An introvert's guide to an oily life and business
Table of Contents Introduction 01 Be Who You Are 02 Stewardship 03 Frequency 04 Flow 04 Faith 06 Fortitude 07 Focus 08 Fun 09 Freedom 10 For Life @ELEGANCEOFOILING
Introduction musings of an introvert A little about WHY I put these thoughts down... My name is Julia and I am a writer, artist, traveller and oiler. In all of those areas, I share a passion for doing them well and a desire to share with others. The challenge I often face is sharing openly in a loud world. I value privacy and peace. As a writer, it is a sanctuary and a privilege when these elements align but in business it can often be seen as a detriment. You don't need to shy away from this book (pun intended!) if you are an extrovert, but I have written it with the introvert in mind - to give a bolstering of hope and confidence that your way matters too. That there are people out there who share your privacy tendencies and who believe in what you can achieve. Many people will relate to this quandary of needing to be out on social media and various platforms to share their business, while resisting the very notion of it. It can also be a form of energetic exhaustion to perpetually deal with a form of exposure your heart and mind are not easily attuned to. This is for you... To bear witness to those who require personal privacy and space and yet still dream big and know they can achieve bigger. This book is a gift of permission to do your business your way. You have nothing to prove or compete against. Your way has value by virtue of the fact that your gifts and talents are important and needed in the world too. To anyone who invests their time to read this offering, I hope it supports you. The following chapters are encoded with well wishes for your grandest success and easiest path.
Julia xx
Be who you are The classification of introvert is just one I identify with. We all have different elements that make up our person. The idea behind these offerings is for you to be who you are and let that be your guiding star as you navigate your life and your business. Your business can take many forms, but I speak directly into your Young Living business with this book because it is a company I trust more than most others and have spent years studying and using its products, with beautiful physical and emotional results. It has primarily been the essential oils of Young Living that have afforded me the tools of agency and autonomy around my health, allowing everything else in my life to feel more vibrant and alive. This lies at the heart of WHY I choose to grow and share this business. YOUR WELLNESS IS YOUR WELL FROM WHICH ALL ELSE SPRINGS AND FLOWS Only from a state of balance and well-being can we truly share our gifts and talents. When we are able to recognise what these gifts are, we can start to acknowledge them and step into the light of sharing them with the world. For a quiet type, this can feel daunting, so the true challenge is a quest to know yourself better, to trust in what you have to offer and to allow yourself to be guided by a purpose that turns you on, is guided by what is right and serves others in an authentic and heartfelt way. These thoughts are for the biz introverts amongst you, to support you as you gain confidence in what it is YOU have to offer. Many great leaders were introverts and in respecting that style of leadership and living, we honour our own way in the world and can go forth and light up our own corners of it. It doesn't matter what your business is, it matters who you are and WHY you are doing it. BE IT INTRO OR EXTRO MAY YOUR PURPOSE BE YOUR MOJO FOR YOUR BIZ TO THRIVE AND GROW Essentially, I want to share with you my cornerstone principles for life and work in this book and my true belief that Showing up as YOU is the gift you give to the world...
Stewardship You don't need to be an expert. In fact, there is a humility is never seeing yourself through that lens. The invitation is to be a steward, as people come into your life or your business and to teach and show them, listen and learn from them. We are lucky enough to have stewardship in the Mission Statement of Young Living and this acts as a guiding principle when we do feel overwhelmed or inadequate to start a business or start to share what we know. A purpose greater than ourselves becomes the vehicle of faith and persistence that carries us and counters the inevitable, self-doubt. The desire to be aligned with a company that took its stewardship of the environment seriously, was strong for me. Gary Young's principles were invitational and uncompromising and I respect that. Aligning your values with something you believe in for yourself and for others, grants an ease and a grace around being able to voice your choices and share with others from a place of integrity and potency. So feel free to be YOU in all your glory and vulnerability. You do not need to be anything other than who you are to stand tall in having chosen this business as a vehicle to expand your desire to help others, look after the planet and seek a lifestyle where health and wealth can be pursued with dedication and passion.
Young Living Mission Statement
We honor our stewardship to champion nature's living energy, Essential oils, by fostering a community of healing and discovery while inspiring individuals to wellness purpose and abundance
Frequency It is your own personal vibe that will be the one to inspire your tribe. What will become clear as you start to use your Young Living oils is that your level of physical and emotional awareness increases. This is not mumbo-jumbo, this is science. To do your own research is the invitation that comes with your choice to use Young Living's essential oils but even before you deep dive, if so inclined, you will FEEL the difference. IT IS ENERGETIC. FREQUENCY IS MEASURED AND MEASURABLE Just as children tune in to the energy of someone prior to going to them or trusting them, so too, we need to tune in to the energy with which we are sharing and being in the world. ENERGY is not your MOOD You can be in a bad mood and still have an energy that is forgiving and open to loving and receiving. It may be the case that as our awareness increases, we recognise our emotional state as a mood and can choose to shift it, or we can choose to share or act only when we are aware our mood is brighter and we can feel our intention, mood and frequency are more aligned. Your energy is what counts and it is what people want to experience with you. If your energy is authentic and aligned with who YOU really are, you are already someone they want to trust.
Raise it Up
Raising your frequency and lifting your vibration is a pure and intentional request we make of ourselves in tandem with these oils
Flow Being in a state of flow is a good indicator to act. FLOW is made up of different states that precede and follow it and awareness of this is a superpower. Often resistance precedes flow and rest follows it. This is true for every artist and most introverts. It is grounding for us, as business owners, to give ourselves comfort and ease around the fact we cannot be in action mode or flow all the time. FLOW IS LIKE A TIDE IT IS MEANT TO COME IN AND GO OUT Just as Mother Nature and the chapters of our lives are seasonal, so too there is a rhythm to being in flow. Not every season is a season to produce and act, to hustle and bustle... Bears inherently know there is a season where they need rest in order to remain and re-enter the world strong. We never judge or dismiss that season in the natural world because we see the value in it. So too, in our own lives, we must recognise that we will have different needs and desires, different levels of action, ability and energy in different seasons. A woman's cycle is part of this seasonality. To be able to GROW personally and professionally, we must understand FLOW. As leaders, it is incumbent upon us to honour our own seasons and train our leaders to honour theirs, for themselves and for their team, as they too strive and grow. The beauty of having a business that shapes your wellness along the way, is that it is a long game. Your deadlines are self imposed and you are allowed to action your business and workflow with all the motivation you have and then know it will still be there in the next season that may require your time or energy invested elsewhere.
Tidal Notions
We must be able to experience Ebb to be able to know Flow
Faith No success comes without vision or persistence. A drop of faith gives foundation to both. FAITH is a deeply personal choice and inner belief. You have a choice over what you choose to believe in, but our faith in any conviction or belief is the cornerstone for what is yet to come. Believing in something, as yet, un-manifested requires faith - be it in yourself, your God, your Universe. It also requires faith in the vision you cast for yourself and your life. This faith is what will underpin the endurance and persistence required to bring into being that vision - often in the face of a contradicting reality. FAITH IN YOUR VISION FAITH IN YOURSELF FAITH IN SOMETHING GREATER THAN THEE Our beliefs are guided by our level of faith. Faith is a touchstone upon which we build our dreams and direct our energies. This includes faith in ourselves, in knowing we have everything within us to achieve those dreams. We cannot CREATE anything without faith it will be done. Our challenge is to relinquish control over all the unknown HOW's and act in the direction of our dreams using our faith as our North Star to guide our way and keep us focussed, without losing hope. Even a small kernel of faith has kept big dreams alive. Faith is also our antidote to despair. Keep in mind that everyone before you had to maintain their own faith to attain what you too are seeking to accomplish. Your dreams are worthy of your faith in them.
Faith takes Faith To
ACHIEVE IT you must first BELIEVE IT
Fortitude Inner strength is earned. An examined life is one fortified by knowledge and by experience. We live our lives in a public arena these days, but most battles are fought and won or lost in private. As they ought to be... Nothing grants us immunity from the trials of life and living and yet a strength and a resolve are often the fruits born internally from struggle. The grit that a goal requires. Leadership especially, in any area, incurs criticism. Opinions and judgement can feel like personal rejections and sometimes retrospect is the only lens through which we become grateful for the hard parts, the injuries and insults we cannot inoculate ourselves from. However, we are allowed to come to gratitude earlier in the piece if we are open to it. Grief is a contender as the exception, but in many other aspects of our lives, we can choose to gather ourselves in privacy and grace to re-enter the world, face relationships or recalibrate our business., even in the face of opposition. This being so, only IF we know who we are and why we speak from our hearts in advocacy of what we believe in. INNER STRENGTH IS A RARE FORM OF BEAUTY IT MUST BE CULTIVATED... IT IS EARNED OFTEN FROM THE ASHES OF BEING BURNED Inner Strength transforms our beauty into radiance. Like a tree that has weathered storms and grown strong in its roots, we begin to bloom when we know we too can withstand the turbulence times of our lives to grow beyond them and stand tall in what we know to be true and in the power of having become - You.
Strength Begins Within An Oak stands strong in the wind Knowing ... it has withstood the storm its branches are shaped to adapt and sway its roots are deeply planted.
Focus No vision is cast without a focal point from which to cast off and cast dreams upon... Focus, at its essence, means that you have set your mind on working towards something. There is a skill-set that you must develop to maintain focus and this can be a tricky one to master, but it is the ability to be rejected, be criticised or otherwise distracted on the way but to still keep going in the direction of your higher goal. To persist and maintain that focus. SMALL WINS ARE THE SOIL IN WHICH TO GROUND YOUR FOCUS IN To be dismissed and still keep your eye on the goal doesn't mean that you are immune to rejection, it means you feel it but weigh it as less important than to keep going notwithstanding. It means staying the course is more important to your life and your mission. If you BELIEVE in what you are aiming for, if it ALIGNS with your values and if there is INTEGRITY around how you go about your business and a PURPOSE that is greater than your own self interest, these components will provide the ARMOUR around your focus as you continue to go and grow. These elements will act as the thread to your story to success. Focus alone can be hard to maintain in the face of doubt or doubters but if your focus cocktail has a base of the above elements as well as a side serve of PASSION then you really have a mix you can count on for far longer... to take you that much further. Being focussed on a goal is also the factor that will one day land the No basket with a YES here and a YES there, a door that opens unexpectedly and a miracle that slips in that door. It is these unheralded moments that can be your most uplifting, inspiring or motivating.
Focus on the Pros To get to where you want to Go
requires a steady focus on the Pros and a hearty refusal to give in to the No's
Fun IMAGINE THAT? There is no doubt, that to grow a business is a grind. As I've spoken into, those rough patches will require a FAITH and a FORTITUDE that many businesses will shield you from because they do not belong to you. But this is your business, to stamp your flavour upon - and you are ALLOWED to have fun. Whatever that means for you is part of how you show up in the world in your glorious, goofy self and this is an integral dimension within us that requires selfexpression and permission. You do not have to be the life of any party to tap into your version of what fun is, but you must know what it is that makes you laugh and makes you happy and you must give yourself permission to access it.
FUN IN OUR VISION FREES UP A LOT OF ENERGY, THAT FRUSTRATION WOULD OTHERWISE RESERVE UNTO ITSELF It's not just the single essential oils that carry a frequency. Many of the Young Living Blends allow us to access a higher sense of frequency and fun is just one part of our soul's purpose to connect with others in JOY and laughter, in RELEASE and in ABUNDANCE. We are meant to enjoy what we seek to do in our lives and having fun makes the long road easier, especially in those early days of toil when there is not much to show for all our efforts... yet.
Fun gathers unto itself Your sense of fun is unique and allowed to be divulged... Laughter is as potent a form of natural wellness, as are our pure essential oils...
Freedom The greatest freedom of our lives is the freedom to be ourselves and to live and love on our own terms. Freedom is a given for many of us and yet we still remain hindered by emotional wounds and the pressures of everyday living. We have freedom over our thoughts and this is a potent first step to acknowledging what you desire to have and do in this life. Many people have to fight for basic freedoms, so if you have those, you are in a powerful starting position from which to get grateful and feel freer. Only when our basic freedoms are supported, our basic needs accommodated can we truly aim for freedom of time, energy, self-expression and finances. Part of this book has sought to encourage you to tap in to the freedom to be YOU in your life and in your Young Living business, if that is calling you. One thing for sure is that I have seen and met many people in this oiling community who have accessed a new level of financial freedom as a direct result of deciding to pursue this business in earnest. This is not to convince you to do so, one way or another. This is to encourage you that if you are pursuing or thinking of pursuing the business side, it is a long road, YES, of committed work and dedication, YES, of focus and faith, YES, but a worthwhile one and it is POSSIBLE. I've seen it in my own family and I am choosing it for myself. Like me, it could be an organic, accidental business you fell into but believed in... or you could have seen the potential early on. Either way, my greatest desire is that you enjoy the road as you invariably get to know yourself and allow yourself to be the style of leader that suits YOU. The freedom you will grant yourself is also a liberation for every other member that sees you walking your own path, in all your strengths and fragilities, and sees the possibility for them to lead too, as the person they are.
Freedom loves Gratitude
The freedom we most take advantage of is the one we can't see..
* Giving Gratitude for every freedom in your life is the purest invitation for allowing more freedom in....
For life WELLNESS is a desired state for living. Not just for life, but for living... There is so much we can do to maintain and support our states of emotional and physical well-being and we all know there are many books out there covering these topics. For me, Young Living Essential Oils and products are from a company I will be choosing for life. So too, this business is an open invitation...
TO BECOME A STUDENT FOR LIFE A LEADER FOR LIFE AN OILER FOR LIFE AND A STEWARD FOR LIFE The benefits to myself and my family could fill another book. My point here is that if you are starting to see how powerful this choice has been in your life then you too likely have a burgeoning or latent business and additional revenue stream that is just waiting for you to embrace or expand. Even small increments can make a big difference. You can start with the mighty goal of having your own oils paid for every month. People are wanting what we have to offer and it is for you to show you care by listening to what they need and starting there. It may or may not be for them but you have cared and you have shared and you can let them be, knowing, in earnest, you have sought to support them in your authentic sharing. Your story and what you believe you have to offer in your own care of them and in sharing Young Living is an open hearted offer. They too have their own choices to make, but believing in yours is a powerful stance from which to fully respect their response while not being deterred in your own conviction and path. This book has been devoted to supporting you to lead your business on your own terms, in your time and in a manner that suits and compliments your gifts and talents and allows you to align them with how you operate, act and think in the world.
Live as You Only one
LIFE to LIVE Only one YOU to GIVE
If not now, when? Join a joyful, global community as we explore the possibilities of emotional and physical well-being, the way Mother Nature intended. Choose your Country Choose your Starter Bundle Bid farewell to toxins Gift yourself permission to feel GOOD
www.youngliving.com Member Referral No:1144637 Instagram: @eleganceofoiling
wellness purpose