How To Handle A Speeding Ticket Getting pulled over by a police officer can be a nerve-racking experience whether it is your first time or hundredth time. When those lights start flashing, you probably immediately start wondering what it is that you were doing wrong. There is a certain process that then follows. If you have been pulled over by a police officer before, then you know what to do. If this is your first time, it helps to know what to do before you are ever in this situation. If you think that you might end up getting a speeding ticket, you’ll want to stay calm. In fact, it is never really a good idea to get too worked up when being pulled over by a police officer. Here’s an idea of what to do when you get a speeding ticket. Talk calmly with the police officer, but choose your words carefully. Whether or not you were speeding, your words can incriminate you to make it seem like you were speeding. You shouldn’t admit to speeding, not even one or two miles over the speed limit. You can talk with the police officer and be polite, but watch what you say so that you don’t get yourself in even more trouble. Listen carefully to any instructions that the police officer gives you. This is important because if you plan on contesting the speeding ticket, you will need to know where your hearing is being held and who to contact to get more information. Remember also that just because you sign the ticket, that doesn’t mean you are admitting to speeding. It usually simply means that the police officer has discussed everything with you and you understand that you will need to pay the ticket in full before your hearing or if you are found guilty. After the whole being pulled over process is over, it’s time to play a little bit of a waiting game. Tickets don’t usually go into any system right away, so you will probably have to wait several days before you can even call for information or to pay the ticket. If you will be contesting the ticket, it can sometimes be beneficial to get the help of a lawyer who knows how to handle speeding cases. You will want to collect as much evidence as you can, and this might seem a little difficult if all you have to go on is your word against the police officer’s word. A lawyer who is familiar with speeding cases can help guide you through your hearing so that you hopefully don’t end up having to pay the ticket in the end. At your hearing, the judge may set a trial date, and then you play another waiting game until your trial. The good news is if the citing officer doesn’t show up to court, you probably won’t need to pay the ticket. Understanding what to do when you get a speeding ticket can be a little nerve-racking if you’ve never been through it before. Remember to stay calm, be polite, don’t admit to anything, listen carefully to the officer’s instructions, wait till your ticket is in the system, go to your hearing if you will be fighting the ticket, and consider getting the help of a lawyer. It sounds like a lot of work, but if you really weren’t speeding, you shouldn’t have to pay a fine that you don’t deserve.