July 1917 Dutchess County Draft List

Page 1


TT^ESDAY, JULY 17, 1917.

POUGHKEEPSIE TOWN N IM ER S [ Also FisUdll in This County and New Paltz in Ulster County [w a t c h t h e d r a f t Those liable to draft in the town ■of M&hklll are first on the serial list ■Their names and their serial numpers are: 1. Andrew Groen. 2. James Stark. S. Mack Johnaon. 4. Marshhall Johnson. 5. Samuel H. Scott. 6. Nebraska Parker. 7. Charles Bird, Jr. 8. ‘Honier Morse, nald E. S'paight. I 9. Donald I 10. Dubois Hawks. iis H. ■■ ‘ 11. Dewitt Leslie Morse vi'tt Les H. Draper. 12 ., John ; Fred M. Wood. 1 14. George I. Knapp,

l i e . Stephen Fterjris. 11€. iRoyal 6. Ddell. 1 17. 'Henry F. Hussing. 18. Axel Mortenson. I 19. Clarence H. Baxter M. Mitchell. [ 20.. John . . Earl Hoyt. . IHCerbert €.• Haight. I 23. Milo J. WMte. [ 24. Howard 0. Langdon. I 25. John M. Meekel. 26. i / M. Van Benschoten. [erbert Scholefleld. Blaine. 1 28. Russell A. ©Is ■ 2$. iClaude A. Walker. |3 0 . Walter P. Burroughs, . tPeris J. Scott. ;. 'Ernest B. Walker. ,o«. Elipah D. Smith. 154. ITarold T. Miirdock.


:. iPloj-d Sheeley.

-------White. teS. -Harold M. . Alfred Morse. ; iBledie

fee. Poster Smith. aymond Hoyt, MO. Kaymond Ho; Moshler. hn A. Moshler Chester Way. f 43. 'Robert Ross, Jr; 1 44. Kelien Hain. lUkoze: 45. Vincent Lukozenes. f 46. Howard. PWll Phillips. 47. Robert R. Barber. 48. Rlcbard. D. Snook. 49. William G. Andrus. 50. Le^is A. Wilson. 51. John J. Wesley. 52. Patrick Flynn. 63. William G. Meier. 54. Jesse E. Slater. 55. John Newbardt. 56. Ralph Chase. 57. Thomas G. Mullen. 58. Walter E. Chase. 69. John E. McCalldn. 60. Edward 0. Mayen. 61. W illiam -/. Christian. 52. Rohfert-'Bi Chase. 65. Lewis -R. Chase.


64. J o s e p h , X a c h le r .

6o. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 7tl. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82.

William F. Newhardt. Herbert J. Hallock. George S. Bates.Howard Cotton Secor. Ralph S'talter. Frank M. Sandford. Ignatius Mullen. Roland C- Chase. George C.. VanOrsdall. aiOrsd Frederick Ho' Preston Bntto John Earl S. 3H aSck. Albert A. Alhe; M James Moseman. VanNess Way. John P. Walsh. John Gordon Flannery. illia m H . M :trh ell.

84. Daniel Patrick Francis Lucy. 85. Adolph F. Schetter. 86. John F. Masterson. 87. George W. Sefur. 88. Richard E. Slater. 89. Fred B. Barrett. 90. John C. Decker, ik Matula. 91. Frank : 92. Paul Frankey. 93. John Kaninsk. 94. Guiseppe Pettini. 95. Angelo Fampilori 96. MicHSel A. Seeley, 97. Hector Nevins. 98. Alvort Ernest Brockway. 9S'. Vergilco Baraca^, 100. Edwad Bush. 101. Elhwcrtii G 102. James H. Harr 103. tSamuel Jones. . C ephi'S

. 106. 107. 108. 109.

Cleveh •eland Segras. Turned Jeffreys. Howard Lee Edwards Edward Atwater. Preacher Dodson.

110. S h e r m a n G ra tsy .

111. James Edwards. 112. PhiPp Walter. 113. Elijah Dargan. 114- Harrison Ben Cobh. I 115. William C61e. I ~"ll6. Joseph Robinson. 117. Osborn Overby. 118. .Titus Overby. 11®. Thomas Overby. 120. Albert Overby. 12.1. William G. Spencer. 122. Clarence Taylor. 123. James Perry. 124. William Jones. 126. James Henry. 126. Willie Lee Slaughter. 127. Charles Anderson. 128. Jiinious Watkins. 129. Stephen H. Spencer. 130. Roscoe V. "yaughn. 1,21. Richard Edmond. 132. John White. 133. .Joseph Hughes. 134. Jame.s H. P cry. 135. Charles Overby. 136. Hiram T. Rhodes. 137. William 0. f oyster. 138. Leivis Epone. 1.29. 'Oscar Tarlor. 140. Louis Watson. 141. William I.ong. 142. Fred. Moore. 143. Edgar- O. Pollard. 144. Dominick Dllert. James William Korner 146. Fred, Jones. Jon O-liotta Vincenzo. t-8. Jesse Jordon. 148! 149. Tsa^c 'Black. 1R0. Ben Hughes, - . 151, Ja-mes Taylor,

152. 'Mack Harrington. >ene, 15-3. Gljbert Greem vmion. 1S4. Melvin McMil 1-56. Edward Cones. l&S. John Hatchett. 157. William Davis. 158. Nathaniel Robinson. 1153. Louis Brown. 160. Jack Pool. 161. William F. Bamhardt. 162. James Soyd. 16S. William Freeman. 164. John 'McGraw. 165. James Edwards. 166. James H. IStamps. 167. James Honengr. Benjamin Montague. Jon .69.. Harry Jones. 170. Thomas Cl! bhn William WilllE Rowe. 171. Job Newsome. 172. Robert Rol 178. Thomas Connolly, 1774. Aube Graham. 1776. Clifton 'Rowe. 176. J a m e s '\4Tiilte.

177. Samuel Penn Freeman. 178. Floyd Bower. 179. David Tbaxton. 180. Bertram B. Tompkins. 18il. John F, Dittman.* 182. Harry C. Brady. '183. John J. Horan, 184., Nathan Assiff. 185.. Nichael Gibbons 186.i. Wllli?m William Fellma: Fellman, 187. James Myzel. 188. Richard T, Lee Vassen. 189. Edward Cates. 190. Mansfield Lewis, 19il. Thomas P. Horan. Ii9'2i Louis Gager. 193. Patrick Flynn. 194. John Pams. 1S5. John J. McCabe. 196. Oscar Garrison. 197. Nicholas Oalimerls. 198. Peter Penneck. 199. Pasquale Scalz. 200. Lee Conbarlots. 201. John Milton. 2Ci2. iHassi Mahnord. '208. John Akel. 204. George Kolgeros. 205. George Tranneli. 206. Mallln Abraham. 207. Charles HajJ.

Frank Everett Weaver. Robert Mitchellil. John Aloyslou's Clark. John* Christopher Bain. lEMwad OUrry. Oliver Silvio Napoleon. Jacob Diehl. Charles James Wells. Thomas William O^Rnurke. Joseph. Vincent Lyons. Nicola Damarlo. Giovanni Corona. Adeleino Bracone. Pietro Marcelll. Ferno Preanto. Pasquale Di Dice: Luigi Perslonl. Antonio Palumbo. Raffaele Vsilentipo. Bennetto Daloia.-^ Silvio Merendonl. George Aacel Oarlsoni, Anton Tomminen. John Fratarangel. William Hallikaine. rell.

1006. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 0.011. 1012. 1018. 1014. 1015. 10(16. .7. 10»18. 1019. 1020. 1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 10'27.

1031. Paralo Leva. 1032. Antonio Recine. i 1CQ8. Gulsepee Cloratti. ■ 1084. Michael T. Leonelli. 1085. Louis J. Smitl 1036. (Fred Shorter. 1087. Charles Weber, 1038. Joseph Benjamin Frank. 9. Edward A. Campion. 1040. 'Ri -Iph F. Morris. 1041. 'Ch(.arles Speckenh:\ck. 1042. Alfred C. Ostrander. 1043. Joseph V. Spinell. 1044. Frederick Bundy. 1045. Edwin O. Bak&r. 1046. Allen Lynch. 1047. Charles Horner. 1048. Hazea Scott. v 1049. C. Johnson. 1050. Russell Anderson. 1C51. Lazdras Exum. 1052. Robert H. Pinckney, liedinger. 1053. Hovmd Riedinger. Ms 1054. Otto F. Dis'brow. 1055. 'Harry Hiland Rose. ry Hil€ :uel C a sem en t. 1056. Gaylord Trav( I0o7. 1058. John H. Crus; 1058.

205. Sala-vtor Scholzo.

3lan. 209. Shin Sli 210. Edwardd Falhmai 2il'l. C h a r le s A ssiff.

212. William -A. Horan. 213. James Falhman. 21'4. John "W. Horan, Jr. 215. John Zullo. •216. James iMillnkovic. •217. George Duial. 218. Clarence Connelly. 219. Isaac Beshara. 220. 7Hchael iShebraz. 221. John ILonchariwitch. 222. Joseph Buies. 223. George Messerorowx. 224. Mohamet Sugl. 2125. iCharles A. Najjer. 226. Alex. Beshara. 227. Joseph Mellnkovic. 228. Michael Kuokavenis. 27a. .Tames Hanurii. im'i. 230. Charles Hamm 2311. Peter K. Beshara. 2312. Alex. Dilitto. 238. Cosmos Di Baggs. 234. Salvator Vondsisk. 235. Nicholas Dillitto. 236. Ollle Brandon. 237. Thomas Powell. 238. James 'Cbnley. OF P O U G H K E E PS IE .

919. ‘B'e&sen Angel Williams. 920. Michael Felenchal. SIM. Frank Domlzio. 922. Vaicai Ter; 923. Henry Campie. 924. James Joseph Donlin. 9'25. Antonio> E Di Grei F2S. George Tge Frances McCarty. 927. Salvatore Paonessa. 92-S. Ferdinad Silv-estre. 9i2'9. Emilio Costa. 930. John .Berkman Jones. 981. William James Patterson. 982. Wiffiam EdwariT O’Riley. 938. John Stephen Henderson. 934. Daiiiel Wilbur Andrews. 935. WiTllam James -Patterson. 9'3'6. Angelo Laufi. 937. Gilbert Sherwood Angell ert Evans. Harry Robert James Chase. Edward Jame 940. Homer " Wilson Horton. 941. Thomas iBd-tvard Dougherty, 942. Tersine ine ID. Donato. 943. Bell Minilto. 944. ‘Beniamino Gallucci. 945. Vittorio Pogj 946. Vincenzo Frattura. 947. Gabriele TrabucSb. 948. lOamillio Verratta. 949. William Martin Broffthers. 950. John Francis Bums. 951. John Patrick Eagan. 952. Rodolf Di Grigorio. 9 53. Thomas Josep'h Burns. iiey, .Jr. 954. William Edivard Delaney, 955. Raymoi jstus Bain. aond Angusti 8'56. John Harold Cun 957. James Clement Lyons. 958. George Washington Lyo 959. John Aloysius Jo s^ h ]^ m s. 960. James Joseph jaumo. 961. R o b e r t (Joseph T e m p le .

962. Robert Clarfella. 963. Edward Frances Wilson. 964. Gregory Anthony Eagan. 965. Joseph Francis Kelly. 966. Herbert Geedb.111 Catlan, 967. Roy Vermllyea Knapp. 968- Calvin Joseph HeCiarty. 969. Christopher Francis Le Roy. 970. Joseph Francis Kelly. 971. Edward Anthony Quigley. 972. John Cornelius O’Rourke. 973. Louis John Frie( 974. Francis Ravmou Curran. 975. Erminlo Martella. 976. Vincenzo Francesco Bracoue. 977. William Henry Edmonds. 978. John Joseph Laffln. 979. James Clifford ord Martin. 980. Harry !Fran< 981. James Francis Delehanty. enry Cru: 982. John Henry Cruthers. 983. Gregory Donnelly. y ■ 984. Charles P. Angell Williams. 98-5. Alexander Benedetto. 986. Arthur Wellington Rush* 9-87. John Francis, MeShane. 988. Charles Henry Lynch. Gallagh ...... _ te Hulst 991. John James O’Riley, 992. J. Elpiedic Deherto. 993. Joseph A. Sherman. 994. John Joseph Dougherty, 995. John Joseph Klug, 996. James Joseph Bain. 997. Pasquale Bracone. S'98. Paul Daloia. 999. 'N-Cola Rago^ 1000. Frank Jc«eph Gilchrist. 1091. •ba.vid Young Kent. -1002. John PaSrlcK Delaney.

1177* 1178. 1179. 1180. IKSl.

Oliviri Tarequino. Angelo DI Martino. Benigno Domiani. Fraquir Kahn. Frank N'CtXo.

1182. P lc o la

G u a n ca rl.

1183. Joseph Oarona. ll'S4. 'Aureki Angelo. 11'85. Michele Mascitelll. 1*186. Guiseppe Gaspari. 1187. Michele BeVardl. 1188. John Hemes. hl89. Carlo Minchilli. ^ 11190. Enrico Alfonsi. 1*191. Rocco Dip^lito. M9-2. Fank Danieli. 1:193. Custra Dal Granda, 1194. Fortunate Lungo. 1195. Domenico Di Martino. 1196. Vincenzo Guan*carlo. 1197. Salvati Mariano. Iil98. Anfonso Rampriti H199. Pasioni. (199. Nunzio 1 inielo. ‘200 . ^ ____ Albert Roi 1202. Glan'filappo Rappaelo, 1203. Leopold Zarenlski. 1204. Michele Del Gatto. 1205. Amibale Tomosi. 1206. -Rossi Pasquale. 11207. Antonio Cianchetta. 1208. Guiseppeb 'B aecan o. lfo n so . 1209. Toria A All >ste A1 Alberigbi. 12'10. Oreste nllco Masslmiai 211. Domllco Masslmiana. 12f Alfonso De Giovanno,' 12212. ; D o m elo o L ln i CaWi.

1214. iRoco Ranleri. 1'2*15. Fananato Giovanni. L6. Salatlno iRhnieri. 17'. 'Charles J. 'Smith. i l l18. ' Louis Powell. •over Cleveland Hyatt. l‘2il9. Grov )Wrie Ritter. 1220. Walter'Low 1231. -Cecil Van Dyne. 1222. Warren Gxaig Edgi 1223. William Lawson ^mpson. 1224. John Henry Sheeley. 1225. Robert Morse. 1226. WilU WilUam Allen Decker. 12127. Joseph Curtis (Cantwell. 122S. Robert L LeiRoy IStuart. S*oml.££o Farncis Edward Cain. L. iRlchard' Joseph B um s,

1232. William Isaac -Owen. 1233. Graham Hicks.

12-34. .Tohn -caiarles Coleman.

1061. Fank Osterhoudt. 30S‘2. Nelson Od,ell. 1063. Wallace Conklin. 1064. Irving H. L ent. 10155. H o w a r d F. M onroe.

1066. Chester S. Winslow, 1067. Robert D. Hub-hard. 1068. Adolph William Dieck 1069. H-arry Flagled Howell ■1070. Christopher Murray. 1071. Paul -Bertram. 1075. H. St. John Williams, I 1073. Stanton G. Warden. 1074. Ralph A. Adams. 1075., Ralph HeGarmo. 1076. Solomon J. Delor. 1077. Winslow A. Power. Flagiei 1078. ] 107! Phlllipi^b. 1L. Rymph ( 1071'9. George 1080. Asa Knickerbocker. 1081. Claernce SfChraeder. 108'2. Joseph Rhodes. 1083. James D. Haggerty. 1084. Frank Pectal. 1086. Tracey Brassett. 1036. Leon Fletcher. 1087^ William E. Wallis. 1088. Wilfred L. Snyder. 10*89. 'St. CJalr Darden, M. D. 1090. Samuel A._Ostrander. 1091. H d b e r t C a m p io n .

1092. William Eckert. 1093. Xtherton G. Marshall. 1094. Earl W. Scott. [ermani 1095. Floyd iS. Hermans. 1096. John Collyer Mahom 1097. Raymond Phil Phillips LOOS. Frank Mosher. 1098. .099. J. Adfred Paien. 1099. 1100, David Thomas Skiff. 1101. Mitchel MbDonnell. 1102. Lawrenc*e A. Delaney. 1103. Jes-s C. Atkii 1104. Ralph R. Sm1 >. Carl L. Baldwin. Bald 1106. Pio Pagliaroli. 1'107. J e s s e R o se .

1108. Robert I. I Horhbeck. 1109. Samuel P. Rlghtmeyer. 1110. James Hern, 1111.

M o rtim er ' S m ith P a r k h ill.

1112. John Niezwack.

11'18. Hasbrouck isbrouck S, Humphrey. ] illis •-Procter. ] 1114. Willis 1115. William Decl

1120. 1121. 1122. 1123. 11'24. 11125. 1126. 1127. 1128. 1129. 1130. 1131. 1132. 1138. 1134. 1135. 1136.

:ardu8. Jacob Bender. George E. Dennis. Harry Hufer. Sherman Creed. James Whitely. Serino Selleogriner. Philip Noeloth. Giulls IS'cardille. Edwin B. MdCullough. Leslie J. Rose. Frank A. Northrop, Hartley H. Van 'De Mar Peter Mac Kenzie, Jr. Arthur F. Roe. Raymond J. Tillou, Arthur Thompson. George C. Dietz.

1137. W illia m L . T ra v er,

W. SpauMing. 1138. Chester C___ 1139. Raymond MaKinley. 1140. Louis Leonelli, 1141. Serino Guiseppe. 1142. Herman Wellenthin, 1143. George Roe. 1144. George S. Dickinson. 1145. Clinton DeWItt Parkhill, Jr. 1146. William Seitz. 1147. Gilbert ■Sherwood.

1151. 1152. 1153. 1154.

Daniel Maroney. Harry Pinckney. Thomas Kennedy. Walter Rick.

1158. 1159. 1160. 1161. 1162. 1163. 1164. 1165. 1166.

Daniel Newm! William R. H' Ralph Pinckn« James Morrill, Baren't Burhans. William Martin Curtiss. Fred Steller. Edward F. Callaman. Charles G. Regan. Crouse.

I E d w a r d D en xk e.

I f / 8. 12.17. 1'238. 1239. 1240.

William Henry Townsend. Dabney Williams. Williams Earl Allen Morey, Leoardds Vander Zandt. Walter Prank Turner.

1244. Frederick La-wson Croke. 1'245. Irving Gerow Halt. 1246. Alfred Bernhardt. IJrrlah B. Bodley. 1250. 1'2T)1. 1-262. 12'53. 1254. 1-255. 1256. 1257. 1258. 1259. 1260. 12611, 1-262. 1268. 1264, 1265. 1366. 1267. 1268. 1269. 1270. 1271. 1272. 1273. 1374. 1375. l'-276. 1277, 1378. 1279. 380. 12*81. 1282. 1283. 18*84. 1286. 1286.

rtimer Winfield. John Bogardus Simpson. Belai-dlno Sllvestri. Philip, Dietrich. John Winkler. Homer B. Gray. Raymond Yeomans. Hubert B. Cross. 'Herbert L. Bishop. ] Royal La Garce. Joseph. Greenhalgh. James O. Rogers. Robert M. Powell. Nicholas G. Schaefer. James -M. Rhinehart. Joseph B. Mead. George H. Malkemus, 'Samuel J. Rogers, D. Claus Winstead. Homer Masland. Martin Ryan, Jr. Frederick W. Andres. Brinley D. Groves. Eugene Stanton. Alexander Zaleskl. Henry W. Siegel. Edward James Boulter. R'aymoi lond Guminski. Prank 0. Hedland. Gumlenski. Wilson Gumlensl (Flnlslao Nemnl. Joseph Stefoenske, -Elias S. Bodour. John Woycisaski. Otto -Tt. Olson,

1*287. An-drew VdTSali.

I'28i8. Harry Rockefeller. 1289. Peter Zawierencha. 12*90. Robert M. Rhodes. 1291. Aloysius L. Dunne. 12192. 'Charles C. Secord. 1293. Thomas Carleton Thompson. 1294.. iClarence *Cla: A. Nelsor . Alfred A. Bulmer. 1296.. Carl 6. Pratz. 1297. Innis Young. l'298.-George L. Ho I 129*9'. Howad J, Jones. 1-300. Ralph R. Kimlln. 1301. Myron A. Terhune. 13*0'2. Oscar Palmquist. 1303. Abram W. Newkirk. 1304. Harry A. Gray. 130.5. John M. Holcomb. 1306. George Woodin. 1307. .307. Joseph Totte Totten, ■308. Andre-w Tim im so n . 1809. Harold P. Lee. 13*10. William H 1 e n r y M ille r sc h o n . ■131.1. G. Irving Howard. ' 112. Russel Sloct 1313. -Ollfford’ ford’ Earl Deci-es. 1314. L4. Hilen-d R. -Hadden. 1315. (15. Harold Eldrich Seism. .816. •Earl Millerschoi lorge A. B( Bailey, .317. George 1318. Percy srey Roi Rogers. 1319. Arthur B. Denning. 1320. Harry J. Backer. 13.21. John P. Delaney. 1'322. Arthur Vandebogart. 1323. Homer D. Moody. 1324. Arthur H. Collins. W 25. Michael Joseph Lyons. 1326. 'Hioma'S Rogers. 1327. Clarence W. Fay. 1328. Harvey Good. 1329. Stanton T, ISberb’ 1330. Louis Henry Frpnefield. 133-1. R o b ert; Klni le Klmlin. 1382. Duane KIiZ n . 133'3. Otto Welbrlck. William Pettit. 1335. Frank H. Plenzig. 186. Geo George _ -p. Muller. -' " 1337. Sylvester J. Perkli Perkins. 1338. Albert P. Wardell. l-3*39. Royal R. Olllvett. liliig, Jr. ? Bogart.

1173. 1174. 1175. 1176.

Raymond Hiarry Lenehan. John Leo CiIramer. Donato 'Tarauino. James "Turnbull,

1346, 1347. 134'8. 1349. 1350.

snry iJnkler. Turman F, Bailey. Edgar B. Baker.’ John H. Crowhiy. James -.s, Clair. Chester A. Fairfax.

t HE


IS&l. (Harrison W illiam s.

POXrGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. 660. L ew is H enry Rug*ar.

1352, John Adams. 1353. (Prank Moore..,

69li 3 Palmati^. Rugar, “ R. F D, No. 4, H-ighlandl V

•1864. iCharles P. W eddle, jr .

. R-alph Irving Roosa.

1365. George Washington Thoj 1358. William Todd Babcock.

N3. fOharles Edward Rhinehart. 694. >4. Joseph -Ramagge. -Ramagj ©86.. Oficar OfiC£ Mofflt Parllman. Thomfia Joseph Delaney. 696. Stall Raffaelo Di Nardo. 697. Howard DeWItt Ostrander. -Claude Jacquet (Rev.) 698. Freidferiok Crynus Osterhoudt. Rev. Charles Edwin Lynch. R. F. D. No. 3. Rev. Joseph. L. Poisson Fisher. Rev. John Haggerty. 700. M elvlh Verne Oggel. R e v .'D o n a t B o la n d . 70tl. "William Green-wood Newton. Rev. IjixjlBin J. Lessard. 702. Thomas Portot Miller. -Rev. John S* Strunck. 703. iHarold Fenton Miller, R. p. D. Rev, WRHam James Burke. 3. __ Albert Joseph Hamel. / 704. Adolph Uno Tlilberg, R. -p. D. John Joseph MefCann. 1 No. 4. WilUam Jones. 705. Peter Biting LeJBiSvre. -Rev. Pe**dlMmd Bergeron. 70‘S. Norman -LePevre. Rajrmond Augustine Kinney. 707. Jay LeFevre. Thomas MadKenzie, Jr. 708. Em-ery LeFevre. Frank Scanlon. . 70(9, Saimeree -Lampone, R. p.

1057. Adojph T ebeily.

1358. l-SSO. 1360. 1361. 1862. 1868. 1864,

18*66. 1366. 1867. 1868. 1669. 1JS70. 1371. 1372. 1373. 1874.

1875. E \c a r d Randolph Slavik. 1376. L eslie A rcher Gale. 377. -Arthur J o s e p h

7*13. 714. 715. 7il6. 717. 7118. 7-19. 7120.

I 1884. ■ReT.,Mar'CelIIn J. B . R a v e l.

I 13S5. iRerr. P hilibert Lambert. * 1-3S6. Alx, Smith. 18-87. Alexander Cebizke.

1888. R ev. Joseph Beauregard.

1389. Harry Edward Goldstein. -

189*1. jJohn Frederick Slavlck. 1-892. Elton Pete LoFevre. 1893. Carl Andrew W llbei

‘F rank -Anthonj* £>ull4yan. John Maxwell. .'Martin Vincent Moore. Albert Charles Durbeck.

1898. HiMiry G ustave Bahret.

1899. 1400. 1401. •1402. 1>408.

Bernard McArdle. Theodore 'WfUlams Newman. Joseph J-lglio. Samuel Herbert, Harry Wairczck.

K404. Rev. ©uge*ne Carrier.

1406. Max, Kehreln.

14-06. F r e d e r id i: W ilb u r P r is c h e ll.

1407. -Hugh N*aan. 1408. J a m e s S ea r r o n . 1409. Jo'hn J o s e p h 'W helan.

1440. iCharies Maroney.

1411. Guido Beleky.

14.18. J td in H e n r y -F rock m an .

1443. Theodore Light.

14-14. 1415. 1416. 14d.7.

John Frank 'Wlllms. Miles Edward Cross. 'AFWo Beegosek., Henry 'SheMon De Forest, Jr.

1418. (Frederick Bender.

1419. 14^0, 14ai. 1422. 1423. 14J24.

John Anderson, John J o e^ h Gilllgan, Ed-wln Tomlinson Coffin. 'Charles George Springer. (Elmer Ellsworth Hoag. John Henry Bahret.

429. F r e d e r ic k W illia m

T h-eiss.

43S. Sblom on Van OrdSh.

645. Ralph - Burger.


666. Wilford Joseph Depay. 693. Leroy J. Lucy. Louis J o h n S c h a n d e l.’" ' 730. Joseph Kenneth Scott. 727.

7-44. A llen Freer Tobias. 1157. H e n r y

A llh o u se n .-

[hovst li'59. Christopher 0 . Banks,

710. Hugo Kopp, R. F. D. No, 3, 7*11. John A-dolph Keller. 712. Amos Fred Humphrey, R. p.

378. John Joseph O’Donnell. 1378. : 19, Joseph Smith. 1379. ; 50. Thomas Joseph Flanagan. 1'3S1. James Joseph Bracken. , 1882. John Joseph Ryan. 1383. Patrick Joseph Ahearns.

189'4. mmb. o. 1896. 1397.

Albert Williams, R. P. D. Fred Williams, R. P. D. Abram Tammey Degroot. Elmer Smith Degroot, R. 1 Daniel I. iHasbrouck,

N o. 4. H ighland.

M cK a y .

1800. T hom as Aloyslous Pow ers.

3«8. 389. 397. 39*8. 406.

Leroy B. Hornbeefc, Ohlovllie. (Vlli. Joseph J. Hombeck, fc, Ohiovlli Raymond Morton Hasbrouck. Arthur Hasbrouck. Christian Hansen. Howard Hasbrouck Grimm. Charles Guelcher. Alfred Ferine Gerow.

Tffil. W alter Preer^ 722. w illia m A llen Fraleigh.

m . W endell H. Fratanburg, T ill724. Tony Ticalora, R. p. D. No. 1. 7(25. Percy Ormabee Per ' 'erris. 726. Ernest H. Perrie 727. Thomas Henry Elliott, OhiovUle. 728. Oscar Freeman Elliott. 729. William Henry Drake, R. F. D. No. 3. 730. Raymond DmBois. 781. James Vernon DuBols. 782. Fredierick Du'Bois. 783. Lester Deyo. 734. Daniel DeiGraff, R. F. D. No. 4, Highian-d. 735. -H ow ard DeiGraff, R . P . D . N o .

4, Highland.

736. Domenic De Franeeseo, R, F. 737. Albert Stephen C rairo. 738. Isaac Craig, ■ai& R. R F. D."^! No. 3. 739. C h a r le s

740. Frank *(

743. Antonio Oatalf. 742. P a t s y C a n a l, R . p p..

743.. 744. 745. 746. 747.

D. : Ward Vernon Bunt inting. Irving Brackfield. Charles Francis Borland. Arthur Beatty, Ohiovllle. Biagio -Arrigo, R. P. D. No. 4.

748. J a m e s A n to n ie


Town Hallj Staatsburgli Motion Picture Eiitertaiisment aisd Dancing


749. Walter Anson, R. F. D. No. 3. 750. Isadora Agrlooli 9‘6S. George 1425. WlHlam H om beck. 8'59. John J. Adams. 1426. Ferdinand -Charles Robinson. 970. Irving- O. Ayers, Mohonk I.ake. AND BUIL-DING 1427. .John Huberl 971. Harry Behm, R. F. D. No. 1. T h e G r e a t U n iv e r s a l S e r i a l , “ T h e S U P E R IN T E N D E N T 142S. Xav-ier Bonb 972. Clinron Bell, R. P. D. No. 2. Voice on the Wire." 1429. Charles Kenneth Newkirk. 973. (John Brown, -R. F. D. No. 1, 1489. Harry Yerry. 974. Ardrie Canfield, R. F. D. No. 2. WALSH & LEO, IVigrs. 45 Market Street, P oughkeepsie r e r t ■(^rney. ( 1431. Bernard E vert 975. Sanford DuiBci^. Clark. 14-32. Albert Polochek. ‘ 14-32. 976. Elting T. Clearwater, R. F. D. (Charles Vermilyea. No. 1. 1433. Sidney (Chark Ililain Joseph iParks._ •1434. 977. John'Jenkins Corwin, R. P. D. 1435. Raymond William Stemm. No. 2. 1436. (Charles Knauss. 978. Frederick Zimmerman Coulter, PR E T TY NEW COLORED 1497. John Josfl^h Watson. R. F. D. No. 2. 1438. R o b e r t E lw ootJ T h o m p so n , 980. Eugene B. Denniston. SPO IT GINGHAM DRESSES 1439. ‘P eter John Miller. 981. Barkley DeWitt, R. P. "D. No. 1. 1440. Vinton William Fichtel. 982. Walter Burhans Deyo. In. vari-colored plaids— one lot from $6 to $10 1441. Geoge Chandler Beam. 983. Erwin Deyo. 1442. Rev. Phidime Lavoie. 984. Guy (3arleton Bagley Dolaou. 1443. Rev. Johp Descours. 985. Oscar Drake, Tricor street. LiEen€s and linesi Dresses 1444. .Patrick McGIynn. 986. 'Cox’nelius James DuBois, Rural In plain colors—$6 to $10. 1445. Joh'h iCIharles Coman. avenue. ' 1446. John James Scott. 987. Garrett DuEois. 1447. Thomae Walsh. Jenjamin (G. -Ean, Main street. 5'88. Benjamin Elegant Shetland Wool Sweaters ■ 1448. Fred Arthur Lauber. 989. iMarfeln C. Eltinge. "Variety jof colors, and styles— $6.50 to $10. j 1449. Gobriel Bentson. r/;o. Harry Morris Feinberg, ' 1460. Emil Theod'ore Wleber. stre^rt. ! 1451. Francis Levi Seville. Ralph Pitch, K. P. D. No. 2. ' 1452. Willlzun Clare Porter^ 992. Blw-ood Heinze, Mohonk Lake. j 1453. Arthur Hughes Sullivah. 993. Henry Hombeck. 1454. Norman Walter Fllnn. 994. -Robert James Hubert, R, F. D, 394 Main 1455. Moses Gutbeodt. No. 2. S treet 1456. FrankUn J. Lott. 995. Arthur Ingraham, Ohioville, Telephone 1457. ‘'William Joseph Rangwood. 9-96. Arthur Walllam Irwin. l*,i5*8. Timothy Donohue. 697. John H. Jansen, R. P. D. No. 1. 2646 1469. Joseph Louis Bahr, Jr." 998. David M. Jenkins. 1460. William James Weeks. 999. DuBois Jenkins. 146-1. Shmuel Herbert Kane. 1000. (Herman L. Jenkins, R. P. D. 14612. Roy Taylor^ Van Nostrand, No .2. J, Harold P r ^ k ^ y le 100*1. Walter M. Kelly, Main street. 1464. W illiam Al-exander Freer. 1002. -William Kohn, Plutarch Road. 1465. Arthur Grant Rodgers. Jr. 1003. Harold Krom. 1466. Victor Emil Durbeck -1004. Dlenny Langwick, Pla'ttekill 1467. Porcdval Noyes- Tompkins. avenue. 1466. John r ■ Joseph “ ■ "Whalen. ■ 1005. Daniel George Lawrence, My lyron Stevens Van De Mark. Ohestmit street. 1470. •Ha Harary Fulle" . Bjurton . 1006. Edward LeFevre. 1471. Jacob Stedner Howe. ' Stec 1007. Edwin J. LeFevre, R. F. D. No. 1478, iCiiarles Pireeman Weed. 5. 1'473. WBllam Cook _-Oa-ven. 1008. Jerome Wells LeFevre. •1474. 'Harry ARan Ro-we. 1009. H-erbert Lockett, R. F. D. No. 1. 1475. Henry Edward Kelder. KMO. (Howard M. Mlnard. 1476. *Cbarles Albert Freese. 101-1. Fred D. Miller, R. P. D. No. 1. 1477. Htenry Herbert Gladeoln. Ladies Entrance: 6 and 8 W ashington Street. 1012. Jim Montalbano, R. F. D. No. 1 1478. "William Frederick J. Pollard. 1013. Abram Lou Mulleuix. m aiafaiatapjjagijajBfd^^ 1479. 'Paul S. Da-vldson. 1014. Philip Hasbrouck MaCord, R. :ustus Joseph 1480. August " ■ La©< “ P. D. No. 1. a Edward Sowell. ■10(15. -Cliffc fford D. B. McCormick, R. F. TnaomTi O’Neil. 14*82. Johnn Joseph D. No. Ij 1483. William Henry Thetchener. 10*16. (Roy Jam es Newkirk, R. P. D. 1484. -Le-wls -Aloysius Grutner. No. 2.



m id G rill jR©©m Q U A L IT Y FIRST 219-221 Main Street

1017. *Grover Cleveland N eilson , R. F.

NEW PALTZ, D. No. 2. 1018. Stephen J. O. ©’Brlen, Main 261. Veron Embreu, R. F, D. 11^1Nessen, R. P. D. Gerold "Wlllet ber. 1*0*19. Henry Poacher, Main street. Washington Steinhiber. 1020. Edward Rudolph, Main street. an K ___ *R. F. D. Kleeck, '*8. v m S:am Van lOZL Samuel J. Rose. ------- *. 3. ^ 280. Ralph "Wlcka, R.""^FTD. : 10132 EIswor,th Rugor, R, P. D. No. 2 2-8’6. Peter Milton -Drake. 386. Clinton Barnard, Mohonk Lake. 1023. EEIeiiry Rugor, R. P. D. N*o. 2 1024. Irving Schponmaker. 403. .CaaTton (Martin, Uuokett, Moir, R. P. D. No. 1 1025. Jacob houk Lake. >el6y, R. p. D. No. 1. 411, Marion Eugene Sheeley, 'Mo- 10(28. (Silas 1027. Angel(lo^Slnagra, R. F. D. No. 1. honk Lake, R. F o . 1. m-es Sfinagra, R. F.. D D..-N -No. L 0i28. Jar -4H2. Fancls Gerow Smiley, Mohonk 029. ChE Charles Slmm ^s,, R R D . no . 2. 1030. Edward D. S-imipSon, 670. Ira Zlmmemi'an. 671. iH<yward Zimmerman. 1031. Myron F. Simpson, R. P. D. No. 672. Herry Zimmeorman. ■ . 673. (Bhnll Wulff, R. F. D. No. 3, E. 1032. William Smith, R. F. D. No. 2. 074. ’Hw’old Lester Wood. 1033. Daniel Sullivan. €75. 'Fred Paul Will, R. P. D. No. 3. 1034. Francis Sullivan. 676. -Charles Wilford Welker. 677. Nelson Charles Vanoetrand, R. 1-035. Raymond A. TerwHUger, Ohforille. P. D. ]g>. ^ 1036. Myron D. Van De Mark, Main 678, ] inlth Zacherlah Vanderlyn, R. F. D. No. 3. 679. Judson Van Vllet, R. P. D. No. 1037. Joseph V'anvliet, R. P. D. No. 3. street. "Wi 680. August Oscar Tschlrfcy, R. *P. 1038. Norval A^^JYeaple, "Wurts 1039. ISttmon Yeaple, R. P. D. No. 3. lin Carl Bel-rin, R. F. 345. X. !1. iClaud Townsend. rd Tompkins, R. F. D. No. D. No. !2, *E*dward 1 Crawford, ley Don, 083. -Edward Skidmore TerwHUger. 360. Irving Jackson. 684. K ennith Elm er Snyder. 361. James Howard Johnsop. 68*5. E ric *S. Smith, R. F. D. No. 3. 272. A l^ r t Warren Pratt. R. P. D. -686. Alvie John Smith. N q. 2. 87. Daniel, Sha^ 378. Morgan N. Rose, R. P. D. No. 2 ©5S8. W alter EllBwor'th. 387. Gllhert Wmiarns, R.FD. No. 2. 689. William Reid Schultz.

Money Can Be Saved in Electrical Installation

b y h a v in g th e w o r k d o n e w e ll in th e first p la c e.

O ur years o f

ex p e r ie n c e , co u p le d -with o u r a b ility to b u y th e v e r y b e s t m a ­ te r ia ls a t lo w e s t p r ic e s, en a b le s u s to gfive y o u th e b e s t o f s e r v ic e 3,nd s a tis fa c tio n in e le c tr ic a l in s ta lla tio n .

Joseph D. Quinn 10 South Hamilton Street.

Phone 2637.

PLUMBING-HEATING-TINNING RIGHT MATERIALS—RIGHT W ORKMANSHIP— r ig I i t p r i c e s . This means the difference between a poor job and an ex­ pensive piece of work, and a good job at the right price. < ['


PH ONE 558-J.



TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1917. - George William Liver, Millerton George Edward Hill, Millerton. Clarence Stickle, Amenia. Willard Alfred Place, Shekomeko, Harry Clark Hoysradt, Millerton. Herman E. Brown, Millerton.

i DRAFT NAMES AND NUMBERS IN SECOND DUTCHESS DISTRICT The names of registrants en’d their numbers in the second district ofDutchess iCounty are as follows:




DISTRICT No. 1. 1 2 3 14

Freeman M. Manning, Millerton. Ronald Judson Silvernail, Millertor John Edward Greer, Millerton. Alexander James Cuff, Main St. Millerton. Benjamin H. Sp

1 3 Clayton _____ iarks,, ---------Mil ■ 4' Paul B. Bailey, Millerton. __ , .Milllerton. 'William Henry Clark, Raymond nond Lathrop Barrett, Barrett Millerton Myron on S. Puff, Main St., Millerton. 'homas J. Dov Downey, Miller Thomas Martin Drum, Millerton Millerti William G. Simmons. Millerton. Leonard Pheonix Franks, Church St. Millerton. Warren M. Beers, Millerton. Theodore Harrison Rozell, Sharon Sta., Millerton Melvin Snyder, Millerton. Joseph Lilier, Sharon Station, Millerton. Theron Roosevelt Snyder, Millerton. Arthur Eugene Warwick, Millerton ari, Millerton. Anthony Cavevari, Frank Augustus Jenks. Millerti Raymond Pierson, Millerton. Ernest J. T. Hoysradt. ------- —Millerton. les Henry O’Neil, Charles O’Neil. Millerto: Millerton. ;s P. Downev, Tames Downey, Millerton. Miller -ton. William T. Ahern,■ ....... Millertt Albert C. Cline. Millerton. Orvil Yelley, Millerton Reed Huntington Hotchkiss, Maple Ave., Millerton. Huntini Allen Loper, Millertc Clifford A ll Alfred Rolland Waldn "'"Miner Millei Ch llerton."

Chas. James Paine, Millerb George Arthur Evans. Millerto Henry Emil Barth, Millerton.^ Bernard Martin Manning, Mill* Millerton. 'rank S. Pulver, Millerto ?mcnt "Wiltsie, Center St.. Millerton o s ie r , M ille r to n .

on Corners, Millerton

Roy Ellwood Rice, Millerton. Frank Able Bebedict, Millerto... Harold Jesse Woodin, Millerton. Henry Earl Rishel. Coleman’s Sta. Millerton. .A.rthur Chester Williams, Millerton. Thomas Higginson McCullough, John St. Millerton Albert John Snyder, Snyder, 1Millerton.^ ..... ......John .Arthur William SnjMer. Alton Bond Beers, Millerto •thur William Ford, Millei Conway, Millerton Joh____ re. Millerton. "Edward Arthur Paine, Ma llerton. Wm. Th( idore Campbell, .illerton. D. Rifenburg. Mi' George Henry Snyde Snyder, Millerton, [itzier, Millerto Millerton Seavi LI Thomas Alionio bST: Richard A.-Guptill,

[ 75


93 94 9t 96 97 98 99 100 i 102 103 I 104 1 105 106 1 107 108

DISTRICT No. 2. 190 191 192 IQ3 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 20s 206 207 '208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225

David Roger Traver. Millerton Frank Patrick Nolan. Main St. Millerto: Earles Arthur Hoa.g, Millerton md Burch. icavmona ourcu, Elm jahh .\ve. Millert Milh Ru'ssol Whitfield Hart. Millerto William Carter, Millerton. Lewis Douglas Green, Millerton. Champ Carter Frances, Millerton. James Perry, Millerton. D IST R IC T N o. 2 . John Arborin, Shekomeko. Fred Brendline, Sharon Sta., N. Y. Joseph G. McGhee, Millerton Frederick Harders, Millerton Albert Rosoff, Millerton Frank Stefanetto. Ital3\ now at Mt. Riga, JN. y. Bonomi_Luigi, Bonomi Luigi, Mt.^ Mb Riga Livio Garrone. Shekomeko, Groce Celing, Shekomeko. Mario Luochetti, Mt Riga Rig^ Henry Sondrine, Amenia liga. Juilio Jimonelli, Mt. Riga Luigi Rose, Shekomeko. Cesca Antonio, Shekomeko Lui Artiagolo, Shekomeko John Dimmitto, v^hekomeko. Carlo Barbaro, Shekom'eko.


Dominick Marktons, Amenia.

D IS T R IC T N o. 1. 226 227 228 229

235 236 237

245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265

T im othy Y 'hite, Shekomeko.

112 Alssanobro Chieror, Shekomeko. 113 Carrino Gionvannia, Shekomeko 114 Joe Bonetti, Mt. Riga. 115 John Miller, Millerton. 116 Ralph A. Turbury, Amenia. 117 Bannie Woodin, Millerton. 118 Charles F. Milton. Millerton. 119 Arthur J. Shook, Shekomeko. 120 I^on M. Silvernail, Millerton. 121 Willard Cook, Sharon Sta. 122 Arnold Flinn, Shekomeko, 123 , Bryant Kilmer, Sharon Sta. 124 Frank Lake Burch, Millerton. 125 Floyd Winfield Goldsmith,^ Shekomeko. 126 Thomas Me Arthur, Jr. Millerton. 127 Russell S. Brown, Millerton. 128 Wm. Henry Burch, Millerton 129 Horatio H. Smith, M411erton 130 Charles Barton Hoysradt, Millerton. 131 Melvin M. Finkle, Millerton. xt nr 132 Benj. Ely Hurwitz, i662-82nd. St. Brooklyn, hi. Y. 133 Howard Vincent Smut. Millerton I ‘ 134 Alfred Hansen, Millerton. 135 Newton Friese, Millerton.^ 136 Chester Killnu r, Sharon Sta. „ „ „ 137 T^ewis Elmer Turbarg, Amenia, R.F.D. 138 Charles Frederick Bcaujon, Millerton. 13Q Ell.svvorth \ \ . C'liini, Shekomeko. I. 140 Raynunid George MacDermott, Millerton ’ 141 O.Acar Duane Griffin, Millerton. 142 Henrv Rundall, .Xinenia, R.F.D. 143 DaniM M'ebster Millus, Jr._ Amenia. 144 Charles Sherman Cline, Millerton I 145 Edward Joseph Downey, Millerton L 146 Julius Franks, Millerton, I't.F.D. ' 147 Edward Milliken. Millerton. Ige Smith, Millerton. Millerton 148 Carl Ekiridge 149 Wilber H. 150 Forest Pulver, Main St. 151 Roy Doughty, Millerton. 152 Howard David Woodruff, Boston Corners. 153 John He:

Charles Muller, Red Hook. Leslie E. Bates, Red Hook John J. Downey, 31 Summerset St. Sommerville N.J. George Myers, Stanfordville James B. Bromley, Red Hook Philip Akhiser, Stanfordville. Wm. H. Ostrander, Red Hook. John H. Cotter, Red Hook John Abraham Smith, Rhinebeck David Clark, Red Hook. Charles H. Pulver, Stanfordville Henry C Battenfeld, Red Hook. [ Frank C. Battenfeld, Red Hook Edward F. Bromiley, Red Hook. Wm. E. Demarest, Rhinebeck Frank Snow Dickey, 1804 1st Ave. Richmond, Va. Harrison M. Simmons, Stanfordville. Lawrence E Cotter, Red Hook, R.D., 45. Walter H. Kilmer, Red Hook.R.D 45 Edward J. Pink, Stanfordville Frank E. Miller, Stanfordville. Walter Henry Cook, Rj,d Hook. Harold Sackett Case, Stanfordville. George A. Schultz, Red Hook Thomas V. Maddigan, Rhinebeck, R.F.D. Chester E. Shook, Stanfordville. Edwin F. Thompson, Red Hook, R. D. 45Andrew Van Vlack, Red Hook. Herman Hf Langelhom, 57 Elmshorner St. Hamburg at Red Hook Germany, now living J Alva Shelle:;y, Jr., Red Hook Chancellor Sigler, Stanfordville. Rae M. Hoag, Stanfordville Albert I. DuBois, Rhinebeck. Burton Myers, Stanfordville. Edward A. Bowman, Stanfordville. .‘\ngelo Rossi, Rhinebeck.


[illerton. Houghtaling. Y'm.. Houghta: iron Sta. Millerton. Thomas Curn Edward Joseph "Langles. Millei



177 178


...llerton. ; 8r Wm. Harvey Hoag. Mam St. Mil Millerton. Orvie Goldsmith. Maple -kve. Mill

, 88 89 00 91 92

343 171 172 173 174 TTc

Theodore Wagert, Red Hook John A. Cole, le, Jacks' Jackson Corni eator, Red Hook, Harry H. Tea lagher, Red Hook. Clinton Gallaguv.., Eward Delavergne Reynolds, Wassaic Harrison Keeler, Wassaic Dudley Teator, Red Hook. Herman Luther, Jackson C Robert Coon, Jackson Corners John Coon, Red Hook. Charles Gallagher, Red Hook. Robert Holsapple, Red Hook, Johni Muller, Red Hook. P. Glenn Man ling. Red Hook. . ..icent Wilbur, Jackson Come.... Corners. Charles Seifert, JJackson Corners Frank Zitz, Red xiuujn., Conrad Gutheil, Jackson Corners. Miloo Burger. Burger, Jackson Cornei Con Irick' Miller, Red — H ot^ Dedrick' Gilbert Gubler, Jackson Corners Frank Wolcott, Red Hook George Muller, Red Hook. George Faulkner, Red Hook. John H. Gubler, Jackson Corners

Michael David Ryan, Amenia _ Thomas James Moore, Amenia J. Stanley Moorehouse, Amenia James H. Flanigan, Amenia eorge Fulton, Amenia rad OlsonjAmenia Koiiiau Raymor Raymond C. Blo’ Timothy M ^ Martin, Amenia Turn, Amenia Fred J^ Ch Edward J. Haskin, Amenia John J. Callahan, Amenia. Harry F. Jendrick, Amenia. Raymond Drew Culver, Amenia. Charles Haberdash, Jr. Amenia Wm. P. Culligan, Amenia ohn Anthony Tobin, Amen “'".Amenia Wm. J. Downey, Amer Edward J. Foley, Amei iCdward f. M McDonald, E d w a rd P c D o n a ld , Amenia Claude Hardisty, Amenia. Maurice A. Mulchay, Amenia. Eugene F. Callahan, Amenia John A. Rosaski, Amenia. Wm. Lyman. Amenia _ Arthur Merritt, Amenia Joseph P. Haskins, Amenia Isaac T. M. Hart, Amenia Charles F. McEnroe, Amenia. Irving Butler, Amenia. Wm. J. Mulchay, Amenia. Charles Hall Flint, Amenia.^ Jerome B. Morrison, Amenia Martin McBride, Amenia. C. Van Keuren, Amenia. Franklin M. Peters, Arnenia Lynn W. Draper, Amenia Charles B. Caulkins, Amenia Alexander J. Jackson, Amenia Bernard J. Corrigan, Amenia. John J. Horan, Amenia Harry H. Johnson, Amenia ^ ;rbert L. Blownstine, Amenia Blow ■ J. ■ O'Connor, Amenia lilip 5ter V. Flanigan, Jr._ iter Kozlavek, Amenia Ernes Jos. Martin, Jr. Amenia James Amei Francis A. Foley, Amenia. George English, Amenia

Harry H. Powers, Amen: Eugene Foster, Amenia Beeman Lee, Amenia Linley P. Myles,. Amenia Goviero Gaetano, Ameni; Thomas Wright, Amer John Lennon, Amenia June Walker, Amenia, Arthur R Cesar, Amenia Matthew Rodwarr, Amenia •obert C. Crosby, Amenia Bide, Amei G iv in B id e , A m e n ia James J. Callahan, Jr. Amenia David A. Clark, Amenia. Floyd Cook, Amenia Charles Doty, Amenia Robert F. Thompson, Amenia Win. "V. Foley, Amenia Roy James Garofano, Amenia Timothy P. Loughlin, Amenia Archie hie C. U. Morrison, Amenia Frederick A. Christiansen, Amenia 2 E. Valentine Thompson, Amenia Am Wm. J. Turner, Amenia Lester Seaman, Amenia E. Kirby Preston, Amenia Thomas J. Foley, Amenia Wm. P. Cogan, Amenia Benjamin H. Thompson, Amenia Ernest G. White, Amenia Charles P. King, Amenia "Wm. P. Kelley, Amenia Walter B. Culver, 2nd., Amenia Edwin L. Telford, Amenia


287 289

290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 301 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311

DISTRICT No. 2. ry biivernaii, M J50 ivianrice Rosenheim, Millerton. 159 John Kyle Smith, Msdalin, P. O. Tivoli, N. Y. 3.60 Meyer Saul Rosenbaum, MiUefton

312 313 314 315 3f6

David Stevenson, Wassaic Paul Schmidt, "Wassaic Tony Burr, Wassaic Charles Alfred R'othstein, W^&s?aic t h m u Duhfeam W«sMife

317 318 319 320

Lewis S. Beebe, Wassaic Arthur A. Borland, Wassaic _ Reuben R. Brumiline, Wassaic Wm. Henry Ostrom, Wassaic ^ Thomas I^ndergast, Amenia Union :ph Koopraan, Wassaic

_„.er, Wassaic 325 Manson Bierce Decke: 326 Harry C. Moyer^ Amenia Union Wassaic ___rge Wm. Wassaic George Wm. Wingi Wi 328 Thomas James Dahoney, Amenia ph Benedict McEnro, 329 Joseph — , Wassaic 330 Charles Decker, Wassaic 331 Arthur Wyman Ketcham, Wass nin Franklin Madison, Ai 332 Benjamin . .menia 333 Sterling Silvernail, Wassaic 334 John Frances McEnroe, Amenia 335 Harmon John Miller, Amenia* 336 Edward Howard Belter, i ^ e n ia Union 337 Leroy Burris Bird, Wassaic 338 Joel Cecil Griffin, Amenia Union 339 Hans Peter Hansen, Wassaic 340 Chauncey James Hyatt, Wassa 341 Earl Joseph Gimmon, Wassaic 344 Hans O Petersen, Wassr Wassaic_ Vassaic _ 345 Millard Leon Carey. Wassaic W a sp ic 346 Charles Henry Morse, Moi sph Henry Joray, ''Wassaic 347 Joseph 340 i^ewis Henry Cribley, W n as^ ic 348 Lewis 349 Harold Wm. Peck, Dover Plains . 350 Herbert Benjamin Miller, Amenia ^ Uhrw 351 Meissner, Wassaic 351 Edward Charles ^^eiSS.. Murphy, iirphy, Wassa: 352 _____ Carey Wa; Wassaii _ 354 John Henry Benson, Wassaic 355 Joseph Arthur Newman, Wassaic _ 356 Rosswell Flower Haskins, Wassaic 357 Samuel McElvey, Wassaic 358 Leo Edward Me Enroe, Amenia 359 Wm. P. Smith, Wassaic 360 Milo Follett Winchester, Wassaic 361 Harry Wheeler Hosier, Wassaic 362 Charles Edward Ross, Wassaic 363 Henry Chesterfield Reed, Amenia Union 364 Walter Cribley, Wassaic 365 Henry Francis Winchester, Wassaic 366 Horton Cornelius Buckley, 'Wassaic 367 Clayton Frank'Miller, Wassaic 368 Harry Lewis Buckley, Amenia 369 Georsre Wm. Clinton. Wassaic imuel Greenwood, Wassaic avid Kelly Sincerbox, Wassaic 373 Edward Simons Palmer, W'assaic

BEEKMAN DISTRICT No. 1. 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 38s 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 , 395 ' 396

^ngeville A. J. Nardone, Lagranj Nick Saullo, Poughquai Wm. Ferrie, Green Haven Ha Walter J. Sleight, Poughquag Daniel Quinlan, Poughquag Frank Jones, Green Haven Edwin Cooper, Poughquag Frank Hefferman, Poughquag Donald C. Thew, Arthursburgh Wm. L. Gardner, Poughquag Peter J. Kelly, Poughquag Rex C. Doolittle, Poughquag Andrew J. Cooper, Jr., Poughqu Paul J. Terry, Poughquag Edward C. Couch, Poughquag Andrew Holmes, 525 N. Division St. Peekskill, N.Y. Howard Jackson, Poughquag Robert G. Thew, Arthursburgh John H. Wilcox, Green Haven John C. Hogan, Poughquag Frank Philip Hoag, Poughquag Ralph T Smith, Green Haven Edward H. Brill, Poughquag


F ra n c is


C o r r ig a n , P o u g h q u a g

398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416, 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433

Melvin J- Myers, Green Haven Gerow J. Davis, Holmes Frank W . Hall, Poughquag Nathan J. Freedman, Poughquag Wm. T. Cook, Arthursburgh John E. Delaney, Hopewell Junction Ju David Mac Cullen, Poughquag Carl A Janson, Poughquag Paul Lux, Poughquag Frank C Caridi, Green Haven Patsy Condene, Green Haven Dominick Dabolb, Green Haven Aguth Corello, Poughquag Charles Cerotteny, Green Haven Charles' F Longgreen, Poughquag. Periklis D. Morianos, Poughquag Horace Gaines, Green Haven Frederick Jackson, Green Haven Edward S. Crowd, Green Haven Warner Jackson, Green Haven Edward Jackson, Green Haven Thomas Green Hopewell Junction Stephen Jackson,, Green Haven James Jackson, Green Haven Norman Lovell, Green Haven Joseph Russo, Green Haven George W. Cooper, Green Haven ^ Patrick A._ Sheehan, Hopewell Junctioi David F. Mongson, Poughquag Emil Johnson, Poughquag Irving Murphy, Poughquag Harry J. Cooper, Poughqu Samuel Rosoff, Poughquag iwell Junction Harold F. Samuel T. Merritt, nopew ell Junction June! Frank Buckley, Poughquag


Jam es C. L ynch, P o u g h q u ag

435 James W. Adriance. Poughquag 436 Charles B. Place, Poughquag 437

Otis W. Murphy, Poughquag

-438 Frederick R. Holmes, Poughquag 439 Desmond Ward, Poughquag 440

441 442 443 444

449 450 451 452 453 454 435 456 457 458 459 4^ 461 462 463 464

E n o c h D a v is , H o lm e s

"Elias Murphy, Poughquag Walter Horton, Green Haven Chester A: Baker Hsnry U , Baker, „ . lag Morton" S. Tanner, I oughquag Holmei Daniel Penny, Holmes Wm. O. Thomann, Arthursburgh Frederick Thomann, Arthursburgh _ Harvey K. Decker, Hopewell Junction Howard Lee, HopeweU Junction Wilbur M. -Overfield, Green Haven John J. Lynch, Poughquag - . Silas H. Place, Poughquag Joslyn P. Smith, Poughquag Nathan Burr Reynolds, Green Haven Richard Eighmie, Green Haven DeForest Babcock, Green Haven W^m. I. Harrington, Poughquag ^ Nelson J. B ow ne,..i«pew ell Junction Arthur A.' Carver, T»dUghquag John-Meyer, Poughquag’, .

CU PPN DISTRICT No. '1.. . 465 John Griswold Webb", Clinton Corners 466 Geo. W. Churchill, Salt Point 467 Charles John Hiesel, Clinton Corners 468 Harold Briggs, Staatsburgh

477 478 479 480 481 •482

Harry Funk, Rhinebeck John R. Sherman, Salt. Point Crawford Wager, Salt Point Dougla.s .Ellis Wop^eri, Salt Point John Sterling Budd,*'Clinton Corners C Chas, I. Burdielc, CHnton Cor JBtinj. J, Rikert, SUfftfofdville,

487488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 sod 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 5_;4


s Innane, Clinton Corners Walter A. Dykeman, Salt Point Nathaniel N. Chcesman, Clinton Corners Percy Vedder Still, Staatsburgh Claud BurRick, Clinton Corners Nicholas De Grand, CHnton Corners Charles Ackert, Rhinebeck Dewitt Hessler, Jr., Salt Point Herman George Porath, Rhinebeck John Razionale, Clinton Corners Louis Washburn Fish, Salt Point Raymond Ackert, Stanfordville Harry J. Goldsmith, Clinton Corners Mark A. Piester, Ancram Floyd R. Younghanse, Clinton Corners Harold A. Pink, Salt Point Eugene Sherow, Clinton Corners John P. Lyons, Salt Point Ferris E. Hateman, Salt Point Claud W. Free, Salt .Point George Parmele, Hj"de Park Fred M. Drum, Clinton Corners Chauncey Webster, Clinton Corners Barneveldt Hyatt Stoutenburgh, Clinton Corners Geo. W. Simmons, Salt Point Allen Vincent Lane, Clinton Corners Roy Frost Traver, Staatsburgh Thomas H. Ailing, Clinton Corners Jerry W. Bn'ggs, Stanfordville George W. Baker, Staatsburgh Philip D. Cookin.gliam. Staatsburgh Roy S. Wing Clinton Corners James G. Rymph, Staatsburgh Thomas Tobias Kelly, 24 Harrison St. Poughkeepsie Benjamin H. Germond, Clinton Corners Max Katz, CHnton Corners Wm. James Mingey, Staatsburgh W, Scott Woodell, Clinton Corners Cornelius E. Bowman, Clinton Co: Charles Edward Tompkins, Clinto: Henry Funk, Hyfic ParH Alvin Clarence Baker, Staatsburgh Orrie J. Co'okingham, Salt Point Cecil Boomhower, Staatsburgh Chester Estes Stevens, Stanfordville Frank A. Kiernan, Salt Point. Ormond Berrington. Clinton Corners Fred Me Clintok, Clinton Corners Frank John Taber, Staatsburgh Geo. H. Osterhout, Staatsburgh George Budd Stickle, Clinton Corners Casper A. Briggs, Ilyde Park Herbert W. 'Woodin, Salt Point Harold Oakley, Rhinebeck John Myers, Saif Point Raymond Van Leuvan, Salt Point Wm. Francis Galvin, Staatsburgh Cl’.arles Griffin Birdsall, CHnton Corners v'b'-.r.de Carter, Clinton Corners

DOVER DISTRICT No. 1. 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553554 555 __ 556 557 558 559 560 56"i 562 563 564 , 565 566 567 568 569 5/0 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578

'J'unv Piloffi, Dover Plains Michael Marquerettay, Dover Plains Philip Bolduc, Dover Plains Harry Edward Winship, Dover Plains Philip W. Hull, Dover Plains Edward »Sylve.ster Hay, Dover Plains James Alber Benson, Dover Plains Allen Vincent Brown, Dover Plains Lritgi Dincenzo, Dover Plains Flarry Losee Secor, Dover Plains Harry Dover . Tracy i ra cy hFeathers, e a th e rs , D over Plains Adams Guiseppe, Dover Plaim Russell Hastings Rand, Dover Plains Herbert Leroy Dingee, Dover Plains Albert Cleveland Cowen. Dover Plains Edward Charles De Groff. Dover Plains Claude Morell Orton, Dover Plains Wm. Leon Mncent, Dover Plains Andrew Care3*, Jr. Dover Plains Clarance Dingee, Dover Plains Barnett Lindsaj' Big.gcrstaff, Dover Plains Frank I^eimer, Dover Plains Ernest Pitcher, Dover Plains John Henr>' Woodward, Dover Plains Charles Henry Lockwood, Dover Plains Attilio Pezzottini, Dover Plains Lewis Vincent, Dover Plains Samuel Edson Appel, Dover Plains Wm. Edward Southworth, Dover Plains John Murphy, Dover Plains Franklin De Pej'ster Benson, Dover Plains Bartolo 'J^asscartain, Dover Plains Angelo Pezzato, Dover Plains Elmer Clayton Wyman, Dover Plains


H a rry R eim er, D o v e r P la in s

580 5S1 582 583 584 585 586 587 5S8 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601

John Vincent, Dover Plains Wm. Augustus Dolan, Dover Plains Albert Edward Pilch, Dover Plains Allie Alfred Feathers, Dover Plains Walter Louis Kaj^ser, Dover Plains Vicenzo Sapierizo. Dover Pla' Ernest Murphy, Doyer' Plains Fred Chester Benson, Dover ! Dover Plains George Henry Clarkson, Dov Joseph Lawrence Quinlan, Dover Pla Roy Ramwicz, Dover* Plains ren Cuthbert, 1Dover Plains Hilary ^Yarren ielro Musso_, Dover Plains ■ Pief Andrew Golding Bangs, Dover Plains nils Erm ;st James Fry, Dover Plaij Charles Ketchin Judson, Dovier Plains Vincent Plai \ incent David Moore, Dover Plains ;rt Oxbey Benson, I^ver Plains Robert Earl How'ard How'ard" Feather Featl ;rs, Dover Plains Layino Izzello, Dover hlains George Greenleaf Wyman, Dover Plains Clifford Thorpe, Dover Plains


Stuart Adams Wheeler, Dover Plains

603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613

Harold iarok Arthur Feathers, Dover Plains "Walter King, Dover Plains _ Valter Culver King John Lawrence Cribley, Dover Plains bert Senk, Dover Plains Albert Frank 'VS^'ashington ’VS''ashington Talladay, Talladay^ Dover D Plains James Tripp Miller, Dover Plains Thomas Joseph Boime, Dover Plains, John Edward Dolan, Dover Plains Johnn Anthony Anthony McCabe, Dover Plains -Frank ' Murphy, ~ Dover Plain: Plains Myron Taylor ~ " Dean, Dover Plains Flair

6 14

H e n r y J o s e p h S e n k , D o v e r P la in s

615 Harold Wyman, Dover Plains 616 Giovanno D IS T R IC T N o. 2. 617 Stanley Mabbett Vincent,^ Dover Plains 618 Homer Deuel ^ocum, Wingdale 619 Grant 622 Raymond Thomas Hultz, \\ „ 623 Martin Jerome Hoag, Wingdale 624 Royal Randolph White, Wingdale 62s Wallace Beers Spaulding, "W^ingdale 626 Wm. Dutcher Trowbridge, Wingdale 627 Harry Grey, Dover Plains 628 John Joseph Rutz, Jr. Wingdale 629 Lewis David Cooper, Wingdale 630 Clarence Cook, Wingdale 631 Ray Lewis, Wingdale 632 Delmar Clayton Colman, WTngdale 633 Myron Edgar Denny, Dover Plains 634 John Joseph McNamara, Pawling 635 Arthur Banks, Wingdale 636 George Johnson, Dover Plains 637 Patrick Joseph Morrissey, Wingdale 638 ■Clarence Jeramiah Scutt, Dover Plains 639 Ira Whitney Bennett, Wingdale 640 Herbert Raymond Wooden, WHngdale 641 Daniel Wm. Sindel, Dover Plains 642 Wm. Henry Aldrich, Jr. Wingdale 643 James Stark, Pawling 644 Gilbert Henry Sprague, "VVingdale 645 Judd Raymond Hoag*. Wingdale 646. Winfield Scott Knapp, Wingdale 647 Josepji Martuszfski, Wingdale 648 Obed 'Sherman Woodin, Wingdale 649 Vernon Orey, Dover Plains, 650 George Thomas McIntyre, .Wingdale

651 652 653 654 __ 655 656

Clarence Luman Woodin, Wingdale . Ernest it West, Dover Plains Frank George King, Wingdale Elmer Preston Wilcox, Wingdale Win Charle, _ Pawling Charles Kirby, Jenny, Dover Plains ■— 1. Denny, Do^ George Wm. i Slade Patrick, Dover ----- Plains “ hilir

662 George

y orn, Wingdale , Wingdale

669 Frank Knapp, Wingdale 670 Louis Richard Slocum, Wingdale 671 Attillio Peretti, Wingdale ank Gaber, "Wingdale 673 Hu!igo Josefson, Wingdale 674 Antonio Am 074 Rutch, Wingdale 67s DanieL Mostachetti, Wingdale 676 Gabriel Bertin, Wingdale 677 Mervin J. W'hite, Wingdale 678 Jason V. Wilcox, Wingdale

EAST FISHKILL DISTRICT No. 1. 679 Vincent Ballard, Stormville, R.F.D. 680 Eli Sprague, Stormville, R. F. D. 681 Harold Alfonso Sprague, Holmes, R. F. D. 682 Able Lavinia Smith, Holmes, R. F. D. 683 Charles W. Traver, Hopewell June., R. F. D. , Stormville, R F. D. rles Harris, Hopewell June., R. F. D. Oliver Hill Speedling, Stormville, R. F D. 16 687 Herbert Bennett, Stormville 688 John Patrick Kellej^ Hopewell Junction, R. F. D. 689 Wm. Joseph Mahar, Stormville, 690 Charles Wm. Smalley, Stormville, R. F. D. 16 * 691 George Edward Didsbury, Upton, Hartford Co Conn 692 M’m. H e n ry C arey, S torm ville, R. F. D. 16 Henry Carey, Stormville,

693 6 q4 695 6 q6 607 608 6 q9 700 701


W m . F re d W ay, S torm ville E rn e s t M orris, S torm ville Rev. C arl J o h n S tro h , S to rm v ille M j-ron B arto n H all, H opew ell Jun^ nc„ R. F. D. 9 H e n ry C assells, S torm ville, M ichael Jo sep h Kelley, H opew ell Ju n e. R .F .D . 9 Stanle3" A a ro n Davis, S torm ville, R .F .D . 16 C h ris to p h e r Kelle}-, H opew ell Ju n e. R. F . D. F ra n k lin D ievens K e tc h a m 'J r . H olm es, R . F . D . S ta n le j' Sm alley, S torm ville, R iF. D. 16


B a r n e 3 ' "W illiam s, S to r m v i l l e

704. 705 706 707 708

M o rto n D avis M orris, S to rm v ille C laude T o w n se n d R obinson, S tornndlle, R.F.D. 16 W m . Isa ac W’arw ick, S torm ville G erom e Griffin, H o p ew ell J u n ctio n , R. F . D. 9 H a ro ld H u n tin g to n V ail, S torni3'ille E r n e s t E m e r s o n S m a lle 3 ’-, H o lm e s , R . F. D.




Edward Williams, Stonnville, R. F. D_.


M o r t o n L e v i J a c k s o n , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n , R .F .D . 1 3

712 713

Jo sep h Go.gginSj S torm ville A r th u r H eidrick, C love B ranch


P crc3" C o r b in T r a v e r , E a s t E is h k ill

715 716 717 718 719

C harles F. K irschler, Jr. Ilopetttell Ju n c tio n B e rt E dw in B acon, H opew ell ju n c tio n A r th u r C. B u rn ett, H opew ell Ju n ctio n B erth o ld S. Alle3", H op e w ell Ju n c tio n P a tric k J o se p h Me N am ara, H opew ell J u n c tio n



M o rto n V a n

721 722

Jo s e p h J am es B la ttle r, H opetvell J u n c tio n C layton H ail, H opew ell Ju n c tio n



G e o rg e W

S tc e n b u r g h , 3 rd , H o p ew ^ell J u n c t i o n

T r a v i s , 3 rd . H o p e w e ll J u n c t i o n

E lvin H e rb e rt H o rto n , H opew ell Ju n c tio n


jM ark


J o h n L ew is W rig h t, 2nd H opew ell Ju n c tio n

G ig o

S e is m ,

H o p e w 'e ll J u n c t i o n

727 Arthur Briggs Lane, Hopewell Junction 728

A b r a m A lla n B u r n e t t , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n

729 730

C harles A lex a n d er K elir, H opetvell J u n c tio n M atth ew C am eron, H opew ell Ju n c tio n


D a n ie l P a t r i c k

733 733

J o h n R alph M o n fo rt, H op e w ell Ju n c tio n T h o m as Sffack, H opew ell Ju n ctio n


A n d re w

P e te rs,

L 3 'n c li, H o p e w e ll J u n c t i o n

H o p e w e ll J u n c tio n


E v e re tt W . H a ig h t, H opetvell J u n c tio n


D a n i e l S h e r m a n , P lo p e w e ll J u n c t i o n

737 738

D avid S te p h en Agnetv, H op e w ell J u n c tio n H o w a rd \ an A'lack, H opew ell J u n c tio n ' ■ '' , H opew ell Ju! Robert Augustus Moore, Hopewell Junction

759 740 Myers Brownell, Jr. Hopewell Junction 741 Flot'd C. Jvoe, Poughkeepsie '


R o b e rt E n im it Delane3', H opew ell J u n c tio n

743 744 745 746 ■ 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755

Charles Wilbert Miller, Hopewell Junctior jan, tHopeweli Frank Joseph Colgan, JJopewell junction Junction Frank Emerson I"’tird3", Hopewell Junction Wilhelm F. Strofhoff, Hopewell Junction Charles Marlcn, Hopewell Junction. Sylvan Lewis Beasimer, Hopewell Junction Tames A. Barry, 62 S. Vine, Waterbury, C< "Frank P. Cosg"rove, Hopewell Junction John Kernaghan, Flopewell Junction Fred Martin, Hopetvell Junction Oscar Backstron, Hopewell Junction Carmille Simone, Hopewell Junction Pasquale Sabelli, Hopewell Junction


J a m e s M a ja k b , H p p e w e l l J u n c t i o n

759 Vincenzo Sepe, Hopewell Junction 760 Sullivan Forte, Hopewell Junction 761

M ic h e lo F i o r e , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n


762 Gilardi Rugari, Hopewell Junction 763 Attelio Fusco, Hopewell Junction 764 Thomas James Frye, Hopewell Junction 765

766 767 768 769

J e r o m e F ra z ie r, H o p e w e U J u n c tio n

Samuel Toms, Hopewell Junction A m o s J o h n s o n , H o p e w e ll J u n c t i o n

Edward Fraizier, Hopewell Junction Edward Freeman, Jr. Hopewell Junction


F r a n k C a r d a n a le , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n

771 772 773 774 775

Jacob Shadovitz, Hopewell Junction Cyrus Dorson Tompkins, Hopewell Junction Clarence Mead, Hopewell Junction , Edward Johnson, Hopewell Junction Harold Vincent Mulford, Hopewell Junction

776 777

J o h n M ^ x o n , J r . H o p e w e ll J u n c tio n

W m . R o b e r t McICeon, Hopewell Junction 7 7 8 'Albert M. Havens; Hopewell Junction _


E d w a rd P a tric k B u rn s, H opew eU J u n c tio n

780 James E. Mulford, Hopewell Junction 78'!

C h a r l e s J o s e p h D a le y , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n junction ;r Shields, Hopewell Junctmi

veil Junction Jun( 783 John J. McCavron, Hopewell 784

F r a n k S m ith , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n


Edwin B. Schreiber, Hopewell Junction

786 787

C la re n c e F r a n k K n a p p , H o p e w e ll J u n c tio n J o h n R o l l a n d M u lf o r d , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n

788 John Lent, Hopewell Junction 789 C h a r l e s M y r t o n T h u r s t o n , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n 790 J o h n W ^ilbur E c c l e s t o n . 257 'W . 88 S t., N . Y . C . 791 Wm Fleischans, Hopewell Junction 792

C h a rle s


P a rk e r,

H o p e w e ll

J u n c tio n

793 Dana Albert Maloney, Hopewell^ Junction 794 James Edwards, Hopewell Junction 795

H e n r y J. A n d e rs o n , H o p e w e ll J u n c tio n

796 Charles Narnbach, Hopewell Junction

DISTRICT No. 3. 797

R a y m o n d R . M a g u ir e , H o p e w e l l J u n c t i o n

798 Clarence H. Jewell, Hopewell Junction Everett Lee, Hopewell Junction L e s lie H a rv e 3 " M e k e e l, C a rm e l Leslie Harve3" Mekeel, Carmel 801 Pietro Hoignone, Hopewell 802 "Wm. A. Wright, Hopewell 803 Waldo B. Hawks 4, Hopewell 804 George C. Killmer, Hopewell 805 Howard J. Morse, Hopewell 800


R i c h a r d V . H a ll, H o p e w e l l

807 808 809 810

Edward J. Wan Nostrand Ralph C. Lee, Hopewell Maurice Minton, Jr. Hopewell Willis H. Jones, Hopewell


L e w i s " B . H ic k m a n ,

H o p e w e ll

812 Wm. Olivet Jaycox, Hopewell 813 Daniel J. Murphy, Hopewell 814 Harry Moore, Hopewell

815 F,erry. Ji Chaffee^ Hopewell

TUESDAY, JULY 17^ 1917. 816 817 S18 §19 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830

W right W . Jackson, Hopewell W m. Baker, Hopewell George Knapp, Hopewell Lewis A. Mekeel, Hopewell W m. F. Bates, Hopewell James F. Palen, Jr. Hopewell Clayton E. Hewitt, Hopewell

832 83s 834 835 836

Sawa Truchon, Hopewell Charles J. Robinson, Hopewell Curtis I. Cohee, Jr. H arrison C. DuBois, Hopewell ' W m. W , Baker, Hopewell


O t is H o r t o n , H o p e w e ll

839 840 84X 842

John Charles Wm. Ripking, Hopewell Charles G. Sutton, Hopewell W m. E. Irwin, Hopewell Wm. Morris, Hopewell

982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 9^ 999 1000 1001 1002

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Hopewell

H enry D. Morse, Hopewell Em eric L. Purdy, Hopewell Louis F. Mekeel, Hopewell Lawrence Avignone, Hopewell Irving Picard, Hopewell George L. Mason, Hopewell Chester Ireland, Hopewell

831 John J. Fodermaier, Hopewejl

837 Frederick Max Werner, Hopewell

J a m e s J e ffr e y , M illb r o o k

860 861 862 8^3 864 865 866 867 868 869 870

Luigi Piacentino, M illbrook James Yonekichi Motow, 330 E. 57 St. N. Y. C. How ard S. Vincent, Verbank H arry C. Phillips, Millbrook Thom as Wm. Kaiii, M illbrook Rudolph Thos. Beaupain, Millbrook W alter Findlay H art, Millbrook W illard Clement H aight Lee Joseph Couse, Millbrook Charles James Kellerhouse, Millbrook Earl Sickler, M illbrook George Michael Walsh, M illbrook Gilbert Coffin Mac Kenzie, Millbrook H arold George Briggs, Millbrook Em erson John Canfield, Millbrook Charles Wm. Sebeth, Millbrook W ade Ham pton Van Steenburgh, Millbrook A rthur John Mangin, Thorndale, M illbrook Percy Dates Smith, Elm Drive, Millbrook Schuyler V. A. Barkley, Millbrook H erbert Lee Hoffman. Clinton Con John Mai Clayton Heermance, C

8 83

O s c a r L e e , M illb r o o k

884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 goi 902 903 904 905 906 907

Edmund Brown, Millbrook Harr>' G. Thorn, Millbrook .oldstein, Millbrook Maurice Goldsteii Stephen Butler, Jr. M illbrook Wm. Patrick Mahone}-, Front St. Millbrook W m. Edward, Millbrook Francis J. WAmkoop, M illbrook Gordon Dowing Sitzer. Millbrook Philip Finkbeiner, Millbrook Francis Wm. Phinne}^ Millbrook W m. Joseph McGraw, Millbrook Charles Swift, M erritt Ave, M illbrook P eter McCabe, Millbrook Wm. Michael Burns, Millbrook H arry R. W hiteley, Millbrook Jasper Lake, M illbrook H arold C. Hallock, Clinton Corners Jos. Edw. Me Caffre>", M illbrook H enry Wm. Cash. Millbrook Edw ard Joseph M asterson, Millbrook Ralph Steinquest, Millbrook John Leslie Herron, Millbrook Joseph Hobin, Millbrook A rthur James Reardon, M illbrook

90 8

illb r o o k H u g_ h M a c K e n z ie , M ill

909 910 911 912 913

W m. Sharpe W right, Millbrook R oy Frances Honnelly, Donnelly, Millbrook Charles Hadden, Millbro' llbroi Vincent Sepe, Millbrook Manuel Karagheusian, Millbrook M illbrook


F r e d e r ic k H e n r y W o M u g er, M l] Dbrook

917 918 919 920

Alexander Michael Kennedy, Millbrook H arold Curtis Sherow, Millbrook H arry Hatfield Hall, Millbrook Lloyd B arrett Smith, Millbrook

930 931

W ellington Cummings, Millbrook Percy W eldon, M illbrook H ow ard Willis, M illbrook W m, A rthur Johnson, Millbrook Leroy De Martine, Elm Drive, M illbrook Cornelius Wm. Tracy, M erritt Ave. Millbrook H erbert Douglas Fletcher, Millbrook


W m . S m ith S a c k e tt, M illb r o o k

926 927 928 92 9

933 John E. Cole, M illbrook 934 W m. P. W halen, Millbrook D IS T R IC T N o. 2. 935 936 937 938

Ashby Graves, Amenia R. F. D. 31 Hayw ard Lindsley, Amenia R. F. D. 31 Charles Mallory, Amenia R. F. D 31 Charles Brooks, M illbrook 93 9 L e w is D a v is , A m e n ia , R F. D . 31 940 Franz Anton Braun, M illbrook



Lud%vig B ra u n , M illb r o o k

942 943 944 945 916

Joseph Braun, Millbrook Giovanni ivanni Molinaro, Millbrook Millb Carl1 Niles P eter Sorensen, Millbrook Michael O'Brien, Millbrook iger, Millbro< Frederick H enry Wolfinger, Millbrook Dover Plains .ert Clark, Millbrook Raym ond Collins Rogers, Millbrook " >nald Crane, Dover Plains Doi Roswell >swell Miller, M Mill]____ illbrook Patrick James Flaherty, Millbrook N orton Augustus B rlgj^, M illbrook Philip John Blinn, Millbrook Clarence Kenneth Howard, Millbrook John Elkenah Smith, Millbrook W alter Brainard Crane, Dover Plains Rufus A ndrew Strother. Millbrook John H enry Frye, MillDrook W m. H enry Robinson, M illbrook Joseph Hopkins,' Millbrook Isaac N, Deuel, Millbroof ham Orkin, Millbrook Abraham MiIIbro( H enry Melville Angus, Bangatl Joseph Place, M illbrook De"WoodI T urner Strother, ! . se Mann, M illbrook Fitzu Lee James Alfred Willis, Amenia, R. F. D. 31 John Roe lualls, Millbrook R obert Gilbert ColmaU, M illbrook illbroo A rthur W m. Bennett, Millbrook M oses Cornwall Cummings, Millbrook John Wm. Taylor, Amenia, R, F, D, 31 Jam es W ebster Taylor, Amenia, R. F D. Fred Place, Millbrook Thom as Noonan, Millbrook Patrick Byrne, Millbrobk Charles H enry Clark, Millbrook Edw ard Earle Howell, M illbrook W m . Thom as Shcehy, MUlbtOdk H arry Greenhalgh, M jllbrdok , Avid (or Ovid) Peter Betlsdii Jr. Dover Plaia*

949 030 951 952 953 954 955 925 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 ^3 964 965 __ 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 ' 978 979 980 981

M o r g a n W in g , M illb r o o k S e y m o u r A r th u r

1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 :oi5 016 1017 018 :oip 1019 1020

Isaac Gilbert Saunders, M illbfook AVm. Joseph Kain, M illbrook Burvin Heinze, M illbrook Clarence Curtis, M illbrook

D u tc h e r , M illb r o o k

Francis John Dean, Millbrook

W^ard. B la s s W ^olcott, M illb r o o k

1027 Douglas Sutherland Reveley, So. Millbrook 1028 Thom as Joseph Kelly, M illbrook 1029

1149 Elwin Dykeman, M oores Mills lomas 1150 C. Thom as Reynolds,A rthursburgh A. C. Miller, Hopewell Junction 1152 Mosess Eisner, Pleasant Valley, R.F.D, 60 ^152 _ CHffoi 1153 W allace __ jord Daskem, A rlington 1154 Robert M eddaugh, LaOrangevilie 1155 H arry Rothenburgh, A rlington 1156 Lawrence Swartz, 'Biliingrs 1157 W esley H orace Odell, M oores Mills 1158 M artin W ilk, LaGrangcville -159 Benjamin W eiss, Pleasant Valley 160 Frederick Thorval M clgard, A rlington 1161 161 Judson Hew itt, A rthursburgh Id Taylor, LaGi LaCrangeville Franklin H arold 1163 Frank Ra: lond Brinkerhoff, LaGrangcville 1164 Anthoi 164 Jam es A nthony Gray, LaGrangevflle :65 H erm an Oswald Berger, LaGrangcville 1166 Albin Neilson, A rlington 1167 Clarence Adams, LaGrangcville 1168 Charles E verett Blake, A rlington 1169 David S. Ollivet, LaGran^evf ington 1170 Sherwood Lawrence, Arling1171 Frank Reilly, LaGrangcville ^ , Pleasant Valley 1172 John Francis Stevenson, Fie

M ic h a e l H a n lo n , M illb r o o k

1030 Harold W. Vincent, Millbrook 1031 John J Tracy, M illbrook “ 132 N a z z a r e n o M an zi, M illbrook 1033 Chauncey ■"^aggHc Maggiacomo, Verbank Edwin S. I ' 1035 Wm. H enry Barrett, Verbank 1036 W alter Vail Campbell, Verbank illbrook 1037 Charles H enry Bedell, Millbroc __ o Ti--!__ ______ ( W illiams, Oak Summit ■ lok illbrook 1041 Chester V. Lyall, M illbrook 1042 Daniel James Carroll, So. M illbrook 1043 Carmine Nardone, M illbrook :ent, M M ill 1044 Thom as O. Vincent, illbrook M illb r o o k 1045 H enry Boughton,i, Millbrook 1046 W m. H enry H orton. Oak Summit 1047 H arrison M orton Dickson, Verbank 1048 Wm. Vincent Bowe, Millbrook 1049 C h a r le s K e r tla n d T a n n e r , M illb r o o k 1050

F o s t e r E d m u n d O a k le y , M illb r o o k

1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068

Jerado Recchia, Millbrook Roderick M c L a u g h lin , M illb r o o k McLaughlin, Patrick Joseph Myler, M illbrook Sylvester■ Folsom Cromwell, Milll Milllbrook R F. D. James Donnelly, So. M illbrook James Mac Kenzie, Millbrook^ M artin Charles Burns, So. M illbrook John Hefferman, Millbrook H arry Ellsw orth Dykeman, Verbank Francis W m. Hewitt, Millbi Joseph Miller, Millbrook Edwin Joseph Strong, Millbrook Frank L Douglas, M illbrook ' W m. John Oughton, Millbrook Frederick Velletri, Millbrook Archangelo, Fiore,_ Millbrook Patrick W aters, Millbrook, R Louis Velletri, Millbrook

1069 1070 1070

P h ilip C a ra cu zzi, M illb r o o k Thom as Rae, M illbrook Thi

1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 IOC3 1084 1085 1086

John Joseph Higgins, M illbrook Jerado Nardone, Millbrook George Tully, Millbrook Elijah Yekasicl Lipetz, Millbrook Harvey Francis Burhans, Verbank H ary Haddon. M illbrook Robert Levington Crofts, M illbrook Clarence Edw ard Lee, M illbrook How ard Varney, So. M illbrook Frank Molella, M illbrook R F, D. Raffella Scriarra. M illbrook Chester A llea Neal, M illbrook M ilton Conrad Ham, M illbrook Charles Wm. Ennis, Millbrook Ralph Halt Koehler, Millbrook Edw ard A. Bernard, M illbrook Inn, M illbrook Cohdrott, So. M illbrook

N e il H c lm e r N e ils o n , A r lin g to n


R a lp h

Elmer Husted Tompkins, LaGrangeville H arry E. Lippert, LaGrangcville Edwin Dw ight Abel, M oores Mills Horace W illiams, LaGrangcville t’ W iscoe Carter, LaGrangcville B ert E. Robinson, LaGrangcville Moses W allace. LaGrangcville H enry Lewis, LaGrangcville Boctic Williams, LaGrangcville John A Jackson, LaGrangcville Fred H . Simmons, Shekomeko Eldridge Coral Finckle, M illerton Charles H enry W agner, M illerton ■ ■ 1 A. Eliott, M illerton John Miflerl John Richard Sigrist, M illerton John M cArthur, M illerton Fred Me Donald, Amenia Geo. Edwin H unt, Shekomeko R obert L. Finkle, M illerton Clayton L. Boucher, M illerton

1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343

Arthur M. Cromwell,. Moores Mills John H. Ferris, Verbank H arold M onfort Emigh, 234 W I22 St, N.Y.C. John S. Gold, Verbank H enry M urphy, LaGrangcville M organ Elliot Lasher, Verbank Norm an C Andrews, LaGrangevil] Charles Bullock Hazzard, Verbank Charles Edward Lasher, Verbank H arry E Bostwick, Verbank Floyd S. Edwayds, Verbank Edw ard Ferris, Verbank ■ McCot — -


G e o . R o b e r t A n d r e w s , M ille r to n

1197 Jam es George Jermervein, Millerton

1198 Arthur Decker, Millerton ■


Benjamin H arrison M urphy, M illerton


1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1317 1218

1224 1225

Oscar H ugh Frazier, Pine Plains Cecil J Campbell, Bangall George Dillinger, Jr. Bangall H arold Oliver Dedrick, Bangall ' W alter Smith Morey, Amenia Melvin T hurst, Bangall H erbert Edw ard Pilch, Pine IPlains Chauncey Ha^brouck, Bangall W m. H enry Heady, Pine Plains Robert Swart, Bangall Paul E arn est Gruhl, Bangall Charles Edw ard Vail, StanfordvUle G rant Boyce, Bangall Joseph Frederick Schwarze, Bangall Losee Ferris, Bangall Alfred W agner, Jr, Bangall Jam es Drake Pine Plains Eugene Allen, Bangall Euger __ . ingall A rthur A. Hammond, Bangall Arthu: Delos Rifenburgh, Stanfordville H arry M. Dennis, Bangall enry Payne, A lbei. H _____ ___ , Bangall _ Alfred B ang •red P. O ’Halloran, Bangall H arry W affiington HilHer, Jr. Bangall Charles Spurgeon Cooper, Bang! Bangall Chester A. De Garmo, Bangall


M ilto n C a m b ro n , B a n g a ll

1220 1221 1222

Hutchii :227 Grover Cleveland HutcHingS, Bangall [228 August Duncan W ilbur o r Millus, Stissing Ezbon Reubon Cooper, Amenia F rank Haight, Bangall 1231 Emery 232 John Knowles Remsen Layton, Bangall 1233 Frederick Joseph Campbell, Bangall 1234 Obie Young, Amenia 1235 Ralph Allen Mosher, Stanfordville 1236 John Joseph Simon, Bangall 1237 John ‘iA'^eslcy N orthrup, Bangall 1238 O tto Kemmerer, Bangall 1239 Orville Leroy Velie, Bangall 1240 Andrew Charles Johnson, Bangall Joseph Tallmadge, Stissing 1241 H a i on M. Decker, Bangall 1243 IrAung L. Mosher, Bangall 1244 H arry Hultz, Bangall 1245 Charles Roy LaDue, B angs" 1246 H ow ard Joseph Tompkins, Bangall 1247 Louis Finger, Bangall _ 1248 Thom as Edw ard Campbell, Amenia 1249 A r th u r O str a n d e r , Bangall 1250 Walter Wm. Shook, Bangall 1251 Albert Morey, Amenia 1252 Alfred M. Seism, Bangall




W m . I r v in g H ic k s , S ta n fo r d v ille

1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 n il

Onorato Bartolcmucci, Millbrook

Vincenzo Pannoxjbo, Millbrook Pasquale Papas, M illbrook Nicholas Cantwell, M illbrook Vincenzo Pannazzo, Millbrook Joseph Simo," M illbrook

1261. Roy Irving Parks, Bangall 1262 Chistopher Thom as Crane,_ Stanfor 1263

A b ra h a m A c k e r t, S ta n fo r d v ille

1264 1265 1266 1267 1268

Sherman Bennett, Stanfordville H yatt Kisselbrack,. Stanfordville ille . Claude H arry Carson, Stanfordviui Paul Franklin Germond, Clinton Corners Lee Clarence Bundy, Stanfordville Stanfordville Clinton Corners,

iin ton Comers

1112 Rosario Matteo, Millbrook

1113 1114 m s 1116 1117 n i8 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127

R qcco M attei, M illbrook Vincenzo Faiolo, M illbrook Vincenzo Rosato, M illbrook Edmondo Rotunno, M illbrook Gaetano Loborgo, Millbrook Torochi K ara, M illbrook Jerry Panazzo, M illbrook Patrick Joseph Dever. Millbrook Joseph Paolucci, Millbrook A lbert Hogan, M illbrook P eter Priclock, M MillOrooK illbrook George * '' ge Cooper, M illbrook Gennar Sjokuist, Millbrook ar S jo k i’ Albert Millbrook rt DeBonis, DeBoi Edward Francis Hays, Millbrook

er B r o w n , .

1131 1132 1133 1134

Monford Star, LaCrange Edmund Van Wyck, Arlington Nicholas W jdder, LaGrahgeville, Stephen B. Anthon}^ Arlington R. T. Hodgson, LaCrangeville

1138 George A. C. Eberhard, LaGrang 1139 Ephraim Hew itt, A rthursburgh 1140 Pasquale Minito, Arlington 1141 Max Stoppcnbcck, Moores Mlills 1142 Richard Eberhard, LaGratlgeville 1143 Fred Charles Velic, femployftd at LiG rangcville 1144 W ilfred S. Delamater, A rlington 1145 Peter D. Hultz, Billlingi 1146 H arry Edwin Simmons, A rlington „ ; ii^ ^ S a n f o r d Martin, LaGringfcVille ik d w in Thorne W olfinier, infer, Moor< Moores MUli

1345 1346 1347 1348 1349

Clyde F. Chilton, Stanfordville H arold Claude Aldrich, Stanfordville Frederick Edward Moore, Stanfordville George Wm. Cromwell, Stanfordville W m. Mulcahy, Stanfordville Edw ard Sims, Twymans Mill, Va. Jacob M orton, Charlott Court House, Va. Charles Cave, TwyltiatiS Mill, Va. Jay Knickerbocker, Bangall Lewis Post, Stanfordville.

UNION V A Il DISTRICT No. 1. 1288 1289 1290 ._yO 1291 129a 1293

Thorne Germond, Verbank Irving Ferris, LaGrangcville Elias Ehas U C Vail, V ail, Verbank v e r t ---Gordon S. V. Andrews, Verbank Archibald Halsted, Verbank Burr D. Straight, Verbank Lawson, LaGrangcville


L a G r a n g e v ille

Maurice J. Quinlan, LaGrang George L. Lester, Verbank Milton Odell, Verbank W alter Moody, Jr. Verbank Sanders Marshall, Verbartk M yron W . Dofn, LaGrangcville Edwin F. Acken, LaGrangivillc W alter Adami, LaGrangevillC John. H. Mullen, LaGranfcvillfc

1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1491 1492 1492 1493 1494

Stefano Negro, Rhinebeck W arren Harrison Closs, Rhinebeck Lawrence Domano, Rhinebeck Richard C arr Lawson, Rhinebeck John Raymond Asher, Rhinebeck Robert A. Traver, Rhinebeck E rnest Post, Rhinebeck Carl Gustav jtav Holjarson, Rhinebeck ’ -Wm A. Sullivan, Rhinel W m. H . Ackert, Rhinebeck John Carmichael Wilson, Rhinebeck


W a lt e r T a lm a d g e A c k e r t, R h in e b e c k

1483 Frank W. Pultz, Rhinebeck

1496 David Jacob Champion, Rhinebeck 1497 H arry Edward Germond, Rhinebeck

D IS T R IC T N o. 1.

R aym ond

1354 1355 1356 1357 1338 1359 13^ 1361 1362 1363 ' 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371I 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382

M arshall I. Hew lett, Pleasant Valley W m. L. Lester, Pleasant Valley Roy S. Ritchie, Pleasant Valley A ugust Joseph Manfredi, Pleasant Valley Charles S. Tanner, Pleasant Valley Solomon Pomeranz, Pleasant Valley A rthur Thom as Crusius, Pleasant Valley Vincent D. Gleason, Pleasant Valley Edmond W. Ritchie, Pleasant Valley Levi B. Gillette, Pleasant Valley "Hiarold r o l d W m. W ilber, Pleasant Valley 1 W esley Irving Drake, Pleasant Valley N orm an Alexander MacKay, Pleasant; Valley Vc „ George Ellsw orth Lovelace, Pleasant Valley A rthur M artin, Pleasant Valle; Valley David How ard Bower, Pleasant Valley •d, Pleasant Valle;■y Raymond C^ Laird, Pleasant Valley Foster W . Doty, Pies Alley George S. Cady, Pleasant ‘Valley »lley ___ , arold Conover, Pleasant I ______ Valley Harold Valley M artin R uger De Garmo,^Pleasant Garmo, Pie: Harold Green, Pleasant Valle, Keller, Pleasant Valley Valh Joseph Anthony K e lle y Pleasant^ Robert Neilson Muir, Pleasant Valleyley H u s te d , P le a s a Stanley Husted, Pleasant Valley H arry Royal Cady, Pleasant Valley Martin H. Sheldon, Pleasant Valley Lewis jL Erhart, Pleasant Valley Irving C. Ritchie, Pleasant Valley " ' I Parmele, Pies

G e o r g e C o r n e liu s , R h in e b e

1499 :5oo 1501 1502

John A. Pierce, Rhinebeck Manuel S. Crosby, Grasvcrc, Rhinebeck Stephen A. Tator, Rhinebeck Orlando H Mattison, Mattiso --------- __ Rhipeb lebeck H arry Hendricks, Rhinebeck mdneks, Rhmebct 150 3 ^ Cookingham, Rhinbeck. ________ 1 5 0 4 F rank H. 1505 Albei Albert C. Kilmer, Jr^Rhini ineb^k 1506 John I. Steinninger, Rhinebe:

Josep Daniel Guilfoil, Rhinebeck 507 Joseph

;jo8 Therm — an Lutz, T ----1----- 1_ 1508 Rhinebeck 1509 Rhii 509 Lea L a Rue Stewart, Rhinebeck

511 1:Sio 1



1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518

Tracy Hester, Rhinebi

Elmer Fraleigh, Rhine___ inebeck Roy C. Bailey, Rhinebeck Jesse Tompkins, Rhinebeck John W . Pottenburgh, Rhinebeck Wm. H. Pottenburgh, Rhinebeck Frederick Adolph Dave, Rhinebeck Levi Marvin Sprague, Rhinebeck Robert Francis Browning, Rhinebec

1353 Wm. John Ehrlinger, Pleasant Valley


immons, Rhinebeck I 52i Y Elmer George ' >Strom, Rhinebeck 527 Mark Carol Ha 152; *528 528 Edward J. Pott 1529 Kenneth T. Cookingham, Rhinebeck 1330

P ie r ie E . C o o k in g_ h aam m , R h in in e b e d

1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 536

Leon TiceeBriggs, Rhinebe: Briggs, Rhinebeck Chauncey ' ' Depew, ----- tsu :... ncey M. Rhinebeck Rowe W elch, Rhinebed: Everett R Ernest A. Traver, Rhinebeck James G. Robinson, R h r ’ Robei

1537 John 'I

1538 Charles Franklin Fraleigh, Rhineb 1539 Frank W aldo Latson, Rhinebeck

1540 Joseph Michael Keegan, Rhinebeck 1541 Robert Irving Snyder, Rhinebeck

1542 Arthur Lippincott Obre, Rhinebeck tS43 Edgar Murray Kipp, Rhinebeck

1544 Arthur Stickle, Rhinebeck, RF.D. 47 1545 Luther W right, Rhinebeck

1546 Nelson D. Coon, Rhinebeck 1547 A rthur Eugene Traver, Rhinebeck

15^ Alfred Lee Stickle, Rhinebeck

1549 Roger Wm. Munch, 345 Jamaica Ave. Brooklyn 1550 H arold Ephraim Hoffman, Rhinebeck 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1394 1395 1396

Joseph E rnest Gray, Pleasant Valley H arry A. Burns, Poughkeepsie, R.F. -Archibald Hughes, Pleasant Valley, H enry Meyer, Pleasant Valley George Henry Adams, Pleasant Valley Robert H. Hedges, Pleasant Valley Edw ard M. Burns, Pleasant Valley Roy W. Wright, Pleasasnt Valley, R.F.

DISTRICT No. 2. 1397 E rnest D. Simmons, Salt Poin Point 1398 Edwin Vincent Marshall, Poughkeepsie 1399 Horace Van Anken, Pleasant galley 1400

B e n ja m in

1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407

Fred G. Budd, Hyde Park Robert C. Smith, Poughkeepsie Robert H. Conover, Pleasant Valley H arry Riley, Salt Point H erm an Ruchle, Pleasant Valley Charles Ruchle, Pleasant Valley Matthew J. Galvin, Salt Point


P le a s a n t V a lle y


M a r tin M a tth e w P e n d e r , S a lt P o in t

1409 1410 14H 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419

Phillip Eichner, Pleasant Valley Andrew Eichner, Pleasant Valley Clement Allerton Morey, M illbrook Flanris J. H orton, Hyde Park Harold Lasher, Salt Point Smith J. Marshall, Pleasant Valley Daniel O. Dunn, Salt Point H arry C. O strander, 'S alt Point Frank Bowman, Salt Point Irving M ilton W ilson, Salt Point Paul E.Delavcrgnc, Salt Point


E d w a r d T . B y r n e , P o u g h k e e p s ie

1421 Wm. H. Simmons, Salt Point 1422 Charles P. Diehl, Jr. Pleasant Valley 1423

V a le n t in e G a lle u z , P le a s a n t V a lle y

1424 H ubert Budsall, Salt Point _ 1425 Carl C, Morame, Salt Point 1426 W m . J. W o o d e n , Pleasant Valley 1427 Chas. Uilachi, Hyde Park 1428 H arold Jam es Moshier, Salt Point T429 M ilton M. Angell, Salt Point 1430 Dubois E. Dunn, Sa’t Point 1431 W arner M. Parks, Poughkeepsie 1432 Daniel A. Hurley, Salt Point 1433 W ilson 'V. Marshall,, Hyde Park 1434 George Gass, Salt Point 1435 W alter B. Fraleigh, Salt Point


1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451


Clarence — j , - ...... .......... Abraham Gazen, Rhinebeck Ralph Bemamin Wheeler, Rhinebeck Clarence Frank Grasper, Rhinebeck George Earl Lown, Rhinebeck A lbert Charles Geiger, Jr. Rhinebeck W m. Edward Cook, Rhinebeck John E. King, Rhinebeck David Wm. Downey, Rhinebeck ^ Christopher Adolph Gedncy, Rhinebeck

Sterling/ S. Traver, Rhinebeck

I4S5 1456 1457 1458 1459

Milton W. Pink, Rhinebeck Frank Stephen W hite, Rhinebeck er, Rhinebeck H arry Coster, A rthur W. Boomhower, Rhinebeck Chauncey H enry W ager, R hinebed John Hcnnessc}^ Rhinebeck


R ic h a r d B r ig g s , R h in e b e c k

1461 John Victor, Rhinebeck 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 J309 t3 io

Alden Floyd John __________ George Gibbs Green, Jr.-Rhinebeck Louis Odell, Rhinebeck Joseph Cookingh; Joseph_ Thomson Cookingham^ Rhinebeck Allen L. Asher, Rhinebeck Bcnj, M. Van Keuren, Rhinebeck M erritt T raver Riley, Rhinebeck


ngdale, N. Y.

i Ave. Palvalto, Cal. 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287

K ir b y ,




Verbank aOrangi Ille George P Ferris, Verbank Louis H arris Barton, Verbank George V. W . Brinkerhoff, Verbank Floyd Clarkson Taylor, Verbank Royal R. Dennfs, Verbank Edw ard Duniavey, Verbank Arnold H enry Hanson, LaGratngville Anton Julien Schafer, Verbank Samuel Sloan H unt, LaGrangcville Robert E. Shook, Verbank Stephen Panossian, Verbank John T. Meibaum, LaGangeville Charles Meibaum, Jr. LaGrangcville John H. Place, LaGrangcville . Edw ard J. Cromwell, Verbank, Aldrich Charles Burdick, Verbank or LaGrangcville E.

1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482


1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 J183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 ' 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195

A rthur Van Benschoten, Stanfordville John Joseph Mulcahy, Stanfordville Stanfordville Stephen Edwin Juckett, Stanfo.M .m t Roy Allen Devine, Stanfordville Lee John Husted, Stanfordville H enry Franklin Hum eston, Clinton Corners Andrew John Kilmer, Stanfordville

Dominic M artin, M illbrook A ntonia Monttone, Millbrook Patrick Mulligan, Millbrook H erb ert Plumb, Millbrook Johan Ellis, M illbrook

1474 Clifton

John P. M asterson, Vebank Charles Burns, LaGrangcville Cyrus Bush, LaGrangcville Oscar Ferris, Verbank


J a m e s I r v in g D a le y , A r lin g to n ,

1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259

M illl

1472 W esley T. Closs, Rhinebeck 1473 George N orton M iller,-Jr. Rh 1313 1314 '1 1315 ' 1316

1174 John Ed. Brolles, LaGrangcville

1090 H arry Benjan 1091 Albert Swift Mastin, Millbrook "" * Jackson, Millbrook 1092 "" H enry Charles Mi 1093 W ilfred Hall, So M illbrook 1094 Thom as H enry Dean, Millb logs John George Duncan, M illbrook 1096 "Wm. H ow ard Lyall, So. Millbro< 1097 John D. W ing, 2nd. M illbrook F r a n c is G e o r g e M a rq u a rd t


1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336





881 882

Milton Hadley Barnes, Millbrook

Clarence clarence Reed, Kee So Millbrook mmings, Oak Summit John Cummii Cummings, Obk Summit Oscar W^’illiams illia 'hopmson Millbrook Aaron Thopm son Cummings, Cumm Leroy Jefferson, Millbrook Clayton Samuel Reed, So. Millbrook W alter Cummings, Oak Summit Robert W eldon, Oak Summit Weldon, Alfonso Willis, Millbrook Jackson, Oak Summit Wm. Otis Jack! ° ------ Wm. Bennett, Oak Summit James Ross Coffin, M illbrook 1023 Alfred Leo M urphy, M illbrook 1024 John H enry Self ridge, Millbrook 1025 John Valentine Gallenz, Millbrook

Albert Edward Wakeham, Millbrook ~ - - Ave. Yve. Mill! Robert Tyldsley, Franklin M illbrook Edw ard D elan 03% Millbrook illbrook Gerado Nazziaro, Millbrook Churcha St. A lbert Fred Guilmet, Chu S t Millbrook George Murad, M illbrook Antonio Zenobio, Millbrook Emilio Bisogni, M illbrook Mehmed Halid, Millbrook W m. Brown, Millbrook A lbert N3>^e, Millbrook Andrea Di Costanzo,, M illbrook Vincenzo Nazzaro, M illbrook Antonio Barissi, Millbrook Alexandre Baillif, Millbrook

858 Attilis D’Oddia, Millbrook

872 873 874 875 876 877 878

Edwin Roswell Kinney, Millbrook George WessHe Brundage, M illbrook Ira Smith. L ittle Rest Frank Clifton Jones, Dover Plains Frederick Thom as Schneider, Millbrook

1004 Walter Chester Deyo, So. Millbrook

D IS T R IC T No. 1.


Wright Whaley, Millbrook

DISTRICT No. 3. 1003

WASHINGTON 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 " 851 852 853 854 855 856 837


Frank Butler, M illbrook Joseph Michael Gleason, M illbrook S.tephen Kozol, M illbrook Samuel Middleton,, Millbrook H enry Christian Creamer, M illbrook J o h n ’W m. Murphy, M illbrook Benjamin Franklin Cash, M illbrook Clayton Robertson, M illbrook Franklin Arnold Smith, M illbrook Lui Angelo De Marony, M illbrook iimingS, M iiri.1111 Baker S. Stillings, illbrook Oscar Butler, M illbrook Jam es Raymond Hicks, M illbrook Dewitt Talmadge Middlemiss, W assaic

1551 Charles Langley, Rhinebeck

1552 1553 1554 1555 1556

Charles H enry Gontrum,^ Rhinebeck Francis Kinzer Little, Rhinebeck Simon Deyo, Rhinebeck Jacob A. Tremper, Rhinebeck Floyd H enry White, Rhinebeck


F r a n k H o r a t o M a rq u et, R h in e b e c k

1557 Daniel Webster Wilbur, Rhinebeck 1559 John Francis Lynch, Rhinebeck

1560 George Olin, Rhinebeck

1561 Philip W. DeGarmo, Rhinebeck 1562 Samuel W in. Goodman, Rhinebeck

1563 John Vechton Veeder, Rhinebeck 1564

C a rl G le a s o n F is k e , R h in e b e c k

1565 Charles D. Ellsworth, Rhinebeck 1566 Charles Stanley Euler, Rhinebeck 1567

A u g u s t u s C a r te r B u sc h . R h in e b e c k

1568 Norman Coke jepheott, Rhinebeck

1569 Ira Rion, Rhinebeck 1570 ■Emzie J. Trowbridge, Rhinebeck

1571 Wm Alfred Morehouse, Rhinebeck

1572 Edward Augustus P. Pottenburgh, Rhinebeck 1573 Abel Bernard Ellsworth, Rhinebeck

1574 Charles Edward Smith, Rhinebeck 1575

G e o r g e W u e s t, R h in e b e c k

1576 George Wm. Gakenheimer, Rhinebeck

1577 Grant Frost, Rhinebeck

1578 Millard Welch, Rhinebeck 1579 Wm. Fielding Pulver, Rhinebeck 1580

H a l R o c h e 'VVest, R h in e b e c k

1581 Herman Conrad Flack, Rhinebeck

1582 1583 1584 1585 586

John Joseph Mahar, Rhinebeck W alter Vincent Dugan, Rhinebeck H arry Tappin Cotting, Rhinebeck Earle Cole, Rhinebeck L e ste r A .

H a sb r o u c k ,

Tuon M a r tin o , R h in eb ec Vlartino, hin 1587 Juan Wm. Cyrus Hasbrouck, Rhinebeck 1588 W: 1589 Carl Frederick Weekesser, Rhineb: 1590

A lb e r t K o lb in sk i. R h in e b e c k

iSgr 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599

George Eathan Van Wagner, Rhinebeck Wm. Louis Weekesser, Rhinebeck James H enry Kilbinski, Rhinebeck Wm. H enry Briggs, Rhinebeck John Simmons Fraleigh, Rhinebeck Ambrose Lee Huber, Rhinebeck M ortimer Vincent Sullivan, Rhinebeck Guiseppe Di Manro, Rhinebeck Charles Francis Harder, Rhinebeck Vitamtonio Sautoienemo, Rhinebeck Stephen McBride, Rhinebeck Clyde Irving Gacldis, Rhinebeck Frank Van W agner, Rhinebeck John Theodore Kimbark, Rhinebeck Michael Proper, Rhinebeck Frank Brennan, Rhinebeck Daniel Edward Halley, Rhinebeck M atthew Burton Marquet, Rhinebeck Roswell Cole,, Rhinebeck Rosw: Hain— Rhine 'o*-' " Wm. Curtis Haines, Raymond Middagh, Rhineb:


1601 1602 i6d3 1604 1605 1606 1607 608 l6og 1610 1611

D IST R IC T N o. 3. Wm. Sagbforth, Rhinebeck 1613 Salvatore Pagano, Rhinecliff Rhinecl: 1614 Wm. Nugent, Rhinebeck, 1615 Pasquale San^onio, Rhinec

1616 John 1617 Guist


D om

1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629

Paul Mocchantonio Ammaturo, I David Me Niven, RhirtcKff Joseph Gordon Scott, Rhinebeck Du Gruttola Guiseppe, Rhinebeck Antonio Caggianella, Rhinecliff R aym ond

S m ith , R h in e c liff

Guy Pindar, JRhinecliff



A r th u r C h a s. B u ttr e s s , R h in e b e c k

1463 1464 1465 1466 1467

A lbert Edw ard Berrian, Jr. Rhinebeck Peter Kisshoucr, Rhinebeck Raymond Leonard Briggs, Rhinebeck R......... W m. T. Cookinghatft, Rhineb>eck George E. Krom,. Rhinebick ihiftebtck

tkins, Rhinec] 1633 A rthur Traver, Rhinebeck Rodman Bowne M ontgomery, Rhinebeck 1635 Jerm Jen yn Bedel Keator, Rhinebeck i6J6 Harold Day, Rhinebeck 1637 Wm. Eckert, Rhinebeek Harold Schaffer; Rhin: ‘ , Rhiftecliff

„ •44 •45 B46 B47 I4 8

George Washington Harrington, RhinedifE Clarence Jeffries, Rhjnediff Ludwig H. Tonnersen, Rhinebeck Henry A. Wicker, Rhinecliff, George M. Dimlcr, Rhinecliff John Milsie, Rhinecliff Reuben Francis Cole, Rhinebeck larles V. Flynn, Rhinecliff Charles Flynn._Rhinecli_ff •thur Simmons, Rhinebeck, Edward T. Shoemaker, Rhinecliff Isaac Lefridge Jarrard, Rhinecliff George F. Fritr, Rhinecliff Harry, Rhynders, Rhinebeck Stephen Francis Conlin, Rhinebeck George Ralph Kelsey, Rhinecliff Henry Joseph Kipp, Rhinebeck Wm. L. McCarthy, Rhinecliff Robert Bowne Suckh , Jr. , Rhinebeck Lee Clayton Wheeler, Rhinebeck John Edward Mulvey, Rhinecliff ^dnecliff John Asher, Rhinebeck Normalm Edward Ingles, Rhinecliff Edwin Haywood, Rhinecliff Wm. R. Greiner. Jr. Rhinebeck Benjamin H. Dedrick. Rhinecliff Walter Augustus Smith, Rhinecliff Harry H. Jarrard, Rhinecliff Fred Shultes Thiel. Rhinecliff Henry Amine DuBois, Rhinebeck Wm. Joseph Cooney, Rhinebeck Wm. T, O’Neil, Rhinecliff^ James Whipple Gallup, Rhinebeck, Rhinecliff Ralph Henry Pitcher, Rhinebeck Percy Everett Tator, Rhinecliff Joseph Bernard Lj'nch, Rhinecliff Claude J. Ritton, Rhinecliff, ‘ Walter Smith Rhinecliff Soulis Harold Newman, Rhinebeck Wm. Jacob Holsapple, Rhinecliff Wm. Clum, Rhinecliff Hunting Rogers Flinn, Rhinecliff A l b e r t J. W i l k i n s , R h in e b e c k James Arthur Gaddis. Rhinecliff Rhinebeck

Frank Ward Coona. Tivoli

1805 Ifervin U tm n Rantlor Lasher, Tivol TivoU 1806 Irvin g Proper Miller, Red Hook

1969 John Franklin Lawrence, Pine Plains 1968 John Henry Remsburgher, Pine Plaint a r r y Clay Wiltsie, Pine Plains 1970 Harry

1807 Calvin Henry Swartz, Red Hook

1971 George Wni. Hallock, Pine Plain! mzo Moore, Pine Plains ] 1972 Roy Alonzo

1808 Foster Teator, Tivoli 1809 Oakley Teator, Red Hook 1810 Harry David Fraleigh, Tivoli 1811 Fred Minkler. Red Hook

1973 Harry Miller, Pine Plains 1974 Frederick W. Burnett. Pine Plains 1975 Cecil Joseph Hunter, Fine Plains 1976 Albert Ten Eyck Bowman, Pine Plains Hendrick DeVries, Pine Plains 1978 Harry Adam Hoffman,. Pine Plains 1979 Ralph Brizzie, Pine Plains 1980 Robert Charles Hill, Stanfordville 1981 Thomas Jefferson Remsburger, Pine Plains 1982 Leroy W. Pulen, Pine Plains^ , 1983 Santa Anna Kinkle, Pine Plains 1984 Paul Allen Hart, Pine Plains Pine Plains ges. Pin* 198s ^ h n Herrick Hedges, 1986 Paul Patchin, Pine! Plains 1987 Henry Melvin Bathwick, Mt. Ross Kelsey Wirehoiise, Stanfordvill 1988 1989 Edwardd Henry Cambell, Pine Plains

1812 Raymond Vernon Cottins^ Tivoli

1813 Edward Parker Moore, Tivoli 1814 Walter Rieligh Hinton, Red Hook 1815 Charles James Dumas Jr. Tivoli 1816 Ernest Lester Feller, Red Hook Sheffer Dcnerly, IRed 1817 Thomas Shcfier __ Hook 1818 Wm. Henry Forbes, Red Hook 1819 Monroe Wm. Fraleigh, Red Hook i8ao Harry Walter Rifenburgh, Red Hook :e r Phillip P h illip Donerly, D o n e r ly , Upper Red R< 1821 Lester 1 Paul Fouglas Smith, Red Hook Ernest Best, Red Hook Alvia Curtis Teator, Red Hook 1825 Ralph Carl Schultze, Red Hook 1820 JcSBc Charles Rockfcllef, Red Hook 1827 Edward Coon, Upper Red Hook 1828 Arthur Elmo Coon, Tivoli 1829 Homer Adam Coon, Red Hook 1830 Thomas Jefferson Miller, Red Hook 1831 John Rifenbui^h, Red Hook 1832

C h a r le s

S llvernall W o o d , P in e P la in s


1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

B riz z ie , T iv o li

1833 Franklin Palmer Hart, Red Hook 1834 John Harpham Townsend, Red Hook 1835 Harry Stickle, TJvoli 1836 Edmund Ham, Red Hook 1837 Roscoe Teator, Upper Red Hook 1838 Edwin Lamb Losce, Upper Red Hook D IS T R IC T N o. 4 .

1839 Louis Lathrop Shoop, Dr„ Red Hook Floyd Malcolm Wasner, Red Hook Edwin Battenfield, Red Hook ----- Rider, Red Hook 1842 .1!— ed Hook 1843 lip Greco, Red Hook 1844 A le x a n d e r

A u g u s tu s

Low n

Foster -----M Plass, "Red' Hook Frederick L. Cotting, Red Hook Chester J. Shafer, Red Hook_ Cecil Grangerr 5Spencer , Red Hook Lyle Hoffman Griffing, Red Hook Hoffma n Griffin! in Rhinecliff ic k W n i. George Wm. Mabie, Red Hook pie, Rhinecliff' George Washingto Holsapple Earle Teator. Red ---- Hook L e w iiss S te v e n T a t io r , R h in e c lif f Charles Wm. Heyne, Red Hook Arthur Rutson Suckley, Rhinebeck George Edward Pitciier, Red Hook Alfred Wm. Lane, Rhinebeck Lester Swartz, Red Hook Horatio Henry Staley, Rhinebeck Foster Wm. Burger, Red Hook George O. White, Rhinecliff Barzelle Hermance Cole, Red Hook eter Zitz, Red Hook ^heodore T Dusenbury Jr. Red Hook Clarence Hoffman Traver, Red Hook D IST R IC T No. 1. Archie Lewis Kilmer, Red Hook Oscar Hollenstein, Varalberg Lulte n a n , A u s t r i a 1862 A r t h u r H a r r i s o n Holt, Red Hook living at TivoHi863 Clarence Wm. Ham, Red Hook


Robert Stanley Tucker, Andover, Mass.

1866 Harry Proper,

R o l a n d L i v in g 's to n R e d m o n d , T iv o li C h a rle s E d w a r d B a r d , M a d a lin R G. Cunningham, 1516 Mulberry St C h e s te r E d w a r d G r u n th e r , T iv o li


•747 ■ 748 I7 4 9

■750 ■751 ■752 ■vs-j

Martin, TivoU

limmons, Tivoli Fred Simr Daniel Harrington Chichester, Tivoli George Wilbor Finch Keller, Tivoli Harry Edwin Coon, Tivoli Flmer Moore, Tivoli Moore, Tivoli H a r v e y W_ ivoll iuss Bauer, Tivc P h ilip A lc y s iu D IST R IC T No, , M a d n lin

Anthony Krasnobarsky, Tivoli Ai.nth< James Friery, Tivoli Frederick A. ROse, Jr. Madalm Jonas Gilbert Coon, Red Hook ’Lloyd loyd Henry Woolsey, Madalin Hei Grover Cleveland' (t'-rden, ■'rden, Madalin mans David Oakleigh Fellt.. ^ladalin Frank De Gruntler, Madalin Fred Minkler, Madalin John Daniel Minkler, Madalin Harmon Mclins, Madalin C h a r l e s R o b e r t K a y e , Madalin Wm. George Kincaid, Madalin


R a y m o n d W a s h i n g t o n C la r k , M a d a lin D a v id B r u s s e l, M a d a lin


R a l p h J . C a s e y , e m p lo y e d a t S ta r n f o r d , 1

I758 Robert Sagedorf Moore, Madalin

1760 Birchum Jarvis Rockefeller, Madalm ‘ '

C h a r l e s R o f f C lin to n , M a d a lin

Arhchie Frederick Rector, Madalin Frank Banker Smith, Madalin Iris Terwilligdr, Madalin Con Dedrick, Tivoli or Madalin Herbert Andrew Simmons, Madalin Joseph Choinsky, Madalin George W. Woolsey, Madalin Harry Jacob Diehl, Madalin Edward Simmons, Madalin

894 895 896 897 Ii898 899 1899

1^3 igo6 1907 1908 1909 1010 1911

Vincejizo Manti, Barrytown Raymond A Coon, Red Hook Raymoi Russell Leavy, Red Hook Frederick Hcnnebily, Barryl Edward A Sullivan, Sullivan. Barrytown Ward Griswold Cameron,Annandaic Maurice Jackson Kendall, Annandale Frank Smith Annandale , Frank Kolbinskie, le, Barrytown B arr Lorenzo Moray Armstrong, ^Red A lv ie M o o r e , R e d


Hilario Dela Torrie, Red Hook S a lv a d o r c


J o h n J . N a v in s , B a r r y t o w n

Jo se P o n s, R ed H o o k P e d r o F ra ilc , R e d H o o k

Vincent! Riera, Red Hook



' ’


P o n s , R .ed ed H o o k

787 Jquagium Aranda, Red Hook 788 Antonio Zurich, Red Hook Myron Gorno, Tivoli Robert Champlin, Red Hook Cecil Isaac Stoutenburgh, Tivoli Clifford Abram Kerlcy, Red Hook Wm. Peter Feller, Red Hook 'George ' Gordon Mead, Tivoli F e r r i s B e g r a p h , T iv o li

George Franklin Guisler, Red Hook Floyd A Cotting, TivoU • John Edward Feller, Red Hook Lawrence Caulford, Upper Red Hook Elmer Tripp, Red, Hook ■1801 Wm. Harrison Moore, Tivoli ■1802 Theodore Charles Macauley, Upper Red Hook ■l8oa Stanley Teator, Tivoli

Henry Humphrey Harper, Pine 1 Plains Pete r Farenelli, Pine Plaini 1953 ^m es Fillippini, F ^ipp ^ i, Pine ames — 1935 1956

Reuben Jay Rifenburgh, Pine Plains i f l M a r q u e t, P i n e P la in s E r n e s t D a n ie

Nelvin Jay Doyle, Pine Plains Plains Howard Clum, PineI PU F red

Jo sep h

11, P C o lw e ll, I in e

P la in s

Thomas as H. Hunter, Hun , Pine Plains Eltinge Schoonmaker, Pine Plains nardo Guglicbmetti, Pirn Plains ibmetti. Pine rlo Mazzocchi,i, Pine Plains ............e o n a rd H Pint*”pUin* Ira Leonard Hio f f m a n , *R-*-Fred Swart, Pine Plaini

2143 Lester H. Baker, Pawling 2144 John D. Murphy, Pawling Wm. W. Blauvelt, Pawling Michael J. Phillips, Pawling Courtland G. Clarkson, Pawling T------ur n.M... 2148 James H. Bailey, Pawling 2149 Homer Eug igene Hollister, Pawling J. Hermani Hultz, Pawling Fawlii Wm. F. Lewis, Pawling John E. Hollister, Pawling Harold Calvin Saunders, Pawling2153 2154 Charles P. Horan, Pawling 2155 Lowell H. Palmer, Pawling 2150 Esmondc Whitman, Pawling


C l e m e n t W^. C o r b i n , P a w l i n g

Wm Jay Hawkins, Pat&ling 2159 Knut Martin Lundin, Pawlinig

DISTRICT No. 2. Camillo Graziani, Pawling 2162

V it a l e , P a w l i n g Francesco> Vital* N i c h o l a C a p a e llo , P a w l i n g

2163 Harris Friedman, Stonehouse, Pawling 2164 Alexander Chipee, Stonehouse, 2164 Stonehouse Pawling VIotte, Pawlinr Pawling 2163 Frank Motte, 2166 Manti, Stonehoiluse. Pawling Pipe, 1 Pawling 2167 Coueo Pipe, 2168 John Peivnal, Pawling Clarence Pascoe, Pawling Frederick DevJn* vine Mitchell, Pawling James Raymond Utter, Pawling George Adelbcrt Smalley, Holmes 2173 Everett Ferris Cole, Holmes 2174 Harold Leslie Zoller, Patterson 2175 Edward Joseph. Smith, Holmes R aym ond

A rn o ld ,

P a w lin g

' 2177 David Judson Light, Holmes, Pawling 2178 Emmitt Isaac Barrett, Pawling B y r o n B e ll B r ill, P a w l i n g

2180 Wm. Vernon Woodin, Pawling 2181 f Edwin Gimbert Penny, Holmes

2182 Albert Henry Gloyd, Pawling 2183 Harry Cree Reed, Pawling 2184 Clinton Harold Cole, Holmes _ 2185

J a m e s L e v in

R e y n o ld s , P a w lin g

2186 2187 2188 2189

Frank Artist, Holmes George Raymond Ferris, Pawling Egbert Toffey Green, Pawling Frederick Arthur DeHart, Pawling Grover Wildey Smith, Pawling David Ernest Turner, Holmes Robert Conge, Pawling Richard Baxter Craig, Pawling 2194 Frederick C Penny, Pawling !I9S H. H . Robert R o b e r Grant, Pawling Collier, Pawling >196 James David Da *197

! s a a c C o r b in , P a w l i n g C e c il Isa*

James Lenard Carey, Pawling Nicholas Bernard Lieberman, Pawling Wm.

M e r vy in

H o w a rd ,

P a w lin g

Frederick Henry Lates, Holme! Holmes, obinson, Pawling Chester Barber Robinson, Pawl H o w a rd F le tc h e r C o le m a n , P ai Coleman, Pawling . is. Holmes 2204 Dewitt Alex Da,vis, olph Burr, Pawl Pawling 2205 Howard Randolph Denton, H a r o ld R ile y D e n t o n , Pawling P a w lin g Burns, Pawling •c "----- Edward Francis E(


Jo h n

Harold Smith Lasell, Pawling Wm. Townsend Gibney, Pawling Bartholomew Valenti, Pawling Irving Maure, Pawling Odell Peck, Pawling Everett Lemuel Peck, Pawling ! Oliver Titus, Pawling George Burhance, Pawling George Raymond Dykeman, Pawling George Irving Daley, Jr. Holmes Clarence'Luddington, Pawling Wm. Henry Collier, Pawling Herman Morey, Pawling Clarence Hall Mabie, Pawling 2223 Arthur Peck, Pawling Holmes ^ -----o .-------

Alfred Mac Kenzie, 970 E. I79 St N Y. C. Harry Stomm, Pine Plains 2230 Frank Somers Congo, Pawling 2231 Norman W. Gordon, Pawling Frederick A. 2232 Stanley Mortomer Baker, Holmes 2227 Charles Ross Daniels, Pawling 2228 John James Burhance, Pawling 2229 John Patrick Collier, Pawling 2258 Lyle Coon, Tivoli D IS T R IC T N o. 1. 2256 Harry Benj. Brown, Dover Plains 2257 Fred. Warner, Hallock, LaGrangeville Frederick Luther Gamage, j \ Pawling 2259 Harry Vincent Teator, Red Hook Diedrich Ulken, Pawling 2233 Peter Augustus Dykeman, Pawling Dometri Ferrero Rodriquez, Quaker Hill 2234 Deliverance Christopher Warden, Holm* 2235 Claude Arnold, Pawling Axel Boo, Pawling Paul F. Romero, P a w lin g ___ , 2236 Martin Joseph Helmeycr, Holmes James Freeley, P a w l i n g R .F D 2237 Ralph Merritt, Pawling Miguel Figuera, Pawling, R. F. D. 2238 Charles Alfred Rapp, Pawling 2239 George LaWrence Cunningham, Pawling John Juricho, Pawling M a lb y F r a n c i s C la y , P a w lin g 2340 Frank del Couto, Stonehouse 2241 John Tartaro, Pawling Paul Yegella, Pawling 2242 John Wallace Randolph, Pawling Albert Startern, Pawling 2243 Richard Baker, Pawling Peter Me Loughlin, Pawling “ ink Szarlansky, Pawling 2244 George Wm Kuehler, Jr. LaGrangeville Fran 2245 Frank H. Jones, LaGrangeville vid Clark, Pawling, David



2068 2069 1070 1071 2072 2073 J074 >075 2076' !077 >078 2078 2079

R a ffa c lo R a n c o , P aw a w n; lin g “s. Pawling O sc a r Jones,


2081 Clifton Jackson, Quaker 2082 James Surles, Pawling 2083 Percy Hill, Pawling G e o r g e N e ls o n T e r r c f l

Galordsville, Conn R.F.D22J

'S|. , Pawling Frank Kelly,

Wm. Jos. Kiene, Pawling John Chas. Loucks, Pawli)

Solomon omon Barrett Jbarre Oishorn, Pawling ;d in st. ., jndcl Water! Daniel Heinchon, Pawling Howard Clarkson, Pawling

P a w lin g

i , .-.'-' 1966 Fred J. Fingar, Bangall, fe iC. Mowers, Jr. Pine Plaint I7 George 1967

Ernest J. Reiter, Pawling Charles Dennis, Pawling 105 Sherman Taber, Pawling 106 Paul Willard Eggleston, Pawling !107 Wm. Ryan, Pawling :io 8

nog :iio

H a r r y J a m e s H e r m s d c ir f , P a w lin g

David Alfrcdson, Pawling, P ie r s o n

C u r tis , P a w lin g

Edwin J Houghton, Pawling Allard Anthony Woodin, Pawling Milnor B Morrison, Pawling George Teator, Pawling

115 Warren C. Spaulding, Pawling

116 Frank Euchner Wurst, Pawling 117 Herbert Millard, paw ling 1 1 0 X ^dll KJ. Rozcil, IVU/.CU1 x a v Y iu iii 119 Chester Hunt Sears, Pawling awHng 120 Thomas Jos. Gillen, Pawling ;rse, Paw Pawling 121 'Franklin Brown Converge, Romain , Pav Pawlini 2122 Floyd Fisher‘ Romams, 2123 :i 2 3

T h o m a s E . F e r r i s , P a w lin g

■"anzer, Pawlini !I24 Harry Jay Wanzer, ! :i25 Philo Pawling A b e l: -. ^ « e l . P a w lin g

Harryy EU iSllker, ker, Pawling Wm, Watts, Pawling 2129

- E d w a r d T e a t e r , P a w lin g

2130 Frank Darling, Pawling

2131 Edward Michael Crowe, Pawtinj

___mas Joseph 2132 Thomas J o s^ h Joyc< Joyce, Pawling

2133 Wm Leach, Pawling 2134 Wm. Henry Taber, Pawling.

K. OF C. TO RAISE M L CREVES $1,000,000 FUND LAB) TO REST Local Chapter to Assist National Body in Next Week’s Drive E. A. CONGER IS CHAIRMAN

The funeral of William L, Grev held at hal-f-past six o’clo* lat* home, 148 OMansion sL;reet. The servi rvices.

Sunday evening 5ning at his


Presbyteriai Carriers took the place o

The E yesterday under A. Schoonmaker,

Having been officially designated by the War jCtepartment as the agency empowered to moral welfare*. .. - , ---------- en the army ^cT navy, the Knights <jl



Colum-bus, all over the United (States

have started a great drive for a $1,000, 000 camp fund. 'Por the purpose of conducting the campaign in Pough­ keepsie, a "War Activities iPund Com Petr grad, July 17.—Pt mittee” was formed here last week by the members of Florentaue Coum bank < erks hae just won a lainst custom, the tyrant with Ddiward A. conger as chairman q u ired t h e y -wear c o a ts whil,© of the Einanep committee and a list irkii and swelter in the heat. of more than 3*5 prominent Knights working )ne bold clerk hoisted a ibanner One s aseietants. ding “Be '‘Be free like Americans! America] The appeal Issued Tah ike off your coats.' coats."'’* and promptly promptly*. s h e d h is . Within twenty-four hours every other clerk in town followed meeting with th« heartiest res] lit. It may (be said that 'Russian from the members of the order suspenders are lurid in coloring. New York* Chapter jurisdictloi J a m e s iStewart, the higbly prized chauffeur of Mr. and Mrs. Platt, to make Poughkeepslb Knights’ share wealthy New Yorkers who maintain summer home at New Hamburg, in the war fund a notable contribution. m o n e y• c o lle c t e d b y th e v a r io u s has just received word that he has m e a n s contemplated, p e r s o n a l s u b ­ been accepted as a member of the 'British 'Royal Flying Corps and will scriptions, general canvass! lort for service on August. Mr. th r o u g h e n ^ H a in m e n t s , e t c ., Will' v iwart bas many friends in Wapused ixclusilively for the welfi plngers Palls who are extending hiin cathol loMc ifighting men,, whether mem­ i best wishes. He is a native of bers of the Knights of Columbus Columbi or their England. The plan outlined by the Supreme Board .contemplates icontempli • the ■ erection of cat! latholic centers and suitable pla the celebration of mass in the


sixteen cautoinments to be established

throughout the country, as well as the navy yards, forts and regulai :pansic-^ ---------•mps, and' - Members New York Stock Exchange. priests both here an* id’ in the bi fields of Europe, and taffi' Members New York Cotton Exchange ance while -v 35 MARKET ST. eritorious work. The c&i (lie c h u r c h 18 been allowed 33 1-3 per cent, of BONDS, STOCKS, aHAIN, COTTON t h e chapl* 2:15 PRICES _ la in s f o r t h e n e w a r m ie s , b ut number will not be sufficient to this number I n t. M . M a r. P r . . . care for the catholic iers and Amftrleati C a n .. • * Inter. Pap* sailors, who. It is estimated, will Am, C a r & F d . .. . Kenne’te Cop. her 40 per c«nt of the total forces. Am. Cotton O il... Knights of Columbus have there- Am. Locom otive.. Lack. Steel........


Am. S. & R . C . .. . : Am. Sugar.............: _ cam p s Am. Tel. & T e l.... : trenches and on the baittieflelds. Re­ Am. Woolen......... c r e a tio n c e n t e r s w ill a ls o b e p r o v id e d Ana. Cop. M in g .. for the men in the different canton- A T .& S t . ? e . . . . • ments. Baldwin L o c o .. . . The members of the 'Finance Com- Balt. & Ohio........ ittee who are to be in charge of the Beth. Steel C o .. . . : campaign for funds here are: George Bkiyn. r. Amato, James H. Beatty, Frank X. C. Petr:roleum. ^ Burns. John iH. (Cusack, Dr. John H . !Cana. Pacific........ I 6 I Cotter, John. A 'ttomerford, Edward A IC. L eather............. 85 ■Conger, iCharlsi* j;Ches. & O h io........ C o n g e r, iC harlsi* JJ.. .Oorbally, O o rb a lly , JJohn o h n JJ.. jChe 'C.. M D o h e r ty , (Vl'^alter J . D a v is , L o u is D e - '|C A . &St. P..... P a o lo , J o h n A.. F ly n n , John J o h n iHeffemail, iH e ffe m a il, C'”Chi. R-1- &?•• •• Flynn, J o h n J . H o g V , J a S i e s A . K e r r , J a m e s : Chino C o p . ........ 5234

M ax’ll M o to rs ----. 3 6

M. P etroleum .. . . S5 M ia m i C o p p e r .. . . ■■ P a c ific .............. .8254 N a tio n a l L e a d ____ 5S>^

N. Y. C en tral.. . . 90 N. Y., N. H. & H ., 8654 N .Y .,0 . & W e s t. 2854 N or’k .& W e s t.... 12354 Nortliom Pacific. .101 Penn. R. R .............. 5354 ’eople’s C h i.. 77 •ittsb u rg C o a l____ 5216

Pressed S. C a r.. . . 7J Cons’d............ 267^

i/&S ^ ^ S.te e l... acific.. . F. Lynch, .Patrick W. Limner, H o n , : Chile Cop......... 20^ South n Pac. Josephh M o r sc h a u se r , J o h n J. MVlod,, ^ o l- F &1............. 48% Southern R a il.... John E E. M ack C h a r le s J . M ille r , 1 •• les D . M a r tin , D r. C. J . M d O a m b r id g e . W illia m J . M clC o u rt, J a m e s

Henry S. Van Tassel, Millerton Harry P. Hull, Shekomeko

“asquale Squcciosido, Madalin Ernest Diehard Rich! Seeley, Wassaic Antonio Martinez, Rc*l Hook — Madalin Jo!ihn Martini Gernando iaravoca, Madalm

S T e ^ ; S i Co

Spratt, James F. Sh'eedy, Sheedy, Joseph A >9pratt, Shelly, John F. Tyan, Timmins, A. Toll! ^ '^ r o h n ^ Wermi

LOWN ASSOCiATION OUTING TO MORROW Plans are complete for the anni outing of the Frank B. Lown Associ tion tp'morrow at 'Stissing Lake. T.'ie p r o g r a m_[_ for this year quit _u fte s u rp ilasses t h e p re vsvlo J u s o u tin g s In a ttr a e tiv e n *

................. 25%! U. S. I. A lcohol.. iS5>i .............. u . S. Steel............ 12034 'Goodrich.......... soil C “ pf’d . .. 118 U. S. Steel U. S. R ubber........ 61 ' Green-Cananea.. ih e m ...4] G. N. Ore ctfs___ Illinois C en tral... Western U n io n ... .. ssyi In. Copper............ VVestingUouse E.i. 4954 In ter’b’h C ons.... Int. M. M arin e...

COTTON. High. LOW 2(493 24818 I> ec...................... 2'53S 2488 Jan............... 2544

2550 and the} members are looking forward uct...................zoou

to a regular good t i m e of tho‘ famous lake.

on th e s h o re s

Josh Billings Said^—

SAHUESIN CAMP TODAY If your competitor talks about you, put him on your pay-roll, matter what he says— if he only talk s.

“Sammiei” and France’s poilus

training side by side here today lartered American officers ere quart reatest French officers. The gr©£ with Fren* co-operation and liiutu) * spirit of: c< miration prevails. lay erenb evening,, the thi French divYesterday

Ision staff of this -district headed by i hand, visit to Major d, paid a formai. : ■ ■ re](paid this General Sibert, who today

Hold 'Funeral of Miss Helen McCloskey The funeral of Mias Helen P. Mo Closkey was held this morning at 10 o’clock from the residence of her sister, (Mrs. J^mes A. Tolland, of 26 North Hamilton street, and at 10:30 o'clock from St. Peter's Ohunch, •^here a mass of requiem was sung by the Rev. Tlmplhy 0 ‘Brlen, assistant pastor of th-e church. Many relatives and friends attend­ ed the services. There were no boar­ ders carrying the casket. Itters, .porters iide the family p plot xterment was msde In St. Peter's Cemetery, In charge EJdward J. Corcoran, undertaker.

86>^ 93li

L Em m anuel j t, M a r t i n R y a n , iG e o rg e V . L .

H o r a c e W . C o le , M o o r e ’s M ills

2247 Elting Martin, Arlington >248 Doriald Tobin, Lagrangcville _ ....... Valley Lgrangeville

' , Pawling 2080 Tebo Smith,

iPennanent Camp of the Amerfeau JLrmy in France, IPuly 17—(America’s

W m , F a llo n , B a r r y t o w n

E m il D io tz , T iv o li A l f r e d O . B e r l i n Kinsman, K in B a n te s ta

2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 205s

H o f f m a n , B a nr r y to w n

1949 John Paul Sullivan, Jr. Barrytown 1950 Patrick Vincent Doyle, Barrytown

Jr., Red Hook f c «4 Lorenzo Ramos, Red Hook I785 Constantine Abai cs. Red Hook 786


Millard Butts Coons, W Stephentown Ray Decker, Pine Plains Grover Decker, Pine Plains Dewitt Pulver, Pine Plains Vincent Peppe, Pine Plains Ernest Langdon Pilch, Pine Plains George Otto Flemming, Pine Plains John Henry Mercer, Pine Plains Wm Scold Morey, Amenia James Sylvester Thorpe, Pme Plains Claude Allen Burch, Pine Plains Jerry Nelson Bathrick, Pme Plains Frederick Wm. Haight, Pine Plains Wm. Patrick Fahey, Pine Plains Reuben Hendricks, Pine Plains

enry . Glaeser, Antiandalft

1947 Clayton Nelson, Red Hook / jF

A u g u s tu s S c h r o w a n g , P i n e P la in s

M r, D e la n o

W m . A . N a v in s , B a r r y to w n ,


2142 Alfred D, Parker, Pawling

2040 Robert Smith, Pine Plains

2041 2042 2043 2044 2045

G u is e p p e C o m m iiie r i, Barrytown Anton Vemey, Annandale Vincenzo Lyjore, Barrytown S ydney F. Chandley, Annandale, Wm. J. Strobcl, Barrytown G e o r g e E. S m ith , A n n a n d a le r, Annandale )’Connell, Barrytown upp, Barrytown David Cran Henion, BarryU 1935 G eorgi:e Sylvester Navins, Bjirrytow Lown, Barrytt 1936 Wm. Herbert ] id e ric k P ip e r , A n n a i.ndale-On-Hudson

1944 Hoapard Ellsworth Sheldon, Red Hook 1945 Wm. A. Simmons, Annandale

H ook

Russ Rowe Bouton, Pine Plains Emersonn Briggs, Pii Plains


2138 Luther Joseph Benson, Pawling

2139 Joseph Cavalcri, Pawling “ 2140 Joseph D, Tanner, Pawling 2141 Emerson G. Ellis, Pawling

ver St. Thomasvillc, Conn.jj, tale, 92 S S. Riv( Donato “Natale,

A .ngelico n g e lic o tiastano, G a s ta n o , f] o r t Edward A n g elico , F o r t IEdward Antonio D’Angelico, Fort ___ il uu dd s o n F J o s e f L a b a s sso o, H a lls

1926 1927 1928 1929 igto


Visente Caravaca, Red Hook

m . J o h in s o n , P i n e P l a i n s WV m Hl aa rrrr i s o n E Ellis, lai: llis , Pine P Plains


B. L e w is , R e d H o o k 1941 Foster Henry Smith, Red Hook 1942 Herbert E. Saulpaugh, Annandale

No. 3.

Irving ng Fowler Jackson, Pine Plains

Nuzio Labasso, Hudson Falls


K irtle y

B a lle s te r , R e d

.4 tr.-. 1

LeGrande W a l d o r t C u r tis , tcea n Red Oliver Eli Rider. R F. D. 44. R < Hook Ernest Beekman Kilmer, Red -Hi'ook Wesley Plass, Red Hook ^ ^ , Harry Elmendorf, R. FMarvin Lee Hagar, R. F D. Red Hook Lee Griffin Pultz, Red HoOk Jerry Zitz, Red Hook Willis J Pells, Red Hook Herman Ackert, Red Hook Harrv Hapeman Pafrie, Red Hook Thomas E Yeargan, Red Hook igomen, Red :ul Fragomen, Chalmers Becker, Red Hook :n Griffing, G r ittin g , Red x e a Hook x io _ .. Stephen Peter Saupaugh, E. Market St. Red Hook rt DuBois, E. Market bt. St. Red Herbert Kcd Hook Harris Wm. Crockwell, W. Market St. Red Hook Herman Knickerbocker Day, Graves St. Red Hook Frank Lewis Teator, Red Hook Chester Richard McCord, N. Broadway, Red Hook Edwin J. Dubois, W^. Market St. Red H( D IST R IC T No. 5.






Foster Rensellar Smith, Madalin

J o s e p h C h o in s k y , M a d a lin P e r c y H . P e e lo r , M a d a ljn

■7 8 3

H ook

\lll 1939

R a y m o n d F i n g a r , M a d a lin J a m e s R . N a v in s , M a d a lin


2030 2032

1871 Harry Austin Rhynders, Thompson St. Red Hook


N ic k


1872 James Edward Bellew, Red Hook 1873 A r c h ie T eatO .r, B re n n C r St. Red Hook Harrison Moore, Prince St., Red Hook _Norman _ B y r o n D e L o n g H o r t o n , F r a l e i g h St. Red H o o k ikingham, Red orn Cookingham, cookingnam, rcq Hook oikleigh Thorn Stonesby, Red Hook _ Emil W’^m. Vincent Baklfif, Rvd Hook Roy Proper, Red Hook n t . ^ tt 1 Franklin Rowe Krom, E. Market St. Red Hook Harry Sylvester Cole, Red Hook Harvey Roosa, St John St. Red Hook James Daniel Baxter, Red Hook Edward Stickle, Red Hook ^ ■, Clinton John Hoysradt, Fisk St. Red Hook Wm. Harry Montgomery, Red Hook Roland Abrial, Fisk St., Red Hook

^ ,, Charles Orlando Vanderwerjeer, TivoU ohn E, Kearney, Tivoli issalaer Miller, muel Renssalaer Mi ler, Tivoli Albert bert Royce, Tivoli

■740 J7 4 1

E . L*3wn, R e d

G e r a n d o la , P i n e P l a i n s

Homer Bathrick, Pine Plain! Fred Carter,' Pine Plains Lobert Shook, Stanfordvill* Wm Robert Stanfordville Frederick Harvey Hover, Pine Plains Wm Walker Bostwick, Pin* Harry Wm Cash, Pine P' pjj^g Plains Pine Plains Pine Plains

R ed H o o k E le c t r u s T e a ts , R e d H o o k

1870 B e r t r a m

1874 l8/4 ,187s F «derick^H S^’£ Tivoli 1s 76 Mvron P. Coon, Tivoli , 1877 Hiram Hammond Whe^lock, E- Main St« N* TroyiS/S Ralph Henry Miller, Tivoli Lewis Loomis, Tivoli 1881 John Lewis Sir-------1882 Freeman Rensselair Eoice, Txvoh 1883 Joh: raldyn Liyingston Redmond, Tivoli 5n Lewis Lyke, Tivoli John Tivoh 5885 -bert H— bert Raymond GrWitler, TivoU Charles Bauer, Tivoli Richard Lee Scott, T iv o li. . Harold Joseph Rankey, Tivoli George Lynk, Tivoli ^ ng, Tivoli^ Tivoli John Henry Downing d o o r« r e , pine Ptoe St. Tivoli i! E d w a rd L. M

a n k B e r w in W o o l s e y , T iv o li H e n r y B01lurguin. % Mrs. G. DeP

D o m e n ic o

1868 George TownSCnd, RfiO IWOK Kan. City KaniSbp Charles L. H itc h c o c k , J r- R e d H o o k

TivoU Warren Link. Jr. TivoU Frank Augustus Kelly, Tivoli Frederick Moore, Pine St. Tivoli Peter Simmons, Pine St. Tivoli


1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 iSstj 1856 1857 1858 1859

Harry Frederick Myers, Mt, Roi Simon Sheehy, Pine Plains George Burke, Pine Plains Kurt Gerhardt Rauer, Pine Plains Harlow Tuttle, Pine Plains Lloyd Edward Moore, Pine. Plains Joseph Novak, Pine Plains Raymond Vosburgh Strever, Pine Plains Harveyr Bathrick, Pine Plains Wm. Shulinski, Pine Plains Kowalcyzk, Pine Plains Daniel■ Kowa Harry Lewis Plains Lewi: Coons, Pine PU Hugo Francis Schrowang, Millerton Earl John Winchell, Pine Plains Clarence Matthew Ross, 3 Pine Plains Harry Harland Bathrick, Pine Plains Wesley Lynn Hemphill, Pine Plains Ernest Charles Race, Pine Plains Jrving H. DeVall, Pine Plains Fred Columbus Brandt, Pine Plains Anton Jorgensen, Pine Plains Russell McIntyre Wiltsie, Pine P l a i n s Nathaniel Hee^es, Pine Plains Walter John Funk, Stanfordville Wm Stickles, Pine Plains Alfred Reynolds, Jr. Pine ^Plains Klaas VerVeene, Pine Plains Benevnuto Mulazzi, Pine PI

2135 Clarence E. Peters, PaVung 2136 Albert A. Hasler, Pawling 2137 Walter J. Branning, Pawling

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