Jelena Koštica Portfolio
Rodjena 26.11.1983. Živi i radi u Beogradu. Član ULUS-a od 2011.godine. Obrazovanje: 2008, MA of Arts in Design, Middlesex University London 2006, BA of Fine Arts & Technology, Middlesex University London 2002, Srednja Škola za dizajn, odsek grafičkog dizajna – Beograd Samostalne izložbe (izbor): · Na kraju je reč, uvek na kraju reč, oktobar 2012, Moderna galerija, Lazarevac · Insideout, mart 2011, galerija Simonida, Lazarevac · Warning fragile!, jun 2007, galerija O3one, Beograd Grupne izložbe (izbor): · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Serbian Contemporary Artists Reveal, 2012, galerija Strategie art, Beograd Zagrebi dublje!, 2012, galerija ULUS, Knez Mihailova, Beograd Ada Art, 2012, manifestacija umetnost na otvorenom, Beograd Art Market, 2012, Kuća Kralja Petra I, Senjak, Beograd Secret of exchange, 20011/2012, Nacionalni Muzej Savremene Umetnosti, Seul, Korea Mladi srpski bijenalisti, 2011, Medjunarodni Press Centar, galerija Strategie art, Beograd Symbiosis, 2011, Bijenale Mladih Umetnika Evrope i Mediterana, Solun, Grčka No Commertial Potential phase II, 2011, Kulturni centar Mestre, Venecija, Italija Tell me Tell me, 2011, Muzej Savremene Umetnosti, Sidnej, Australija Meio Quilo, 2011, DHTM, Sao Paolo, Brazil Art Market, jun 2011, Kuća Kralja Petra I, Senjak, Beograd Prolećna izložba, 2011, Paviljon C. Zuzorić, Beograd No comercial potential, jun 2011, Galleria Terre Rare, Bolonja, Italija No Commercial Potential, april 2011, Garage N.3 Gallery, Venecija, Italija Homage to Ray Johnson: A Book About Death, april 2011, ABAD, Treviso, Italija Grupna izlozba novih clanova ULUS-a, 2011, Paviljon C. Zuzoric, Beograd Postcards from the edge, januar 2011, Visual Aids, Nju Jork Kreacije Ljubavi, februar 2010, galerija Alt, Beograd Open doors, decembar 2009, Thission Lofths, Atina, Grčka Čovek, drvo, voda, avgust 2009, KMB galerija, Donji Milanovac
· Graduate Students Exhibition, jun 2006, AKTO, Atina, Grčka Festivali: KEF, novembar 2010, KC Rex, Beograd - nagrada za animaciju od strane Maar Complementos Magmaart video art festival, 2011, Napulj, Italija - po pozivu umetničkog direktora festivala Magmaart video art festival, 2012, Napulj, Italija Umetničke kolonije: Projekat Once ‒ All the time, Nacionalni park Đerdap, Srbija jul/avgust 2009.g. Privatne kolekcije:
Davis Museum, Contemporary Art Museum, Barselona, Španija KMB galerija, Donji Milanovac ABAD, Italija Nacionalni Muzej Savremene Umetnosti, Seul Publikacije: Art Fama, jun 2007., br. 5, Beograd Dnevne novine Danas, članak Warning fragile!, 04.06.2007. g. Dnevne novine Blic, članak Pejzaž ih ostavio bez daha, 01.08.2009. g. Katalog izložbe Novi članovi, ULUS 2011. g. Katalog izložbe Prolećna izložba, ULUS 2011. g. Katalog izložbe No commertial potential, 2011. g. Symbiosis, katalog srpskog paviljona, galerija Strategie art, Beograd, 2011. g. Symbiosis, XV Bienale umetnika Evrope i Mediterana, zvaničan katalog 2011. g. Katalog izložbe Zagrebi dublje, ULUS 2012. g. AdaArt katalog manifestacije, 2012. g. Na kraju je reč, uvek na kraju reč, Moderna galerija Lazarevac, 2012. g. Katalog izložbe Serbian Contemporary Artists Reveal, galerija Strategie art, 2012. g.
Born 26.11.1983. Lives and works in Belgrade. Member of Association of Visual Artists since 2011. Education: 2008, MA of Arts in Design, Middlesex University London 2006, BA of Fine Arts & Technology, Middlesex University London 2002, School for design, graphic design department – Belgrade Solo exhibitions (selection): · The word is at the end, allways at the end, 2012, Moderna galerija, Lazarevac · Insideout, 2011, gallery Simonida, Lazarevac · Warning fragile!, 2007, gallery O3one, Belgrade Group exhibitions (selection): · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Serbian Contemporary Artists Reveal, 2012, gallery Strategie art, Belgrade Dig deeper!, 2012, gallery ULUS, Knez Mihailova, Belgrade Ada Art, 2012, festival, Belgrade Art Market, 2012, Kuća Kralja Petra I, Senjak, Belgrade Secret of exchange, 20011/2012, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea Mladi srpski bijenalisti, 2011, Medjunarodni Press Centar, gallery Strategie art, Belgrade Symbiosis, 2011, iennal of Zoung Artists, Thessaloniki, Greece No Commertial Potential phase II, 2011, Cultural center Mestre, Venice, Italy Tell me Tell me, 2011, Museum of Contemporarz Art, Sidnez, Australia Meio Quilo, 2011, DHTM, Sao Paolo, Brazil Art Market, 2011, Kuća Kralja Petra I, Senjak, Belgrade Spring show, 2011, Paviljon C. Zuzorić, Belgrade No comercial potential, 2011, Galleria Terre Rare, Bolognia, Italy No Commercial Potential, 2011, Garage N.3 Gallery, Venice, Italy Homage to Ray Johnson: A Book About Death, 2011, ABAD, Treviso, Italy New members ULUS, 2011, Paviljon C. Zuzoric, Belgrade Postcards from the edge, 2011, Visual Aids, New York Creations, 2010, gallery Alt, Belgrade Open doors, 2009, Thission Lofths, Athens, Greece Man, wood, water, 2009, KMB gallery, Donji Milanovac
· Graduate Students Exhibition, 2006, AKTO, Athens, Greece Festivals: KEF, 2010, KC Rex, Belgrade - award from Maar Complementos Magmaart video art festival, 2011, Napoli, Italy Magmaart video art festival, 2012, Napoli, Italy Artist in residency: Project Once ‒ All the time, National park Đerdap, Serbia july/august 2009. Private ollections:
Davis Museum, Contemporary Art Museum, Barselona, Spain KMB gallery, Donji Milanovac ABAD, Italy National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul Publications: Art Fama, 2007., issue No. 5, Belgrade Daily paper Danas, article Warning fragile!, 04.06.2007. Daily paper Blic, article Landscape took their breath away, 01.08.2009. Exhibition catalog New members, ULUS 2011. Exhibition catalog Spring show, ULUS 2011. Exhibition catalog No commertial potential, 2011. Symbiosis, serbian pavilion catalog, galleryStrategie art, Beograd, 2011. Symbiosis, XV Biennal of young artists of Europe and Mediterranean, offitial catalog 2011. Exhibition catalog Dig deeper, ULUS 2012. AdaArt festival catalog, 2012. The word is at the end, allways at the end, Moderna galerija Lazarevac, 2012. Exhibition catalog Serbian Contemporary Artists Reveal, gallery Strategie art, 2012.
Umetnička izjava:
Ceo moj rad je vezan za lični identitet. Tragovi koji ostaju kao rezultat istraživanja života, komunikacije i odnosa medju ljudima. Tragovi koje ostavljamo za sobom i koji ne mogu izbeći svoju sudbinu. Sve je vezano za vreme. Svaki dogadjaj je jedinstven u prostoru i vremenu. Kao što je rekao Maeterlinck: “ Ko može da govori o jačini dogadjaja? Radjaju li se iz nas ili se mi radjamo iz njih? Privlačimo ih ili nas ona privlače? Preobražavaju li nas ili mi njih preobražavamo? Da li uopšte nekad greše?”
7 Artists statement:
My work is about personal identity. The traces that remain as the result of exploring life, comunication and human relations. Traces which we leave behind and they can’t avoid their destiny. Everything is about time. Everything has its own caracteristics, nature and esency. Everything that happeneds is unique in time. Lke Maeterlinck said: „ Who can speak about the power of events? Are we them or are we nothing else but just those events? Did they gave birth to us or did we give birth to them? Do we attract them or do they attract us? Do they transform us or do we transform them? Are they ever wrong?“
Projekti Projects
Warning fragile!, 2007 Velike prirodne katastrofe nas opominju i podsećaju na granice do kojih čovek može da menja prirodu i samu planetu, a da pri tome poštuje njene zakone. Niti industrijalizacija, niti tehnološka revolucija, kao takve, ne mogu biti optužene za postojece ekološko stanje. I jedno i drugo je potrebno društvu da bi se kretalo ka prosperitetu i omogucilo bolji život, ali se i jedno i drugo moraju koristiti na pravi način kako ne bi izazvali ni ekološku, ali ni socijalnu krizu.Logika razvoja po svaku cenu bez obzira na posledice koje može da izazove je osnovni problem sa kojim se susrećemo danas. Joseph Beuys je rekao “Odbrana prirode znači zdrava životna sredina, mogućnost osnove za ljudsku egzistenciju i mogućnost umetničkog izražavanja kao što su muzika, poezija i slikarstvo.” The great destructions of nature are a tragic reminder on the limits of human intervention on nature, interaction of the whole planet and certain need of respect towards nature. Neither the industrial society nor the technology should be accused for the current ecological situation. The logic of “development no matter what” that has been adopted by all social systems constitutes still a basic cause of ecological crisis which we face today. Joseph Beuys said “The defence of nature means substitution of her health, after constitutes the base of human existence and the ground in order to develop other artistic expressions such as music, poetry and painting.” ****** ceo projekat je izlagan u galeriji o3one u Beogradu u junu 2007./the whole project was shown at the o3one gallery in Belgrade in June 2007 ****** instalacije MY LIFE SUPPORT i UNTITLED No.II su izlagane na grupnoj izložbi u Atini u decembru 2009. godine u Thission Lofts galeriji/installations MY IFE SUPPORT and UNTITLED No.II were exhibited at the Thission lofts gallery in Athens in December 2009 ***** minijatura instalacije MY LIFE SUPPORT se nalazi u trajnoj postavci kolekcije muzeja Davis Museum Contemporary Art Museum u Barseloni/miniature of the installation MY LIFE SUPPORT is in Davis museum Contemporary Art museum in Barcelona in the prmanent collection
My Life Support instalacija/installation, 2007 staklo, vinil/glass, vynil dimenzije 70x70cm po komadu/ 70x70 cm each
My Life Support TEKST INSTALACIJE/INSTALLATION TEXT: - MY LIFE SUPPORT DEPENDS ON ELECTRICITY - MY LIFE SUPPORT DEPENDS ON MONEY - MY LIFE SUPPORT DEPENDS ON OTHER PEOPLE - MY LIFE SUPPORT DEPENDS ON MECHANIZED TRANSIT Instalacija prikazuje stvarnost koja je veoma slaba, krhka i koja svakog trenutka moze “pući”. Installation shows the reality thin and fragile, and it is warning us that it can easily “brake”.
Untitled No.1 serija od 20 crteža, 2007/series of drawings pastel na papiru/pastel on paper dimenzije 40x40cm/40x40cm each
Crteži su povezani komentarima i simbolima, ponekad malo ironični i predstavljaju jedan vid kritike na današnju situaciju. Drawings are connected with comments and symbols, sometimes ironic and are a type of criticism of the current situation.
Untitled No.2 instalacija, 2007/ installation drvo, boja, vinil/ wood, paint, vynil dimenzije 80x20x12cm po komadu/80x20x12cm each
TEKST INSTALACIJE/INSTALLATION TEXT: - 1780 many seals were found dead from unknown cause in N. Scotland - 1813/70 many seals died in Orkney presenting symptoms of pneumonia - 1918 5% of population of common seals died in Iceland - 1920 mass deaths of common seals on Setland Islands - 1955 approximately 3000 seals, lobodon carcinophagus, found dead in Antartica with infection of a virus - 1979 5% of population of common seals died in New England - 1987 a virus PDV killed 8000 seals phoca sibirica - 1988 approximatley 18000 common seals died in North Europe - 1990 approximatley 7000 seals were washed ashore dead in the coasts of Spain
Instalacija predstavlja jednu vrstu groba, jedna priÄ?a o smrti izazvanoj ljudskom reakcijom i nemarom. Installation presents a kind of tomb, a story about death which is caused by human reaction and negligence.
Untitled No.3 serija od 6 fotografija, 2007/ series of 6 photographs dimenzije 45x60cm
Fotografije su povezane komentarima i simbolima, ponekad malo ironični i predstavljaju jedan vid kritike na današnju situaciju. Photographs are connected with comments and symbols, sometimes ironic and are a type of criticism of the current situation.
TEKSTOVI/TEXTS: “I want more!” “These are the industrial people....” “What’s wrong with continuing buisness as usual?” “It’s never enough!” “Recognize the time you are living in!” “How close are we to reaching the limit?”
Untitled No.3 serija od 6 fotografija, 2007/ series of 6 photographs dimenzije 45x60cm
Let me out! instalacija, 2007/installation metalni kavez, boja, rukavice/ metal cage, paint, glowes dimenzije:70x30x20cm
Izlazeći iz naših “ličnih” prostora, posmatramo i “osećamo” stvarnost, posmatramo ulice i trotoare koji su pretvoreni u male deponije. Coming out from our “personal” spaces, we observe the reality and the stench that emerges from the non useful trash cans. I am addressing the issue of the lack of use after remaking the corners of the streets in small dumps.
izgled izložbe “Warning fragile”u galeriji o3one u Beogradu 2007
Warning fragile! exhibition view at the o3one gallery in Belgrade in 2007
izgled izložbe “Open doors”u galeriji Thission Lofts u Atini 2009 Open Doors exhibition view at the Thission Lofts gallery in Athens in 2009
Once - All the time, 2009 Autori projekta: Jelena Koštica & Kostas Karpetas Lokacija: Donji Milanovac Često moraš da zalaziš duboko u šumu da bi našao jedan cvet koji raste ispred tvojih vrata. Vreme koje smo imali na raspolaganju za rad u Nacionalnom Parku Djerdap je bilo neverovatno malo, samo 3 dana. U takvim trenutcima potrebno je zastati, oslušati i sagledati, i tek tada priroda pošinje da otkriva svoje tajne.Odluka da stvorimo tragove - privremene intervencije/instalacije u šumi došla je kao nešto neizbežno, kao jedno delo čije značenje ignorišeš i u istom trenutku smatraš najboljim rešenjem. Simbol sume kao komplikovano ili nesvesno po Jungu, kao lavirint u kome svako treba naći svoj put, izražava na najbolji način potrebu ovog postupka - dela. Šuma sa kojom je direktno povezana zemlja (ženski element) predstavljala je nekad predmet obožavanja. Nefunkcionisanje koje se zapaža u više aspekata savremenog života, pogoršanje značaja “poetske” dimenzije čoveka. Project authors: Jelena Kostica & Kostas Karpetas Location: Donji Milanovac, Serbia Often you need to go deep into the forest to find a flower that grows outside your door. The time frame we had for work in the national park Djerdap was extimely thight, only three days. In that kind of moments you need to stop, hear and see, and only then the nature begins to reveal it’s secrets. The decision to make traces – temporary interventions in the woods, came like something you can not avoid, like an act that you ignore it’s meaning and at the same time you find it the most suitable. Symbolics of the woods like something complicated and unconscious by Jung, like labyrinth in which everybody has to find their way, expresses in the best possible way the need of this act. The forest which is connected directly to the earth (female element) once represented the place of warship. The malfunction of it can be observed in different aspects of the contemporary life due the downgrading of the meaning of the human poetical dimension.
I fotografija/ photograph, 2009 dimenzije/ dimensions 140x100cm
20 II fotografija/ photograph, 2009 dimenzije/ dimensions 140x100cm
III fotografija/ photograph, 2009 dimenzije/ dimensions 100x60cm
IV fotografija/ photograph, 2009 dimenzije/ dimensions 100x60cm
21 V fotografija/ photograph, 2009 dimenzije/ dimensions 80x40cm
VI fotografija/ photograph, 2009 dimenzije/ dimensions 80x40cm
A Book About Death, 2009/2010 “Knjiga o Smrti” je jedna umetnička knjiga, projekat je počeo 2009. a završio se 2010.godine. Jedna knjiga o ljubavi i smrti. “Knjiga o Smrti” je zajednički projekat stvoren za Emilly Harvey fondaciju u Nju Jorku. Izložba je posvećena Reju Džonsonu (1927-1995), veoma uticajnoj ličnosti u savremenoj američkoj umetnosti i dugo priznatog kao “oca” mail art-a, sa njegovim stvaranjem “mreže” umetnosti The New York Correspondence School. Izložba takodje ide i u čast Emilly Harvey (1941-2004), dilera umetnosti koja je neumorno promovisala Fluxus umetnike i čija je fondacija velikodušno podržavala ceo projekat.
“A Book About Death” is an artist’s book, project started in 2009 and finished in 2010. It’s a book about love and death. “A Book About Death” is a collaborative project conceived for the Emily Harvey Foundation in New York City. The exhibition paid special homenage to Ray Johnson (1927-1995), a highly influential figure in contemporary American art, a formidable collage artist and long acknowledged as the “Father of Mail Art” with his creation of a network, The New York Correspondence School. The exhibition also paid homage and celebrated the life of Emily Harvey (1941-2004), the late art dealer who tirelessly promoted Fluxus artist and whose Foundation generously supported the project.
A Book About Death crna knjiga, 2009/2010/ black book kombinovana tehnika/ mixed media dimenzije 15x21cm br. strana 123/ pages 123
A Book About Death crna knjiga, 2009/2010/ black book kombinovana tehnika/ mixed media dimenzije 15x21cm br. strana 123/ pages 123
Is it you? fotografija/ photograph 2009/2010 dimenzije/ dimensions100x75cm
Look at me, I fotografija/ photograph 2009/2010 dimenzije/ dimensions100x75cm
Look at me, II fotografija/ photograph 2009/2010 dimenzije/ dimensions100x75cm
“ Memory” fotografija / photograph 2009/2010 dimenzije / dimensions 100x150cm
“ Blue-green”
fotografija / photograph 2009/2010 dimenzije / dimensions 100x150cm
“ Flower” fotografija / photograph 2009/2010 dimenzije / dimensions 100x150cm
Everything has an end fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 53x80cm
Gap fotografija/ photograph 2010 dimenzije/ dimensions 80x53cm
Walk fotografija/ photograph 2010 dimenzije/ dimensions 80x53cm
28 Stash fotografija/ photograph 2010 dimenzije/ dimensions 80x53cm
Ruin fotografija/ photograph 2010 dimenzije/ dimensions 80x53cm
29 Life fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 80x53cm
Beginning fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Round and Round fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Fresh start , I fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Fresh sart, II fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Locked, I fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Locked, II fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Locked, III fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Service fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Borderless fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Balcony fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Exit fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
33 Borderless, II fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm Borderless, III fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Look inside fotografija/photograph 2010 dimenzije/dimensions 40x30cm
Make room for more trees video still 2010 animaciju možete pogledati na:/animation can be viewed at:
Lets Dance, 2010 Hiljadu listova šapuće kao što šapuće čovek koji sanja... Odgovaram ti, pričam ti: Drvo moje, govorim ti i svoju najskriveniju misao, svoju celu istinu. Znaš sve o meni... Sami smo...Oko nas nema nikoga...Ja ti govorim svoje najdublje tajne... trajanje: 14 sec. zvuk: da A thousand leaves whispering like a man who dreams...I am replying to you, I am telling you: My tree! You know everything about me...We are one is around us ...and I am telling you my deepest secret... duration: 14 sec. sound: yes
Lets Dance video still 2010 animaciju možete pogledati na/animation can be viewed at:
Travelers, 2010 „...Mi idemo našim putem, mučeni sumnjom i potišteni, obeshrabreni i umorni da ponekad zastajemo i ostajemo u mestu, i onda shvatimo da naš put ide dalje i bez nas, da naše zastajanje nema nikakvu vrednost ni za koga i da je ono isključivo naša, lična stvar...“ “...We are moving our way, tortured and depressed, discouraged and tired that sometimes we stop and remain in place, and then we realize that our path goes on without us, that our pause has no value for nobody and that it is exclusively our own, personal matter...” Ivo Andrić Untitled digitalni kolaž/digital collage 2010 dimenzije/dimensions: 30x60cm
Untitled digitalni kolaž/digital collage 2010 dimenzije/dimensions: 30x60cm
Strange forest/Do I have to go? tuš i pero/ink on paper 2010 dimenzije/dimensions: 23x30.5cm (bez rama/without frame)
37 Strange forest/Do I have to go? tuš i pero/ink on paper 2010 dimenzije/dimensions: 23x30.5cm (bez rama/without frame)
Inner jorney tuš i pero/ink on paper 2010 serija od 6 crteža/series of 6 drawings dimenzije/dimensions: 29.5x42cm
Sparrow/Safe end instalacija/installation 2010 vinil/vynil dimenzije i oblik promenjiv u zavisnosti od prostora/ dimensions and shape variable depending on space
“Boreći se mi uvek imamo pred očima isti, konačni, daleki cilj, ali nas borba sama menja. Naš protivnik i sredstva borbe koja nam on nameće menjaju nas neprimetno i često upućuju pravcem kojim nikada nismo mislili da idemo...” “Struggling we always have the same, final,distant goal, but the struggle itself is changing us. Our opponent and means of combat which we impose change us quietly and often indicate the direction in which we never thought we would go ... “ I. Andrić
Travellers shoes/Conversation with my family instalacija/installation 2010 gips, boja/plaster,paint dimenzije/dimensions: 110x120cm
Taken crte탑i/drawings, 2011 olovka/pencil on paper dimenzije/ dimentions: 35x50 cm
(a)VOID, 2011 U svojevrsnom smislu ljubavni predmet vidi drugog kao Celinu i podrazumeva da ta Celina sadži talog/osećanja koja ne može verbalno izraziti. Sa druge strane stvara čitavu estetiku drame, u čemu je pohvala za njegov lični izbor: savrsena, odabrao je SAM ovo savršentvo. Zamišlja koliko „drugi“ želi da bude voljen, kao što bi i on sam želeo, zna sve i u „drugom“ prepoznaje Celinu. Oslanja se na Celinu u primarnom značenju. Medjutim, dok je Neodoljivo SVE, u isto vreme sve nedostaje. Želja za kontrolisanjem je tu. Njegov jezik uvek nešto dotiče, muca, pokušavajući da se verbalno izrazi – ali samo će uspeti da izgovori uvek praznu reč nalik nultom stepenu.
U radu se istrаžuju različiti oblici komunikacije i interakcije: verbalni (govor razumevanje i nerazumevanje), neverbalna (gest - pokret). Rad se bavi problemom komunikacije, mogućnostima i ograničenjima ovog fenomena, istraživanjem pojma komunikacije/nedostatka komunikacije. Koja su ograničenja? Zašto su prisutna?
In the specific sense the subject of love sees the other as a whole and implies that the Whole contains certain internal sludge - feelings that he cannot verbally express. In this way the subject makes the whole aesthetic of drama, finding that the advantages of his own choice are: perfect, I choose this perfection. He imagines how the “other” wants to be loved, as he would have wanted, knows all about the other and in that “other” he recognizes the Entirety. He relies on the Whole in the primary sense. However, while the irresistible is EVERYTHING, at the same time everything is missing. The desire to control is present. His language is always touching the surface, it stutters, trying to verbally express himself - but at the end it will be able to utter only a blank word - like zero level. This work examines the various forms of communication and interaction: verbal (speech - understanding and misunderstanding), nonverbal (gesture - a movement). The work also deals with the communication capabilities and limitations of this phenomenon, investigating the concept of communication / lack of communication.What are the limits? Why are they present?
Lets Talk fotografija, 2011/ photograph, 2011 dimenzije: 80x120cm/ dimentions: 80x120cm
43 Come! fotografija, 2011/ photograph, 2011 dimenzije: 80x120cm/ dimentions: 80x120cm
VOID instalacija/installation , 2011 gips, metal, plastika/plaster, metal, plastic dimenzije/dimentions 80x380x140cm
VOID izgled sa izlozbe/exhibition view SYMBIOSIS XV Bienal of Young Artists of Europe and Mediteran in Thessaloniki, Greece in 2011.
VOID detalj/detail
EVERYDAY TRAGEDY, 2012 Čitavu instalaciju predstavlja jabuka, kao simbol Celine, kao svakodnevni dogadjaj koji se ponavlja, kao gest, kao momenat. Problem komunikacije je uvek prisutan i nerešiv. Samo jednolični razgovori... Ništa više od bezznačajnih i praznih konverzacija. Ne samo da se danas suočavamo sa velikom ekonomskom i političkom krizom, suočavamo se takođe i sa ogromnom društvenom krizom. Ne treba verovati da govor služi uvek u svakoj bitnoj konverzaciji. Čim imamo nešto od značaja da kažemo, primorani smo da zaćutimo. Borimo se protiv nevidljivih i neprijatnih trenutaka tišine, dozivajući jedan večni gubitak koji nikada nećemo moći da nadoknadimo. Reči „prolaze“ kroz ljude, dok se tišina nikada ne gubi. Rad govori o „rupi“ u komunikaciji, o ništavilu, kao jednom ozbiljnom problemu/ činjenici, koja se konstantno ponavlja. O praznim medjuljudskim odnosima, o odnosima iz jednostavne potrebe da bi se izbeglo nešto što je neizbeživo.
„Svaka reč je kao nepotrebna mrlja u ništavilu i u tišini“.
– S. Beket
Želim da publika učestvuje u radu i komunicira sa njim. Da bi došlo do toga, morali bi uzeti i pojesti jabuke - KONZUMIRAMO svakodnevne probleme i konverzacije, a otpadke bacamo pored instalacije, i time stvaramo jednu novu. Ovaj proces bi bio dokumentovan tokom otvaranja izlozbe, kao i nakon njenog otvaranja. The entire installation is based on the apple as a symbol of Entity, as an everyday event that is repeated, as a gesture, as the moment. As well as the financial, we face the social crisis today. This installation addresses the issue of problems, repeated every day, communication gaps and shallow human relations in general. The problem of communication is always present and uncertain. Only dull conversations, nothing more than meaningless and empty talks. We cannot believe that the language used, is always essential in every conversation. As soon as we have something important to say, we are forced to become silent. We are fighting against the invisible and unpleasant moments of silence, calling for one eternal loss that we will never be able to catch up. The words “pass” through people, while the silence is never lost. The work speaks of the communication “gap” , one void, as a serious problem/fact, which is constantly repeated. The shallow human relations, the relations from a simple need to avoid something that cannot be avoided.
“Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.” - S. Beckett I want the audience to communicate and interact with the piece. To do so, they will have to take and eat the apples exhibited -We are CONSUMING our everyday problems and conversations – and throw the leftovers next by the installation, creating new work. This will be documented /photographed during the opening and at the start of the exhibition.
OVO JE MAKETA! THIS IS JUST A MOCK UP! installation EVERYDAY TRAGEDY dimenzije su promenljive/dimentions are variable jabuke, neon/apples neon
Na kraju je reč, uvek na kraju reč, 2012 Word is at the end, allways at the end, 2012
Komunikacija među ljudima je u sadašnjem društvu postala sve tehnološki naprednija. Omogućeno nam je da budemo deo velike grupe, prevazilazeći geografsku udaljenost, jezičke barijere, i to sve u kratkom vremenskom roku. Ubrzanjem životnog tempa, vreme postaje dragoceno, a međuljudski odnosi sve površniji. Da li dovoljno komuniciramo, i kako se odnosimo prema nedostatku istog?
Communication between people in modern society became more technologically advanced. We are able to to be part of a larger group, transcending geographical distances, language barriers, and all in a short period of time. Acceleration of the pace of life, time becomes precious, and all relationships superficial. Do we communicate enough, and how do we relate to the absence of comunnication?
Walk with M instalacija, serija fotografija/ installation series of photographs 2012, dimenzije 60x90 cm
Love me tender instalacija/installation 190x150x30cm, 2012
Love me tender detalj/detail
Talk to me, I ulje na platnu/oil on canvas 60x80 cm, 2012
54 Talk to me, II ulje na platnu/oil on canvas 60x80 cm, 2012
Untitled ulje na platnu, triptih/oil on canvas, tryptich 180x80 cm, 2012