the tale of the two black men the rise of jermell chapter 43 ( the last chapter part 2 author house , / January 18 2022 tv movie / fiction based on a true story ) todd's female best friend. yasmin Lewis dated her boyfriend keano Thompson4-years and keano's father. work for todd's private Ice cream truck private chief and clothing store. my book store and my other companies for over 12-years and she just go back and. forth to see him at his senior center job and her guy best friend riley work for Todd too Todd call Leah on his iphone and ask her to pick up groceries and keano and Yasmin walk in to Todd's office and call Todd Broke nigga and Todd say how Iam a broke nigga and I work different jobs and I went back to my second college and not graduated during my Junior year in college and in 2016 and Todd say he graduted for North Carolina and t college in 2018 and I go to my first college in 2007, 2008 and 2013 Junior year in collegeat Montgomery college and Todd Jr buy a trap house and have over 100 hundred dollars including his day program money and job retiremen money at the trap house I got kids that who is. jermell , Jermaine Gabby and they meant everything to me at all times I lost my 4th,5th , 6th and 7th child during miscarriage