Hailey’s 2023 spring Semester Portfolio

This semester I was in charge of being the photo essay and photography editor. Being given that responsibility gave me the opportunity to learn how to use adobe applications like InDesign, Photoshop and bridge. Having the ability to be able to use these applications has made the creative process easier. Compared to last year I feel it is different because of the responsibility I have. I am responsible for all of the photos on the entire paper and making sure everything is uploaded and edited correctly. When it comes to the challenges of editing photos it has become easier over the past few months. I try to teach staff writers to edit their photos so the process is smoother for both of us next time but it will probably take a few more months before they’re also able to learn how to edit photos. In the future I plan on sitting down with them more often and helping with the photo process.

The page I am most proud of this semester is the December issue photo essay. I got complete creative freedom and got to make the page all by myself. I got to start it earlier because all of the photos were taken by me and I was able to finish earlier and still enjoy what I made. The page I am least happy with is the October issue photo essay. It was me learning how to use everything again and I didn’t really get to work on it. If I could do it over again with the knowledge I have now I would do more of it myself.
I feel I am very strong in being able to arrange pictures in a pleasing way to the eye. If I were to pick something I could use more training in, I would pick captions. I understand how the format works but I need to work on the writing part more.\

In InDesign I have learned how to make almost a whole page on my own. I need help with design issues now and then but I am getting more confident in my ability to use the ap
plication correctly.

I chose this picture as my favorite because I feel it shows a lot behind it. You can see the emotions and action in the photo and it really catches the eye. I went to rehearsals for the dance show and talked to all the dancers before they went on state and Taylor Welling, the girl in the middle in the air was really excited for me to get a picture of her. Taylor was just filling in for someone at the time so she was really happy she was able to get into the paper. The photo uses CIV (Center of visual interest) and action. The final product looks great because of the lighting and action. I feel my photography skills have gotten a lot better this semester. I have learned how to use the cameras a lot better and am a lot more confident with going out and taking pictures. Something I’ve learned about taking pictures is taking a lot more pictures than usual. It’s hard to find the best pictures so taking a lot is really helpful. I could use help with learning how to use the cameras properly. It can get a very confusing so getting sat down and told how to do specific things would be very useful. The process I have for organizing is communicating with anyone taking pictures. I try my best to sit down with most of them help them with uploading pictures and editing them. Some changes I would make are not offering me to do it all for them. I get blamed for lost CD cards and it gets frustrating because I am just trying to help. Uploading pictures immediately after taking them also needs to be done. Next semester I would want to help them be more independent. I have learned a lot about Photoshop this year. I have learned how to change the colors and adjust aspects about the photos. I wish I could learn how to cut out images on Photoshop.

With all the staff members, I make it a priority to keep them involved and ask them questions too. Having casual small talk with everyone is important to keep common friends among everyone. While working with other people in a leadership role, it was nice learning from them but at times you’d feel inferior because you didn’t know as much as them. Being in a leadership position I take that and change it so the people who look up to me for assistance can feel welcome. I think having respect from your peers is important so that if needed, you can work with them easily in the future. Being an editor is nice because you get to have a lot of learning opportunities with many different applications. While being an editor you have the responsibility to help others. Because of this it is challenging at points because you might not know how to help, but there is always someone you can ask for help. I feel we have many creative people on the paper. You have a lot of creative freedom and are able to show your ideas in your own way. I think that is why we have an award winning paper. Some things we could work on is paying attention. A lot of people in the class are friends so it’s really easy to get distracted and not want to do your work but in the end finish the paper. I agree with the quote. I feel that to know what you’re doing, you need to have a vision to lead everyone else. I feel that being responsible for mistakes and having good communication skills makes a good leader.