Beyond biomedical ontology

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(Research letter)

The human organism can be understood as a tempo-causal living system that processes signals via a dual flow of information and energy where short-term neuron-electric stimuli are converted into longterm chemo-endocrine responses. This complex type of signal transduction is the psychophysical enigma of the human mind-body-medicine that could not be deciphered by the anatomy, physiology and pathology of dead tissue, cadavers or animals as veterinary medicine; today, it is well known that ž of all signals have to pass the neo-cortex and Ÿ passes neural (archaic) sub-functions of the brain. It is to be expected that these scientific research frontiers will be surpassed in the very near future by a methodical integration of informatics, medicine and psychology; however, this technical success can only happen if the cognitive categories of investigation are wisely chosen and the temporal network of causal connectivity fits the psychophysical reality of the human mind-body. Furthermore, medicine is first and foremost a profession, built by the empirical wisdom of regular human experiences and true medical healing is a painstaking endeavor of various drugs, surgery and applied life philosophies.

Almost all Holy Scriptures tell the human being to keeping the ‘house’ in order and to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body, but the dis-ease of pain, illness, disorders and death is constantly knocking on our house door, endangering our health and longevity. Any pathology of the human organism is therefore based on signal processing, e.g. loud noises are perceived via neural channels and then transduced into stress hormones like adrenalin and cortisol that in consequence weaken our immune system. The coupling of psychophysical stress and various pathologies such as coronary problems, infections, allergies, diabetes and various cancers is well tested by empirical evidence medicine, concerning the internal response processes of the nervous and endocrine system. Brain imaging technologies can actually show mind-body-functions in real time, like the limbic system which is the emotional center for memories as cognitive thought processes; magnetic resonance imaging can practically map the emotional entities of the working brain, even during prayer and meditation. The root of many physical problems is seated in mental health and it is more than likely that most physical symptoms cannot be treated and healed effectively without addressing the patient’s implicit mental problem by enhancing the psychological well-being. Treating superficial symptoms by pills and surgery only means to relocate the physical malady to a different place in the human organism which calls for a redesign of the patient-doctor-relationship in search for psychophysical sanity. From a tempo-causal point of view, healing is a retro-causal remedy towards life-sustaining syntropy (negentropy) and consequently the slowing down of increasing entropy (dis-order) in the human organism; it is important to take notice of the quantum theoretical principles of non-locality and duality in medical healing (i.e. the symptom is local, but not its cause; signal processing is dual, with nervous and endocrine responses). Thus, the communicative inter-action of external information processing into internal energy transduction is at the ontological core of a biomedical science of healing that goes definitely beyond isolated facts and nomenclature; physical indications surely match with psychological states of well or wrong being in terms of natural law science. If we really want to identify stress triggers as the leading causes of morbidity and mortality like cancers, strokes and heart attacks in contemporary societies, then we have to reorient to ancient China where a doctor got more money from the government when his community members were kept as healthy as possible; our real logic today is: more sick people= more surgery= more drugs= more money (for the pharmaceutical industry), the monetary incentive is clearly not on preventive medicine and we are consequently less healthier than we could be and by prolonging this medical system, we may well run out of money. The human physical body mirrors its psychological mind and with this psychophysical inseparability does preventive medicine start; transgressions involving the psychological state of mind do result in medical effects of the human physical body, i.e. both entities are permanently linked or interconnected: it can be safely concluded that there exists a working medical symmetry between the physic-organic structures and psycho-mental functions in the living human organism. Thus, it is not necessary to assume a meta-life-energy in the human organism, but an information-energy-flow as tempo-causal event chain; consequently, it is methodically possible to creatively design a working biomedical ontology as empirical model of humanistic science (in cognitive distinction to veterinary science), starting at the quantum level of neural coding; such an approach can also make practical use of the principles (laws) of harmonic bio-resonances, as applied to the medicine of the human mind-body, because the human organism constantly converts external frequencies into internal signals. The higher order of the physicality of this world is being permanently revealed in the workings of the human body; it is no coincidence that our major acute and chronic dis-eases are mathematically mass phenomena like collective epidemics (some are even more significant than the medieval pest) and not some statistically isolated individual events, which also proves that exact social science methods are very helpful for medical research, i.e. the methodical application of precise methodology is a key to future medicine and the advancement of clinical practice. The medical approach of Maimonides (1138-1204) can be seen as a historical role model for future medicine as humanistic science; the medical literacy of Maimonides as rabbi-physician-scientist comprised Hippocrates, Galen, Rhazes of

Persia, Al-Farabi and Ibn Zuhr (i.e. a Greco-Arabic medical legacy) and preventive medicine is understood as one of the highest ethical imperatives that human beings can achieve in a professional manner: medical healing cannot be disconnected from the sanity of the human mind and this view of the human body includes also the self-healing forces of ‘spiritual physics’ or ‘auto-imagination’. Consequently, the underlying etiological causes that produce a disease have to be researched in the first place and gradual or even instant remedies have to be sought after in the second place; humanistic medicine is an empirical science that should follow a rationalist methodology which treats mortal human beings as mind-bodies, paying ethical respect to the real-world complexity of living matter.

Following the spiritual anatomy of ancient intuitions and classical traditions of medical healing, it is necessary to develop the model prototype of modern information medicine on the ‘simple’ fact that the 100 trillion cells of the living human organism (which are as a totality renewed in 7-year-cycles) have to communicate in energetic harmony; health is, of course, more than the absence of symptoms, it is a sane state of psychophysical well-being. The major cognitive challenge and first problem-solving step will consist of creating out of the puzzle of isolated facts a psycho-physical analogy (causality network) that implies the properties of digital application for precise methodical medical reasoning.

Such a scientific learning process of understanding the living matter of the human organism is bound to advanced integration of informatics, medicine and psychology; the working body of existing knowledge can only be expanded if the facts are combined on a natural-law level of higher order, i.e. it

is probably more realistic to think about medical logics than to expect one simple logic formula, e.g. there seem to be distinct levels of medical healing and the natural complexity of the physical world is already revealed in the living human mind-body, but has to be unveiled by diligent scientific research work that goes methodically beyond linear biomedical ontologies; in addition, this new type of medical information science and information medicine needs extreme robustness against false speculations from meta-physical remedies (‘quackometrics’). The above mentioned ‘monetary bias in our medical system’ has to be rectified by ethical and professional reform, with the aim of holistic health science and socially responsible health economics/management, realizing new medical ideas that work to meet unmet human needs; more effective health models and solutions are badly needed for a more sane society. Let us now draw the essential conclusions of our philosophical reflections on future medical science: the vital organs of the human mind-body behave as a working duality of physic structure and psychic functions via neuron-endocrine transduction of external information into internal energy; the sanity of the human mind-body is dependent on a harmonic vibrational flow (bioresonance) of external stimuli to create healthy internal responses; effective medical ontology and information science is based on the principle of tempo-causal connectivity, with medical healing being a retro-causal remedy on a temporal scale . Information medicine will apply the quantum scientific method to holistic healing where the pathological locality of the symptom is not the single informative cause of a disease; every disorder has to be treated as a psychophysical imbalance of the whole person, to restoring a healthy mind-body.


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