FOR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING (for New Economic Bargaining?) Acronym: PC-NEB (proposed)
Sketch/for Atiner
Mr. Leonidas A. Papakonstaninidis (LAP) is a Greek Professor of Economics, who elaborated in his lifetime journey a tripolar (win/win/win) model of new economic bargaining, starting at the community level. An interview with LAP is attached, under separate cover (pdf 1811.0241v1); it explains the agenda in simple English as a narrative in academic manner.
The proposed (Papakonstantinidis) Centre for New Economic Bargaining (PC-NEB) will be a global study and action point, with a distinguished membership body (students, academics, professionals). The academic connection to ATINER is defined by its economic mission of education and research for truth, using scientific methodology in social practice; the methodical focus is directed on the fusion of study & action.
PC-NEB will be conducted by a precise manual of business (non-profit) minutes, articles and bylaws as an open scientific discourse community, which is centered around project and field work. The overall goal is the economic development of healthy human communities by new collective bargaining models, thus the methodical concentration is public health promotion for economic welfare and growth.
The Centre will signify a new branch in the history of economic thought; the internal validation of methodical models of bargaining will be matched by the external validation in applied field work, thus science and human life will be re-connected bottom-up. It will be a think & action tank; the heart center of this scientific initiative will be holistic human health as the real economic growth engine of the 21st century, i.e. the healing of people is the best future invest program.
Summary: ---membership body-----precise manual of business (nonprofit) minutes, articles and bylaws-----project orientation (study & action) -----community level---
---holistic human health-----economic growth engine of the 21st century-----new branch of economic thought & action-----public health promotion-----best future investment program-----think & action tank---
Stephen I. Ternyik