This is a short methodical reflection on the math of learning globalistics; the body of knowledge seems to be infinite for mortal human beings who always struggle for survival and meaning, despite the many perceived, observed and experienced anomalies in the cosmos, the biosphere and the quantum level of reality (=construction principles/laws?), usually measured in individual and collective human pain; in a healthy state, the gain of pain is learning that creates knowledge to reduce or release from pain and to enjoy life. If this author had to propose an alternative introduction to biblical genesis, it would read: Let there be waves! (Gen.1:3); the opening sentence of Genesis is anyway grammatically incorrect as the great Hebrew scholar Rashi already found out in medieval times. In the introduction to Kondratieff Waves (Uchitel.2012: p.5), it was interesting to learn from Leonid (Grinin), Tessaleno (Devezas) and Andrey (Korotayev) that we are actually using the scientific method to discover about the mysteries or enigmas of harmony as research goal for socio-natural life. In my own efforts on learning about globalistics, a key term seems to be energy (as related to space, time and money as market production multiplier); energy comes in waves, can be quantified and possesses quantum quality. Living organisms are evolving energy transduction systems and follow certain cybernetic rules, in physical terms of thermodynamics, entropy, syntropy and levels of causality, e.g. spiral and vortex formations in nature are due to electromagnetic fields that work as compressors of energetic matter; it is all about energy waves. How can these facts be translated into methodical applications? As a non-academic researcher, the practical question is: how can we convert ideas into realization? In the real world, knowledge is human labor, capital is technical infrastructure and land is natural treasure (e.g. energy); money is a means of payment for goods/services, the biosphere will set the cybernetic limit and toll for each and every non-necessary financial expansion. War occurs either for economic gain or retribution and history repeats itself because the passions of men do not change, despite the progress of reason by reformation, enlightenment and humanism in world civilization: the global financial system of floating exchange currencies that exists today was designed by nobody and contradicts Bretton Woods, but it evolved without a design (because of passion for money as omnipotence mechanism=religion). There is no true reason without passion and no passion without true reason; the mind (brain) cannot be disconnected from the heart and the heart cannot be disconnected form the mind (brain); this is a physiological reality of human behavior. In addition, there is no physical teleology without ethical teleology, something that can be called ‘spiritual physics’. The math of learning globalistics implies the methodical perception by the human mind of the genetic code in the physical order, i.e. the discovery of the laws of nature. Consequently, this learning process (for knowledge & wisdom) will enable us to complete our creative role in this physical world and the spiritual essence of the nature will be revealed to us: the mutual pursuit of intellectual pleasure and the aesthetic search for formal beauty must be propelled forward by a unifying force for the perfection of human unity on this globe, i.e. our task is to humanize science in methodically exact rational terms (humanistic science).
The globalization of human interactions happens as an energy transduction system which implies a planetary biophysics of social systems; the didactics and math of learning globalistics can therefore
not be done without methodical reduction, i.e. basic formula, equations and calculations are needed to condense the body of knowledge and to make it work for practical applications in vocational education, training and management. As an empirical result of learning globalistics, there is to remember that human life is moving and developing matter; the quantitative input of natural energy into the living social system as a whole working body most probably quantizes the quality of process output: less can be more, more can be less; it is all about entropy vs. syntropy, i.e. the methodical reduction of thermodynamic disorder via cognition.
Select bibliography DiCorpo U/Vanini A.2013. Syntropy, Value and Money. (e-book/amazon). Fantappie L.1944. Principa di una teoria unitaria del mondo fisico e biologico. Roma: Humana Nova. Schrรถdinger E.1944. What is life? Cambridge: UP. Stakhov A.2009. The Mathematics of Harmony. Singapore: World Scientific. Vernadsky V.1977. Scientific Thought as Planetary Phenomenon. Moscow: Nauka: p.17
Stephen I. Ternyik, Techno-Logos, Inc. Contact: stephen-i.ternyik@alumni.tu-berlin.de