Gábor Ákos Dávidházy
Leader of the Sub-Working Group on Public Services within the Working Group on Innovative Services in the nationwide project
Creating cooperation along value chains BACKGROUND In June 2017, I had the honour to be asked by Executive Director Lajos Bartha to lead the section of the Working Group on Innovative Services in the nationwide project on the establishment of the instant payment system (IPS) concerned with the opportunities for state use. I welcomed the professional challenge personally as well as in my capacity as the strategic and project director of Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt., since the national mobile payment system project implemented by our Company in 2014 also focused on a unique and nationwide platform, which has been expanded with several ‘smart’ services since then. The nationwide instant payment system project was also connected to my everyday work. 2017 saw the establishment of the Electronic Payment Service Providers Association (EFISZ), thanks in part to two subsidiaries of the MNB (GIRO Zrt. and the Pénzjegynyomda Zrt.). When the EFISZ was founded, a strategic objective was to support the development of the Hungarian cashless electronic payment ecosystem and new service and business models. That is why I was happy that I could draw on my experience obtained in the abovementioned previous nationwide project as well as the dialogue started in the established professional association, in a unique, nationwide project that is considered exceptional even by international standards, and whose national economy impact may be huge in terms of reducing cash use in the years to come.