ell suddenly it’s that time of year again just like that, the Band For The Day review.
BFTD Annual Review 2010
Band For The Day Ltd. 20 Drum Brae South Edinburgh Scotland
This is the third edition and this year we have many new advances on the site, important updates and even the review itself has been updated! CLICKABLE IMAGES
Edited by: Ged Brockie
Each image in this publication is clickable and takes you to a relevant link; either the Band For The Day website, the Band For The Day Facebook page or other 3rd party sites.
Many thanks to all our contributors: Also big thanks to Lee, Iain, Mike.
This simple addition to the review will hopefully bring 1000s of new listeners to our bands and the site in general. This year the bands that have been featured for interview have also committed themselves to promoting the BFTD Facebook page and the site in general; we really do thank them for’s great when you have people working on your side. So once again, we hope you enjoy this, our third ezine annual review and that you will send it to as many people as possible to let them in on BAND FOR THE DAY TOGETHER WE’RE STRONGER! Best wishes from the BFTD team. No part of this publication may be copied or stored in any retrieval system, electronic or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher. The publisher cannot take any responsibility for any mistakes, omissions or breaches of copyright since publication. Nor will we take any responsibility for any outside content submitted or linked to the magazine via external website. © Band For The Day Ltd. 2010
FEATURES The Guys Behind BFTD.......................4 FACEBOOK ENERGIZED.....................10 The Procession (update)....................13 The Hall of Fame...............................16 BAND INTERVIEWS None Like Joshua...............................6 Kosmo Solarius..................................7 Photosonic Orchestra.........................18 WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE FROM A BAND WEBSITE? A way to sell your music? Your own shop with your own branded merchandise? A way to gather and talk with fans in one place? An easy way to display your gigs to thousands? Stream your videos? Upload an unlimited amount of pics? Work for huge and focused exposure? Just some of the many features we have waiting for you!
The Guys Behind BFTD...
In 2010 Ged was the featured soloist in an amazing new guitar concerto DVD which was released worldwide through Circular Records. Ged has works extensively throughout Europe and the US and his solo band albums have been released to critical acclaim. With eight recorded albums to his credit (including three with the Scottish Guitar Quartet) he also is a composer of note, regularly writing for media, film and soundtrack. Ged Brockie (Director)
An award winning graduate from the Leeds College of Music. His virtuoso guitar playing belies his years and he combines a musical maturity with a ferocious technique that is the envy of many a guitarist. A regular sideman for top acts, Mike's work has included playing with the seminal group the 'Scottish Guitar Quartet' as well as extensive radio and live appearances.
Mike Nisbet (Director)
Iain is a qualified chartered accountant who practises as Bolland & Burke in Edinburgh. As a music lover Iain sees BFTD as an exciting opportunity for unsigned bands to showcase their talent to a broad audience of like-minded individuals. He was keen to support the project and is delighted to have been part of its success. Iain looks forward to continuing to watch the project evolve and become the first point of call for unsigned bands.
Ian Bolland (Director)
Lee has played guitar for six years and at university was involved with the FreshAir Student Radio station in both presenting a show as well as dealing with PR. A recent graduate from the University of Edinburgh with a BEng in Computer Science and Electronics, Lee continues to expand his web development skills with BFTD.
Lee McLaughlin (Programmer)
LISTEN TO NONE LIKE JOSHUA BY CLICKING HERE Hello there. My name is Josh. Yes, this is in first person, not third. Well, it’s probably because my father always told me that he could hire people to do his job, but it just wouldn’t be as good unless he did it himself. I’m not trying to be unprofessional, but I am trying to connect with and help you to better understand who I am, what I do, and what I value. The only way I can do that is to interact with you on all the playing fields. I’ve felt that way about every field of music as well: beats, lyrics, guitar, drums, piano, engineering, marketing, interacting, designing, booking, and organizing; all of these activities since the fall of 2008. Of course, I’ve had some help along the way, especially with learning how to do all of these activities. I’m studying music business in New Orleans right now to help me further my career in music; education is certainly helping me achieve my dream. My dream is to travel the world and inspire people; whether it is inspiring through my music, my business sense, or just what I value. What started in Atlanta, GA as writing rap lyrics over acoustic guitar to ask girls to prom has now evolved into an electronica/indie/hip-hop project in New Orleans, LA, where I realized that hip-hop was my calling at the birth of 2010 – plus, I don’t think I can sing that well. Since then, my music has reached some parts of the world, thanks to the Internet, including, but not limited to Canada, France, the UK, Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Kenya, Ghana, Egypt, Argentina, Chile, and Czech Republic, so I’m already working towards my dream. My videos of electronica remixes and originals, which receive about 3,000 views a week online, helped greatly. I’ve also noticed that two, distinct groups of people are fond of my music: gamers and anime fans. Of course, my music is not limited to these two groups, but I analyzed as to why a large percentage of them are. It’s my lyrics. I enjoy writing about ninjas, superheroes, robots, and time travel. My music is another alternate reality for people. Aside from fiction, I also touch base with reality from time to time. I think my lyrics about abortion, religion, loneliness, adrenaline, nostalgia, sex and the psychological and philosophical notions that come with those subjects appeal to the underground hip-hop aficionados. Nothing’s more important than the lyricism in underground hip-hop.
Notably, hip-hop isn’t the main influence for my music. I enjoy music in phases of my age. Age 4 to 8: classic rock and pop. Age 9 to 12: mainstream hip-hop and pop. Age 13 to 16: 90’s rock and metal. Age 17 to 18: jazz and classical. Age 19 to present: indie rock, hip-hop, and electronica. You can hear it all in what I compose and write. So what makes me better than other rappers? I have time. I have the time to answer your questions, fulfill your requests, reply to your comments, and most of all, to thank you. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. I appreciate it. Anyway, enough about me. Go download my album, Maniac Devices and at any price you’d like and let me know what you think of it. Feel free to remix it too and send it to me so I can show people how talented you are. Hopefully, I’ll get to see you in your part of the world soon. Similar artists to my music include Sage Francis, Kid Cudi, Buck 65, Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park, Flobots, P.O.S. If you enjoy one of these guys, you will definitely enjoy my music, as they have had a huge influence. Another strategy that has helped me gain some exposure is taking requests. I really enjoy finding new music and most of my fans are the ones that inform me of good hip-hop beats. If you look at some of my remixes on Youtube, you'll see in the description, "As requested by [username], a vocal remix to [instrumental song]." I enjoy rapping over music that people would like to me rap over, especially if it's music I like; that simple. So feel free to request something. Many rappers and musicians have requested to collaborate with me. It was difficult to filter through all the requests, but I thought of a way to make it simple: a remix project. People can download my acappellas and instrumentals on my website, remix them, and then send them directly to me. If it's beyond what I expected, I will definitely collaborate with him or her and post it on my website for people to download. As of now, I'm working on two projects: the next album, The Impermanent, and a collaboration album with German electronica artist, PITCHEDsenses. PITCHEDsenses is a little more piano-heavy, ambient than my music but very intricate and emotional. As soon as I heard this guy's remix to Sage Francis' "Waterline," I had to contact him and get something together. Look out for these projects in the future.
Exposure for the BFTD artist: Real name: Date of birth: City / State: Country: Current location:
KOSMA SOLARIUS Konstantin J. 20th of December 1972 Viechtach/Bavaria Germany Koh Phangan/Thailand
LISTEN TO KOSMA SOLARIUS BY CLICKING HERE It started with the records of my father when I was a young boy. The music of Mike Oldfield, J.M. Jarre, Dire Straits and some others are the biggest influences of my early days. In the end of the 90ies I discovered the Psychedelic Trance music. When I was seven I made my first mix on a DYNACORD mixer and two TECHNICS MKII turntables. As a teenager I was Dj’ing at my fathers disco in various places and at 16 I started to create my own music with computers, ROLAND Grooveboxes and some simple recording tools. I had no idea about key, tuning and harmony – I just was listening and creating what ever I liked to hear. The COSMIC TUNING is the “secret” of my music. Based on natural frequencies I calculate the tuning key and some other parameters like Beats Per Minute or Delay Time. Any kind of musician should try to work with the tunings, because there is the hidden soul of music ! Nobody is even thinking about his tuning anymore this days. Why is that? ...The reason is, that since we have a global tuning key, musicians and producers stopped thinking about the tuning at all. This is a big mistake, because it is a very powerful tool and any kind of singer would be surprised how good suddenly a voice fits into a song when the right tuning is found, linked to the natural tuning of the humans voice. I want to give you an little example how to tune quick into the cosmic tuning: Lets take the EARTH YEAR tuning. This is based on the rotation time of the Earth around the sun (1 Year). The basic calculation is a simple thing. You convert the days of a year into seconds and the formular for Hz is 1/sec. Now you have got the basic frequency of the Earth Year, which is very low, so you can not hear this. Now we need to octave it up until we land in the middle range where we can hear the tone. To octave any frequency you need only to double it! After the 32nd octave you get there with an frequency of 136.10 Hz. In any kind of frequency table of tone definition you can find this frequency now and it is a C#. Based on this key you can calculate now the Master Tuning and this will be A=432.10 Hz (in cent: -31.38) You can also calculate the BPM and a Delay Time based on this frequency which are 127,60 BPM and a Delay Time of 235 ms.
You can find all information about this on PLANETWARE In 2001 my friend Markus Engel and I started the CARISMA PROJECT to organize psy-trance parties and promote our music. In the same year I joined the live act STAR SOUNDS ORCHESTRA with Jens Zygar (gongs & percussion), Steve Shroyder ex Tangerine Dream (keyboards & computer) and Irina Mikhailova (vocals). These were the key years on my way to become a real life artist. I worked with SSO on the actual productions at this time and we where touring all over Europe during the festival seasons. I playd in Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Portugal and collected a lots of experience while producing on the way from gig to gig. 2007 was than the final year where I left my country to go the way of music and art, I moved to Koh Phangan (Thailand) where the worlds biggest full moon party at the beach is happening once a month. Now I am resident member of the HARMONY TEAM at the Half Moon Festival and you can hear and see me live twice a month every half moon party. Besides my own productions I also produce other artists and do the mastering of the tracks as well. Moscow fish and Hans de Booij (Dutch singer) are two of them and on the weekly jam session at The JAM Bar Koh Phangan is the perfect spot to meet new artists and get new projects going. At the JAM I do the sound and on the stage I am all over the place on the drums, bass, guitar and blues-harp. The equipment I use is mixed up stuff and not really high end right now. I work on a SAMSUNG AURA laptop, use Ableton Live, Propellerheads Reason and lots of VST plugins. My external rig includes the ROLAND Groovebox MC-505 and the now aging ROLAND TR-505 and an AKG C4000b condenser mic. Right now I am planing my first real studio building it with some partners and we have already ordered some gear like the ADAM X5 nearfield monitors, RME Fireface 800 soundcard and a set of the legendary SENNHEISER headphones 25HD. I have also a couple of different guitars and my Blues-Harp collection.
KOSMA SOLARIUS ON Band For The Day It´s about one year now that I use all this online artist promotion sites and when I discovered the Band For The Day website I liked it from the first moment. What a great idea to give artists the chance of climbing on a daily top 10 list. The artists presentation and the shop option is exactly what is needed. Now, after the recent updates and the fan page creation on Facebook, it looks like that the page goes off in the world wide net. I am uploading regulary new tracks on BFTD and share the links on all my online accounts, like Soundcloud, Myspace, Carbon Logic, ReverbNation, BandCamp, LastFM, Ning, Sellaband and soon some others. I can strongly recommend to all artists and producers to create your own BFTD accounts and cross link it with all this other accounts. This is the new way how we artists are getting our sound out there. We have to find the direct way to our customers. No more labels and
all this in between is what I am dreaming of and sites like BFTD are showing afforts to go that road. Any kind of artist would be more as happy to share his income if sites like BFTD are helping to sell the music and finding gigs. Here the link list to my online presentations: Links where you can buy my first album SANCTIMONY: Kosma Solarius
FACEBOOK ENERGIZED Band For The Day has always looked for ways to increase views, listens and engagement with the both the bands and the fans of bands from around the world. Many strategies have been used or at least tried, but one avenue that was never really pressed hard was integrating with Facebook; this article explains our thinking before and after taking up the FB challenge and what we know is the prize. The weird thing was that we already had a page or selection of pages on Facebook but we never really considered the changes that were taking place with social media sites such as this.
TAKE ON THE WORLD Band For The Day actually has a similar if much less fancy social interaction built in. Fans can interact with bands that they “Like� and leave messages on band walls. You can see this on the site by going to any band profile and clicking on the WALL. The idea was that bands would work with each other as well as fans cross fertilising the site helping like minded musical people find new music and bands/musicians to follow. We have seen a small rise in use but to be honest it has been very underused and the reason is of course that bands are already using the massive Facebook platform to do this.
FACEBOOK REVISITED So, after we realised that on the one hand bands and fans were not really going for it with our own social interface but we were seeing spikes on our traffic data from Facebook we needed to go back to the drawing board and think again.
THE WAY AHEAD WITH FACEBOOK Just over two months ago we revisited Facebook with a vengence. We got rid of quite a few pages that were doing nothing. Part of the problem in the past was that we did not really understand the structure of the site. We had business pages, several group pages etc. We got rid of all the extras and put all our efforts into just one page; the Band For The Day fan page which you can see in the screenshot below (as of 31/10/10). In two months we have seen this page’s popularity grow to nearly 2400 people which is not bad going to be honest but here is the plan.
100,000+ We are looking to amass over one hundred thousand fans on our Facebook fan page which is a pretty big ask, however, if we all play our part it is possible. You may be thinking “why should we bother”, but the truth is that if we all work together we all benefit...the bands, the fans and BFTD. Put quite simply, if we can gain this number of fans then each band that becomes BFTD will receive from 3000 - 8000 listens in one day! Think of that and how this could affect your bands sales, views and getting your music and message out there. We are growing fast but we need all the bands on the site who really want BIG exposure to come on board.
OUR FB PAGE Currently, our FB page informs on the current daily winner of BFTD. If a band has entered the Hall of Fame. There are a growing range of picture albums that have been set up with links to the site. Also, we encourage debate and ask for feedback on ideas that we have regarding developing the site. All new arrivals are promoted on the Facebook page to help kick start their time on BFTD. We do have a video app plugged in but for now it is not being used to it’s full potential. We also are linking with businesses of like mind across FB...we think the strap line “together we’re stronger” also works for inter business links as well.
BFTD NEEDS YOU! To be honest, you don’t need to do much to help both yourself and BFTD; just send out on your fan pages a link to the BFTD Facebook fan page. We want people to go their first as it means we can hopefully hold on to them for longer rather than just people turning up at the website then forgetting about us.
So here is an action plan
1. If you are on Facebook, share this link 2. If you have not done so already LIKE the BFTD Facebook page. 3. Put the BFTD Facebook page as a featured or favourite site on your FB page. 4. Occasionally put news from BFTD FB on your FB profile. 5. Put a link up to the BFTD FB site on external websites. 6. Email out to all your fans regarding the BFTD FB page.
REMEMBER, IF YOUR ASKING WHY SHOULD I DO THIS??? The answer is simple. Once we reach 100,000 fans on our fan page each band will get a deluge of attention and that is something that we can all understand. There are over 600 bands on BFTD....if even half of the bands pushed for just one day we could see our numbers on the page rise by 10,000 alone...please think about it but most of all PLEASE DO THE ABOVE.
BFTD & FACEBOOK THE FUTURE The obvious thing for us to head for in the future is a Facebook application. We have limited resources, however, we are working hard to see if this will be possible. If you are a programmer then please feel free to offer your services! We do this to enable bands to create publicity and promotion...any help would be gratefully received. The integration of a well thought out and useful application would help increase the viral properties of the Band For The Day site.
The Procession threw down the gauntlet to every other band and musician in the BFTD “Hall of Fame”. Marketing the band, using the flyers and networking has shown everyone else just what is achievable. ...Band For The Day
Hello, we are the Procession, a (mainly) alternative-rock/indie band from the UK We have been together for around 4 years, and won the inaugural Band For The Day’s (BFTD) Band of the Year competition for 2008. As a result we were awarded a contract with Circular Records, and are due to release our debut EP and Album very soon. We had joined BFTD early in 2008 after seeing an advert online and I think were only the 3rd band to join up!! Straight away we really liked the idea of BFTD and decided to put a lot of effort into promoting ourselves via the web site. We did this as we had found ourselves in a world where the Internet made everybody’s music accessible. Great, however, that beauty of being able to make your music available to any listener around the world seemed counter productive due to millions of similar artists all competing for the same audience. It meant that the market for the listener was becoming over saturated, and the sheer volume of material was overwhelming. Although songs were available, they were still hidden. For us as a band, getting exposure was almost more difficult than before the Internet and we were looking into ways of how we could do something different to distinguish ourselves. What made BFTD stand out was that it found a way of organising the exposure of everybody’s music by way of artists concentrating on promoting just one song. Additionally, by having a competition on a daily basis, each day would have a new artist as a winner. We thought the concept was great, and that by focusing on promoting sales via BFTD not only gave us a way of selling our music in a professional manner, but also gave us the ability to separate ourselves from the crowd, as well as a unique way of promoting ourselves and our music via each song. Our popularity on BFTD started off slowly at first. We then started using the flyers, getting other bands interested in it and coordinating releasing songs on BFTD with gigs, etc - basically trying to organise activities to maximise promotion of our current BFTD song. Doing this meant our daily chart positions started to improve. The effort we put into promoting us via BFTD seemed to be getting us more plays and sales and putting bigger pushes into advertising to everyone to go buy/listen to our current song on BFTD, eventually resulted in us winning some competitions. Another great thing about BFTD was the “extra” competitions on top of the daily BFTD prize. We won band of the month on a few occasions, getting exposure in online magazines, and signing with a online promotion company as a result where amongst other things we got our tunes played on US radio, and so on.. In addition to what the band won, people who had voted for us occasionally won prizes - one of our family members won an MP3 player, a mate of the band won an acoustic guitar, etc.. This was great and it made it even easier for us to promote the via BFTD. Text’s and emails along the lines of, “We have a new tune up on BFTD – please buy it, individual prizes to be won” were common place, and overall we really got into the site in a big way.
When we did win the Band of the Year prize it was a bit of a surprise. At the time there were some really good bands we were competing with, who had recordings of outstanding quality, where at the time a lot of what we had recorded was demos. Also, with the variety of genres, and bands coming from all over the world, it felt like a big achievement to win, and was very rewarding given that we had all put a lot of time and effort into promoting via BFTD. Since winning BFTD we have been given a contract with Circular Records and are currently putting the finishing touches to our debut album. We have our debut EP coming out on Circular Records in the winter of 2010, and have a UK tour to follow; all of which we can’t wait for and are very excited about. We recorded our upcoming album Preston to name the music occasions looking forward
and EPs in various places all over the UK; Leicester, Birmingham, Coventry, Hinckley, a few places and have since worked and learned a lot from several people respected in industry. We really can’t wait to get the songs out there as it’s been a long and on challenging project. Overall, however, it’s been very rewarding and we are really to people hearing it.
Recording has developed a lot are about to casualty with engineer ended You have been
given us all many varied experiences that we will carry with us forever. We have as musicians and now have enough stories to write a series of novels!! Beware if you listen to a track by us called “A+E” – a recording session of this ended up with us in our producer who collapsed during the session. A couple of months later our mastering up in A+E whilst mastering the track – his first visit to a hospital in over 15 years!! warned ;)
Since winning commitments, interpretations sound. We have addition we people and
BFTD we haven’t gigged as much as we would have liked due to recording and one of the main things we are looking forward to is playing live. With new of songs, larger arrangements, and occasional additional musicians filling out our really expanded our repertoire and it’s going to be a lot of fun showing it off. In can’t wait to tour and play to a wider audience and visit new places and meet new bands.
I suppose one of the downsides of winning BFTD is that we are not able to compete on it anymore!! J BFTD has come on leaps and bounds since we won it and the new site, the merchandising options and so on are all excellent enhancements and increase the potential for bands using it. If we were to give advice it would be to push activities through the site. Just joining the site won’t make it all magically happen, but if you realise what the site can do for you and put the effort into making it work and getting people to buy into it, then the potential for what BFTD can do for your band is as much as you want to make it. Winning BFTD has taken us to another level, and we have already gone from making home bedroom demos and busking to recording in Kasabian’s studio, and playing festivals and supporting more established acts like Dodgy, etc. We never would have thought that joining the web site would lead to being told to be careful with that microphone – it’s Noel Gallagher’s!! We hope that is just the start of things to come, and that we will realise our ambitions to play to wider audiences and build a career with the industry. For now it is a lot of fun, and we are really excited about the upcoming releases on Circular Records and can’t wait to get out on the road and play our songs to people. It has been a great journey so far for us, and we are looking forward to what is around the corner. The Processions debut EP is released on Circular Records shortly so watch out!
The Band For The Day “Hall of Fame” is perhaps one of the most difficult things to understand so hopefully this article will clear up any confusion you or your friends may have about it. EXPLANATION The Hall of Fame or “HoF” for short is like a top 30 listings of the bands on the site. Bands can enter AND be kicked out of the HoF; it’s a way of rewarding bands that really work hard on the site by giving them exposure all year round.
Here are a list of bullet points that will help you get to grips with the mighty HoF!
If you win BFTD 3 times, all the votes you gained are added together to create your final score. You gain votes in BECOMING (the day you win) and BEING a BFTD (the day your featured). The total votes will place you 1 to 30 with position 1 being the highest. If you are in position 30 and a band comes in with a higher score you are kicked out of the HoF. You can have as many enteries in the HoF as you wish (each time you win with 3 different songs). No votes are gained by songs that have won BFTD other than on the 2 conditions in point 2 above.
So hopefully that clears up any problems or misunderstandings concerning the HoF but what next for our Hall of Fame? Read on!
In the first year of Band For The Day we were able to offer a recording contract for the band that was 1st in the HoF at a specified date. Unfortunately, we were not been able to continue this but things are changing and hopefully soon. We have spent a lot of time in identifying company types that blend well with BFTD. We have identified one company in particular and initial discussions have taken place. BFTD is excited about the fit and pedigree of this potential new partner and whilst discussions are ongoing it is a slow process. WHAT WILL IT MEAN? Basically if and once these talks are formulised BFTD’s HoF will again offer a prize for coming first in the HoF. It is our feeling that once meaningful prizes that are of use to all our bands are made available then it will help BFTD regain it’s focus in terms of bands really wanting to make the HoF as well as gain exposure through just being on the site. For the music related companies that become involved with us it means that they will be able to talk to a vibrant and ever growing community of musicians. We’ll keep you posted through both the Band For The Day website as well as the BFTD Facebook page.
CURRENT BIG THREE IN THE HALL OF FAME There are only two bands in the first three spots in the BFTD HoF; The Amateurs in positions one and two and Jaded Reign in position three. These two bands have occupied positions one to three for over two years and until the HoF is re-energized then it is likely to stay that way for some time.
Photosonic Orchestra formed in Dublin in June 2010. The band consist of Italian guitar player / music producer Julyo, Polish singer Martyna Halas and Irish drummer Reece Wardrop. Award winner music producer Julyo ( currently resident DJ at the King Kong Club with Keiron Campbell - The Amazing Few ), at the Village in Dublin ), started to work with singer Martyna Halas during 2009 while producing the record 'Anaglyph' with DJ Vika. During June 2010, following a post on Twitter by Julyo, drummer Reece Wardrop joined the band bringing rock groves in the mix. The band played their first gig together at the Body & Soul Festival 2010. After playing a set of gigs in Dublin they won the Dublin finale of the Guinness Our Thursdays contest and performed at the semi finals of Dublin’s Got Talent 2010. The word ‘photosonic’ describes the audio – visual shows performed live by the band: the music is translated into colors and images in real time, blending together abstract visuals and classic rock / alternative music sounds. The music of the ‘Photosonic Orchestra’ has been featured on radio stations in Ireland, UK, USA and Jaoan and international music magazines, such has Hot Press magazine, that describes the band sound as a mix between PJ Harvey and Paramore. The band interacts directly with their fans trough their official website , where fans and music lovers can download free band material and collaborate in the remixing of some of the band new songs. The Photosonic Orchestra has a strong internet presence, their single 'Drink Me!' is currently featured in music blogs from all over the world. LISTEN TO PHOTOSONIC ORCHESTRA BY CLICKING HERE
Registered in Scotland, Registered Number SC315195 Registered office at 20 Drumbrae South, Edinburgh, EH12 8SN Scotland