i y i m t a a k information bulletin — Number 2, June 2009
Eastmain-1 Hydroelectric Development
Production of 234,000 sturgeons (2004-2008)
Overview of hatchery interior Exterior view of hatchery
Incubation of fertilized sturgeon eggs
Juvenile lake sturgeon nearly 10 cm long
Fertilized eggs
From 2004 to 2008, SEBJ produced lake sturgeon larvae and juveniles in a hatchery located at the Eastmain workcamp, with a view to stocking the Eastmain River with this species and introducing it into Eastmain 1 reservoir. The objective of this mitigation measure was to maintain the lake sturgeon population in the stretch of river below the dam while the Eastmain-1 infrastructures were being built, and to enhance Eastmain 1 reservoir. The measure was proposed in collaboration with the Cree trappers affected by the project.
A sense of commitment…
to plants and wildlife
Eastmain-1 Hydroelectric Development
Juvenile sturgeons in a stocking bag
The stocking operation proved more successful with sturgeon young-of-the-year, namely juveniles 6 to 10 cm long, rather than larvae. The juveniles have a higher potential for survival in natural environments than larvae because they are larger and perhaps because they have formed bone plates that protect them better from predators. The original objectives for larvae production and for stocking the Eastmain River and Eastmain 1 reservoir were exceeded. The introduction of sturgeon into Eastmain 1 reservoir will continue until 2012, and will be carried out by the Kaweshekami company under the supervision of the Niskamoon Corporation.
Stocking with juvenile sturgeons
Sturgeon development stage Larvae Young-of-the year (6 to 10 cm)
2004 71,000 70
Number stocked (rounded) 2005 2006 2007 2008 10,000 61,700 29,300 80 18,000 25,600 18,500
For more information, please contact: Martin Desgagné, Advisor - Native Affairs and Projects 1 800 903-9705, ext. 4951 This Information Bulletin is published by Hydro-Québec Direction régionale La Grande Rivière
A sense of commitment…
to plants and wildlife
TOTAL 172,000 62,300