Supporting military families & children
An Officer and a Scholar
Letter from the Dean Dear Alumni and Friends:
elcome to the third issue of The SOE Review, the Howard University School of Education newsmagazine. This biannual publication is designed to inform you about the research publications, policy advocacy, community outreach, and award winning efforts of the HUSOE faculty, students and alumni. This volume highlights our work from 2012 to 2014. In his 2014 State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama referenced the nation’s commitment to military-connected children and families, early childhood education and STEM education. This issue of The SOE Review highlights our ongoing commitment to addressing these national priorities and presents research and policy perspectives about these topics. We are proud that our work is relevant to the national conversation and celebrate the following achievements as indicators of relevance and rigor: • STEM research grant awards totaling nearly $3 million • Program innovations including cross disciplinary collaborations to encourage high school students’ interest in physics and computer science; new models of drug abuse research; and literacy advocacy • Hosting of national forums on teacher quality and diversity which featured as partners the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) • Establishment of the Professional Practice Lecture designed to engage the regional PK-12 community, especially teachers unions • Faculty, student and alumni recipients of nationally prestigious awards and appointments • A successful inaugural fundraising event – the Make Miner Major! Campaign This issue is dedicated to the memory of our colleagues Dr. James Williams (associate professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies whose research examined Black students and giftedness) and Mr. Rackham Goodlett (a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Howard University who was a Center for Academic Reinforcement mathematics instructor). Together they prepared generations of students to become engaged researchers, reflective practitioners, and leaders of change.
Enjoy this volume and visit the HUSOE’s website at schooleducation. Let us hear from you! Sincerely, Leslie T. Fenwick, Dean, School of Education
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Table of Contents
4 RESEARCH AND PRACTICE PERSPECTIVES 16 NEW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS Dreams Do Come True: Reflections on Being a Military Famed Mystery Author James Patterson Funds Teacher Officer and Scholar Scholarship Program Children and Trauma: School Response to Terrorism Powell Family Gift Establishes Isabelle Thayer Powell Scholarship 8 POLICY ADVOCACY Beyond the Cost Benefit Analysis: Toward Truly High 18 FACULTY, ALUMNI & STUDENT ACCOLADES Quality Early Childhood Education Dr. Denisha Jones Elected to National Office Presidential Appointee David Johns Lectures at HUSOE Doctoral Candidates Carol Moye and Averi Kimpson HUSOE Partners with AFT on Teacher Quality Forum Named AERA Fellows Doctoral Student Oral Grant Selected AERA Junior 10 LEADERSHIP FOR THE NATION Representative Dr. Ivory Toldson Appointed by President Obama Graduate Student Kelechi Anyanwu Inducted into Dean Fenwick Named Top-22 Women Educators Bouchet Society HUSOE Accepted into Full Membership with UCEA Alumnus Dr. Alfonz Ruth Appointed Chief Learning HUSOE Teacher Education Students Teach at USA Officer Science and Engineering Festival Alumna Christine Williams Awarded Fulbright English Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Teaching Assistantship Studies Admitted to UCEA Student Ambassadors Program Created 12 LECTURE SERIES Charles Thompson Colloquium Features Drs. Gloria Ladson-Billings and Ronald Ferguson Professional Practice Lecture Features Dr. Rudy Crew and Maryland State Superintendent Lillian Lowery Dean Fenwick Delivers WEB DuBois Lecture at AERA 14 FACULTY PUBLICATIONS Handbook of Race-Ethnicity and Gender in Psychology Heroes in the War against Dummy Math Black Male Teachers: Diversifying the United States’ Teacher Workforce Bedouin Health: Perspectives from Israel 15 PROGRAMS FUNDED FOR INNOVATION Using Avatars to Train Teachers: TeachLivE Virtual Classroom Simulator @HU NSF Awards HUSOE Nearly $1M for STEM Education Research SAMHSA Awards HUSOE $650,000 to Fight Youth Drug Abuse EAGLE III: HUSOE Trains Next Generation School Leaders
21 THE WORLD Researching the Ways in Which Textbooks Cement Prejudice School Leadership Abroad ELPS Faculty Participate in International Conference on 21st Century School Leadership in India Drs. Jackson, Jenkins and January-Vance Present at Oxford Literacy Roundtable 24 ALUMNI OUTREACH New Associate Deans and Department Chairs Named Make Miner Major! Gala and Fundraising Campaign Meet the HUSOE Board of Visitors 26 COMMENTARY Dean Fenwick’s Articles Appear in the Washington Post and Education Week Cross Disciplinary Research Project Engages High School Students Dr. Kamilah Woodson and Graduate Student Recipient of AAAS Research Travel Award
Dreams Do Come True: Reflections on Being a Military Officer and Scholar by Captain Eder Lemus, PhD
n 2007, I embarked on an academic journey to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a psychologist. As a prior service Marine, I knew a thing or two about commitment, dedication and resilience; some of the attributes required to successfully complete a demanding doctoral program. When I entered the Counseling Psychology Program at Howard University, I decided to have the Army fund my education through the Army’s Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP). The scholarship not only gave me access to military resources (i.e., multiple training sites, academic benefits, leadership and mentoring opportunities), but it allowed me to merge my military experiences with my interests in psychology. Similar to the Marines, students enter the Counseling Psychology Program at Howard University as a cohort and develop bonds through our training that will never be broken. Although I did not view professors as drill instructors, I certainly respected their level of expertise and knowledge in the field of psychology. As a doctoral student, I was trained to assess, diagnose and treat a range of mental health issues in a culturally sensitive manner with diverse populations. One of the most challenging
transitions Iexperienced in my doctoral training was thinking like a scholar, rather than simply being a passive learner. I enjoyed seeking knowledge, but also learned that as a psychologist I would need to be a critical thinker and understand the relationship between theory and practice to enhance service deliver to underserved populations.
through my training and academic experiences at Howard University School of Education and I will never forget that.
While in the doctoral program, I became the proud father of two children, Siena and Diego. My wife, Claudia and my children conveyed total confidence and support in my ability to succeed at my enormous academic endeavor. I received my doctoral degree in December 2013 and am now a fully commissioned officer in the United States Army at the rank of Captain. I currently work at the Western Regional Medical Command which operates out of Joint Base Lewis/McChord in Tacoma, WA. The medical center serves over a half million soldiers and their families currently residing in the western part of the United States. My training at Howard University was instrumental and invaluable in helping me treat the multiple and diverse needs of service members in the U.S. Army. On a typical week, I see about 30 patients, conduct two to four full psychological evaluations, and evaluate emergency cases (i.e., suicidal or homicidal ideations). Additionally, I brief commanders about ways to improve their units’ mental health/motivations and the importance of service members seeking preventive behavioral health treatments. My hope is to assist the Army’s efforts to deconstruct the stigma associated with seeking behavioral health treatment and improve the PTSD outcomes among those service members diagnosed with the condition. As for my future, I look forward to serving another 4 years in the Army as a military psychologist. The fundamental skills required to effectively provide mental health services as a psychologist in the military were developed and solidified d
School Response to Terrorism By Salman Elbedour, PhD, Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies (with coauthors Nazeh Natur, Odah Al-Rowaie, and Rona Fields)
Living in an Age of Terror In recent years, children have been confronted either directly or indirectly with terrorist attacks, wars, torture, tsunamis, and hurricane-induced floods. Any one of these disasters can traumatize children and their caregivers in the United States (U.S.), the most devastating terrorist attack occurred on September 11, 2001, known as “9/11.” Since “911,” the declaration of “war” on an unknown antagonist has immersed the American people in a state of prolonged stress and confusion. The nature of stress in the war on terror is related to a state of prolonged uncertainty in that the “enemy” or terrorist is neither recognizable nor originates in a particular neighborhood. This is particularly troubling for children whose trauma at this stage of development may have a long lasting negative influence. The impact, when directed toward school children requires a response from their caretakers. The most dramatic example of the fulfillment of terrorist threat remains the trauma that was “911.” Since then, terrorism has become a global phenomenon rather than an episodic, localized traumatic experience. Before the events of September 11, threats of terrorist attacks were
geographically limited. With the exception of World War II, there has been no other act of terrorism that has captured the world’s attention like September 11. The subsequent anthrax attacks, the bombing of Oklahoma City, and the sniper shootings in Washington, D.C. in 2002 are other tragedies closely linked to terrorism. Domestic terror expands the cycle of terrorism and challenges the mental health of children. In 1988, when the book Planning for School Emergencies was published, terrorist acts were mentioned but little attention was paid to planning and preparing for such incidents in schools. The tragedy at Columbine High School in April 1999 was a traumatic reminder of any such incidents that occurred in the preceding three or four years. West Paducah, Kentucky; Pearl, Mississippi; Fayetteville, Tennessee; and Springfield, Oregon: these were a few of the better-known tragedies where school children were terrorized, killed, or wounded by young terrorists. Most recently, there have been incidents of adults walking into schools and killing students and teachers in California and Pennsylvania. Each of these attacks constitutes threatening stressors that confirm the overwhelming and catastrophic nature of terrorism. School children are particularly vulnerable to instances of terrorism in schools, that have more specifically traumatized them vicariously and generated a major shift in focus in the area of school security. Given the uncertainties of where and when the next attack strikes, the threat of terrorism has been undermining children’s sense of security, competence, and invulnerability. To complicate matters further, while children have widely been traumatized through identifying with the child victims of terror and violence in distant places, many younger children are vulnerable to traumatic violence in fairy tales or films. Coping with Terrorism: Risk, Vulnerability, and Resilience of Children Children need stable and predictable contexts for optimal growth and development. The loss of these basic needs and assumptions resulting from terrorism jeopardizes adaptation and increases pathology. Children suffer two kinds of trauma as a result of terror: the terror itself and the fear of separation from family members. Trauma emanates from these threats but is complicated by the disruption of invulnerability and confrontation with the
imminence of mortality. If the trauma is induced by a manmade disaster, it breaks down the assumptions about the relationship of the child to the rest of humanity and the essential rationality of the world, for the growing child who is so dependent on the benignity of a caring human. In times of terror, there can be very little in a child’s world that is meaningful or predictable and stable. Attachments can disintegrate and a formerly secure human environment becomes threatening. The degree of threat is measured for the child in the difference between others and him or herself. That is to say, the “secret other” who perpetrated the catastrophe wears a face and form quite different from one’s own. This is the beginning of xenophobia and the loss of trust. Some children, however, are able to view a harsh experience in a positive, challenging light rather than as a threat. Yet, professionals need to be wary of the “sleeper effect.” The sleeper effect refers to a delayed reaction that can surface at some later time, even if the child displays no immediate symptoms in reaction to the traumatic experience. Best Practices to Facilitate Recovery and Coping after Terrorist Attacks The increasing threat of terrorism has placed greater demands upon school psychologists to expand beyond the traditional service model and assume a more critical role in crisis management and intervention. However, there is little empirical evidence to identify best practices as a result of the limited research on schools and terrorism, as this field is in its infancy. Some therapeutic practices found to be effective include promoting resilience, growth and recovery in the face of terrorist attacks. Such practices can be applied by professionals in schools. A powerful technique to help children cope with frightening emotions and experiences is the use of the expressive and creative arts. These mediums allow an expression of positive and negative emotions, both of which can translate anxiety into hope and expectation. These mediums allow children to view their world not through a problem-focused, but rather a solution-focused, orientation. Visualizing positive emotions, such as hopes, dreams, and expectations for the future through art, for instance, can help children manage their traumatic experience and develop their own construction out of the overwhelming chaos. Play therapy can serve the same function. Through play, children may re-experience their past trauma, helping them anticipate the future from a corrected past. Narrative story telling is another recognized technique used to manage trauma. Here children are instructed to tell a progressive story that results in a complicated and
elaborate tale of triumph over fear and confrontation with the unknown. Story telling normalizes traumatic events and helps children realize that their worries and distress are normal reactions to abnormal situations. Another possible, and related, technique is a self-instructional strategy, known as “self-talk.” Self-talk helps children identify internal strengths and external support systems and how to use them. Research has also supported the efficacy and effectiveness of progressive relaxation techniques as a valuable tool to monitor and manage overwhelming emotions. School psychologists and clinicians can also emphasize the role of altruism in helping anxious children. During group-counseling sessions, children need to identify their human resources for shared survival. Children can then review how others reached out to them in a time of crisis and how they reciprocated. They identify themselves and each other in terms of what helped, or reach out through a “buddy service” that they can extend to their peers at a critical time. By focusing on the future rather than the past and how they can address the needs of others in time of crisis, children are provided with a sense of confidence and self-reliance. The development of consultation sessions to teachers and administrators is also an integral part of the healing process. Parents, as primary caretakers, benefit from some didactic instruction on anxiety and its treatment. Parents also need access to resources to potential outcomes from prolonged exposure to traumatic stress such as PTSD and exacerbation or instigation of xenophobia. Positive psychology has greatly contributed to treatment plans for survivors. Humor and laughter are known to facilitate expression of fears and distressing material. Recent research in positive psychology has documented the benefits of incorporating spiritual, religious, and culturally responsive teachings that help children construct a positive outlook on life. Finally, children coping with acts of terrorism need professionals who help them avoid drawing bleak conclusions and xenophobic beliefs such as “kill or be killed.” School professionals need to provide children with a mature, balanced view of political conflicts and constructive methods of conflict resolution. Adults need to provide children with alternative interpretive ways of defining themselves, structuring their world, and differentiating their moral perspective from those who either perpetrated the terrorist attacks or who took revenge.
POLICY ADVOCACY Beyond the Cost Benefit Analysis: Toward Truly High Quality Early Childhood Education for African American Children By Hakim M. Rashid, Ph.D., Professor of Human Development Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies
resident Obama’s call for the nation to invest $75 billion into high quality early childhood programs must be applauded and praised as reflecting his commitment to leveling the educational playing field. While it is critical that the nation’s preschoolers have access to programs that promote school readiness skills, the focus must be on achieving high quality in multiple contexts rather than the simple expansion of existing programs. A focus on quality, however, is difficult when policy makers only hear the language of the cost benefit analysis. For over three decades, advocates of the expansion of early childhood education programs have cited data from the High Scope Foundation’s Perry
Preschool Project that shows that for every dollar spent on a high quality early childhood education program for economically disadvantaged children, seven dollars are saved in terms of reductions in the need for special education services, grade retention, involvement in the criminal justice system, and increases in employability and taxes paid. However, while the Perry Study and other longitudinal studies have shown both a significant return on investment, as well as significant improvements in multiple child outcomes, it is clear that these impacts are not sufficient in terms of reducing the pervasive achievement gap in American education. One statistic makes this point. At the end of eighth grade, while children who attended the Perry Preschool scored one full grade level in reading ahead of those who did not attend the preschool, close examination of the data reveals that those who attended the program were reading at a fifth grade level, while those who did not attend the program were reading at a fourth grade level. Clearly then, any efforts to eliminate the achievement gap will require significant investments at every level of the educational process. We must begin, however, with the nation’s early childhood programs, those programs that serve infants, toddlers and preschoolers before they go to kindergarten. Research conducted over the past decade has demonstrated that children from high poverty neighborhoods are less likely to be exposed to the highest quality early childhood education settings, while other research suggests that the most critical dimension of quality is not staff credentials but the quality of interactions that take place between staff and children. Recently Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference
POLICY ADVOCACY at J.O. Wilson Elementary School in Washington, DC, to announce research findings that showed that in the nation’s public school systems, while only representing 18% of preschool enrollment, African American children represented 48% of suspensions. These findings paralleled earlier findings from 2005 that showed that African American children were significantly more likely to be suspended and expelled from the nation’s child care programs than their peers from other groups. In both sets of findings, young African American boys had the highest suspension rate of any group. So what’s the problem? African American boys are active, curious, social and intelligent. They would seem to be the ideal preschool participant. However, in multiple contexts they
Obama Administration’s education goals and programs to an audience of HUSOE faculty and students. As executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, Johns works to identify evidence-based best practices to improve African American student achievement—from cradle to career. The initiative coordinates efforts across federal agencies and with partners and communities nationwide to produce a more effective continuum of education programs for African American students.
are disproportionately seen as problematic; viewed by teachers and administrators as disruptive, aggressive and unable to engage in emotional self regulation.
HUSOE Partners with AFT on Teacher Quality Forum
As we further engage in discussion about defining “quality” in high quality early childhood education, we would do well to make sure that the nation’s corps of preschool teachers is prepared to engage in “high quality” interactions with the little African American boys who enter their classrooms. This preparation, however, must be holistic and culturally responsive, and rooted in an understanding that parents and teachers must work collaboratively, and with mutual respect, if preschool age children are to optimally thrive. A significant proportion of the $75 billion that the President wants to invest in “high quality” early childhood education should be targeted toward teacher preparation, professional development, and developing mechanisms that insure that the teacherchild relationship is as positive as possible. Looking at early childhood education in strictly “cost-benefit” terms will only mean more of the same, and that’s not necessarily “high quality” for many young African American children.
The HUSOE in collaboration with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) hosted “Diversifying the Nation’s Teacher Workforce” Town Hall Meeting and panel discussion. Dean Leslie T. Fenwick provided framing remarks and moderated the panel. Panel participants included Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers; David Johns, executive director of the White House Initiative on Education Excellence for African-Americans; Marietta English, president-elect of the National Alliance of Black School Educators; Dr. Chance Lewis, founding executive director of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Urban Education Collaborative; Amy Wilkins, senior civil rights fellow at the College Board; and Dr. Ivory Toldson, (at the time) associate professor in the School of Education and editor-in-chief of The Journal of Negro Education. The panel examined ways to effectively train teachers of all backgrounds to serve diverse classrooms and explore strategies to increase the number and capacity of AfricanAmerican teachers. Panelists also tackled such issues as the impact of school closings on students and the community, and federal and state educational policies’ effectiveness in preparing teachers.
Presidential Appointee David Johns Lectures at HUSOE During American Education Week David J. Johns, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, lectured about the
LEADERSHIP FOR THE NATION Dr. Ivory Toldson Appointed by President Obama On September 12, 2013, President Barack Obama named Dr. lvory A. Toldson, associate professor of counseling psychology in the School of Education, deputy director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Author of widely disseminated research about African American male student achievement, Dr. Toldson is also featured as one of the nation’s 12 rising academic stars in the January 2013 issue of Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Dr. Toldson’s research about African American school-aged males seeks to interrupt the cycle of negative reporting in research and popular media about this population. Read more about Dr. Toldson’s appointment at The White House Blog: President Obama Names New Leadership to the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities blog/2013/09/12/president-obama-names-new-leadership-white-houseinitiative-historically-black-colle . The Diverse Issues feature about Dr. Toldson appears on page 17 of the magazine at: publication/?i=140845.
Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Admitted to UCEA The HUSOE was admitted to full membership in the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). UCEA membership is one marker of program quality for educational administration graduate programs. UCEA is a consortium of nearly 100 research institutions committed to advancing the preparation and practice of educational leaders for the benefit of schools and children. UCEA members fulfill this purpose by promoting, sponsoring, and disseminating research on the essential problems of schooling and leadership practice; improving the preparation and professional development of educational leaders and professors; and, positively influencing local, state, and national educational policy. Member institutions include: The Ohio State University, University of Virginia, University of Michigan, Hoftstra University, Temple University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and others. Dr. Dawn Williams chairs the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.
LEADERSHIP FOR THE NATION Dean Leslie Fenwick Named Among Top Twenty-Two Women Educators Dr. Leslie T. Fenwick, PhD, Dean of the School of Education, is featured in From Professors to Reformers to Politicians, These Women are Rethinking and Reshaping Our
Schools. The listing includes President Emeritus Ruth Simmons of Brown University, President Shirley Jackson of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Dr. Linda DarlingHammond of Stanford University, MacArthur “genius� fellow Dr. Lisa Delpit, Dr. Elizabeth Alexander of Yale University, Dr. Valerie Smith of Princeton University, Dr. Evelynn Hammonds of Harvard University, Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings of the University of Wisconsin Madison, Dr. Melissa Perry Harris, and Dr. Barbara Bowman. To read more go to: multimedia/class-acts-22-top-black-women-educators
HUSOE Teacher Education Students Teach Science at USA Science and Engineering Festival Nearly 40 Howard University School of Education pre-service teachers participated in the USA Science and Engineering Festival/Chevron STEM Zone exhibit and taught physical science and engineering concepts to Festival participants. The USA Science and Engineering Festival is the largest event of its kind in the nation showcasing how science impacts everyday life.
LECTURE SERIES Charles Thompson Colloquium Features Drs. Gloria Ladson-Billings and Ronald Ferguson
Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings and Dr. Ronald Ferguson delivered the 33rd and 34th Annual Charles Thompson Colloquium lectures, respectively. Ladson-Billings is the Kellner Family Chair in Urban Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Ladson-Billings is a former president of the American Educational Research Association (2005-2006) and a member of the National
Academy of Education. She has published 8 books and over 100 journal articles and book chapters. Her work focuses on culturally relevant pedagogy and critical race theory applications to education. Dr. Ronald Ferguson, Senior Lecturer in Education and Public Policy at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, is also an economist and Senior Research Associate at the Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy. His research and writing for the past decade have focused on racial achievement gaps and his most recent book is Toward Excellence with Equity: An Emerging Vision for Closing the Achievement Gap. He is the creator of the Tripod Project for School Improvement and also the faculty co-chair and director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University. The Charles Thompson Lecture-Colloquium is jointly sponsored by the Howard University School of Education and the Journal of Negro Education, the School’s seminal research quarterly now in its 80th year of continuous publication as a refereed journal devoted to issues incident to the education of Black people.
Professional Practice Lecture Features Dr. Rudy Crew, Dr. Lillian Lowery, Dr. Jane West, and Ms. Ison-Newsome The HUSOE Professional Practice Lecture (PPL) was established in 2012 to engage the regional PK-12 practice community by providing analysis and commentary on contemporary education and human services delivery issues. The PPL builds on the efforts of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies’ tradition and kicks off with a Fireside Chat. The Fireside Chat is a “wisdom transfer” from well-regarded PK-12 practitioners to undergraduate and graduate HUSOE students. The PPL also features breakout sessions on educational equity and access topics. Lecturers have included: Dr. Rudy Crew, former chancellor of New York City Public Schools; Dr. Lillian Lowery, the State of Maryland Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Jane West, education consultant and immediate past senior vice president of policy, programs and professional issues at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE); and Ms. Shirley Ison-Newsome, former assistant superintendent for Dallas Public Schools. Dr. Lois Harrison-Jones, associate professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Chairs the professional Practice Lecture Committee.
LECTURE SERIES Dean Fenwick Delivers WEB DuBois Lecture at AERA Dean Fenwick delivered the WEB DuBois Distinguished Lecturer to the 2013 American Educational Research Association (AERA). The title of her lecture, Blacks in Research? How Shall We Be Portrayed? references a yearlong debate (in the NAACP’s Crisis Magazine) initiated by WEB DuBois in 1926 about the representation of the Negro and the responsibilities of the artist toward black subject matter. Dr. Fenwick’s remarks examined the portrayal of Blacks in research and called for a renaissance among contemporary intellectuals to invigorate a functional and more accurate portrayal of Blacks in the research literature. According to Fenwick: The hallmark of science is replication – replication of what works. Yet too much of the research and media commentary about Black people and the Black community is a litany of negativity (a recitation about what’s not working). The image of Black people in contemporary research is dismal and harmful at best, and more oftenthan-not outright defamatory and libelous. To listen to the entire lecture go to:
The War Against Dummy Math By Jay Matthews features Dr. Vinetta Jones, professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Handbook of Race-Ethnicity and Gender Psychology Co-edited by Dr. Angela Ferguson, associate professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies
Black Male Teachers: Diversifying the United States’ Teaching Workforce Co-edited by Dr. Ivory Toldson, associate professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies with chapters from Dean Leslie T. Fenwick and Dr. Kamilah Woodson, associate professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies
Bedouin Health: Perspectives from Israel Co-edited by Dr. Salman Elbedour, professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies
PROGRAMS FUNDED FOR INNOVATION Using Avatars to Train Future Teachers: TeachLivE™ Technology@ Howard University’s School of Education Much like flight simulators in aviation, immersive virtual environments have the potential to serve as intensive learning laboratories for future and practicing teachers. They provide unique benefits such as the ability to facilitate teacher professional development without any potential harmful effects on children from ineffective teaching. Our virtual classroom simulator (TeachLivE™ Lab) is an immersive, mixed reality simulator engineered by researchers at the University of Central Florida (UCF) and housed within Howard University’s School of Education (HUSOE). This state-of-the-art virtual platform is being implemented in the HUSOE to augment the training of pre-service teachers. Users interface with the real-time classroom simulator and software application allowing interaction between a live human instructor and five computer-generated, animated student avatars; each with his/her own unique personality profile and programmed to react to the commands/queries of the human instructor. Currently, the available student avatars can be at either the middle or high school level, depending on the goals of teacher training.
Early research by the team at UCF suggests that the avatarbased classroom simulations result in improved teacher in-class performance in a way that is both more effective and more efficient than traditional teacher training models. In fact, this research indicates that 10 minutes in the TeachLivE™ classroom simulator may be equivalent to 1-hour of actual, in-class practice time! Target lessons for this project are currently in science (Biology) education. The HUSOE team leading this effort includes: Drs. Gregory Reed (Associate Dean for Accreditation and Technology), Dr. Meredith Kier (Assistant Professor, Science Education) and Dr. Wilma Bonner (Director of Teacher Education) who serve as co-investigators for the Howard University research site. They, along with Dr. January-Vance (Coordinator for Field Placement) and School of Education graduate assistants, direct the day-to-day operations of the research project. The HUSOE has partnered with two local school districts (Washington DC Public Schools and Prince Georges County Public Schools) to deliver this innovative professional development platform to 24 in-service science teachers. The HUSOE is one of only 10 sites (nationally) and the only HBCU to partner with the University of Central Florida to deliver the TeachLivE™ simulation platform and evaluate the Effects of Virtual Classroom Rehearsal on the Performance and Perceptions of Practicing Teachers. The project is supported by a $1 million grant award from the Gates Foundation.
PROGRAMS FUNDED FOR INNOVATION NSF Awards HUSOE Nearly $1 Million for STEM Education Research The HUSOE was recently awarded nearly $1 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support two research projects. The first award of approximately $400,000 will support research about broadening the STEM participation of African American male students. The
project will be led by Dr. Vinetta Jones, professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, who is the principal investigator (PI). The second award of approximately $360,000 will support a project designed to engage high school juniors and seniors in physics, astronomy and cosmology (PAC) courses through popular media. Izolda Fotiyeva, a faculty member in the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE), is the project PI and Drs. Marilyn Irving (SOE), Marcus Alfred and Prabhakar Misra from the Department of Physics and Astronomy are the co-PIs. In speaking about these two awards, Dr. Leslie Fenwick, Dean of the School of Education, stated: “These research awards continue to put the HUSOE on the map for our work to diversify the STEM pipeline and provide innovative STEM instructional experiences for students and teachers.”
SAMHSA Awards HUSOE $650,000 to Fight Youth Drug Abuse The HUSOE was awarded $650,000 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to create interventions and generate research designed to a) support youth and young adult programming that reduces alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use and abuse by addressing risk and protective factors in the community; b) establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, governments, businesses and private non-profit agencies to prevent and reduce substance use and abuse in Park Morton and Parkview communities in Washington DC’s Ward 1. Dr. Jean Bailey, professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies, is the project’s principal investigator (PI).
EAGLE III: HUSOE Trains Next Generation of School Leaders for Prince George’s County Schools The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies is assisting Prince George’s County Schools (PGCS) with leadership succession by delivering an
innovative and field-intensive doctoral program (focused on the link between theory and practice) to two cohorts of PGCS school principals and central office administrators. The program provides tuition payment for cohort participants and is supported by the district’s Race to the Top funding from the U.S. Department of Education. Dr. Zollie Stevenson, associate professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, serves as director of the Educational Administration Guided Leadership Experience (EAGLE) III.
NEW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS Mystery Author James Patterson Funds Teacher Education Scholarships Bestselling mystery and children’s book author, James Patterson recently awarded the HUSOE a gift which will support eight teacher education scholarships. Known for his detective novels such as the well-known Alex Cross series, Patterson and his wife Susan have funded scholarship programs for teacher education programs at Vanderbilt University, University of Wisconsin, and Michigan State University. In a letter to Howard University president, Patterson noted that he was “impressed with the School of Education.” In discussing the award, Dean Fenwick remarked, “Mr. Patterson’s commitment to a new generation of teachers equipped to stimulate students’ enjoyment of reading and boost national literacy rates is laudable. We are ecstatic about Mr. Patterson’s generous support of our pre-service teachers and his commitment to the School of Education.”
Powell Family Gift Establishes Teacher Education Scholarships The Isabelle Thayer Powell Endowed Memorial Scholarship provides scholarship support to deserving teacher education students. Committed to the traditional preparation of teachers, the Isabelle Thayer Powell Scholarship Fund will support two students per academic year who are enrolled in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Students must be in good standing in the School of Education. Additionally, students must have a financial need and an interest in community activities with a deep commitment to PreK-12 public education. The Isabelle Thayer Powell Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2008 by Mr. & Mrs. Julian T. Powell and George W. Powell to honor the memory of their mother and mother-in-law. Mrs. Powell was a dedicated teacher and gifted singer. She ended her teaching career at the age of seventy. For more information about the Isabelle Thayer Powell Endowed Memorial Scholarship, go to the “Scholarships/Fellowships” link on the HUSOE website at
FACULTY, ALUMNI & STUDENT ACCOLADES Faculty Member Elected to National Office of International Honor Society Dr. Denisha Jones, visiting assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, was elected to national office as the vice president of Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) International Honor Society Executive Council. The Council is charged with carrying out the organization’s strategic mission. Kappa Delta Pi has been synonymous with scholarship, innovation, and excellence in the field of education and helps committed educators become leaders in improving education for global citizenship.
Doctoral Candidate Carol Moye Awarded AERA Dissertation Fellowship Carol Moye, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies is recipient of the 2013-14 AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research. Ms. Moye along with another ELPS doctoral candidate, Gretchen Averi Kimpson, was named a 2013-2014 Asa G. Hilliard III and Barbara A. Sizemore Research Institute on African Americans and Education Fellow.
Doctoral Student Elected to AERA Division H Committee Oral Grant, a third year education psychology PhD student, was elected as a Junior Representative to serve on the Graduate Student Committee for the American Education Research Association (AERA) Division H: Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools. AERA’s Division H focuses on conducting research and evaluation studies and/or assessment and accountability activities in PreK-12 schools. As a Junior Rep, Oral’s duties include collaborating with committee members on a variety of research and administrative tasks including facilitating graduate student sessions at the annual AERA conference and conducting outreach with graduate students nationwide via Division H’s website, Facebook, listserv, and other social media. Founded in 1916, AERA is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results. AERA’s more than 25,000 members are faculty, researchers, graduate students, and other distinguished professionals with rich and diverse expertise in education research.
Graduate Student Named to Bouchet Society Kelechi C. Anyanwu, a graduate student in counseling psychology, was inducted into the Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society (Howard Chapter) and was inducted at Yale University. Named for the first African American doctoral recipient in the United States (in Physics from Yale University in 1876), the Edward Alexander Bouchet Graduate Honor Society (Bouchet Society) recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement and promotes diversity and excellence in doctoral education and the professoriate. The Bouchet Society seeks to develop a network of preeminent scholars who exemplify academic and personal excellence.
Dr. Alfonz Ruth Appointed Chief Learning Officer In September 2011, Dr. Alfonz Ruth took the helm as the first Chief Learning Officer for the District of Columbia Government and Department of Transportation. Dr. Ruth has direct oversight and leadership for all levels of training, policies, and strategies involving human capital plan-
FACULTY, ALUMNI & STUDENT ACCOLADES ning for the agency. The Department of Transportation provides stewardship over the construction, maintenance, and preservation of all highways, bridges, and tunnels in our Nation’s Capital. The accountability for this vital infrastructure in Washington, D.C. amounts to more than $44 billion. Prior with this appointment, Dr. Ruth held a number of other key positions within the agency and the Department of Defense which, he believes, served as the impetus for his vision to overhaul all workforce training and launch d.University; the first and only corporate university in the District of Columbia Government. d.University was created to address the growing workforce challenges by using continuous learning and development in leadership, occupational proficiencies, and personal growth to support the agency’s mission and business objectives. Today, the university boasts employees enrolled in accredited degree programs ranging from the Associate level to Ph.D. degrees, professional certificate programs, and occupational specific trainings. Employees are able to attend class on-line or through instructor led lectures- all while never leaving the building. Dr. Ruth’s unique and transformative approach to government has gained national attention allowing him to share his human capital expertise to a number of federal and local audiences, in addition to landing him a cover feature and profile on the Chief Learning Officer Magazine, March 2014 edition. Dr. Ruth earned the PhD in educational psychology from the Howard University School of Education in 2007.
Alumna Christine Williams Awarded Fulbright The following interview was conducted with Ms. Williams about her recent award. 1. What is the exact name of the Award? I have been awarded the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship Grant to Germany for the 2013-2014 school year. 2. Please list your name, hometown, major, and hobbies/ interests. Christine Jeanette Williams. I was born in Giessen, Germany, but raised in Colorado Springs, CO. I graduated from Howard in May 2013 with a degree in English and a minor in Secondary Education. While at Howard I was a co-captain for the Intramural Bowling Club. 3. How did you find out about the award and what encouraged you to apply? I learned about the Fulbright award both through my own personal research and Howard’s notices and announcements on campus. I applied because I wanted to travel after graduation and gain more teaching experience. 4. What do you hope to gain from this experience? I hope to gain a better understanding of educational systems around the world in comparison to the system in
FACULTY, ALUMNI & STUDENT ACCOLADES the U.S. As a future teacher, I would love to explore, specifically, the system in Germany which offers a more diverse path for students who may not be university-bound. 5. What excites and/or concerns you about re-locating to another country? I am excited about experiencing another country and teaching in a high school setting. I am most nervous about meeting new people and improving my German language skills. 6. What are your plans after completing the Fulbright? When I return to the U.S, I would like to begin teaching in the DMV area. Soon after, I’d like to attend graduate school for an education-related degree. 7. What advice would you give to any current students applying for the Fulbright award? I would advise current students to begin the application as soon as possible! Once you find the country that you would like to study or teach in, start gathering your recommendations and requirements. Howard offers a lot of support for students to help them turn in a correct and timely application.
HUSOE Student Ambassadors: Leaders in Action The mission of the Howard University School of Education Ambassador Program is to share the School of Education experience. The Ambassadors are outstanding students recommended by HUSOE faculty and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Affairs who are charged to represent the School at ceremonial occasions and to prospective students and their families, alumni, key stakeholders and the community-at-large. As proud Bisons, the HUSOE Student Ambassadors encourage higher education as an opportunity for all people and strive to strengthen the relationships between and among HUSOE faculty, students, alumni and the community. Student Ambassador graduate students must have a GPA of 3.5 or better, and undergraduates must have a GPA of 3.0 or better. All interested students are selected after a rigorous process which involves completing an Ambassador Application, interviewing with the Ambassador E-Board; submitting a letter of recommendation from a full-time HUSOE faculty member; and obtaining endorsement from the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Affairs. Dr. J. Fidel Turner, the newly appointed Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Affairs, is responsible for establishing the Student Ambassador Program. Ambassadors are frequently seen around campus in their prized Ambassador blazers.
THE WORLD Researching the ways in which Textbooks Cement Prejudice: Dr. Helen Bond, Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction received a Research Fellowship from the Georg Eckert Institute for International Research in Braunschweig Germany to conduct research on textbooks, societies, and conflict. The Georg Eckert Institute conducts interdisciplinary research into textbooks and educational media. The Institute also provides advisory services to national and international education policymakers, practitioners and organizations, and acts as a coordinator and mediator in international issues and projects around textbooks. Dr. Bond’s research seeks to investigate how the collective memory of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States and its leading figures is depicted in school textbooks for youth in Germany, Russia, England and France and how these depictions serve American and European national and international interests. Teachers and students in K-12 schools heavily rely on textbooks. School textbooks are perceived as the official instruments and historical narrative of the state. They can and often do reflect conflict within a society or between societies, and textbooks themselves can also be the objects of conflict. Dr. Bond is interested in uncovering the impact of conflict upon textbook content as well as the ways in which textbooks can cement prejudice, stereotypes, and misinformation in the minds of youth. Her research falls under the Institute’s Textbooks and Conflict series that addresses the interconnections between textbooks, societies, and conflict. Dr. Bond will be residing in Germany at the Institute’s guesthouse for researchers during the summer of 2014, while she conducts international textbook research. The Institute provides excellent research infrastructure including a research library whose collection of history, social studies, religious studies and geography textbooks is unparalleled worldwide. The findings of the research conducted at the Institute are published in a number of academic print publications and book series. Dr. Bond will be developing a book length monograph reporting on the results of her research. More information about the research award can be found here: http://www.gei. de/en/fellowships/fellowship-programme.html
International Perspectives about School Leadership Dr. Rc Saravanabhavan, professor in the Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, published a chapter in a newly released book The Educational Superintendent: Between Trust and Regulation – An International Perspective (April 2014). The book describes characteristics of superintendents from 13 nations along with an introductory chapter by the editor, Dr. Adam. Dr. Saravanabhavan contributed a chapter entitled “District Education Officers (DEOs) in India: Between Bureaucracy and Democracy.”
THE WORLD ELPS Faculty Participatein International Conference on 21st Century Leadership in India Dr. Rc Saravanabhavan and Dr Zollie Stevenson, Jr., faculty in the HUSOE’s Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) presented their research at an international school leadership conference held in Coimbatore, India. The conference was a collaborative effort between the HUSOE and the Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education. The conference theme, Invigorating the Role of District Educational Officers for 21st Century Leadership, was engaged by nearly 200 district officers from several Indian states. Prior to the conference, Dr. Stevenson spoke to The Times of India education correspondent and noted that the conference would have considerable deliberation about India’s education legislation, Right to Education Act. He also cited collaborative work with India’s district officers, government education representatives and international education experts from India, Malaysia and the United States. The conference opened with prayers chanted in the cultural tradition and candle lighting ceremony in which the Howard University professors participated. Dr. Saravanabhavan delivered the conference’s inaugural address and discussed centralized and decentralized models of educational governance in India and the United States, respectively. He also portrayed general characteristics of district educational officers/superintendents under these two models. Stevenson discussed university-school district partnerships as a strategy for strengthening the knowledge base and leadership focus of district education officers/superintendents, (in India, many of whom have no training in educational leadership). As practitioners and researchers in India re-think models for preparing school leaders, the HUSOE will continue to contribute policy and practice perspectives.
THE WORLD Faculty Present at World Literacy Summit at Oxford University
Dr. James Jackson
Dr. Kellee Jenkins
Drs. James Jackson, Katina January-Vance, and Kellee Jenkins co-presented at The 2014 World Literacy Summit held at Oxford University (England). The Summit aims to build awareness of the global literacy crisis and provide opportunities for participants to develop strategic plans, exchange information, find solutions and build partnerships to improve literacy standards worldwide. The HUSOE faculty’s panel presentation, Using Reader’s Theatre to Promote Fluency in Struggling Readers with Disabilities, examined why struggling readers are often reluctant to engage in reading-related activities. According to the researchers, much of this reluctance is often associated with four most common causes of reading underachievement: 1) reading role models and life experiences, 2) the acquisition of reading skills (e.g., phonics and comprehension), 3) visual processing, and 4) learning disabilities. When teachers proactively address these underdeveloped skills struggling readers can make progress. Specifically, the researchers focused on the use of reader’s theatre in urban schools to teach students with emotional and behavioral disorders to be better engaged with literacy development and improve fluency skills. Dr. January-Vance provided data about the characteristics of struggling readers and the use of reader’s theatre to address fluency. Dr. Jenkins presented research findings supporting reader’s theatre and fluency. Dr. Jackson concluded the panel discussion by addressing the application of reader’s theatre to the classroom setting and provided research outcomes and recommendations for practitioners and policymakers. In discussing the group’s presentation, Dr. Jackson summarized, “Reader’s theatre is a well-documented approach to encourage fluency in the development of literacy skills. Research indicates when children are exposed to reader’s theatre they become active participants in the reading process.”
Dr. Katina January-Vance
ALUMNI OUTREACH New Associate Deans & Department Chairs Named Dr. J. Fidel Turner, Jr., Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Students Affairs Dr. Turner is a licensed professional counselor, certified school counselor, national certified counselor and national board reviewer for the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP). Additionally, he retains status as Faculty Fellow with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Turner earned the Ph.D. in counseling education from Clark Atlanta University and held long-term appointments as an associate faculty member at Johns Hopkins University, Bowie State University and George Washington University. Dr. Turner most recently served as chairperson of the Counselor Education Department at Clark Atlanta University. In the world of professional practice, Dr. Turner provided leadership for the office of Chief Administrative Officer with the United States House of Representatives Employee Assistance and Career/Employee Development Office-Human Resources Directorate from 20072012. Consistently recognized for teaching excellence, Dr. Turner is recipient of the 2010-2011 Student Adlerian Society Presidential Faculty Teaching Award at Bowie State University and the 19992000 Outstanding Faculty Award for teaching excellence at George Washington University. His research and expertise includes the identification and treatment of the counseling needs of diverse and underserved students and citizens with disabilities; employee assistance programs (EAPs), career development; and academic persistence in higher education. Dr. Turner’s published research appears in the Journal of the National Medical Association and the American Counseling Association’s Annual Conference Proceedings. Additionally he is the lead author of the book, Selecting and Surviving a Doctoral Program in Counseling Education (2011). Notably, Dr. Turner has generated over half a million dollars in sponsored grants during his tenure in the academy. Dr. Gregory Reed, Associate Dean for Accreditation and Technology. Dr. Reed earned the PhD in school psychology at The University of Iowa and is a licensed school psychologist. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in applied behavior analysis and behavioral pediatrics at the Marcus & Kennedy-Krieger Institutes
Dr. J. Fidel Turner
Dr. Gregory Reed
ALUMNI OUTREACH and The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Reed is the immediate past director of the school psychology PhD and master’s programs. His published research appears in The Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, and Behavioral Interventions. Dr. Reed is responsible for establishing the HUSOE’s partnership with the University of Central Florida on the Teach LiveTM project and creating the HUSOE’s avatar lab. He also recently implemented the HUSOE’s new database management system to assist with program data collection and analysis..
Dr. Dawn Williams
Dr. Dawn Williams, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. Dr. Dawn Williams earned the PhD in educational policy studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and is past director of the HUSOE EdD program. Dr. Kenneth Anderson, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Kenneth Anderson earned the PhD in curriculum and instruction at North Carolina State University and is past director of the HUSOE secondary education program.
Dr. Kenneth Anderson
Dr. Kimberley E. Freeman, Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies. Dr. Kimberley Freeman earned the PhD in educational psychology from the University of Michigan and is past director of the HUSOE PhD program in educational psychology.
Make Miner Major! Gala and Fundraising Campaign
Dr. Kimberley E. Freeman
In the fall 2013, The Howard University School of Education celebrated 125 years of preparing educators and human service professionals committed to eradicating education and social disparities. In 2007, the historic Miner Building which housed the prestigious Miner Teachers College (renowned for producing generations of distinguished educators) was designated for the School of Education by Howard University President H. Patrick Swygert. With their interwoven histories, the Howard University School of Education and Miner Teachers College have been at the forefront of the nation’s struggle to equalize educational
ALUMNI OUTREACH opportunity and life chances for children and other citizens. Today, the Howard University School of Education at the Miner Building boasts six nationally recognized programs; alumni who are members of the National Academy of Education and recipients of ASCD’s Young Educator of the Year Award, the Washington Post’s Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Terrel Bell Award for Outstanding School Leadership. The School’s seminal research organ, the Journal of Negro Education, celebrates more than 80 years in continuous publication as a scholarly journal dedicated to studying issues incident to the education of Blacks throughout the Diaspora. And, the School is one of the University’s largest producers of PhD recipients. Under the leadership of Dr. Milli Pierce, the School’s newly appointed Director of Alumni Relations and Corporate Outreach, the initial gala raised nearly $500,000. Dr. Pierce joins the HUSOE after having served for 16 years as the Harvard University Principals’ Center director and a faculty member. To contribute to the Make Miner Major! Campaign mail your check to Dr. Pierce at Howard University School of Education, 2441 4th Street, NW (Washington, DC 20059) or go to Give Now on the HUSOE’s website: pub/HWD/onlinegiving/showGivingForm.jsp?form_ id=160224
Meet the HUSOE Board of Visitors The HUSOE’ newly appointed Board of Visitors (BOV) is the School’s first active BOV. Members represent the higher education, corporate, military, philanthropic, and policy research communities. The BOV held its inaugural meeting on November 6, 2013. Ms. Rhonda Mims, President ING Foundation
Dr. Milton Chen, Senior Fellow The George Lucas Educational Foundation Dr. James Comer, Director Yale University Child Study Center Mrs. Charlene Austin, School Counselor and Military Spouse United States Army MacDill Air Force Base Ms. Cindy M. Jimenez, Director Government Relations United Technology Corporation Ms. Laudan “Laudy” Aron, Senior Researcher Urban Institute Ms. Elizabeth Davis, President Washington Teachers Union Mr. Jason Miccolo Johnson, Award-winning photographer Visualosity, Inc. Ms. Danita Ferguson Terry, Director of Communications and Media Relations Girl Scouts, Mid Atlantic Dr. Charles Beady Jr., Associate Director University of Virgin Islands Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
he opinion piece below is re-printed from The Washington Post in Valerie Strauss’ blog, The Answer Sheet, as it appeared on May 28, 2013. The article was featured again (on June 14, 2013) as a Washington Post metro page feature. Also, Dean Fenwick’s article, Upending Stereotypes about Black Students, appears in the October 9, 2013 commentary section of Education Week and can be read at: articles/2013/10/09/07fenwick_ep.h33.html
Ed school dean: Urban school reform is really about land development (not kids) By Valerie Strauss Updated: May 28, 2013 at 6:00 am (Correction: Fixing publication date for book, and removing quote attributed to book) Here is a provocative piece from Leslie T. Fenwick, dean of the Howard University School of Education and a professor of education policy, about what is really behind urban school reform. It’s not about fixing schools, she argues, but, rather, about urban land development. Fenwick has devoted her career to improving educational opportunity and outcomes for African American and other underserved students.
By Leslie T. Fenwick The truth can be used to tell a lie. The truth is that black parents’ frustration with the quality of public schools is at an all time righteous high. Though black and white parents’ commitment to their child’s schooling is comparable, more black parents report
dissatisfaction with the school their child attends. Approximately 90 percent of black and white parents report attending parent teacher association meetings and nearly 80 percent of black and white parents report attending teacher conferences. Despite these similarities, fewer black parents (47 percent) than white parents (64 percent) report being very satisfied with the school their child attends. This dissatisfaction among black parents is so whether these parents are college-educated, high income, or poor. The lie is that schemes like Teach For America, charter schools backed by venture capitalists, education management organizations (EMOs), and Broad Foundation-prepared superintendents address black parents concerns about the quality of public schools for their children. These schemes are not designed to cure what ails under-performing schools. They are designed to shift tax dollars away from schools serving black and poor students; displace authentic black educational leadership; and erode national commitment to the ideal of public education. Consider these facts: With a median household income of nearly $75,000, Prince George’s County is the wealthiest majority black county in the United States. Nearly 55 percent of the county’s businesses are black-owned and almost 70 percent of residents own homes, according to the U.S. Census. One of Prince George’s County’s easternmost borders is a mere six minutes from Washington, D.C., which houses the largest population of college-educated blacks in the nation. In the United States, a general rule of thumb is that communities with higher family incomes and parental levels of education have better public schools. So, why is it that black parents living in the upscale Woodmore or Fairwood estates of Prince George’s County or the tony Garden District homes up 16th Street in Washington D.C. struggle to find quality public schools for their children just
COMMENTARY like black parents in Syphax Gardens, the southwest D.C. public housing community? The answer is this: Whether they are solidly middleor upper-income or poor, neither group of blacks controls the critical economic levers shaping school reform. And, this is because urban school reform is not about schools or reform. It is about land development. In most urban centers like Washington D.C. and Prince George’s County, black political leadership does not have independent access to the capital that drives land development. These resources are still controlled by white male economic elites. Additionally, black elected local officials by necessity must interact with state and national officials. The overwhelming majority of these officials are white males who often enact policies and create funding streams benefiting their interests and not the local black community’s interests. The authors of “The Color of School Reform” affirm this assertion in their study of school reform in Baltimore, Detroit and Atlanta. They found: Many key figures promoting broad efficiencyoriented reform initiatives [for urban schools] were whites who either lived in the suburbs or sent their children to private schools (Henig et al, 2001). Local control of public schools (through elected school boards) is supposed to empower parents and community residents. This rarely happens in school districts serving black and poor students. Too often people intent on exploiting schools for their own personal gain short circuit the work of deep and lasting school and community uplift. Mayoral control, Teach for America, education management organizations and venture capital-funded charter schools have not garnered much grassroots support or enthusiasm among lower- and middle-income
black parents whose children attend urban schools because these parents often view these schemes as uninformed by their community and disconnected from the best interest of their children. In the most recent cases of Washington D.C. and Chicago, black parents and other community members point to school closings as verification of their distrust of school “reform” efforts. Indeed, mayoral control has been linked to an emerging pattern of closing and disinvesting in schools that serve black poor students and reopening them as charters operated by education management organizations and backed by venture capitalists. While mayoral control proposes to expand educational opportunities for black and poor students, more-often-than-not new schools are placed in upper-income, gentrifying white areas of town, while more schools are closed and fewer new schools are opened in lower-income, black areas thus increasing the level of educational inequity. Black inner-city residents are suspicious of school reform (particularly when it is attached to neighborhood revitalization) which they view as an imposition from external white elites who are exclusively committed to using schools to recalculate urban land values at the expense of black children, parents and communities. So, what is the answer to improving schools for black children? Elected officials must advocate for equalizing state funding formula so that urban school districts garner more financial resources to hire credentialed and committed teachers and stabilize principal and superintendent leadership. Funding makes a difference. Black students who attend schools where 50 percent of more of the children are on free/reduced lunch are 70 percent more likely to have an uncertified teacher (or one without a college major or minor in the subject area) teaching them four subjects: math, science, social studies and English. How can the nation continue to
COMMENTARY raise the bar on what we expect students to know and demonstrate on standardized tests and lower the bar on who teaches them? As the nation’s inner cities are dotted with coffee shop chains, boutique furniture stores, and the skyline changes from public housing to high-rise condominium buildings, listen to the refrain about school reform sung by some intimidated elected
officials and submissive superintendents. That refrain is really about exporting the urban poor, reclaiming inner city land, and using schools to recalculate urban land value. This kind of school reform is not about children, it’s about the business elite gaining access to the nearly $600 billion that supports the nation’s public schools. It’s about money. © The Washington Post Company
The Partnership for Early Engagement in Computer Science-High School (PEECS-HS)
The Partnership for Early Engagement in Computer Science-High School (PEECS-HS) is a three-year, one million dollar grant funded by the National Science Foundation. PEECS-HS is led by Principal Investigator, Dr. A. Nicki Washington, from the Department of Systems and Computer Science, Co-Principal Investigator, Dr. Kenneth Alonzo Anderson, from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Co-Principal Investigator, Dr. Legand Burge III, from the Department of Systems and Computer Science.
EECS-HS is a collaborative between the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), the Howard University Departments of Systems and Computer Science and Curriculum and Instruction, Exploring Computer Science, and Google, Incorporated. PEECS-HS was formed to introduce a new course entitled “Exploring Computer Science” across DCPS high schools. The PEECS-HS program is a part of national program to increase computer science learning opportunities for high school students, with a specific focus on underrepresented groups. PEECS-HS was designed to increase: a) the number of DCPS high-school students exposed to computer science earlier in their academic careers, in an effort to prepare them for higher-level computer science courses, undergraduate programs, and careers and b) the number of in-service DCPS teachers implementing the Exploring Computer Science course. The Exploring Computer Science (ECS) curriculum was originally piloted in the Los Angeles Unified School District and PEECS-HS represents the first ECS collaborative on the east coast. The ECS course is a one-year, project-based course designed to prepare high-school students to master high-level computerscience fundamentals using real-world, sociallyrelevant, and interdisciplinary applications. The original ECS curriculum consisted of six units: HumanComputer Interaction, Problem-Solving, Web Design, Introduction to Programming, Computing and Data Analysis, and Robotics. Considering the widespread use of mobile phones, the PEECS-HS Principal Investigators at Howard University
adapted the ECS curriculum by developing a Mobile Applications Development unit. The idea behind the development of the Mobile Applications Development unit was to increase cultural relevance. Moreover, the Principal Investigators wanted to encourage DCPS students to refrain from only being consumers of mobile phones, but to begin developing applications (known as “apps”) that can be useful to other users. The PEECS-HS principal investigators aspired to incorporate an innovative component so that students may consider entrepreneurial options associated with “app” development. During the 2013-2014 school year, ECS is being offered at six DCPS high schools: Cardozo Education Campus, Columbia Heights Education Campus (CHEC), McKinley Technology, Phelps, Wilson, and Woodson High Schools. Although the PEECS-HS program was initially designed to serve high school students, ECS is also offered in one middle school class at Cardozo Education Campus as well. A total of sixteen DCPS personnel completed the summer professional development offered by the Howard University Research team and six teachers are currently teaching the ECS course across the DCPS high schools. The ECS course was added to the DCPS catalog and a total of 344 students are currently enrolled in the ECS course. The PEECS-HS program between Howard University and the District of Columbia Publics Schools represents a lived example of connecting theory to practice. More information about the PEECS-HS program can be found at http://
Howard School of Education In Nairobi Kenya
During the summer of 2013, Dr. Kamilah Woodson (director of the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program) was selected from a competitive group of applicants to receive a grant in support of her research project from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) through their Women’s International Research Collaborations (WIRC) for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The funded proposal was intended to develop international partnerships in Kenya that would subsequently lead to the development of a joint proposal.
In May 2013, Dr. Woodson and her graduate assistant, Zoeann Finzi-Smith, traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, to meet and discuss project development with collaborators from the United States International University (USIU). While in Kenya, they visited various schools in Nairobi as a means of obtaining preliminary data that could assist them in understanding Kenyan school systems and academic/ societal barriers for young Kenyan girls.
The aim of the project is to understand the underrepresentation of African (Kenyan) adolescent females in STEM education by examining the factors that encourage and discourage African adolescent females to engage in STEM related activities and coursework.