learn to draw and paint

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==== ==== For Great Information on learning How to Draw and other tips, Check This Out: http://artinstruction.newsintechnologys.com ==== ====

Everyone, at some time in their life, wants to learn to draw and paint. Really watch children and you'll soon see that this skill set attracts and entices them during their developmental years. However, not everyone desires to draw well or become a good artist. Not everyone takes their own artwork seriously. And, as adulthood draws nearer, even fewer follow the call of the pencil and paper. Even so, should you wish to develop any innate artistic skills, it's very achievable. Here are a few of the basics that you must know in order to succeed: Drawing vs Painting An important element, one that people don't always understand is that drawing and painting are not the same. Thus, should you desire to learn how to draw and paint, you'll be required to learn and develop two separate skill sets. Drawing is more often than not characterized as rendering a subject by the use of lines. Then again, painting constitutes the art of covering any surface with paint (oil, water, or acrylic) for artistic and/or functional intentions. Therefore, the medium you use plus the process itself will become the main difference. Even so, these two disciplines are all the same associated and very often combine to make a work of art ... work. Much of the time, though not always, drawing is a prerequisite to painting. Drawing Basics In order to expand on any inherent drawing skills, one needs to constantly exercise the hands and eyes. This can be accomplished by sketching for a set amount of time each day. Sketching in perpetuity comprises the best way, maybe the only way, for you to accelerate the "learn how to draw" process in a more artistic and professional manner. Recall that drawing skill develops via ceaseless practice using both your hands and your eyes, your ability to observe. Such a skill does not improve by merely reading a book or acquiring a plethora of available book-based knowledge. Thus, practice your hand to draw and practice your eyes to see. Be ever attentive to your surroundings. Try sketching inanimate objects or people during any idle time. Taking this approach can turn a worthwhile hobby into a well-paying job in the future. Copying, replicating someone else's work, is an important stepping stone in the drawing process. Acquire a model or small mannequin and copy it using pencil and paper. It's quite all right to make mistakes and eraser marks. It's exactly what erasers were invented for in the first place. Likewise, eliminate the opinion that you need professional materials only in order for your work to look professional. Hogwash! A simple sketch pad plus a number two pencil with an eraser will work just fine.

Painting Basics To the contrary, painting does entail making use of professional-grade materials so your finished work is of a high quality. A painting project requires a couple of different sized brushes. Such a task also requires a variety of colored acrylic paints, and, most importantly, you'll need your primary colors, black and white, in tubes larger than any of the other colors. However, should you not want to buy a black tube, you can simply create your own by combining all the primary colors. For all intents and purposes, investing in a large tube of acrylic black paint, if you can afford it, will be the easiest solution. Starting with Acrylic paints is the best option because, being water-based, they are the easiest with which to work. That said, the pervasive stages of painting development are mastering acrylics first before aspiring to acquire the necessary skills for either oils or water colors. Also, this kind of paint mixes easily with water. All that's necessary is a glass of water used for thinning the paint and cleaning the brush. Water can also be utilized to moisten your paints while working on your project since acryllic paints have a tendency to dry up rather quickly. Also, a pallet on which to mix your paints is also quite handy. Should you not have one, you can easily improvise using a paper plate covered with aluminum foil. Before you begin painting, you must first sketch an outline of your proposed work on a piece of canvas. Lightly sketch your subject and other particulars of the picture's surroundings. Following this, start adding color using your paints. Practice blending Keep on practicing by choosing different subjects. Also, try to experiment with the colors you've got. Make full use of your pallet to mix paints creating various color shades. Continue sketching and painting on a regular basis and your skills will develop quickly.

An artist at a young age, Eric Weeks always emphasized the importance of practice if he hoped to learn how to draw [http://learn-to-draw.info] and draw well. Though Eric no longer draws, his brother Lee is a Marvel comics artist known to draw Spiderman [http://www.learn-todraw.info/learn-to-draw-comics.php] and other popular action heroes. Lee learned his craft via constant, ongoing practice and hard work. Study this article and others to determine what you must do to draw at a very high skill level.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_Weeks

==== ==== For Great Information on learning How to Draw and other tips, Check This Out: http://artinstruction.newsintechnologys.com ==== ====

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