SSP Eyewear Brand Standards Book

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B rand Standards Book


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01 05 09 13 17

m issio n logo usage typ o g r a phy colo r s elements

01. mission

We aspire to empower your vision for your life. To disconnect and reconnect to life as it happens, encouraging experiences and exploring this nation’s outdoor spaces. We aim to protect and enhance your vision, bringing your shooting, and your life, to the next level.



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core values


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Authentic Experiences

Vison should be an experience. We don’t want our customers to just go through the motions of life, we want them to experience it in HD.


Do more outdoors. Experience the hidden gems that this country has to offer.


We believe that youth are key to continuing the shooting sports and outdoor lifestyle.


Everyone is welcome at our “campfire”.

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who we are

We are just like you. We want the most out of life. For more than a decade, we have been making lenses that not only enhance vision, but protect your eyes, too. The inspiration for our business came from Don Bechtel, grandfather of SSP eyewear’s president and founder, Mike Bechtel, who lost an eye as a child. We know the importance of eye protection and how a lens can, literarily, change your life. Whether it is using our Top Focals to see your front sight again, or using our HD Methow Lenses to crush clays, we have you covered. We aim to protect and enhance your vision, bringing your shooting, and your life, to the next level.


0 2. logo usage




official logo

Official Logo The logo displayed above is the official mark for SSP Eyewear. As a general rule, this logo should be used on all SSP Eyewear branded material. Scaling When scaling the logo larger or smaller, the SSP Eyewear logo must always remain proportional without any stretching or cropping applied. Clear Space The minimum required clear space around the logo is equivalent to the width of any of the letters in the “Stay Focused” tagline.


Minimum Size The official SSP Eyewear logo should never be displayed smaller than 11/4” wide. Background Control Background elements such as textures, colors, and images should always be edited to ensure distinguishable contrast with the logo. If dinstinguishable contrast cannot be achieved, resort to using approved alternate SSP Eyewear logos outlined on the next page. 3D Rendering and Textures Prior approval is required if 3D effects such as beveling or 3D modeling is to be applied to the logo.

alternate logos





Alternate Logos In some cases, the official SSP Eyewear logo does not have an acceptable level of readability on branded materials due to backgrounds with low contrast. In such cases, resort to using the approved alternate logos.

Black Tagline When the background color is within a color range that hinders the readability of the green tagline, use the SSP Eyewear logo with the black tagline.

Black and White Logo For black and white printing or when the official SSP Eyewear 802 C green color is used for the background, use the black and white SSP Eyewear logo.


0 3. typography





No s tr o mo Reg ul ar

K n u c k le Sa ndwic h

No s tr o mo H ea vy No s t r o m o M E di um

K n u c k le Sa ndwic h R egu lar k n u c k le Sa ndwic h italic

Nostromo Regular Nostromo Regular is an official font for SSP Eyewear. Nostromo is used as a headline font and should not be used for paragraph content. As a headline, Nostromo Heavy can be used in outline form or filled form. Nostromo Medium can be used as a headline font, subheader font, or as a type pairing used in conjunction with Nostromo Heavy.

Knuckle Sandwich Knuckle Sandwich is a bold and untamed font meant to mimic the wild outdoors of Washington. Knuckle Sandwich should be used as an accent font paired with Nostromo on headlines or stand alone to draw attention to specific words or phrases. Knuckle Sandwich should be used sparingly. Avoid using the font as paragraph body copy or with the color green.

H e lve tic a N e ue H e lve tic a N e ue Bo l d He lv e t ic a Ne ue R e g u l a r Helvetica Neue Helvetica Neue is the official body font for SSP Eyewear. Helvetica Bold is used for body headlines and Helvetica Regular is used for body copy.


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04. colors



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SSP Green

Granite Gray

Gri t t y Gol d

C: 67 M: 0 Y: 100 K: 0 R: 57 G: 212 B: 49 HEX: 39d431 Pantone: 802 C

C: 64 M: 57 Y: 56 K: 33 R: 82 G: 82 B: 82 HEX: 525252 Pantone: 418 C

C: 1 M: 17 Y: 99 K: 0 R: 255 G: 208 B: 0 HEX: ffd000 Pantone: 109 C

SSP Green is the accent color at the heart of the SSP Eyewear brand. The color is inspired by nature and its vibrancy is sure to grab attention. SSP Green is best displayed on digital screens and appears less saturated when printed with process printing.

Granite Gray is the neutral color for the SSP Eyewear Brand. While SSP Green and Gritty Gold are vibrant colors, Granite Gray acts as a neutralizing color to provide visual stability to SSP Eyewear compositions.

Gritty Gold represents the hardworking American spirit. Inspired by the sun, Gritty Gold provides a sense of pride and light to compositions. But be careful! The use of too much Gritty Gold is sure to visually overpower a design.


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0 5 . elements



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to po m a p

Gritty Tex ture

Dot pattern

Cl aw M ark

The rugged Washington landscape is beautifully unpredictable. The SSP Eyewear Topographical Map texture attempts to mimic such a landscape in a 2 dimensional way. The Topo Map texture can be used as a graphic overlaid on imagery (see previous spread) or as a subtle background texture.

The SSP Eyewear Gritty Texture is an effective way to add a little character to compositions. The texture can utilize the color dodge transparency blend effect in Photoshop to apply texture in a subtle manner to graphic elements or it can be used as a background element. The color of this texture can be changed.

While the Topo Map and Gritty Texture elements function as organic decorative elements, the Dot Pattern provides more of an artificial effect to compositions. The Dot Pattern can be used at will as a graphic that can be overlaid on imagery to give a design an added level of detail.

The SSP Eyewear Claw Mark functions as an underlining element. When specific words or phrases need to stand out, the Claw Mark can be used as a highlighter (see headline on previous spread for example).

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