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World Economy Working Group The primary aim of the IIPPE World Economy Working Group is to promote intellectual and practical exchange between scholars and activists from different continents. Many of the most pressing questions concerning the current political economy conjuncture cannot be understood by looking at countries and regions in isolation, but necessarily require an international perspective. The dynamic logic of capital accumulation, in fact, is not restricted to one region or country, but is global. Globalization is materialized in the flows of different forms of capital led by big corporations’ accumulation strategies in different countries. These processes disorganize and reorganize international relations by imposing their economic policies and ideologies. At the same time, these movements create new contradictions, which manifest themselves in national and international economic, social and political crises. IIPPE offers an extraordinary opportunity to promote a very much needed international collaboration and scholarship. The World Economy WG seeks further to enhance IIPPE international remit. It seeks to do so by providing a context specifically for International Political Economy (IPE) debate. IPE is a dynamic and growing discipline in British and US academia. IPE is also central in Latin American universities, where political economy research has always paid great attention to theories of the world economy (Latin American structuralism, dependency theory, unequal exchange...). The World Economy WG brings together scholars coming from different national and theoretical traditions. Starting from a rejection of the problems of methodological nationalism and Eurocentrism, the WG’s aims are: • Promoting Marxist and heterodox scholarship that investigates the interactions between national, regional and global political economy dynamics, and the links between economics and politics at the world market level. • Promoting theoretically informed debate on the world economy: how different political economy currents address the international (Marxism, theories of imperialism, dependency theory, Uneven and Combined Development etc.) • Contributing theoretically and practically to the internationalisation of IIPPE by promoting seminars, workshops, research funding applications, research exchange, joint publications etc. • In accordance with IIPPE’s goals, contributing to progressive policy and political debates, and transformative action nationally, regionally and internationally. • Collaborating with other political economy associations (SEPLA, SEP, etc.).
Current members (Names, Short introduction and research interests, E-mails, Links to publications and websites)
Coordinators: Abelardo Marina Flores, Titular Professor at the Research Area of Society and Capitalist Accumulation, Department of Economics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco. Head of that Department from 2014 to 2018. Member of the IIPPE Council since 2014. His research focuses on theory of value and crises, accumulation processes in Latin America, especially in Mexico, and the world economy under neoliberal globalization. abmf60 @ me com Lucia Pradella is a Lecturer in International Political Economy at King’s College London and a member of the IIPPE Council since 2014. Her research focuses on imperialism, the working poor in Europe, and alternatives to neoliberalism and the global economic crisis. She is the author of several journal articles and two monographs: Globalisation and the Critique of Political Economy: New Insights from Marx’s Writings (Routledge, 2014) and L’Attualità del Capitale: Accumulazione e impoverimento nel capitalismo globale (Il Poligrafo, 2010). She co-edited Polarizing Development: Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis (Pluto, 2014). lucia.pradella@kcl.ac.uk Rubens R. Sawaya is a Postgraduate Professor in Political Economy, Department of Economics at PUCSP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – Brasil. Director of the Society of Political Economy of Brazil (SEP) and former president of the National Association of Undergraduate Courses in Economic Sciences. Author of several articles and the book Subordinação Consentida: capital multinacional no processo de acumulação da América Latina e Brasil (Consented subordination: transnational capital in the accumulation process of Latin America and Brazil), Annablume/Fapesp, 2006. rrsawaya@gmail.com • Tanweer Akram, PhD Director, Global Public Policy and Economics Corporate Affairs, Minnesota, tanweer.akram@thrivent.com • Ilias Alami, PhD student in Politics at the University of Manchester (UK). His research focuses on the political economy of money and finance, development and international capital flows, North-South relations, imperialism, critical IPE, and Marxist theory ilias.alami@manchester.ac.uk • Rishi Awatramani is a a graduate researcher in Sociology at Johns Hopkins University. His research interests include the relationship between global capitalism and social movement strategies, indebtedness, and political struggles of excluded workers in India and the US. rishiawatramani@gmail.com • Milan Babic, PhD student at the UvA in Amsterdam and member of the Political Economy&Transnational Governance program group. His main research areas are issues of corporate power in Global Capitalism and questions of transnational elite formation as well as class agency m.babic@uva.nl • Ali Bhagat is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Studies at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada. He is studying Refugee Housing in Toronto, Berlin, and Nairobi and is supervised by Professor Susanne Soederberg. ali.bhagat@queensu.ca • Pınar Bedirhanoğlu, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey). eflani@metu.edu.tr
• Claes Belfrage, Lecturer in international Business Organisation and Management at the University of Liverpool (UK) C.Belfrage@liverpool.ac.uk • Patrick Bond, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa). pbond@mail.ngo.za • Bill Bowring, Professor of Law at Birkbeck University of London b.bowring@bbk.ac.ukAlex Callinicos, Professor of European Politics at King’s College London (UK) alex.callinicos@kcl.ac.uk • Sergio Cámara-Izquierdo, Head of the Research Area of Society and Capitalist Accumulation, Department of Economics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco (Mexico). His research focuses on the macro-economy of the world crisis from the perspective of the labour theory of value camarasergio@hotmail.com • Joseph Choonara, PhD student in Industrial Relations at Middlesex University. joseph_choonara@yahoo.co.uk • Jonathan Clyne, Research Student, Department of Economics, SOAS University of London (UK). bretorp@gmail.com • Adriano Cozzolino, PhD student in IPE at Orientale University of Naples (Italy). adriano_cozzolino@virgilio.it • Niemeyer de Almeida Filho, ex-president of SEP (Brazilian Society for Political Economy, 2012-2016) and member of the board of SEPLA (Latin America Society for Political Economy and Critical Thought). nafilho@gmail.com • Raúl de Arriba Bueno, Professor of Economics, Department of Applied Economics, University of Valencia (Spain). Raul.de-Arriba@uv.es • Nick Descacht, Professor of economics at KU Belgium, labour economist interested in Marxian economics and globalisation studies. nicktijdelijk@yahoo.com • Marcelo Dias Carcanholo, President of SEP (Brazil) mdcarc@uol.com.br • Philip G Cerny, Professor Emeritus of Politics and Global Affairs, University of Manchester (UK) and Rutgers University (USA) pgcerny@rutgers.edu • Greig Charnock, Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Manchester (UK) and member of the Global Political Economy Research Cluster greig.charnock@manchester.ac.uk • Hugo Correa, Professor of Economics at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi (Brazil) h.correa@gmail.com • Eduardo Costa Pinto, Professor of Economics at Universidade Federal do Rio do Janeiro (Brazil) eduardo.pinto@ie.ufrj.br • Gary Dymski, Professor and Chair in Applied Economics at the Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds (UK) G.Dymski@leeds.ac.uk • Ertan Erol, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Political Sciences, Istanbul University – ertan.erol@istanbul.edu.tr
• Janaina Faria, PhD Candidate King’s College London (UK). Research project: ‘A new stage of imperialism?’ janaina.faria@kcl.ac.uk • Romain Felli, Associate Professor, University of Lausanne (Swit-zerland), working on the links between social and environmental relationships, and their regulations romain.felli@unil.ch • Flavio Ferreira Miranda, PhD in Economics at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil) and Associate Professor of Political Economy and History of Economic Thought at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio do Janeiro (Brazil) flavioferreiramiranda@hotmail.com • Adam Fishwick, Senior Lecturer in Urban Studies and Public Policy, De Montfort University (UK) adam.fishwick@dmu.ac.uk • Lorenzo Fusaro, Visiting Professor at the Research Area of Society and Capitalist Accumulation, Department of Economics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco (Mexico). His research focuses on international political economy lo.fusaro@gmail.com • Patrick Galba, PhD student at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi (Brazil) working on the operation of the law of value at the world market level. patrickgalba@gmail.com • Ettore Gallo, graduate student at the Berlin School of Economics and Law s_gallo@stud.hwr-berlin.de • Yong Gao gaoyong4423@yahoo.com • Christakis Georgiou, christakis.georgiou2@gmail.com • Kyle Geraghty, PhD student in Global Political Economy at Bristol University Ky.Geraghty@outlook.com • Tamas Gerocs, Junior Research Fellow, Center for Economic and Regional Studies, HAS, Institute of World Economics gerocs.tamas@krtk.mta.hu • André Guimarães, Ph.D. in Economics (UFRJ–Brazil) and Associate Professor at the Economics Department of Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil) andre@economia.uff.br • Laura Horn, Associate Professor in Global Political Economy, Roskilde University (Denmark) lhorn@ruc.dk • Feyzi Ismail, Senior Teaching Fellow at SOAS, University of London (UK). Her research interests include NGOs and social movements, alternatives to neoliberalism and imperialism, and politics and development in Nepal and South Asia fi2@soas.ac.uk • Jamie Jordan, ESRC Ph.D. Candidate, Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham. Jamie.Jordan@nottingham.ac.uk • Kai Koddenbrock, Lecturer in IR at Aachen University (Germany), working on money, capitalism and power in IR and IPE. kai.koddenbrock@gmail.com • Sirma Altun Kucukarslan: PhD student at The University of Sydney studying urban poverty and anti-poverty measures in China from a scale and space sensitive perspective salt3595@uni.sydney.edu.au • George Labrinidis geolabros@gmail.com • Duncan Lindo duncanlindo@yahoo.co.uk
• George Liodakis, Professor of Political Economy, Dept of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete (Greece). liod@science.tuc.gr • Christopher Lloyd, Guest Professor, Finland Centre of Excellence in Historical Research, Tampere University; Docent (Adjunct) in Social Science History, Department of Politics and Economics, Helsinki University (Finland), and Emeritus Professor of Economic History, University of New England, Armidale (Australia) alloyd@une.edu.au • Stephen McBride, Professor, Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Globalization, Department of Political Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. His current research focuses on the crisis and austerity (varieties of, and alternatives to), and labour restructuring. mcbride@mcmaster.ca • Anitra Nelson, Carson Fellow at the Rachel Carson Centre of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany), and Honorary Associate Professor, RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia) — Centre for Urban Design. anitra.nelson@rmit.edu.au • Isabella Nogueira, Associate Professor of Economics Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi (Brazil) isabella.nogueira@ie.ufrj.br • Alex Nunn, Head of Research in Law, Humanities and Social Science at the University of Derby (UK) a.nunn@derby.ac.uk • Alexandre Olivera, Master in Economics and Economist - Columbia University (USA) and Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC-SP (Brazil). Economics Course Coordinator at Universidade Paulista, Professor of Economics in the courses of Economics, Accounting, Administration and Law Sciences at Universidade Paulista and Faculdades Integradas Campos Salles. alexpuc2004@yahoo.com.br • Juan Pablo Panceira, PhD in Economics (SOAS, UK) and Senior Analyst at Banco Central do Brazil jppainceira@gmail.com • Keith Paterson, PhD Student (Impact of Finance and Debt on Low Income Households), Department of Sociology, University of Aberdeen. keithpaterson@abdn.ac.uk • Andras Pinkasz, Junior Research Fellow, Hungarian Central Statistical Office andras.pinter@ksh.hu • Filipe Possa Ferreira, Professor of Economics at Faculdade Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU/Brazil and PhD candidate at Instituto de Economia Unicamp/Brazil. filipe.possa@gmail.com • Sophia Price, Head of Politics and International Relations, School of Social Sciences, Leeds Beckett University (UK) Sophia.Price@leedsbeckett.ac.uk • Sahar Rad, Lecturer in international Management at SOAS, University of London (UK). Her research focuses on the political economy of international development, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa st54@soas.ac.uk • Michael Roberts, economist and blogger bobmckee99@yahoo.com • Roberto Roccu, Lecturer in IPE, King’s College London roberto.roccu@kcl.ac.uk
• Alexis Saludjian Ph.D. in Economics (Univ. Paris 13-France) and Associate Professor at the Institute of Economics at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) saludjian@ie.ufrj.br • Benjamin Selwyn, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex (UK) B.Selwyn@sussex.ac.uk • Subir Sinha, Senior Lecturer in Institutions and Development at SOAS, University of London (UK). His research interests are institutional change, sustainable development, social movements, state-society relations in development, and South Asian politics ss61@soas.ac.uk • John Smith, author of Imperialism in the 21st Century (Monthly Review, 2016). Teaches IPE at Kingston University (UK) johncsmith@btinternet.com • Susanne Soederberg, Professor, Department of Global Development Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario . soederberg@queensu.ca • Jurgita Staniulyte, PhD student at University of Leeds (UK) specializing in innovation systems and knowledge creation jurg.stan@gmail.com • Turan Subasat, lecturer at the Mugla University (Turkey) and formerly I studied and worked at SOAS and the University of Bath. turansubasat@gmail.com • Darko Suvin, Emeritus Professor, English, McGill University. dsuvin@gmail.com • Gary Teeple, Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Simon Fraser University (Canada). teeple@sfu.ca • Stephen I. Ternyik, social science economist. StephenJehucal@web.de • Fernandes Wanda, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Researcher at the Centre for Social and Economic Research at Agostinho Neto University in Luanda, Angola, & Mo Ibrahim Foundation Research Scholar in the Development Studies Research programme at SOAS, University of London, where he is focusing on the capitalist transformation in transitions from war to peace. fernandes.wanda@fecuan.ed.ao • John Weeks, Professor Emeritus, SOAS University of London. jw10@soas.ac.uk • Owen Worth, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Limerick (Ireland). His research interests focus on the nature of power, class and in particular the role of hegemony in Global Political Economy and in Global Political Society owen.worth@ul.ie • px9@kent.ac.uk • Faruk Yalvaç, Professor of International Relations, Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey). fyalvac@metu.edu.tr • Yuliya Yurchenko, Lecturer in International Business, University of Greenwich (UK) Y.Yurchenko@greenwich.ac.uk Activities (Past events) Activities (Ongoing/future activities and initiatives)
Contact (if you have apart Lucia Pradella lucia.pradella@kcl.ac.uk from the IIPPE e-mail address:iippe@soas.ac.uk) If you have further materials you want to be uploaded (report of past events, papers etc) please let us know. Heesang Jeon (hidarang@gmail.com) Note for editors When you want to submit change requests: § Make changes to this document (please turn on the ‘track changes’ option of Microsoft Word). § Save the document as (IIPPE_[Working_Group_Name]_YYYYMMDD_D (‘D’ stands for draft) § Send the form to Heesang Jeon (hidarang@gmail.com) § When adding a link, please highlight in yellow the phrase to which you add a link and put the http link next to the phrase. § Add a row if you add any other information Once the changes are updated in the web, Web Content Manager (Heesang Jeon) will send back the final version of this document, which should be used as the baseline of further change requests. § The document file name will look like IIPPE_[Working_Group_Name]_YYYYMMDD_A (‘A’ stands for approved’)