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Type Type Based Based Illustration Illustration Concept This is best approached as a portrait illustration to accompany a feature article, promotional item about that person. But it could be a type representation of a building, object. Build a plausible rationale in your project statement. Form The illustration you create will be created entirely with type, color and value. Doing so gives you the opportunity to insert thematically potent text, quotes, individual words. It will be entirely vector based, created in Adobe Illustrator. Format The Illustration you create is largely determined by the photo you work from, and the application of this illustration. Format it for presentation in its destination.

The Art Institute of Seattle Course Title: COMPUTER DRAWING Course Number: GD208 Creator: Jeeyoung Jung

The Project Statement 1. Background Steve Jobs was born February 24, 1955, to two University of Wisconsin graduate students who gave him up for adoption. Smart but directionless, Jobs experimented with different pursuits before starting Apple Computers with Stephen Wozniak in the Jobs’ family garage. Apple’s revolutionary products, which include the iPod, iPhone and iPad, are now seen as dictating the evolution of modern technology. 2. Target Audiences Age 18-40 who like to injoy apple products. Also, anyone who really miss Steve Jobs. 3. Client Apple, mac-forum. They need to use First Memorial Day of Steve Jobs. 4. Objectives People make to wait for next generation of hero. 5. Obstacles Apple, American, his personality, hate apple products. 6. Key Benefit People’s memory of Steve Jobs 7. Support Statements/Reasons Why 8. Tone Little heavy, monochrome color 9. Media Poster, Plyer, Web

The Art Institute of Seattle Course Title: COMPUTER DRAWING Course Number: GD208 Creator: Jeeyoung Jung


The Art Institute of Seattle Course Title: COMPUTER DRAWING Course Number: GD208 Creator: Jeeyoung Jung


The Art Institute of Seattle Course Title: COMPUTER DRAWING Course Number: GD208 Creator: Jeeyoung Jung


The Art Institute of Seattle Course Title: COMPUTER DRAWING Course Number: GD208 Creator: Jeeyoung Jung

Work Cited Steve Jobs Portrait http://boographic.com/post/sj_files/steve-jobs-1955-2011.jpg

The Art Institute of Seattle Course Title: COMPUTER DRAWING Course Number: GD208 Creator: Jeeyoung Jung

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