Bio /Azam

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CV of Dr. RAJA MUHAMMAD IKRAM AZAM, (`ndc’); C.D.; Ph.D.; D.Litt.

Part I: BB: Biodata Brief

Dr. R.M. Ikram Azam is the Co-Founder and Hony. Co-Chairperson of The PFI: Pakistan Futuristics Foundation and Institute, Islamabad. He is a free-lance writer, researcher and author of over 125 books in English, ranging from fiction and verse to research work in Futuristics: Islam, Pakistan, Creativity, Literary Studies, Research Methodology, Education, Basic: Life, Education and Language Skills, Moral Values Education and Integrated Family Studies, Interfaith Interaction, Social Change, Geosociology: Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, Geostrategy, International Political Economy, and Peace Studies. Dr. Azam has also edited and contributed to, additionally, another over 25 books. He has higher education degrees from Pakistan, the USA and U.K., as follows: Pakistan: (i) B.A. (Hons. in English) from the Gordon College, Rawalpindi. He passed out as the All-Round Best Male Student Valedictorian of the year; (ii) M.A. (English) from the Govt. College, Lahore; (iii) M.A. (Political Science) from the Punjab University, Lahore; (iv) M.S. (Defence and Strategic Studies) from the NDC: Quaid-eAzam Univ., Islamabad. USA: (i) M.S. in Futures Studies (Futuristics) from the UH-CLC-TX; (ii) CD (Futuristics Philosophy) from the WUR, Arizona. UK: (i) Ph.D. (IR: Futuristics) form the AUL, London; and: (ii) D.Litt. (Futuristics) also from the AUL, London. Dr. Azam is the conferee of several distinctions: literary awards and academic honours. He is a Fellow of the WFSF (World Futures Studies Federation), USA; and a Life Member, and Member of the Global Advisory Council of the WFS (World Future Society), USA. Dr. Ikram Azam is a recipient of the Warner Bloomberg Award, USA, for “Excellence in Futures Studies” (1998), and the Cultural Doctorate (C.D.) in “Futuristics Philosophy”, from the World University (Roundtable), USA (2000). Dr. Azam is a graduate ( ‘ndc’) of the NDC (National Defence College), Pakistan (1979-80) --- now the NDU: National Defence University, Islamabad. Being the Pioneer Founder of Futuristics in Pakistan, he is the Hony. Chairperson of The PFI: The Pakistan Futuristics Foundation and Institute, an NGPI: Non-Governmental Peace Institute (started in July, 1986), and its literary-educational predecessor peer wing, the Margalla Voices, Islamabad (1976), Pakistan. As an Educator, he is associated with some local-national institutions and universities as a Visiting Professor. He has supervised the research work of several Graduate, and Post-Graduate (M.A.; M.Phil. and Ph.D.) students and scholars. His focus is on Preferable Peaceful Normative Social Change engineered through Creativity: Human Integrated Holistic Development by means of Creative Education As “Irfan”: Enlightenment, Moral Values Education, Basic Life, Language, Education and Communicative Skills and Integrated Family Studies. Dr. Azam conceptualized and introduced “Advanced Integrated Studies” in

Pakistan. He has also presented the creative concept of Geosociology in his pioneering work, Geosociology and the Future, (The PFI; 2004). His latest work on the subject is: Global Peace: the Geosociological Imperative and the Imperial Hubris. (The PFI-IKIU; 2013). He highlights the Geosociology of the Third/Muslim World and its indigenous peoples, cultures, languages, literatures, and ideologies. The recent latest/conferments on him include:

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Entry in the IBC, Cambridge UK, Dictionary of International Biography: 19981999. IBC Foremost Professionals and 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the World: 2008. International Professional of the Year 2007, UK; 2007. IBC 21st Century Award of Achievement: 2008. IBC Leading Educators of the World: 2008. Fellow, Advisory Directorate International, USA: 2009. The International Plato Award For Educational Achievement, UK; 2009. International Educator of the Year 2009, UK; 2009. American Order of Merit; 2012. The IIAS: (International Institute For Advanced Studies), Canada, Peace Award; 2014.

Dr. Ikram Azam was invited by the IKIU: Imam Khomeini International University, Iran in September, 2012, for an intensive-extensive interactive lecture tour on Futuristics, for a week. That resulted in a five-year IKIU-PFI MOU for cooperation in Higher Education focusing Futures Studies; (2012-2017). As a Futurist, he conceived of Islami Futuring: Futurism and Futuristics as a distinct school of thought in the Futures Field --- which is now well-established in Iran, under his inspiration. His persistent theme is Islam: The Perennial Peace Paradigm and Muhammadi Moral Model, in the local-national, regional and global context. As an educational innovator, he, alongwith his sister, Dr. Miss Zohra Azam, (Patron, Co-Founder, Donor and Hony. Chairperson, The PFI), has developed the original concept of The PFI Futuristics Pakistani Paradigm of Education, in their several books on Education. For the PFI, Education means Creativity and Enlightenment (“Irfan”), and HRD (Human Resource Development) is Integrative Holistic Human Development. The objective is Moral-Material-Secular-Spiritual-Intellectual-Physical Self-Realization. The means is the Basic Life Skills imparted as Basic Educational Skills. Creativity is among Dr. Azam’s core values. Dr. Ikram Azam, a senior retired career civil servant of the Govt. of Pakistan, had served the Federal Ministry of Education, twice in responsible positions, first as a DEA: Deputy Educational Adviser, (in the Culture and Curriculum Wings), and later as the MD, NBF, and DG, NBCP (National Book Foundation and National Book Council of Pakistan). He was approved for promotion specifically as Federal Secretary of Education, Govt. of Pakistan. He retired in Grade / Scale 21, from the CBR (Central Board of Revenue), Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Pakistan. His parent service was the PTS: Pakistan Taxation Service; and parent Department:

Income Tax. (He was the first person from Murree after Independence to join the CSS on merit). He was a Member, Board of Governors, `Taleem’ (Education) Foundation, Quetta. He is also a Life Member of the Sir Syed (Educational) Memorial Society, and the Sultana (Educational) Foundation, both in Islamabad. Dr. Azam was additionally, a member of the Executive Council of the Nazriya Pakistan Council (Foundation), Islamabad. He was an Hony. Member, BOM (Board of Management), Rawalpindi Medical College and Allied Hospitals, Rawalpindi, Govt. of the Punjab (2003-2008). Dr. Ikram Azam was a Member of the BOG, National Institute of Pakistan Studies, the Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad (1980-95). Dr. Azam believes in Futuristic Altruistic Ethical Economics. subject are:

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His books on the

The New Political Economy Paradigm. (The PFI; 2003). Globalization and Futuristic Altruistic Ethical Economics. (The PFI; 2005). International Political Economy: Globalization and Altruistic Ethical Economics. (The PFI; 2010.).

The last mentioned was selected by the ISESCO (in 2011) for translation into Arabic and French. Some of his books on Futuristics have also been translated in Iran into Farsi. In Nov., 2010, Dr. Ikram Azam was invited by the ISESCO to participate in an international conference at Rabat, Morocco. Before that, he and Dr. Zohra AZam were invited by the Jamiyah Singapore to participate in its international conference in 2005. Earlier in both delivered a week’s course on The PFI Paradigm of Futuristic Education, at the Pakistan International School and College, Bahrain. Dr. Azam is very widely travelled for participating by invitation in many international conferences on Futuristics, Peace and Education. As a senior citizen, he is settled in Islamabad. Dr. Azam’s latest reborn hobby is Nature Painting, which supplements and complements his creative and research writing. Even in painting he is prolific. He already has hundreds of paintings to his credit. He hopes to devote his remaining life to his favourite Five Ps: Prayer – Peace – Pakistan – Poetry – Painting --- as inspired by Islam, itself.

Part 2: Detailed CV of: Dr. R.M. Ikram Azam (`ndc’) Co-Founder, Donor and Hony. Co-Chairperson, The PFI and MVs.

I. Personal: Some Significant Particulars: i. Full Name: ii. Service: iii. Domicile: iv. Nationality:

Raja Muhammad Ikram Azam. Government of Pakistan: Retired as a senior career civil servant. (BPS/Gd.21). Approved for promotion as Federal Secretary Education. (1993). (BPS/Gd. 22). The Punjab (Rawalpindi, Rural Murree). Pakistani.

II. Academic Qualifications:

(i) B.A. (Honours in English ___ 2nd in the Punjab Univ.): The Gordon College, Rawalpindi. (Valedictorian: Prof. Azam Memorial Medal. Merit Scholarship). (ii) M.A. (English): The Government College, Lahore. (Merit Scholarship). (iii) M.A. (Political Science: Specialized in Pakistan Studies): The Punjab University, Lahore. (iv) M.S. (Defence and Strategic Studies. Focus: Peace Studies): The Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. (v) M.S. (Studies of the Future): The University of Houston, Clear Lake City, Texas, U.S.A. (vi) Ph.D. (Futuristics: International Relations): The AUL: The American University of London, UK. (vii) D.Litt. (Futuristics): The AUL, U.K. (viii) CD: (Futuristics): The World University (Roundtable), U.S.A.

III. Service Experience: i. ii. iii. iv.

In the Income Tax Department: 25 years from an Income Tax Officer to a Member, Central Board of Revenue, Islamabad (1961-1995). Section Chief: The Pakistan Council for National Integration (Head Office): (The Federal Ministry of Information). (1964-67). Director: The President’s/PM’s Inspection Team. (1972). Director: Finance & Administration, Programmes, Press, Publications & Public Relations: The Pakistan National Council of the Arts. (The Federal Ministry of Education). (1972-73).

v. vi. vii. viii. ix.

Deputy Education Advisor, (Culture; Curriculum), The Federal Ministry of Education. (1973-74). Asst. Secretary (Research), The Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad. (The Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs). (1974-76). Director: The National Book Foundation of Pakistan; and Director General, The National Book Council. (The Federal Ministry of Education). (1991-94). Director: The National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research. (The Federal Ministry of Culture). (1994). Approved for promotion as Federal Secretary, Education (BPS/Gd. 22) by the Govt. of Pakistan: 1993.

IV. Distinctions: (1) (2) (3) (4)

(5) (6)

Graduate of the National Defence College, Rawalpindi 1979-80. Obtained the ‘ndc’. The first CSS Officer from Murree after independence. The first M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Litt. and C.D.: (Futuristics) in Pakistan. Special Roll of Honour as the All-Round Best Student, Speaker, Debater, Essayist, Editor, BA (Hons. in English), First in Every Subject, and Valedictorian: The Gordon College, Rawalpindi. Prof. Azam Memorial Gold Medal in Political Science, The Gordon College, Rawalpindi (1956-1958). Roll of Honour: The Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad.


Certificate in Tax Administration: The University of Southern California, USA; 1984.


Free lance creative writer and author of over 125 books in English, and contributing editor of another over 25. Member, Board of Governors, the National Institute of Pakistan Studies, the Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. (1980-19954). Honorary Founding Director of The PFI: The Pakistan Futuristics Foundation and Institute, Islamabad (founded in July, 1986). Its present Hony. Co-Chairperson; and Donor.




Represented Pakistan abroad Conferences and Seminars.


Widely travelled: the UK, USA, France, Saudi Arabia, Jordon, Iran, Japan, Germany, Finland, Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, India, Malaysia, Bahrain, Bangladesh ___ (then East Pakistan), and Singapore. Languages: Urdu, English, French and Punjabi.





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Co-Founder of the Literary Wing of the PFI, the Margalla Voices, Islamabad (1976).

Winner of the Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad, Book of the Year Award (1987-1988), for his book: Pakistan: Reflections. Member: The Pakistan Writer’s Guild; the Educator’s Club, Rawalpindi-Islamabad; the World Future Society, USA; the World Future Studies Federation, USA; the Future Generations Alliance Foundation, Japan; Centre Catala de Prospective, Barcelona, Spain; Foundation for International Studies, University of Malta; The Scientific and Medical Network, UK; The Development and Peace Foundation, Germany, and The Fridrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany. Occasional Radio Pakistan broadcaster and PTV participant. Occasional speaker at and participant in local, national, regional and international futuristic, literary, cultural, academic and thinkers forums and learned societies. University Examiner. Perhaps above all, an Educator: Educational Innovator, with his ongoing PFI Project: “A Futuristic Pakistani Paradigm of Education”. Focus: Creativity, Innovation and Originality. Conducts on demand at site short courses, seminars and work-sessions on Futuristics: Futuristic Education and Educational Skills, Basic Life, Language and Communicative Skills, Creativity, Creative Thinking, Writing, and Research Methodology, etc. Research and Thesis Supervisor / Guide. A Life Member of the World Future Society (WFS), USA. Also a Member of its International Advisory Council.

An Elected Member of the WFSF Executive, USA; (19931997). A WFSF Fellow. Organizer of the WFSF-PFI First South Asian Region International Conference on: “The Future of Democracy in the Developing World”, Islamabad, October, 1992. Organizer of the First PFI National Seminar on: “Pakistan 2000 A.D.”; Islamabad, April, 1987. Director of the PFI Study Circle, Research Team and Academic Programme. Recipient of: The First Dr. Khurshid A. Khan Memorial Honorary Triple Award as: “A PFI Pioneer, Futurist and Fellow”. (1997).


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Recipient of the First Margalla Voices, Islamabad, Honorary Award for his “Life Work Achievement in Creativity: Literature and Education”; (1997). Lecturer at local educational institutions. Visiting Professor: The Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. Visiting Professor: The Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.

Visiting Professor: The National Institute and University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. (NIML/NUML). Also the NUML Dean and Pioneer of its M.Phil. and Ph.D. project programme in Advanced Integrated Studies (20002001). Visiting Prof.: The International Islamic Univ., Islamabad.

Member, Board of Governors, Taleem Foundation, Quetta, (Balochistan). Projects as the ever modern futuristic: Islam: The Perennial Peace Paradigm and Muhammadi Moral or Model; and as Islami Democracy in an Islami Welfare State and Society, the core defining quality of which is true Islami Justice in Sovereign Fraternal Freedom. Conferred upon the USC-USA Trojan as a Distinguished Thinker: scholar, speaker, researcher and writer (1984). Jamiyah Singapore: Voice of Islam: 2005: Vol. 30, No. 208: Contemporary Scholars of Islam (pp. 10-14): 12. Raja Ikram Azam, Dr.: …..``Author, researcher, and founder of the Futuristics Institute of Pakistan, Islamabad. Probably one of the most prolific writers on Islamic issues today….. A virtual think-tank. His forte is not modern theology, but excellent balanced holistic education”.





Member, BOM (Board of Management), Rawalpindi Medical College and Allied Hospitals Govt. of the Punjab. (20032008). President, Pakistan Students’ Organization, UH – CLC, TX, USA; 1987-1988. University of Houston, Clear Lake (City), Houston, Texas, USA. The Robert Heinlein Award: 1988 “The Stranger in a Strange Land”: “Ikram --- You’re A Star!” “1988 FSSA Star Ikram!” (UH-CLC: TX; USA). Letters of Appreciation from some UH-CLC, TX, USA, Professors (1987-1988):


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* Prof. Dr. Chris Dede (January, 1988). * Prof. Dr. Marlyn Black (12.11.1987 and 10.06.1987). * Linda T. Robinson: International Student Advisor: Participation in-Univ. seminar on Intercultural Communication. (26.04.1988). * Katy Independent School District, Houston, TX: Super Saturday Challenge Award; (dated 12.05.1987). Life Member, Sir Syed Memorial Society, Islamabad, the mission of which is to create in the near future, The Sir Syed University, Islamabad. The PFI is affiliated to it as an Academic Peace Institute. Has resumed nature painting as a hobby since the summer of 2006. For the recent / latest awards, see page 2 of the BB: Biodata Brief (pp. 1-3).

CV / BB: Part 3: BOOKS by Dr. IKRAM AZAM: Under Preparation/Publication: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27)

Islami Social Change: Muslim Women and Youth As Normatively Activist Social Change Agents. My Vision of the 21st Century Future: 2014-3001. Educational-Linguistic Imperialism and Socio-Cultural Colonialism: Education and English in Pakistan. A Futuristic Education Policy Project Proposal For Pakistan: 2012-2025. Kashmir: Pakistan’s Jugular Vein. Seven Types of Creativity. Futures Studies Readings. By: Some Distinguished Futurists. Futuristics Readings. By: Some PFI Scholars. Islami Self-Realization. The Sacred Names. (Peace-Prayer-Poems). The Supplicant Soul! (Sacred Verse). Rumi’s Rain Plum. Attar’s Aviary: Birds’ Discourse. The Heart’s Journey: Hafiz Shirazi Reinterpreted. Two short novels in one volume: (i) The Pak. Futuristic Visionaries. (ii) Filial Frailties. Daily Disasters --- and Miracles! (Poems). A Visionary Futures Journal. Charismatic Clouds! (Stories). Literary Reviews and Reminiscences. Al-Basuri’s Qasidah Burdah. My Literary Autobiography (A Book About My Books – 1998). The PFI Special Silver Jubilee Prospectus: 1986-2011-2017. Islam On History and Social Change. Strategic Futuring: Islam and the Muslim World. Strategic Futuring: Introducing Futuristics. Bridges of Peace and Friendship. Meditative Moods (English poems with Urdu translations).

Section 2: The 21st Century (2000-2014): 1) My Select 21st Century Poems. (2011). 2) Creativity and Research: Essay, Report and Thesis Writing. (The PFIMVS-IKIU; 2014). 3) Futuring “Farda”. (2013). 4) Global Peace: The Geosociological Imperative and the Imperial Hubris. (2013). 5) Discourse With Allah! (2010). 6) Al-Busiri’s Qasidah Burdah. (2010). 7) The Islami Perennial Peace Paradigm and Muhammadi Moral Model. (2009). 8) Islam, Imperialism and Peace (2008). 9) Creativity: Seven Symbolic Symphonies! (2007). 10) Conversations With Myself! (2007). 11) Securing The Future: Now! (2007). 12) Return of the Jinnahs. (Peace Plays). (2007). 13) The Sacred Names (Peace-Prayer-Poems for Allah and His Holy Prophet Muhammad: ( ). (2007). 14) Futuristic Education and Creative Thinking Skills. (2006). 15) People and Communicative Skills. (2006). 16) Life, Ideology and Self-Realization Skills. (2006). 17) Islam: The Perennial Peace Paradigm. (2005). 18) A Futuristic Pakistani Paradigm of Education. (2005). 19) Islam, Interfaith Interaction and a Peaceful Future. (2005). 20) Globalization and Futuristic Altruistic Economics. (2005). 21) Moral Values Education: An Islami Futuristic Vision. (2005). 22) Geosociology and the Future. (2004). 23) Islam: Peaceful Social Change to the Future. (2004). 24) Pakistan and the Future. (2004). 25) Creativity, Life and the Future. (2004). 26) Islam and the Future. (2003). 27) A Futuristic Paradigm of Education. (2003). 28) “Nazriya-e-Pakistan”: The Vision of Pakistan: Islam. (2010). 29) Islami Renaissance and Muhammad Asad. (2010). 30) Future Focus: Kushmir. (2003). 31) The New Political Economy Paradigm. (2003). 32) 21st Century Education and Educational Skills. (2003). 33) Democracy in Pakistan: Praetorian Puppeting. (2003). 34) Islam, Peace Studies and the Clash of Civilizations. (2002). 35) Creativity and the Literary Genres. (2002). 36) Islam, Futurism and Futuristics. (2002). 37) Islam and Iconoclasm. (2002).

38) Learning To Live Creatively: Education As Enlightenment. (2001). 39) Creativity and Research. (2001). 40) Creating The Future. (2001). 41) Islam, Jehad and Kushmir. (2001). 42) Islam in Time and Space, and Afghanistan. (2001). 43) Reflections: On The Global Human Situation. (2001). 44) Pakistan: 1998-2003. (2000). 45) Pakistan, Kushmir and India in the Third Millennium. (1999). 46) The Islami Vision, World-View and Mind. (1999). 47) Thinking Aloud Futuristically: A Book About My Books. (1998). 48) Seven Types of Creativity. (2000). Section 3: Previous: 20th Century: (A) Research Work: 1. Futuristics, Education, Creativity and Creative Writing. (1998). 2. Futuristic Creative Report Writing. (1998). 3. Greening Balochistan For the 21st Century Pakistan. (1997). 4. Strategic Futurization: Planning for the 21st Century Futures. (1996). 5. The 21st Century New Education and Basic Life Skills Paradigm. (1996). 6. Towards the 21st Century New Education. (1994). 7. Muhammad ( ): The Sublime Futurist. (1996). 8. Islami Meditation and Psychotherapy. (1990; 1996). 9. Islami Futurism and Futuristics. (1996). 10. Pakistan and the 21st Century New Human(e) Order. (1994). 11. Islamic Visionary Futures. (1992). 12. Social Change to the 21st Century Pakistan. (1992). 13. Pak. Geopolitics: 2050 A.D. (1992). 14. Pakistan’s Political Culture. (1992). 15. Pakistan’s Foreseeable Future. (1989/1992). 16. From Pakistan to Pakistan. (1992). 17. Global Humane Futures: Geopolitics, Political Geography and Pakistan. (1990). 18. Future Focus: Pakistan in The 1990s. (1990). 19. Revolutionary Islam. (1990). 20. Pakistan’s Geopolitics. (1989). 21. Pakistan: Reflections. (1989/1993). 22. Literary Pakistan. (1989). 23. Pakistan: Futuristics. (1984/1987). 24. Pakistan: Random Reflections. (1984). 25. Pakistan: 2000 A.D. (1990/1991). 26. Literary Studies. (1999). 27. Pakistan and the Nationalities’ Notion. (1991). 28. Pakistan’s Security and National Integration. (1974/1986). 29. Pakistan: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. (1976).

30. Pakistan’s Geopolitical and Strategic Compulsions. (1980). 31. Pakistan and the Indian Heritage. (1983). 32. Pakistan and Islamic Economics. (1979). 33. An Ideological Bureaucracy for Pakistan. (1986). 34. Islamic Meditations. (1970). 35. Pakistan and the Islamic Welfare State and Society. (1981). 36. Détente With India. (1976). 37. Islam and Socialism. (1971). 38. Muhammad ( ): The Modernizer Futurist. (1984). 39. Pakistan’s Strategy for Survival. (1982/1984). 40. Pakistan and the Asian Collective Security System. (1983). 41. Pakistan’s National Culture and Character. (1980). 42. “Iking” Through Pakistan. (1984). 43. Beyond Operation Fairplay. (1979). 44. Pakistan’s Ideology and Ideologues. (1982). (B) Fiction and Verse: (i) Plays: 1. Shadows by Moonlight. (1969). 2. The Martyr and Other Plays. (1966). 3. Peace Plays and Poems. (2000). (ii) Verse: 1. Allah’s 99 Names. (2000). 2. Muhammad’s ( ) 99 Names. (2000). 3. Sumbal Spring Song. (2000). 4. Future Forever: Meditations. (1998). 5. Poems from Faiz (Translation into English free verse of his last book: “Maray Dil Maray Musafir”). (1982/1993). 6. Isles of Isolation. (1992). 7. My Heart’s Smithereens. (1989). 8. Blossom’s for You: “Rubaiyat” (in English; 1986; 1993). 9. Three Voices. (1985). 10. Muhammad’s Message. (Verified Sayings; 1984-1987). 11. Futurism: Spring Again. (1983). 12. Flowers For You. (1963). 13. Poems For You. (1981). 14. Tip-Toeing Into My Heart. (1978). 15. Two Floating Eyes. (1976). 16. Shadows by Moonlight. (1969). 17. Of Love and War. (1965). 18. Poems from Pakistan. (1979). 19. The Margalla Voices Mushaira. (1992).

20. We. (Translation into English free verse of Zia Jalandhari’s Urdu Poem: “Hum”). (1997). 21. Allama Iqbal: The Islami Futurist. (“ Bang-e-Dara”: Translations into English free verse of his 84 select short and long Urdu poems and “Rubayat”; 2004).

22. The Breath of Dawn. (Translation into English free verse of Zia Jalandhari’s “Dum-e-Subh”. 2003). (iii) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Stories: Plays and Stories. (1985). Sons of the Soil. (1963). Pious Sins. (1973). Swallow Spirit Soul Mate! (2000).

(iv) Short Novels: 1. Farewell to Love. (1962). 2. The Rainbow of Life. (1963). 3. The Valley of Pines. (1963). 4. Three Novels. (1986). 5. The Expoiters. (1985). 6. “Dhanak”. (Urdu: 1985). 7. The Green Carders. (1987). 8. Gossip Gulley. (1987). 9. “Sanober Ki Wadi”. (Urdu: 1998). 10. “Doe Novel”. (Urdu: 1993). (v) Miscellanny: 1. After Our Fall. (1972). Section 4: Books: Edited by Ikram Azam: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Futures Studies: Readings. (1992). The 21st Century New Economics and Human Sustainability. (1992). Special Report: The Future of Democracy in the Developing World. (1993). Towards the 21st Century: Democracy in the Developing World. (1993). The Futures of Democracy in Pakistan and the Developing World. (1996). Some Significant 21st Century Trends and Issues: Poverty, Population, Peace and Sustainability. (1998). 7. An Introduction to Futuristics. By: Dr. J.J. Edward. 8. Pakistan: 2000 A.D. (1990). By: Several authors. 9. English Language Teaching in Pakistan. By: Mrs. Aysha Mueen. 10. Social Change and Pakistan. By: Samar Ihsan.

11. Towards the 21st Century Pakistan: Women, Education and Social Change. By: Dr. Miss Zohra Azam. 12. Woman in the 21st Century: Roles, Responsibilities and Rights. By: Dr. Miss Zohra Azam. 13. Islam, Women and Education In the 21st Century. By: Dr. Miss Zohra Azam. 14. Islam,Women, Education and Social Change. By: Dr. Miss Zohra Azam. 15. Pakistan’s Futuristic Peace Paradigm. By: Dr. Mrs. Shamsa Nawaz. 16. India’s Nuclear Weapons Programme. By: Shamsa Nawaz. (1985). 17. Iqbal As A Futurist. By: Dr. Maqbool Elahi. (1995). 18. The Kushmir: Now or Never. (Ed.) By: A.H. Tauqeer (Chief Editor: Ikram Azam). (1992). 19. An Introduction To Islam. (Ed.). By: Ms. Nargis Naqvi (Chief Editor: Ikram Azam). (1992). 20. Introducing Pakistan. (Ed.) By: A.H. Tauqeer. (Chief Ed.: Ikram Azam). (1992). 21. “Ashob-e-Watan”. (Urdu Poems). By: (The Late) N.A.T. K. Jazib. (Sponsored by: Dr. Zohra Azam and Ikram Azam). 22. Self-Actualization. By: Dr. J.J. Edward. (1999). 23. The Twentieth. By: The Editorial Board. (20th PMA); (2007). 24. Al-Busairi’s Qasidah Burdah (Trilingual: Original Araby by Al-Busairi; Urdu free verse translation by Dr. Miss Zohra Azam; English free verse translation by Ikram Azam). 25. Academic theses of several M.A.; M.Phil. and Ph.D. students. 26. “Never Give In”. by: Dr. Muhammad Asif. (2010). 27. Islam, Altruistic Compassionate Love and Peace. By: Dr. Muhammad Salim. (2014). 28. Nature Imagery In Al-Quran. By: Dr. Fauzia Tanvir Sheikh. (2012). 29. Futuristics and Cretivity: Education, Language and Literature. By: Tariq Khan. (2012). 30. Higher Education In Pakistan. By: Prof. Dr. Muhammad S. Shamshad. (2012).

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