Grafik Werk

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Design Play by Jeff Hendrickson

morning wish

the mist floated along the shorelines dampened rocks and sat feverishly waiting to creep up the coastal rocks to engulf my dreams and wet my appetite for the oceans salty air calling and welcoming me like a mother i lowered my body and sat on the sand tapping a rock with a piece of driftwood and scratching the surface of the beach creating swirling patterns exclamation points hearts clouds people and more to watch it disappear as the tide swept it up i laid down with arms and legs spread as if to create a snow angel of sand and wrapped my body in seaweed as much as i could feeling the cold tickle cover my body and stared up into the misty sky hoping the tide would sweep me away forever


I was scrambling eggs under water for easter jazz band rough house Frisbee disco parades. Your eyes grabbed my robotic touch sensitive pulse and whirled me around like butter on toast. I couldn’t help notice electrorays shooting from your purse. It was like the tuesday when the glass boats arrived. Shoreline clam dances and coconut shrimp tastefully displayed on floating hammocks. I asked you for the question you meant to ask before the sun dipped into my pockets. It’s like glued on ham sandwich toupees except original and turquoise. I felt like glitter. Big glitter. The kind that mails home from summer camp to tell us who we are. Digitally erected favors in the sky. Monumental and translucent. The fundamental jury. Episode #9. With all that starry dynamo stuff included for free! Like the discount roller blade shoe bald of it’s bearings. German and dynamic. Clutter free and living. Scotch taped housings. The butterfly technique. I’ll ask you again what you meant to ask. Well? Just press your tongue against the wall and I’ll see it. Chant your mantra for Disney to hear. Electric light parabolic chuckling. Monster wishes from gold dust. Shiny and metallic. Reflective lust. The moon and its glossy overtones sure ignite the sounds I hear. Missing out on unique chances but delighting in time flotation. Watches spin backwards under the sea. Creature comforts for santa. Space nomads and oblique thoughts. Adagio for springs.

market share are projected onto flat walls. The race for the Joint capacitors fill lungs that spill over net profits and next big web 2.0 application is underway! embrace a million legions of doom. Call-in from the local firehouse exceeds ROI and blasts 6 trillion emails out to opt-in lists gathered from 1 page sales letters. Combustible SATA drives burn at the peak hours of the day churning at 10 million rpms. Fingers type at variable rates punching keys at the speed of light. Faxes are sent to negotiate contracts in black and white. Pixels dot the highways and byways for passersbye to see. Flashing LEDs blink in dark network operating centers around the globe calling out to the world... “I am either on or off�. Or there has been a problem on installation and your legacy hardware is not backwards compatible. Social networking boasts an all-time high as humans realize the importance to connect, not only to machines but to each other. Excel spreadsheets are downloaded, analyzed and exported. 3D graphs representing demographic reach and

The true mist adores you. Flows up your shiny legs. She wiggled your nose. It reminds me of the circus. The clouds still dance. And punch the sky wide open. I sat there licking a lollie. Like I did when I was old, crippled and wore adult diapers. She said it made me look famous like elvis in a wheelchair. She had me then, even before the war You’re “true blue” I said. The light caught her hair to reveal her curls like golden locks flowed so nice. It was wild and I always wanted to touch it or hold and lick it like cotton candy I could eat it all day, and planned to the next chance I got

My sandwich at the bus stop was dry so I couldn’t say exactly what I was feeling cause I needed a drink to clear my throat but she had a tall flower vase, with no flowers with a little bit of water for me I told her I liked her style, she agreed We rode the bus in loops around town taking pictures of the ground I accidentally snapped one of her tutu It was brilliant! She still doesn’t know, cause I never told her but I keep it on my wall next to jesus.

Typography I love typography I love the spaces between letters especially when it is a serif font those little hands and feet defining space I also love ligatures there is nothing like two letters going together so perfect that they embrace


Designed by Jeff Hendrickson Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved jeffhendricksondesign dot com

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