Jehan Ayu-CV & Portofolio

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THE SANDWICH Served to be Read

Specially Made By

Jehan Ayu Wulandari


This is not a recipe or delivery menu (I’m sorry), but a CV+Portofolio in the form of sandwich! (Technically it’s a pdf, but -I hope- you know what I mean)

Anyway, talking about food, before you buy or make it, I’m sure you wanna check the ingredients. Just like hiring people, you should know them first!

SO, LET’S DO SOME INSPECTION! (Scroll next page!)

THE BREAD The first layer gives the first impression

Hi there! According to my birth certificate, my name is Jehan, but for short you can call me Je. Recently graduated from Visual Communication design concentrating in Advertising at Telkom Univerisity, Bandung. Sometimes I’m happy like a puppy but getting grumpy when I’m hungry. I like to play with alphabets and arrange them into some words, sentences and so on. Playing with colors and illustration are also my favorites.

Not putting my picture here. Because the first impression is not always about the look, right? (The truth is I want to put a pic of an lnternet beauty so I can impress you, but of course I can’t do that *sigh*)

Become part of IMASc Telkom University as member of Education and Research Division (2015 - 2017) A Member of creative division at TEDX Telkom University ( 2016 - 2017)

WHAT I DID and I didn’t or maybe haven’t because who knows (

Volunteering in Tel-U Mengajar as Education team member and occasional teacher ( 2016 - 2017) Junior copywriter intern at Isobar Indonesia (2017) Win some nobel prize Invent some medicine that can cure terminal illness Conquer the world at the age of 20

The last three are unimportant but thankyou for reading it too, now

scroll to the most important part!


What I have done and the creations that I made (well, so far)

The Green Veggie Nutritious one

Web section copy for New CRF-Honda Motor Indonesia

I was an intern at Isobar Indonesia for almost 3 months (2017) as a junior copywriter. Just like the veggies that give good benefit to my body, being an intern made me digest a lot of new informations and experiences Mostly I made copy for daily content or web section.

Some copy for Bye Bye Fever, Himalaya Herbals, and Quaker Oats daily content.

STORYLINE Ministry Of Tourism (Wonderful Indonesia) Menceritakan hidup 5 orang berbeda, A (perempuan, menceritakan tentang alam), B (Laki-laki, menceritakan tentang petualangan), C (perempuan, menceritakan budaya), D (Laki-laki, menceritakan sensory), E (Perempuan, menceritakan hidup modern). Visual: Aktivitas pencerita diselingi shoot tentang alam,budaya dan seterusnya.

Storyline for Ministry Of Tourism, Create a story based on five pillars of Indonesian Tourism: Nature, Adventure, Culture, Sensory, and Modern living.

5 orang berbeda berbicara Supers/VO: Ini adalah cara aku hidup 1.[Nature] rerumputan, air terjun, angin. ( A menatap langit) Supers/VO1: Aku bernafas 2.[Nature] Gunung, tebing, hutan, daun yang jatuh. Supers/VO1: Bersama daun yang jatuh bebas 3.[Nature] Pantai, ombak, lautan (A Berjalan di pasir pantai, tangan bermain dengan air laut) Supers/VO1: Seirama ombak di laut lepas 4.[Adventure] Pegunugan, tebing, (B Mendaki gunung, trekking.) Supers/VO2: Aku melangkah‌ 5. [Adventure] Hutan, dinding gua (B berjalan di dalam gua) Supers/VO2: Menyusur jejak

6.[ Adventure] anak-anak lompat ke dalam laut (B menyelam), terumbu karang. Supers/VO2: Menantang dalamnya samudra 7.[Culture] Tari-tarian adat / anak-anak menggunakan pakaian adat (C melihat kerajinan) Supers/VO4: Aku tersenyum 8.[Culture] Upacara-upacara adat (C menyusun sesaji) Supers/VO4: Mendengar mereka yang merapal doa. 9.[Culture] Candi, rumah-rumah adat Supers/VO4: Menyajikan kemegahan 10.[ Sensory ] Proses Memasak/menyiapkan makanan secara tradisional, Supers/VO3: Aku merasa‌ 11.[Sensory] Makanan disajikan, (D makan makanan tradisional,minup kopi di warung kopi tradisonal) Supers/V03: Mencecap sejuta rasa 12.[Sensory] air terjun, (D mandi di pemandian air panas) Supers/VO3: Mencoba menggali makna 13.[Modern] gedung tinggi/skyline (E Melihat langit) Supers/VO5: Aku membuka mata

14. [Modern] Jalanan kota (E Berjalan di area kota /shopping) Supers/VO5: Mengikuti denyut jantung kota 15. [Modern] (E Ngobrol di cafĂŠ/Party) Supers/VO5: Larut dalam beribu cerita 16. Combine Nature-Adventure-Sensory-Culture-Modern 17. 5 orang berbicara Supers/VO: Ini cara aku hidup, Ini Indonesia, ini ceritaku.

Fun Quiz for Honda CRF (on facebook)

Copy for Web Maintenance

Beside some of the works that I show you, I also learned to make hastag, naming, make caption during my intern days (Also how a digital agency works)

Tomato,Thomato The juicy one

As the rising movement against sexual harassment, I tried to make PSA about street harassment. Include with mini explaination.

Not Cheesy Cheese The favorite one!

The ‘cheese’ part contains some print ads and digital ads , also few POS. Mostly, I use copywriting as the main element to attract people. Because words are so powerful in many ways possible. The following ads are made for campus assignments.

Promotion campaign for Cadbury Chocolate named Diary Dairy. Audience are expected to follow Dairy and Coco journey through cadbury social media, and help their relationship by joining some activity (Submit interesting comments, share stories, give suggestion, write a message in booth). The final prize is a fancy date for two.

Ham it up! The last piece(s) Tom Stoppard once said that

If you carry your childhood with you, you never get older So, Instead of buying some expensive cream. I keep my self young by carrying my childhood with me and transform it into children illustrations. Way cheaper, and way more fun!

After, ‘the fillings’, of course the sandwich won’t be complete with the last layer of the sandwich, So let’s continue to....


Because my inner narcissistic self (hey don’t judge me me, we’re all narcissistic at some point) still wants some publication And I assume you still need more information about me

What kind of Bread Person Jehan Ayu, identified as female. Been living in this cruel yet magnificent world since 1996. I try to balance my left and right brain by doing things sistematically, well planned yet still fun and playful!


Bahasa (Native Speaker) English (Fluent enough) Slang and Internet laguage (Fluent and updated) Russian (I have no idea)

Formal Education

SMAN 1 Sidoarjo (2011-2014) S1 DKV Telkom University (2014 - 2018)

Likes Food, Books, Funny memes and video,

Nutrition Facts Serving size 1 person Amount of Serving

Bunch of Skills % 20years of learning Values* Total Software 6 Adobe Photoshop Adobe illustrator Adobe Premiere Adobe After Effect Msword & Power Point

75% 90% 80% 80% 90%

Copywriting Strategy and Planning Sense of Concepting Art Directing Advertising Branding Illustration *Based on how I value myself (and the comparison to each skills)

88% 85% 87% 80% 85% 85% 87%

WHY SANDWICH THO? if you ever curious why I use sandwich as an analog It’s because sandwhich commonly used as a lunch pack for school or work, and become our source of energy and helps us to work, brainstrom, and function better. Just like that, I want to help you find some intriguing and playful ideas. There’s still another reason, but maybe we can discuss it in interview room.

So, if you are hungry for some

IDEAS delightful,





Don’t hesitate to order! (pick one as you wish!)

junior copywriter

social media officer

content writer

creative planner

08123215592 or email

Open 17 hours/day! because you know, I still need some sleep

FREE DELIVERY I will deliver myself straight to your office

GRAB IT FAST Before sold out to other company!

Thank You! and have a very nice day

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