Know about sign language interpreter

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Overviews  What is an Interpreter?  What does an interpreter do?  Why People choose to become interpreters?  Suggestive - Thinking of becoming an interpreter

What is Interpreter

ď ą Interpreter is a person who interprets, especially one who translates

speech orally. ď ą The Sign Language interpreter is a highly skilled & educated,

preferably certified individual who listens to speech and repeats it back to the deaf or hard of hearing person via sign language interpreting, oral mouthing, cued speech transliteration, or hands-on deaf blind interpreting.

What does an Interpreter do?

ď ą Sign language interpreters have an additional challenge in that

they must translate not only between two different languages, but between two different language modes: spoken and signed. ď ą Sign language interpreters must make use of hand gestures and

facial expressions in order to convey tones, emotions and specific meaning to people with hearing impediment that would otherwise be conveyed by the speakers tone of voice, volume and inflection.

Why People choose to become Interpreters

 They love Sign Language  Love Deaf people, and enjoy being exposed to a wide variety of

interesting subject matter and experiences.  Interpreting is a very fun and rewarding career for future

Suggestive - Thinking of becoming an Interpreter

 First , learn as much sign-language as possible before you enroll in

an interpreting program.  There are several websites that offer sign language learning &

service.  Second, investigate an interpreting program that suites your needs.  Sign up.

 Next, interact as much as possible with the deaf community.  Volunteer.  Get involved!  The more time you spend with the deaf community, the better.  You need to focus on developing an in-depth lexicon in order to

interpret for any deaf person that you may encounter.

 The more interacting you experience with the deaf community, the

more your skills and knowledge will grow.

 Enjoy your journey in becoming an interpreter for those who are


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