Portfolio 20171216

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Jeff Chen

陳 捷夫

3D Animation Poster Package Brand


FOLIO 2013-2017


Jeff Chen Educ ation: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Competition: 2013 The International Biennale of Poster in Mexico 2014 Taiwan Poster Award 2014 Emerging Design Competition

E-mailďźš jeffchen0725@gmail.com

Cellphone 0978-110-932

More information :


Content 3 D A n ima tio n PTSD Baby Bane Baby Batman Visual Effect Hurt Locker Northpaw Red Bull

P o s te r Music Viva Dramatized Media Monster Beats Alphabet Waste of Food War Cruel

Pac k ag e Sansia Old Street Ching Tsz

Bra n d Jas Real Life Esate

3 D An ima tio n PTSD Baby Bane Baby Batman Visual Effect Hurt Locker Northpaw Red Bull

3 D An i ma tio n


一位經歷第二次世界大戰的軍人在醫院裡等著看精神科醫生,不 幸的是,醫院裡發生大大小小的事情,這些都讓軍人回想起二戰 時期的畫面,軍人漸漸地分不清楚現實和幻境,再這樣下去他即 將失控。 使用軟體:Maya,Arnold Render,Zbrush,Substance Painter A soldier ,who went through WWII,is in a hospital and he’s about to see a psychiatrist.Unfortunately, lots of accidents happen one by one in the hospital, and those accidents remind the soldier of WWII.The soldier confuses that whether he’s in a hospital or in the WWII, and he is about to lose contorl.

3 D An i ma tio n

B a b y Ba n e

班恩是黑暗騎士 黎明昇起里的反叛角色,他有著高智商以及恐怖 的戰鬥力,也是因為如此他才會深深的吸引我,所以製作了一個 小班恩,另外我幫他做了滑板以及手榴彈,讓他有一點可愛還帶 一點危險的感覺。 使用軟體:Maya,Arnold Render,Zbrush,Substance Painter Bane ,a character in The Dark Knight Rises, is a highly IQ and scary villian in the movie.I find that Bane is so attractive that I want to design a mini Bane.I design a skateboard and a grenade for him,so mini Bane will be much younger and a little dangerous.

3 D An i ma tio n

Baby Batman

蝙蝠俠是我從小到大喜愛的角色之一,他是一位充滿秘密但又很 有愛心、樂於助人的角色,這隻小蝙蝠俠是我在入伍前設計的, 我設計了一個奶嘴讓他看起來年輕,至於箱子則是他訓練的道具 ,讓他可以持續打擊犯罪。 使用軟體:Maya,Arnold Render,Zbrush,Substance Painter Batman has been one of my favorite characters since I was a kid.He is a man full of secrets and a billionaire who hleps the poor. I design this mini batman before entering the army.I design a pacifier to make him look much cuter and the box is his training tool.

3 D An i ma tio n

V i s u a l e f fe c t

在入伍前我碰了3ds max,是一個新的體驗並且看了很多的教學 ,我上網找一張適合的圖片,在用3ds max的外掛 Fumefx 來製 作火以及煙霧,利用Arnold Render把火箭升空算出來,最後放 入After Effect 進行後製。 使用軟體:Maya,Arnold Render,3ds Max Before entering the army, I learn another new software 3ds Max.It is a new experience and I watch lots of tutorials.I find a picture and I use fumefx to design smoke. Maya renders spaceship.I put all footages in After Effect for post production.

3 D An i ma tio n

Hurt Locker

小怪獸在一個堆滿炸彈的房間,他發現有一個定時炸彈被啟動了 ,他很緊張但必須找到一個可以解除炸彈的方法,不然他將被強 大的衝擊炸飛。 使用軟體:Maya,Arnold Render,Zbrush,Substance Painter A monster is in a room where is full of bombs, and there is a time bomb which is just activated.He is nervous, and he needs to find a way to defuse the bomb; otherwise he’s going to be blown away.

3 D An i ma tio n


在最後一回合,兩位拳擊手的體力都快要到極限了,但他們都不 想輸給對方,所以他們都在找尋那個可以擊倒對方的渺小機會, 他們將要使出最後的手段來結束比賽,誰將會贏得最後的勝利呢? 使用軟體:Maya,Arnold Render Last round, two boxers don’t want to lose. They try to defeat each other, but they are at their limit with stamina. Who will win this game?

3 D An i ma tio n

Red Bull

蝙蝠俠日以繼夜的打擊犯罪,但他畢竟只是個平凡人,疲勞還是 找上了他,每夜都帶著疲憊上陣,到了他要追捕小丑的夜晚,疲 勞終將他吞沒了,他必須使出殺手鐧來抵抗疲勞,而那武器到底 是什麼呢? 使用軟體:Maya,Arnold Render The batman is exhausted because he keeps fighting the crime night by night.This time, Joker is about to defeat him. How can he overcome the fatigue?

Po st e r Music Viva Dramatized Media Monster Beats Alphabet Waste of Food War Cruel

Music Vi v a

Po st e r

題目為歡呼,所以我發想出音樂,因為它是一個能讓我 們開心、歡呼的素材,我將三個樂器加上分別代表快樂 的手勢做結合來設計出這三款海報。 The topic is about viva. When we do something happily, music is a good support to make us much happier, so I use the instruments as a support. I combine the hand gesture such as Best , Rock , First , Happy in the main picture. In the end, I mix them together and get three different posters.

1:Music Viva Piano. 1



2:Music Viva Guitar. 3:Music Viva Bone.

D r a m a t i z e d M ed i a

Po st e r

在充滿資訊的年代,媒體是一個製造慌亂的根源,我用眼睛、麥 克風、攝影機來代表媒體加上否定元素,像是拇指向下、鼻子伸 長、說謊等來設計出三款海報。 We live in a technical world. Lots of news are reported, but how many of them are truth, we have no idea. Lots of them are lies. The companies just want to earn money. I come up with three different items that stands for media. Eyes, Microphones, camers. And I come up with two things that represent liars. Thumbs down, pinocchio. The last one is a chinese saying ,睜眼說瞎話, means that liars tell a lie with their eyes opened, and won’t feel nervous. I cut plenty of papers and pile them together to make them turn into somthing that stands for liars eventually.

1:Hypocrisi-Dramatized Media. 1



2:Truth-Dramatized Media. 3:Liar-Dramatized Media.

Po st e r

Live & Cle a r

Monster Beats是知名的耳機品牌,他所播出的音樂很清 楚、環繞,所以我用麥可傑克森來代表其音樂品質如現 場一樣,而彎曲線條經過他後便拉直,代表他有提高音 質,使其清楚的的效果。 Monster Beats is one of the most popular earphones all over the world. Fashion , Celebrity , Clearness are the reasons it is so popular with teenagers. First I consider Michael Jackson as a symbol.When you look at the poster and put on the earphones, it feels like MJ is alive and singing right in front of you. Second Curved lines are like noise, and when it goes through the earphones, it turns out to be straight. Just like the earphones clear the noise. 1

1:Live-Monster Beats


2:Clear-Monster Beats

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Monster Beats


Monster Beats


Po st e r

我運用碎玻璃來排出英文字母,因為文字是兩面刃,生 氣時所說出的話一定傷人,有如碎玻璃般在光的照射下 如此的美麗卻也如此傷人。 A-z is a homework. Teacher asked us to use anything to create alphabet instead of photoshop. I use a bottle and break it into pieces. The reason why I use glasses is because I think words hurt people when we are angry.Just like the broken glasses, it hurts. The other reason is that words encourge people when we are down.I consider glasses are a knife, it is so useful, but it can hurt people too, and so is words.




Po st e r

每分鐘食物都在浪費中,利用水果並排成時鐘的形狀來 表示每過一小時食物就消失。 This poster is about wasting food. In the begining, I want to shoot lots of food photos, but I realize that the photo will not that pretty, so I change my mind, I use three kinds of fruits that represent food, I buy a banana, apple, guava. I shoot every photo of them before I eat them all , and I put them a round like a clock ,addind time to make them look like a real clock. The reson why I use clock is that I want to create a image that people waste lots of food every hour, every second. Just like my title says”Every second, lots of food are wasted”











4 7



Every second, lots of food are wasted

Po st e r

War-Cru e l

這次利用不同的方式來製作海報,主題跟戰爭的殘酷有 關;戰爭是冷血的,所以我以冰跟紅色為元素,再照一 張不想看的照片,我將照片加入紅墨水中,並放置冰箱 等到他結冰後,把冰取出並打碎,增加暴力感,在等他 融化至血水狀態,更使暴力感更加分,最後使用墨筆寫 上標題。 Instead of photoshop, I want to use different kind of stuff to design a poster this time. The topic is how cruel the war is and that is why I cover my eyes in order not to see the violence.Ice is the material I want to use this time because I think war is coldblood. Cold stands for ice.Blood represents red.



Pa c k ag e Sansia Old Street Ching Tsz

Pa c k a g e

Sansia Old Street

三峽金牛角非常有名,但在台灣的包裝設計只是單存將牛跟logo 放在上面,所以我重新設計包裝logo以及包裝,使其更國際化。 大的包裝摸起來交粗糙有種手工的感覺,小包裝就比較精美,適 合當伴手禮使用。 The package design in Taiwan is not that important. They just put a photo of a cow and put a logo on it.It works too, but What if we want to sell them to the foreigner, we have to make th package more international. I use a kind of paper that touches like a Kraftpaper to create the large one , and it is orange.When you touch Kraftpaper , you will feel kind of rough and the first sight you see it, you will consider it a manmade stuff. The small one is more delacate.I find a photo and turn it into black. I change the color of the logo,making it more exquiste. I choose a shiny paper as the material of the package.it is suitable for you to buy someone you respect this. 1

1:Sansia Old Street large


2:Sansia Old Street small

Pa c k a g e

Ching Tsz

青刺是用來放仙人掌的包裝,這次使用壓克力來製作包裝,他算 輕巧也防水,是不錯的素材,而仙人掌在沙漠,所以我將包裝做 成金字塔並將盆栽漆成金色更像法老王的物品,接著利用紙板與 紙板來做成可外帶的方式。 Ching Tsz is a package for cactus and it is different from other packages because it is made of plastic instead of papers. I decide to make a triangle package and it must looks like a pyramid because cactus is from desert and pyramids are in desert. I paste four plastic together and make a bottom for it. Then, I make four bars to fasten the pyramid while we take it.The most imortant part is how to bring this package home.I design a simple way which is made of two cardboards and two lines to this Ching Tsz. It is just like the right picture,so it is convenient for customers to bring it home.

Brand Jas Real Life Esate

Jeff Attitude Style



我認為很多潮牌只是靠明星來賺錢,並不是靠實力來賺錢,所以 我用Jas做結合創造出乾淨的logo,從不同角度看,可以看出Jas 這三字,適合18-30歲的年輕人,且也設計雜誌來引領潮流。 I design this logo because I think I don’t like the trend in Taiwan.They are so expensive and some of them are terrible.They just need a mouthpiece to help them. Jas is the abbreviation of Jeff Attitude Style.I create this logo because I think the trend is not that cool in Taiwan. I love the cool and simple arts, so I decide to create a trend that is made for the teenagers who are under 18-30 years old. The logo is combination of JAS. It looks lika A, but when you look at in different way, you will see the JAS.I also create a magazine for JAS.Its style is simple and clean as well. It is about its future and style.


Real Life Estate

我們替不動產重新設計視覺,我們覺得家有如樹根,是一個長久 的避風港,所以我們將他們的視覺做得更專業且自信,也重新設 計他們的名片以及信封、徽章。 We brainstorm lots of graphes or metaphors that means houses, for instance,snails,trees and blueprints.And we choose trees because we consider trees a lee.We can hide or get cooler under it. At last, we redesign their title and their products. We think their title should be more professional as well, so we create a title that looks not that cute,it is cool and much more confident.When people come across the company, they will not feel that it is an unprofessional, but a comfortable, kind and vocational company.


2 3

1:Logo 2:Card Front 3:Card Back


22.7cm 11.5cm

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