Architecture + Design
[Jeffrey Aviles, M.Arch 2]
Senior Year Studio [Arch 632]
Horticultural Conservatory
Professor Antonio Furguiele Guest Critique: Whitney Moon, Arijit Sen, Royce Earnest, Michael Utzinger
Junior Year Studio [Arch 420]
Primary School and Kindergarden
Professor Tom Hofman Guest Critique: Arijit Sen, Kathryn Edwards
Junior Year Studio [Arch 410]
UWM Downer Residence Hall
Professor David Pickert Guest Critique: Kerry Yandell
Break [Study Abroad Paris]
Sophmore Year Studio [Arch 310]
Contemporary Waiting Space
Professor Kerry Yandell Guest Critique: Royce Earnest
Kit of Parts
El Lissitzky Proun
Sophmore Year Studio [Arch 310] Professor Kerry Yandell
Sophmore Year Studio [Arch 310] Professor Kerry Yandell
Senior Year Studio [Arch 420] Prof. Antonio Furgiuele
Arial map with site context.
The Horticultural Conservatory takes the four distinct ecological zones and squeezes them as tightly as possible so they can have a certain reciprocity between them. This creates exchange amongst themselves to be more self-efficient. However the ecology center is placed on top of the data center so it can maximize with the surface by absorbing its heat. By placing the building uniquely on top of the data center it alters how its inhabitance both perceives the space of the ecology that is produced but also produces unique views of the city. Above and beyond it manipulates views by having forced perspective to bring you closer to Milwaukee and the ecology at the same time.
Study models, interior climate ecology perspectives, ground view perspective.
Site plan.
Menomonee River
Power, water, electricity section diagram. The Menomonee River supplies water to cool the data center and is recycled to support vegetation growth for the Horticultural Conservatory that rests directly on top of the data center.
Supporting views away from lake Michigan.
Supporting views towards lake Michigan.
Desert climate ecology section.
Horticultural conservatory plan.
Milwaukee’s Lake Michigan turbine project.
On site conductors
Power is supplied by Milwaukee’s Lake Michigan turbine projects and stored in on site conductors. Heat from the data centers is recycled then distributed by direct conduction to the appropriate climate ecology.
Junior Year Studio [Arch 420] Prof. Hofman
The Primary school was a project that would be built in the middle of an existing park. The process was to manipulate the ground plane as it changes dramatically from Humboldt road to the river located east from Humboldt. The school was brought up to Humboldt road leaving the park in contact for the students. The schools aesthetic focused mainly with mass, transparency and opacity allowing the students to read the spaces differently.
Arial perspective of school and site context.
“Rectangles and squares” influenced the landscape design found in the remodeled Kern Park.
“The Approach“ Back school cafeteria entrance.
Piet Mondrian painting “Rectangles and Squares”.
West building elevation with cast shadows.
“The Start”, West elevation main entrance.
First floor school plan.
Second floor school plan.
Final model showing mass, transparency, opacity.
The elevations (below) along with the physical model (above) help show how massing, transparency and opacity help illustrate the diffrent spaces found within the Primary School.
Kern Park Milwaukee figure ground.
School south elevation.
Site plan with vegetation and existing contexts.
Junior Studio [Arch 410] Prof. Pickert
UWM downer residence hall was a project that was located right on UWM’s campus. It was a new dormitory that would be built on the corner of Downer and Edgewood. The design process mainly focused on function following form, thus creating a gateway from the building Sabin to the south to the downer woods located north. The first two floors contained the supporting programs such as a lecture hall, public from private study spaces and resource center. There are two towers that sit above the second floor each at different heights for solar orientation purposes. Each floor consists of six houses, each house containing two double suites with one single room in one of the houses for one RA. The façade I chose to work with was terracotta that are applied as panels and can be given any aesthetic look desired.
South perspective rendering going to the klotsche center.
Gatweway pespective rendering to downer woods.
Building form paper model.
BIM model form manipulation.
Chipboard solid form study.
South perspective rendering leaving the klotsche center.
Terracotta elevation symmetrical pattern.
First floor plan with site context.
Figure ground area of downer and edgewood.
Individual Terracotta Panel Systems Drip Edge
Open Joint
Second Floor Plan Study Area/Library/Resource Center.
Capillary Break Deflection(Kinetic) Ventilated Cavity
“House“ layout.
Wall study “terrocotta facade”.
East facade elevation. Exposes the two towers “houses“.
Study Abroad Paris
ST. Clotilde
Parc Citroen
Summer 2013 I chose to study abroad in the summer of 2013, through an excursion led by Professor Mark Keane and Professor Linda Keane. Starting in June and ending in August we would follow the French history timeline and visit every building that corresponded to that time.
Hotel Clouney
Couvent de la Tourette
Villete C.N. Ledoux
Chartes Cathedral
L’Hotel de Sens
Pont Alexandre
La Madeleine
Couvent de la Tourette
Most of the images produced on this page pertained to the French history led by Professor Mark Keane. Our assignments were drawing along with him when we had arrived to every site that was on the days agenda. By drawing and instead of just taking pictures we were able to recognize and understand the architectural elements found on French buildings. Place des Vosges
Palais Royal
11 Memorial de la Deportation
Petit Trianon
Mont. St. Michelle
Saint Antoine
Parc De Bercy
Villa Savoye
Sophmore Studio [Arch 310] Prof. Yandell
The contemporary waiting space is located between Milwaukee’s U.S. postal office and the Amtrak station. The projects purpose is to create a waiting space for Milwaukee’s transit users. People that have time to spare would utilize this space. The first floor space is composed with a monumental stair case with bench seating surrounded by glass Eero Saarinen-Milwaukee War Memorial Case Study to attract visiting people into the space. This area is intended for immediate pick up, so it would suit people waiting less than twenty minutes. The second floor is organized as a waiting lounge. It has guest bathrooms, lounge type seating, kiosks, etc. This space is utilized mostly by people that are waiting for longer periods of time, typically thirty minutes or more.
Human movement.
Interior space study.
Focal point [stairs].
Horizonal and vertical circulation paths.
Kit of parts module.
Tectonic study.
Vehicle movement through site.
Interior space study. Horizonal and vertical circulation paths. Tectonic study.
Hybrid rendering with physical model and site photo.
Individual spaces.
White museum board final project model.
Section vignettes help clarify the space by giving it a place, entourage and material selection. This section also helps clarify the difference from immediate to long-term pick up. Second floor plan “Lounge”. Waiting area for long term waiting.
Front section cut. Short term waiting space compared to long term waiting
Side section vignette helps show the monumental staircase as a focal point that attracts people from the Amtrak station into this space.
First floor plan “temporary waiting”. Vehicle pick ups upon arrival. Side section vignette. Focal stairs to attract public into space.
Sophmore Studio [Arch 310] Prof. Yandell
The kit of parts design project was the first design project as an undergrad. This project focused heavily on the organization of the “Kit of parts”. The “Kit of parts” consisted of pieces such as the plinth, eight columns, five walls at various lengths, a canopy, means of entrance, a monolith used as desired and a two reflecting pools. The final project plan is divided into two halves, entering in the centered vestibule area made up of all columns gives the inhabitant the option to wonder left or right. The left side of the plan consist of one large space that is divided into two rooms by a partition wall. The small reflecting pool sits behind that wall so it appears in both rooms. The right side of the plan leads the user walking along the larger reflecting pool to the monolith at the end. The monolith piece is used as a focal point to lure inhabitants into that space.
Short Section 01
Short Section 01
Movement through space diagrams. Promoting a circulation that starts and ends in one place. DIviding spaces to create the maximum amount of movement.
Short Section 01
Physical Model [Bass wood]
Short Section 01
Long Section 02
Floor Plan Long Section 01
Sophmore Studio [Arch 310] Prof. Yandell
El Lissitzky Proun was a project that consisted of reading and trying to decode one of many proun’s by the architect/painter Lazar Lissitzky. Requirements for the “cube” project were, one piece was to be made of hydrocal, must be self-held of all six sides and elements must be taken from the assigned proun. I was given Proun 1A (bottom) and composed a cube using an additive process from elements found and taken from Proun 1A. Diagraming about 30 alliterations found in the proun allowed me to manipulated certain elements to compose my final cube.
Final Model [Bass Wood+ Hydrocal]
Lissitzky Proun 1A Proun 1A Sketch Diagrams. 21-30 shape sketches to use for the actual final. 2-3 or those 30 are used in combination.
Final Model Axon Perspective Plan [Center], Elevation 01[Top], Elevation 02 [Right], Section 01 [Left], Section 02 [Bottom]
Axon modeling diagrams. Using the additive process aproach i was able to compse a proun reading from items pulled directly from the origional painting. The process later turn into a modeled objed that is held up on all six sides.
Architecture + Design
[ Jeffrey Aviles, M.Arch2 ]