5 Dear member or friend of JEF Europe,
We are glad that you are interested to hear more about the work and activities of JEF Europe. We hope you will enjoy reading this report, which by no means is a comprehensive account of all activities of our now 33 national sections or JEF Europe, but we think it will give you an entertaining overview on the work and priorities of the Young European Federalists. If it conveys even a pinch of the enthusiasm, inclusiveness and optimism that is so characteristic for this organisation (the famous #JEFspirit) it has already achieved its purpose. 2014 and 2015 were busy years for JEF and much was achieved. Until May 2014 our main focus was naturally on the European elections. Under the motto “MoveEuropeForward” we travelled across Europe to discuss with young people about the European future they want. We also made dozens of new MEPs sign up to our federalist pledge and were mentioned by Ska Keller in the first ever EU presidential debate. Many JEF members will remember board member Espen Berg-Larsen concluding our campaign with a video message: “We really tried to move Europe forward. Now, will Europe move?”
Photo by Adrian Piclisan
Europe did not. 2015 was arguably the most difficult year in the history of European integration. No material progress was made on core issues such as a further integration of the Eurozone, effective tackling of youth unemployment and a genuine European answer to the challenges in the EU’s neighbourhood. In parallel, the unworthy theatre around the Greek bailout in summer 2015 and the European failure of leadership and vision on the migration crisis made the limitations of the intergovernmental system all too obvious. For me, again and again, it is meeting JEFers with their energy and idealism that gives me hope. JEF’s message remains relevant and in 2014-2015 we have upped our game on conveying this message. You will read in this report about our new structured approach to JEF Europe seminar cycles, in 2014 on the topic “JEF for a tolerant and united Europe” and in 2015 we have focused on giving democracy back its shine under the motto of “European Democracy upgraded”. We have improved our engagement in the Commission’s Structured Dialogue and expanded our cooperation with partner organisations, in particular our mother organisation, the Union of European Federalists. My sincere thanks go out to Pauline Gessant who after four successful years and an unmatched commitment to JEF Europe decided not to renew her mandate at the Congress in October 2015. I also thank her entire team of the Executive Board 2013-2015 for their fantastic contribution. And of course JEF Europe wouldn’t be the same without our secretariat, in particular the Secretary Generals Ioan Bucuras and Federico Guerrieri and Communication Officer Katarina Erdelyiova. Thank you for your interest in the activities of JEF Europe. We hope you will enjoy reading this report. With federalist regards, Christopher President of JEF Europe
WHAT IS JEF? Our goal is to create a democratic European federation as a crucial ingredient for peace, a guarantee for a more free, just and democratic society. We promote true European Citizenship, work for the widening and deepening of the EU and strive for a more just and integrated society on the European continent. We are independent from all political parties and political doctrines and pursue our objectives autonomously. Nevertheless, the organisation can of course participate in the exchange of opinions and experiences with political movements, public institutions, associations and the general public. We aim at bringing Europe closer to the citizens and the citizens closer to Europe. To this end, the organisation aspires to develop a better understanding of European Federalism and advances the implementation of the federalist ideals.
The Young European Federalists (JEF) is an independent, transnational, political youth organisation with thousands of members in more than 33 European countries. We concentrate our action on the achievement of international democracy and efficient, democratic and transparent decision-making through respect for federal principles in Europe and beyond. We offer the ideal combination of ÂŤPolitics & FunÂť designing a wide variety of activities, such as international exchanges, campaigns and pan-European actions, for a new and stronger European Union. We hope for this Union to be able to rise to the cross-border challenges of our interconnected societies. We dream of an increasingly united Europe, based on the principles of democracy, human rights, rule of law, subsidiarity and civic
POLITICAL PLATFORM THE EUROPE WE WANT WE WANT A BETTER EUROPE! The Young European Federalists want a free and united Europe, governed according to the principles of democracy and the rule of law, striving to ensure peace, prosperity, security and justice in Europe and in the world. The recent crisis proved that the process of European integration is still far from complete. We need to complete the integration process and build Federal European institutions and a Federal European democracy. A European Federation is our only prospect to find the necessary balance between decision-making power and democratic legitimacy that will enable our society to face the unpredictable challenges that are bound to rise in the 21st century.
WE WANT A SUSTAINABLE EUROPE! We want a common economic policy that is rooted in a larger European budget, based on own resources such as a European financial transaction tax. A common economic plan for sustainable development and social welfare is an essential component of an economic policy that aims to build a sustainable Europe. We want an economic policy that is also based on solidarity tools, such as Eurobonds for the mutualisation of debt or to make investments in sustainable projects at the European level. The common market needs to be completed with a common basis for taxation, an end to fiscal competition among states within the Union, a common banking supervision, the continued support for freedom of movement for workers and common mechanisms to counter external economic shocks in the member states. Member states need to be supported by the EU institutions in their efforts to provide social protection. Common minimal standards should be set at the EU-level to avoid social dumping and convergence of social rights at the lowest common denominator in the European Union. A single European energy policy is a necessity. Europe needs to act as one single actor on the world scene and promote a united approach towards climate change.
8 WE WANT A STRONGER EUROPEAN ROLE IN THE WORLD! The EU needs a real European Foreign and Security Policy that will enable it to act with a single voice on the world stage. The Common Defence Policy for the EU should be strengthened, including the development of European defence capabilities.
WE WANT A FUTURE-ORIENTED EUROPE! Investments in education, research and development should be central to the EU’s strategy. The EU should also develop and improve exchange programs for secondary school pupils, trainees, students, researchers and teaching staff from all over Europe and remove financial obstacles to participation in these programmes. We want a Europe that considers migration as a resource, not a problem. The EU needs a Single Immigration and Asylum Policy that is implemented by its Federal Government and controlled by its European Federal Parliament. We want a Europe that does not accept the reintroduction of borders. The free circulation of people should be guaranteed as a fundamental right of European citizens.
9 WE WANT A MORE DEMOCRATIC EUROPE! The European Parliament elections are the right moment to re-launch democracy in Europe. We want the European parties to go beyond being simple groups of national political families and follow ideological, social and political lines rather than territorial ones. The European Parliament is the only European institution that is directly elected by the citizens. That is why we want the current decision-making framework to be reformed to a true federal bicameral system with the European Parliament at its democratic core. We want the European Commission to become a true European Government that is accountable to the European Parliament. It has to include a European Ministry of Economic and Financial affairs with the competences to conduct coherent economic governance. The restoration of the authority of democratically legitimised policies over the dynamics of the global markets is only possible by creating a Federal Economic, Fiscal and Monetary Union that is accountable to the European Federal Parliament.
WE WANT A NEW CONVENTION! A new constitutional convention is needed to build the federal Europe we want. The convention ought to be a true constitutional committee with representatives of citizens of all origins, ages, sexes and social statuses, associations and other actors of civil society. The convention should in particular develop the Economic and Monetary Union, strengthening its government and introducing a federal budget to finance growth policies in order to overcome the current and future crises. The draft federal constitution must be democratically accepted. It must win a majority in the convention and the adopted text must be supported by European citizens in a pan-European-referendum. The constitutional process needs to be fully democratic, open, public and transparent, allowing citizens to provide their input and empowering them to do so.
THE FEDERAL COMMITTEE The Executive Board implements the decisions taken by the Federal Committee (FC), which controls the Executive Board. You could consider the Federal Committee as JEF’s parliament. The Federal Committee physically meets twice a year and formulates the political and organisational policies. The Federal Committee is composed of 16 members directly elected by the Congress and one representative for each national section. All of these people participate in one or more Political Commissions (PC) or Task Forces (TF).
Presidium 2014 FC Meetings: 28 - 30 March 2014 Cambridge, UK
Jasmiini Kaasinen
Vaida Cesnuleviciute
31 Oct - 2 Nov 2014 Bologna, Italy
Patricia Enssle
2015 FC Meetings: 27 - 29 March 2015 Uppsala, Sweden
Members directly elected from the Congress
23 - 25 October 2015 Zürich, Switzerland (European Congress) Marta Junqué Surià
Simon Paetzold
Andreas Froby Klemens Kober
Johannes Boermann
Abdul Aydemir
Laurent Arnau
Giulia Spiaggi
Kardelen Gunaydin
Patricia Enssle
Luca Lionello
Simone Cuozzo
Jasmiini Kaasinen
Francesca Vistarini
Claire Darmé
Monika Elend
THE EXECUTIVE BOARD JEF is guided on a daily basis by the Executive Board (EB). You could consider the Executive Board as JEF’s government. The Executive Board is responsible for the management, coordination and daily dynamics of the organisation. It is composed of the President, the two Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, four members elected by the European Congress and the Secretary-General. 2014 Executive Board Meetings: Brussels, 21 - 23 February 2014 Pescara, Italy 28 - 30 June 2014 Berlin 19 - 21 September 2014 Warsaw, 5 - 7 December 2014
Christopher Glück president
Simon Devos
2015 Executive Board Meetings: Brussels, 20 - 22 February 2015 Paris, 8 - 10 May 2015 Timisoara, 28 - 30 August 2015 Brussels, 4 - 6 December 2015
Leonie Martin
Ophélie Omnes
Ioan Bucuras
Elisa Tarkiainen
Secretary General
Board member
Miriam Postiglioni
Jacopo Barbati
Board member
Board member
Kevin Broby Kristiansen Board member
THE EUROPEAN SECRETARIAT You could consider the secretariat as JEF’s public administration. The Secretary General is in charge of the secretariat. S/he is responsible for relations with all our sections and the coordination of their activities. S/he is appointed by the Executive Board and ratified by the Federal Committee for a term of two years.
THE AUDITORS COMMITTEE The Auditors Committee is composed of at least two and a maximum of three members, elected by the Congress. It verifies our accounts at least once a year. It is accountable to the Federal Committee, to which it has to report at least once a year. As such, they are comparable to JEF’s Court of Auditors
THE EUROPEAN CONGRESS The Congress is the supreme body of JEF and represents all members. You could consider the Congress as the representation of our citizens. It meets every two years. It is composed of delegates elected by national sections. The congress elects the President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, the members of the Executive Board, the directly elected members of the Federal Committee, the Arbitration Board and the Auditors Committee. The Congress also defines the political direction through our Political Platform.
THE ARBITRATION BOARD The Arbitration Board has five members elected by the Congress. They elect a chairperson from among their members. Its function is to settle statutory conflicts between members, sections and statutory bodies. As such, you could consider them as JEF’s constitutional court.
The best moment for JEF in 2014 in my view was the successful MovEuropeForward campaign running up to the European elections. Bringing together young people in order to motivate our generation to speak up and vote for our common future was clearly my JEF highlight in 2014.
To pick the best moment of two incredibly enriching years with JEF Europe is a difficult task. The moment that comes to my mind is the first day of the European Congress in Zurich. In many political congresses, this is when political dynamics toughen up and the mood goes increasingly adversarial. Not so in JEF, at least not this year. Despite of difficult topics on the agenda the atmosphere remained light and positive. I remember that after Pauline had given a beautiful and goosebumpy goodbye speech and Ioan had made the whole Congress crack up in laughter with a perfect impersonification of the outgoing Executive Board, I never was more convinced that for the coming two years sacrificing most of my free time to this organisation was exactly what felt right.
Sven Bisang Federal Committee Presidium
Christopher Gl端ck President
My best moment in JEF was in late March 2014, in Cambridge. I was asked to leave the room for a closed debate about my ratification as the new Secretary General. After 45 minutes which temporarily seemed like ages to me, I was invited back inside while receiving a standing ovation from the entire Federal Committee. That was not only my best moment in JEF, but one of the best moments I have had the chance to live so far! Seeing so many people putting their trust and hopes in you is a gift - and a responsibility!
Ioan Bucuras Secretary General
T h e MovEurope Project, securing financial and operational stability for the period 2015-2017, launching a unique smartphone app - the DemAlert app - enabling its users for the first time to actively engage in the democratic process, and properly conveying and spreading the message for a more tolerant, fair and just Europe through our campaigns, press releases, street actions and international seminars. Ioan Bucuras Secretary General I believe the main achievement of the mandate 2013-2015 was to raise JEF Europe to a whole new level of professionalism and effectiveness. JEF’s projects were more focused and strategic, the internal and external communication was improved, statutory meetings have become fun again and our own policy-making process is now more democratic and inclusive than ever. Last but not least, JEF Europe now is on sound and sustainable financial grounds. This was an ideal situation for the new Exective Board to hit the ground running in October 2015.
Christopher GlĂźck President Growing as an organisation in terms of visibility (being mentioned in the first-ever election debate on TV by one of the official candidates for the Presidium of the European Commission, Ska Keller), membership (various sections managed to increase their membership considerably) and recognition by positioning ourselves as a leading youth NGO with political ideas (by attending meetings by the Commission and the Parliament but also through securing invitations to speak at the Congresses of PPYOs) shows that JEF Europe is increasingly present all over the continent and able to accommodate youth interested in promoting federal ideas.
Sven Bisang Federal Committee Presidium
17 WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BRING TO JEF IN THE FUTURE? I n the future, I will try to support JEF Europe through its alumni organisation Friends of JEF where I was part of the board. Our goal is to link JEFers of all times in order to raise funds for JEF and offer networking opportunities to our members. Sven Bisang Federal Committee Presidium
JEF’s challenge in the coming two years will be to hold up a positive alternative vision for the future of the European Union. This is not a small task, but I think we are well prepared. For this I believe it is crucial for JEF Europe to broaden its networks and cooperate closer with partner organisations and key actors in the Brussels bubble. We also need to make sure JEF remains a pan-European organisation with a strong membership base in all parts of Europe (in and beyond the EU) rather than being just a club of the Western European founding 6.
Christopher GlĂźck President
JEF is now a well-functioning association. We need to focus on spreading our views and thoughts for a more united and federal Europe as much as possible, and reach out to citizens and decision-makers alike. During the second part of my mandate, apart from developing new projects, I will predominantly steer the organisation towards a vivid presence in the Brussels bubble and the Youth Forum, together with the future Executive Board. Ioan Bucuras Secretary General
CAMPAIGNS & ACTIONS “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” J.K.Rowling
One of our aims is to promote European awareness among young people and encourage civic activism. That is why campaigns and activities play such an important role in our organisation. In 2014 we carried out four decisive activities to reach out to the citizens and to give visibility to the organisation.
Vote for a better Europe 22-24 February 2014 This was our first action 90 days before the European Elections to raise awareness around the right to vote. In this action we sought to gather young people’s ideas through their ballots in a street action where we ask people to vote for a better Europe. Groups of young people organized various demonstrative actions in Milan, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Sofia and many other cities around Europe with the slogan “Go vote for a better Europe”. Participants distributed leaflets and asked people to express their wishes for the future of Europe by depositing their votes in blue voting boxes.
Pan-European action: Democracy under pressure 17-19 March 2014 Democracy is under pressure all over Europe. The threat is coming from various groups and situations in different countries. In Belarus the situation has been grave for years, in Ukraine violence erupted at the end of November 2013, but all over Europe democracy is threatened by the rise of Nationalism and extremist parties. In this action we wanted to remind people of the importance of democracy, the importance of their vote. Between 17th and足19th of March, all over Europe, the Young European Federalists symbolically silenced statues to drew attention to the fact that still so many Europeans are denied their right to speak.
Save Europe and vote for a sustainable future 23-27 April 2014 In the aftermath of the worst economic crisis Europe has seen in almost a century, a more sustainable future is one of the main concerns of todays youth. In this action we encouraged youth to vote in the European elections to secure sustainable growth, development and the creation of opportunities for young people. One month before the European Parliament elections JEF Europe asked its members partners and supporters to go in the streets, involve citizens and young people and spread these key messages showing that the young people can save Europe!
Time to vote for a Federation? Yes! 16-21 May 2014 Shortly before the European Parliamentary election, the main democratic event at continental level, JEFers sent a strong message to go vote for a better Europe! We asked our sections to organise political salons and debates to discuss (youth) issues to the various political parties and give information on how and where people in Europe could go to cast their vote for a better Europe! The mobilisation was organised with a coalition of European and national organisations under the slogan “Democratic Europe Now. Go vote for a better Europe!� Collecting symbolic votes and wishes in blue voting boxes, we reached out to citizens in the streets to give the message that with these elections, we need to Move Europe Forward!
MovEurope Forward! was the campaign of the Young European Federalists towards the European Parliament elections in May 2014. Through informative events, Local Public Consultations, the MovEurope bus tour and a series of pan-European actions, JEF sought to encourage young people to be active part of democracy at the European level. In each city a number of public events and activities involving young people have taken place. Candidates to the EP elections, local and European policy makers interacted with young European citizens. Itinerary: Brussels (29 April), Maastricht (30 April), M端nster (1 May), Vienna (4 May), Bratislava (6 May), Budapest (8 May), Zagreb (10 May), Milan (12 May), Barcelona (15 May), Strasbourg (18 May).
29 MovEurope Forward! was a pan-European campaign focusing on the European Parliament elections of May 2014. MovEurope Forward! aimed at informing and raising awareness on the EP elections to give (young) citizens the necessary input for making an informed decision and for fully embracing their European citizenship. The campaign brought together citizens, candidates to the EP elections and European decision-makers and encouraged dialogue and exchange on selected topics. Citizens were being involved in the formulation of policy proposals and recommendations that were collected in a final publication. The outcomes of MovEurope Forward! were presented to European policy makers, with the final aim of moving issues of particular concern to young people to the top of the political agenda. The campaign targeted young people in particular, whose participation in the EP elections is dramatically low (29% in 2009).
The Annual Work Plan 2014
Young European Federalists for a tolerant, United Europe Our work plan entitled “Young European Federalists for a tolerant, united Europe!”focuses on removing obstacles for a tolerant Europe and find alternative grounds for the construction of a united Europe with democracy at all levels.Through the different activities part of this work plan, we aim at raising awareness on problems that are afflicting today’s Europe such as nationalism,intolerance, extremism and lack of democracy and civil rights. Additional to this awareness raising component, the work plan provides opportunities for young people attending our activities to develop relevant skills for becoming active players in the fight against the above mentioned worrying tendencies. From February to May, Young European Federalists all over Europe called upon citizens to MovEurope Forward and vote for a better Europe, a federal Europe.
“Reloading Europe – getting ready for action” February 2014, Brussels
“Speak-up Europe – how to convey your message” March 2014, Rome
“Tolerant Europe – defining the obstacles” April 2014, Skopje
“Local Europe – spread the message” May and November 2014 in 20+ European cities
“United Europe – democracy at all levels” November 2014, Chisinau
“Reloading Europe – getting ready for action” was organized for the newly elected members of JEF Executive Board and Chairs of the Working Groups. These mandate holders were responsible to lead the organization in the two-year period from November 2013 to November 2015. The aim of this training was to make sure that they possess the relevant skills and knowledge necessary to ensure a successful implementation of our work plan with a maximum impact. External trainers helped the participants to brainstorm and develop the content component of our work plan, in line with the newly approved political platform of the organisation (November 2013) and the priorities of the youth department of the CoE.
“Speak-up Europe – how to convey your message” was linked with the idea of improving the communications capacity of our organisation with regards to the implementation of the work plan. The editors-in-chief of the 5 language versions of our webzine together with other volunteers received additional training to guarantee maximum visibility for our global message. By doing so we contributed to the fight for media freedom in Europe, countering the rise of nationalist and populist movements as a threat to a tolerant Europe.
“Tolerant Europe – defining the obstacles” was the first international seminar of the work plan and aimed at exploring the negative impact of nationalism to our society, and at eradicating this plague by empowering 34 young people in the fight against discrimination and xenophobia in Europe. The seminar explored the tools available and identified those that could be created to this end. A video developed by young people trained at the Speak-up Europe event was created and used for Europe-wide local dissemination during the “Local Europe” activities.
“Local Europe – spread the message” was a massive dissemination exercise where young people took the skills and know-how acquired during the earlier stages of the work plan to the grassroots level. Freedom was given to the ‘ambassadors’ (participants who attended the previous events) to develop and define their own local activities in which the video developed in Skopje has played an important role.
“United Europe – democracy at all levels” is the last activity of the work plan. The idea of organizing our second international seminar in Belarus comes from our annual action “Free Belarus”. JEF considers that a United Europe cannot become a reality before democracy has reached all corners and levels of Europe. After years of activism, JEF will go on the spot and work together with youth activists in Belarus. Since the Seminar in Macedonia young people from all over Europe have worked together to raise awareness on the needs for a free and tolerant society in Europe.
The JEF Europe twinning programme belongs to a broader undergoing effort to bring Europe to the grassroots members of JEF. The strength of our organisation is our dynamism and European network. It consists of in bringing together local sections of JEF in privileged partnerships, meant to last and aimed at building a better knowledge of one another. It is highly encouraged to include various activities, according to the sections’ sensibility, interests and capacity. The value of this programme is to function smoothly, be known, accessible and adaptable. This requires efforts from various levels of JEF to set it up, in order to make it a minimum burden in future, and a valuable asset for the organisation. If you have any questions about the programme or want to find out more about it, get in touch with us:
Structured Dialogue The Structured Dialogue is a process of consultations and discussions between young people and European decision-makers. The topic of the SD Cycle (June 2014 - December 2015) is “Youth Empowerment”. The aim of these debates is to provide youth with the rights, opportunities and appropriate support to actively participate and to develop their fullest potential and to become responsible and active citizens. Marta Junqué is the JEF ambassador to the Structured Dialogue, and she plays a triple role. First, she helps JEF’s Political Commission on Internal European Policy (PC2) develop JEF policy regarding youth empowerment. Second, she represents JEF’s positions during the three Structured Dialogue meetings (Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg) between June 2014 and December 2015. Finally, she starts discussions in JEF about youth empowerment policy and continuously keeps us updated about the Structured Dialogue process via social media, the JEF INFO newsletter and articles on The New Federalist.
DemAlert JEF Europe has issued a free Democracy Alert smartphone application (DemAlert app) available on Android and iOS. With the DemAlert app JEF Europe aims at raising awareness on the need of updating democracy in Europe, giving the opportunity to young people to discuss, propose and develop new forms of democracy. This is a unique way of addressing today’s challenges in Europe, such as populism, intolerance, extremism and nationalism. The DemAlert is available on Android and iOS free of charge and at no additional costs. The application is compatible with smartphones and tablets. As there is a significant number of unaddressed gaps in democracy in countries especially outside of the European Union, the DemAlert app currently covers the whole continent of Europe including countries like Ukraine, Belarus and Kosovo. Users are encouraged to pinpoint breaches of democracy that they witness or experience. The specific pinpoints can then be endorsed by other users, thus increasing the visibility of the given pinpoint on the map. Any kind of positive action, movement and simple act supporting democracy can also be pinpointed and therefore endorsed as well. These DemAlerts can be described in words and a photo can be attached.
RespectMyVote For the first time in the history of the European Union, in line with our long-standing demands, the European political parties put forward common manifestos and nominated their top candidates for President of the European Commission. These top candidates have campaigned all over Europe and participated in televised duels. We should now make sure that the national governments will respect the citizens’ vote. That’s why JEF was leading a campaign called “Respect my vote” and asked for your support to promote it. This petition made a change with 4,876 supporters!
The Annual Work Plan 2015
European Democracy Upgraded
Through the different activities of European democracy upgraded we aim at raising awareness on the need of updating democracy in Europe, giving the opportunity to young people to discuss, propose and develop new forms of democracy highlighting the advantages that such upgrades would bring to our continent and all people living here. A special focus is given to the role that civil society could and should have in this process. Furthermore, the workplan provides opportunities for young people attending our activities to develop relevant skills for becoming active ambassadors for an updated democracy in Europe.
To achieve these goals, five activities have been developed and were implemented in the sequence as indicated below “Europe 2.0 - why? IS DEMOCRACY OUTDATED?” February/March 2015, Krakow “Europe 2.0 - with whom? YOUTH FOR A BETTER DEMOCRACY!” April 2015, Istanbul “Europe 2.0 - how? DEMOCRACY SUMMERSCHOOL!” July 2015, Barcelona “Europe 2.0 - what and where? THE D-DAYS – ALL OVER EUROPE” May and November 2014 in 20+ European cities “Europe 2.0 - now! DEMOCRACY UPGRADED UP TO YOUth” November 2015, Strasbourg
40 “Europe 2.0 - why? IS DEMOCRACY OUTDATED?” This introductory event, which was held in Krakow in February 2015, was lined with the idea of developing education for democratic citizenship. The evolution of democratic citizenship around the world was analyzed, raising awareness of the benefits of a European democratic citizenship, why democracy seems more and more outdated in today’s context, and on why an updated citizenship is a priority to secure a better future for young people.
“Europe 2.0 - with whom? YOUTH FOR A BETTER DEMOCRACY!” This international seminar focused on the role of civil society in the democratic renewal of Europe and the idea that there is no modern democracy without the involvement of its citizens. The main outcome was a publication focusing on the means to foster participatory democracy in Europe, among young people in particular. “Europe 2.0 - how? DEMOCRACY SUMMERSCHOOL!” The following event was a summerschool which combined seminar and training activities, making use of non – formal methodologies and peer to peer learning. It focused on success stories of modern forms of democracy, training, capacity building and empowerment of “Young Ambassadors for New Democracy”, who brought their messages to their fellow citizens in their own countries. This event was built on the No Hate Speech Movement and on our 2014 “Young European Federalists for a tolerant, united Europe” workplan. The main outcomes of this activity was a video “I got a problem” – “I got a solution.”
41 “Europe 2.0 - what and where? THE D-DAYS – ALL OVER EUROPE” Building on the examples and training received on activity 3, the Young Ambassadors for New Democracy will run local activities in their own cities. These activities aim at raising awareness on the fact that more has to be done in order to achieve democracy at all levels, as well as at collecting young people’s expectations for the future of the European continent. The local teams will shoot videos to disseminate the message of their actions, as well as to collect young persons´ wishes for an updated democracy. A blog will also be opened to collect young people´s expectations. The format of the activities will be left to the creativity of the local team. A photo competition will be organized on the theme “what does updated democracy mean for you?”
“Europe 2.0 - now! DEMOCRACY UPGRADED UP TO YOUth” The last activity consists of workshops followed by a public event in which participants of the previous activities will get the opportunity to discuss the outcomes and results of the workplan with relevant European stakeholders. The publication “Europe 2.0: European democracy upgraded” will collect the proposals made by young people and youth organizations for an updated and upgraded democracy in Europe, and present them to policymakers. The main outcomes of our 2014 workplan, such as the Democracy Alert App, will play an important role in the development and promotion of an upgraded democracy, while being useful tools of information for the participants of “Europe 2.0: European democracy upgraded”.
The UEF has decided to launch a month dedicated to “Meet your MEP” in October. UEF is calling its national, regional and local sections – in cooperation with JEF - to organise meetings with their MEPs, either on a bilateral basis or in a public setting, to present UEF and JEF and the federalists’ key demands and expectations on the European Parliament. UEF is able to provide some financial support, particularly to small sections that organise public meetings with MEPs from different political parties. In any event, UEF will prepare an action pack, including model letters that can be used to contact MEPs and promotional material with federalist demand.
We have met with Google presenting our ideas about how the youth should be more involved in politics together with our friends from the Union of European Federalists, the European Youth Forum and Think Young. The meeting took place at BOZAR (Palace of Arts) in Brussels. In addition to the meeting, we visited Google’s Cultural Institute Pavilion, where we were updated on the latest technologies in an around promoting museums and art exhibitions all over Europe. Find out more about Google’s Project here:
THE NEW FEDERALIST Since receiving the 2012 European Citizen’s Prize by the European Parliament, “The New Federalist”, our online magazine, has only been growing. The magazine has been increasing steadily in both hits and article contribution and is today a backbone in the political debates conducted across the borders of Europe by our activists and other youngsters. The online magazine takes the form of a debate forum that invites all youth to contribute, in 5 different language versions (DE, EN, FR, IT, ES), with their articles, but also to comment on and discuss the articles written by others.
147 000 unique visitors On June 2015 counting the 5 linguistic versions
46 SHORT PARAGRAPHS OF THE THREE MOST READ ARTICLES IN 2014 and 2015 OF THE NEW FEDERALIST Unemployment in the globalization age What distinguishes the current crisis is the contradiction between globalization of economy and civil society, and the macro-regional dimension of the major states, which cannot master global phenomena. Unemployment has reached the record level of 26 million jobless, i.e. 12% of the EU’s population. Unemployment today is a structural phenomenon. On the other hand, full employment is a public good. How to address unemployment? First, as the most acute distortion of the labour market lies in the fact that few people work too much, while too many people do not have a job. Second, a European civilian service open to girls at the end of the study period, as an alternative to the military service, should promote education to supranational solidarity and active citizenship and introduce youth to the world of labour. Third, public authorities from the local communities up to the world community can play a central role in the production of public goods, like the preservation of the environment, development aid, health, human rights, permanent education, the protection of weak social categories such as the poor, immigrants, consumers, women, children and so forth.
by Lucio Levi 31 March 2014 (read 5,636 times)
Catalonia, the next state of Europe? In today’s European Union, some parts of existing states have shown the will to become independent (Catalonia, Basque country, Wales, Scotland, Flanders). All nations have the right of self-determination, but are Catalonia and the Basque Country nations? The Spanish Constitution recognizes Catalonia and the Basque Country as nations. By December 2013 the referendum on independence was scheduled for November 9th 2014. If there is a referendum, who should be able to vote? Only the Catalans or all Spaniards? The other problem with the proposed referendum is the question. Finally, what role should the EU play in this? As a union of people, and not only of states, I believe the EU should play a double role: Guarantee, in Scotland and similar cases, that those states that change their configuration stay in the EU. Guarantee, in Spain and similar cases, that liberty, democracy, human rights and all other EU principles, are not breached.
by Filipe dos Santos Henriques 22 February 2014 (read 4,962 times)
Jean-Claude Juncker for dummies Who’s the new President of the European Commission? He was born in 1954 in the Great Duchy of Luxembourg What has he done after finishing University? He put his legal expertise at the service of the Christian Social People’s Party (CSV/PSC) and, at the young age of 28. In January 1995, he became Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a post he held until December 2013. What has he done for Europe? His double role as Prime Minister and Minister for Finance made it familiar with Brussels. What is his stance in the austerity issue?
by Íñigo Cruz translated by Alistair Spearing 26 August 2014 (read 4,962 times)
PRESS RELEASES Against another ghetto in the Western Balkans! VISA FREE REGIME FOR WESTERN BALKANS Jan 9 2014 Young European Federalists condemn legalized dictatorship in Ukraine Jan 21 2014 Launch of the JEF Europe European election campaign Feb 20 2014 Save Europe, vote for a sustainable future Apr 8 2014 We want to watch our candidates! Apr 28 2014 Ten years on and more to go Apr 30 2014 Ice Hockey World Championships 2014 in Minsk overshadowed by detentions May 7 2014 European governments, respect our votes! May 26 2014 The Young European Federalists at the forefront of the Civil Society calling for the renewal of European Democracy Jul 8 2014 A new start for Europe? Jul 17 2014 A Federalist Position on the New Commission Oct 23 2014 Democracy Under Pressure pan-European Action Mar 18 2015 Young European Federalists adopt new policies at FC meeting in Uppsala, Sweden Apr 1 2015 JEF Europe launches the Democracy Alert smartphone application available on Android and iOS Apr 2 2015 Immediate European action and more integration required to prevent further loss of lives at European borders. Apr 20 2015 Press Release: Changing Europe is the only way forward Jul 3 2015 #NoGrexit #YesFederation Jul 14 2015 JEF elects Christopher Glück as new President Oct 28 2015 “There is no better answer to hatred than fraternity”: JEF Europe condemns Paris attacks Nov 15 2015 JEF statement on COP21 Nov 30 2015 JEF Statement on COP21 results Dec 18 2015
SUPPORTERS ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION The Young European Federalists have received the operating support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission in 2014 and 2015. It has provided us the Operating Grant 2014 and the Framework Partnership Agreement 2015-2017. The Erasmus+ Programme also directly funded and supported our trainings, seminars and projects.
EUROPEAN YOUTH FOUNDATION PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION The Young European Federalists have received the operating support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe in 2014 and 2015. Moreover, the Operating grant 2016-2017 has been also secured. The European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe also directly funded and supported our trainings, seminars and projects.
EUROPEAN YOUTH FORUM During the past years our organisation had a strong involvement in the Youth Forum’s activities. We contributed to all policies in development as well as the work plan, were represented in all major youth political events and are present in the working structures of the European Youth Forum. Ioan Bucuras continues to work in the Strategic Network for Funding to defend our needs in the future programmes, while JEF has a number of ambassadors as members of the Pool of Trainers, facilitating our policy and advocacy also towards other member organisations of YFJ.
UNION OF EUROPEAN FEDERALISTS We were represented at all UEF statutory meetings and had regular contacts with the UEF President and Secretariat. A joint Federal Committee meeting and two joint pan-European actions were organised in cooperation with UEF in order to strengthen the links with our “mother” European organisation. Federalist receptions were organised with UEF in Brussels twice a year in the presence of high-profile European politicians.
EUROPEAN MOVEMENT INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION The President of JEF Europe, Pauline Gessant, was elected as member of the EMI Board while Ioan Bucuras is a member of Task Force for Security and Defense, represented the organisation at all EMI statutory meetings and had regular contacts with EMI Presidents and Secretariats.
AEGEE EUROPE ASSOCIATION DES ÉTATS GÉNÉRAUX DES ÉTUDIANTS DE L’EUROPE We further intensified our cooperation with AEGEE. AEGEE contributed to our visa, Belarus and Croatia actions and handed in common resolutions submitted to EMI. The Executive Board participated in AEGEE agora meetings and thematic conferences. Furthermore JEF and AEGEE are cooperating to develop the topic of Youth Rights further, as well as the common goal of enhancing the participation of International Youth Organisations in the Structured Dialogue.
EXTERNAL REPRESENTATION AND LOBBYING From the 17-21 February 2014 the Young European Federalists implemented the project Young Ideas for Europe in the Athénée de Waha high school in Liège, Belgium. Over five days pupils from the school Athénée Léonie de Waha got to know the European Union and the challenges our societies face today. Where will our power come from when all the nuclear power stations have been shut down and when fossil fuels have been used up? Which energy sources can best meet the needs of society while also protecting the environment? What demands will tomorrow’s consumers make of their energy providers? These are just some of the questions that the pupils tackled during the week. On Friday 21 2014 the Young Ideas for Europe project successfully ended with a final debate in the Palais Provincial of the city of Liège in Belgium.
56 Our Senior Vice-President Peter Oomsels was one of the panelists along the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, on the “Commission’s Leadership and the Governance of Europe,” organised by our friends from the Jacques Delors Institute and Friends of Europe, raising concerns about the importance of digital democracy and youth empowerment. Scan the code to watch
As part of the project Europablogger, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung interviewed our Secretary General about JEF’s role in promoting the idea of a Federal Europe. Stay tuned - the interview will be available shortly!
Scan the code to watch
? Your logo could be here! JEF is financed through the Youth in Action fund and grants from the European Youth Foundation.
We are always looking for new partners
Get in touch for more information Design: Katarína Erdélyiová & Content and review: Ioan Bucuras