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There are four books from Prof. Kami in my library which I do constantly re-read: A) Islami Meditation and Psychotherapy, B) Qasidah Burdah, C) Moral Values Education, D) Muhammad. For my personal perusal, these books contain a very deep understanding of human social psychology and the redemptive forces of the invisible. The PFI approach on the visible forces of geo-society science, defense strategy and Islami policy sees Pakistan rightly as a cornerstone of future peace in South East Asia; models of economic earthsharing and social welfare are profoundly researched, including the special role of Muslim spirituality, Qur’ani prophecy and general human fraternity. The poetry of Prof. Kami reveals the deep pain that he feels in his soul about the low moral state of humanity as a whole, the hidden causes of war and the global compradors; the combativeness of the wording reflects the intensity of the suffering soul. Sufism is actually about realizing the pain that travels around this world and what damage it causes on the human soul; consequently, putting spirit above matter is the first healthy step to the redemption of the human race. I see the work of Prof. Kami as one of the first-fruits of the world-to-come, i.e. the coming age of redemption by hard ethical work, spiritual messianity and creative tolerance. As a pure monotheist, if you like Jewnitarian, it is easy for me to see the beauty in advanced Islami thought; this is also the reason why I feel no uneasiness with the claim of Islam being the simple, original or prototypical faith of humankind. As an empirical scientist, my rational and methodical mind has enough training in religious anthropology to detect the symbolic meaning of rituals, ceremonies and festivals for the human soul, i.e. the deep psychological search for continuous stability and harmony. The communication with Prof. Kami and the PFI continues now for over two decades as a fruitful dialogue about ethics, peace and affinities; it is this Hamzaad who creates mutual trust, truth and understanding by common research study and action. In a nutshell, I consider it a privilege to be a member of the PFI fraternity; may ALLAH grant to the founder of this learned institution continued health, strength and longevity.

ASA and warmest salams: Stephen I. Ternyik; Techno-Logos, Inc. Social science researcher & entrepreneur (-1985)

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