WheelBarrow Software Inc. | Football Play Designer v4.0 2006
Play Description: Blast
Scouting Notes: The blast play is led by a blocking fullback to the gap made by the Guard and Tackle. The play can be run to either side of the line. A misdirection can be run from this set if the defense is too aggresive to the blast.
Filename: C:\Running_Blast.fpd
Play Description: Draw
Scouting Notes: A draw play should look at first like a pass play; a disguised run. The O-line should be in a pass block set. The QB sets up for the pass, but handsoffs the ball with a delay to the RB; the RB takes advantage of an aggresive defense and runs through the provided hole.
Filename: C:\Running_Draw.fpd
Play Description: Off Tackle
Scouting Notes: The off tackle play is led by a blocking fullback to the gap on the outside of the line. This can be run to the strong or weak side.
Filename: C:\Running_Off_Tackle.fpd
Play Description: Pitch
Scouting Notes: The pitch play requires the QB to pitch the ball to the RB to run outside the TE. The pitch gets the ball to the outside faster.
Filename: C:\Running_Pitch.fpd
Play Description: Reverse
Scouting Notes: This running play can take advantage of an agressive offense by handing the ball off to the RB and then to the WR. This play can also be used as a fake to keep the defense from being too agressive to the RB sweep.
Filename: C:\Running_Reverse.fpd
Play Description: Sweep
Scouting Notes: In this play, the two guards pull on the play to the direction of the RB to provide two more lead blockers; depending on the ability of your o-line you can utilize different linemen to pull.
Filename: C:\Running_Sweep.fpd
Football Play Designer 2006-v4.0;Page 2