Master of Environmental Planning + Design
Jeff Dadisman
jbdadisman@gmail.com 478.318.7973
Master Plan
Blue Lynx 9th St. Station Extension: Charlotte, NC This project incorporated an exciting mix of transportation planning and urban design. The planning department for Charlotte, North Carolina were in the initial phases of planning for an approximate 2 mile extension of the Blue Lynx light rail train line from the 7th St. station, on the eastern edge of the Central Business District. Included in the project was a proposed land use scheme for the area around the future 9th St. station, a high-detail TOD-based plan for the 4 blocks abutting the future 9th St. station, and a high-detail design for a multi-use passageway beneath two bridges, which would create a valuable connection between high-density residential developments and the Central Business District/Blue Lynx line.
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Existing Figure Ground Analysis
Proposed Land Use Zoning
detail of the proposed multi-use corridor passing beneath the Interstate 77 and 11th Street bridges
Resulting Circulation
watercolor Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator AutoCAD ArcMap [GIS]
Turner Field-Summerhill-Peoplestown Redevelopment Plan: Atlanta, Ga
The Turner Field-Summerhill-Peoplestown Redevelopment Plan was my thesis project, conducted in collaboration with Invest Atlanta, Inc. (formerly the Atlanta Development Authority). It is a fixed-guideway transit line- based infill plan for the east half of Atlanta’s Stadium Neighborhood Tax Allocation District. The transit line (‘TSP Line’) connects one of Atlanta’s future Beltline stations to one of the MARTA stations in the Central Business District. It is a multi-faceted plan which includes a proposed land use plan with overlay zoning categories, a high-detail master plan, right-of-way design options for the transit line, and proposed design concepts for condensing Turner Field’s 8000+ surface parking spaces into structured parking.
Master Plan
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hand Google Sketchup Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator AutoCAD ArcMap [GIS]
axonometric view of the proposed TSP Line
Light Rail Option
Streetcar Option
detail of street-specific partitioned structured parking
Mag-Lev Train Option
• Google SketchUp • Adobe Photoshop • AutoCAD
noon sun detail from Broad St.
Master Plan
Downtown Pocket Park: Athens, Ga
morning sun detail from Broad St.
The aim of this project was to create a pocket park design for a public-private partnership in downtown Athens, Georgia. Several restaurants shared ownership rights to a small (~20 space) surface parking lot, and collaboratively ventured to sacrafice the parking spaces for an enjoyable outdoor area which would provide patrons with a unique eating experience and give passing pedestrians a place to stop and enjoy the downtown atmosphere. Backed by the Athens Downtown Development Authority, the restaurant owners commissioned the UGA College of Environment + Design to produce landscape design concepts for the proposed pocket park. Studio professor Ashley Calabria also challenged the class to render the master plan using only Adobe Photoshop.
morning sun detail from Broad St.
• Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Illustrator • AutoCAD Current
Groundwork Denver:
Streetscape Enhancement Project for the Neighborhoods of Globeville & Valverde Non-profit organization Groundwork Denver was in need of planners, urban designers, and/or landscape architects to volunteer their time and expertise to develop and graphically convey concepts for improving the streetscapes in the more ‘public-use’ areas of the neighborhoods of Globeville and Valverde, which are just northwest of downtown Denver. A main design priority of this project was to improve pedestrian access to parks and the South Platte River through improved circulation and aesthetics. Done in collaboration with volunteer landscape architect Laura Sommet.
• hand (marker, color pencil) • AutoCAD • ArcGIS
School-Oriented Infill: Timothy Rd. Elementary School This project was centered around Timothy Road Elementary School in Athens, Georgia. The challenge was to develop a plan with mixed-use infill that would accomplish two main goals: a] to activate pockets of urban dead space in an otherwise lively part of town, and b] to develop at sufficient densities to give every family which currently uses the school the option to allow their children to safely walk to school (i.e. pedestrian routes that involved zero crossings with main streets, that had uninhibited visibility from residential areas in all parts, yet included amenities that would protect children from over-exposure to the sun or storms).
Under the direction of Professor Brad Davis (RLA), I learned the skill of watercolor. Professor Davis taught me techniques for both an artistic-impressionistic style as well as a more technical professional rendering style.
• hand (marker) • AutoCAD • Adobe Photoshop
Conservation Land Use: Clayton Co. Water Authority In 2010, the Clayton County Water Authority (Clayton County, GA) requested a full-scope plan for increasing public use of their property as well as development of certain portions of the site, all while maintaining the land’s ecological integrity and its function as one of the world’s most innovative and sustainable water treatment facilities. The CCWA utilizes man-made wetlands to naturally ‘polish’ the county’s drinking water. This project attempts to conserve the existing wetlands and pinpoint optimal locations for future wetlands based on environmental factors such as topography and vegetation. Many components of the plan are intended to allow the public to experience the unique and striking beauty of these wetlands.
• hand (marker) • AutoCAD • Adobe Photoshop
Commercial-Natural Interface: Clayton Co. Water Authority This project was a follow-up to the conservation land use plan for all of Clayton County Water Authority’s property. It focused, in a smaller scale, on medium-density development along the water treatment facility’s interface with a highly-commercialized intersection within Clayton County. The plan operates on the premise that within 30 years, an Atlanta-to-Macon commuter train will likely run along this west corridor. It is essentially a transit-oriented development (TOD) plan. Also included are two conservation subdivisions.
50:1 - 10:1 Scale Design Some of my projects have been at the finer-grained ‘landscape architecture’ scale. The UGA College of Environment + Design uses a significant amount of curriculum overlap with its Planning and Landscape Architecture programs. We therefore, have oppotunities to work at scales common to both fields. With a background in plant biology, horticulture, and landscape installation, I had the fortune to produce a number of smaller-scale landscape plans. The plan on this page was produced in collaboration with 3 MLA students. The plan on the facing page was produced in collaboration with a landscape architect for a private client.
• hand (marker, color pencil) • AutoCAD