Paul Walvik-Joynt
Senior Vice President, Nets A/S
A journey of cooperation and collaboration to the future The world of Instant Payments has been my passion and working ground for the last ten years. When the initial contacts with the Central Bank of Hungary were made it was very clear that the ambition in Hungary was to create a momentum and a new service that would transform Hungary in many ways. Having a solid base in the Nordics we have always valued cooperation and knowledge sharing to arrive at the goal with the best solution. So, when in 2016 the Central Bank of Hungary came with an expert delegation to hear about our experiences on Instant Payments we were of course thrilled. Our CEO, representatives from the Danish National Bank and our unit Payments International took part. It was clear from the outset that the Hungarian approach to developing insights is to have a very structured approach where details are being discussed across all levels of expertise, to really understand what are the lessons we have learnt. Through discussion comes clarity and this was the foundation upon which all subsequent interaction was built. It became apparent through our dialogue that the collaborative approach with a clear vision of transformation was the common denominator. My observation was that the voice of experts was, and is, highly valued, and paved the way for how Hungary both procured, planned and executed the path to Instant Payments. I think it is safe to say that the level of detail and curiosity to learn the full inner workings of all intricacies of Instant Payments in the context of what it means for banks, society and the development of the financial system was on a level that we could really appreciate. It felt like we had found some friends that we could instantly relate to – no pun intended.