The Center was founded on May 25, 2011 by the Academic Council of The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
ThirdInternational Symposium
Big History and Global Evolution Moscow, September26–28, 2017 The 1st announcement On September27–29, 2017 Lomonossov Moscow State University will hold the International Congress Globalistics-2017. In the framework of this congress, the Eurasian Center for Big History & System Forecasting in collaboration with the Faculty of Global Processes at Lomonossov Moscow State University is organizing the 3rdInternational Symposium “Big History & Global Evolution”. Big History is a relatively new field of study. It is a synthesis of disciplines from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, one that seeks to explore overarching trends that stretch across all existence for 13.8 billion years, – based on the most current scholarly thinking. The definition adopted by the International Big History Association is as follows: “Big History is the attempt to understand, in a unified and interdisciplinary way, the history of the cosmos, earth, life and humanity.” Similar to Big History, the macroevolutionary approach seeksto develop an inclusive view of the cosmos, earth, life and humanity by erasing boundaries between disciplines, and that is why we have decided to organize a symposium dealing with Big History and Global Evolution as a unified whole.
The symposium will address a wide range of topics, such as:
How Big History Works Interdisciplinary Development of Big History Understanding Big History and Evolution Big History Patterns, Trends, &Regularities Big History, Global Evolution, and Complexity Studies Evolution of the Universe Evolution of the Earth Evolution of Life Social Evolution Different Forms of Evolution: Connections and Comparisons Globalization within the Context of the Global Evolution Forecasting Global Future Big History Trends and Phases Teaching Big History
Co-organizers: Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University Eurasian Center forBig History & System Forecastingin the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences The Symposium will be held in the framework of the World Congress “Globalistics-2017” organized by the Moscow State University. We would ask all those who do not exclude the possibility of their taking part in our symposium to fill in the participation form below and to email it to the Symposium conveners by December25, 2016at the following addresses: Prof. Leonid Grinin ( Prof. Andrey Korotayev ( Ms. Evgeniya Stolyarova (
3 Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University Eurasian Center for Big History & System Forecasting in the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
PARTICIPATION FORM: International Symposium Big History and Global Evolution (Moscow, September26–28, 2017) PLEASE, FILL IN THE FORM AND EMAIL IT TO THE SYMPOSIUM CONVENORS: PROF. LEONID GRININ (, PROF. ANDREY KOROTAYEV (, and MS. EVGENIYA STOLYAROVA ( by the 25thof December, 2016
Family name, first name
Ternyik, Stephen I.
Title of the presentation
Humanity as Geo-Physical Force on Planet Earth. (Towards Geo-Economic Singularity. A methodical synopsis of applicable knowledge). The aim of this research proposal is to compile workable parameters for a crises-free economy in our time of increasing mutual self-annihilation, in terms of human, social and natural ecology; the solving process of socio-logical and social problems will be clearly distinguished, that is science for practice. Many scattered pieces of knowledge will be melted into a new tool of economic thought, that is the social making of fair human living and multiplying living chances. Geonomics (earth sharing/sharing economy) will be introduced as the cognitive means to achieve consciously economic singularity and the synopsis will be strictly non-ideological; this will help to move economics towards the level of science and to avoid theusual private elite appropriation of economic knowledge as public knowledge expropriation In addition, the historical and empirical discourse will focus on alternative thermodynamic (energetic) pathways of economic systems evolution which is today natural and artificial at the same time; a survivalist rationality and morality, with mutual existential guarantees of earth sharing is envisioned.
Abstract (within 300 words)
The mode of delivery shall be a roundtable and panel discussion; the research paper shall be circulated and readbefore participation in this learning event, i.e. the ideal discourse community would be a working group of 10-12 people. The structure of the research paper proposal will be like a very structured, effective and efficient curriculum, with very low information redundancy, something like a booklet. Ecological management will be portrayed as universal social function, in the tradition of Peter Drucker and his key concept of a next society. Human progress without poverty, i.e. a crises-free economy, is in reach, if the ark of economic systems evolution will be bended towards a more just distribution of human living chances, that is economic democracy via efficient and effective earth sharing or optimal natural, human and technical resource allocation, in the survivalist terms of rationality and morality. In any case, geonomics can be taught and learned in 1 lesson, if this economic approach is formulated by using the scientific method which supersedes religious faith and philosophical ideas/ideals, but it can never replace one or both of them as Ersatz-Weltanschauung (world view).
Institution/organization Position
Techno-Logos, Inc. (-1985) Researcher/Entrepreneur/Manager
Office address
0049.8151.9193653 (home)
The Symposium will be held in the framework of the World Congress “Globalistics-2017� organized by Moscow State University.