About Jebens Design

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New Media, Branding & Literature

Jebens Design Ltd 32 Dale Street London W4 2BL

t 020 8995 2929 f 020 8995 2949

e info@jebensdesign.co.uk www.jebensdesign.co.uk

Registered in England & Wales No 4580985

We are a creative, niche design agency that specialises in branding, marketing collateral, websites, e-marketing, advert design and magazines and newsletters. Our clients tend to stay with us for years; they tell us they love our enthusiasm, attention to detail and lateral thinking. We love what we do, and are endlessly fascinated by the challenge of finding creative solutions that make our clients stand out from the crowd. Over the years, Jebens Design has delivered a host of successful design projects for many organisations from small start-ups to blue chips, including London Business School, The Barbican Centre, BBC, Christie’s, UK Department for Children, Schools and Families, Open University and the European Foundation for Management Development. We understand the way our clients work, and have an in-depth appreciation of the best way to promote businesses in a crowded marketplace. If you’d like some insight into how our design and marketing skills could boost your profile, do get in touch with us at victoria@jebensdesign. co.uk or call +44 (0)20 8995 2929.

“I have yet to work with an external supplier as professional as Jebens Design. Their enthusiasm and instant understanding of the requirements for our new website was matched by their efficiency in delivering the project on time.” Lucy Marshall, Marketing Manager, Christie’s Education

Jebens Design Ltd Credentials

“Working with Jebens Design has been an absolute pleasure - the quality of the work they have produced for EFMD has been exceptional and I would have no hesitation in recommending them as a valued business partner.” Matthew Wood, Marketing & Communications Director, EFMD, Brussels

Jebens Design Ltd 32 Dale Street London W4 2BL

t 020 8995 2929 f 020 8995 2949

e info@jebensdesign.co.uk www.jebensdesign.co.uk

Registered in England & Wales No 4580985

EFMD - European Foundation for Management Development, Brussels Cranfield University School of Management The Thinkers 50 Barbican Centre Open University Business School Graduate Management Admission Council The Henley Group Toshiba Abington Coaching & Evaluation INCPEN Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment NHS Wessex Leadership Centre College of Occupational Therapists Brunel University The Economist London Business School Christie’s Sutton-Mattocks Solicitors Freeman Shaw Chiswick House Gardens Trust 2 Temple Gardens Barristers Chambers J Paul Getty Jnr Charitable Trust The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust BBC Wales Andrew Lownie Literary Agency Shangri-la Hotels & Resorts Carrington Crisp Berkeley Reafforestation Trust Taylor Woodrow Developments The Worshipful Company of Founders The Royal Warrant Holders Association Toye Kenning & Spencer CrainerDearlove Caroline Cecil Associates Godolphin and Latymer School Stanton Marris UK Department for Education) Mara Consultants London Business Press Suntop Media Holland Advisors Restore UK

Jebens Design Ltd Credentials

We love getting to know new clients, and enjoy working with them over the long term. Our relationships with some clients run to more than 20 years. Here are some of the people we work with:

The Client The Thinkers 50 The Project Branding We have worked with Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer on The Thinkers 50 since we designed the logo and cover for the original book in 2006. We have recently refreshed and updated the logo to work across a range of new media and developed a new series of logos for winners and members

Stuart Crainer Thinkers50 Creator & Director

Braybrooke Cottage 28 Braybrooke Road Wargrave RG10 8DT United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)118 9401360 Mobile: +44 (0)7767 254602 Email: stuart.crainer@suntopmedia.com www.thinkers50.com

The Client The Thinkers 50 The Project Advertising We have worked with Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer on The Thinkers 50 since we designed the logo and cover for the original book in 2006. We designed a full page advertisement for use in magazines and newspapers.



“The Oscars for ideas.” COsTas Markides, LOndOn Business sChOOL

For more information on Thinkers50 sponsorship and partnering opportunities visit www.thinkers50.com or email sponsor@thinkers50.com for an information pack.

The Client The Thinkers 50 The Project Digital marketing A digital brochure to promote sponsorship for the Thinkers50. Designed as an on-screen document with enhanced content and links to interviews and external sites. Avoiding a printed brochure means a really up to date document, with new information added regularly. Download a copy of the full brochure: www.jebensdesign.co.uk/pdfs/ Thinkers50_Sponsorship_brochure.pdf

deLiVerinG toMorroW’S ideaS todaY


WWW.thinKerS50.CoM START


SpONSORSHIp OppORTUNITIES PLATINUM SPONSORShIP PLATINUM SPONSORShIP: Maximum 5 available PACKAGE PRICE: £50,000 (plus VAT) As one of five Thinkers50 Platinum Sponsors, you will receive maximum exposure as an overall sponsor of the ranking, website, awards dinner and conference. The Platinum Sponsorship covers all Thinkers50 activities from 2012 to January 2014, and includes:

 O verall sponsorship of the ranking and awards  Exclusive sponsorship of one of the Thinkers50 awards  On stage presentation of award  prominent branding on the Thinkers50 website, literature and stage sets  Signage and on screen (website and events)  Front page branding on marketing materials  prominent branding on all advertisements  Front page exposure on Thinkers50 website

 premium exhibition space for the duration of events


 Discounted event pricing for clients/ partners

AWARD SPONSORS: 8 available

 Literature distribution in conference bag


 Full page advert in delegate pack

 Recognition by Event Chairman and Awards Host  Exclusive access to Thinkers50 Events  Special rates on speaking engagements booked through the Thinkers50  Special deals on licensing exclusive Thinkers50 content, including video interviews with thinkers.

This package offers the opportunity to have exclusive sponsorship of one of the Thinkers50 awards. Entitlements:

 Exclusive sponsorship of award  On stage presentation of award  Branding on event literature, signage and on screen  Branding on marketing materials  Exposure on event website, Thinkers50 website

The Thinkers50 Awards are awarded for innovation, strategy, leadership, breakthrough idea, global village, upcoming thinker, social enterprise and best book. previous sponsors of the awards include Fujitsu, Tuck Business School, DDI and the Open University.

 Half page advert in delegate pack  10 full event tickets  Exhibition space for the duration of the event  Discounted event pricing for clients/ partners  Literature distribution in conference bag.





The Client Cranfield University School of Mangement The Project Value in Use workbook and fieldbook Cranfield’s Centre for Business Performance were looking for a design consultancy to work on two large research documents - another business school, familiar with our expertise in bringing diagrams and text to life, recommended Jebens Design. Veronica Martinez at Cranfield was delighted with the results, commenting that the Fieldbook and Workbook really raised the bar for future publications.

The Client Graduate Management Admission Council The Project Online and press advertising We were recommended to GMAC by EFMD. GMAC needed a new online ad campaign to promote their admission test to students, and full page print advertisements for the UK and German national press.


Volume 05 | Issue 02 2011

EFMD Global Focus

Phone: +32 2 629 08 10 Fax: +32 2 629 08 11

Volume 05 | Issue 02 2011

Email: info@efmd.org

Dean David Bach on selecting the best students

EFMD aisbl

Rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels, Belgium


The man who never stopped Andrzej Kozminski, founder and head of Kozminski University, one of Central and Eastern Europe’s foremost business schools, on his life and achievements Your International Passport to LYN, MBA 2010

“For more than 30 years, IE Business School has been a leader in management education and is recognised as one of the top business schools in the world. At IE, we believe that providing an exceptional learning experience is key to meeting the demands of both students and business.

Jorge, MBA 2009

Business School

IE trains entrepreneurial leaders that promote innovation in organisations. Our graduates are exceptional people with exceptional skills and are in great demand by companies the world over. The GMAT exam is preferred globally by nearly 5,000 programmes at approximately 1,900 schools, including those that top the major rankings.

That’s why we use the GMAT exam. It’s a powerful tool to help ensure that IE selects the right students for our rigorous programmes. The GMAT exam helps our admissions staff assess whether candidates have the skills we require and the corporate world requires too. At IE, we want students to excel in all aspects of our programmes and the GMAT exam is an important tool in helping select the best students with the greatest potential.”

And the GMAT opens the door to a graduate management degree that broadens your career options — by giving you the leadership, management, and strong decision-making skills that employers in every field look for in their hires.

Take the first step. Go to mba.com/independent

To learn more about the GMAT exam and the products and services it makes possible, visit gmac.com/efmd INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2011 Graduate Management Admission Council© (GMAC©). All rights reserved. The GMAT© logo is a trademark and GMAC©, GMAT© and Graduate Management Admission Test© are registered trademarks of the Graduate Management Admission Council in the United States and other countries.


Value driven How managers can shape the future

©2010. GMAT® and GMATPrep® are registered trademarks of the the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), the leading advocate and resource for quality graduate schools of business, worldwide. Small is OK The right thing Leading edge Home runs No business… MBAs and Why doing Helping train Look at your Is business schools’ SMEs can work right is good leaders in the own company business model for each other for business aid sector for innovation still working?

The Client The Henley Group/Toshiba The Project Guide to the Cloud Toshiba’s PR company, Henley Group approached us by recommendation, to produce a new digital Guide to the Cloud. Working with Toshiba’s existing ‘Cloud-ready’ branding, we designed a clear guide using simple icons and a limited colour palette. Download a copy of the full brochure: www.jebensdesign.co.uk/pdfs/Toshiba Guide to the Cloud.pdf


CLOUD READY TOSHIBA’S GUIDE TO THE CLOUD > The cloud explained > Why the cloud matters > Benefits and issues > Cloud-ready printing > How to be cloud-ready > Glossary www.toshibacloudready.co.uk

CLOUD-READY PRINTING: HOW IT WORKS Integrate documents into your workflow Once uploaded to the cloud, documents can be incorporated into a workflow that reflects a key business process. So orders can be automatically processed, sales enquiries fulfilled, orders raised or invoices issued.

Access your files securely Any documents put into the cloud can be accessed and viewed on a wide range of devices – whether traditional PCs or mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones. Various levels of security help to keep your documents safe, backed-up and protected from prying eyes.


Share and edit documents A set of ‘connectors’ allow users to scan and upload documents directly from web-enabled MFPs to Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint or Google Docs to share with colleagues for comment, editing and approval.

Find printers near you After downloading a dedicated app, a user simply logs on with their web-enabled mobile device, searches for the document they need and any printing devices on an available Wi-Fi network or nearby Bluetooth connection are automatically identified.

Print and collect Cloud printing provides workers with ‘on-demand’ printing, using a networked device, regardless of the user’s location. Printing takes place directly on a printer or MFP connected to their device by Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Upload your files

The ‘On’ and ‘Off’ Ramp Users can scan documents on ‘cloud-ready’ MFPs and upload them to the cloud, where they can be accessed, edited or printed by authorised colleagues or simply stored for future use.

More convenient

More eco-friendly

More cost-effective

More secure

Whether they’re working from home, a client site or another location entirely, cloud printing gives employees access to immediate, on-demand printing and scanning of documents.

At Toshiba, we’re all about safeguarding the future, which is why our MFPs and related solutions are engineered with sustainability in mind. All our MFPs comply with strict environmental regulations and the carbon generated in their manufacturing and shipping to a customer site is offset. Our Energy Star® compliant MFPs feature cutting-edge functionality that helps reduce environmental impact while, with cloud printing, documents are only printed when they’re needed, leading to less duplication.

The speed at which your company can make decisions has a direct impact on its finances. When decisions are deferred or delayed because a vital document is not immediately available, business processes grind to a halt, time and money is wasted, and the company loses a bit of its all important competitive edge. With cloud printing, documents are instantly available when they’re needed, resulting in better productivity and faster decision times.

Many managers worry over the security of cloud computing. At the same time, how often are sensitive printed documents left out in public on printer trays or forgotten in the back of taxi cabs? The truth is that cloud services offered by proven, trusted providers such as Microsoft, Google and Cortado all offer higher levels of document security than many companies manage to achieve in-house, especially those with limited IT skills on hand. With cloud printing, businesses can keep electronic documents secure in password-protected online repositories, right up until the point that they’re needed, reducing the potential for loss or theft.

Remote access to the cloud

Download your files











The Client The Barbican Centre The Project Annual Review The Barbican’s annual review needs to stand out from the crowd and appeal to City stakeholders and audiences alike. Jebens Design have produced the review for a number of years, sticking to strict style guidelines yet producing a new exciting design each year.

The Client Open University Business School The Project ‘Business Matters’ magazine Impressed by the other magazines we produce, the OU Business School came to us for the design of a new magazine, ‘Business Matters’ in 2007. In 2011 we refreshed the design, and introduced a bold new cover layout.

The Client EFMD The Project ‘Global Focus’ magazine The Brussels-based European Foundation for Management Development came to us because they liked the work we do on the London Business School’s magazine. In 2006 we were commissioned to completely re-design the EFMD’s magazine, and we continue to produce three issues per year in English and now in Chinese.

The Client Jonathan Brunskill Associates The Project Website Jonathan Brunskill is an architectural designer specialising in residential and listed buildings. We commissioned photography and designed a stylish site showcasing a range of work. With a simple content management system, the site can be updated with new projects. A French language version of the site is in progress, with a .fr url arranged via a specialist agent in France. www.jonathanbrunskill.co.uk .

The Client EFMD - European Foundation for Management Development The Project Literature re-design In 2010 the EFMD asked us to look at their complete literature range. We assessed the hierarchy of material and devised a system of levels, sectors and a colour palette to rationalise cover designs across the board.


2010 COLOUR PALETTE www.efmd.org

EFMD Annual Report

EFMD aisbl rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels Belgium


T +32 (0)2 629 08 10 F +32 (0)2 629 08 11 E info@efmd.org www.efmd.org EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (aisbl)


Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk


CEL GUIDE www.efmd.org


EFMD is an international, not-for-profit, membership organisation, based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 650 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 75 countries, EFMD provides a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development.

EFMD is an international, not-for-profit, membership organisation, based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 650 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 75 countries, EFMD provides a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development.

For more information visit www.efmd.org/epas

For more information visit www.efmd.org/epas

EFMD aisbl rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels Belgium

EFMD aisbl rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels Belgium

T +32 (0)2 629 08 10 F +32 (0)2 629 08 11

T +32 (0)2 629 08 10 F +32 (0)2 629 08 11

E info@efmd.org www.efmd.org/link

E info@efmd.org www.efmd.org/link

EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (aisbl)

EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (aisbl)

Quality services CEL EPAS EQUIS CLIP

Quality services



Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk


Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk

Introductory Guide EFMD’s EPAS The EFMD Programme Accreditation System


Introductory Guide EFMD’s CEL teChnology-Enhanced Learning Accreditation for ICT-based learning programmes

RESEARCH: EFMD ONLY www.efmd.org


EFMD is an international, not-for-profit, membership organisation, based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 650 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 75 countries, EFMD provides a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development.

EFMD is an international, not-for-profit, membership organisation, based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 650 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 75 countries, EFMD provides a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development. For more information visit www.efmd.org/epas

For more information visit www.efmd.org/epas

EFMD aisbl rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels Belgium

EFMD aisbl rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels Belgium

T +32 (0)2 629 08 10 F +32 (0)2 629 08 11

T +32 (0)2 629 08 10 F +32 (0)2 629 08 11

E info@efmd.org www.efmd.org/link

E info@efmd.org www.efmd.org/link

EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (aisbl)

EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (aisbl)

EFMD Research Report EFMD/GMAC® Corporate Recruiters Survey

EFMD Research Report Coaching and Mentoring Survey 2010

Trends in recruitment

The use of internal resources for coaching and mentoring in European companies

In partnership with

Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk

Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk


EU AFFAIRS www.efmd.org

EFMD is an international, not-for-profit, membership organisation, based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 650 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 75 countries, EFMD provides a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development.


EFMD is an international, not-for-profit, membership organisation, based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 650 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 75 countries, EFMD provides a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development.

For more information visit www.efmd.org/epas

For more information visit www.efmd.org/epas

EFMD aisbl rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels Belgium

EFMD aisbl rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels Belgium

T +32 (0)2 629 08 10 F +32 (0)2 629 08 11

T +32 (0)2 629 08 10 F +32 (0)2 629 08 11

E info@efmd.org www.efmd.org/link

E info@efmd.org www.efmd.org/link

EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (aisbl)

EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (aisbl)

EFMD Conference 23/24 April 2010, Cass Business School, London UK

External Relations Meeting Communities beyond the classroom

EFMD European Affairs Position Paper | March 2010

EU Presidency Steering Committee Position paper 1/2010

The Client EFMD The Project Display Stand EFMD needed an display stand for use at conferences - we devised a flexible system with interchangeable panels.



Network Global Best Practice


The international network for excellence in management development

Quality Accreditation Peer review

“EFMD allows innovative thinking about the expectations of a globalised world.”

“The EFMD network is very relevant, open and active. A great way to engage and learn.”

“EFMD accreditation – international, corporate links and challenging academic standards.”

Dr. Jaime Alonso Gómez National Dean & Prof. of Strategy and International Management, EGADE, Mexico

Santiago Iñiguez Dean, IE Business School, Spain

Prof. Yingyi Qian Dean, Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, China



Network Global Best Practice

Quality Accreditation Peer review

“A member for 30 years, IBM has benefited greatly from the EFMD corporate network.”

“CLIP – a valuable review by peers who understand your challenges and generate new insights.”

Frederico Castellanos Vice-President of Human Resources, IBM

Nadine Lemaitre Chairman of GDF Suez University

The Client EFMD The Project Annual Reports We were first commissioned to design the EFMD’s anual report in 2006. Since then we have designed the report each year.

The Client Abington Coaching and Evaluation The Project Branding Abington Coaching and Evaluation is an organisation specialising in solutionfocused evaluation, started by Alison Abington - a long standing client at Ashridge Business School. The bright, graphic logo concept, based on the strapline ‘capturing your sparkling moments’, was developed in close collaboration with the client.

Alison Abington

Solution-focused evaluation... capturing your sparkling moments.

M: 07779 142567 E: ali@abingtoncoachingandevaluation.co.uk



The Client Sutton-Mattocks Solicitors The Project Website Sutton-Mattocks wanted a new website to better reflect their extensive legal services and expertise. They liked other work we have done, and came to us for a strong, effective design and a wellcoded and built site. We commissioned a series of local photographs, and good biography shots of the lawyers. www.suttonmattocks.co.uk

The Client Freeman Shaw The Project New brand Freeman Shaw are a new London firm of estate agents, who came to us for a complete brand solution - logo, marketing materials, website, sale boards and design for their branches.

The Property Professionals 020 7731 4811


Emma Freeman and Peter Shaw provide genuine market knowledge and honest professional advice.

Buy Rent Sell your home Let your home Developers Mortgages

Latest properties

£482.000 East Putney

Log in About us

Freeman Shaw 664 Fulham Road, London SW6 5RX 020 7731 4811 emma@freemanshaw.com peter@freemanshaw.com

Contact us

QUICK SEARCH Looking to:

Find us on Beds (Min): Map result

Price (Min):

Price (Max):


Site designed by Jebens Design www.jebensdesign.co.uk – © 2009. All rights reserved. Driven by dezrez: estate agency software

Emma Freeman Lettings Director emma@freemanshaw.com m: 07920 765790

£536.000 South Kensington

664 Fulham Road London SW6 5RX t: 020 7731 4811 f: 020 7731 3040 www.freemanshaw.com

The Client Suntop Media and CrainerDearlove The Project Branding and Brochure Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove are writers, editors and creators of the Financial Times Handbook of Management. We have re-branded their existing company Suntop Media, and a new company - CrainerDearlove. A brochure for CrainerDearlove gives a taste of their unique and unusual approach.

SuntopMedia SuntopMedia

The Client CrainerDearlove The Project PowerPoint presentations CrainerDearlove asked us to design a standard PowerPoint template for them, as well as a special presentation for London Business School

Presentation title here 36pt Rockwell Bold Sub title here 36pt Rockwell Regular

Presentation title here 36pt Rockwell Bold Sub title here 36pt Rockwell Regular

Your names here 10 pt Rockwell Regular Date here 10 pt Rockwell Regular

Presentation title here 36pt Rockwell Bold Sub title here 36pt Rockwell Regular

© CrainerDearlove 2008

Your names here 10 pt Rockwell Regular Date here 10 pt Rockwell Regular

Presentation title here 36pt Rockwell Bold Sub title here 36pt Rockwell Regular

© CrainerDearlove 2008

Your names here 10 pt Rockwell Regular Date here 10 pt Rockwell Regular

© CrainerDearlove 2008

Your names here 10 pt Rockwell Regular Date here 10 pt Rockwell Regular

London Business School faculty Hi

© CrainerDearlove 2008

Practitioner visibility

Lo Lo © CrainerDearlove © People Shop 2008

Academic visibility


The Client London Business School The Project Business Strategy Review Magazine From 2003 to 2010 we designed and produced the quarterly Business Strategy Review. We managed the overall design integrity; design layouts and artwork, and sourced photographic material and commissioned illustrations for each issue.

The Client Royal Warrant Holders Association The Project Guidelines for use of the Royal Warrant We devised, wrote, designed and produced a new document giving clear and concise instructions for Royal Warrant Holders’ use of their Warrant.

the royal warrant guidelines for use of the royal warrant crest

enter www.royalwarrant.org

rwha v1

introduction to the royal warrant

contents | back | next

Each Warrant is granted to a named individual, who must be an executive director or partner of the organisation concerned, and who is then responsible for ensuring that the Warrant is correctly used. The Royal Warrant Holders Association was incorporated in 1907 to promote and safeguard the interests of its members.

applications: stationery

contents | back | next

This section also applies to: – organisation’s own credit cards – invitations


– invoices


The Royal Arms may appear only once on each item of stationery. www.royalwarrant.org


On letterhead the Royal Arms must always appear at the top. If the full address of the firm appears at the top of the letterhead MILLER & Co the 5th line of the legend (location) may be omitted BAKER




If the full address appears at the10 THE bottom of the letterhead the five HIGH STREEET HAMPSTEAD LONDON NW2 1AB TEL: 020 7123 4567 EMAIL: INFO@MILLERANDCO.CO.UK line legend must appear in full under the Royal Arms. The Royal WWW.MILLERANDCO.CO.UK Arms may not be used on any joint promotion with another organisation.









TEL: 020 7123 4567





TEL: 020 7123 4567









TEL: B A K020 I N7123 G P4567 ERFECTION

TEL: 020 7123 4567
























TEL: 020 7123 4567

TEL: 020 7123 4567

TEL: 020 7123 4567





TEL: 020 7123 4567





guidelines for use of the royal warrant crest






TEL: 020 7123 4567

TEL: 020 7123 4567



TEL: 020 7123 4567











TEL: 020 7123 4567


TEL: 020 7123 4567

TEL: 020 7123 4567




The Royal Arms may not be used on Christmas or other greetings cards.









The Royal Arms take precedence over the Queen’s Award for Export, Environment and Technology logos.

applications: vehicles

The Royal Arms may be used on Grantee’s vehicles. The Arms may only be visible once. This includes when a door of the vehicle is opened – see diagram below.





HM The Queen HRH The Duke of Edinburgh HRH The Prince of Wales contents | back | next





For companies with more than one warrant, the order for the Royal Arms should be as follows:

applications: vehicles



No name other than that of the Warrant Holder may appear, but a group name and/or logo may be included provided it is positioned away from and clearly inferior to, the Royal Arms and the name of the Warrant Holding organisation.


guidelines for use of the royal warrant crest


applications: stationery

introduction to the royal warrant

The Royal Warrant is a recognition of personal service of a high order, and today there are over 850 Royal Warrant holders entitled to use the title and Royal Arms.


guidelines for use of the royal warrant crest


The Client The Berkeley Reafforestation Trust The Project Website BRT are a small charity working on reforestation projects around the world. They wanted a website with a difference - something that would really set them apart from other charities. We designed and built a site with unusual navigation, a carbon calculator to work out your household’s emmisions, and secure online donation. www.thebrt.org

The Client Christie’s Education The Project Website Impressed by our work for Christie’s Images, we were commissioned to design and build a new and exciting website and student portal for Christie’s Education. www.christieseducation.com

The Client Christie’s Images The Project Marketing concept & exhibition stand We have devised a new marketing concept for Christie’s Images using outline images to be filled with patterns from the library - and we have designed a new exhibition stand to launch the concept..

The Client London Business School The Project Sloan Alumni Scholarship Fund We designed an unusual brochure to encourage donations to the Sloan Alumni Scholarship Fund.

The Client Brunel University The Project Catering offer rebrand We were recommended to Brunel University by another client, MYA. Brunel asked us to completely rethink, name and re-brand their student catering offer. Shown here is the logo and signage we designed for their newly refurbished food hall

The Client Brunel University The Project Catering offer rebrand We were recommended to Brunel University by another client, MYA. Brunel asked us to completely rethink, name and re-brand their student catering offer. Shown here is the logo and signage and mural we designed for their new Starbucks-style cafĂŠ

The Client Shangri-la Hotels and Resorts The Project Chinese New Year Each year we produce a postcard for Shangri-la to celebrate Chinese New Year. The cards have evolved over the years from a post card to an e-card going out to thousands of press contacts.

GONG XI FA CAI! HAPPY NEW YEAR! YEAR OF THE DRAGON 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts wishes you a happy and prosperous ‘Year of the Dragon’ in 2012 The Dragon is magnificent. He is flamboyant, attractive and full of vitality and strength. In China the Dragon is the imperial symbol. People born in the Year of the Dragon have colourful personalities, and are gifted with power and luck. They frequently help others, but they will rarely ask for help. 2012 sees the opening of Shangri-La hotels in Mumbai in India, Toronto in Canada and Doha in Qatar. In China, openings will include Chongqing and Yangzhou. You are welcome to experience these or any of our 72 hotels and resorts in China, Asia Pacific, Indian Ocean, the Middle East, Europe and Canada. Please let me know if I can assist with any of the above.

GONG XI FA CAI! HAPPY NEW YEAR! YEAR OF THE RABBIT 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts wishes you a happy and prosperous ‘Year of the Rabbit’ in 2011 People born in the Year of the Rabbit are affectionate, co-operative, gentle, caring and pleasant; they have lots of friends, strong family ties and enjoy the good things in life. 2011 sees the opening of Shangri-La hotels in Vienna in Austria, Mumbai in India, and Doha in Qatar. In China, openings will include Kerry Hotel Pudong Shanghai, Macau, Chongqing and Manzhouli. You are welcome to experience these or any of our 70 hotels and resorts in China, Asia Pacific, Indian Ocean, the Middle East, Europe and Canada.

With best wishes from

With best wishes from

Louise Toye Public Relations Manager, UK and Ireland

Louise Toye Public Relations Manager, UK and Ireland

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8747 8484 www.shangri-la.com

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8747 8484 www.shangri-la.com

The Client London Business Press The Project Branding, book jackets and advertising With a growing list of titles, London Business Press wanted a new logo. We designed a stylish and flexible logo that works in a number of colourways. We then designed the advertising for their new book ‘Olympic Turnaround’

„Bestechend und fesselnd“ David Owen, Financial Times „Vor gerade einmal 25 Jahren stand mit dem Internationalen Olympischen Komitee eine der weltweit größten Institutionen am Rande des Untergangs. Dass das IOC überlebte, ist dem Weitblick und der harten Arbeit einiger Personen zu verdanken. ‚Olympic Turnaround’ erzählt die Geschichte der Olympischen Bewegung und liefert zudem einen Einblick in die Entstehungsgeschichte des Sportmarketing. Niemand ist besser dazu geeignet diese Geschichte zu erzählen, als Michael Payne.“ Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive WPP

SPONSORs-Leser erhalten einen speziellen Rabatt von 15 Prozent Tel: +44 (0)1342 825328 Email: orders@londonbusinesspress.com www.londonbusinesspress.com

„Olympic Turnaround“ kostet 25 Euro pro Exemplar zuzüglich 7 Euro Porto und Verpackung außerhalb Englands.

The Client Ilyas Jarrett The Project Workshop invitation and brochure Ilyas Jarrett asked us to design a logo for their Strategic Capability Index, and an invitation to the first of a series of workshops. We went one better, and devised a clever workshop brochure, that can be used over the long term, with a wrap-around invitation. Future workshops will simply need a new invitation ‘cover’ to wrap around existing stocks of the brochure.

The Client EFMD The Project Global Focus E-newsletters To promote the online version of EFMD’s Global Focus magazine we design and prepare an e-news teaser for each issue in both English and Chinese.

Global Focus Volume 4 issue 3 2010 | Contact us | Visit our site

Welcome to Global Focus eNews. The latest issue of Global Focus is out now, with contents covering a range of issues. Plus a special issue - Excellence in Practice with contents covering outstanding and impactful partnerships between businesses and educational organisations. You can now download an audio file of each article – click on the link shown.

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COVER STORY 'As a business model, what we are doing right now is, for me, not sustainable' AshridgeĂ­s Kai Peters is worried about where business schools are going. Read more (PDF) Audio file


In focus Read more (PDF) Audio file

1 ˜a&

Talking shop Three new schools gain EQUIS accreditation Management Education for Tomorrow (MET) Fund Anna Pehar joins EFMD ecch Case Winners 2010 Read more (PDF) Audio file How can deans lead? The current crisis means that business schools will have to change ù and that means a new type of leadership from business schools deans. Fernando Fragueiro and Howard Thomas outline the kind of skills they will need. Read more (PDF) Audio file How GDF SUEZ channels leadership Nadine Lemaitre has headed GDF SUEZ University, one of the worldís leading corporate universities, for the past decade, a time of growth and change for the giant energy group. She talks to George Bickerstaffe. Read more (PDF) Audio file Managing People and Organisations: Peter Drucker's Legacy In this extract from his book Managing People and Organisations: Peter Drucker's Legacy, Guido Stein elucidates Drucker's thinking in a way that emphasises its relevance for today and tomorrow. Read more (PDF) Audio file The corporate education iceberg Looking at their corporate education and training, most organisations only see the tip of the iceberg, treating employee training and development as a functional activity and just another business expense. Lindsay Ryan believes there is more involved. Read more (PDF) Audio file The challenge of change Management education in the Middle East and North Africa faces many challenges. In the run-up to a major EFMD conference in this important region, Ananth Rao outlines some of the key issues. Read more (PDF) Audio file Looking beyond the West for leadership Leadership studies have been dominated in the past by a Western mindset. Sharon Engineering theresearch future -into MAN, WHU and leadership Saïd Busines School Turnbull describes new non–Western styles — Worldly German business WHUinfluence and the University Oxford's Saïd Business School in Leadership – that could school profoundly responsibleofand sustainable management Britain worked with the MAN Group — one of Europeís leading industrial players — to open up new horizons globally and create leadership capabilities for the future. Read more (PDF) Audio file Excellence in Practice Awards 2011 your chance to enter (PDF) Audio file

{r. pÂ? , (Eric Cornuel) dÂľ Global Focus Volume 04 Issue 01 2010 | Contact us | Visit our site

4 ÂĽnN y Ă› GRLI ������ȂƚŠ JÄ ĂŁÄ†ſ Âˆ 2009â€œĹŽÇ Ç¨Ä§Ä˘Ĺ¸Ç­â€?VÇ… Ć ĹťĹŽÇ Ç¨ĆśĂŽĆŠÂ‘EQUIS Ĺ‚Ç˝ (PDF) 8 ƒ*ÿąP Ĺ?Ĺ yyÇ‹Ä&#x;LÄ…_ĹŽÇ Ç¨Ç¨1Andrew Likierman ĂšŤưGeorge Bickerstaffe Ă€ĹŻĂťČœÂŹaÄŽĹŤ LČ ÇŠĂ‘Ă´ (PDF) 14 ŸŠÂ?2(EÂŽ@? 21ĹĽÂąĹŽÇ Ç¨3ƒLČ“ÇˆXÜíČœÂ—6?Ć˜Ă­Ç&#x;žǏǣÄ–ĆłĆ?Ć…ÇĄĹ—=ĆˆÇą?ĿƞÄ?íƉƉ Jordi Canals L{Âť (PDF) 20 la: EQUIS HAACSB —— ĂŁ8ÂĄÄŠ? Gordon Shenton Ć•Ä Ă‰Ĺ‘AACSB –EQUIS Ăš@łǽƆƌ,nƥÚǾǿǔƋ (PDF) 26 :T: MBA Âł2Ĉĉm q Ă&#x;ĂœzÂ’? 48 Ă–ÂŒAzĂˆÂŽÂˆÄ?@Ä“ç? Giselle Weybrecht Č„5, ƕļdžƧÇ‹BĹŽÇŠÿƟ, žâ4Ç€eǰäĆ…Ä™ĹˆĂ„Ç @z, ĹŽÇ Ç¨ÇŽĆ&#x;ĤC JÂœâ€˘ JÄ ĹłĹ‚Ć•, ĆŻÄ•ÂŒùŧâ4Ç€3ƒL‰Ÿ (PDF) (PDF) 30 ÄŒ Ă Ă? 52 Žˆ­JÂŚĂ Ăť Ă ? Ăľ@Ç ÂžČœÂŹĂ&#x;ȢŧÇ‹ĹťĹŽÇ Ç¨@Ç !• ȣþĄ– d• Ć“ĂŠųžÄ?ůčǸĹ&#x;L“Ǒ, Ç?ÂŞÂŁK Ƹƣ­ŎL8ĆśÇ?ªȚÊhÄŽLȉNJŠKČ /Ç ĆĽČ?ĆśĹ˜Ć› Charles Jennings Ć•Ä Ă‡ƥÝǜÇ‹7ĆŒ EQUIS Ĺ‚Ç˝LÇ?Ǒ–þǒ (PDF) Ç ĆĽhfÇŤ21 ĹĽÂąĹƒĞâÇ?@jÂ?)LÇĽÇ• (PDF) 56 /Ă?çÊsĂŠs% 34 ĘKĂŠÄ?i$Ä‹Ă„ K• ĉãŒĚÉőÝĥČ‘LĹŽÇ Ç¨Â–ÂŒĂąÇ Ç¨ÇŤÂ˝Ĺ“Ç ĹŽÇ…Ă”AĆ?Ĺ€hÄŽŝĚKLĂ? (PDF) {@Ć—(David Gosset) ƨĹ—Ć•Ä ÄŠĆĄČŽÂ?–ȎÂ?Ĺ€Ä?çš3Ć•ĹĽĂˆÂ…Ä?L lgÇżI (PDF) 38 dá è ÓǺńǒ¨ý, ĹŠ/ŲƣĆ‘ , ǜƳYĨŠĹŽÇ ǨČ?ĆśĹ–ĹŞČœĹ”LǹĄ, 00Ç?ĹŽĂˆÇżIĆ•ĹźĹ?Çż Ĺœ Emerson de Almeida ğƄ5ČŒÇ?: ŊŇ:, ĹŽÇ Ç¨Ĺ§pĹƒÄœ 4Ç ĹŽÂ§Â†L Ĺ‹? (PDF) šè#q Ă&#x;-ă 44 Ăť #ÄŒÄ Julie Davies –Howard Thomas Ć„ĂƒÇ—Â?ĹŽÇ Ç¨Ć´ÂĄÇš^Ç—Â?ĹŽÇ Ç¨Ç¨1Ă? ĆšLV- | (PDF) T /´í#c( -vze ÂŻÂŹHAzšè#q Ă&#x;-ă 48 hWĂ pĂ OĂŞH}° ĂžȢĆ• ĺĜÙ LĆƒĂž, dzƊÝĥČ‘ÂŒĂą eÇ°ÂŚĂŠÂĄ(EFMD) Č‡ĂśÇ Ă˘4Ç€eÇ°LĂ›ơ Ăž LȢǾIJÄ™ĹŒâ€˘ ųåĆƒ(Jonathan Scott) Č„ 5, â4Ç€eÇ°Č„LŧĎÇŠLùƺeÇ°, č” vLÿǢ™ ÂŽ, ĂŞfÄ‚ ĂŠĹ… Ă‘ÂŽ ‚NJ Ĺ’ÂĄÇ?ªƚƕNČ’ahÄŽ, c#ĂŒĂŒŧČ„â€œ ă Ĺ‹eÇ°â€? â4Ç€eÇ°Č“ÇˆŧȄƊ‘ÅNJƢĝLÇĽ'ßȚǧ¤Ă…Ĺ™ÄœǧLŠǚí ÂŻĹš Ç ÂŻĹšÂ–ĂĽČ‰mÇš, ŝǞĎNJ³Y #Ĕŗ

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More information on Global Focus, including content from earlier issues, is available via www.efmd.org/globalfocus

ÄĄČ‘ÂŒĂąeÇ°ÂŚĂŠÂĄ Č?wŌ¸ŏƤȂƚŠ òã• ĂĄÄž d (Eric Cornuel) (PDF)

More information on Global Focus, including content from earlier issues, is available via www.efmd.org/globalfocus

You have received the EFMD Global Focus eNews because you expressed an interest in EFMD and its activities. If you no longer wish to receive the EFMD Global Focus eNews please email: globalfocus-unsubscribe@efmd.org EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (AISBL) with more than 730 member organizations across 82 countries Address: Rue Gachard 88 - Box 3, B-1050 Brussels (Belgium) Tel.: +32-(0)2.629.08.10 Fax: +32-(0)2.629.08.11 www.efmd.org Š 2010 EFMD.

You have received the EFMD Global Focus eNews because you expressed an interest in EFMD and its activities. If you no longer wish to receive the EFMD Global Focus eNews please email: globalfocus-unsubscribe@efmd.org EFMD is an international not-for-profit association (AISBL) with more than 730 member organizations across 82 countries

The Client EFMD The Project Research Reports We regularly design and produce, at speed, a range of research and survey results documents.


EFMD Research Report MBA & Masters Programmes

MBA & Masters Programmes Insights from four different surveys in the EFMD research partnership portfolio Experiences and expectations from: – prospective students – current students – alumni – employers and recruiters

Experience and expectations from students, a few months before graduation

Experience and expectations from alumni

Experiences and expectations from alumni Figure 3: Employment selection criteria by gender and by age © GMAC: With permission taken from the Global Management Education Graduate Survey Report 2010



27 and younger

Career Path

28 to 34

35 and older

Career Path

The quality of their educational experience while in school appears to be a key lever in willingness to recommend an alma mater: Faculty, school culture and core courses are the most influential determinants, as illustrated in figure 4. Figure 4: Sources that influence alumni school recommendations © GMAC: With permission taken from the Alumni Perspectives Survey Report 2010 100% 80%

Work Setting

Corporate Culture

Work Setting

Corporate Culture

Company Reputation

Economic Viability

Company Reputation

Economic Viability

60% 40% 20% 0%

Job Ownership

Job Ownership

27 and younger

28 to 34

27 and younger

35 and older

Career Path

Work Setting

Company Reputation

28 to 34 Career Path

Corporate Culture

Economic Viability

35 and older

Company Reputation

7 | EFMD Research Report: MBA & Masters Programmes






Core courses

Fellow students

Elective courses

Student activities

Career services

Job Ownership

– The ability to work with others, listening skills, the ability to influence others and communicating with diplomacy and tact are reported as most important by employed alumni

Corporate Culture

– Recent graduates are more likely to welcome receiving more communication from their institution, as well as alumni working outside their country of citizenship

Economic Viability

Methodology In total 7674 business school graduates participated in the two GMAC Alumni Perspectives on-line Surveys. The April 2009 survey had 3.708 respondents, the September 2009 survey had 3.966 respondents.

Work Setting

Job Ownership

72% School culture

The GMAC 2010 Alumni Perspectives Survey Report4 also shows that:



74% Faculty

EFMD Research Report: MBA & Masters Programmes | 8

The Client EFMD The Project CEL Brochure As part of our re-design of EFMD’s literature and development of their printed material hierarchy, we designed the CEL brochure.



EFMD CEL Quality Criteria Overview teChnology-Enhanced Learning Accreditation for ICT-based learning programmes

Introduction / What makes EFMD CEL unique?

Section 1 / EFMD CEL Accreditation Process

Introduction What makes EFMD CEL unique ?

Section 1 Overview: EFMD CEL Accreditation Process

Two aspects characterise the uniqueness of EFMD CEL:

The EFMD CEL accreditation process has several distinct stages. The chart below briefly describes each stage and shows how they are linked.

– EFMD CEL focuses on programmes in management education and not just on technology or learning software products. Learners’ experiences of ICT-based programmes are given significant importance. – The EFMD CEL quality framework represents a comprehensive system of relevant factors based on substantial research.


EFMD CEL is founded on a set of research-based criteria that are grouped into the following categories: Programme Strategy takes up questions such as: Are the main characteristics of the programme transparent for all interested parties? What (added) value does the programme provide especially by integrating technology-enhanced learning components?




Pedagogy covers all aspects of the learning and teaching process and addresses questions such as: What type of learning environments does the programme consist of? What is the (added) value of the learning processes supported by technology? Economics involves all facets related to efficiency in the use of resources. The main question is: Are the resources in terms of funds and competencies efficiently used? Organisation deals with the question: Are the organisational measures in running the programme adequate to meet the programme’s underlying objectives? Technology addresses the question: Is the functionality of the technology implemented adequately to meet the programme’s underlying objectives?











Culture is concerned with: Are the cultural factors of change and innovation considered adequately?


These categories form a global view on quality development within technology-enhanced programmes. All are backed by concrete criteria, each of which is part of a coherent system.

Overview of the EFMD CEL Accreditation Process


© M. Wirth 03.01.2006


The Client Restore UK The Project Website Restore UK are a grant-making charity funding environmental projects and campaigns around the world - they were recommended to us by the BRT, who’s site we designed and produced. This large database site has a full updating facility - the following page gives more details. www.restoreuk.org

The Client Restore UK The Project Website Behind Restore UK’s site lies a large and complex database with a full updating facility to add projects, change grants (updating the ‘total invested’ box on the home page) and keep contacts records. We can upload photographs, and send emails automatically to selected organisations. We continue to maintain the site for Restore UK. www.restoreuk.org

The Client The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust The Project New Identity We designed a modern new identity for QEST (the charity of the Royal Warrant Holders Association), to be used by the office and Scholars alike, across a broad range of media. We then produced CDs with logos and guidelines for circulation to Scholars.

The Client The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust The Project New Website We designed and built a completely new website for QEST, together with a new database system enabling them to hold all their Scholar data in one place for easy updating. We have recently updated the site design, and continue to manage day to day updates. www.qest.org.uk

The Client The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust The Project Excel Newsletter We have designed and produced QEST’s newsletter since 1999. Giving information about new and past Scholars, the newsletter is sent out to the press, the Royal Household and other interested parties.

The Client The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust The Project Display Stand Design and production of a new display stand for use at events and presentations.

The Client London Business School The Project Healthcare seminar brochure London Business School needed a simple brochure to promote a healthcare event.

Innovation in Healthcare Delivery A one day meeting for Healthcare Leaders

We invite you to join a gathering of leaders of healthcare organisations to explore the potential for innovation in delivery to transform healthcare.

Agenda Morning through to lunch

This meeting comes at a time when the healthcare system is facing huge funding challenges. Innovation in delivery will be a major component in reducing costs and improving outcomes. However, the challenges are immense for healthcare leaders who must identify, prioritise and drive these innovations. Innovation in delivery is more complex than product innovation precisely because it requires change from within with all the concomitant technical, political and cultural challenges.

9:00 Welcome

The symposium focuses on the role of healthcare leaders in stimulating and implementing innovation in delivery within and across their organisations. We introduce a framework for identifying such innovations based on new research at London Business School. We also invite leading healthcare leaders and academics (from the Europe and the US) to discuss their own thoughts and experiences of introducing innovation in delivery.

Robert and Gareth discuss how the impending cold blast of economic reality will force healthcare providers to become more efficient and effective and give their own thoughts on the major sources of innovation that will enable healthcare systems to do more for less.

Organised jointly by

This one-day meeting is designed to stimulate peer-to-peer discussion between senior executives within the healthcare provider system, to explore the range of innovations that can be made in healthcare delivery and to learn from those who have successfully led these changes.

Kamalini Ramdas, London Business School

9:15 – 10:00 Opening Panel Discussion Sir Robert Naylor CEO, University College London NHS Foundation Trust Dr Gareth Goodier Chief Executive, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

10:00 – 11:15 Morning Keynote Speaker: Integrated care – teams treating medical conditions over the full cycle of care Elizabeth Teisberg University of Virginia Elizabeth discusses how dramatic and ongoing improvement in the value of healthcare will require fundamental restructuring of the system. She outlines three such structural drivers: reorganisation into clinically integrated teams defined by patient needs over the full cycle of care; measuring and reporting patient outcomes by clinical teams, and reimbursement tied to value rather than to quantity of services.

11:15 – 11:45 Coffee break 11:45 – 12:30 Levers for innovation in healthcare delivery – a new service innovation framework Kamalini Ramdas London Business School

By invitation only

Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk

London Business School Friday 16 July 2010

Kamalini analyses a number of innovations in healthcare delivery to identify the key underlying levers of the service that were changed, and examine how identifying controllable levers can unearth potential service-based innovations.

12:30 – 2:00 Lunch Keynote Speaker Toby Cosgrove CEO, Cleveland Clinic Moderator: Rajesh Chandy London Business School Toby will speak on the role of top leadership in spearheading innovation, highlighting major innovations in healthcare delivery at the Cleveland Clinic and how they were achieved.

The Client Arrow Communications/Skolkovo The Project MBA and Corporate material Arrow Communications, in Brussels, sought our help with their work for Skolkovo - the Moscow business school. We designed a series of concept options for their MBA programme with initial hand-drawn scamps, followed by worked up designs for execution locally in Moscow.

The Client Arrow Communications The Project Lancaster University Business School Brussels agency Arrow Communications commissioned us to design concepts for their pitch to provide advertising and media buying for Lancaster University Business School

The Client Arrow Communications The Project Nottingham University Business School When Arrow Communications in Brussels needed really strong concepts for their pitch to Nottingham University Business School, they came to us.

PhD Programmes

MSc Programmes

The Nottingham MSc

The Nottingham PhD

England China Malaysia

England China Malaysia

» A wide choice of full-time MBAs in relevant fields » An Executive MBA, customised to your needs » Ranked 1st in the UK and 12th globally in the Beyond Grey Pinstripes 2005 ranking » Ranked in the world’s top 100 schools in the Financial Times MBA 2007 and the EIU Which MBA 2006 rankings » Ranked 7th in the UK in the 2007 Times Good University Guide

» A wide choice of full-time MBAs in relevant fields » An Executive MBA, customised to your needs » Ranked 1st in the UK and 12th globally in the Beyond Grey Pinstripes 2005 ranking » Ranked in the world’s top 100 schools in the Financial Times MBA 2007 and the EIU Which MBA 2006 rankings » Ranked 7th in the UK in the 2007 Times Good University Guide

Further information

Further information

All enquiries welcome, please contact our MBA office: Telephone +44 (0)115 951 5500 Email mba@nottingham.ac.uk Web www.nottingham.ac.uk/business/mba

All enquiries welcome, please contact our MBA office: Telephone +44 (0)115 951 5500 Email mba@nottingham.ac.uk Web www.nottingham.ac.uk/business/mba


Design and concepts copyright of Jebens Design


Jebens Design 2007


Design and concepts copyright of Jebens Design

Jebens Design 2007


MBA Programmes

MBA Programmes

Work in progress

The Nottingham MBA

The Nottingham MBA

England China Malaysia

England China Malaysia

» A wide choice of full-time MBAs in relevant fields » An Executive MBA, customised to your needs » Ranked 1st in the UK and 12th globally in the Beyond Grey Pinstripes 2005 ranking » Ranked in the world’s top 100 schools in the Financial Times MBA 2007 and the EIU Which MBA 2006 rankings » Ranked 7th in the UK in the 2007 Times Good University Guide

» A wide choice of full-time MBAs in relevant fields » An Executive MBA, customised to your needs » Ranked 1st in the UK and 12th globally in the Beyond Grey Pinstripes 2005 ranking » Ranked in the world’s top 100 schools in the Financial Times MBA 2007 and the EIU Which MBA 2006 rankings » Ranked 7th in the UK in the 2007 Times Good University Guide

Further information

Further information

All enquiries welcome, please contact our MBA office: Telephone +44 (0)115 951 5500 Email mba@nottingham.ac.uk Web www.nottingham.ac.uk/business/mba

All enquiries welcome, please contact our MBA office: Telephone +44 (0)115 951 5500 Email mba@nottingham.ac.uk Web www.nottingham.ac.uk/business/mba

www.jebensdesign.co.uk Jebens Design 2007


Master mind.

Design and concepts copyright of Jebens Design

www.jebensdesign.co.uk ©

Jebens Design 2007

Design and concepts copyright of Jebens Design

The Client Media Minds Global The Project Business School advertising We design and produce print and online advertisements, and html emails, for Nottingham University Business School and Exeter University Business school, often to very tight deadlines. These run in national and trade press, and online at portals and online publications.


UK – China – Malaysia

Nottingham University Business School MSc Finance and Investment Invest here for a top rate of interest.

Where Business and Sustainability join forces to create a new generation of leaders

Shape the future delivery of healthcare

The core of Nottingham University Business Schoolís programme is based around the three main classes of capital investment activity: equity markets, fixed interest markets, and derivative markets, which introduce all the main techniques used by the modern investment professional and are very useful when you are looking for a job. Nottingham offers a very good mix of staff, including several who have worked in the City and for large corporate organisations before joining the Business School. Many of our staff are leading researchers in finance and the skills they have and the techniques they use are cutting edge. We pass on this experience to our students. The Nottingham MSc is forward looking in terms of the business areas it covers. We teach the latest thinking in areas such as corporate social responsibility. Nottingham University Business School is also a very multicultural learning environment — often people donít realise when they do a Masters how much you learn by mixing with students from different backgrounds. This exposure to new ideas and cultures is especially valuable for anyone wanting to work in multinational businesses. This degree is designed for students with a first degree in management or business studies or economics, and you must have completed some modules in finance.


The Nottingham PhD

Some of our graduates go to accountancy firms, which offer very good career progression. You can go there for three years and train as a chartered accountant, which will use the skills you've learned on the Masters, or you might begin a career at an investment bank. Some students choose to join the large consultancy firms while others go and work for large corporate organisations. A Masters degree in business gives you a lot of options.


Nottingham University Business School in collaboration with University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust are jointly funding 3 full-time PhD Studentships to commence in October 2010. The duration of the studentships is 3 years.

Two full tuition fee scholarships (Home/EU)

Full tuition fees (Home/EU rate) plus between £17,000 – £25,000 tax-free stipend per year. The 3 Studentships are focused upon; 1) Strategy Development & Alignment 2) Developing New Revenue Streams 3) Re-configuration of Services & Facilities Closing Date: 9th July 2010 For further information and how to apply for one of these Scholarships, go to www.nottingham.ac.uk/business/phd/scholarships Or contact Andrea Tomlinson on PhD_Business@nottingham.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0) 115 8467634

The Nottingham MBA offers a varied portfolio of internationally recognised MBA opportunities. We specialise in Finance, Entrepreneurship, Healthcare, and Corporate Social Responsibility. Offering award winning, authoritative approaches to theory and practice in a stimulating learning environment. Come to our next Open Evening:

Wednesday 23rd June 2010 Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham Register online www.nottingham.ac.uk/business/mba Contact us: E-mail: mba@nottingham.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0) 115 951 5500

UK – China – Malaysia – Singapore

The Client Caroline Cecil Associates The Project ImmuPharma We designed this corporate identity and website for a new pharmaceutical company, in association with Caroline Cecil Associates. www.immupharma.com

The Client Stanton Marris The Project Re-brand A stylish and flexible new brand for this London strategy consultancy, using a palette of bright colours. We also produced a range of Word and Powerpoint templates to enable use of the new style across material produced in-house.

The Client Stanton Marris The Project What’s New Stanton Marris wanted a regular update vehicle that wasn’t a ‘newsletter’. We designed and produced ‘What’s New’ - a clever four-pager, sealed with a sticker ready for mailing out without an envelope.

The Client The Worshipful Company of Founders The Project ‘The Founder’ magazine Design and production of a regular magazine for the Founders’ Company.

The Client Two Temple Gardens The Project Practice Area Literature We have devised a whole new set of practice area collateral for 2tg a leading barristers practice. The new system enables them to produce directories in-house using templates with macros. The directories then slot into special folders with a vibrant palette of colours, one for each area.

The Client Two Temple Gardens The Project Pupillage material Advertisement and leaflet to attract potential pupils to 2tg barristers’ chambers - a deliberately different design to appeal to a younger audience.

The Client Christie’s The Project Christie’s Images Website Complete re-design of the website for Christie’s Images - the image library for the leading auction house. Included designs for e-commerce icons.

The Client Clever Clothes The Project Branding and Identity Clever Clothes is a new semi-bespoke dressmaking and tailoring company giving women the opportunity to purchase tailor-made outfits online. We produced the perfect logo for use across all media, plus a range of flexible printed material including postcards, swatch paper, stickers etc.

The Client BBC Wales The Project Radio 2 Voice of Musical Theatre For the past three years we have designed and produced promotional material for the BBC Radio 2 ‘Voice of Musical Theatre’ competition in Cardiff. This includes the programme and a finals insert produced overnight to include the previous evenings semi-finals winners.

The Client BBC The Project The Little Prince The BBC commissioned a film of Rachel Portman’s opera based on the ‘Petit Prince’ story. We produced a postcard-invitation for a special concert performance of the work.

The Client DfES/Teacher Training Agency The Project National Remodelling Team Design of brand identity for a Department for Education and Skills initiative to remodel the UK schools workforce. We have since worked on the launch, promotional literature, giveaways and display material.

The Client College of Occupational Therapists The Project Consultancy Service The COT wanted to re-launch their Consultancy Service with a new brand image and marketing material. We designed a logo, stationery and promotional literature, with a palette of colours for use with individual service areas.

College of Occupational Therapists Limited

Reg. in England no. 1347374 Reg. Charity no. 275119

Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk

Web www.cot.org.uk/consultancyservice

Expert advice on disability issues

Recruit the right people

Maximise product development opportunities

Avoid costly mistakes

Effective recruitment

Email karin.jasinska@cot.co.uk

The Consultancy Service is a division of the College of Occupational Therapists. A not-for-profit registered charity, the College of Occupational Therapists represents the occupational therapy profession nationally and internationally. For more information, visit www.cot.org.uk.

Karin Jasinska The Consultancy Service College of Occupational Therapists 106-114 Borough High Street London SE1 1LB

To find out how the Consultancy Service can make a real difference, please contact our Consultancy Manager to discuss the size, scope and cost of our services.

About us

Contact details

Next steps

Telephone 020 7450 2342

College of Occupational Therapists – Consultancy Service Visual Identity Guidelines Consultancy Service – logos Main logo type and the COT divisional graphic

Next steps

Contact details

About us

Consultancy Service logo has been The main logo Karin is for useJasinska on plain To The find out how the Consultancy designed to give it a distinct and look. white backgrounds; the mono Service can make a real difference, Service (black or white)The logosConsultancy are for use Do not separate elements of it out and, on coloured backgrounds, please contact our Consultancy College but of not Occupational Therapists particluarly, do not remove the ‘College on a patterned background. of Occupational Therapists’ strapline. Manager to discuss the size, scope 106-114 Borough High Street When the logo is used in conjunction The divisional graphic, (shown below) and cost of a review. London SE1 1LB with the Consultancy Service colour must appear on all Consultancy materials, to reaffirm the connection and background with the College.

palette (see the colour section) on such items as leafletsTelephone and brochures the Mono White version should be used.

020 7450 2342 Email karin.jasinska@cot.co.uk

The Consultancy Service is a division of the College of Occupational Therapists. A not-for-profit registered charity, the College of Occupational Therapists represents the occupational therapy profession nationally and internationally. For more information, visit www.cot.org.uk.

Web www.cot.org.uk/consultancyservice Pantone / CMYK


Consultancy Service Main logo

Consultancy Service Mono Black logo

Reduce waiting lists Modernise service delivery Create service improvements Optimise current resources Redesign services

Mono Consultancy Service Mono white logo Orange area indicates sample background only and is not part of the logo

Service Reviews Do not split the logo elements

College Occupational Therapists Limited COTofdivisional graphic

This must appear on all Consultancy materials in either COT Pantone Green or as a Mono Black. In the rare instances where neither of these versions are compatible a Mono White version is also available. This graphic should be used at 11.5mm width (as shown) on all materials below

Do not add additional elements to the logo

Reg. in England no. 1347374 Reg. Charity no. 275119

A4 and scaled accordingly for larger materials. It should be postioned in the bottom right of the page whenever possible, but on items such as banners where it would obscured it may be moved to the top right. It should not interfere with the overall design and should not be compromised by any other graphic elements.

College of Occupational Therapists – Consultancy Service | Visual Identity Guidelines

Pantone / CMYK

Multi-disciplinary and occupational therapy service reviews

Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk



Disability consultancy Optimise current resources Solve temporary supervisory and management vacancies

Change management advice and support

Modernise service delivery

Expert staff to fill unplanned short-term vacancies

Optimise department efficiencies

Interim management

Service integration

Multi-disciplinary and occupational therapy service reviews

Reduce waiting lists

The Client College of Occupational Therapists The Project Specialist Sections branding Jebens Design was commissioned to rebrand the COT’s 11 specialist sections, bringing them all under the main COT brand umbrella, without losing each section’s own identity. In addition to producing a range of marketing materials, we devised a branding day to introduce the new look to the sections.

College of Occupational Therapists 106–114 Borough High Street London SE1 1LB Telephone 020 7357 6480 Fax 020 7450 2299 www.cot.org.uk A Somebody Job Title 020 7123 4567 asomebody@cot.org.uk

College of Occupational Therapists 106–114 Borough High Street London SE1 1LB Telephone 020 7357 6480 Fax 020 7450 2299 www.cot.org.uk

with compliments

College of Occupational Therapists Ltd. Registered in England No. 1347374. Registered Charity No. 275119. VAT Registered No. 242 7829 47

College of Occupational Therapists – Specialist Sections – HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Palliative Care http://www.cot.org.uk/specialist/hope/intro/intro.php

Specialist Sections homepage

COT homepage




College of Occupational Therapists – Specialist Sections

HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Palliative Care News Annual Conference 2006 2006 Annual Conference CANCELLED due to lack of applications. HOPE Research & Development Strategy Research and Development Strategic Vision and Action Plan for Occupational Therapy in HIV/AIDs, Oncology, Palliative Care (HOPE). You will need to be logged in as a BAOT member to download this document. News About us Membership Committee / Contact Forum Links

Occupational Therapy Intervention in Cancer – Guidance for Professionals, Managers and Decision Makers The new publication 'Occupational Therapy intervention in cancer' was launched at the HOPE 2004 Conference in Scarborough. Read more and download the publication. House of Commons Health Committee report on palliative care Download the report as a PDF file from the UK Parliament website.

Resources Study days Scotland OTNOP Wales HOPE

Discussion forum Join the HOPE discussion forum to discuss Occupational Therapy in HIV/AIDs, Oncology, Palliative Cares with other members. This forum is accessible to members of the public as well as BAOT/COT members

Northern Ireland

Web Support: Sheila Barnett Page last modified on 25.07.06 Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use. The contents of this website and downloads including design, text and graphics are the property of and © COT or its licensors. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED and all moral rights are asserted and reserved.

Browser 760px x 600px

The Client NHS The Project Wessex Courses Institute/NESC Working from a centre at Southampton Hospital, the Institute provides leadership and other training to consultants and NHS personnel. We were commissioned to design a new logo for area merger discussions, which was subsequently adopted by the new organisation - NESC Courses Centre. The logo incorporates familiar images of Oxford and Winchester buildings to re-inforce the joining of the two areas.


e Kenning & Spencer Limited n Street London wc2b 5be United Kingdom (0)20 7242 0471 Fax +44 (0)20 7831 8692 mail london.sales@toye.com www.toye.com

The Project Re-brand Toye Kenning & Spencer came to us for a complete re-brand. Their new logo will take them into the future, but without losing their sense of history. In addition to the branding, we have completed a brochure, presentation material, stationery, carrier bags and we are working on their website. DESIGN: WWW.JEBENSDESIGN.CO.UK

s Makers

The Client Toye Kenning & Spencer

Three centuries of craftsmanship


The Client Toye Kenning & Spencer The Project Re-brand Toye Kenning & Spencer commissioned us, as part of our re-brand, to design a new website - we devised an innovative navigation system using pictures of their products. www.toye.com

The Client College of Occupational Therapists The Project Research Foundation The COT commissioned us to design a further logo, for their research foundation. Following the style set by the other brands we have designed for them, we designed a clean simple arrow device. The logo was followed by stationery and a simple style guide .

College of Occupational Therapists – Research Foundation Visual Identity Guidelines

College of Occupational Therapists – Research Foundation Visual Identity Guidelines

Research Foundation – logos

Research Foundation – logos

Main logo type and the COT divisional graphic

Main logo type and the COT divisional graphic

The Research Foundation logo has been designed to give it a distinctive look, and includes a strapline.

The Research Foundation logo has been designed to give it a distinctive look, and includes a strapline.

Do not separate elements of it out.

Do not separate elements of it out.

The divisional graphic (shown below), must appear on all Research Foundation materials, to reaffirm the connection with the College.

The divisional graphic (shown below), must appear on all Research Foundation materials, to reaffirm the connection with the College.

Exclusion zone

The main logo is for use on plain white backgrounds; the mono (black or white) logos are for use on coloured backgrounds, but not on a patterned background.

Exclusion zone

The main logo is for use on plain white backgrounds; the mono (black or white) logos are for use on coloured backgrounds, but not on a patterned background.

Measurements to show the minimum ‘protected area’ around the logo.

When the logo is used in conjunction with the Research Foundation colour palette (see the colour section) on items such as leaflets and brochures, the Mono White version should be used.

Measurements to show the minimum ‘protected area’ around the logo.

When the logo is used in conjunction with the Research Foundation colour palette (see the colour section) on items such as leaflets and brochures, the Mono White version should be used.

Pantone / CMYK


Research Foundation Main logo

Research Foundation Mono Black logo


Pantone / CMYK


Research Foundation Mono white logo

Research Foundation Main logo

Research Foundation Mono Black logo

Maroon area indicates sample background only and is not part of the logo

Service Reviews Do not add additional elements to the logo

Do not split the logo elements

Do not add additional elements to the logo

COT divisional graphic

it would be obscured, it may be moved to the top right. It should not interfere with the overall design and should not be compromised by any other graphic elements. For further information and a pdf copy of the Corporate Identity Guidelines contact the Marketing Department, telephone 020 7450 2361, or email vandita.chisholm@cot.co.uk

COT divisional graphic

it would be obscured, it may be moved to the top right. It should not interfere with the overall design and should not be compromised by any other graphic elements. For further information and a pdf copy of the Corporate Identity Guidelines contact the Marketing Department, telephone 020 7450 2361, or email vandita.chisholm@cot.co.uk

College of Occupational Therapists – Research Foundation | Visual Identity Guidelines

Research Foundation Mono white logo

Service Reviews

Do not split the logo elements

This must appear on all Research Foundation materials in Pantone Green or Mono Black.This graphic should be used at 18.5mm high (as shown) on all materials of A4 size and below, and scaled for larger materials. It should be positioned in the bottom right of the page where possible, but on items such as banners where

Mono Maroon area indicates sample background only and is not part of the logo

Pantone / CMYK

This must appear on all Research Foundation materials in Pantone Green or Mono Black.This graphic should be used at 18.5mm high (as shown) on all materials of A4 size and below, and scaled for larger materials. It should be positioned in the bottom right of the page where possible, but on items such as banners where

Mono 01

College of Occupational Therapists – Research Foundation | Visual Identity Guidelines

Pantone / CMYK

Mono 01

The Client EFMD/GFME The Project GFME report Budget design and artwork, with fast turnaround, for the Global Management Education Landscape report, commissioned by the EFMD.

The Global Management Education Landscape Shaping the future of business schools EFMD EFMD aisbl rue Gachard 88 – Box 3 1050 Brussels, Belgium T +32 (0)2 629 08 10 F +32 (0)2 629 08 11 E info@efmd.org www.efmd.org

AACSB International 777 South Harbour Island Boulevard Suite 750, Tampa, FL 33602-5730 USA T +1 813-769-6500 F + 1 813-769-6559 www.aacsb.edu

Design by www.jebensdesign.co.uk



Global Trends Impacting Management Education — The Global Managment Education Landscape

Management education has entered a period of profound transition driven by globalization, technology, demographics, and pressing social imperatives. Because management education is an investment in the future of business, it’s important to understand the challenges, opportunities, potential risks and rewards associated with this transition. Therefore, this report was created as a resource for leaders in the global management education community as well as business and government leaders, policy makers, and others who want or need to understand the global issues and challenges facing the complex, dynamic world of management education. For these leaders, we seek to provide a foundation for constructive dialogue, mutually beneficial collaboration, and investments in the future of management education.

Table 1 – Age Distribution of Current and Future Populations by Region** 2005


Region / Age group

0 to 39

Asia (excluding Near East)

69.7 30.3 61.8 38.2


52.2 47.8 45.9 54.1

40 and over

0 to 39

40 and over

Commonwealth of Independent States 57.8 42.2 54.7 45.3 Eastern Europe

54.0 46.0 46.3 53.7

Latin America and the Caribbean 71.5 28.5 63.1 36.9

Reflection of the GFME Mission

Near East

77.6 22.4 71.2 28.8

The Global Foundation for Management Education (GFME) was formed to view the world from a global perspective — to transcend borders. Our mission is, “To identify and address challenges and opportunities in, and advance the quality, content, and development of, management education and practice worldwide.” This report is a proper reflection of our mission. The following pages isolate important global economic and business trends, explore the possible implications for management education, and provide five recommendations that can help shape the future of management education in positive ways. We present these recommendations in the spirit of stimulating discussion that leads to action, rather than to prescribe change.

North Africa

75.6 24.4 67.0 33.0

Northern America

55.0 45.0 52.2 47.8


61.7 38.3 56.6 43.4

Sub-Saharan Africa

82.8 17.2 81.9 18.1

Western Europe

49.6 50.4 43.5 56.5

Source: U.S. Department of Census and GFME Analysis See Appendix for a list of countries included in each region


The Future of Management Education In light of recent developments in management education, we conclude that the future not only holds exciting opportunities, but also poses serious challenges for business schools. This report leaves little doubt that the demand for management education will continue to grow. It also shows that, in some ways, the industry has been evolving to cope with the changing environment. For example, the number of business schools and programs worldwide has expanded quickly in response to increased demand. It would be natural to be optimistic about the future of management education based on these observations. But, there are several issues of major concern. How will we accommodate future growth in light of resource constraints and quality concerns? How do we balance global aspirations against pressing local needs? How will we assure quality, given tremendous pressures to cut costs? How will we sustain scholarship in business schools when doctoral education has not kept pace with growth in undergraduate and master’s enrollments? How will we continue to align programs and curricula with the ever-changing needs of organizations? Although there are no easy answers to these questions, the challenges embedded within them are not insurmountable.

Table 2 – Projected Changes in Populations by Age Group and Region (2005-2020)** Age group Region

15 to 19

20 to 24

25 to 29

30 to 34

35 to 39

40 to 44

45 to 49

Asia (exc. Near East) -7.9 3.1 12.4 14.2 8.1 16.6 43.0 Baltics

-46.8 -40.6 -14.3 4.3 -0.2 -15.0 -9.3

Commonwealth of -34.5 -34.2 -11.2 21.5 23.1 -7.5 -15.3 Independent States Eastern Europe -31.5 -32.9 -25.9 -6.4 9.6 21.4 -0.6 Latin America

-2.2 5.4 11.1 16.5 21.1 28.1 38.8

and the Caribbean Near East

15.6 13.0 17.5 31.2 44.1 55.9 62.3

North Africa

-1.2 4.4 16.6 31.2 44.1 52.0 56.8

Northern America 0.8 -0.3 13.1 13.9 5.7 -9.5 -9.9

Our mission To identify and address challenges and opportunities in, and advance the quality, content, and development of, management education and practice worldwide. © Global Foundation for Management Education


7.1 13.2 13.7 7.9 7.8 12.7 20.1

Sub-Saharan Africa 37.3 40.9 48.6 56.4 56.7 51.5 44.8 Western Europe -8.7 -8.0 -7.5 -13.2 -19.1 -16.2 1.7 Source: U.S. Department of Census and GFME Analysis See Appendix for a list of countries included in each region.


© Global Foundation for Management Education


The Client Caroline Cecil Associates The Project Fenwick Elliott corporate brochure We regularly work with Caroline Cecil, the PR firm. They introduced us to construction law firm Fenwick Elliott for whom we have produced a range of new literature, the first of which was a smart new corporate brochure.

The Client Caroline Cecil Associates The Project Fenwick Elliott Annual Review We re-designed Fenwick Elliott’s annual review, and set up templates and training for in-house production of artwork for future issues.

The Client Caroline Cecil Associates The Project Fenwick Elliott Annual Review Along with templates for the Annual Review, we produced clear style guides and instructions for use.

Fenwick Elliott Annual Review A Users Guide


Simon Tolson Senior partner

Page numbering This is set up to automatically update

“ Tuer alisi ea consequatio conum zzriure ming ex et nulputat acillutpat ad min henibh euguero dionsequate magnisi blam quipsustrud diatinc ipsustrud tio duissi. In henissi ea consecte consequam digniametum exeraesecte feugait.”

Annual Review 2007 www.fenwickelliott.co.uk

Annual Review 2007 www.fenwickelliott.co.uk

First word

In this issue

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam magna nunc, vehicula non, luctus quis, condimentum non, ipsum. Morbi eu lorem sit amet odio vulputate pellentesque. Vivamus ante. Etiam tempus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nunc aliquam rhoncus nulla. Praesent nisi mauris, rhoncus at, pretium ac, porttitor vitae, turpis. Nulla tincidunt orci non augue. Nullam odio. Phasellus lorem neque, viverra ut, pretium non, semper venenatis, nunc. Nam at nunc a sapien mollis dapibus. Nulla at lectus a magna varius volutpat. Proin malesuada rhoncus eros. Fusce tempor aliquam quam. Suspendisse elit. Mauris condimentum sapien tincidunt urna. Maecenas sed magna eu eros lobortis tempus. Nulla purus velit, elementum ac, posuere ut, pellentesque sit amet, tortor. Maecenas turpis. Nunc pulvinar sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam magna nunc, vehicula non, luctus quis, condimentum non, ipsum. Morbi eu lorem sit amet odio vulputate pellentesque. Vivamus ante. Etiam tempus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nunc aliquam rhoncus nulla. Praesent nisi mauris, rhoncus at, pretium ac, porttitor vitae, turpis. Nulla tincidunt orci non augue. Nullam odio. Phasellus lorem neque, viverra ut, pretium non, semper venenatis, nunc. Nam at nunc a sapien mollis dapibus. Nulla at lectus a magna varius volutpat. Proin malesuada rhoncus eros. Fusce tempor aliquam quam. Suspendisse elit. Mauris condimentum sapien tincidunt urna. Maecenas sed magna eu eros lobortis tempus. Nulla purus velit, elementum ac, posuere ut, pellentesque sit amet, tortor. Maecenas turpis. Nunc pulvinar sapien.

Phasellus id mi. Etiam imperdiet. Cras luctus lorem vitae mauris. Curabitur vestibulum. Vestibulum aliquam iaculis enim. In ultricies lorem vitae erat. Nunc imperdiet neque in elit. Nullam a mi. In ut massa. Donec ornare leo ut orci. Aenean ipsum nibh, adipiscing quis, ullamcorper ac, hendrerit sed, urna. Nulla nec justo eu lectus luctus posuere. Integer molestie sollicitudin nunc. Etiam neque eros, vulputate vitae, hendrerit ut, euismod et, odio. Pellentesque convallis ligula sed velit. Vestibulum cursus purus ac risus. Aliquam vitae libero sit amet mauris laoreet iaculis. Duis euismod mi in nulla. Phasellus id mi. Etiam imperdiet. Cras luctus lorem vitae mauris. Curabitur vestibulum. Vestibulum aliquam iaculis enim. In ultricies lorem vitae erat. Nunc imperdiet neque in elit. Nullam a mi. In ut massa. Donec ornare leo ut orci. Aenean ipsum nibh, adipiscing quis, ullamcorper ac, hendrerit sed, urna. Nulla nec justo eu lectus luctus posuere. Integer molestie sollicitudin nunc. Etiam neque eros, vulputate vitae, hendrerit ut, euismod et, odio. Pellentesque convallis ligula sed velit. Vestibulum cursus purus ac risus. Aliquam vitae libero sit amet mauris laoreet iaculis. Duis euismod mi in nulla. Phasellus id mi. Etiam imperdiet. Cras luctus lorem vitae mauris. Curabitur vestibulum. Vestibulum aliquam iaculis enim. In ultricies lorem vitae erat. Nunc imperdiet neque in elit. Nullam a mi. In ut massa. Donec ornare leo ut orci. Aenean ipsum nibh, adipiscing quis, ullamcorper ac, hendrerit sed, urna. Nulla nec justo eu lectus luctus posuere. Integer molestie sollicitudin nunc. Etiam neque eros, vulputate vitae, hendrerit ut, euismod et, odio. Pellentesque convallis ligula sed velit. Vestibulum cursus purus ac risus. Aliquam vitae libero sit amet mauris laoreet iaculis. Duis euismod mi in nulla.

Main body Text This use the Paragraph Style BODY TEXT (Control + 0)

Jeremy Glover Editor

Pull Quote 1 This uses the Paragraph Style PULL QUOTE 1 (Control + 9)

“ Tuer alisi ea consequatio conum zzriure ming ex et nulputat acillutpat ad min henibh euguero dionsequate magnisi blam quipsustrud diatinc ipsustrud tio duissi. In henissi ea consecte consequam digniametum exeraesecte feugait.”


Phasellus id mi. Etiam imperdiet. Cras luctus lorem vitae mauris. Curabitur vestibulum. Vestibulum aliquam iaculis enim. In ultricies lorem vitae erat. Nunc imperdiet neque in elit. Nullam a mi. In ut massa. Donec ornare leo ut orci. Aenean ipsum nibh, adipiscing quis, ullamcorper ac, hendrerit sed, urna. Nulla nec justo eu lectus luctus posuere. Integer molestie sollicitudin nunc. Etiam neque eros, vulputate vitae, hendrerit ut, euismod et, odio. Pellentesque convallis ligula sed velit. Vestibulum cursus purus ac risus. Aliquam vitae libero sit amet mauris laoreet iaculis. Duis euismod mi in nulla. Phasellus id mi. Etiam imperdiet. Cras luctus lorem vitae mauris. Curabitur vestibulum. Vestibulum aliquam iaculis enim. In ultricies lorem vitae erat. Nunc imperdiet neque in elit. Nullam a mi. In ut massa. Donec ornare leo ut orci. Aenean ipsum nibh, adipiscing quis, ullamcorper ac, hendrerit sed, urna. Nulla nec justo eu lectus luctus posuere. Integer molestie sollicitudin nunc. Etiam neque eros, vulputate vitae, hendrerit ut, euismod et, odio. Pellentesque convallis ligula sed velit. Vestibulum cursus purus ac risus. Aliquam vitae libero sit amet mauris laoreet iaculis. Duis euismod mi in nulla. Phasellus id mi. Etiam imperdiet. Cras luctus lorem vitae mauris. Curabitur vestibulum. Vestibulum aliquam iaculis enim. In ultricies lorem vitae erat. Nunc imperdiet neque in elit. Nullam a mi. In ut massa. Donec ornare leo ut orci. Aenean ipsum nibh, adipiscing quis, ullamcorper ac, hendrerit sed, urna. Nulla nec justo eu lectus luctus posuere. Integer molestie sollicitudin nunc. Etiam neque eros, vulputate vitae, hendrerit ut, euismod et, odio. Pellentesque convallis ligula sed velit. Vestibulum cursus purus ac risus. Aliquam vitae libero sit amet mauris laoreet iaculis. Duis euismod mi in nulla.

Main body Text

First Paragraph

This uses the Paragraph Style BODY TEXT (Control + 0)

This uses the Paragraph Style FIRST SPREAD FIRST PARAGRAPH (Control + 2)

Pull Quote 1

Page header

First Paragraph

Page header

Other page elements

This uses the Paragraph Style PULL QUOTE 1 (Control + 9)

This uses the Paragraph Style PAGE HEADER (Control + 8)

This uses the Paragraph Style FIRST SPREAD FIRST PARAGRAPH (Control + 2)

This uses the Paragraph Style PAGE HEADER (Control + 8))

The other elements on this page, not highlighted, should not need editing or updating from issue to issue. Therefore these can remain locked and do not have styles created

Fenwick Elliott Annual Review How to: A users guide to the InDesign templates


The Client Caroline Cecil Associates The Project Fenwick Elliott website We devised and designed a new website for Fenwick Elliott, incorporating the option to update sections in-house. www.fenwickelliott.co.uk

The Client Fox Insight The Project Alpha Executive Search Working with market research specialist Fox Insight, we designed a new website for Alpha Executive Search. www.alpha-es.co.uk

The Client DM Risk The Project Corporate identity New City risk analysis player DM Risk came to us for a clean, effective brand.

David Richardson Managing Director Email

david@dmrisk.co.uk Tel ephone

+44 (0)20 7288 2678 Mobil e

+44 (0)7889 654012 DM Risk Limited 52 Col ebrooke Row London N1 8AF United Kingdom www.dmrisk.co.uk

The Client Lysis The Project Corporate Identity Lysis is a new consultancy offering corporates advice on HR strategy. The word ‘lysis’ means ‘solution’ in Greek We designed a stylish logo to work across all media; and a range of startup stationery, much of which can be run out on the client’s own PCs, removing the need for printed items.

Consulting Services Ltd

Stella Pantelides


19 Ailsa Road St Margarets Twickenham TW1 1QJ Tel +44 (0)20 8892 1794 Mob +44 (0)7714 232160 SPantelides@aol.com www.lysisconsultingservices.co.uk

The Client The Royal Warrant Holders Association The Project Parker Pen and Halcyon Days leaflets Design and production of two leaflets to promote a special edition enamel box and pen.

The Client Berkeley Reafforestation Trust The Project Brochure Having produced a ground-breaking website for the BRT, they came back to us for a brochure. We designed an unusual fold-out format, printed on recycled stock.

The Client Godolphin and Latymer School The Project Fundraising brochure A fundraising brochure for Godolphin and Latymer’s new performing arts centre.

The Client INCPEN The Project Packaging in Perspective booklet The Industry Council for Packaging the Environment commissioned us to design and produce a booklet to illustrate the findings of the national Advisory Committee on Packaging. The facts needed to be illustrated in a series of clear but interesting diagrams, which have a further life in presentations and online.

The Client INCPEN The Project Table for One Another booklet for the Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment - this time looking at the relative environmental impact of food packaging.


Table for one the energy cost to feed one person




Cereals Energy for one person’s weekly consumption of bread MJ / person / week

Energy for one person’s weekly consumption of cereals MJ / person / week


46% Food supply 11MJ/wk



Home cooking 2MJ/wk

2% Primary packaging 0.4MJ/wk



Transport packaging 0.6MJ/wk

Transport from factory 0.4MJ/wk

1% Retailing 0.2MJ/wk

2% Travel to shops 0.4MJ/wk

8% Home storage 9MJ/wk

• Growing wheat to make flour to produce bread accounts for 46% of the energy in the supply chain. • Home storage and cooking uses 46% .

Food Energy


Energy used to produce packaging to protect the food

[ = 2,300 calories = a white loaf ]

24 1


Transport packaging 1.1MJ/wk

Transport from factory 1MJ/wk

2% Retailing 0.5MJ/wk

2% Travel to shops 0.4MJ/wk

Home cooking 5.6MJ/wk

0% Home storage 0.0MJ/wk

• Growing and processing cereals accounts for 50% of supply chain energy. • Home cooking is 26%.

Food Energy


Energy to produce and deliver food from field to fork


• Cereals provide us with 10% of our calorie intake.

• Bread provides us with 16% of our calorie intake.

Energy the average person gets in a week from bread

11% Primary packaging 2.3MJ/wk

• Packaging is 16%.

• Packaging is 5%.


Food supply 11MJ/wk


Energy the average person gets in a week from cereal products


Energy to produce and deliver food from field to fork Energy used to produce packaging to protect the food

[ = 1,400 calories = 7 bowls cereal exc. milk / sugar ]

21.9 3.4 6

The Client Holland Advisors The Project Branding and website Boutique investment advice company Holland Advisers came to us for a brand and simple start-up website.

The Client Chiswick House Gardens Trust The Project Film Festival Chiswick House, close to our office, asked us to design a theme and marketing collateral for their summer film festival. Sunday June 20th— Wednesday June 23rd Chiswick House & Gardens 4 Nights of Film in Glorious Surroundings with additional pre-screening entertainment THE DUCHESS (12A)

Sunday June 20th With live classical music and Georgian amusements Sponsored by


Monday June 21st With out-of-this-world guests BabeArella, Galien and Alien Babies Tim Burton’s sci-fi romp—don’t be afraid they come in peace!

Tuesday June 22nd The Mayflower Kennel Club comes to town with hilarious results With Dogs Trust parade and Flyball competition


Wednesday June 23rd Starring Meryl Streep, Julie Walters, Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth Sing along to all your Abba favourites Special Guest Star Ceri Dupree as Nana Mouskouri Gates open 7.30pm. Screenings start at dusk (approx 9.50pm) Tickets available from www.ticketweb.co.uk, 0844 477 1000 or Chiswick House shop Tickets £10 / £5 (U 16) June 20th/21st/22nd Tickets £12.50 / £7.50 (U 16) June 23rd Licensed bar. Hot dogs. Hot & cold food. Ice Creams. Please use public transport wherever possible to journey to Chiswick House & Gardens. Nearest Tube Turnham Green. E3 bus.

Registered charity no 1109239. © CHGT 2010. Illustration by Eleanor Rudge.


4 Nights of Film in Glorious Surroundings with additional pre-screening entertainment Sunday June 20th—Wednesday June 23rd Chiswick House & Gardens THE DUCHESS (12A)

Sunday June 20th With live classical music and Georgian amusements Sponsored by


Monday June 21st With out-of-this-world guests BabeArella, Galien and Alien Babies Tim Burton’s sci-fi romp—don’t be afraid they come in peace!


Tuesday June 22nd The Mayflower Kennel Club comes to town with hilarious results With Dogs Trust parade and Flyball competition


Wednesday June 23rd Starring Meryl Streep, Julie Walters, Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth Sing along to all your Abba favourites Special Guest Star Ceri Dupree as Nana Mouskouri

Gates open 7.30pm. Screenings start at dusk (approx 9.50pm) Tickets available from www.ticketweb.co.uk, 0844 477 1000 or Chiswick House shop Tickets £10 / £5 (U 16) June 20th/21st/22nd Tickets £12.50 / £7.50 (U 16) June 23rd Licensed bar. Hot dogs. Hot & cold food. Ice creams. Please use public transport wherever possible to journey to Chiswick House & Gardens. Nearest Tube Turnham Green. E3 bus.

Registered charity no 1109239. © CHGT 2010. Illustration by Eleanor Rudge.

The Client The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust The Project Royal Wedding Gift The RWHA commissioned a gift for the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton. We were asked to design and produce a document for the couple, detailing the artists involved.

The Client Ashridge The Project Range of Marketing Materials We have worked for many years with Ashridge, one of Europe’s top business schools. Over this time we have produced their programmes portfolio, programme brochures and advertisements.

The Client National Park Homes Council The Project Brochure Design and production for a new brochure to promote park home living.

The Client Mara Consultants The Project Company/Programme Brochure Mara wanted a concise company brochure, plus a brochure format to promote their training programmes. We devised a clever ‘either-way-up’ brochure that combined the two, but that can be separated forming two disinct units.

The Client Fox Insight The Project Economist.com Reader Profiles Design and production of on-screen and printed reader profiles.

The Client Saab UK Holdings The Project Aurora Branding and material for Team Aurora.

The Client Majestic Limousine Company The Project Logo and branding Logo and promotional material for a specialist hire company who own the late Queen Mother’s Daimler.

The Client MYA Consulting The Project Logo guidelines MYA asked us to write some clear, but simple, guidelines for their logo use. We regularly design and produce various stationery items too.

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