help you. You can find out what the firm’s hours of operation are, how to contact them in an emergency, and a whole lot more. The Internet can be helpful in other ways, too. If you’re curious about a particular law firm, look for reviews that people have posted about it. There are numerous online review sites that invite real people to submit their own opinions about local businesses, including law firms. You can get a good idea about the kind of experience these clients had at particular law firms. Keep an eye out for those lawyers who are consistently said to be courteous, considerate, and knowledgeable. These are three characteristics of a good lawyer. There are many reasons why you might someday need to know how to find an attorney. No matter what might cause you to find a lawyer, there are many helpful resources at your fingertips.