1 minute read
The Horton Road Connector Trail is a bridge between two Jekylls. Seven-tenths of a mile, the track of crushed limestone leads from the coastal wetlands surrounding Horton House to Horton Pond and the thick maritime forest of the island’s interior. The trail traces a road that first appeared on maps in 1918, during the height of the Club Era. But the route almost certainly dates further back into Jekyll’s past. It probably gave colonial settlers from the historic Horton House access to the island’s east side. The earliest Native American inhabitants perhaps traversed a similar route for some long-lost purpose. Today, the trail connects you to that history. Park your car. Feel the crunch of the crumbled stone underfoot. Walk among the ancient soft palmetto and black tupelo. Lose yourself in the timelessness of nature and those who walked before you.
—tony rehagen