Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle Ready and Able Buyers
Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle is a business broker based in Denver who pairs business owners with “ready and able buyers.” What separates Eisnaugle from his competition is that he doesn’t take an upfront fee and only gets paid at a closing after the seller is happy with the buyer, terms and sales price.
Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle puts “100% into each listing because I only get paid if a business sells.� This motivates him to find the most fitting of buyers who not only have the funds to buy the business but the ability to make a smooth transition in a timely manner. Those who want to sell a business can count on Eisnaugle for his discretion and his ability to get the job done as quickly and as quietly as possible.
Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle Jeff Chapman Eisnaugle has spent years accumulating and cultivating potential buyer’s emails and other information that helps him to find the right buyer and close the deal.
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