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The JUC Crier The Newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church 14350 W. 32nd Avenue • Golden, Colorado 80401 • 303-279-5282

July 27, 2015 • office@jeffersonunitarian.org • www.jeffersonunitarian.org • Volume 2015, Issue 13 Sunday, August 2 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

Sisters presented by Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister

Last winter, I asked how many of you knew who Olympia Brown was, and many of you had never heard of her. Unlike many religions, we have believed in women’s leadership for a long time. At least since a group of women in Iowa changed everything 150 years ago. Music: Linda Ross, vocals; Laura Lizut, piano. Worship Associate: Julie Excell. Sunday, August 9 • 9:15 & 11 a.m. • Infant/toddler care provided.

The Original Manifesto presented by Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister

Humanism has been a central part of our theology for almost a hundred years. But what is humanism, and what’s it doing in a church? What gifts does it give us as we live our lives in this free faith? Music: Rev. Keith Arnold, piano. Worship Associate: Anne Starace. ☛ Looking ahead to… Sunday, August 16: Presented by Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister. Music: Instant Summer Choir; Adam Revell, piano. Worship Associate: Dindy Fuller.

Evergreen Campus

Fall Retreat Registration Deadline Approaching!

2981 Bergen Peak Dr.

(at Congregation Beth Evergreen)

You KNOW you want to attend the JUC Fall Retreat – a weekend at the YMCA’s Snow Mountain Ranch – to spend some real quality time with your JUC peeps! Soooo… don’t put it off another minute. Go to jeffersonunitarian.org to register online by the August 23 deadline! The retreat weekend is October 9-11.

Worship services: first, third and fifth Sundays at 4 p.m.

Sunday, August 2 • 4 p.m.

Aging and the Spirit presented by Rev. Barry Bloom, Community Minister As we age into our 50’s and beyond, we either deepen, or not. We evolve into the best of who we are, gathering wisdom, acting with compassion, mentoring and nurturing those around us. Or, the effects of our postponed inner work, added to our calcifying habits, lead us to curl up in an angry ball having little of grace to share with the world. How can we invigorate our spirits as our bodies decline, thereby preparing ourselves to go gently into that good night? Worship Associate: Patti Stone.

What happens at the retreat? Countless opportunities to gather your spirit and kindle our JUC flame. Workshops that are fun and challenging and engaging. Social times to let your hair down and your chuckles out. Quiet moments for conversation and connection. Worship that reaches right into your UU heart. And time together that will make you so incredibly grateful that you’re part of this community.

If you wish to be informed about news regarding our Evergreen campus, please contact Sue Parilla, Director of Congregational Engagement (sueparilla@jeffersonunitarian.org).

So what are you waiting for? If you’d like to discuss a partial scholarship, please contact Chris Sealy (uucsealy@gmail.com). We want you to be there! 1

Tax Rules Regarding Church Political Campaign Activity

1 Path to Membership

The church staff have received inquiries and questions about how our congregation can be involved in current political campaigns. Faith communities (churches) may be involved in issue-oriented campaigns, as JUC has been in marriage equality, racial justice and immigration issues in the past. But the church may not be involved in candidate campaigns. Carol Wilsey, Business Administrator, has written the following memo regarding JUC participation in candidate campaigns:

Saturday, Sept. 19 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (chapel) Designed to familiarize those considering joining JUC with some of our staff, our diverse programs and activities, UU history and the responsibilities and benefits of membership. Sessions include child care and a light lunch. You may RSVP at the Sign Up Site or call the JUC office (303-279-5282). Please call Annie Hedberg, Membership Coordinator (303279-7451), for more information on the joining process.

JUC is a tax-exempt charitable organization. To qualify for this tax-exempt status, JUC may not intervene in candidate political campaigns. The church is prohibited from participating in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office. Visit http://www.irs.gov/pub/ irs-pdf/p1828.pdf for a more detailed explanation. This link is to Publication 1828, which (beginning on page 7) describes the rules regarding political campaign activity and includes examples.

Save the Date for the Hottest Night of the Year! The 2015 Island Adventure auction will be held on Saturday, November 7 so mark your calendars for a night of grass skirts, crazy shirts, friendship, and fun. There are many opportunities to help make this year’s auction the best yet! To find out how you can help, please contact Darcy Stanton (303-475-5707).

Given these rules, candidate campaign posts to JUC sponsored social media will be deleted and petitions in favor or opposed to candidates will not be allowed at church. Please help other church members and friends be aware of the restrictions we must abide by to maintain our non-profit status. ~Carol Wilsey (carolwilsey@jeffersonunitarian.org)

Board Blog John Hambright, President 303-456-5921; johnhambright@Q.com

Hurray for Summer! A time for vacation travels, lemonade chugging, tent camping, and… HOMEWORK? For JUC?? How about we call them “Suggested Religious Outreach Activities” for you to consider? I was recently in a Midwestern city visiting my Dad when Sunday morning rolled around. Dad’s idea of going to church is sitting in the Lazy Boy and watching the local Methodist church TV broadcast at 11 a.m. (and perhaps falling asleep during it). I wanted something different, so proceeded to the local UU church. I filled out a name tag, entered the sanctuary, introduced myself (along with the other visitors), sang very familiar hymns, filled out an attendance sheet, dropped some cash into the basket, listened to a sermon (more of a lecture on the psychology of cults), and joined in unison closing words. No greeting your neighbors, no holding of hands at the end of the service. When I hung out in the commons area afterward, looking at displays and the bulletin boards and wandering through the library, only one couple introduced themselves to me. I would have liked more interaction with other folks – as I had some questions about their handouts, activities, posters, and could have shared my thoughts and opinions with like-minded UUs. Sure, I could have taken the initiative (but I’m inherently shy, don’t you know?), and it takes some effort to reach out as a “stranger”. Even without a lot of interaction, though, I still learned some unique and intriguing things about this church’s activities, and I have shared these with some folks at JUC. Who knows, we might consider

adopting some of their ideas. I believe that every church (not just UU) has creative approaches and interesting things going on – things we may want to consider borrowing to improve our church. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to attend a UU (or other) church while on your summer travels. While you are there, see how you are welcomed and interacted with before, during, and after the service. Check out displays and bulletin boards, RE rooms, and their waste containers (or whatever). What can you bring back to help improve the JUC experience? Who loves a Parade? Who doesn’t?? And what is more fun than watching a parade? How about being in one! We have an opportunity to participate in the Wheat Ridge Carnation Festival Parade, which starts at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 15. It marches along 38th Avenue from Sheridan almost to Wadsworth. Since one of the (broadest) definitions of evangelism is zealous advocacy of a cause, let’s carry the banner of Unitarian Universalism (or the Standing on the Side of Love one) and show our pride and excitement in our church and our faith. Children, dogs, and elephants are all welcome to participate. Contact me if you are interested. And if you are feeling particularly zealous, I could use some co-planners. Watch for more specific information in upcoming orders of service. Now get out there and enjoy (what’s left of) your Summer!

JUC Board of Trustees Next meeting: Thursday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m. jeffersonunitarian.org/Board-of-Trustees 2

Religious Education Ministry Annie Scott, Director of Religious Education (anniescott@jeffersonunitarian.org; 303-279-5282, x18)

New Beginnings: A Time of Listening Rev. Wendy and I invite all JUC parents to gather with us on Sunday, August 9, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., for a conversation about what’s already working in children and youth programming and what your wildest dreams are for JUC children, youth and families. I have served four other Unitarian Universalist congregations as a Religious Educator. When I arrive in a new DRE position, one of my top priorities is to understand the culture and current practices of the congregation and its programs. I listen, read, ask questions, absorb and reflect on how my experience can best serve the new congregation. I’m in my second week here at JUC, and it’s critical that I hear from parents early in this process. I hope many of you will join us. We are working with Julie Excell to adapt that Sunday’s Harry Potter program to accommodate parents who wish to attend this special meeting. There will be continuous Harry Potter programming from 9:15-12:45, so your children will have a magical time while we engage in some talking, listening and dreaming together. Snacks will be provided for both groups; please RSVP to anniescott@jeffersonunitarian.org to help us in our planning. The silences between words speak as much, if not more, about our longings than the words themselves. Wendy and I will come with open hearts and minds, and we invite you to do the same. In the warmth of community,

Connect with JUC’s Religious Education Ministry! Like us on Facebook.com/groups/JUCFamilies Yahoo group: groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/jucfamily/info Religious Education: jeffersonunitarian.org/ChildrenYouth Family Connections: jeffersonunitarian.org/Families

Coming of Age Parent Orientation Sunday, August 23 • 10 a.m. (M3/4) OR Tuesday, August 25 • 6:30 p.m. (M3/4) Parents of 8th graders are invited to attend an orientation for the Coming of Age (COA) program. We will review the class schedule for the year, the COA program and answer your questions. Parents are asked not to bring their children or teens. COA teens will have their orientation on the first day of the program, Sunday, September 13.

Annie Scott

Resonance A New Small Group for Women with Kids Under 10

COA takes teens through a year of team building, mentored learning, group discussions, fun and service. Our teens are encouraged to explore their personal beliefs, examine their UU identity, take responsibility for individual behavior, and give thought to the variety of roles they play in life. Teens will work with a JUC adult mentor during the program who will accompany them on their spiritual journey. Given the emphasis on responsibility, personal reflection and choice, families are encouraged to enter into this program with an awareness of commitment and sincerity. ~Sue Parilla (303-980-5041) and Debbie Klisis (dklisis@gmail.com), Co-Advisors

2nd & 4th Tuesdays • 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Are you a mother with kids under age 10? Do you desire to connect as women with other women, focusing on our lives and stories that certainly include but also extend beyond our precious youngsters? Does a dedicated time to listen, share, and learn from one another without relying on fleeting moments of connection at church or SOUPS meetings sound refreshing? If so, please consider joining a new small group being offered at JUC for the 2015-16 school year: the Resonance Small Group for Women. We’ll meet from September through May on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of each month, and child care will be available. Our discussions will follow JUC’s small group format and focus on the monthly worship themes. Materials will be shared before each gathering to help reflect on each topic, but fear not, there’s no labor intensity! Whether you have occasion to glance at the title, probe the subject deeply, or just show up, this time is for connecting and being together in peaceful resonance. Please contact Heather DeCaluwe (heather.decaluwe@ outlook.com) or Debby Bower (debbymbower@gmail.com), the group’s facilitators, to ask any questions and indicate your interest. We’re aiming for a group of 10 and would love to hear from you.

Time In! Having Fun With Your Child

Facilitated by Bob Brayden, pediatrician Saturdays, October 17 & 24, 10 a.m. to noon Play is the work of childhood. Focus on having fun with your child; having fun so as to eventually shape behavior. Play the “Sportcaster’s Game,” prepare snacks together, make giant bubbles and chalk art drawings, and discuss screen time, outside play, pets and nutrition. Help your child be in “Time-In.” For families with children birth to 3 years. Limited to six parentchild pairs. Sign up at the Sign Up Site. 3

Being UU Adult Faith Development Workshops

2-CONS: Conversations and Connoisseurs Sat., Aug. 15

Training for Co-Facilitators

Sunday Aug. 9, 12:30 to 4 p.m. • chapel

Last chance to sign up for this Summer 2-Con is Sunday, August 2 in the commons! 2-Cons stands for Conversations and Connoisseurs. We gather at different members’ houses to share a pot-luck meal. This summer event will be a choice of a picnic, brunch, lunch or dinner depending on the host’s choice. You will be asked to bring a course to share. We have many new members at JUC this year and we thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for them to meet some of us on a more intimate basis before the “busy” season begins. Sign up at church on July 26 or August 2. You can review the list of hosts and if there is room you can chose your venue. Our committee will be there to help you find a perfect place for you. Contacts: Bette & Charlie Carcano (303-670-1527; carcano@ evcohs.com), Carol & Bob Drew (303-422-5977; robertdrew@ msn.com).

If you are already signed up to be a co-facilitator or are interested in co-facilitating Being UU workshops in the future, please join us for this training meeting. Light lunch will be served. We will be preparing to facilitate workshops under the four Being UU curriculum themes: ·

UU History




Cultural Competency


Spiritual Practice

Co-facilitators need to be capable of working together to create and nurture a supportive, respectful, and safe community within the workshops. This training will cover a shared structure and guidelines that will help you be successful in your facilitation endeavors. You will learn about the work of the Being UU team and how co-facilitating can be an opportunity to engage in service and find personal spiritual growth at the same time. Attending does not obligate you to participate in Being UU offerings as a co-facilitator. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Pam Bond (pbond830@ gmail.com; 303-238-4743) or Patti Coe-Withington (pcoewith@ gmail.com; 303-596-1130).

Weeding Helpers: Thanks, and We Still Need More Help!

Support JUC’s Campus Ministry! Once-a-year donations of 3-4 quarts of a frozen onepot meal (chili, soup, etc.) are needed to serve to Colorado School of Mines students at meetings of the JUC-supported student group, the Spiritual Freethinkers. If you’re interested in donating any time during the next school year, please contact Tina Voelker (voelker@mines.edu; 303-273-3152) as soon as possible.

Thank you to Cheryl Ames, Julie Brisson, Mark McGimsey and Linda Ross, who answered the call to adopt a small plot at JUC to keep weed-free – or at least less weedy! Thanks also to Dave Beato, Ann Morton & Lynne Powell who have spent time without being asked (at least recently) to keep the patio boxes looking nice. There are still some areas that could use an adopter and Ann, Lynne and Dave would like some extra help when they have their work parties. Contact Carol Wilsey in the office (303-279-5282; carolwilsey@jeffersonunitarian.org).

Small Group: Chronic Illness 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 1 p.m. Our purpose is to uplift and support those who may be struggling with various illnesses. Some of the topics we have discussed are How to communicate with your health care team; seeking financial help; responding to people who make strange remarks; learning to ask for help when needed from a loving community. We encourage all to participate. Contacts: Carole Wheeler (carolewheeler@att.net; 720-389-6112), Chris Gallup (drgresults@gmail.com). 4

Visit jeffersonunitarian.org/src for general information on SRC Task Forces and their goals. . . . Housing & Poverty Task Force (H&P TF) . . .



JUC Habitat Build Team Members Needed Friday, Aug. 14 • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Two Just Neighboring projects continue through the summer:

The final JUC build day for our 2015 Habitat for Humanity home is Friday, August 14. No special skills are needed as instructions will be given. All tools, a hard hat, and lunch are provided. This a great time of camaraderie with other JUC members and friends. The build is near Alameda & Sheridan at 731 Quitman. Please contact John & Phyllis Bunting (303420-1580; phyllis.co@hotmail.com) to sign up or to get more information.

Each Sunday, you can volunteer to prepare breakfast for 50 homeless people at Sloan’s Lake Community Church. You work from 7 to 9 a.m., so you can still attend services at JUC that same morning if you wish. You can also volunteer to work at the Edgewater Plaza Food Bank at 2250 Eaton on a Friday from approximately 9 a.m. to noon. They have expanded the program and upcoming dates for this summer are July 31, August 14 and August 28. Please sign up at the Sign Up Site in the south commons or e-mail Just Neighboring Coordinator Jill Armstrong (jarm444@ gmail.com).

Back to School Supplies Donation Drive Support the educational needs of children involved with social services and the court. The Housing & Poverty task force is collecting school supplies. All donations can be placed in the donation cabinet located at the east end of the Religious Education wing. Donations will be delivered to the Bridge Committee, which is made up of several legal/ human services organizations working with children. Supplies are distributed by CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). Most of them go to kiddos that fall through the cracks of other programs – it may be children in foster care or kinship care or those whose parents recently became involved with CYF or a court case. Supplies most needed:

. . . Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Task Force . . .

Guatemala Partners Sewing Supply Donations Last year, the generous donation of 17 sewing machines by JUC member Joe Rotello, and of sewing supplies by many JUC members, made it possible for a group of women in the resettlement community of Pacux outside of Rabinal, Guatemala, to form the Maya Women Art Collective. They have learned to use the machines and have sewn a variety of products, many using material woven by other women in the community for even greater economic benefit. Many of their products were sold last year at JUC. Since then, they have been setting up their own market in Pacux when various groups visit. This October, a third JUC group will travel to Rabinal. They will take more sewing machines to the women in the collective. Once again, we ask for your help in donating items you have never used, or that you could purchase: sewing scissors, new or near-new; new packets of sewing machine needles sizes 11, 14,16 & 18; hand-sewing needles and straight pins; large spools of thread. We would also like large pieces of fabric (36” by 36” or larger). These items are not readily available in Rabinal and will make it possible for the women to continue improving their sewing skills. We will begin collecting these items at the UUSC table Sunday, August 16, when a more complete list will be available. Contacts: Phyllis Morales (720-987-6502; phyllismorales1@ mac.com), Sandy Hoyman (970-371-0910; shoyman@yahoo. com).

Backpacks Gift Cards (Target or Wal-mart) Scientific calculators 3 x 5 index cards Sticky notes Pocket folders Notebook dividers Boxes of tissues Disinfectant wipes Ziploc bags (sandwich/gallon/quart size) Hand Sanitizer Head phones/ear buds Scotch/packing tape Band-aids (Latex free) Supply boxes Composition notebooks Expandable organizers (6 sections) Dixie Cups Water bottles


You are invited to attend the 17th Annual

Pastoral Care

How JUCers Care for Each Other cares@jeffersonunitarian.org; 720-CHURCH9

Births and Deaths in Our Church Family With Laura Newman and Marlene Harris, we grieve the passing of Diana Marlowe. Diana was Laura’s mother and Marlene’s daughter.

Friday, November 30, Planning 9:00 amUnderway – 9:00 pm 20th Annual Craft Faire Saturday, December 1, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm ​Yes, Virginia, there will be a JUC Holiday Craft Faire in

2015care – the 20th Annual! And you won’t to miss it. The Child and special Children’s Market onwant Saturday, 10 am – 12 noon organizing committee will meet Sunday, August 2 at 12:30 p.m. Handmade crafts include cards, in R6/7 (lunch provided). We arejewelry, seeking candles, volunteersgift to head up art advertising, crafter liaison, assist with finance, volunteer prints, collectibles, sachets, soaps and much more. recruitment, and being in charge of set-up and/or take-down. If any of these jobs appeal to you, pleaseChurch let us know and join us Jefferson Unitarian for the14350 meeting if possible. West 32nd Avenue • Golden, Colorado 80401

(onebeen mileset westagain of I-70) Craft Faire dates have for the first weekend in December: Setup Thursday, December 3; Craft Faire Sales December 4-5.

This is an exciting fund-raising event that involves many JUC members and the community around us. We hope you will be able to help! If so, please contact one of the organizing committee members: Jean Decker (jeanteach@q.com), Bob Hofmann (303-642-0338), Nancy Bolt (nancybolt@earthlink.net), Mike & Cher Czyzewski (303-278-4242) for more information.


Fr Sat

Child c

H art

JUC Affinity Groups Affinity Groups are volunteer-directed groups which bring people together around a common interest in a social setting sponsored by the Belonging & Connection Team. All are open to newcomers. Meeting locations are posted in the common areas of both church buildings. Blue Mountain Meditation Group: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. • Annie & John Hedberg (303-279-7451) For those practicing Eknath Easwaran’s Eight-Point Program for living a spiritual life in the everyday world. If you wish to join without the introductory course, read Passage Meditation by Easwaran and meditate 30 minutes daily for a month.

Quuilters' Group: 1st Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon • Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) Call for meeting details. Retirees' Brown Bag Lunch: 1st Fridays, 11:30 a.m. • Betty Halladay (303-274-9144) Bring your lunch; join us for conversation. Anyone welcome. Next meeting: August 7. Roving Readers: 4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. • Mike Foster (303456-2647) Open to anyone who reads the monthly selection. Books selected by group participants. Sept. 27: The Prime Minister (Trollope)

Buddhist Sangha: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5 p.m. • Doug Anderson (dca-crm@hotmail.com; 720-474-6723) The Buddha was a highly unorthodox person. His teachings are not sets of dogma but rather propositions for people to investigate and validate for themselves. No experience necessary. Child care upon request.

Science and Spirit: 4th Sundays, 12:30 p.m. • Joe Kraus (swish@nuthingbut.net; 303-933-4399); Pat Emery (stardustpat@gmail.com) Discuss recent discoveries and wonder together. More info at http://jucscienceandspirit.wordpress.com Next meeting: September 27.

Charla! 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5 p.m. • Carol Drew (303-422-5977) Discuss important topics in Spanish. Intermediate level recommended. Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS) • Angela Priest (angelapriest30@gmail.com; 303-877-6055) We hold open public Pagan rituals each Sabbat. All are welcome.

Slow Soup Group: 1st Sundays, 12:30 p.m. • Gilla Lachnitt (303-216-9674; lachnittg@gmail.com), Carol Kolesnikoff (303588-9198; eatingethically@gmail.com) We’ll prepare soups together to take home and to donate. Ingredients provided; cost is $10/person.

Dream Study: 2nd and 4th Mondays, 9:15 a.m. • Marie Schottler (303-278-8035; mschottler@comcast.net) Based on the writings of Jeremy Taylor, in this gentle group process questions are asked of the dreamer leading to an aha! about his or her own dream. Please call before attending.

Story Circle: 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. • Lev Ropes (303-2780177; levropes@comcast.net) A gathering to foster the traditional art of storytelling for adults. Tell a polished story for fun, or one you’d like to polish up in front of a forgiving and friendly audience. Receive help from other tellers, or come to listen. All are welcome.

Duplicate Bridge: 2nd Fridays, 7 p.m. • Vince Todd (vincent. todd@coloradowrits.com; 303-989-2568) Great Books Discussion Group: 2nd & 4th Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Dona Chilcoat (303-989-6945) By reading from the great books of our civilization and discussing them with others, sharing insights and questions, you can reach a fuller understanding of these works than you could on your own. Next mtg: Sept. 14.

Thin Air: Tuesdays, 1 p.m. • Carole Montfort (303-279-1343) An informal group of folks who wish to keep up their musical skills as well as have fun. Repertoire consists of traditional, folk, instrumental and vocal music. Please call for more details.

Issues in Aging: 4th Mondays, 5 to 7 p.m. • Jim Mayer (303431-1740; jimmayer.colo@gmail.com) Sessions cover nutrition, security, loneliness, finances, exercises, and activities of interest/ concern of folks as they age or care for the aging. The goal is to help make the golden years an exciting and fruitful period of our lives.

Travel the World: 2nd Mondays, 7 p.m. • Barbara & Ernie Werren (720-524-3794; werrenskis@comcast.net) View travelogues, have discussions, and share your experiences with others who love to travel! Bring an open mind, questions, suggestions, favorite destinations, ideas. Understanding the Heart of Buddhism: 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7 p.m. • Doug Anderson (dca-crm@hotmail.com; 720-474-6723) Meditation and discussion presented online by Rodney Smith, author of Awakening; founder of the Seattle Insight Meditation Society. Next meeting: Sept. 10.

JUC Knitters: 3 Fridays, 7 p.m. in members' homes • Jean Decker (303-274-9872; jeandteach@Q.com) All knitters and crocheters are invited to join in making hats and blankets for Denver Health. rd

Nature’s Keepers • Paige LeBlanc (paigeleblanc@att.net; 720-201-5852) Pre-teens (9-12) learn to connect, respect, and earn badges in this action-oriented, co-educational group. Meets once monthly for nature-based excursions and activities including camping, hiking, service work, and fun!

UU Humanists • Jim Bole (randjbole@q.com; 202-968-9198) Working to help members become informed about Humanism as one of the Unitarian Universalist sources from which we draw an understanding of who we are. Next meeting: Sept. 13. UU Liberal Christians: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 p.m. • Sara Lohaus (pslohaus@comcast.net; 303-432-3149), Crystal Kreitzer (kieris@ sbcglobal.net; 720-442-5448) Connect with Christianity from a fresh, open-minded perspective.

Non-Violent Communication: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Dindy Fuller (720-402-4099; dindyfuller@gmail.com) Offers actual practice for nonviolent communication skills. Preferred prerequisites: Marshall Rosenberg’s book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life and at least one 5-week introductory class (or similar experience).

UU Piecemakers: 3rd Fridays, 9:30 a.m. in members' homes Edna Mae Miller (303-989-4793) Work on personal projects as well as quilts donated to charities selected by the group.

Poetry Group: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m. • Julie Excell (julieexcell@gmail.com; 541-778-4724) Explore poetry as an art form and a spiritual practice through appreciation of the work of master poets, and through writing and sharing your own poetry.

WomenSpirit: 2nd Fridays, 7 p.m. • Kalin Baker (Kalin@ KalinArtAndSpirit.com; 720-253-6561) A lively community of women 18+ who playfully reflect and share interactive programs based on participants’ interests. 7

Summer Office Hours

Mon., Wed., Fri. • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday • 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

• Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Rev. Keith Arnold, Minister of Music Tuesday–Friday • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Rev. Eric Banner, Assistant Minister Tuesday–Friday • 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Annie Scott, Director of Religious Education Staff will generally be available according to the schedule above, but it is always wise to call ahead!

Sunday Morning Announcements

If you would like your JUC event to be announced via our order of service and/ or weekly email notice, please submit 75 words or less to Rona Bradley (ronabradley@jeffersonunitarian.org) by Wednesday at 9 a.m. on the week you’d like your announcement to appear.

Weekly Attendance July 5

9:15 125 RE: 22 (6 adults) 11 128 RE: 12 (5 adults)

Evergreen 4p 29 RE: 7 (4 adults) July 12 9:15 135 RE: 22 (6 adults) 11 129 RE: 17 (5 adults) July 19 9:15 139 RE: 23 (6 adults) 11 114 RE: 21 (5 adults) Evergreen 4p 40 July 26 9:15 131 RE: 39 (8 adults) 11 128 RE: 7 (5 adults)

The JUC Crier This newsletter of the Jefferson Unitarian Church is delivered electronically to all members and pledging friends. First class mail delivery is available upon request to the church office (303-279-5282; office@ jeffersonunitarian.org). Upon request, visitors may be added to the email list or receive four (4) complimentary issues, after which they may continue receiving the newsletter by notifying the church office. E-mail ronabradley@jeffersonunitarian.org to submit an article. Editor: Rona Bradley Next deadline: 3 p.m., Mon., Aug. 3 Next publication date: Mon., Aug. 10

Calendar Highlights

(full calendar available online at jeffersonunitarian.org/calendar) Tues., July 28 Thurs., July 30 Sat., Aug. 1

1:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 9:00am 10:30am 7:00pm

Thin Air (Priestley rm.) Small Group - Rountree (M1/2) Pastoral Care: Mental Wellness Advocates mtg. (M5) Bell Ensemble (Priestley rm.) Quuilters Group (so. commons) Green TF: Citizens’ Climate Lobby mtg. (M1/2) Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS) mtg. (patio, chapel)

Sunday, August 2 9:15/11am Sisters w/Eric Banner 12:15pm Craft Faire mtg. (R6/7) 12:30pm Pastoral Care Group mtg. (M3/4) 1:00pm CUUPS Children’s Circle - Lammas (chapel) 4:00pm Evergreen Campus: Aging and the Spirit w/Barry Bloom 5:00pm ¡Charla! (M3/4) 5:00pm Buddhist Sangha Service (chapel) Mon., Aug. 3 3:00pm Newsletter deadline 6:00pm Pledge Campaign mtg. (M3/4) Tues., Aug. 4 1:00pm Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 7:00pm Non-Violent Communication (R6/7) 7:00pm Social Responsibility Council Meeting (M1/2) 7:00pm Housing & Poverty TF mtg. (M3/4) Wed., Aug. 5 7:00pm Voice-Building Sessions (sanc.) Thurs., Aug. 6 1:00pm Small Group - Chronic Illness (M1/2) 2:00pm Pitchblende rehearsal (Priestley rm.) 7:00pm JUC Poetry Group (M3/4) 7:00pm Bell Ensemble (Priestley rm.) 7:30pm Blue Mountain Meditation Group (chapel) Fri., Aug. 7 11:30am Retirees’ Brown Bag Lunch (M3/4) 6:00pm Board of Trustees Retreat (chapel) Sat., Aug. 8 8:00am Board of Trustees Retreat (M3/4) Sunday, August 9 9:15/11am The Original Manifesto w/Eric Banner 10:30am Religious Education Parent Meeting (chapel) 12:30pm Being UU Facilitator Training (chapel) Mon., August 10 9:15am Dream Study (M1/2) 6:30pm Religious Education Team (R3/4) 7:00pm Worship Ministry Team (R6/7) 7:00pm Travel the World (chapel) Tues., Aug. 11 1:00pm Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 2:00pm Small Group - Rountree (M1/2) Thurs., Aug. 13 6:30pm Board of Trustees mtg. (M3/4) 7:00pm Bell Ensemble (Priestley rm.) Fri., Aug. 14 7:00pm Bridge Group (MGR, M3/4) Sat., Aug. 15 8:00am QUUilters documentation (Mills bldg.) 2-Con Dinners (members’ homes) Sunday, August 16 9:15/11am Sunday Service w/Wendy Williams 4:00pm Evergreen: The Original Manifesto w/Eric Banner 5:00pm ¡Charla! (M3/4) 5:00pm Buddhist Sangha Service (chapel) Mon., Aug. 17 3:00pm Newsletter deadline 7:00pm Food & Nourishment TF mtg. (M1/2) Tues., Aug. 18 1:00pm Thin Air (Priestley rm.) 6:30pm Story Circle (R6/7) 6:30pm Being UU Team mtg. (M1/2) 7:00pm Non-Violent Communication (Mitchell rm.) Wed., Aug. 19 7:30pm JUC Choir (sanc.) Thurs., Aug. 20 8:30am Volunteer Connections mtg. (sanc., comm., kit.) 1:00pm Small Group - Chronic Illness (M1/2) 7:00pm Bell Ensemble (Priestley rm.) 7:30pm Blue Mountain Meditation Group (chapel) Sunday, August 23 8


Sunday Service w/Robert Latham

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