國立雲林科技大學 設計學院國際競賽得獎專刊,2015 - 2016

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2015 - 2016

Yuntech International Design Award


序 言 / Preface


產 品 設 計 類 / P ro d u c t De sig n


視 覺 設 計 類 / Visual Design


數 位 媒 體 類 / Digital Media Design


2015 - 2016

Yuntech International Design Award

序言 Preface


Shyh - Huei, HWANG

國立雲林科技大學設計學院 院長

Dean of Design Department

In the promotion of iF, Red Dot and other international design awards and rankings, design competitions have become important platform where many design schools in Asia and even the world are getting involved in. From 2015 to 2016, the College of Design of National Yunlin University of Science & Technology has been awarded 3 iF Concept Design Awards, including one being the world’s first; 3 設計學院院長 黃世輝 序 :

Red Dot Concept Design Awards, 6 Red Dot Visual Communication Awards and more than 10 awards

在 iF 與 Red Dot 等的推波助瀾,以及世界排名競

for international invention competitions. However,


the most important thing is to keep the passion for


creative design and environmental concern rather

此也成為令人關心的焦點之一。統計起來僅 2015

than just focus on the international award-winning.

年到 2016 年,雲科大榮獲 iF 概念設計獎 3 件,

For example, the poster entitled "Rain Down," which

其中 1 件得全球第一之殊榮,Red Dot 設計概念獎

won the world’s first for 2016 iF Concept Design

3 件,Red Dot 傳達設計獎 6 件,並獲其他國際發

(communication design class), consist of concise

明獎項 10 餘件。也許重點並非在國際得獎的成就, color and images to depict the pollution issues today, 而在於雲科大設計學院師生持續對創意設計與環境

with the rain falling into the city but only the black

關懷的熱情。就如獲得 2016 年 iF 概念設計獎傳

tears are flowing out to accuse cities of becoming


the gathering places for pollution. This poster is very


precise, poetic, ironic, and reflective. The enthusiasm


in using design in portraying different issues is also


reflected in product design, architectural design,


interactive design and film design of Yuntech, and


gradually become our culture and aspiration. It would


be our honor to share this album to friends with the


same passion all over the world.


Fang - Suey, L I N

國立雲林科技大學設計學院 副院長

Vice of Design Department

The College of Design consists of six departments: Graduate school of Design, Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design, Architecture and Interior Design, Digital Media Design, and Creativity Design. The College emphasize on cross-disciplinary learning, cultivating students' multi-disciplinary expertise base on the concept of integrated design education. Driven under international exchange and experiences, our staffs and students are encouraged 設計學院副院長 林芳穗 序 :

to participate in international exchange programs, industry-university collaboration, seminars, design


competitions, forums, design workshops and student


exchange programs to broaden the view of design

計系與數位媒體設計系等 6 個系所。以整合設計

concepts with a global perspective.


With the integration of theory and practice as learning


environment, we encourage and assist students to


participate in international design competitions. In


recent years, the College of Design have also invited


designers who are experienced in international


design competitions to guide students’ works. With


enthusiasm and positive energy, teachers and


students actively participate in international design


competitions and achieve great results successfully.


We collect the award-winning works in recent two


years, and would like to share them with the friends


who are interested in and passionate about design.


We hope that through the power of design, the common issues and dilemmas faced by mankind would be brought into people’s attention.

2015 - 2016

Yuntech International Design Award

產品設計類 Pro duct D es ign

Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

BATH CHAIR 工業設計系所 / Dep. of Industrial Design 李傳房 / 許姿屏

BATH CHAIR 專為高齡者設計,以沐浴椅結合軟

“ BATH CHAIR “ is designed for the elders. It is the


product with higher safety and comfort for aging


people to take a bath. “ BATH CHAIR “ provides user


with two services: shower and bathe. Seniors can sit


on the chair and take a bath more comfortably, more


easily and more safely. If they want to take a bath,

再小浴室也能享受泡澡樂趣,透過 BATH CHAIR

they could turn on the U pole and let the gasbag fall


out. Then, they just need to fill the water in, and they


can enjoy the pleasure of bathing without the danger of crossing bathtub .

2016 Stanford Design Challenge / The Second Award


產品設計類 / Product Design

Shower Gel Holder

Shower Head Holder


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Comfortable angle against the chair back

2016 Stanford Design Challenge / The Second Award


產品設計類 / Product Design

Support the neck of user Stand up with less effort spent


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Easy - defrost Fish Package 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 王清良 / 陳彥婷 / 陳品儒 / 高嘉宜

Easy-defrost Fish Package 是一組可以快速解凍的

Waiting for defrosting frozen fish has always been


tricky. Easy-defrost fish package reduces the waiting


time for fish to get defrosted. Graphite Sheet, with


its high thermal conductivity, speeds up defrosting

導熱石墨片 (Pyrolytic Graphite),將環境及手部熱

with the heat from hands and room temperature.


This packaging allows your fish to be defrosted on


your way home from shopping. We adopt the semi-


relief skill to present the shapes of different sliced


types, and decorate them with Graphite Sheet in the


patterns which are in accordance with fish scales.


2016 Red Dot Award : Design Concept / Best of the Best


產品設計類 / Product Design




Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Musicbell 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 謝修璟 / 林易謙 / 何采錚 / 郭芸嘉

我們將一般啞鈴做改良,期望能給予高齡者更多的回饋,來提高使用意願、延長使用時間並達到循序漸 進的訓練效果。我們重新賦予啞鈴本身來自「沙鈴」的特質,將負重盤注入不同物質,高齡者在訓練時 會因使用重量不同有不同的聲音效果。使用者也能依照自己的肌力狀況,裝上適合的負重。而啞鈴本身 是一個移動式音響,可利用藍芽連接手機音樂,使用者能按著音樂節奏訓練。

Musicbell improve common dumbbell on the market. First, we renew its musical character which originate in Maracas. Then, we take the same principle of barbell’s weights. Users can change the weights fitting themselves. By changing those, we hope that users can get more motivations to start and more feedback as music and entertainment to keep doing exercise. 2016 MACAU International Innovation & Invention Exposition / Gold Award


產品設計類 / Product Design




Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Piplay 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 謝修璟 / 高佰慈 / 潘韻慈 / 陳靜文 / 王育安

傳統圈圈叉叉遊戲雖然經典卻沒有趣味性,容易和局缺少耐玩性。因此我們針 對這兩項缺失創造全新體驗的遊戲。跳脫原本只在平面對弈的棋局,運用接水 管的意象和磁力,將遊戲帶入三維立體的空間中,增加移動棋子和卡牌角色的 能力,使玩家雙方可以享受更多變數、刺激鬥智的遊戲。

This is a game that can bridge people from all kinds of nationalities and cultures. What makes this game unique is that it's 3 dimensional, and full of possibilities and flexibility.there are four characters in the game, and each of them has their own personalities and abilities, which not only spices the game up but also force people to brainstorm what the next step should be.By playing this game, players can train the concept of space as well as their brains. 2016 iF Student Design Award : Product Design / TOP100


產品設計類 / Product Design


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


產品設計類 / Product Design

A Brand - new Experiencing 3D Table Puzzle Game 2016 iF Student Design Award : Product Design / TOP100


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Presyringe 工業設計系所 / Dep. of Industrial Design 曾誰我 / 葉怡得 / 蔡萬璋 / 陳奕勳

Presyringe 是一個疫苗、壓桿、針筒採一體成型 的模組化設計,疫苗事先填入針筒中。這種製 作方式能減少塑料汙染,以方便醫師攜帶,對 拯救偏鄉地區的準備工作更有效率。

Presyringe is an integrated design product consisting of syringe, barrel, and vaccine. Syringe pre-filled vaccine, this approach can reduce the production of plastic pollution, and shorten the time to give an injection. It is convenient for the physician to carry, make rescue work in remote places more efficient. Waste injection facilities can be set back on the packaging, and break the needle along the fold line, to not let the needle expose, in order to reduce damage caused by it.


產品設計類 / Product Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Design Concept / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


產品設計類 / Product Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Design Concept / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Ratchet Wrench 工業設計系所 / Dep. of Industrial Design 蔡登傳 / 吳仲培 / 鄭俊誠

2016 iF Design Award / Product Design Award


產品設計類 / Product Design

設計特色: 一、本棘輪扳手的有一個自動轉向機制,其棘爪可依扳手轉動方向而自動轉到需 要的方向,而當扳手反向轉動時它又會自動轉到反方向。 二、有一個可加長的手把設計可以增加手部的施力。 三、T 型及 L 型的手把設計可以增加操作時的手部力矩。 四、手把部份有一符合手部造形的設計,適合人手的操作。 五、手把可以旋轉 360 度操作,加大操作的方便性。

Design features: First, the ratchet wrench has an automatic steering mechanism, the pawl according to wrench rotation direction and automatically go to the desired direction, and when the wrench reverse rotation, it will automatically go to the opposite direction. Second, there is a longer handle design can increase the hand of the force. Third, T - and L type handle design can increase the hand torque when operating. Fourth, the hand part of a hand-shaped design, suitable for manual operation. Fifth, the handle can be rotated 360 degrees operation, increase the convenience of operation.


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


產品設計類 / Product Design

2016 iF Design Award / Product Design Award


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Smart Pet Door 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 謝修璟 / 鄭年君


產品設計類 / Product Design

家中寵物就算定期清潔,到外面玩耍勢必會沾上髒 污甚至被臭蟲、跳蚤 ... 等寄生。而這寵物進入家中 的同時,將寵物身上沾染到的髒東西一併清除。讓 您不用再擔心家中貓狗跑出去玩耍後將臭蟲、跳蚤 帶入居家環境。Smart Pet Door 還可透過寵物身上 植入的晶片,判別是否該放行進入家中,避免野生 動物擅自進入。不僅保護家中寵物的健康,更可提 高生活環境的品質。

Pets are likely to be blotted by dirt and even parasitized by bugs and fleas, which would get in the house with pets and pollute the living environment. Smart Pet Door could clean contamination on pets when they enter the house so that people do not need to worry about bugs and fleas coming into the living environments after cats and dogs running around outside. What is more, Smart Pet Door could judge to let the pets enter the house with the implanted chip so as to avoid wild animals intruding in the house. It not only could protect the health of pets, but could enhance the quality of living environment. 2016 iF Student Design Award : Product Design / TOP100 2016 Red Dot Award : Design Concept / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


產品設計類 / Product Design

使 用 者 須 定 期 為 Smart Pet Door 補 充 除蚤的精油,只需要將精油滴入孔內, 精油將會順著內部管線順流到每根刷毛 上。天然的除蚤精油對寵物身體無害, 就算牠們在舔毛時吃進去也不會對身體 造成負擔。亦可將由獸醫所開的藥劑取 代。在寵物進門的同時,沾有精油的雙 層交叉的除蚤毛刷深入寵物的毛皮,跳 蚤以及寵物身上沾上的灰塵棉絮將會被 夾層的風扇吸入孔內,並集中到集塵盒 中,減少空氣中過敏原。

A user has to regularly supplement Smart Pet Door with essential oil. Simply dropping few drops of essential oil in the hole, the oil would flow to every single brush through the tube. The natural essential oil would not harm the health of pets, nor would it cause burden on pets when licking the hair. The oil could also be replaced by prescribed drugs.When pets get in the house, the double layer brush with essential oil would brush the hair and skin on which fleas and dusts are further vacuumed to the container in order to reduce the allergen at home. 2016 iF Student Design Award : Product Design / TOP100 2016 Red Dot Award : Design Concept / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Easy Opening 設計學研究所 / Graduate School of Design 杜瑞澤 / 范弘昊


產品設計類 / Product Design

Easy Opening 是專為手部受傷或是不方便的人所設 計的簡易開瓶手工具。若使用者有一隻手受傷或是 殘疾,碰到需要旋轉的瓶蓋時,就無法順利打開。 Easy Opening 在任何桌面上皆可使用,只要靠著桌 子邊緣即可,使用簡單且攜帶方便。

"Easy Opening" is a bottle opener particularly designed for hand-injured or disabled people.When one of the user's hand is injured or disabled, it won't be easy for them to twist the bottle's cover to open it. 2015 International Warsaw Inventions Shows / Silver Award


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016






產品設計類 / Product Design

將瓶蓋插入 Easy Opening


2015 International Warsaw Inventions Exhibition / Silver Award


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Indoor Optical Transmission Electronic Tag 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 張岑瑤 / 薛雅馨 / 張巧玗 / 陳虹伶 / 蘇柏誠 / 林詠章

2015 International Hong Kong Inventions Exhibition / Gold Award


產品設計類 / Product Design

此產品主要核心是為了增進消費者與賣者雙方健康安全,此外,也可以減少紙類 浪費,達到環保目的。產品還設有捕獲功能鍵,能夠節省時間,提高效率。本產 品使用光通訊原理,從遠端控制訊號,讓標籤顯示板上顯現出價錢、熱量等資訊。 除了能夠減少使用 wi-fi 時所產生的電磁波,更可以藉由商品資訊的提供,傳遞給 消費者健康的食品認知。產品外型使用對話框的方式呈現,像是賣場商品在與消 費者溝通。而使用不同顏色來區分不同種類的產品,更能增添趣味性。

The core of this product aims to improve the health and the safety for both of consumers and producers. In addition, this product can reduce the waste of paper resources, which is eco-friendly. This product also contains a replenishment button, which can save time and enhance efficiency. This product applies the principles of LiFi, which can control the flashing frequency of LED lights from the remote and transmit signals. At the same time, the receiver of this product on the shelves in supermarkets receives the signals and shows the product information such as the price and the calories on the display board. This product not only can reduce the produced electromagnetic wave when using Wi-Fi, but also can convey healthy food awareness to consumers through the displayed product information. Therefore, we use a dialog box to present our product, which can converse with consumers. We also use different colors to distinguish different kinds of products, which can add fun to human life and make technology products draw closer to humans. Large space and many products in supermarkets lead to blind spots and may obstruct the escape routes. To improve this problem, the LED lights on the both sides of the display board will sine during a power outage, which can help consumers to leave the supermarkets safely.


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


產品設計類 / Product Design

2015 International Hong Kong Inventions Exhibition / Gold Award


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Open the safety 設計學研究所 / Graduate School of Design 杜瑞澤 / 辜榆蘋 / 范弘昊 / 陳蓓 / 劉毅祥 / 楊為中

當轎車駕駛人員靠邊停車,解開安全帶的瞬間,開門啟動安全裝置的安全插扣語音提醒請注意後方來 車,並閃爍紅色燈光輔助提醒;同時,車外開門啟動安全裝置的鯊魚鰭閃爍紅色燈光並語音提醒車門打 開小心行駛,並告知車外行車人員遠離車門。此產品不需要動用到車體出場的技術加值,讓消費者能自 行購買安裝,用小金額購買大安全。


產品設計類 / Product Design

When the driver to pull over the car, unlock instant belt, opened the door to start the safety device safety buckle voice reminder ''Please pay attention to the rear the car, and flashing lights red lights auxiliary reminder; at the same time, start the car outside the door safety shark fin flashing red lights and voice reminder ''open the door, careful driving'' to inform car driving people away from the door. In order to reduce traffic accidents, and use a single commodity design thoughts, do not use the technically vehicle factory bonus, so that consumers can buy their own installation, with a small amount to buy big security.

2015 International Ukraine Invention show / Silver Award


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


產品設計類 / Product Design

Stall and unfasten the seatbelt.

Voice reminder will say ''beware of the coming cars.

At the same time, shark fin equipment from the outside part of the car will issue instructions.

Turn around and check behind, open the door safetly.

2015 International Ukraine Invention show / Silver Award


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Vinyl Waffle Maker 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 謝修璟 / 潘韻慈 / 陳瑩瑜 / 呂旻真

知道黑膠唱片的製作過程是甚麼嗎 ? 原來是將黑

Vinyl Waffle Maker is an innovative cooker. When


we are making a waffle with this do-it-yourself waffle

動作是不是跟鬆餅機有異曲同工之妙呢 ? 使用這

maker, it is also like we are making and playing a


vinyl record. We can have fun as making a waffle


and find joy in this vinyl-record-player-like machine.

是否想播放它來聽聽 ? 黑膠唱片必須在留聲機上

We integrate the process of playing vinyl disk


music by a turntable into the process of making and


saucing a waffle. “Press” is the action of shaping


a waffle, which is like the action of making a vinyl


disk. And the action of flavoring the waffle is similar


to the action of “putting” the stylus down to play


music. This integration combines the beautiful music-


listening joy with the delicious waffle-eating joy.

與唱針交互形成螺旋狀花紋,品味自製的聲音, 結合視覺聽覺味覺的三重享宴。

2015 MACAU International Innovation & Invention Exposition / Silver Award


產品設計類 / Product Design


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

SUPER ! SPEAKER ! 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 謝修璟 / 潘韻慈 / 陳瑩瑜 / 呂旻真


The bottle has double-layer structure to take in


cellphone and amplify its sound. With the easy


design of the product, we can attract the customers


who pay attention to environment protecting because


it doesn’t need power to amplify sound. Due to the


portability, it’s suitable for the customers loving to


travel, riding bicycle or family. On the other hand, it


also can be a speaker to dance or group talk in a


public occasion. Mixing with the modern design and


usage, it no doubt would be a brand new trend.


Design Concept: Portable Bottle + Speaker +


Cellphone Storage. Speaker and bottle were totally

單車的客群;另外,還能用 作在公共場地練舞、

apart device. This product applies the basic physical


principle to broadcast without electric device. Through easy and practical method, we can solve the volume problem of cellphone. Furthermore, combine the habit and demand to create a brand new bottle which is easy to take with and amplify the sound.

2015 MACAU International Innovation & Invention Exposition / Bronze Award


產品設計類 / Product Design


2015 - 2016

Yuntech International Design Award

視覺設計類 Vis ual Des ign

Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Blessing of Matsu Temple 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 張岑瑤 / 蔡明燁 / 周姝伶 / 廖以婷


The blessing peaceful rice packaging series is special


planning for the famous Gong Fan Palace in Ma


Liu country, which was in Yunlin County . In order to


strike a balance between innovation and traditional


culture, we chose five kinds of birds and beasts


totem which means blessing and was located in


the Gong Fan Palace to combine five mascot in the


well-known folk beliefs , such as fish with lotus seeds


means having many children and grandchildren.


By redrawing with a modern illustration of drawing


techniques make it more close to sense of totem


and strong colorful visual effect. A combination of


traditional art and contemporary fashion and to strengthen the individual's blessing to fit the modern people's habit of worship. for this long history of the temple tailor-made a new series of blessing peaceful rice packaging. So that it can promote the customs of blessing peaceful rice and make young people and foreign tourists understanded to learn the meaning of the traditional totem. The old and new ideas clash with each other, expect to deliver the impression product are not only for selling but also feeling.


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

C plus Pediatric Clinic 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 張岑瑤 / 徐楷婷 / 吳佳真 / 曾惠貞

『醫病之外,也要治療內心的恐懼 !』 小時候是否也跟我們一樣擁有不好的看病經驗,對療程和環境感到 恐懼呢? C:plus 用充滿趣味性的療程,勾勒孩童微笑的曲線。和兒童建立友好關係,增加醫病間友善的連 結,給予溫馨與親切感。打破以往的看病經驗,在過程中治癒內心的恐懼,讓孩童主動配合療程。期望每 個兒童都能跟著 C:plus 帶著微笑完成一趟美好的看病旅行 !


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

"Not only medical treatment, but also the treatment of inner fear!" As a child is also with us have a bad experience of medical treatment, treatment and the environment feel fear? C: plus with a full of interesting course of treatment, outline the curve of children smiling. And children to establish friendly relations and increase the friendly links between medical treatment, to give a warm and intimate feeling. To break the previous experience of a doctor, in the process of healing the fear of the heart, so that children with active treatment. Hope that each child can follow C: plus with a smile to complete a trip to see a beautiful trip! 2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Hello Sabau ! 創意生活設計系所 / Dep. of Creative Design 王清良 / 蔡明燁 / 周姝伶 / 廖以婷

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

SABAU 一詞,意即魯凱語的謝謝 / 您好 / 辛苦了,蘊含著他們的熱情且充滿 了愛與關懷。 "Hello Sabau" 是個能在向外推廣深度文化體驗的過程中,亦可 保有文化保存教育的產品。 我們運用當地資源將魯凱族眾多的傳說與文化以遊 戲方式介紹台灣原住民—魯凱族的團隊狩獵文化。其玩法是要遵循部落習俗, 以團隊合作取代互相為敵,來獲得勝利,並在其中融入占卜鳥、雲豹崇拜等特 殊習俗,不但讓部落的孩子能在玩樂中學習故鄉的傳統,也使外來的人們更容 易了解並感受到魯凱族的文化。而除了寓教於樂外,將少數文明的特色商品 化使其所得與效益能夠回饋給當地做更多的發展,也是當初之所以設計 "Hello Sabau" 很重要的一環。

“Hello Sabau” is a product which not only inherited Rukai’s cultural education, but also promoted the detail of cultural experience. We utilize gaming methodology to introduce aboriginal of Taiwan-Team working hunting culture of Rukai. The game process follows traditional custom that play cooperatively instead competition between each other to get win. Additionally,it included RuKai’s representation which are divination bird, worship of lily and clouded leopard. Therefore, for the tribal children could learn organic tradition when playing, as well as also can understand easily the local civilization for tourists.


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


視覺設計類 / Visual Design


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Original Mind 視覺傳達設計系所 / Dep. of Visual Communication Design 廖志忠 / 曹融 / 林泰州 / 陳雅甄 / 郭彥 / 董伊庭

一初意指一本初衷。「以一本誠心的製茶方式,質 樸的態度,盼望能在喝茶時想起心中的那份初衷。」 以茶農家族為主,透過插畫手法讓大眾更了解有機 茶的製作故事以及茶農三代傳承的精神,體會有機 茶產業的生活故事與哲理,達到推廣有機茶的目的。

“Yi Chu”means original intention.“The tea is produced with sincere and plain attitude. And we hope the people who drink it may recall his/her original intention.”We used illustration coupled with packaging to tell the story about the production of organic tea and the inheritance of three generations of tea growers, made people experience the life story and philosophy of the organic tea industry , and achieved the purpose of promoting organic tea.


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

900 Meters of Distance 視覺傳達設計系所 / Dep. of Visual Communication Design 林泰州 / 廖志忠 / 曹融 / 林芸彤 / 吳端盛

兒童是國家未來的主人,除了好的教育,孩童的生活環境也該受 到重視,但現在,就讀於雲林縣橋頭國小許厝分校的孩童,與全 台最大的石化廠 - 麥寮工業區,竟只相鄰九百公尺。許厝分校孩 童的尿液,甚至被檢驗出有一級致癌物的代謝物,外界質疑是受 到麥寮工業區排放的污染所影響。然而支持孩童遷校以及反對遷 校的雙方之間卻起了衝突,於是我們深入訪談分校老師、家長、 環保團體等不同立場的人物,並且透過彼此不同觀點的辯證,帶 出更多面相來討論孩童的健康問題。

Children are the future master of the country. In addition to good education, children's living environment should also be taken seriously. However, the children who study at Syucuo Campus, Yunlin Country Ciaotou Elementary School are only 900 meters to Taiwan's largest petrochemical plants—Mailiao Industrial Park. The urine test of the students at Syucuo Campus contained the metabolites of first grade carcinogen. The outside suspected that it was affected by the pollutants emitted to the air by Mailiao Industrial Park. However, the parties who support the move of the campus and those holding the opposition view had dispute. Hence, we interviewed people of different standpoints deeply including the teachers of the campus, students' parents, and members of an environment protection group. We discussed the health issue of the children based on more directions followed by dialectical viewpoints. 2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Winner


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

RAINDROP 視覺傳達設計系所 / Dep. of Visual Communication Design 蔣世寶 / 許智偉


The rain drops from the sky and for the survival of


all things then penetrate to the ground, through the


groundwater, rivers, oceans , and finally turn into a

自然界維持地表生命的水循環。Raindrop 想傳達

cloud then rain. This is the water cycle in nature. The


''raindrop'' is talking the concept about ''cycle broken


Gravity causes vertical fall of raindrops. Images


of vertical fall of raindrops are used to express the


pollution and influence caused by over-development


of human society which will eventually come to us.

滴,又會降落到地面,回歸到人類身上,造成無 盡的輪迴。

2016 iF Student Design Award : Communication Design / TOP1


視覺設計類 / Visual Design


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

We have designed a release plan of an album of “Liam Kua”which includes the overall visual effects, album packaging, MV shooting, and a complete theme in order to achieve the resonance with the young. TV is an indispensable approach of entertainment for people in modern times. Through the messages conveyed by TV, people contact the outside world and enrich themselves. Before the prevalence of TV, ''Liam Kua'' served the same role. It included stories, gossips, and sometimes, a break of 10 minutes for advertising. In those days, “Liam Kua” was the same as TV, indispensable. Along with the changes of times, programs also changed constantly. But what remains unchanged is people's fond of entertainment. Thus, we combine TV with “Liam Kua”to create a new way to interpret“Liam Kua”.


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

What are you singing ? 視覺傳達設計系所 / Dep. of Visual Communication Design 廖志忠 / 曹融 / 林泰州 / 黃宇謙 / 張芳榕 / 王柏仁

我們為「唸歌」設計了一套音樂專輯的發行企劃, 其中包括整體視覺、專輯包裝與 MV 拍攝,並賦予 其完整的主題性,藉以達到與年輕族群的共鳴。電 視,是現代人不可或缺的娛樂,人們透過電視傳遞 的訊息與外界聯繫、充實自己。在電視還未盛行的 那個年代,唸歌扮演的就是這樣的角色,它說故事、 報八卦,有時候也會有休息十分鐘的廣告時間。在 那個年代,唸歌如同現在的電視,是個不可或缺的 娛樂,隨著時代的改變,節目也不斷地改變,不變 的是人們喜歡娛樂的心。所以我們將唸歌與電視做 結合,更能呼應以新的方式詮釋唸歌。

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Best of the Best


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

2016 Red Dot Award : Communication Design / Best Of The Best


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Digital visual virtual reality navigation design device 視覺傳達設計系所 / Dep. of Visual Communication Design 劉鎮源

數位 3D 視覺虛擬實境導覽設計裝置,此技術是

Digital 3D visual virtual reality navigation design


device, also won the Korea Congress special award.

應用分即時描繪(Real-time Rendering)和擬真描

There are many techniques for depicting virtual reality

繪(Realistic Rendering),成本和畫面品質從低

images. Real-time rendering and Realistic Rendering


are available for different applications. The cost and

表面明暗的 Gauroud Shading 技術,用在每秒需

picture quality are from low to high. The Gauroud

要描繪 20 張以上的遊戲軟體中,擬真描繪則是

Shading technique, which calculates the shading of

仔細計算物體之間的能量分布的 Radiosity 技術。

the surface of the object based on the angle of light exposure, is used in game software which needs to draw more than 20 frames per second. The virtual rendering is a Radiosity technique in which the energy distribution between objects is carefully calculated.

2015 Seoul International Invention Fair / Gold Award & Seoul Conference Special Award


視覺設計類 / Visual Design


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Digital 3D visual virtual reality navigation design device 視覺傳達設計系所 / Dep. of Visual Communication Design 劉鎮源 / 廖珮伃

數位 3D 視覺虛擬實境導覽設計裝置是結合虛擬化

Digital 3D visual virtual reality navigation design


device is a combination of virtualization technology


to observe the world again. Directly, virtual reality

被用於地理位置信息服務 GIS,是地圖、GPS 地圖

can provide us with information that can not be

導航的升級。在 GPS 地圖導航中等導航軟體提供

directly learned in reality. The design will be used for


a geographic location information service GIS, is the map, GPS map navigation upgrade. In the GPS map navigation medium navigation software providers in their navigation map by embedding some of the relevant business information.


視覺設計類 / Visual Design

2015 MACAU International Innovation & Invention Exhibition / Gold Award & Korea Conference Special Award


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Tree of Glory Digital art space light 視覺傳達設計系所 / Dep. of Visual Communication Design 劉鎮源 / 廖珮伃

數位藝術空間光源變換裝置,設計包括發光模組、揚 聲器、微處理器、感測模組及儲存模組用以儲存控制 資料對應感測訊號,藉由資料使微處理器控制發光模 組的作動。透過前述模組及元件,使照明設備除了一 般照明,也可與人體互動,藉由互動反應使發光二極 體之出光顏色及亮度產生變化及產生聲音的回饋。

Tree of Glory-Digital Art Space light source transform lighting device design includes LED modules, speakers, microprocessors, sensing module and storage module for storing control data corresponding to the sensing signal by the microprocessor control LED modules the actuator. Through the aforementioned modules and components, lighting equipment in addition to general lighting, can also interact with the human body,a light color and brightness of the light-emitting diodes by interactive response changes and generate sound feedback. 2015 18nd International Invention Exhibition of Archimedes / Silver Award


視覺設計類 / Visual Design


2015 - 2016

Yuntech International Design Award

數位媒體類 Digital Media Des ign

Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

Amazing land 數位媒體設計系所 / Dep. of Digital Media Design 張登文 / 洪崇文 / 王乙雅 / 陳彥銨

《Amazing Land》是最棒的親子體驗遊具,就是要讓 大家歡樂的玩在一起 ! 主要針對 4 歲以上的孩子,透 過親子合作解決問題的方式,讓家長與孩子一起並肩 作戰,感受突破難關的興奮感! 本產品與樂高相容, 並可創建不同的場景及故事。根據孩子的需求,可以 調整遊戲難易度,讓玩具不容易玩膩,可以持續不斷 的玩下去,有助於孩童的身心靈發展。

The game is designed with a problem-solving process by teamwork so that participants feel the excitement of winning the game together! This product is compatible with LEGO, and can create various scenes and different levels. According to the need of kids, you can adjust the game level from easy to challenging. It has a longer duration due to its variability. It is a universal design(UD) product also suitable for kids with disability. Amazing Land is aimed to bring everyone happiness and fun!


數位媒體類 / Digital Media Design

2015 The 30nd Invention & New Product Exposition ''INPEX'' / Gold Award


Yuntech International Design Award 2015 - 2016

The Whisper 數位媒體設計系所 / Dep. of Digital Media Design 周玟慧 / 李凱惠 / 蔡令娃

「風裡語」講述一位創作了許多故事的作家,相信 這些故事都是他的朋友風帶來的,然而沒有人相信, 只有一位喜歡聽故事的小孩常跑來聽故事,作家告 訴她各式各樣的故事,包括他與風之間的故事…… 講述著只要你相信,他就存在的哲理。

Is there an “it”by our side, that cannot be seen or touched, yet is always there for you, keeping you company. Think about it, has this ever occurred around you and me ? Have you noticed the tiny mysteries that exist in nature? Even if you don’t see it, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, for everything is here for a reason. If you observe closely, you’ll find that tiny changes happen everywhere. Like the butterfly effect, a small ripple could turn the whole world upside down. Perhaps it is affecting us bit by bit, perhaps it’s a character of fantasy, perhaps it’s a spiritual belief, perhaps it’s God, perhaps it’s nothing at all! But sometimes, some strange, remarkable event with a streak of romance just happens. How extraordinary is that! Maybe you are the only person in the entire world who believes in it, but just because of that, it exists. Do YOU believe it ! 2015 The 13nd International Student Film Festival Hollywood / Best Animation Award


數位媒體類 / Digital Media Design


2015 - 2016 設計學院國際競賽成果專刊 2015 - 2016 International Design Award Portfolio 出版單位

國立雲林科技大學 設計學院


National Yunlin University of Science and Technology College of Design





發 行 人




Dean. Shyh-Huei, Hwang




Chief Editor

Prof. Yueh-Hsiu, Cheng



Ar t Editor

Yi-Te, Yeh


2016 年 11 月

Publishing Date N o v e m b e r, 2 0 1 6

版權聲明 發行日期

105 年 11 月



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