CLOUSBUSTING by Jeff Warrington and Scott Hille
04/26/2004 Registered WGAw
BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 1.
A balding man, older than his years, sits in near darkness. A patch of stray light crosses his grimly set face.
* *
His name is WILHELM REICH.
* 1
Reich, thirties, sits in the far corner, watching as HANS and VIOLETTA, copulate on an observation table.
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SUPER: “Vienna, 1937�
The room is sparse and slickly composed; perfect for clinical research.
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A dim overhead light in the center of the room provides the only illumination.
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With an intense, detached air, Reich scribbles furiously in a small notebook.
* *
Hans and Violetta pause and glance over at Reich to see if their performance is to his satisfaction.
* *
VIOLETTA Doctor Reich, do you approve?
* *
HANS (helpfully) I could move up a bit.
* * *
REICH No. Yes. Whatever makes you comfortable. Please continue.
* * *
Violetta looks up at Hans and, grabbing his ass, nods for him to continue. Nodding back, Hans complies.
* *
Reich lays aside his notebook, stands, rolls up the sleeves of his lab coat, and pulls on a pair of rubber gloves.
* *
He approaches the observation table and takes Han's buttock in hand. Carefully, he inserts a long rectal thermometer.
* *
REICH (CONT'D) You are comfortable?
* *
Taken aback, Hans searches for the right response. He looks to Violetta who nods an affirmative. He looks back at Reich. (CONTINUED)
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* *
VIOLETTA Yes, Doctor Reich.
* *
REICH Thank you. Please continue.
* *
Silently, they resume. Reich examines them from several angles, occasionally probing them with his gloved hands.
* *
With a heavy breath, he reaches down between Han's thighs and feels for Violetta's genitalia.
* *
Surprised, Violetta looks down the table at Reich with a curious look.
* *
REICH (CONT'D) Please, excuse me. You may continue.
* * *
Violetta nods and resumes her duty as Reich scribbles in his note pad. Moving closer, he faces Hans head-on. REICH (CONT'D) Please, Sir, you may ejaculate now.
* * * *
Hans nods and he and Violetta resume in earnest. Reich purses his lips, eagerly anticipating their climax.
* *
Finishing his duty, Hans collapses upon Violetta. She strokes his hair and looks over at Reich for confirmation.
* *
Reich moves to the head of the table and stares down at them, note pad in hand.
* *
REICH (CONT'D) (to Hans) Now then Hans...Were you gratified?
* * *
HANS (considering) Yes. Yes, I believe I was.
* * *
Moving to the back of the table he plucks the rectal thermometer out. Examining it, he makes another note. REICH (CONT'D) And you Violetta? Were you gratified?
* * * * *
She ponders this for a moment.
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VIOLETTA No. No, I believe I wasn't. I see.
* *
* *
He makes a final note and motions for the two of them to rise from the table.
* *
They put on their lab coats as Reich removes his gloves and reviews his notes.
* *
REICH (CONT'D) Thank you both very much. This has been very beneficial to my research. You may return to your classes now.
* * * * *
HANS You're welcome, Doctor Reich.
* *
Reich ushers them to the laboratory door. Following Hans out, Violetta turns to Reich, smoothing her hair. VIOLETTA If there is any more work you need from us, please let us know.
* * *
HANS I will. Good afternoon Doctor.
* * CUT TO:
* *
* 2
As Hans and Violetta exit, THEODORE WOLFE, a laboratory assistant, confronts Reich.
* * *
WOLFE Doctor Reich? Excuse me, but Doctor Freud wishes a word with you. REICH Of course. Please have one of my assistants schedule a time.
* * *
WOLFE I'm afraid it did seem quite urgent, Doctor. Please? Wolfe extends his hand down the hall. Very well.
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With a sigh, Reich grimaces and follows Wolfe down the long corridor. WOLFE (confidentially) I'm an avid follower of your work, Doctor Reich. REICH Really? Thank you Doctor. What is your opinion? WOLFE That you are on the verge of something important. Something exciting, perhaps. Your research regarding a universal life force... is it a tangible energy, do you think?
* * * *
REICH Tangible, we shall see.
* *
WOLFE I hope to work with you sometime in the future.
REICH Perhaps we shall.
* *
WOLFE Of course, the way things are now, it’s hard to say what might happen. Many of the students will be transferring to universities in the Americas.
* * * * * *
And you? Perhaps.
* *
* *
They arrive at Freud’s office.
WOLFE (CONT'D) (gesturing to the door) Well, good day, Doctor.
* * *
REICH Thank you. Good day.
* *
Reich hesitates outside the door. Smoothing his hair and lab coat, he coughs lightly then knocks. (CONTINUED)
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FREUD (O.S.) Enter please. CUT TO: 3
SIGMUND FREUD sits at a large oak desk surrounded by countless photos and awards. An imposing grandfather clock ticks away in the corner. Freud is approaching 80, and his oral cancer has progressed considerably, forcing him to wear a wrap around his jaw. He is visibly withered, and looks up at Reich through tired eyes.
* *
REICH You wanted to see me? FREUD (wearily) Yes. Please sit down. Reich takes a seat on a couch opposite the desk. There is an uncomfortable silence as the Reich squirms on the couch, trying not to look at his dying mentor.
Freud sits for a moment, contemplating Reich. Wearily, he shakes his head and finally speaks.
FREUD (CONT'D) Wilhelm, your position as my assistant has allowed you a certain amount of freedom here, to conduct your...research. Reich narrows his eyes and leans forward. REICH As it should. Our science is important and new and must be allowed to continue undeterred. FREUD That is not the point. Of course our work is important. (beat) Have you seen The Post?
* * *
Freud slaps a newspaper down onto his desk. The headline reads: "AUSTRIA ANNEXED BY THE GERMAN CHANCELLORY!". (CONTINUED)
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REICH Everyone knew that was coming. That prick is consolidating his power and we are all doomed.
* *
Freud points to a small article lower down on the page. It reads: “SEX SCANDAL IN VIENNA!” Inside the copy is a photograph of Reich, lecturing at a podium. FREUD Orgies. Group masturbation. It was only a matter of time before others took notice.
* * * *
Reich rises and picks up the paper, quickly scanning it before slamming it back down on the desk. REICH This is being taken completely out of context! (collecting himself) Sigmund, my research is strictly clinical. As we’ve discussed several times previous, it is my contention that the energies produced during orgasm are significantly related to the universal life force that you know is the focus of my research --
FREUD The board is threatening to eliminate my funding.
* * *
* * * * * * * * * *
Reich paces back and forth, gripping his forehead and looking wildly about. Freud grimaces and touches his jaw. FREUD (CONT’D) The political climate is shifting, and things can no longer be as they were. are relieved immediately. Reich stares at Freud in abject disbelief. He throws his hands up in the air. REICH But my work must continue! FREUD Yes, but not here. Not at my institute. I'm terribly sorry, Wilhelm. (CONTINUED)
* *
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REICH They’re going to come after you as well, you know! Freud shakes his head and looks down at the paper on his desk. Wild now, Reich storms out of the room. Once he is gone, Freud sighs and rises. He walks over to the grandfather clock and rubs it's side to soothe his nerves. CUT TO: 4
STUDENTS and PROFESSORS walk about the campus. In the courtyard, BROWN SHIRTS hand out leaflets to passers-by.
* *
Enraged, Reich hurries past them all, biting and cursing to himself.
Reich tromps up a flight of wooden steps, furiously fumbling with a ring of keys.
* *
He reaches his apartment door, and tries one key after the other. Impatient, he pounds on the door instead. Footsteps approach from inside and the door flies open. His wife, ANNIE, stands in the doorway glaring at him. REICH Annie, thank god -ANNIE You bastard! How dare you! With a cry, she slaps him in the face. Stunned, he steps inside, closing the door behind him. REICH What are you talking about? Annie retreats from him and holds out a copy of the same newspaper which Freud just produced. Ignoring the headline regarding the annexation, she points to the article fingering Reich. ANNIE These acts are unspeakable!
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With a heavy sigh, he brushes past her and stomps up the stairs into the bedroom. Annie follows directly behind. ANNIE How can I face my friends now? How can I accept any of this? You have ruined our lives!
* *
Reich's wife pulls a suitcase from the closet. REICH Get your things. We’re leaving for America.
* *
ANNIE I'm going nowhere. REICH I've done nothing wrong. I have followed my research and nothing else. Now pack. This is ridiculous! He throws open the dresser and begins packing. ANNIE You are humiliating me publicly Wilhelm, do you realize that? You are humiliating us both! REICH Annie, I've been dismissed. We can't stay in Austria any longer. Stunned, Annie stares at him in disbelief. Reich continues packing as she storms off. Moments later she returns, holding aloft a large sheaf of loose-leaf papers. My notes!
ANNIE I've read every disgusting word of it! Reich pauses, horrified as she shakes the papers threateningly.
REICH Where did you find those? He reaches for them.
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REICH (CONT'D) That is my life's work! My science! ANNIE This is pornography! REICH It most absolutely is not! That is my work! Annie, for christ's's my life's work! Enraged, he lunges and they struggle over the papers. She tosses them into the air and they scatter around the room.
* *
Horrified, Reich scrambles to collect them as Annie falls onto the bed, sobbing.
ANNIE Go! Go, get out -- I never want to see to you again!
REICH (flabbergasted) So, this is it then?
* *
ANNIE Yes, that's it.
Fine. Fine.
Sobbing, Annie rolls back over onto the bed and buries her head in her arms. Hurriedly he gathers his papers and shoves them into his suitcase. Fine.
* *
With a huff, he slams the suitcase shut.
The suitcase opens. Hands rifle through the contents, touching everything. The Statue of Liberty looms in the distance through the barred window of the detention center. (CONTINUED)
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Reich sits in an interrogation room. At the opposite end of the table, an IMMIGRATION INSPECTOR examines Reich's file.
He drags from a brown cigarette and looks up at Reich suspiciously. INSPECTOR A Doctor, hmm? Reich stares back. Yes.
* *
The Inspector purses his lips and leans back in his chair. INSPECTOR You worked under Sigmund Freud. REICH That is correct. INSPECTOR Are you a member of the Nazi party? REICH Absolutely not! It's why I had to leave. Just as Albert had to leave. Albert...? Einstein.
INSPECTOR Are you a member of the Communist Party? REICH Their philosophy is much too idealistic. As an intelligent man you should know this. I suppose.
The Inspector leans back and takes a long drag, looking closely at Reich. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) So, Doctor Reich, for what reasons do you wish to become an American citizen? (CONTINUED)
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REICH Freedom. Freedom to continue my research. The Inspector leans forward now, and blows out a plume of smoke. Freedom.
He looks out a small window of the interrogation room overlooking the Detention Center.
* *
There, thousands of hopeful immigrants are lined up in rows like cattle.
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He sees the inspectors and officials who wearily maintain this rabble.
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He regards his own desk which is covered in a mass of paperwork and debris.
Looking inward, he takes another drag, then looks up at Reich with resolution in his eyes. Grabbing a stamp, he inks it and marks Reich’s papers “Approved”. INSPECTOR (chuckling to himself) Doctor Reich? Enjoy your freedom. CUT TO: 7
The morning is cold and foggy. Reich, disheveled, steps outside, lugging his baggage. The towering New York landscape is in complete opposition to Vienna’s, and he stands for a moment, stunned. The press of people is phenomenal and the streets are crowded with automobiles and immigrants. The buildings seem phallic and vulgar. Through his eyes, everything seems oppressive and cloying. Spotting a break in the wave of motion on the street, Reich makes his way across, unsure of where to go. Nearly hit by a car, he makes it to the other side of the street and looks wildly about. (CONTINUED)
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Suddenly the crowd parts for a second, and Reich finds Theodore Wolfe standing near the waterside, waiting.
* *
Shifting his belongings, Reich hurries over to him. REICH Doctor Wolfe! My god! This place is madness!
Wolfe looks kindly at Reich. WOLFE I'm glad you have arrived safely. Come. Let’s go. Wolfe leads him over to a waiting automobile and helps pack his things in the trunk. WOLFE (CONT'D) We have a long drive. Are you up to it? REICH Yes...yes I am. WOLFE Then we will leave at once. Wolfe helps Reich into the back of the car, the gets into the front and makes his way through the congested streets. Reich watches the imposing New York scenery pass for a while then, exhausted, nods off into a deep sleep. FADE TO BLACK: 8
SUPER: “Maine -- 17 Years Later”
Patients come and go.
A sign reads The Orgonon Institute.
The office is spacious and constructed of old hardwood. Light streams through a picture window which overlooks the grounds.
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Reich stands at the window, proudly admiring his surroundings as he rocks back and forth on his heels.
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There is a knock on the door. Violetta, Reich’s lab assistant from Vienna, peers inside. She wears her familiar lab coat. VIOLETTA Doctor Reich? Mildred Brady, has arrived. Brady...?
* * * * *
VIOLETTA Professor Brady, from the University?
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REICH The University? Ah! Oh, yes, show her in. VIOLETTA Yes Doctor.
* *
She turns to leave. Reich quickly turns around. REICH Wait. (thinking) Show her into the examination room and I'll meet her in there momentarily.
* *
VIOLETTA Yes, Doctor.
Reich smooths his hair and straightens his tie before entering the examination room adjoining his office. CUT TO: 10
MILDRED BRADY, a professional looking woman, stands patiently waiting for Reich's arrival. Entering through the adjoining door, Reich extends his hand, which she shakes graciously. REICH Professor Brady? BRADY Doctor Reich, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. (CONTINUED)
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REICH And you as well Professor Brady. Have you been practicing long? BRADY Practicing? Oh yes, for seven years now. REICH Please, make yourself comfortable. BRADY Comfortable? Reich motions to the couch.
REICH Yes, please. Brady smooths her skirt and takes a seat. Once she is situated he regards her. REICH (CONT'D) Are you comfortable?
* * *
BRADY Yes, I'm fine. "Fine"? Yes. Fine.
REICH Fine! Now, before we begin, may I ask where you attained your degree? Columbia.
* * *
REICH Columbia...An adequate facility. Have you been introduced to Albert yet? Albert?
REICH Oh, it’s not important. Are you married? BRADY No I'm not. (CONTINUED)
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REICH How old are you? 23, 24? 26.
REICH (CONT'D) Do you satisfy yourself? BRADY (shocked) Doctor Reich?!? REICH When you pleasure yourself, are you satisfied? Do you orgasm? Brady is aghast. After a moment, she composes herself, still embarrassed. BRADY Yes, yes of course, how silly of me. I apologize Doctor. I, uh, I don't.
* * *
REICH You don’t pleasure yourself, or you don’t orgasm? BRADY (meekly) Doctor really I...I...well, I don’t...I don’t...orgasm. I see...
* *
He opens a journal on his desk and makes a brief note to himself. REICH Thank you, Professor.
* * * *
With a smile, he closes the notebook, stands and extends his hand.
* *
REICH (CONT'D) Shall we begin the tour? Hesitantly she takes his hand and stands, smoothing her skirt again once she rises.
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BRADY Certainly Doctor. CUT TO: 11
Reich escorts Brady through the Institute. Violetta follows directly behind, carrying a clipboard.
* *
Assistants dutifully wheel laboratory equipment through hallways, and a RECEPTIONIST mans the front desk. Patients in white smocks enter and exit the rooms, escorted by Assistants.
Doctors meander about, taking pulses and temperatures and making notes on clipboards.
* *
BRADY Doctor? How is it that you fund your institute?
* * *
REICH Since its inception, Orgonon has been funded entirely by my private psychiatric practice.
* * *
BRADY (flirtatiously) Surely, between your private practice and your duties here at Orgonon you must be very busy.
REICH (curt) It leaves little time for personal matters.
* *
They move through the Institute. Brady takes in everything she sees with skeptical interest. In a waiting room, patients of all ages lounge in underwear. Some are distant while others are overtly amorous.
* *
As they pass by, Reich approaches an overly amorous COUPLE and confronts them confidentially.
* *
REICH Please, I must ask you to restrain yourselves for the laboratory. Brady purses her lips. Violetta, noticing Brady's reaction, tries to warn Reich. (CONTINUED)
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VIOLETTA Doctor Reich... BRADY (interjecting) I must confess. I'm confused. I was lead to believe that you were known for your work in psychoanalytical investigations with Freud. REICH Among other things. BRADY Didn't you have a parting of ways with Doctor Freud before your moving to the States? REICH That's correct. A person in your position must surely know of the particulars. (beat) Your question confounds me Professor Brady. Are you asking a question or making a statement?
* *
BRADY Merely asking questions. REICH Well I hope that I am answering them. BRADY You most certainly are Doctor Reich. REICH Good. Shall we continue? Please. Follow me.
Violetta leads Reich and Brady through a vault-style door revealing a large laboratory.
* *
Inside are dozens of wooden boxes of varying sizes. Some are shaped like phone booths and privies, others like coffins.
* *
Staff technicians wander about, taking temperature readings from each the boxes and recording their findings.
* *
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Brady is visibly disturbed, as sounds of moaning and scraping emanate from the boxes.
* *
A small door on one of the boxes opens, and a nude couple steps out, drenched in sweat and smelling of sex.
* *
A laboratory assistant awaiting the couple outside the box dutifully hands them each a towel.
* *
Brady, shocked, turns away, blushing.
BRADY Doctor Reich, I never...!
REICH Professor, I can assure you it is all for the sake of science.
* *
BRADY Do you pay these people?
REICH No. Many are my assistants, others are locals with various ailments or conditions, cancer patients and what not.
* *
In the distance, HANS, Violetta’s lab partner from Vienna, helps a female PATIENT into one of the boxes.
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He shuts the door of the box, enclosing the patient within, and turns to Reich, Brady, and Violetta, who approach.
* *
HANS Doctor Reich, the patient is female, 42 years old and suffering from melancholy and a depressed libido.
REICH Excellent. (speaking to the patient) I am Doctor Wilhelm Reich. I will be overseeing your treatment today. PATIENT (from inside the box) Good day, Doctor Reich. REICH Are you comfortable? Yes.
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REICH Please describe any effects you experience while inside the accumulator. PATIENT Yes, Doctor.
REICH You may begin now.
* *
Reich turns to Brady and waits patiently.
PATIENT (CONT'D) There is a tingling sensation in my, well, in my, um, extremities. REICH A tingling sensation? Yes, that is perfectly normal. Do you feel anything else? An adverse reaction, perhaps? Adverse?
REICH Does anything feel wrong? PATIENT No no...I actually feel pretty good! REICH Thank you, madame.
He smiles smugly.
REICH My findings suggest that orgastic energy can be amplified by shielded boxes.
* * * *
BRADY Orgastic energy, Doctor?
* *
REICH The energy produced at the moment of orgasm. Orgone. (with a wink) It is the life energy, Professor.
* * * * *
BRADY Oh. Of course.
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REICH (CONT'D) My research, as you know, was quite well received in Europe. BRADY I mean no offense Doctor Reich, but it appears that it was not well received at all. REICH Politics! The State and Science should intermingle as little as possible. Europe is full of Nazi's and puritans. My research is much more than what you are familiar with, really. BRADY What is it you are trying to accomplish here, Doctor? REICH The same things anyone in our profession it attempting, of course...cures for various ailments of a physical, mental or sexual nature. BRADY (slightly incredulous) Including cancer, perhaps? REICH Very noble, don't you agree? BRADY Well, thank you Doctor Reich. I think that I have seen quite enough. Would you be so kind as to escort me out?
* * * * *
REICH Of course Professor. With a slight shrug, Violetta leads them from the laboratory and to the front door of the institute. Reich holds the door open for Brady. She walks out into the open air, then turns back to him. BRADY I thank you for your candor, Doctor Reich. I will file my report with the University immediately. (CONTINUED)
* *
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REICH It was my pleasure. BRADY Farewell, Doctor Reich. REICH Farewell, Professor Brady. Brady turns about face and walks away into the daylight. Reich and Violetta watch her go. Reich is blissfully ignorant, Violetta is concerned. REICH (CONT'D) She seemed to be somewhat out of sorts, don't you think? Reich looks at Violetta who shrugs again, perplexed. Theodore Wolfe, older and wiser, approaches from the hall behind them.
* *
WOLFE Doctor. Finally.
* *
REICH Doctor Wolfe. Where have you been?
* *
WOLFE Looking for the both of you. There’s a problem with the newer model accumulators.
* * * *
REICH What sort of problem?
* *
WOLFE A week’s work, ruined. That sort of problem. (sighs) Would you have a look at the data?
* * * * *
Reich turns to go. Violetta watches suspiciously as Mildred Brady starts her flashy Chevy and drives away.
* *
CUT TO: 12
The office is spacious and constructed of old hardwood. Light streams through a giant window overlooking the grounds.
* *
Reich looks up from a handwritten journal. The notes are meticulous, but he can hardly believe what he is reading.
* *
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REICH You’re certain this data is correct?
* * *
HANS Yes, we’ve run the numbers several times.
* * *
REICH This data suggests that Orgone energy was present in the accumulator prior to the patient’s orgasm.
* * * * *
WOLFE Could it be a residual effect from prior use?
* * *
REICH No. The records show that several of these accumulators had never been used before.
* * * *
HANS That’s correct, Doctor.
* *
WOLFE Well, then there is a malfunction in the devices you used to obtain these readings.
* * * *
HANS We’ve ruled that out.
* *
WOLFE Then how did the orgastic energy --
* *
REICH Orgone, Doctor. Please. Refer to it as Orgone.
* * *
WOLFE Then how did it get in the box?
* *
VIOLETTA Perhaps Orgone exists freely in the atmosphere, Doctor.
* * *
REICH Intriguing. Have the staff document the materials used to construct these particular accumulators.
* * * *
HANS Of course Doctor Reich.
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REICH And the method. I’ll need detailed schematics. Of course.
* * *
* *
REICH We’ll build an identical device and see if we can recreate the phenomena.
* * * *
With a nod, Hans exits, followed in step by Violetta. Reich turns to the picture window and overlooks the grounds. WOLFE Doctor, it is one thing to conclude that orgastic energy can be contained within a box --
* * * *
REICH The life force pervades all things, Doctor. Perhaps it does exist in the atmosphere... (raising an eyebrow) ...and we have harnessed it. All we need now is verification.
* * * * * * * CUT TO:
Establishing. CUT TO: 13
* *
INT. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - EINSTEIN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS 13 Albert Einstein rises from his desk as Reich enters. They shake hands and Einstein motions for Reich to sit. REICH Professor Einstein. EINSTEIN Doctor Reich. REICH Thank you for seeing me.
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EINSTEIN It is no problem. I have been an admirer of your work since your days in Vienna. REICH Thank you again. I admire yours as well. Einstein smirks and shrugs. EINSTEIN What can I say...when you got it, you got it...Now what can I do for you Doctor Reich? REICH I want you to see something, something very important. Reich leans over and places a small accumulator and a sheaf of files on Einstein's desk. Curious, Einstein picks up the accumulator and pokes around, then peruses the files. After a few pages, his eyebrows arch in surprise and he looks up at Reich. EINSTEIN I have been searching for a comprehensive field theory. REICH I believe I have found the source. EINSTEIN Very possibly. This pervasive energy of yours is very interesting. I know.
EINSTEIN And you believe I’ll find it inside this little box? Yes.
* *
Einstein leans back in his chair and examines the box more carefully.
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EINSTEIN Interesting. He lays the box down on his desk and rises, extending his hand to Reich, who rises as well. They shake. EINSTEIN (CONT'D) I will take these findings under consideration and report back as soon as time permits. REICH Thank you Albert, thank you! EINSTEIN Eh, no problem. Reich turns to leave then stops and faces Einstein. REICH One more question. Yes?
REICH Have you worked with Professor Mildred Brady? She appeared rather naive when she met with me recently.
EINSTEIN Brady? No. I have no recollection of her. Curious. Indeed.
REICH Well, good day sir. Reich exits as Einstein sits back down and resumes playing with the accumulator. CUT TO:
* *
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An oppressive, red brick government building looms over downtown Portland.
* *
CUT TO: 15
INT. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION -- OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS 15 A copy of The New Republic magazine is slapped down onto the desk of SUPERVISING AGENT WHARTON. We know it's him because of the gold nameplate on the desk. Standing before him, are agents WOOD and BURROUGH. WOOD Have you seen this? WHARTON (opening the magazine) The New Republic? No. WOOD Turn to page 43. With a grin, Wharton turns the page and finds the article that Wood is referring to. He skims it quickly. WHARTON (snapping his fingers) Wait a minute, wait a minute, I heard about this quack. He's the guy with the...the... sex-box. WOOD The "orgone accumulator", sir. WHARTON Yes -- the accumulator. WOOD It's a very popular item, sir. BURROUGH My Auntie has one.
* *
They look at him, curious. BURROUGH (CONT'D) For her TB, you know. WHARTON What's this, what are they saying here? (CONTINUED)
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WOOD The reporter is Mildred Brady, sir. She has some very interesting things to say about this...Doctor Wilhelm Reich. BURROUGH The Nazi's wouldn't have him, and neither would the Commies, sir. WOOD Naturally he washed up here in America like the rest of those exiled scientists, and now he's bloodsucking John Q. Citizen with this nonsense. Wood reaches for his spectacles. He can't believe what he's reading. He sees patches of words, phrases: Orgies...
The Function of Orgasm...
Orgastic Energy...
Wood slams the magazine back down onto the desk. WHARTON Sounds like he's running a sex racket! What do these accumulators do exactly? WOOD Well that's just it. Nothing. It's all some hocus-pocus about energy forces. Sex energy or something. WHARTON People are having sexual relations in these accumulators? BURROUGH My Auntie swears by hers. (CONTINUED)
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Wharton gives him a peculiar look. WOOD What are you, some kind of pervert? Burrough stammers. Her TB!
Wharton turns his attention back to Wood. WHARTON Can't the vice squad do something about this quack? BURROUGH No, sir, it's all above the board, it's not like they’re having sex with floozies...
WHARTON I want a full report about this deviant. Wood, I want you to see to this personally. Yes sir.
* *
WHARTON They may go for orgies and masturbation in Europe, but we won't have it in America. No sir.
Reich studies in his office and punches his intercom. REICH Are you there? RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) Yes, Doctor. REICH I need to speak with Professor Einstein. Can you call his office? Has he called in? Have you heard anything? (CONTINUED)
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RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) I've left several messages with his office, Doctor. REICH Call the office again, now. Put me on with whomever answers. RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) Just a moment, sir. Reich stands and opens the blinds. He looks out from his picturesque window, hands on hips. The phone rings. He turns and answers. Yes?
SUSAN (O.S.) Doctor Reich, you are connected with Professor Einstein's office. REICH Thank you...Professor? BOILE (O.S.) No, Doctor Reich. You are speaking with Nathan Boile. I am one of Professor Einstein's assistants. REICH Yes, Mr. Boile, of course. I've been trying to reach the Professor for several days now.
BOILE (O.S.) Yes, I have received your many messages. REICH Is he predisposed? Is there some reason he has not returned my calls? BOILE He is a very busy man as you know, and has been traveling frequently as of late. REICH There was a matter pending, concerning my research, and his findings, to that regard. (CONTINUED)
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BOILE Yes, I see. REICH We want to publish a paper. BOILE I'm afraid, considering, Doctor Reich... REICH Considering what? BOILE Considering his schedule...and in light of recent events... REICH What recent events? There is no answer. REICH (CONT'D) I demand to speak with him! I demand it! BOILE I'm afraid you're in no position, Doctor, to demand anything of Professor Einstein-REICH Are you daft? I am Wilhelm Reich! BOILE (calmly) I'll see he gets your message, Doctor Reich. The phone goes dead. Reich is livid. REICH "In light of recent events", indeed! His office door opens. Violetta stands there, shell-shocked. She holds up a copy of The New Republic for Reich to see. VIOLETTA Doctor Reich, I have bad news. (CONTINUED)
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He takes the magazine from her and flips through its pages, increasingly concerned. REICH This is preposterous! VIOLETTA I'm so sorry Doctor. And there are several gentlemen here as well. Beat. He looks up from the article. Gentlemen?
Reich hurries through the hallways. He is followed by Violetta and Hans. HANS ...they didn't have a warrant, but there was nothing we could do... VIOLETTA ...they're with the FDA, they insisted. REICH What are there names? VIOLETTA Agents Wood and Burrough.
REICH Did they say what they wanted? No.
HANS They're scaring the patients!
Reich throws open the laboratory door. CUT TO:
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Inside are Agents Wood and Burrough, rooting through the accumulators and shuffling through a filing cabinet. Several Assistants are fruitlessly attempting damage control. They all turn as Reich bursts in. REICH What is the meaning of this? WOOD Wilhelm Reich? REICH I am “Doctor” Reich, if you please. Leave those alone. WOOD Excuse me. “Doctor”. I am Charles A. Wood and my associate is Agent Burrough. We're with the FDA. REICH So I've just been told. BURROUGH We're following up in regards to an article published recently in the New Republic. Yes.
(He motions to the magazine.) I've only just read it. Obviously, it is nonsense. WOOD There were a number of accusations made regarding certain... improprieties. And of course these... He bangs on one of the accumulators. REICH Don't do that! BURROUGH My Auntie loves hers. WOOD This is an "accumulator", right? (CONTINUED)
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REICH Yes, please, be careful. BURROUGH How many of these devices have you sold? REICH Were you to follow the requisite procedures, during regular business hours, I'm certain that my assistant could provide you with that information, Mister Wood. WOOD Doctor, please, we only want to talk. REICH I'm a scientist, not an entrepreneur. The accumulator is public domain. The architectural plans are publicly available. You can build your own for a few dollars.
WOOD Why is it you suppose that they would buy them from you then? REICH Some people are do you say...lazy, I guess. (beat) But explain. Why is it that the United States Food and Drug Administration thinks it has any say concerning this matter?
WOOD The accumulator is marketed as a medical device, correct? BURROUGH And therefore is under our jurisdiction. WOOD Which is why we're investigating you now. BURROUGH You claim to have cured cancer...
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REICH That's untrue. I’ve never made any such claim. The device merely appears to reverse some of the effects. Ms. Brady has fabricated and distorted my findings and has grossly misrepresented herself as well as my self.
* * * *
WOOD I think it's odd that a psychiatrist of your reknown would conduct the sort of appalling activities that Ms. Brady-REICH The article is rubbish.
Reich steps up to Wood. REICH (CONT'D) Do you mind if I ask you a question? WOOD Be my guest, Doctor. REICH Exactly what do you think that I'm guilty of, Mr. Wood? WOOD Doctor, everyone is guilty of something. An intense stare-down ensues. Poppycock!
There is a pitter-patter of rain. Wood and Burrough exit, awkwardly carrying a large Orgone accumulating box.
* *
They make their way to a truck and load it into the back then get inside and leave. Reich and his staff watch from inside the doorway.
His eyes narrow to a slit. (CONTINUED)
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Thunder booms. There are storm clouds on the horizon. CUT TO: 20
Reich turns back towards his office, barking out orders. REICH Where is Theodore?! Get me Doctor Wolfe on the line immediately! Heads turn as he steps into his office and slams the door. CUT TO: 21
Reich yells into his telephone.
REICH (CONT'D) Wolfe! What did you say to them? To who?
REICH You know damn well who! The FDA! WOLFE (OS) The FDA?! I have no idea what are you talking about, Doctor Reich! REICH (sing-songy) Well they were here! WOLFE (OS) What did they want? REICH Where were you Wolfe!? When?
REICH While they were interrogating me! While they were rooting through the laboratory! (CONTINUED)
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WOLFE (OS) I’m in the warehouse taking inventory. REICH Have you been talking to them? To whom?
REICH For the sake of God man, the FDA, Wolfe, the FDA! WOLFE (OS) Of course not! Listen Wilhelm, unless your recollection is off, it was I who helped you get set up in the States. It was I who helped you form the Institute. And it is I who continues to support you to this day! Why you are accusing me of these things is beyond me. Reich pauses and runs his hands over his head, calming somewhat. REICH Forgive me. Theodore, it's just such a sudden intrusion. They think I'm a fraud, a charlatan. What a nightmare. (beat) With or without Albert, the time has come to publish our paper.
WOLFE (OS) Yes, Doctor. REICH Have the staff prepare the laboratory for the radium experiment.
* * *
WOLFE But Doctor, radium?
* *
REICH It’s the only way to be sure. And come as soon as you can.
* * *
WOLFE (OS) I'll be there momentarily.
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Thank you.
Reich rubs his hands over his head again and stares up at the ceiling, sighing. CUT TO: 22
A small orgone accumulator sits on a table. Reich's closest staff, clad in radiation suits, stand by. Reich, also in a radiation suit, steps up from behind them. Wolfe holds a Geiger Counter. Reich holds a small lead box. REICH I hold in my hands a vial filled with 1 Mg of radium which emits the normal level of 4 Mrem/hour. The vial has been placed inside a lead box of which there is currently no measurement of external radiation. I am now administering the lead shielded vial into a miniature orgone accumulator. Violetta records Reich's dictation in one of his note books while the others watch.
* *
Reich places the lead box into the accumulator and snaps the housing carefully into place. He picks up the accumulator, and turns to a much larger accumulator, standing in a corner. Reich moves slowly towards it. REICH (CONT'D) I am now placing the orgone accumulator, containing the lead shielded vial of 1mg radium, into a larger orgone accumulator. With the help of Hans, he does so. Together they shut and seal the accumulator.
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REICH (CONT'D) Note that this laboratory has been fitted with a metal shielding, itself similar in design to the orgone accumulator. REVEAL: Patches of tin shielding line the wood walls. HANS Doctor, exactly what effect are you expecting? The Assistants, worried, look from one to the other. Wolfe's Geiger Counter is clicking into the red zone. WOLFE Doctor Reich? This is very disconcerting. REICH Doctor Wolfe, you have no need to be alarmed. Reich removes the hood of his radiation suit. REICH (CONT'D) The concentrated orgone will negate the effect of the radiation. Still, there is a general sense of alarm. VIOLETTA But Doctor! The matrix of accumulators has amplified the radiation! Nonsense.
There is a glimmer of magic and madness in his eyes. REICH (CONT'D) Look -- I feel perfectly fine. (beat) Go on, off with the radiation suits! He finishes peeling off his suit and stands proudly in the center of the room as the counter buries itself into the red. CUT TO:
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The sky is growing hazy and dim. Reich's staff exits the building for the night. Sluggishly, they move to their automobiles. Some are nervous, still half-dressed in radiation suits. Everyone's hair is tousled. All of them are strangely quiet. Reich sits at his desk looking sunburnt and tired. He buzzes the intercom. REICH Are you there?
There is no answer...He buzzes again. REICH Are you there???
He stands and walks to his office door. CUT TO: 24
Reich pokes his head outside his office doorway. ...The reception area is empty. Reich steps into the hallway, looking for someone. ...Anyone. REICH Hans? Violetta? There is no one. REICH (CONT'D) Doctor Wolfe? REVEAL: A distraught Violetta stands at the end of the hall.
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VIOLETTA (melancholy) They've gone home for the day, Doctor Reich. (beat) All of them. Her eyes are cast down and she mopes slowly toward the exit. The door shuts softly behind her. CUT TO: 25
Reich sits in near darkness. A patch of stray light crosses his grimly set face.
* *
He has a thermometer in his mouth and a wet cloth on his forehead. Four dark walls enclose him.
* *
REVEAL: Reich stares out from within an Orgone accumulator. He is tired and sickly.
* *
He hears someone pounding on the front door of the Institute. He rousts himself to answer, but has a difficult time rising.
CUT TO: 26
Reich steps out of the accumulator. Slowly he makes his way to the front door.
Outside is a nervous looking MESSENGER with a haphazardly wrapped parcel. He looks uneasily up at the clouds.
* *
MESSENGER Wilhelm Reich? REICH (hesitating) “Doctor” Reich. Yes? MESSENGER “Doctor”. Sorry. This is for you. A special delivery from Professor Albert Einstein. (CONTINUED)
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The Messenger holds out a notice for him to sign. Reich doesn't reach for it. The Messenger produces a pen. MESSENGER (CONT'D) You have to sign, Mr. Reich. REICH Yes. Yes of course. He signs. The messenger places the parcel inside the doorway and backs slowly away. MESSENGER Here you are. Good day to you Doctor. Good day.
Reich shuts the door and stares for a moment at the parcel. CUT TO: 27
Shears tear open the parcel. Reich’s hands pull it open, then reach in.
* *
Inside are splints of wood and tin from accumulator that Reich gave to Einstein. It has been torn to bits.
* *
There is a letter at the bottom of the parcel. Reich opens it and reads:
EINSTEIN (V.O.) Doctor Reich, with great regret I must retract my initial corroboration of your findings. Yours, Albert Einstein. Enraged and exhausted, Reich crumples the letter. All hope drains from his eyes. He lets the crumpled letter fall to the floor. CUT TO:
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Reich, Wolfe, and Hans sit at a table. Violetta, weakly stirring a cup of tea, takes a seat as well. They are all sickly and tired. WOLFE Doctor Reich, the entire facility has become poisoned. Reich holds his head in his hands. REICH I am well aware of this. Hans, seeming uninterested, scribbling on a napkin with a small pencil. WOLFE Many of the staff are sick and have threatened to resign. What should we do, Doctor? REICH Theodore, I do not know. Violetta puts down her tea and looks over at Hans. VIOLETTA Doctor, perhaps if we could construct some sort of device which could remove the phenomenon? Perhaps one which could either create or negate at the flip of a switch.
REICH (perking up) A device? Such as what? Violetta nudges Hans. Hans reveals what he has been sketching on the napkin. It is a crude drawing of a turret-like device. Reich cocks his head, contemplating it. In that moment, Reich formulates a plan. CUT TO:
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A pencil traces along the edge of a drafting ruler. Schematics take shape. Reich compares Hans' rough sketch to the schematics. Violetta takes the measurements of various pieces of tubing. In small print, Hans studiously writes detailed notes. Reich and Wolfe fit a metal tube into a fabricated housing. Finished, they stand back and admire their work. CUT TO: 30
The sky is grim and gray with a tinge of green. Not a single patch of sky is clear. Wolfe, Hans and Violetta wait in a field just outside the Institute. The anticipation is palpable. They watch in awe as the warehouse door slowly lifts. From out of the warehouse rolls a flatbed truck with a peculiar device strapped to the back. The CLOUDBUSTER... ...A dozen metal rods protrude from a large housing set on a turret and base (much like an anti-aircraft weapon)... ...various hand-cranks and levers are situated about to rotate and raise or lower the turret. REICH This way,
Reich guides the truck to the waiting group. Once parked, a ramp is lowered and the Cloudbuster is eased to the ground.
* *
REICH (CONT'D) Carefully, carefully... Once the truck backs away, Reich makes some crucial adjustments to the machine. Everyone watches silently, as he performs these operations. Satisfied, Reich leans back and nods to Violetta.
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In turn, Violetta motions the group to approach to the machine, and passes out goggles.
REICH (CONT'D) Violetta, Hans, if you would... Using a series of hand-cranks, Hans and Violetta rotate the base of the Cloudbuster to a precise position.
Grimly, Reich steps aboard the device and pulls a lever. The metal rods extend out to their fullest length.
* *
* *
On Reich’s command, Hans and Violetta fine tune the position of the machine as Reich take aim at the sky.
* *
Satisfied, Reich nods to Violetta, who in turn nods to the others. Everyone tightly secures their goggles, anxious.
Reich double-checks his goggles and, with a deep breath, throws the main lever. All is silent. Everyone stares at the cloudy sky above.
Nothing happens. Reich adjusts his goggles again, as does everyone else. They all stare upwards, tense. Sweat beads on Reich's brow. VIOLETTA (pointing) There...There! Look!! Very slowly a tiny hole appears in the cloud formation above. All eyes follow her hand upwards as it continues to expand. At first all are astounded, ready to cheer, when Reich calls a halt with a wave of his hand. REICH This is inclusive. Another patch of sky please. Over there. Reich's directions are followed and the Cloudbuster is repositioned. Again, Reich throws the lever, the metal rods extend, and all watch the patch of cloudy sky in anticipation. (CONTINUED)
* *
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REICH (CONT'D) Hold please... Almost imperceptibly, another hole begins to appear in the cloudy sky, causing a faint stir among the observers. Hold...
They crowd stiffens. Suddenly the hole expands, eating away a patch of sky like acid. For the first time in weeks, sunlight bursts through. Reich removes his goggles and leans back against the machine, allowing himself the briefest of smiles. REICH (CONT'D) (to himself) There you have it. Initially everyone holds fast but, at a nod from Violetta, they burst into applause and self-congratulation. Pleased, Reich stares up into the blueish patch of sky, a ray of sunlight streaking across his cheek. CUT TO: 31
The day's experiment is laid out in detailed hand-written notes and charts on Reich's desk. Reich looks up from his work, exhausted but persistent. Wolfe, Hans and Violetta stand nearby, clipboards in hand. Though it is late, everyone's sluggish behavior has abated and the facility has lost it's brackish overtone. VIOLETTA Dr. Reich...
REICH (distracted)
WOLFE Congratulations, Doctor, it was a success.
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REICH Of course it was, thank you all. But in keeping with accepted scientific method the experiment must be replicated in order for proof to even be suggested. HANS But surely you would not risk contaminating the area again? REICH Of course not... but more proof is needed. (rising) Can any of you produce a positive scenario wherein the Cloudbuster could prove useful in the public realm? Wolfe, Hans and Violetta look at one another, searching for an answer. After an uneasy pause Violetta steps forward. VIOLETTA The implications are enormous, Doctor. What if we could reverse the flow of your device, and shoot orgone directly into concentrated areas of the atmosphere? Weather modification is one possible application.
* * *
REICH Terraforming?
* *
* *
REICH Please continue...I'm interested.
* *
Violetta smiles and produces a sheaf of notes. A smile slowly spreads across Reich’s normally grim face. CUT TO: 32
A group of uncomprehending FARMERS gawk as Reich and his Assistants set up the device in the middle of a field. It is apparent that there has been a drought. Most of the crops have withered. (CONTINUED)
* *
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Again, goggles are passed out and everyone stares at the sky, waiting for some activity as Reich and Wolfe man the machine. Hans and Violetta carefully place a series of collection buckets on the ground. FARMER This is horse manure. FARMER #2 I heard he was some kind of a sex doctor. There are accenting nods from the other Farmers; They aren't buying it. It is clear this is simply a curiosity to them. VIOLETTA Please, some patience. Reich pulls the lever, and the metal rods extend from the Cloudbuster. Patiently, he waits for something to happen. Overhead, a small cloud slowly appears and begins to grow, to the Farmer's amazement. After a moment, the cloud has increased in size several fold, and begins to darken. Reich and Wolfe grin as the first few drops of rain fall. Then the cloud bursts, and there is a brief downpour.
REICH Well now, what do you Gentlemen think of that? FARMER (under his breath) Horse manure Truly curious now, the Farmers circle the Cloudbuster, examining it closely. Hans and Violetta stand a little closer to one another as they watch the rain continue to patter into their buckets. CUT TO: 33
Hans stands behind Violetta as she tests the chemistry of the rainfall. He checks off the data as she reads it to him.
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VIOLETTA Oxygen content - .017 Ppm. Normal. Nitrogen - .023 Ppm. Hydrogen .112 Ppm. HANS It is chemically identical to water. VIOLETTA It should prove very beneficial to vegetation. HANS Yes, I believe it certainly should. Hans moves closer to Violetta, watching her work. Violetta?
VIOLETTA (absorbed) Hmmm? HANS Violetta? May I kiss you? Surprised, she turns around to face him. VIOLETTA Hmm. I don't see why you shouldn't. Awkwardly, he leans over and kisses her in a slightly less than clinical fashion. He looks at her and tries again, this time for real. Pulling back he looks at her closely. HANS Were you gratified? VIOLETTA Yes, yes, I believe I was. Smirking, she returns to the work at hand. CUT TO: 34
Reich sits at the Cloudbuster, pointing it at the heavens. Tenderly he fiddles with the various knobs and levers. (CONTINUED)
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Satisfied, he steps away from the machine and stares up into the night sky. Above, the stars glimmer. Then suddenly a star shifts. Reich stares, curious...Perhaps it's a meteor or a plane. Slowly, it crawls across the sky and, as he watches, it shifts direction and begins a path towards the Institute. Directly over the institute now, the pinprick spark of light hovers. Reich puzzles over it. Abruptly, it switches direction. It certainly doesn't move like any type of craft that he has ever seen. Reich stares after as it steadily drifts away into the night. He makes a peculiar face, wondering what it was. CUT TO: 35
Reich sits at his desk, pouring over a mass of books and papers. Wolfe knocks and enters. In front of him is a glass full of thermometers and behind him is a Geiger counter making occasional clicks. WOLFE Doctor Reich? I have the latest data from yesterday's experiment. Reich is not listening. WOLFE (CONT'D) Doctor Reich? Wolfe moves closer to the desk. It is littered with books on UFO's. The metal square is now an intricate web of string and knots with a hollow area in the centre. REICH I'm sorry Doctor. I'm just doing some side research. What were you saying? WOLFE I am told that the precipitation we induced yesterday could prove very beneficial for the growth of vegetative life-forms. (CONTINUED)
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REICH As I suspected. Concentrated orgone at the atmospheric level would have the same effect on vegetation as the accumulators do on humans. Very good. Wolfe picks up one of the books and peruses it. WOLFE UFO's, Doctor Reich? How does this constitute side research? Reich rubs his face -- he's obviously been up all night. REICH I saw something odd last night. Odd?
REICH I was making an adjustment to the Cloudbuster mechanisms before retiring and, an object appeared overhead. DR. WOLFE What sort of object? REICH I'm not certain. It hovered above the institute for some time. I believe it was observing us. (beat) Perhaps these alien craft are attracted by the abundance of orgone in this area. Wolfe raises an eyebrow and nods thoughtfully. There is a knock and they turn as Violetta cracks open the door. Her face is white and her eyes are frightened. REICH (CONT'D) Yes Violetta? What is the matter.
VIOLETTA Come quick Doctor, please. There appears to be some trouble. Reich and Wolfe look at one another quizzically, then rush out after her. CUT TO:
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Police cars and black government vehicles approach.
* *
It is virtual parade of law of enforcement. In the lead car sit FDA Agents Wood and Burrough. CUT TO: 37
Hans, and other staff members gather at the entrance, anticipating the approaching lawmen. Police cars pull into the parking lot. Agent Wood steps out of his black town car and approaches, holding an official document. AGENT WOOD Doctor Reich? Where is Doctor Wilhelm Reich? Reich steps up from behind his staff. REICH I am here, Agent Wood. He gestures to the dozen or so vehicles. REICH (CONT'D) Is all this really necessary? AGENT WOOD Doctor, I hold in my hands an injunction issued today by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Reich takes the document from Wood and begins to review it. Violetta hands him a pair of eyeglasses. Thank you.
VIOLETTA You’re welcome.
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AGENT WOOD The injunction specifically forbids the further distribution, sale, or rental of your orgone accumulating devices. AGENT BURROUGH Additionally, the injunction forbids any further study regarding the orgone energy phenomenon. Reich looks up from the document and narrows his eyes. REICH You have no authority to deny me the right to conduct scientific research. AGENT WOOD As you'll note in the document, item 4B, article 7 -- the injunction calls for all literature concerning orgone to be immediately destroyed, and all scientific equipment to be confiscated. Wood turns back to the dozen US MARSHALS behind him. AGENT WOOD (CONT'D) (to the marshals) Gentlemen. He motions with his head. The US marshals enter the facility. REICH This is an outrage! AGENT WOOD Doctor, if you refuse to cooperate, or if you violate this injunction, then I will have you arrested. Reich glares, speechless. Wolfe tries to calm him. WOLFE We'll take this matter up in court, Doctor. Hans and Violette step up.
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VIOLETTA Come Doctor. Come.
Together with Wolfe, slowly they lead Reich away. CUT TO: 38
The Marshalls search Reich's facility. Gloved hands rifle through filing cabinets. Folders and papers are flung into boxes. Books and literature are dumped onto the floor. A sledgehammer shatters a glass case. Medical equipment is tossed into evidence bags. Two Agents pass, carrying an orgone accumulator. CUT TO: 39
Reich sits at his desk, agitated, as Agent Burrough sifts through his books and files. Agent Wood studies notes and writings that are tacked to a wall: "Planetary emergency" "Deadly orgone" "Alien threat".
He uncovers a schematic of a cloudbuster and curiously traces the drawing with his finger.
* *
REICH This is preposterous. WOOD Doctor, we are merely trying to protect the American public from charlatans. REICH I will not stand for this! About to reply, Woods turns to Burrough who is staring out the picture window. (CONTINUED)
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Outside, the Cloudbuster is being wheeled out of the barn by the Marshals.
BURROUGH In the name of God, what is that? REICH That, sir, is not for you!
* * CUT TO:
A bonfire rages on the property behind Reich's facility. Marshals add books and papers to the fire. Agents place the Cloudbuster into the back of a truck. The truck drives away. In the distance, Marshals hack and saw at accumulators. Agents Wood and Burrough proudly admire the scene. Marshals approach, carrying the remains of an accumulator. They feed it to the fire. Far away, Reich stands with Wolfe and his staff. They watch on, stunned and horrified. REICH How did it come to this? (exhausted) Pack my things. I am leaving.
* *
With a deep breath, he turns about face and marches away.
Wolfe chases after.
WOLFE But Doctor! REICH There is a place I know, Doctor Wolfe, away from these distractions. A perfect candidate for our experiments.
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WOLFE Where is this place, Doctor? Doctor?
* * CUT TO:
SUPER: “New Mexico”
Towering red mesas rise from the wasteland, holding up a vast, clear blue sky. A desolate wind blows.
* *
Reich and Wolfe stand motionless in the sprawling nothingness. They admire the surroundings.
* *
REICH How long will it be?
* *
WOLFE A week. No less.
* *
REICH I'm anxious to begin. You're overseeing the construction, I assume?
* * * *
* *
REICH And the contractor. Can he be trusted?
* * *
WOLFE I believe so, yes.
* *
REICH This will be to my revised specification?
* * *
WOLFE Yes, we're working from your latest schematic.
* * *
REICH How is it to be transported here?
* *
WOLFE The Cloudbuster is to be fabricated in pieces, Doctor, in Oregon.
* * *
REICH I see. Appropriate.
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WOLFE There will be no problem moving it undetected, Doctor.
* * *
REICH And the staff?
* *
WOLFE Key members of the staff have agreed to your offer. They'll be arriving in a matter of days.
* * * *
Reich nods.
REICH They will need lodging and nourishment.
* * *
WOLFE I'll see to everything, Doctor.
* * CUT TO:
* 42
In a desolate valley, two run down mobile homes have been temporarily situated near a large metal shed.
* *
CUT TO: 43
* 43
Reich sits at a cramped desk, sipping stale coffee and pouring over some paperwork.
Finished, he puts down the work, rises, and exits the trailer.
* *
CUT TO: 44
* 44
Violetta, pregnant, sits outside on a porch string. Seeing Reich, she rubs her stomach and smiles. Doctor. Violetta.
* * *
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He walks past, towards the shed, where he stops and peers in through the large open door.
* *
Inside, Wolfe and Hans tend to the nearly completed Cloudbuster, welding parts together.
* *
REICH (cont’d) Doctor, how much longer will it be?
* *
Wolfe stands with confidence and walks over to Reich.
WOLFE Not long. There was a problem with the rig assembly but I believe we’re past that now. Perhaps we shall even roll it out tonight.
* * * * *
There is a glimmer of hope in Reich’s eye.
The familiar group is assembled around the Cloudbuster, goggles in place, staring up into the sky. Reich works the controls with Wolfe at his side and powers it up to full. It runs for several minutes. Reverse.
Wolfe works the appropriate mechanism. They all watch the sky intently. REICH Power down.
* *
Wolfe nods and performs as requested. REICH Nothing. Except...
* *
Over the distant horizon, a glowing light appears and slowly makes it's way in their direction.
* *
Everyone present is fascinated. Violetta and Hans move closer to one another. As the object nears, Reich nudges Wolfe.
* *
REICH (CONT'D) Full power reverse. Direct. Wolfe turns spins the cranks and the turret retracts. Reich tries to keep the object in the cloudbuster’s sights. (CONTINUED)
* *
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Nearly over them now, the object falters and dims, stopping in it's flight path, and begins to slip from the sky.
* *
WOLFE Should we continue? REICH No. Power down. Once the cloudbuster has been off for several moments the object regains brightness and jets off into the distance. The object gone, everyone turns to look at Reich. He grimaces into space, allowing himself the briefest of smiles. CUT TO: 46
Reich sits at his small cluttered desk, composing a letter on his finest stationary.
* *
Over his shoulder are handwritten details about the cloudbuster, orgone, and sketches and diagrams of UFOs.
* *
Finished, his letter is several pages long. Reich looks at it, proof-reads it and nods approvingly.
He folds it in thirds, and places it in an envelope. Satisfied, he rises from his desk and exits the trailer.
* *
REICH Doctor Wolfe? CUT TO: 47
* 47
Wolfe is conferring with Hans and Violetta. Hearing Reich, he excuses himself. WOLFE Yes, Doctor Reich? Reich holds the letter out to him. REICH I believe that this might help our cause. Please place this in the post this afternoon. Wolfe looks curiously at the envelope. (CONTINUED)
* *
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WOLFE Are you certain? REICH Yes. We need verification, and I believe this proof can only come from the proper authorities. It could only help. DR. WOLFE But we don't know that these...these... craft are extraterrestrial in nature. Perhaps they are just some phenomenon brought on by the massive amounts of orgone... REICH No, it appears that these beings power their crafts with an extremely refined form of orgone energy. Since we're the first humans to have utilized this same energy, and it appears that they are conducting their own investigation...on us. WOLFE Doctor, I don't know if this is wise at this stage. REICH Doctor Wolfe, the earth is under attack and we might posses the only defensive method available against these beings. The authorities must be notified. DR. WOLFE I just don't know if... REICH Doctor...I know what I'm doing. Wolfe looks closely at Reich. DR. WOLFE Of course Doctor. I'll see to it immediately.
REICH Thank you Doctor. As Reich turns back to his trailer, Wolfe takes another wary look at the letter. (CONTINUED)
* *
BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 60. 47
In Reich’s meticulous handwriting, the letter has been addressed to The United States Air Force Central Air Command. SMASH CUT TO: 48
* * *
An official United States Air Force sedan drives onto the property, kicking up a dust storm in its wake.
* *
MISTER FELL, an anonymous looking man flanked by two uniformed AIR FORCE CAPTAINS, steps out of the vehicle.
With confidence, Fell walks up to Violetta, who sits outside. He holds a folder and Reich's letter in his hands.
* *
He grins a broad, toothy smile of which the Cheshire Cat would be envious. MISTER FELL I’m here to see a Doctor Wilhelm Reich?
* * * CUT TO:
Mister Fell and his entourage stand across from Reich in the cramped trailer.
* *
FELL This is very interesting Doctor Reich. REICH More than interesting, or else you wouldn't be here. FELL True. We believe your research to be worthy of further investigation as well. REICH I had hoped you would think so. What I have discovered could change the course of the world. Even save it perhaps. CAPTAIN From the extraterrestrials?
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REICH In one respect, yes. FELL Are you absolutely certain that these lights are of an otherworldly origin? REICH Where else could they have come from? The Air Force Captains look at one another. Fell examines some paperwork from his file. FELL This radiation... Orgone.
FELL claim that it is the same universal energy source that powers these crafts and that you have constructed a device which emulates this same power. REICH Emulates and amplifies, which is why they are attracted to my device. The orgone energy also creates rain. FELL Interesting. REICH And cures erectile disfunction. I see.
REICH And reverses some cancers. FELL Hmmm. Well, this "Cloudbuster" you have you have any schematics or information you could give us?
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REICH Oh no, I'm sorry, no. I cannot release any detailed information until more research is conducted. You see, I merely wanted to warn you. FELL We understand. Thank you for your time, Doctor Reich. Reich rises and extends his hand. Fell shakes it and the Captains tip their hats. REICH My pleasure, Mister...? FELL Fell. Mister Fell. He grins again, so broadly that Reich is taken aback momentarily. CUT TO: 50
Hans and Violetta search the clear and starlit desert sky with binoculars.
HANS I believe I have one, Doctor. Reich looks in the direction Hans points to. Sure enough, the star is moving. He makes a note in his journal. REICH Excellent. Prepare to reverse. Wolfe swings the cloudbuster in the direction of the approaching craft.
VIOLETTA Doctor, from the South. They watch as two more objects bear towards them from the opposite direction. REICH My suspicions are correct. We are being observed. Hans, reverse.
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Hans throws the Cloudbuster into reverse and the turrets retract.
* *
They hold their breath as the first UFO dims and changes direction. VIOLETTA Doctor, there has been a sudden shift in the relative humidity.
* * *
REICH Fascinating.
* *
The other two UFOs are now overhead. Reich swings the device in their direction as they both converge in his line of site. Again!
* * * *
Just then, as Hans retracts the turret, there is an ear piercing thunder burst and downpour of rain.
* *
Violetta passes each of them an umbrella. They stand proudly staring up at the sky. The UFOs are gone.
* *
Meanwhile, atop a distant hill behind them, two men in suits run across the horizon, newspapers held over their heads.
* *
CUT TO: 51
Wolfe's automobile parks in front of an Air Force Base. Wolfe and Reich, each carrying a briefcase, enter the facility.
* *
CUT TO: 52
Wolfe approaches a SECURITY GUARD at the front desk. He is talking with the RECEPTIONIST. WOLFE Good afternoon, this is Doctor Reich and I am his assistant Doctor Wolfe.
GUARD I'm familiar with your work, sir. In fact my father has one of your devices, which he sits inside for hours each day. He says it helps him with his arthritis. (CONTINUED)
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Reich and Wolfe look at one another. Arthritis?
REICH I never thought of that. Interesting. Indeed.
RECEPTIONIST What can we do for you, Doctor? REICH (confidentially) We're here to see a "Mister Fell". We have important information for him. The Guard checks his register. GUARD I don't believe that we have a "Fell" on the base. No. We have a "Fallon", not a "Fell". REICH Are you certain? I met with him recently. He works in Project Bluebook I assume? GUARD Bluebook? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Doctor. REICH Your UFO investigative branch. He must have this information immediately. The fate of the world may be at stake. The Guard looks at the two of them queerly. RECEPTIONIST I thought you were trying to cure erectile disfunction. The Guard gives the Receptionist a sharp look. Reich and Wolfe look at one another, puzzled. We have.
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The Guard nods. GUARD Well, I suppose you should see someone, at the least. REICH Yes, I believe we should. CUT TO: 53
A uniformed AIR FORCE OFFICER sits at a neat and orderly desk with a concerned look on his face. Reich and Wolfe sit across from the Officer, having just explained the situation to him. The Officer nods and looks back and forth between them both. He picks up several papers from a file Reich has brought. OFFICER You're serious? Very.
The Officer looks at the papers for another moment, then back up at Reich. OFFICER And these beings use a form of your "Orgone" to power their craft? REICH Which is why they're attracted to my device. OFFICER Which can fend them off. REICH Perhaps even disable them, if the power were amplified. OFFICER Which you have nearly done on these dates.
BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 66. 53
Earth is You must Bluebook urgent I
REICH under attack Lieutenant. contact Mister Fell at and tell him that it's speak to him in person.
OFFICER I see. (rising) Well gentlemen, I’m afraid I cannot help you. I have some business to attend to, so if you'll excuse me... Reich rises as well and gathers his file. REICH Thank you. I can be reached through my office. I'll be expecting your call.
CLERK Thank you, Gentlemen. Thank you.
Reich and Wolfe exit. CUT TO: 54
As they exit the building, Reich and Wolfe pause in the doorway. REICH Do you think we made an impression? WOLFE Yes, I do believe we did.
INT. NEW MEXICO AIR FORCE BASE -- OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS The Officer sits back down at his desk and picks up the phone. OFFICER Get me Fell. CUT TO:
BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 67.
The telephone rings loudly. After several rings, Reich leans over and answers. Yes?
ANONYMOUS CALLER Doctor Reich? REICH Yes, this is Doctor Reich. ANONYMOUS CALLER Doctor Wilhelm Reich? REICH Yes. Who is this? There is an ominous pause then a click, and the line is dead. Sighing, Reich hangs up the phone. A moment later, it rings again. He answers quickly, frustrated. REICH (cont’d) Who is this? He hears several muffled voices talking in the background. REICH(cont’d) Listen, have some decency, please! He slams the phone down on the receiver. Just then, there is a brief knocking on the door and Wolfe enters.
* *
Reich immediately holds his fingers up to his lips, indicating silence. Wolfe looks at him curiously.
* *
He takes Wolfe by the arm and curtly leads him out of the trailer.
* *
CUT TO: 57
* 57
Reich hurries Wolfe to Wolfe’s car out front. Silently, they get inside. Wolfe starts the car and they drive away.
* *
BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 68.
The WAITRESS places cups of coffee in front of them and walks off. Reich leans over the table and speaks in a low tone.
REICH They know, Theodore. They know. WOLFE We all suspect as much. REICH The compound may be bugged. Perhaps even your car. WOLFE Perhaps we should consider relocating south of the border, Wilhelm. REICH No. Our work here in New Mexico is too crucial. (beat) Doctor Wolfe, we must conduct all future discourse in the most confidential manner.
WOLFE Of course, Doctor. The Waitress comes back with plates of bacon and eggs for them both. WOLFE (cont’d) What do you propose we do? REICH Continue as usual, of course. But with discretion.
* *
WOLFE But our security has been compromised. REICH For the sake of the world, Doctor, simply, we must. CUT TO:
BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 69.
Reich supervises as Wolfe searches their car for hidden microphones.
Opening the car door, Wolfe frowns as he notices scratches around the keyhole.
* *
Feeling underneath the dashboard, he discovers a tiny electronic device. With a sigh he removes it.
* *
REVEAL: A condenser microphone. Wolfe steps out of the car and holds it up for Reich to see.
* *
REICH Is that what I think it is, Doctor? Wolfe drops the device onto the pavement, and crushes it with his foot. WOLFE It is as we suspected, Doctor Reich. Reich turns and glances around suspiciously. CUT TO: 60
Intently Wolfe races along the dusty desert pavement. Reich watches in the rearview mirror. REICH We're being followed. Wolfe turns his head, trying to see. WOLFE By whom? Where? REICH Watch the road, Doctor. Here, turn here! Wolfe makes a quick left turn and nearly crashes into an oncoming car. REICH(cont’d) Be careful, Theodore! (CONTINUED)
* *
BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 70. 60
WOLFE I'm sorry, Doctor. Reich squints into the rear view mirror. In the distance, he sees a suspicious car following. REICH Here it is again. Determined, Wolfe makes an evasive maneuver onto a side road. In their wake, a cloud of dust obscures the highway. CUT TO: 61
Reich and Wolfe park on the side of the road. They step out of the car. Reich looks down the road in each direction. REICH I don't see them. WOLFE Surely, we have shaken them, Doctor. Reich nods to himself. From the east there is suddenly a loud thunder clap.
In the far away distance, there is a rain storm.
Wide eyed, they turn to look at one another.
Hurriedly, they get back in the car and speed off.
Wolfe’s automobile swerves to a stop outside the compound, where Hans and Violetta stand at the cloudbuster.
* *
Rain falls from the sky and collects in buckets. Reich hurries from the car with Wolfe following close behind.
* *
REICH What are you doing? Get it inside!
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Violetta, holding her pregnant belly for protection, bounces up and down excitedly. VIOLETTA Doctor! It’s raining!
* *
REICH Get it in the shed! They’ll see! They’ll see!
* * * CUT TO:
* *
* 63
There is a pounding at the door. Slowly, Reich shuffles from his desk to the door. Before opening it, he peers through the keyhole. Outside stand two FEDERAL MARSHALS. MARSHAL Wilhelm Reich? Reich turns quickly away, thoughts racing through his head.
Again, there is a loud knocking at the door.
Cursing under his breath, Reich unlocks the dead bolt.
The door opens. In unison, the Marshals nod their heads.
MARSHAL Wilhelm Reich?
Reich stares him in the eye. Doctor.
MARSHAL We have a warrant for your arrest. REICH May I see the warrant, sir? MARSHAL (handing it to him) Yes, sir, you may. Reich looks it over.
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MARSHAL (CONT'D) (cont’d) You are wanted for contempt of court, in regards to an injunction issued by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Reich nods to himself as the rage boils up inside him. MARSHAL (CONT'D) (cont’d) (matter-of-factly) Sir, you'll need to come with us. CUT TO: 64
A patch of stray light crosses Reich’s grim face as he stares out from the darkness. A moist towel rests on his forehead. REVEAL:
Reich’s familiar lab coat has been replaced with gray prison garb. Prison bars clang shut, sealing him in his cell. CUT TO: 65
* *
PRISON GUARDS lead Reich inside. Wolfe stands to greet him. WOLFE Doctor, may I introduce your attorney, David Greenaway. GREENAWAY, who sits at a table, stands and offers his hand. GREENAWAY Doctor Reich. David Greenaway. REICH I have no need for counsel, Mr. Greenaway. WOLFE But Doctor, Mr. Greenaway has offered his services pro bono. REICH I intend to represent myself in this matter, thank you. (CONTINUED)
* *
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GREENAWAY That is certainly your right, Doctor, but not a decision that I recommend. WOLFE But Mr. Greenaway is a respected attorney, Doctor! REICH Mr. Greenaway, thank you for your generous offer, but you are dismissed. GREENAWAY Very well, Doctor. He collects his things. GREENAWAY (CONT'D) If you should change your mind, I can be reached through my office. GREENAWAY (CONT'D) Good day. (to the guard) Good day. He exits. Wolfe turns to Reich, confidentially, and speaks in hushed tones. WOLFE Doctor, how dare you. What an embarrassment. REICH Doctor, new information has come to light regarding the conspiracy to suppress my work. (beat) The Brady woman? Who wrote the New Republic article? She's a communist. She testified at the hearings. Reich leads Wolfe towards a secluded corner of the room. REICH (CONT'D) The McCarthy hearings. Monday, The Post, page 9. WOLFE Unbelievable.
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REICH Several ranking officials in the Food and Drug Administration have been implemented as well. WOLFE You think that the communists are acting to suppress your discoveries? REICH Admittedly we'll require more substantial proof. WOLFE Doctor Reich? Is this to be the basis of your defense? REICH Yes, Doctor, I do believe it is. CUT TO: 66
Establishing. CUT TO: 67
A Bailiff seats the JURY. Reich, in his familiar lab coat, nods at them amicably. COURT CLERK Case number HZ3112ZA, The United States versus Wilhelm Reich. The honorable Judge Sweeny presiding. Please stand. JUDGE SWEENY enters the courtroom. He is a round-faced man, quick-minded and impatient. JUDGE SWEENY Be seated. Wilhelm Reich, how do you plead in the case brought forth, criminal contempt of court, specifically of one injunction article US57B issued by the Federal Food and Drug Administration. (CONTINUED)
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Reich stands. REICH Not guilty, your honor. JUDGE SWEENY Very well. Mister MacQuire, is the prosection ready to proceed? The prosector, MACQUIRE, stands. MACQUIRE Yes, your honor. JUDGE SWEENY I will hear your opening argument, sir. MACQUIRE Your honor, and ladies and gentleman of the jury, the case at hand concerns an injunction issued by the United States Food and Drug Administration, that strictly forbid the production and marketing of a medical device invented by Doctor Wilhelm Reich. The issues surrounding the injunction itself are not on trial today. The charges brought before you assert that Doctor Reich knowingly and repeatedly violated the injunction, and so is guilty of contempt. Thank you. Thank you your honor. The prosecutor sits. Reich delivers his opening remarks. REICH Your honor, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Doctor Wilhelm Reich, and I stand before you today, a persecuted man. Awkwardly, he approaches the jury. REICH(CONT'D) I will prove to you in our discourse today of a conspiracy -Judge Sweeny cuts him off.
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JUDGE SWEENY Doctor Reich, this is irrelevant to the case at hand. Please limit your remarks to the issue of proving that you are not guilty of committing contempt. Reich is confused. REICH Your honor, these broader issues are paramount to my case. I am pleading innocent on higher grounds, that the injunction was unconstitutional and unfairly brought in the first place! Judge Sweeny narrows his eyes. JUDGE SWEENY The prosecution will call its first witness. MACQUIRE The prosecution calls Violetta Dolfgren. She takes the stand. MACQUIRE (CONT'D) Miss Dolfgren, you assisted Doctor Reich in his practice for several years. VIOLETTA That is correct. MACQUIRE You are familiar with his literature. Yes? Yes.
MACQUIRE Are you familiar with a catalogue, published by Doctor Reich and his organization, on July 17th of this year, advertising an orgone energy accumulating device? VIOLETTA I am not aware of any publication by Doctor Reich which advertises the device. (CONTINUED)
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MACQUIRE Are you familiar with the injunction issued by the Food and Drug Administration specifically forbidding production and sale of orgone accumulators, and the distribution of orgone related documentation? VIOLETTA That is correct. MACQUIRE You do not deny being aware of the injunction. VIOLETTA I do not deny it. MACQUIRE And Doctor Reich. Was he aware of the injunction? REICH I object your honor. JUDGE SWEENY On what grounds, Doctor? Reich is stumped. He's not an attorney and he's in over his head. JUDGE SWEENY (CONT'D) Doctor Reich, you are out of order, sir. The witness will answer. Was the Doctor aware of the injunction? VIOLETTA Sir, I do believe he was. MACQUIRE Thank you. Thank you, your Honor. Reich stands and approaches the witness. REICH Miss, would you please inform the jury what the money from the sale and rental of orgone accumulators was used for? VIOLETTA (addressing the jury) To further Doctor Reich's important research. (CONTINUED)
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REICH This was a not-for-profit endeavor? VIOLETTA Yes, Doctor. MACQUIRE Objection, your honor. Doctor Reich's intentions are not on trial today. REICH I have no more questions for the witness, your honor. (to Violetta) Thank you. Your testimony has been most beneficial. Violetta steps down from the stand. MACQUIRE Your honor, the defense calls Jefferson Scottsdale to the stand. The bailiff opens the door to the courtroom. SCOTTSDALE, a sickly, neurotic looking man, enters and takes the stand. MACQUIRE (CONT'D) Mr. Scottsdale, have you ever used an orgone accumulator? SCOTTSDALE Yes sir, I have. MACQUIRE And on how many occasions have you used an accumulator? SCOTTSDALE I'd say two, three hundred times. MACQUIRE When was the most recent time that used an accumulator, Mr. Scottsdale? SCOTTSDALE Earlier today sir, before coming to court. Reich turns to Wolfe behind him and they share a grimace.
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MACQUIRE Do you own or rent an orgone accumulator, sir? Rent, sir.
MACQUIRE And when was your most recent payment, sir, for rental of the aforesaid device? SCOTTSDALE My payments are made monthly, sir, to Doctor Reich's institute. Macquire turns to the jury. MACQUIRE Have you made a payment since April 15th? SCOTTSDALE Yes sir, several payments since. MACQUIRE Thank you, sir. Reich stands and addresses the witness. REICH Mr. Scottsdale, you claim to have been treated several hundred times with orgone therapy. SCOTTSDALE Yes, Doctor. REICH Do you feel that the accumulator has helped or hindered your well being? SCOTTSDALE I do believe it has helped, sir. MACQUIRE Objection, your honor. JUDGE SWEENY Sustained. It shall be stricken from the record. REICH But your honor -(CONTINUED)
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JUDGE SWEENY Doctor Reich, I will see you in my chambers. CUT TO: 68
Reich and MacQuire follow Judge Sweeny into his chambers. JUDGE SWEENY Doctor Reich, I can not allow this. REICH But your honor, this is my case! JUDGE SWEENY The case at hand is whether or not you violated the injunction. The validity of the injunction itself is not on trial today. REICH But I do not contest the fact that I violated the injunction, I am contesting the injunction itself! Judge Sweeny takes a seat. JUDGE SWEENY Doctor, I must admit, I'm fond of you. I respect your passion, your ideals. I will allow you a certain latitude during your closing remarks, but I will not have witnesses cross-examined to this regard! Do we have an understanding, Doctor? CUT TO: 69
MacQuire stands. MACQUIRE The prosecution calls Doctor Theodore Wolfe. Wolfe takes the stand and is sworn in by the bailiff.
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BALIFF Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so swear you? I do.
Macquire approaches. MACQUIRE Doctor Wolfe, you have been a colleague of Doctor Reich's since... 1944.
MACQUIRE And you were aware of his research prior to that time, yes? WOLFE Yes, I have followed the work of Doctor Reich since his tenure at the University of Vienna, under Sigmund Freud. MACQUIRE You work with Doctor Reich at his science laboratory...a facility called Orgonon, yes. WOLFE Yes, that is correct. MACQUIRE Doctor Wolfe, you've heard the testimony here today. Do you concur, that Wilhelm Reich knowingly violated the injunction as set forth by the government?
WOLFE Sir, during the past several months, Doctor Reich, his staff, their families, and myself have been harassed repeatedly by an unknown party-MACQUIRE Your honor, please direct the witness to answer the question.
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JUDGE SWEENY The witness will answer. WOLFE --there have been threatening telephone calls--
MACQUIRE The question is withdrawn, your honor. WOLFE -- microphones have been found in the dashboards of our cars, people watching our every move -MACQUIRE The question is withdrawn! Beat. MACQUIRE (CONT'D) That is all, your honor. JUDGE SWEENY Mister Wolfe, I will only warn you this one last time. (beat) The defense may question the witness. Reich stands. REICH Doctor Wolfe. Have you personally encountered alien spacecraft? JUDGE SWEENY That will be quite enough, Doctor Reich. REICH Are you aware of a conspiracy to discredit my findings and peg me as a lunatic? MACQUIRE Objection, your honor. JUDGE SWEENY Doctor Reich. Please!
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WOLFE --Ladies and gentlemen, powerful forces have conspired to prevent Doctor Reich from continuing his work -MACQUIRE Your honor! JUDGE SWEENY Mister Wolfe, you are out of order! WOLFE -- The United States Air Force, The Food and Drug Administration -Bailiff!
WOLFE -- Mildred Brady -- communists -Baliff!!!
The bailiff forcibly removes Wolfe from the courtroom. WOLFE (trailing off) Foreign powers, fascists... The courtroom door slams shut. Wolfe is gone. Reich gloats and fondles a thermometer. REICH The defense rests your honor. JUDGE SWEENY The court will now hear your closing remarks. MacQuire stands and addresses the jury. He holds his arms out to them.
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MACQUIRE Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, Wilhelm Reich and his associates admit to being aware of the injunction imparted by the FDA, and we have exhibited unchallenged proof that Doctor Reich's organization continued to rent and sell accumulators, and deal in matters concerning the so called orgone rays, even at a time when Doctor Reich and his associates were well aware of the injunction. Therefore, regardless of how you feel about Doctor Reich, or his conspiracy theories, by the letter of the law, you must find him guilty of contempt. He turns back to Judge Sweeny. MACQUIRE (CONT'D) Your honor, the State rests. JUDGE SWEENY Thank you, Mr. MacQuire. MACQUIRE Thank you, your honor. JUDGE SWEENY Thank you. Doctor Reich? Thoughtfully, Reich stands. REICH Your honor. Ladies and Gentleman. A matter of infinite importance is pending. If you find me guilty of contempt, you will deprive the world at large of my discoveries. He clears his throat. The look in his eyes is impassioned. REICH (CONT'D) If you convict me, I will be imprisoned, and mankind will perish in an impending planetary emergency. Your fate is in the hands of communists and treasonous psychopaths. Tears boil in his eyes. (CONTINUED)
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REICH (CONT'D) I am not a criminal. And I am neither a charlatan nor a quack. Beat. REICH (CONT'D) Your honor. JUDGE SWEENY Doctor Reich. REICH I rest my case, your honor. JUDGE SWEENY Thank you, Doctor Reich. Thank you.
Wolfe, and Violetta meander about the courthouse. Trailing behind, Hans carries a newborn baby. The bailiff approaches. BAILIFF The jury's in. Court will resume in five minutes. Thank you.
The energy in the courtroom is palpable. JUDGE SWEENY Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict? The jury foreman stands, adjusting his horn-rimmed glasses. JURY FOREMAN Yes, your honor. (CONTINUED)
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The bailiff approaches the foreman. After a moment he returns the verdict to the judge. The judge puts on a pair of spectacles and opens the verdict. JUDGE SWEENY On the count of criminal contempt of court, regarding an injunction brought forth by the United States Food and Drug Administration, how say you? JURY FOREMAN Your honor, we find the defendant guilty. Reich is stunned. All hope melts away. Violetta is heartbroken. JUDGE SWEENY Doctor Reich, would you care to address the court prior to your sentencing? REICH (his voice almost gone) Your honor. (he address the courtroom) Perhaps, someday, you will finally understand. JUDGE SWEENY Doctor Reich, in accordance with the terms set forth by the laws of the state of Maine-Jurors stare on. JUDGE SWEENY (CONT'D) --and in light of your remorseless demeanor, but also in consideration of the scientific community-Reich narrows his eyes. JUDGE SWEENY (CONT'D) I sentence you to two years in prison. Reich is stunned. (CONTINUED)
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JUDGE SWEENY (CONT'D) Additionally, it is my wish that you shall undergo a psychiatric examination within sixty days, after which a motion for reduction of sentence will be considered. Court is dismissed. The gavel comes down. REICH But your honor, I am not insane! CUT TO: 72
Establishing. CUT TO: 73
Wolfe sits on one side of the glass, Reich on the other. A prison guard stands near Reich. Reich, shackled, hangs his head, defeated. WOLFE Doctor. (beat) We'll appeal of course. The Doctor shows no visible reaction. WOLFE (CONT'D) Doctor, do you understand? REICH I don't want to appeal, Thomas. WOLFE But we must, Doctor, it's an important matter, this. Everything we did. What you discovered. REICH We're fools, you and I. Wolfe,... WOLFE Yes, Wilhem? (CONTINUED)
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REICH Could you get me a thermometer... Their eyes meet -- for only a moment, Wolfe smiles. REICH (CONT'D) All that I have done, and discovered, means nothing anymore. The verdict's in. It's over. WOLFE But Doctor -REICH Thank you for your services, Doctor. You have certainly proven most beneficial to my experiments. Truly, I wish you the best in your future endeavors. The guard motions for Reich to stand. WOLFE That's it then? Reich stands. That's it.
The guard escorts him away. Reich doesn't look back. CUT TO: 74
Washing machines churn. Nearby, Reich stands unloading freshly washed clothing from the machines.
* *
He folds and places shirts in one pile, and pants in another. He finds a stray pair of underwear and smells it curiously.
* *
A guard watches and, disgusted, turns away as Reich holds the underwear to the light, examining the threading.
* *
CUT TO: 75
* 75
Reich pushes a laundry basket down the service hallway. His movements are slow, forced. (CONTINUED)
* * *
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He is growing sick, weak. He stops to catch his breath. He is ruined, and heartbroken. CUT TO: 76
* * *
Clothes lines and wet laundry are strung throughout Reich’s compound of mobile homes.
* *
Hans and Violetta stand outside by the cloudbuster. Violetta breast feeds while Hans polishes the metal turret.
* *
HANS (tenderly) Violetta. It’s been months.
* * *
He regards the sparse surroundings.
HANS Even Doctor Wolfe has moved on.
* *
She nods solemnly.
VIOLETTA Hans, did you believe?
* *
HANS Did I believe in what?
* *
VIOLETTA Everything. Did you believe Doctor Reich?
* * *
HANS Yes, I do believe did. And you?
* *
VIOLETTA Yes, I believed.
* *
Hans sees the spark in her eye as she contemplates the cloudbuster. CUT TO: Violetta, child in tow, throws the lever, and extends the turret of the cloudbuster. Reverse!
* * * * * * *
The turret retracts with a thunder clap.
BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 90.
Hands fumble with a ring of keys. A key slides into a lock and turns. The guard slides open the door to Reich's cell. GUARD There's a package for you, Reich. REICH (still depressed) Thank you. GUARD Your welcome. Reich takes the package and turns it in his hands. It has been addressed by Violetta, postmarked New Mexico. He opens it to find a photograph that depicts the compound in New Mexico.
* *
The landscape has been terraformed by rainfall and is now ripe with vegetation.
* *
Reich flips the photograph over and reads Violetta’s inscription: “We did it!”.
* *
Bittersweet tears wells up in his eyes. For a moment, he has found happiness.
* *
CUT TO: 78
FADE IN: Reich. Older than his years. A patch of stray light crosses his grimly set face. He does not move, he does not flinch. REVEAL:
The man lies dead in a tin-lined wooden coffin. After a moment, the lid slams shut.
* *
CUT TO: 79
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* 79
Wolfe, Hans, and Violetta encircle Reich's gravesite as his coffin is lower into the ground. (CONTINUED)
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BLUE REVISIONS 4-26-2005 91. 79
WOLFE He will be remembered, when we are long forgotten. HANS Yes. He will, Doctor. VIOLETTA Yes, Doctor, I do believe he will. A thundercloud looms in the far distance. There is a lightning flash. A pitter-patter of rain.
They turn and walk off towards the cloud formation, toward the towering mesas and fresh green pastures.
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SUPER: “The case of Wilhelm Reich is peculiar in that it is the only recorded instance in the history of America wherein the entirety of a scientist's work was systematically and completely destroyed by the State. His life's work languishes in darkness to this day.�
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